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Full Text -.: Palaeontologia Polonica ACADEMIE POLO NAISE DES SCIENCES PALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA-No. 14, 1965 FORANIINIFERA AND BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE DANIAN AND MONTIAN IN. POLAND (OTWORNICE 1 BIOSTRATYGRAFIA DANU I MONTU POLSKl) BY KR YSTYNA POZARYSKA (WIT H 28 PLATES, 9 TEXT-PLATES AND 6 TABLES) WARSZAWA 1965 PANSTWOWE WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE REDAKTOR - RE DA CreUR ROMAN KOZLOWSKI Czlonek rzeczyw ist y Polskiej Ak ademii N auk Membre de l'Ac ademic Pol onaise des Sciences Red akt or techniczny - Red act eur techn iq ue Weronika Sipowicz Adrcs Redukcj i - A dresse de la Redact ion Institut de Paleozoologie d e \' Acadernie Polonaise des Sciences Warszawa 2.2, AI. Zwirki i Wigury N r 6 Copyright by Pan stwo we W ydawnict wo Nau kowe 1965 Printed in Poland Pun st wo we Wyuawnictwo Naukowc - Warszawa Naklad 850+ 150 egz, Ark. wyd . :!3,75 . A rkus zy druk. 9"/..+ 32 wkladki. Pap . druk, sat. kl. Ill, 61 x 86, 100So Oddano do skladania 15. V. 1964 t; Podpisano do druku 20. X . 1965 r. Druk ukonczono w listopad zie 1965 r, Drukarni u Uuiwersy tetu Jagiellonskiego w Kr ak o wie Zam. 367 /64 CONT ENTS Page Introduction . IX Acknowledgements X GENERAL PART History of investigations in Poland . .. .. .... I Geological setting of the Danian and Paleocene microfauna in Poland, the Carpat hians excluded 2 Location of outcrops and borings . 4 Zyrzyn beds - uppermost Maastrichtian .. 8 Sochaczew beds - Danian . ... 8 Pulawy beds - Lower Paleocene (Montian) . 10 Conclusions .. .. ... .. 10 Analysis of microfauna. .. .... 13 Danian and Selandian in the type region of Denmark and Sweden . 16 Danian in Denmark . 17 Selandian in Denmark . 22 Danian in Sweden 24 Selandian in Sweden 27 Danian and Montian in Belgium and the Netherlands . 28 The Mons Basin ... .. 28 The Danian »Tuffeau de Ciply«. 29 The Montian »Calcaire de MOIlS« . 30 Danian stage in Limburg region . .. 31 Danian and Montian of the Crimea. 33 Danian and Lower Paleocene in Georgia (U. S. S. R .) . 37 The so-called Danian in northern Bulgaria, Danube Basin . 42 General conclusions . ... .. ... 43 SYSTEMATIC PART Descriptions. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 Family Lituolidae Rruss, 1861 . 48 Genus Frankeina CUSHMAN & ALEXAND ER. 1929 48 Frankeina beisseli MARIE, 1941 .. 48 Family Textulariidae O'ORBIGNY, 1846 48 Genus Spiroplectammina CUSHMAN, 1927 48 Spiroplectammina baudouiniana (O'ORBIGNY, 1840) 48 Spiroplectammina suturalis (KALINlN, 1937) . .. 49 Spiroplectammina wilcoxensis CUSHMAN & PONTON, 1932 . 50 Genus Textularia DEFRANCE, 1824 . 51 Textularia plummerae arkansasana CUSHMAN, 1951 51 Family Verneuilinidae CUSHMAN, 1911 . 51 Genus Verneuilina O'ORBIGNY, 1840 . 51 Verneulllna monmouthensis OLSSON, 1960. 51 Genus Gaudryina O'ORBIGNY, 1839 . 52 Gaudryina [Tex tularia) faujasi (R E US.~, 1861) . 52 IV Page Gaudryina Cr. bulloides OLSSON. 1960 . 53 Gaudryina cr. rugose rossica BALAKHMATOVA . 1955 53 Family Va1vu1inidae CUSHMA:-I. 1927 . 5·1 Genus Clavulina O'ORBlGNY, 1826 . 54 Clavulina parisiensis D'OR8IGNY, 1826 54 Genus Marssonella CUSHMAN, 1933 55 Marssonella oxycona l REUSS, 1860) . 55 Genus Dorothia PLUMMER, 1931 . 