Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources Vol. 10(1), March 2019, pp 81-89

Ethnomacrofungal study of some wild macrofungi used by local peoples of Gorakhpur district, Uttar Pradesh

Pratima Vishwakarma* and N N Tripathi Bacteriology & Natural Pesticide Laboratory, Department of Botany, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, 273009, U.P, India

Received 14 January; 2018 Revised 11 March 2019

Gorakhpur district having varied environmental condition is sanctioned with wealth of many important macrofungi but only few works has been done here to explore the diversity. The present investigation focus on the ethnomacrofungal study of Gorakhpur district. From information obtained it became clear that many macrofungi are widely consumed here by local and tribal peoples as food and medicines. Species of Daldinia, Macrolepiota, Pleurotus, Termitomyces, etc. are used to treat various ailments. Thus the present study clearly states that Gorakhpur district is reservoir of macrofungi having nutritional and medicinal benefits.

Keywords: Bhar, Bhuj, Kewat, Local villagers, Macrofungi, Tharu. IPC code; Int. cl. (2015.01)- A61K 36/00

Traditional medicine or ethno medicine is a healthcare economical benefit. The wild mushrooms have been practice that has been transmitted orally from traditionally consumed by man with delicacy generation to generation through traditional healers probably, for their taste and pleasing flavour. They with an aim to cure different ailments and is strongly have rich nutritional value with high content of associated to religious beliefs and practices of the proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibres, trace elements indigenous people1,2. Since the beginning of human and low calories and cholesterol6. civilization man has been using many herbs and There are lots of works which had been done herbal extracts as medicine. The classical Indian texts on ethnomacrofungal studies in various parts of Rig-Veda, Atharvaveda, Charak samhita and Sushruta the world and also in India but this type of knowledge samhita are the evidence of the use of plants by our has scarcely been documented in the Gorakhpur ancestors. It indicates that herbal medicines have been district. Some of the ethnomacrofungal reports from derived from rich traditions of ancient civilization and India include the wild edible mushrooms from scientific heritage. Among the ancient civilizations, Western Assam7, Nagaland8, North West India9, India has been known to be rich storehouse of West Bengal10 and Kinnaur district of Himachal medicinal plants and macrofungi. The forests in India Pradesh11. Ethnomacrofungal uses of some are the principal repository of large number of macrofungi viz., Calocybe gambosa, Calocybe indica, medicinal macrofungi, which are largely collected as Macrolepiota procera and Tuber aestivum from raw materials for the manufacture of drugs3. The local Gorakhpur district have been mentioned earlier by tribes are largely self-contained, ritually sanctioned Vishwakarma et al.12. way of life where they practice utilization of plants 4 In order to assess the consumption of traditionally and macrofungi for curing many diseases . important and indigenous medicinal macrofungi Traditionally the tribes lived in and subsisted on the survey was carried out during June 2011 to December forests, but with increasing loss of forest areas, 2014 in the different tehsils (administrative units) of integration into mainstream society and urbanization, Gorakhpur district. These medicinal macrofungi were they are rapidly losing their traditional knowledge and used by various tribes viz., Bhar, Kewat, Bhuj, Tharu culture5. Mushrooms have a long association with and local villagers of this region. The mankind and provide profound biological and ethnomacrofungal information was gathered through ————— Correspondent author several visits, questionnaire, group discussions with Email: [email protected] various groups and local peoples. 82 INDIAN J NAT PROD RESOUR, MARCH 2019

