, Property of M. L A. Lounge PLEASE RETURN TO COUNCIL CHAMBERS YUKON TERRITORIAL COUNCIL !BIRD SESSION 1968 'I Votes and Proceedings , YOLt7M.B, 1 (Sessional Papers) I N D E X VOTES & PROCEEDINGS 1968 (3rd. Sessl Volume 1 - Pages 1 to 87 Session Dates -Thursday July 4th, to Friday July 5th, 1968 S ESSIONAL PAPERS Tabled Discussed 1. Federal Cut-backs 2. Yukon Economic Study -,.'1, 3. Yukon Economic Study 4. Re : Que.#5(1968 2nd.) Agriculture 5. Annual Pay Plan Revue 6. Land Disposal Y.T . 74 to 80 7. Development of Anvil 8 9 to 47 Townsite 8. Commissioner's Opening Address 1 2 MOTIONS Tabled Discussed 1. Re: Sess. Papers 6 & 7 9-47, 74-80 2. Low Cost Housing 49 49 BILLS 1st & 2nd 3rd. Reading Discussed Readinfti Resul t 1. Amend Taxation 4 57-62.82 85 Assented 2. 6 48 85 If Anvils Agreement Ord. 5 to 3. 1st. Supple Approp . Ordinance 1968/69 5 62-69 85 " 4. Lands of the Yukon Terr. 5 70-73, 81-82 86 " MIS CELLANEOUS Page Segr egation in Schools 51 Liquor Legislation Revision 51-52 River Pollution 52 Court Pro ceeding-Watson Lake 52 ( El ectrical Inspector 53, 84 \ . ,- Road Conditions 54 ."i Fisheries Agreement 54 Constitutional Reform 55 Television Extension 55 Hillcrest Ar ea 62 Commissioner's Closing Address 86 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE YUKON TERRITORY Page 1. Thursday , July 4, 1968. 10:00 o'clock a.m. The Third Session of the Council fo r th e Year 1968 , being the � Fourth Session of the Twenty-First Wholly El ective Council of the.Yukon Territory , was convened in the Council Chambers at 10:00 o'c,lock a.m.
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