Errata for H. P. Lovecraft: the Fiction

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Errata for H. P. Lovecraft: the Fiction Errata for H. P. Lovecraft: The Fiction The layout of the stories – specifically, the fact that the first line is printed in all capitals – has some drawbacks. In most cases, it doesn’t matter, but in “A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson”, there is no way of telling that “Privilege” and “Reminiscence” are spelled with capitals. THE BEAST IN THE CAVE A REMINISCENCE OF DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON 2.39-3.1: advanced, and the animal] advanced, 28.10: THE PRIVILEGE OF REMINISCENCE, the animal HOWEVER] THE PRIVILEGE OF 5.12: wondered if the unnatural quality] REMINISCENCE, HOWEVER wondered if this unnatural quality 28.12: occurrences of History and the] occurrences of History, and the THE ALCHEMIST 28.20: whose famous personages I was] whose 6.5: Comtes de C——“), and] Comtes de C— famous Personages I was —”), and 28.22: of August 1690 (or] of August, 1690 (or 6.14: stronghold for he proud] stronghold for 28.32: appear in print.”), and] appear in the proud Print.”), and 6.24: stones of he walls,] stones of the walls, 28.34: Juvenal, intituled “London,” by] 7.1: died at birth,] died at my birth, Juvenal, intitul’d “London,” by 7.1-2: servitor, and old and trusted] servitor, an 29.29: Poems, Mr. Johnson said:] Poems, Mr. old and trusted Johnson said: 7.33: which he had said had for] which he said 30.24: speaking for Davy when others] had for speaking for Davy when others 8.28: the Comte, the pronounced in] the 30.25-26: no Doubt but that he] no Doubt that Comte, he pronounced in he 8.29: haunted the House of] haunted the house 30.35-36: to the Greater Man, the] to the of greater Man, the 9.38: covered with dust of ages] covered by the 31.31: of ancient Lineage bred,] of antient dust of ages Lineage bred, 12.23: the farther rend of the] the farther end of 32.8: the Doctor’s death, at which] the the Doctor’s Death, at which THE TOMB POLARIS 17.21-22: being indeed, stimulated] being 33.17-18: the vapour-soaked trees that] the indeed stimulated vapour-soaked swamp trees that 17.39: of the first Puritan colonists] of the Puritan colonists BEYOND THE WALL OF SLEEP 18.2: At the time, indeed my attention] At the 38.3: these old folk, who] these odd folk, who time, indeed, my attention 38.37: some “big, big cabin] some ‘big, big 18.24-25: locked the cabin of the door] locked cabin the chain of the door 38.38: far away.” As two] far away.’ As two 39.1: certain “thing that] certain ‘thing that DAGON 39.1: and laughs.” At length] and laughs.’ At 23.22: us as navel prisoners. So] us as naval length prisoners. So 39.4: stopped him’.] stopped him.’ 23.31-32: the heaving vastness of unbroken] 44.36: crossed over the couch] crossed over to the heaving vastnesses of unbroken the couch 26.15-16: than himself I remarked,] than himself. I remarked, MEMORY 26.26: to certain measures sounds.] to certain 46.15: treasure-vaults write poison serpents] measured sounds. treasure-vaults writhe poison serpents OLD BUGS unfamiliar words, and 47.21-22: strong, wicked, whiskey] strong, 67.15: brooded only fear and ignorance.] wicked whiskey brooded only fear and hatred and ignorance. 47.24-25: to the unknown attachés of] to the unkempt attachés of THE DOOM THAT CAME TO SARNATH 48.10: constantly carried with him] constantly 70.16: Very odd and ugly where these beings,] carried about with him Very odd and ugly were these beings, 48.24: was horribly elan, the] was horribly 70.27: and knows little of the] and knows but lean, the little of the 48.34: he would show a sardonic] he would 70.29: flocks, who guilt Thraa,] flocks, who shew a sardonic built Thraa, 48.37: one thing old Bugs would] one thing 71.9-10: labour how even the stones] labour Old Bugs would how ever the stones 50.2: always showing a genius] always 71.24: upon the alter of chrysolite.] upon the shewing a genius altar of chrysolite. 