Material and Methods by various mycokeys ( Study area and Taxa and their authors Gorakhpur is situated in North Eastern part of Uttar were given according to an amended CABI Pradesh in India near the border with Nepal. It has Bioscience electronic version35. These medical 2 area of 3483.8 km with latitude of 26° 13’ N and macrofungi were used by local peoples and local 27° 29’ N and longitude of 83° 05’E and 83° 56’ E. tribes viz., Bhar, Kewat and Bhuj. The Average annual temperature of Gorakhpur is 26 °C and ethnomycological information was gathered through summer temperature varies from 30-40 °C and winter several visits, questionnaire, group discussion with temperature 2-18 °C. Annual rainfall is 1393.1 mm and various groups and local peoples and also confirmed by 87% of rainfall is recorded during period of June to various literatures. In general terms they called these 13 September . The soil of this area is gangetic alluvial macrofungi as bhutki, bhumiphod or kukkurmutta. brought down by river Rapti, Rohini, Ghaghara and Gandak from the Himalayas. It is situated on the basin Data collection of river Rapti and Rohini hence its geographical shape Information regarding utilization of macrofungi was is a bowl type. Local topographic and drainage collected through a semi-structured interview to local variation have brought about significant changes in and tribal peoples. The semi-structured interview the soil morphology, resulting in textural differences includes various questions regarding their knowledge ranging from sandy through loamy and silty to heavy on macrofungi viz., how they utilization them in clayey type of soil. The major soil type includes traditional medicine, what are the diseases treated by clayey, loam, sandy loam, silt and usar or alkali soil. the macrofungi, the parts of macrofungi they uses and especially the procedure of use of these macrofungi. Ethnomacrofungal survey In order to assess the consumption of traditionally Results and Discussion important and indigenous medical macrofungi, survey Macrofungi have been objects of much curiosity was carried out during June 2011 to December 2014. and speculation since time immortal. Gorakhpur Collection of samples was done at Tehsil level (which district is situated in North Eastern part of Uttar includes blocks and then villages). Different Tehsil Pradesh has subtropical climate and it also includes visited during survey were- Bansgaon, Campierganj, Terai region which is famous for its monsoon type of Chauri Chaura, Gola, Khajni, Sadar and Sahjanwan. climate. It consists of varied topography and wide Macrofungal specimens were collected, photographed range of temperature variation through the year. at the sampling site and then preserved using standard Moderate rainfall in this area supports a rich floral preservation techniques. Macrofungal specimens were and macrofungal diversity. Lots of varieties of preserved wet as well as dry following Ainsworth14. macrofungi grows here throughout the year but during The macrofungal samples were identified on the basis rainy season lots of valuable macrofungi grows in the of their macro and microscopic characteristic. forest regions which are used by local and tribal Character of pileus and stipe such as shape, size, peoples as food and also medicine. They also use to surface texture, in some cases behaviour of the cuticle sell these macrofungi at local markets at very high when peeled, presence or absence of the remnants of rate. Commonly sold macrofungi in local markets are the veil, flesh type, in some cases microscopic details Termitomyces heimii, Tuber aestivum, Pleurotus of the cells in the cuticle (dermatocystidia), change in ostreatus, Macrolepiota procera etc. People use to eat colour after bruising in case of pileus while additional these macrofungi with great delicacy and also edible information about the presence or absence of ring, macrofungi are in high demand here. base rooting mode are noted in case of stipe. Mode of During the present survey, a total of 36 species of gill attachment with stem indicates the genus of the macrofungi belonging to 19 families (Fig. 1) were sample hence it become very important to note it found to be traditionally used by local peoples for down. Colour of gill, its shape, type of attachment various purposes in Gorakhpur district. Details of with stem should also be noted. The microscopic macrofungi with its habitat, date and place of details of spores viz., colour, surface, texture, shape collection, voucher number and various uses of these and size are also very important points which helps in macrofungi by various ethnic group are represented in proper identification of macrofungi. The samples has Table 1 Lots of macrofungi were identified from been confirmed by several authors15-34 and confirmed different parts of India but North Eastern part VISHWAKARMA & TRIPATHI: ETHNOMACROFUNGAL STUDY OF GORAKHPUR DISTRICT 83

strengthening in children and fever, Vascellum pretense for fever while sp. to treat hypertension and fever. Apetorgbor et al.43 done an extensive survey on ethnomycological value of macrofungi and reported that Volvariella volvacea helps in lowering high blood pressure, Termitomyces globules use as blood tonic and also help in lowering high blood pressure, Termitomyces microcarpus use as blood tonic, Termitomyces clypeatus for rheumatism, diarrhoea, and also as blood glucose lowering agent, Termitomyces robustus as blood tonic, Coprinus disseminates and Schizophyllum commune as blood tonic and for eye infection,

