• 74 BELFORD • NORTHUl\1BERI.Al\D. [KElLY'S • ROSS is a township in Islandshire, 3 miles north-east following parishes & townships are in the jurisdiction: from Belford, and was formerly part of the county of -.Adderstone, Bamburgh, Bamburgh Castle, Bead Durham, but by the Acts 2 and 3 Wm. IV. cap. 64 (1832) nell, Belford, Bradford, Budle, Burton, Chathill, and 7 and 8 Yict. cap. 6r (r844), it became, for all pur Detchant, Easington, Easington Grange, Elford, poses, a part of the county of Northumberland. The Earl Elling ham, El wick, Farne Islands, Fleetham, of Tankervill~ is lord of t·he manor and sole land Glororum, Happen, Lucker, Middleton, Monks House, owner. There is only one farm in this township. Cockles Mousen, Ne'~>ham, Newstead, Outchester, Preston, are found in great quantities on the coast here. The area Ratchwood, Ross, Shoreston, Spindlestone, Sunder is 1,715 acres of land, g8 of tidal water and r,349 of fore- land (North), Swinhoe, Tughall, Warcnford, Warenton 8hore ; rateable value, £6rg ; the population in rgii For Banlnupky purposes this court is included in that was so. of :.\" ewcastle-on-Tyne ; Charles Woollett, .Mosley chambers, Mosley street, N ewcastle-on-Tyne, official Coastguard Staticn, Ro~s Links, John Fair, coastguard • man recerv~r Certified Bailiff under the Law of Distress Amendment ~ttcrs throagh BPlford .A.ct, John Hupe, High street, Relford Police Station, Robert M. Hettle, sergeant Po<:t, M. 0. & T. Office, Belford.-David Rogers, post master. Letters arriye from all parts at 6.54 & 8.25 TERRITORIAL FORCE. a. m. & 5· ra p.m.; from SccJtland at 5.22 p.m.
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