51.10: was just like Sheean’s.] was just like 71.38: caravans, and more intersecting them.] Sheehan’s. caravans, and fifty more intersecting them. 51.18: as ye kin] as ya kin 73.15: with bowers vines and] with bowers of 51.36: now recovering form his astonishment] vines and now recovering from his astonishment 52.2: outa here before I kick] outa here afore I THE STATEMENT OF RANDOLPH CARTER kick 77.18: find. You witness says] find. Your 52.32-33: and al wondered] and all wondered witness says 53.3: he did now know the] he did not know 78.13: bordered by most walls encrusted] the bordered by moist walls encrusted 53.4: that no one could not be expected] that 80.15: losing time—So long,] losing time— So no one now could be expected long, 80.18: legions—My God!] legions— My God! THE TRANSITION OF JUAN ROMERO 80.18: My God! Beat it! Beat it!”] My God! 55.29: formed the heart of extensive] formed Beat it! Beat it! Beat it!” the seat of extensive 80.28: brought this could over my] brought this 55.2: a large heard of unkempt] a large herd of cloud over my unkempt 55.34-35: found my Oxoninan Spanish] found THE TERRIBLE OLD MAN my Oxonian Spanish 81.17: generally keep him save from] generally 58.20: hidden terrors an monstrosities] hidden keep him safe from terrors and monstrosities 81.23-24: a strange collection of large stone, 58.22: glimmering from the lower space] oddly] a strange collection of large stones, glimmering from lower space oddly 58.27: but the shapes, all] but then shapes, all 81.28: more curious fold who] more curious folk who THE WHITE SHIP 82.5 fellow, who everybody shunned,] fellow, 61.2-3: its sails distant and] its sails distent and whom everybody shunned, 62.38: my new yearnings to] my new yearning 82.10: Messers. Ricci, Czanek,] Messrs. Ricci, to Czanek, 64.2: I fancied here came] I fancied there came 82.17: afterward. Messers. Ricci and] 64.10: ahead the titantic spray] ahead the afterward. Messrs. Ricci and titanic spray 82.22: for ages sea-captains are] for aged sea- captains are THE STREET 82.23: there were to visitors.] there were two 66.22: their walking sticks, tall] their walking- visitors. sticks, tall 82.24: Messers. Ricci and Silva] Messrs. Ricci 66.39: Its trees wee all gone now,] Its trees and Silva were all gone now, 82.24: were experiences in the art] were 67.5: spoke unfamiliar words and] spoke experienced in the art 83.4: for his colleagues wee not there at sparkled beneath all] for his colleagues were not there at 112.34: somewhere in space,and] somewhere all in space, and 83.9: horribly mangles as by] horribly mangled 113.7: such a beauty] such beauty as by 114.9: houses and villages as Chaucer] houses 83.13: citizens. but in this idle] citizens. But in and villagers as Chaucer this idle 114.11: travelled more softly, till] travelled 83.14: all. he was by nature] all. He was by more swiftly, till nature 114.12: flying uncan nily as if] flying uncannily as if THE TREE 114. 12: In a dim dawn] In the dim dawn [The letter of the Greek word whispered by 114.25: of the city of Celephaïs, and] of the the trees should have an accent and a city Celephaïs, and rounded circumflex above it.] FROM BEYOND THE CATS OF ULTHAR 116.20: less a fanatic; but his] less a fanatic, [No errors to report!] but his 116.30: growing curiosity of fascination.] THE TEMPLE growing curiosity and fascination. 93.37: crew for a time,] crew for the time, 118.25: the revelation and the abrupt] the 98.28: the materials to] the materials needed to revelation and of the abrupt FACTS CONCERNING THE LATE ARTHUR NYARLATHOTEP JERMYN AND HIS FAMILY [No errors to report!] 102.22: Arthur Jerymn went out] Arthur Jermyn went out THE PICTURE IN THE HOUSE 103.9: him back for the second] him back from 124.4: the Miskatonic valley, both] the the second Miskatonic Valley, both 105.19-20: shrill, inhuman scram, or to] shrill, 124.23: while vines have crawled] while the inhuman scream, or to vines have crawled 105.30: slender, and Jerymn House had] 124.29: has ever seen.] has never seen. slender, and Jermyn House had 125.17: the house nonetheless impressed] the 106.14: attraction; speculation on the] house none the less impressed attraction; speculating on the 126.7: but her the antiquity] but here the 106.33-34: conjecture, but close questioning] antiquity conjecture, but by close questioning 128.28: was becoming obnoxious,] was 107.7: blacks had mad the most] blacks had becoming rather obnoxious, made the most 128.30: read, an wondered how] read, and 107.32: secluded wife he had been numerous] wondered how secluded wife had been numerous 128.31: which adorned his room.] which 108.24: though the distant sound of] though the adorned the room. instant sound of 129.12: Holt, ‘That’s suthin’ ta] Holt, ‘Thar’s 108.28-29: room, rushing fanatically toward] suthin’ ta room, rushing frantically toward 129.13: read the Scripter about] read in 108.33: and watched as the head] and watched Scripter about at the head 129.35: seemed not to notice.] seemed not to notice it.
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