Collybia sp. for fever and as blood tonic, Pleurotus Fig. 1 — Number of species of macrofungi represented by tuber-regium for asthma, Ganoderma lucidum for different families. cancer, Auricularia auricular-judae and Trametes sp. especially Gorakhpur district is less explored in as blood tonic. respect to ethnomacrofungal study. Only a few In the present study collected macrofungi were workers had explored this area and reported some represented by 19 families of which Polyporaceae interesting macrofungi from here13,36-40. The tribals was found to be dominant representing 6 species and local peoples of Gorakhpur district use these which was followed by Agaricaceae representing macrofungi in various forms viz., powder, paste, 4 species. Ganodermataceae and juice, decoction or either as whole fruiting body. represents 3 species each while other families viz., Some species are used to treat more than one disorder. Auriculariaceae (1), Coprinaceae (2), Fistulinaceae (1), Pleurotus ostreatus, Termitomyces heimii and Fomitopsidaceae (1), Lycoperdaceae (1), Volvariella volvacea are very common and generally Lyophyllaceae (1), Meripilaceae (1), Morchellaceae (2), used as food in daily diet during rainy season. Other Pleurotaceae (1), Pluteaceae (2), Psathyrellaceae (2), macrofungi are used by many local and tribal peoples Russulaceae (2), Schizophyllaceae (1), to cure different ailments. Furthermore, the potential Sparassidiaceae (1), Stereaceae (1), contain 1 or 2 benefit of this important knowledge in the field of species showing the profusion of Polyporaceae medicine has been scarcely explored. Tantengco and (Plate 1). Sarma et al.7 studied wild edible mushrooms Ragragio41 documented the use of macrofungi as used by ethnic tribes of Western Assam and collected remedy for weakness, cough, common colds and poor 26 different species of macrofungi belonging to eyesight. They also stated that these macrofungi are 14 genera and 13 families in which Tricholomataceae also used by local peoples as food and medicines viz., was found to be dominant containing 5 species, Ganoderma lucidum are used by Ayta in Pastolan and followed by Marasmiaceae containing 4 species while Payangan as coffee while Auricularia auricula-judae Auriculariaceae and Agaricaceae contains 3 species and Volvariella volvacea are usually sautéed with each. Ethnomacrofungal and traditional knowledge of garlic and onion or boiled and eaten with rice. Teke et about the seven edible species of Termitomyces viz., al.42 had done an extensive ethnomycological survey T. microcarpus, T. radicatus, T. badius, T. medius, in the Kilum-Ijim mountain forest reserve of T. heimii, T. striatus and T. mammiformis and Cameroon and stated that there are various 3 species of Macrolepiota viz., Macrolepiota procera, macrofungi which has been used by local peoples as M. dolichaula and M. rachodes of North West India food and medicine. According to them Auricularia was studied by Kumari et al.9 and stated that polytricha is use during pregnancy to cure nausea, these macrofungi were frequently hunted by local Daldinia concentric for hypertension, Ganoderma people of North West India during monsoon season. applanatum and Trametes versicolor for immune Chauhan et al.11 surveyed the Kinnaur District of system, Lentinus squarrosulus for system cleaning, Himachal Pradesh and reported twelve edible Polyporus dictyopus for stomach aches and macrofungi belonging to ten families and ten genera headaches, Termitomyces microcarpus for bone which were used by local people as supplementary food.


