• 74 BELFORD • NORTHUl\1BERI.Al\D. [KElLY'S • ROSS is a township in Islandshire, 3 miles north-east following parishes & townships are in the jurisdiction: from Belford, and was formerly part of the county of -.Adderstone, Bamburgh, Bamburgh Castle, Bead­ Durham, but by the Acts 2 and 3 Wm. IV. cap. 64 (1832) nell, Belford, Bradford, Budle, Burton, Chathill, and 7 and 8 Yict. cap. 6r (r844), it became, for all pur­ Detchant, Easington, Easington Grange, Elford, poses, a part of the county of Northumberland. The Earl Elling ham, El wick, Farne Islands, Fleetham, of Tankervill~ is lord of t·he manor and sole land­ Glororum, Happen, Lucker, Middleton, Monks House, owner. There is only one farm in this township. Cockles Mousen, Ne'~>ham, Newstead, Outchester, Preston, are found in great quantities on the coast here. The area Ratchwood, Ross, Shoreston, Spindlestone, Sunder­ is 1,715 acres of land, g8 of tidal water and r,349 of fore- land (North), Swinhoe, Tughall, Warcnford, Warenton 8hore ; rateable value, £6rg ; the population in rgii For Banlnupky purposes this court is included in that was so. of :.\" ewcastle-on-Tyne ; Charles Woollett, .Mosley chambers, Mosley street, N ewcastle-on-Tyne, official Coastguard Staticn, Ro~s Links, John Fair, coastguard­ • man recerv~r Certified Bailiff under the Law of Distress Amendment ~ttcrs throagh BPlford .A.ct, John Hupe, High street, Relford Police Station, Robert M. Hettle, sergeant Po<:t, M. 0. & T. Office, Belford.-David Rogers, post­ master. Letters arriye from all parts at 6.54 & 8.25 TERRITORIAL FORCE. a. m. & 5· ra p.m.; from SccJtland at 5.22 p.m. & 7th Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers (C Co.), The locally at ro.3o, ro.4o, rr.zo, rr.3o & 11.40 a.m. & Armoury; Capt. Charle.s Mitchell; Color-Sergt. Saml. 3.40, 3-45. 3-So, 6.zo, 8-45 & 9·5 p.m.; dispatched at Sleath, drill instructor, & 67 men 11.45 a.m. to all parts & 4 p.m. to Scotland, 4.38 (London mail), g. ro p.m. to 311 parts; local letters at BELFORD UNION. 6.13 & 8.30 a.m. & 5.40 p.m. Money orders are Board day, 2nd & 4th wednesday at the Board room, granted & paid from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; attendance on "\Yorkhouse, at 2 p.m. sundays fron1 8.30 a.m. to ro a.m. for telegrams &. s1le of stamps The union comprises the following townships :-.Adder­ Wall Letter Box at Station, cleared at ro.25 a.m. & 3.25 stone, Bamburgh, Bamburgh Castle, Beadnell, Belford, & 8.45 p.m Bradford, Dudle, Durton, Chathill, Detchant, Easing­ ton, Easington Grange, Elford, Ellingham, Elwick, Farne Islands, Fleetham, Glororum, Lucker, Middle­ COU~TY MAGISTRATES FOR B.!.M:E"CRGH PETT1 ton, Monks House, Mousen, Newham, Newstead, Out­ SESSIONAL DIVISIO~. chester, Pre5ton, Ratchwood, Ross, Shoreston, Spindle­ .Atkinson-Clark George Dixon D.L. Belford hall, Belford, stone, Sunderland (North), Swinhoe, Tughall, Waren­ chairman ford & Warenton. The population in rgii was 5,oo6; .A.tki,nson-Clark HPnry George, Belford hall, Belford area, 3g,6rg acres; rateable value, £sr,3o7 . HuntPr John. Onkhester manor, Belford Chairman of the Board of Guardians, George Dixon Leather Major Gerard Frederick Towlerton, Middleton .Atkinson-Clark D.L., J.P hall, Belford Vice-Chairman, Rev. W. A. M'G onigle B.D. Ellingham Lf.'atber-Culley .A.rthur Hugo, Radcliffe house,Bam burgh vicarage, Chathill Mangin William Nangreave, Preston Mains, Chathill ClPrk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, .Adam Marshall Col. Anthony, .A.nnstead, Chathill Douglas, Fenkle street, .A.lnwick Nichol .Anthony Frederick, .Adderstone grange, Belford Treasurer, J ames Brand, North Eastern Bank, Belford Runciman Rt. Hon. Walter M.P. Doxford hall, Chathill Relieving & Vaccination Officer for the Union, Williarn RuthPrford Col.