55 Doroth ia monmouthensis OLSSON, 1960. 55 Genus A taxophragmoides BROTZEN, 1948 . 56 Ataxophragmoides fra nkei BROTZEN, 1948 56 Genus Arenobulimina CUSHMAN, 1927 56 Arenobulimina cusk leyae JENNlNGS, 1936 56 Arenobulimina mohreni BROTZEN, 1948 . 57 Arenobulimina sp. .. 58 Gen us Orbignyna HAGENOW, 1842 . 58 Orbignyna infiata (REUSS, 1850). 58 Orbignyna ovata H AGENOW, 1842 59 Orbignyna rimosa (MARSSON, 1878) 59 Genus Beisselina VOLOSHlNOVA& BALAKHMATOVA, 1959 60 Beisselina aequisgranensis (BEISSEL, 1891) . 60 Genus Plectina MARSSON, 1878 . 60 Plectlna ? convergens (KELLER. 1935) 60 Family Lagenidae CARPENTER, 1862. 61 G enus Rob ulus MONTFORT, 1808 . .. 61 Robulus bibensis (MARlE, MS) . 61 Robulus degolyeri (PLUMMER, 1926) 62 Robulus hornerstownensis O LSSON, 1960 62 Robulus klagshamnensis BROTZEN, 1948 63 Robulus pseudo-mamilligerus (PLUMMER, 1926) 63 Robulus rancocasensis O LSSON, 1960 . 64 Robulus turbinatus (PLUMMER, 1926) . 64 Robulus wilcoxensis CUSHlIIAN & PONTON, 1932 65 Robulus sp.. .. .. •. .. 66 Genus Darbyel/a HOWE & WALLACE, 1933 66 Darbyel/a irregularis POZARYSKA, 1957 . 66 Genus Planularia D EFRANCE, 1824 . 67 Planularia bzurae POZARYSKA, 1957 .. 67 Planularia discus (B ROTZEN, 1948) . 67 Planularia pulavensis POZARYSKA , 1957, emend. 1965 68 Genus Marginulina D'ORBlGNY, 1826 . 68 Marginulina costulata H OFKER, 1958. 68 Ma rginulina cf. plumtnerae CUSHMAN, 1937 69 Marginulina sp.. .. .. 70 G enus Dentalina O'ORBlGNY, 1826 . .. 70 Dentalina vistu lae POZARYSKA, 1957 . 70 Dentalina annloomisae McL EAN, 1951 . 71 Genus Nodosaria LAMARCK, 1812 . 72 Nodo saria granti PLUMMER, 1926 . 72 Genus Saracenaria DEFRANCE, 1824 . 72 Saracenaria ham ata (FRANKE, 1927) . 72 Genus Svenia BROTZEN, 1937 . .... 73 Svenia megalopolitana (REUSS, 1855) 73 G enus Pseudoglandulina CUSHMAN, 1929 73 Pseudoglandulina paral/ela (MARSSON, 1878) 73 v Page Genus Tristix M ACFADYE:-;, 1941 . 74 Tristix excavatus (REUSS, 1863) 74 G e n us L ingulina O' ORBIGNY, 1826 . 74 Lingulina naheolensis CUSHMAN , 1947 74 Lingulina? sp. .... .. ... 75 G e n u s Vaginulina O'OR8IG:-IY, 1826 75 Vaginulina ear/andi ( PLUMMER, 1926) 75 Vaginulitta gladius (PHILIPPI, 1843) 76 Vaginulina sp. .. 76 G e n us Astacolus M ONTFORT, 1808 . 77 Astaeo/us arcuatus ( PHILIPPI, 1843) 77 Astacolus gryi BROTZEN, 1948 77 Astacolus cf. havanensis (CUSHMAN & BERMUOEZ, 1937) 78 A stacolus paleocenicus B ROTZEN, 1948. 78 Astaeo/us cf. trigonatus (PLUMMER, 1926) 79 Genus Palmula LEA, 1833 .... 79 Pa/mu /a elliptica (NILSSON, 1827) 79 Pa/mu/a robust a BROTZEN, 1948 . 80 G enus Citharina O' O RBIGNY, 1839 81 Citharina p /umoides (PLUMMER, 1926) 81 Cit harina sp. .. .. 81 G e n us Frondieularia D EFRANCE, 1826 . 82 Frondieularia biformis MARSSON, 1878 82 F amily Polymorphinidae O'ORBlGNY, 1846 . 83 G e n us Guttulina O' ORBIGNY, 1839 . .. 83 Guttulina communis O' ORBlGNY, 1826 . 83 Guttulina hantkeni CUSHMAN & O ZAWA, 1930. 83 Gutt ulina muensteri (REUSS, 1856) . 84 Gut tulina problema O'ORBIGNY, 1826 84 Guttulina roem eri (REUSS, 1856) . 85 G enus G/obulina O' ORBIGNY, 1839 . 85 G/obulina arenaeea BROTZEN, 1948 85 G/obulina gibba O' O RBlGNY, 1826 . 8f> Gen u s Pyrulina O' ORBIGNY, 1839 86 Pyrulina fu siformis (R OEMER, 1838) 86 Genus Pseudopolymorphina C USHMAN & OZAWA, 1928 87 Pseudopolymorphina frondea (C USHMAN, 1922) .. 