Table 1 — Wild macrofungi used by various tribes of Gorakhpur district to treat various ailments S. Macrofungi Family Habitat Voucher Date of Place of Ethnic group Application No. No. Collection Collection 1. Agaricus Agaricaceae Saprobic, solitary to DDUNP 20/7/12 Sahjanwan Bhar To reduce fever silvaticus in group on soil L211 (Barahua) Schaeff. 2. Auricularia Auriculariaceae Parasitic on Tecoma DDUNP 4/7/14 Sadar Bhar, Tharu Hypocholesterolemic, auricular-judae capensis, in group, L163 (Kushmi antihyperglycemic, (Bull.) Quél. on healthy tree Jungle) anticoagulant. A. auricula is boiled in a liquid to treat inflammation of the throat and for eye irritation, tooth pain and in cough 3. Coprinellus Psathyrellaceae Saprobic, in group, DDUNP 19/8/11 Sahjanwan Bhuj Antimicrobial micaceus (Bull.) on humus rich soil L237 (Barahua) Vilgalys 4. Coprinopsis Psathyrellaceae Saprobic, on rotting DDUNP 26/9/11 Campierganj Bhar, Tharu Antitumour, atramentaria tree stump in group L238 (Campierganj antifungal (Bull.) Redhead, Jungle) 5. Coprinus Coprinaceae Saprobic, in group DDUNP 7/7/12 Sahjanwan Bhar, Antifungal,cholestero comatus (O.F. on manure L231 (Jaitpur) Kewat, local l-lowering effect and Müll.) Pers. villagers curing skin diseases

6. Coprinus Coprinaceae Saprobic on rotting DDUNP 23/9/11 Sadar Bhuj, Tharu Antitumour disseminatus tree branch, in group L232 (Kushmi (Pers.) Gray Jungle) 7. Daldinia Xylariaceae Saprobic, in group, DDUNP 29/8/11 Khajni Bhar, Used to treat itchiness concentrica on decaying wood L158 (Rudrapur) Kewat, of skin and to cure (Bolton) Ces. & log Bhuj, Tharu wounds, to stop De Not. bleeding and in constipation 8. Fistulina Fistulinaceae Saprobic, on tree DDUNP 5/6/11 Sadar Bhar Used to cure fever hepatica trunk L160 (Kushmi (Schaeff.) Jungle) With. 9. Fomes Polyporaceae On decaying wood DDUNP 28/8/11 Campierganj Kewat Used for blood fomentarius (L.) log L185 (Campierganj coagulation Fr. Jungle) 10. Fomitopsis Fomitopsidaceae Saprobic on decaying DDUNP 5/8/12 Sahjanwan Bhar, Bhuj Used as tonic to pinicola (Sw.) tree (Mangifera L172 (Badhgahan) reduce inflammation P. Karst. indica), perennial, of digestive tract and solitary to group to stop bleeding 11. Ganoderma Ganodermataceae Parasitic on Tectona DDUNP 23/9/11 Sahjanwan Bhar, Immunomodulating applanatum grandis, from furrow, L189 (Ghaghsara) Kewat, properties, pain killer, (Pers.) Pat. in group Bhuj, local eliminates indigestion, villagers also used to cure diabetes and high blood pressure 12. Ganoderma Ganodermataceae Saprobic on dead DDUNP 6/8/12 Gola Bhar, Used to treat diabetes, lucidum (Curtis) woods of hard L190 (Sidhuapar) Kewat, dizziness, poisoning P. Karst. woods, solitary or in Bhuj, Tharu, from toxic groups of 2-3 local mushrooms. villagers (Contd.) VISHWAKARMA & TRIPATHI: ETHNOMACROFUNGAL STUDY OF GORAKHPUR DISTRICT 85

