Administration of George W. , 2002 / Jan. 9

Whereas, the State of Florida has the To effectuate this agreement, the State authority to reserve water for the natural party agrees: system pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida —To include within the Governor’s Statutes; budget submissions to the Legislature The signatories to this agreement hereby requests for State appropriations in the affirm that: amount the Governor deems necessary As required by the Water Resources De- to implement the State share of the velopment Act of 2000, water made avail- Plan’s implementation. able by each project in the Comprehensive —To undertake reservations of water for Everglades Restoration Plan will not be the natural system upon completion of permitted for a consumptive use or other- each PIR, and to ensure that reserva- wise made unavailable by the State of Flor- tions of water for the natural system ida until such time as sufficient reservations will be consistent with information de- of water for the restoration of the natural veloped in the PIR, indicating appro- system are made by regulation or other ap- priate timing, distribution, and flow re- propriate means pursuant to Chapter 373, quirements sufficient for the restora- Florida Statutes, and in accordance with tion of the natural system. the project implementation report for the • To manage its water resource alloca- project and consistent with the Com- tion process to ensure that water made prehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. available by each project in the Com- To effectuate this agreement, the Federal prehensive Everglades Restoration party agrees: Plan will not be permitted for a con- • To include within the President’s sumptive use or otherwise made un- budget submissions to the Congress available for restoration of the natural requests for Federal appropriations in system, consistent with the PIR and the amount the President deems nec- the provisions of the Water Resources essary to implement the Federal share Development Act of 2000. of the Plan’s implementation; • To monitor and assess the continuing • To initiate authorized project planning effectiveness of reservations as long as and design; the project is authorized to achieve the • To work with the State of Florida on goals and objectives of the Plan. developing information jointly to sup- port the adaptive assessment compo- NOTE: The Office of the Press Secretary re- nent of the Plan; leased the text of the agreement as signed • To use the planning process to supply by the President and the Governor of Flor- information for both Federal and State ida. An original was not available for legislative oversight requirements; verification of the content of this agreement.

Remarks at a Fundraiser for Governor of Florida January 9, 2002

Thank you all very much. First, it’s good brother. [Laughter] I want to thank the to be at the old family reunion. [Laughter] chairman and the vice chairman of the Re- I want to thank Marv and Doro for hosting publican Party for being here. I want to this reception for our brother, my big little thank the chairman of the Florida Party.


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I want to thank Al Cardenas, and I want We have got a job to do here at home, to thank you all for coming. and I appreciate working with Governor These are serious times that face our Na- Bush on protecting our homeland. We’ve tion. And these serious times require seri- got a job to make sure that we take every ous leaders, and you’re here to support a threat seriously. And make no mistake really good, serious man. about it, the enemy still wants to harm I was reminded about how serious the America. But what they don’t realize is that times are today when we lost a KC–135 this Nation is alert, and we’re ready. And refueler in Afghanistan. Our hearts and anytime we find any hint of anybody who prayers go out to the families of the sol- will try to harm the innocents of our coun- diers. But I want to remind them that the try, we will give them the chance to share cause that we are now engaged in is just information with us. [Laughter] We will and noble. The cause is freedom, and this bring them to justice as well. Nation will not rest until we’ve achieved But the best homeland defense, of our objective. course, is to be successful overseas. We’re I have explained to the American people in the first theater. But wherever terror that we must be patient—and I’m proud exists, this great Nation will hunt it down. to report the Americans are patient—that It’s the calling of our time. we’re entering into a dangerous phase in I appreciate so very much the spirit of our war against terror, that we’ve achieved unity here in Washington, DC, on this war. a lot of objectives, thanks to a fabulous [Laughter] But we showed what’s possible military, that we have routed out the gov- in Washington, what can happen in Wash- ernment that was the host to the parasitical ington, the last couple of days. I had the Al Qaida. And in so doing, this great Nation honor of traveling our country with George liberated women and children from one of Miller of California, John Boehner of Ohio, the most repressive, evil regimes history has Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, and Sen- ever known. ator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. I My favorite scenes of this conflict have signed an education bill that is a really been the joy on the faces of Afghan women good piece of legislation. It’s a good piece as our soldiers and our allies have swept of legislation because it enables and em- into these villages where women were so powers Governors like Jeb Bush of Florida incredibly repressed. It’s hard for our coun- to continue to strive for excellence for try to imagine the brutality and the back- every child. And it’s a good piece of legisla- wardness of the Taliban. They are no tion because it shows what’s possible in longer in power, thanks to the great United Washington, DC. Political parties are im- States of America. portant, but they’re not nearly as important Those who struck America think they can as doing the Nation’s business. And making run and hide. It’s interesting—I find it sure every child is educated is a heck of amazing that the Al Qaida leaders are more a lot more important than the political par- than willing to convince some of their ties that make up our political system. brethren to commit suicide; yet they, them- I’ve worked hard to change the tone in selves, hide in caves. [Laughter] And that’s Washington, to focus on big matters, and why this phase of the war is dangerous, to bring people together to achieve those because we’re going to hunt them down. matters. I hope that one of the legacies They think they can hide, but this patient of my administration will be that results Nation will do whatever it takes to bring matter more than rhetoric and that, as we them to justice. And when we do, the achieve results, it’s important to share cred- world will be better for it. it with people.