87 Pseudopoly mo rphina geijeri angusta BROTZEN, 1948 88 Pseudopolymorphina paleocenica BROTZEN, 1948. 88 G e n us Sigmomorph ina CUSHMAN &O ZAWA, 1928 . 89 Sigmomorphina brotzeni H OFKER, 1957 . 89 Sigmomorphina pseudoregularis CUSHM AN & T HOMAS, 1930 89 Sigmom orphina soluta BROTZEN , 1948 90 G e n u s Bullopora Q UENSTEDT, 1856 . 90 Bullopora sp . .. .... 90 Genus G/andulina O' ORB IGNY, 1839 91 G/andulina laevlgata (O' O RnIGNY, 1826) 91 Genu s Ramulina l ONES, 1875 . 9\ Ram ulina sp. .. ... 91 Fam ily MilioJidae O' O RBIGNY, 1839 . 92 Genus Quinque/oeulina O'ORBIGNY, 1826 92 Quinqu eloculina s p .... .. .. 92 Family H eterohel ic id a e C USHMAN, 1927 .. 92 Genus Chiloguembelina LOEBLICH& T APPAN, 1956 92 Chilogu embelina wilcoxensis (CUSHMAN & PO NTON, 1932) . 92 vr Page Family Nonion idae SCHULTZE. 1854 . 93 Genus Pullenia PARKER & lONES, 1862 . 93 Pullenia americana paleocenica BROTZEN, 1948, emend. POZARYSKA, 1965 . 93 Genus Nonion MONTFORT, 1808 . .. 93 Nonion graniferum (T ERQUEM, 1882) . 93 Genus Nonionella CUSHMAN, 1926 . 94 Nonionella ovata BROTZEN, 1948 . 94 Noni onella troostae troostae HOFKER, 1962 . 95 Family Cymbaloporidae CUSHMAN, 1927 . 95 Genus Cymbalopora HAGENOW, 1851 . 95 Cymbalopora sp. .. 95 Fa mily Buliminidae lONES, 1876 . 96 Genus Buliminella CUSHMAN, 1911 % Buliminella parvula BROTZEN, 1948 96 Genus Loxostomum EHRENBERG, 1854, emend. HOWE. 1930 96 Loxostomum applinae (PLUMMER, 1926) 96 Loxostomum deadericki CUSHMAN, 1947 97 Genus Bulimina O'ORBIGNY, 1826 . 98 Bulimina ovata O'ORBIGNY, 1846 .. 98 Bulimina paleocenica BROTZEN, 1948 . 98 Genus Pyramidina BROTZEN, 1940 . 99 Pyramidina crassa BROTZEN, 1948 . 99 Genus Angulogerina CUSHMAN, 1927 . 99 Angulogerina cuneata BROTZEN, 1948 99 Fa mily Bolivinitidae CUSHMAN, 1927 (nom. trans!. N. BYKOVA, 1959, ex Bol ivinitinae C USHMAN, 1927) 100 Genus Bolivinoides CUSHMAN, 1926 100 Bolivinoides polonica POZARYSKA, 1954. 100 Bolivinoides vistulae POZARYSKA, 1954 101 Genus Bollvinita CUSHMAN, 1927 . )01 Bolivinita oedumi (BROTZEN, 1948) 101 Genus Tappanina MONTANARo-GALLlTELLI, 1955 . 102 Tappanina selmensis (C USHMAN. 1933) 102 Genus Bolivinitella M ARI E, 1941 .. 102 Bolivinitella eleyi (CUSHMAN, 1927) . 102 Genus Bolivina D'ORBIGNY, 1839 . 103 Bolivina subincrassata CHALILOV, 1956 . 103 Family Discorbidae CUSHMAN, 1927 (nom. transl, GLAESSNER. 1945, ex Discorbisinae CUSHM AN, 1927) . 104 Genus Discorbis LAMARCK, 1804. .. 104 Discorbis limbata (TERQUEM, 1882) 104 Disco rbis ubiqua LE CALVEz, 1949 104 Genus Rosalina O'ORBIGNY, 1826 . 105 Rosalina crenulata HOFKER, 1962 . 105 Genus Conorbina BROTZEN, 1936 105 Conorbina 'l sp. or Ne oconorbina sp .. 105 Ge nus Valvulineria CUSHMAN, 1926. 106 Valvulinerla ravni BROTZEN, 1948 .. 106 Genus Globorotalites BROTZEN, 1942 .. 106 Globorotalites cf. lobata BROTZEN. 1948 106 Genus Gyroidinoides BROTZEN, 1942 . .. 107 Gyroidinoides octocamerata CUSHMAN& H Al-i NA. 1927 107 Gyroidinoides pon toni BROTZEN, 1948 . 108 Gyroidin oides subangulata (PLUMMER. 1926) . 108 Ge nus Eponides MONTFORT, 1808 . 109 Eponides frankei BROTZEN. 1940 . 109 VII Page Eponides lunutu BRorZEN. 1948 . 110 Eponides toulmiui BROTZEN, 1948 110 Family Siphoninid ae
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