S67-00104-N218-1995-07 08.Pdf
Issue 1218, July/August 1995 IN THIS ISSUE: SFRA INTERNAL AFFAIRS: President's Message (Sanders) 3 Minutes of Meeting Between Members of SmA and IAFA at the Annual ICFA (Gordon) 3 Corrections/Additions 4 SmA Members & Friends 5 Editorial (Sisson) 5 NEWS AND INFORMATION 7 SPECIAL FEATURE: "The Worlds of David Lynch": Lavery, David (Ed). Full of Secrets: Critical Approaches to 7Win Peaks. (Davis) 11 Gifford, Barry. Hotel Room Trilogy; and Lynch, David. David Lynch's Hotel Room. (umland) 13 SPECIAL FEATURE: "Lovecraft the Man": Lovecraft, H.P. (S.T. Joshi, Ed). Miscellaneous Writings. (Anderson) 17 Squires, Richard D. Stern Fathers 'neath the Mould: The Lovecraft Family in Rochester. (Bousfield) 20 Barlow, Robert H. and H.P. Lovecraft (S.T. Joshi, Ed). The Hoard of the Wizard Beast and One Other; and Joshi, S.T. & David schultz (Eds). H.P. Lovecraft Letters 7b SaJIlJel Loveman & vincent Starrett (Kaveny) 21 REVIEWS: Nonfiction: Barron, Neil (Ed). Anato~ Of Wonder, 4th Edition. (Kaveny & Bogstad) 23 Heller, Steven and Seynour Chwast. Jackets Required: An Illustrated History of American Book Jacket Design, 1920-1950. (Barron) 27 Kessler, carol Farley. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: her progress toward utopia with selected writings. (Orth) 29 Korshak, Stephen D. (Ed). A Hannes Bok Showcase. (Albert) 34 McCarthy, Helen. AniIoo J : A Beginner's Guide to Japanese Animation. (Klossner) 35 SFRA Re\liew#218. July/August 1995 Scheick, william J. (Ed). The Critical Resp:Jnse to H.G •. ~lls. (Huntington) 36 Schlobin, Roger C. and Irene R. Harrison. Andre Norton: A primaIy and Secondary Bibliography (Bogstad) 38 silver, Alain and Janes Ursini.
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