24 2004 10:45 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193762A.XXX 193762A Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / Jan. 9

I jested with Ted Kennedy when I told winds blow. He says what’s on his mind, him that the folks at the coffee shop in not based upon polls or focus groups, but Crawford, , will be amazed when they based upon conviction. And there’s no see me standing up there saying nice things doubt in my mind that he is not only one about him. [Laughter] But I meant them. of the great Governors of Florida’s history; I meant them, because this bill never he’s one of the great Governors of our Na- would have happened had he not made tion. And he deserves a second term. up his mind to help it happen. We not only share a last name, but we And that’s exactly the spirit that Jeb has share the fact we both married above our- taken to the governorship of Florida. You selves. [Laughter] It’s great to be here with see, he, too, is a proud Republican, like Columba as well. Both Jeb and Columba me, but he also understands, children of understand there’s a calling when you hold Florida are more important than political a high office, that there’s an awesome re- parties. And he said he stole ideas from sponsibility that comes with that office. And me; he didn’t steal ideas from me. He had that’s, first and foremost, to bring honor the idea of every child being educated in- and dignity to the office. And that’s exactly grained deeply in his heart. what this couple has done. He is—today I signed an Everglades They may not agree with Jeb in Florida agreement with the State of Florida. It’s on every issue, but when they look at that legislation that passed prior to my time. office, when they look at the office of Gov- My job then was to certify that the Florid- ernor of Florida, they know they’ve got a ians were honoring their obligation to make man there who will tell them the truth, sure there was enough water to the Ever- a man who’s there for the right reason, glades park. That was easy to sign because and a man who brings honor to the great I know that deeply ingrained in Jeb’s heart State of Florida. is a desire to protect the natural beauty Thank you all for coming. May God of the State of Florida. He can also—he’s bless. a deeply compassionate man, but he’s plen- ty tough. Just ask the crooks of Florida. NOTE: The President spoke at 6:19 p.m. in [Laughter] a ballroom at the Capitol Hilton. In his re- I want to thank you all for making his marks, he referred to reception hosts Marvin campaign more viable. But what’s going to Bush and Dorothy Koch, the President’s make it really viable is that he is a man brother and sister; Gov. James S. Gilmore who’s done in office what he said he would III of Virginia, chairman, and Ann Wagner, do. He speaks straight with the Florida vot- cochairman, Republican National Com- ers; he tells them what he believes. He’s mittee; David Johnson, executive director, not one of these kind of fellows that walks and Al Cardenas, State chairman, Republican around with his finger in the sea breeze Party of Florida; and Columba Bush, wife trying to figure out which way the political of Gov. Jeb Bush.


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Remarks Following a Meeting With the Economic Team and an Exchange With Reporters January 10, 2002

Pension Reform Enron Corporation The President. Thank you all for coming. Q. When was the last time you talked I met with my economic security team last to either Mr. Lay or any other Enron offi- week to talk about ways to create jobs. cial about the—about anything? And did We’re meeting again with the components discussions involve the financial problems of the team to talk about one part of eco- of the company? nomic security, and that’s pension security. The President. I have never discussed One of the things we’re deeply con- with Mr. Lay the financial problems of the company. The last time that I saw Mr. Lay cerned about is that there have been a was at my mother’s fundraising event to— wave of bankruptcies that have caused for literacy, in Houston. That would have many workers to lose their pensions, and been last spring. I do know that Mr. Lay that’s deeply troubling to me. And so I’ve came to the White House in—early in my asked the Secretary of Treasury, Secretary administration along with, I think, 20 other of Labor, and Secretary of Commerce to business leaders to discuss the state of the convene a working group to analyze pen- economy. It was just kind of a general dis- sions, rules and regulations, to look into cussion. I have not met with him person- the effects of the current law on hard-work- ally. ing Americans, and to come up with rec- Q. [Inaudible]—to inoculate and your ad- ommendations how to reform the system ministration politically from the fallout? to make sure that people are not exposed The President. Well, first of all, Ken Lay to losing their life savings as a result of is a supporter. And I got to know Ken a bankruptcy, for example. Lay when he was the head of the—what As well, Secretary of Treasury, along with they call the Governor’s Business Council the SEC, the Fed, and the CFTC, are in Texas. He was a supporter of Ann going to convene a working group to ana- Richards in my run in 1994. And she had lyze corporate disclosure rules and regula- named him the head of the Governor’s tions. In light of the most recent bank- Business Council, and I decided to leave ruptcy, Enron, there needs to be a full him in place, just for the sake of continuity. review of disclosure rules to make sure that And that’s when I first got to know Ken the American stockholder or any stock- and worked with Ken, and he supported holder is protected. my candidacy. And so, I think this is an important part This is—what anybody’s going to find, of, obviously, other investigations that are if—is that this administration will fully in- ongoing. The Justice Department an- vestigate issues such as the Enron bank- ruptcy to make sure we can learn from nounced and informed us late yesterday the past and make sure that workers are that they’re in the process of investigating protected. aspects of the Enron bankruptcy. The ad- ministration is deeply concerned about its Iran and Afghanistan effects on the economy. We’re also deeply Q. Mr. President, does it appear that concerned about its effects on the lives of Iran is flexing its muscles in western Af- our citizenry. ghanistan, and does that threaten the U.S. I’ll be glad to answer a few questions. war on terrorism in that region?


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