· John Victor Walton, Kiplin hall, Richardson, Belford N orthallerton Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, East district, Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles D. Forstf'r, 24 .Jarnes Grifiiths :Maca~kie L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., D.P.H. Grainger street west, Newcastle-on-Tyne Bamburgh; ·west district, James MacDonald M.D., Potty Sessions are held at the Court house every 4th C.M.Edin. The Villa, Belford The Workhouse, erected in r834, is a building of stone Wednesday, at I I. rs o'clock. The justices have appointed & will hold 50 inmale5, Georgc .Augustus .Attridge, the Police station at North Sunderland an occasional master; Jarnes MarDunald M.D., C.M.Edin. medical Court house. The following places are included in the officer; Rev. Canon Charles Robcrtson M . .A. chaplain; petty sessionJl division: -.A.ddcrstone, Bamburgh, Mrs. Mary Attridge, matron l~amburgh Castle, Beadnell, Belford, Bradford, Bmlle, ~ Burton, Chathill, Detchant, Easington, Easington BELFORD Rt£GISTUATIO:-.l" DISTIUCT. Grange, Elford, Ellingham, Elwick, Farne Islands, Superintendent Registrar, .Adam Douglas, Fenlde street, Fleetham, Glororum, Luck er, Middleton, Monks House, .A.lnwick; deputy, J. Malcolm Douglas, Fenkle street, Mousen, Newham. Newstead, Outchester, Preston, .A.lnwick Ratchwood, Ross, Shoreston, Spindlestone, Sunderland Registration of Marriages Office, Board room, Union (North), Swinhoc, Tughall, Warenford & Warenton Workhouse Registration Office for Births & Deaths, Clark place DELFORD RGR.AL DISTRICT CO"CNCIL. Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Belford sub­ district, W illiam Richardson, Cl ark place, Belford The townships in the District are the same as in the Union PUBLIC OFFICIALS FOR BELFORD P .A.RISH. Council meets at the Belford Guardians' Board room, Workhou~t>, .Assistant Overseer & Clerk to Parish Council, Richard everv• altPrnate 'lfednesdav• immediatelY• after the Guardians meeting. BJlton School ~Htendance Officer, David Elliott Chairman, George Dixon .A.tkinson-Clark D.L., J.P. Town Crier, .A.ndrcw J oicc, j un Belford hall, Belford Vice-Ch1irman, J ames Clark, Belford PUBLIC ELEMEIS"T.ARY SCHOOLS. Officials. Church of England, built in r84o & enlarged in r88o, Clerk, .A.d3.m Douglas, Fenkle street, .Alnwick for 260 children; average attendance, 32 boys, 3-9 girls Treasurer, James Brand, North Eastern Bank, Belford & 27 infants ; Richard Da vi son, master ; Miss .A.nnie Medical Officer of Health, James Griflilhs Macaskie Torrance & Miss .A.. E. Paxton, assistant mistresses; L.R.C.P. & S.Euin., D.P.H. Bamburgh Miss :\11. Leighton, infants' mistress; Rev. C. Robert­ Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor, Thomas William Dodd, son M . .A. The Vicarage, correspondent Belford Presbyterian, built in r868, for roo children; average attendance, 58 ; William Henry Clothier, master; PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Miss Elizabeth Laing Young, infants' mistress; Rev. County Court, His Ho-nor Francis J. Greenwell M . .A. J. "Miller, correspondent judge; Wm. Weatherhead, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, Railway Station, Francis Gray, station master registrar; John Hope, high bailiff. Courts are held Conveyance, an omnibus from the Blue Bell hotel meets once every three months at the Court house ; the the mail trains BELFOHD. • ' llowrn{''r HPnry J. Clark place I'hilipson George Rubert M.B., B.S. Brand J-ames, Bank house I Durh. WPst street PlUVATE RESIDEI'o'"TS. Clark James I Robertson Rev. Canon Charles M.!. Atkinson-Ciark GeM~ge Dixoll B...l., Hope Miss, Clark place I (vicar, rural dean & chaplairt of D.L., J.P. Belford hall Kitching W illiam, West street union) Bates Re~. John .H~·- L.Th. (carate), MacDonalct James ~-D Bcott Thomas .Tame~, Church street High street J Sntton :\'Iiss, "The Croft ~ .
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