GLORORUM FARM (PT) BAMBURGH NORTHUMBERLAND GLORORUM FARM (PT) BAMBURGH, NORTHUMBERLAND BERWICK UPON TWEED 18 MILES • BELFORD 4 MILES • BAMBURGH 1 MILE • A1(T) 3 MILES • ALNWICK 15 MILES A first class, exceptionally productive arable farm in an excellent farming area. 187.68 acres arable and 40.35 acres permanent grass (part ploughable). Full Basic Payment Entitlement allocation – to be leased with farm. 228.50 acres (92.47 hectares) or thereabouts in total. TO LET BY PRIVATE TREATY AS A WHOLE UNDER A FIVE YEAR FARM BUSINESS TENANCY COMMENCING ON 1 SEPTEMBER 2020. 44/48 Hide Hill, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, TD15 1AB. T: 01289 304432 F: 01289 302027 E:
[email protected] /
[email protected] These particulars are given as a general outline and your attention is drawn to the Important Notice printed within. GENERAL INFORMATION 4) Reservations: Glororum Farm is situated within an area of high amenity approximately 1 mile south west of The Landlord will make various reservations including the exclusive right to all timber, sporting and Bamburgh and the East Coast. wayleave payments, together with a right to take access to any part of the property at any time. The land lies between the 35 metre and 55 metre contours and comprises four separate parcels which, 5) Outgoings: with one minor exception, are contiguous being separated only by the various minor public roads The Tenant will be responsible for the payment of all normal outgoings relating to his use of the which run through the property. Holding. Most of the land is classified as grade 2.