Table 1 — Wild macrofungi used by various tribes of Gorakhpur district to treat various ailments (Contd.) S. Macrofungi Family Habitat Voucher Date of Place of Ethnic group Application No. No. Collection Collection 13. Ganoderma Ganodermataceae Saprobic on decaying DDUNPL 21/10/11 Sahjanwan Bhar, Used to cure cough tsugae Murrill tree, solitary 191 (Barahua) Kewat, and cold Bhuj, Tharu, local villagers 14. Grifola frondosa Meripilaceae Saprobic on decaying DDUNPL 25/8/11 Sahjanwan Bhar, Antihyperglycemic, (Dicks.) Gray wood from tree 178 (Bankatia) Kewat, immunity booster, furrow (Tectona Bhuj, Tharu, also used to get relief grandis). local from muscle pain, villagers 15. Lenzites betulina Polyporaceae Saprobic on DDUNPL 4/4/12 Gola Bhar, Kewat Antimicrobial (L.) Fr. deadwood, in group 179 (Sidhuapar) with overlapping cluster 16. Lepiota cristata Agaricaceae Saprobic, solitary to DDUNPL 25/7/12 Sadar Bhuj Used to cure skin (Bolton) P. in group on soil 193 (Kushmi infection Kumm. Jungle) 17. Lycoperdon Lycoperdaceae Saprobic, solitary to DDUNPL 11/7/11 Sadar Kewat Used to cure stomach pyriforme in group on soil 194 (Kushmi pain and to cure Schaeff. Jungle) wound 18. Lycoperdon Lycoperdaceae Saprobic, in group, DDUNPL 7/7/12 Sahjanwan Bhuj, Tharu Used to cure wounds perlatum Pers. along road side 270 (Jaitpur) 19. Macrolepiota Agaricaceae Saprobic, solitary to DDUNPL 7/7/12 Campierganj Bhuj, Bhar Used to cure diabetes rhacodes (Vittad.) in group in lawns 195 (Campierga and high blood Singer nj Jungle) pressure 20. Morchellaceae Leaf litter DDUNPL 28/11/13 Sadar Tharu Used for health care angusticeps Peck 196 (Jangle Tinkonia) 21. Morchella Morchellaceae Leaf litter DDUNPL 15/10/11 Sadar Tharu Used for health care esculenta (L.) 197 (Kushmi Pers. Jungle) 22. Pleurotus Pleurotaceae Parasitic on DDUNPL 8/7/12 Sahjanwan Bhar, Antimicrobial, ostreatus (Jacq.) Mangifera indica, 250 (Nagwa) Kewat, hypocholesterolemic, P. Kumm. forms shelves Bhuj, Tharu, used in dysentery, local fever and asthma villagers 23. Pycnoporus Polyporaceae Saprobic on dead DDUNPL 27/3/12 Sadar Kewat Used to cure wounds, cinnabarinus wood, solitary to 184 (Jangle ear infection (Jacq.) P. Karst. group Tinkonia) treatment 24. Russula aquosa Russulaceae On humid soil DDUNPL 28/9/14 Campierganj Bhuj, Kewat Used for wound Leclair 265 (Campierga healing and also as nj Jungle) immunomodulator

25. Russula emetic Russulaceae Mycorrhizal with DDUNPL 25/8/12 Sadar Kewat Used for wound (Schaeff.) Pers. trees 162 (Kushmi healing Jungle) 26. Schizophyllum Schizophyllaceae Parasitic on DDUNPL 11/8/11 Sahjanwan Bhar, Tharu Enhance immune commune Fr. Mangifera indica 165 (Gida) system tree in group 27. Sparassis crispa Sparassidiaceae Saprobic, in group, DDUNPL 18/8/11 Sahjanwan Kewat Immunity booster (Wulfen) Fr. on decaying wood 170 (Bhilora log Khurd) (Contd.) 86 INDIAN J NAT PROD RESOUR, MARCH 2019

Table 1 — Wild macrofungi used by various tribes of Gorakhpur district to treat various ailments (Contd.) S. Macrofungi Family Habitat Voucher Date of Place of Ethnic group Application No. No. Collection Collection 28. Stereum Stereaceae Saprobic on DDUNP 9/5/13 Sahjanwan Bhar Used in wound curing hirsutum (Willd.) deadwood, L166 (Bhilora Pers. gregarious Khurd) 29. Termitomyces Lyophyllaceae Symbiotic, in DDUNP 7/7/12 Sadar Bhar, Kewat, Used as energizing heimii Natarajan association with L259 (Kushmi Bhuj, Tharu, tonic termites nest Jungle) local villagers 30. Trametes Polyporaceae Saprobic on decaying DDUNP 5/12/11 Sadar Kewat, Antiinflmmatory, gibbosa (Pers.) wood log, forming L186 (Belghat Bhuj antitumour, Fr. rosettes on top of cut Khurd) antimicrobial stump 31. Trametes hirsuta Polyporaceae Saprobic on dead DDUNP 5/7/14 Sadar Tharu Useful in curing (Wulfen) Lloyd woods, annual, L187 (Jangle wounds growing in group Tinkonia) 32. Trametes Polyporaceae Saprobic on decaying DDUNP 13/9/12 Sahjanwan Bhar, Tharu Antimicrobial versicolor (L.) wood log, forming L188 (Nagwa) Lloyd rosettes on top of cut stump 33. Volvariella Pluteaceae Saprobic, in group or DDUNP 6/7/14 Sahjanwan Bhar, Kewat Used to cure high indica M.K. scattered in garden L228 (Barahua) blood pressure Saini, N.J. Kaur & Atri 34. Volvariella Pluteaceae Saprobic, in group on DDUNP 3/9/12 Sahjanwan Bhar, Kewat Helps to lower high volvacea (Bull.) wheat straw or husk L230 (Nagwa) blood pressure Singer 35. Xylaria Xylariaceae Saprobic, scattered to DDUNP 3/7/14 Sadar Kewat, Bhuj Antimicrobial hypoxylon (L.) gregarious on rotting L159 (Gularia) Grev. wood 36. Xylaria Xylariaceae On decaying wood DDUNP 5/8/12 Sadar Tharu Used to induce polymorpha L174 (Kushmi lactation in women (Pers.) Grev. Jungle)


