Fungi Cryptic and Fascinating • Ecology of Fungi – Decomposers – Parasites – Symbionts – Predators • Capable of Digesting unusual materials – Gasoline, jet fuels, photographic emulsions, paints, leather, waxes

Mind Controlling Fungi--Cordyceps Plants & Green Animals Fungi

Starch Glycogen Cellulose Chitin

Ancestor to Eukaryotes Plants & Green Algae Animals Fungi

Opisthokonts -flattened mitochondria cristae -single at posterior end of cells -growing body of molecular genetics

Ancestor to Eukaryotes Historical Significance Medicine & Disease Fleming & Florey Penicillin and Staphylococcus Beginning the Antibiotic Revolution

World War II Will Germany overtake Great Britain?

Fleming, Flory & Oxford Team pledged to continue work on Penicillin.

Dusted lining of clothes with spores Fungi in Medicine

• Cyclosporine – Immunosuppressant, where would transplant therapy be without it – Soil

• Antabuse – Treatment of alcoholism

• Statins – interferes with cholesterol synthesis

• Alpha-d-galactosidase – Interferes with methane production in mammal guts by enzymatically digesting complex sugars (i.e., Beano). Fungal Human Diseases

• Tinea—ringworm – Specialized fungi that feed on human flesh of head, crotch, feet, and nails

• Candidiasis—thrush – Yeast infections of vagina and mouth – Particularly bad in immuno- suppressed individuals Fungal Human Diseases

• Histoplasmosis – Lung infection—often fatal; individuals working with bird guano are most at risk

• Coccidioidiomycosis – Soil fungus; infection through inhalation of spores from arid regions of N. America

• Why are fungal diseases particularly difficult to treat?

• Surprisingly, many fungal cures are from other fungi! Ergot Poisoning

• Claviceps purpurea – Lives on grains when stored in cool moist conditions • Produces strong alkaloids – Ergotamine, Ergine, Lysergic Acid • Europe-St. Anthony’s Fire – Gangrenous Ergot Poisoning – Constriction of peripheral blood vessels • North America- – Convulsive Ergot Poisoning – Hallucinations, twitches, and tingling • Modern Treatment for Migraines and post-childbirth uterine bleeding Crop Diseases

• Smuts • Rusts • Powdery Mildew • Phytophora • Plant STDs Fungi as Food • Tofu and Soy Sauce • Blue Cheese • Yeast, bread, beer & wine Fungal Lifestyles

• Hyphae—multinucleate tubular growth (coenocytic) – Septate vs. non septate cell walls – Dikaryon, plasmogamy, karyogamy

• Mycelium—body of fungus— collection of hyphae

• Asexual & sexual spore production

• Three Major Groups – Zygomycota-Bread Molds – -Cup Fungi – -Club Fungi Okay, pay attention Fungi and some algae have ZYGOTIC MEIOSIS

spores Haploid Condition Fungal Mycelium


Zygote—Single cell Fusion of Two Diploid Condition Haploid Cells

Diploid nucleus is ephemeral Zygomycetes Bread Molds Short You Tube Rhizopus is a common mold found on bread and some fruits such as strawberry.

Pilobolus (Cowpie Fungus) a Zygomycete

Fungi Squirt Guns Pilobolus Development

Fastest Accelerator

Phototropic Photoballistic Fastest Natural Accelerator Ascomycetes Cup Fungi


Italian Eyelash Fungus

Black Truffles are Ascomycetes Black Truffles $500 per 16 ounce package • Underground fruiting bodies

• Odor mimics steroidal pheromones of male pigs

• Pigs or dogs used to track down truffles Note: Dikaryon Karyogamy , Ascospores,

Basidiomycetes—Club Fungi toadstools, mushrooms, stinkhorns, puffballs, bracket fungi, fairy rings, rusts, smuts. Note: Dikaryon Karyogamy Basidium, Basidiospores, Basidioma or Basidiocarp

Mycorrhizal Fungi—mine the soil for water and phosphorus; receive carbohydrates from trees. Stradivari Violins & Wood & Fungi

• High quality violins from 17th century (Golden Age) • Maunder Minimum – Reduced solar activity • Cool summers • Reduced growth • Uniform growth • Climate and environment contribute to Golden Age of string instruments Physisporinus vitrius

Xylaria polymorpha Physisporinus vitrius

Xylaria polymorpha Fungi Review

• Ecological and Economic Importance – Disease, medicine, food, poisoning, mycorhizae • Natural History of Fungi – Hyphae, mycelium, dikaryon, plasmogamy, karyogamy • Evolution and —identify and understand structure and function – Ascomycota – Zygomycota – Basidiomycota