CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE November 16, 1999 Here on This Floor
29838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE November 16, 1999 here on this Floor. If we give China Gates and his company were applauded ory of tying. Now, if some competitor most-favored-nation status on a perma- for bringing yet more new wonderful comes along with a better browser, nent basis, then we will not be able to technology that will benefit all people frankly Microsoft can rapidly find react in any meaningful way. in this world. itself at the losing end of that competi- Madam Speaker, I have come to this Mr. Gates is a man who had a dream, tion, and there is no reason or ration- Floor three times, to vote in favor of a focus, a passion, an intelligence, and ale to apply the theory of tying one giving China most-favored-nation sta- the savvy which for 25 short years has product with another in the computer tus one more year, and a second year, revolutionized the computer industry. world; as Professor George Priest has and a third year, because I am not Today, because of Bill Gates and his so aptly stated. As such, the tradi- ready to use our most powerful weapon colleagues in the computer industry, tional tying theory, Professor Priest in the Chinese-U.S. trade relationship people like me, my family, my grand- argues, may be irrelevant in this case at this time. But it is a long way be- mother, my wife’s father, Hoosiers all because it simply did not apply to com- tween saying we are not willing to use over Indiana, and Americans every- puters.
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