Plate 1 — 1.Agaricus silvaticus, 2. Auricularia auricular-judae, 3. Coprinellus micaceus, 4. Coprinopsis atramentaria, 5. Coprinus comatus, 6. Coprinus disseminatus, 7. Daldinia concentric, 8. Fistulina hepatica, 9. Fomes fomentarius, 10. Fomitopsis pinicola, 11. Ganoderma applanatum, 12. Ganoderma lucidum, 13. Ganoderma tsugae, 14. Grifola frondosa, 15. Lenzites betulina, 16. Lepiota cristata, 17. Lycoperdaceae pyriforme, 18. Lycoperdon perlatum, 19.Macrolepiota rhacodes, 20. Morchella angusticeps, 21. Morchella esculenta, 22. Pleurotus ostreatus, 23. Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, 24. Russula aquosa, 25. Russula emetic, 26. Schizophyllum commune, 27. Sparassis crispa, 28. Stereum hirsutum, 29. Termitomyces heimii, 30. Trametes gibbosa, 31. Trametes hirsuta, 32. Trametes versicolor, 33. Volvariella indica, 34. Volvariella volvacea, 35. , 36. Xylaria polymorpha

Nutritional value of macrofungi They are represented as one of the world’s Mushrooms are the oldest single cell protein (SCP) greatest untapped resources of nutrition and palatable foods of man. Mushrooms offer tremendous food of the future. Due to high amount of proteins, applications as they can be used as food and they can be used to bridge the protein malnutrition medicines besides their key ecological roles. gap. Mushrooms as functional foods are used as Mushrooms are valuable healthy foods, low in nutrient supplements to enhance immunity in the form calories, fats and essentials fatty acids and they are of tablets. Due to low starch content and low rich in vegetable proteins, vitamins and minerals44. cholesterol, they suit diabetic and heart patients45. 88 INDIAN J NAT PROD RESOUR, MARCH 2019

Vishwakarma et al.12 evaluated the nutritional value Conclusion of some edible macrofungi viz., viz. Calocybe From ethnomacrofungal knowledge collected from gambosa, Calocybe indica, Macrolepiota procera and tribals and local people it became clear that due to Tuber aestivum from Gorakhpur and stated that these scarcity of food in rural areas, a significant amount of macrofungi are rich source of protein and wild edible macrofungi are collected and consumed, carbohydrate. Protein, carbohydrate, lipid, fibre, apart from this, these macrofungi are also traded by moisture and ash ranged from 31.40-49.05%, 41.25- different group of local people as minor forest 65.00%, 0.27-1.08%, 6.41-17.97%, 54.75-76.97%, products at local market. These macrofungi were also 2.64-10.34%, respectively on dry weight basis. used to treat various ailments like cancer, diabetes, Vishwakarma et al.46 evaluated the nutritional pneumonia, wound, ear and muscle pain, various skin property of four Pleurotus species viz., P. cystidiosus, diseases, fever and also act as immunity booster. P. flabellatus, P. florida and P. ostreatus and stated Species such as Agaricus, Calocybe, Pleurotus, that P. ostreatus contains highest protein Termitomyces, Tuber, Volvariella are considered (43.70±1.77%) and fibre (18.08±1.23%) while P. highly delicious. The usage of these macrofungi both flabellatus contains highest carbohydrate commercially and domestically may be due to their appealing taste, frequent occurrence and the fact that (42.69±1.75%) and lipid (0.65±0.08%). they are easily identified by the local peoples as safe

for consumption. Medicinal value of macrofungi

Macrofungi serves as important source to cure References diseases as it act as natural product which doesn’t 1 Badola H K and Pradhan B K, Plants used in healthcare show any side effects. It can be use to cure diseases practices by Limboo tribe in South-West of from simple headache to most serious ones. It can Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, Sikkim, India, Indian control cardiovascular problems, act as good antiviral, J Tradit Know, 2013, 12(3), 355-369. 2 Joshi B and Pant S C, Ethnobotanical study of some common antibacterial, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory and plants used among the tribal communities of Kashipur, antidiabetic properties even some mushrooms Uttarakhand, India, Indian J Nat Prod Resour, 2012, contains polysaccharides, glycoproteins and 32(2), 262-266. proteoglycans which help to modulate immune 3 Lachure P S, Exploration of some medicinal Plants used by tribals from Digras region of District-Yavatmal, system and also help to inhibit tumor growth. Recent Maharashtra, India, Int J Sci Res Publ, 2012, 2(3), 1-4. research on medicinal mushrooms shows that protein- 4 Khongsai M, Saikia S P and Kayang H, Ethnomedicinal bound polysaccharides or polysaccharopeptides plants used by different tribes of Arunachal Pradesh, Indian J produced by some macrofungi are effective Tradit Know, 2011, 10(3), 541-546. 5 Wani B A, Bodha R H and Wani A H, Nutritional and immunopotentiators. It can be use as supplement for medicinal importance of mushrooms, J Med Plants Res, chemotherapy and radiotherapy of cancers and 2010, 4(24), 2598-2604. various infectious diseases even it shows antitumor 6 Sachan S K S, Patra J K and Thatoi H N, Indigenous activity47. According to Vishwakarma et al.48 knowledge of ethnic tribes for utilization of wild mushrooms as food and medicine in Similipal biosphere reserve, Odisha, macrofungi can be used as an alternative drug for India, J Agric Technol, 2013, 9(2), 403-416. diabetic treatment. It helps in controlling blood 7 Sarma T C, Sarma I and Patiri B N, Wild edible mushrooms glucose as well as to overcome various complications used by some ethnic tribes of western Assam, The Bioscan, 2010, 3, 613-625. because of it. Majority of the people believe that 8 Tanti B, Lisha G and Sarma G C, Wild edible fungal mushrooms cannot be cultivated. They trust on the resources used by ethnic tribes of Nagaland, India, Indian J fact that mushrooms can grow by the virtue of God Tradit Know, 2011, 10(3), 512-515. and no one can cultivate or grow it. They are not 9 Kumari B, Atri N S and Upadhyay R C, Culinary status and sociobiology of termitophilous and lepiotoid mushrooms of aware about mushroom farming and industrialist North West India, World J Agric Sci, 2012, 8(4), 415-420. benefit of it. Therefore awareness among people 10 Dutta A K and Acharya K, Traditional and ethno-medicinal regarding the importance of macrofungi and its knowledge of mushrooms in West Bengal, India, Asian J capitalistic effect is necessary so that they are also Pharm Clin Res, 2014, 7(4), 36-41. 11 Chauhan J, Negi A K, Rajasekaran A and Pala N A, Wild able to earn some income from it and also others can edible macro-fungi- A source of supplementary food in be able to get benefits from its nutritional and Kinnaur District, Himachal Pradesh, India, J Med Plants medicinal prospects. Stud, 2014, 2(1), 40-44. VISHWAKARMA & TRIPATHI: ETHNOMACROFUNGAL STUDY OF GORAKHPUR DISTRICT 89

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