T HE Harvard Semitic Series will consist of occasional volumes in the field of Semitic exploration, philology, literature, history, and religion. Volumes I and II, which are now in preparation, will give the results of the ex- plorations carried on at Samaria in the years 90o8-1910. The present volume by Dr. Hussey comprises those cuneiform tablets belonging to the Harvard Semitic Museum which come from the reigns of the Sumerian rulers Lugalanda and Urukagina. While Sumerian is not a Semitic tongue, its relations to Babylonian and Assyrian are so intimate that the inclusion of a Sumerian volume in a Semitic series will be considered as a matter of course by workers in this field. The tablets here published were acquired by the Museum in the years I903 and I904, from two New York dealers. The cost of the publication of this volume has been met by the generosity of the Hon. Jacob H. Schiff, founder and patron of the Semitic Museum. The SUMERIAN TABLETS may be ordered from the Harvard PublicationAgent, Cambridge, Mass., or from the 7. C Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig, Germany. The price is $ 5.00 or 20 Marks, postage prepaid.

CONTENTS. Page Editorial Note ...... Contents . ... · ·. ·...... VII Abbreviations ...... VII ...... VIII Introduction ...... ~...... I--II Register of Tablets ...... 12-13 Index of Names of Persons ...... 14-36 Texts ...... Plates '-75 Photographic Reproductions .... Plates 76-81 ABBREVIATIONS. Br. .. Briinnow, R. E., A Classified List, etc. Leyden, I889. DP. ... La Fuye, Allotte de, Documents Presargoniques, Fasc. I. Part i, Paris, I908, Part 2, Paris, I909. Nik. Doc. Nikolski, M. V., Documents of Agronomic Reports, etc., St. Petersburg, I908 (in Russian). REC. . .Thureau-Dangin,Fr.,Recherchessurl'Originede1'rEcriture Cuneiforme, Paris, I898, Supplement, I899. RTC. . .Thureau-Dangin, Fr., Recueil de Tablettes Chaldeennes, Paris, 1903. TSA. . Genouillac, H. de, Tablettes Sumeriennes Archaiques, etc., Paris, I909. INTRODUCTION.

The tablets published in this volume are for the most part accounts of the palace and temple expenses for various months from the fifth year of Lugalanda to the seventh year of Urukagina. 1 The provenance of most of them is assured by the mention of Lagash in the date formula, or, where this is lacking, by their similarity to tablets known to have come from that place. Of No. I probably only about one half of the obverse has been preserved, and the reverse is entirely broken away except the remains of the column lines discernible at the bottom. A line is drawn across the upper margin, thus separating the obverse from the reverse. This tablet contains a list of proper names, and is to be classed palaeographically with Nos. 9-15 of the first series of Thureau-Dangin's Recueil de Tablettes Chaldeennes. He has pointed out in his introduction that the frequent use in those tablets of the name of the god of Sunrppak as an element in proper names is an indication that they may have come from Surzuppak. For the same reason this tablet may also be supposed to have come from that place. Nos. 2-4 are general statements of monthly expenses. No. 41 is a list of offerings to the gods. Nos. 42-52 are of heterogeneous character and have therefore been placed together. The rest of the tablets belong to groups, or series, designated by the Sumerian scribes as follows: se- lu-suku(-ku) ba: Nos. 3--3. dub igi-dub: No. 14. se-ba igi-nu-dzasag-dub-hal: Nos. 15-16. se-ba igi-nu-du il sag-dub-hal: Nos. 17-IS. se-ba e-kid-a: No. 19. se-ba gim-tur dBa-u: No. 20-23. se-ba gimn-tur il igi-nu-du sag-dub-hal: No. 24. se-ba l&-tur-tur-la-ne: Nos. 25-27. zid su-ha fi-rum dBa-z': No. 28. se-ba si-ha ab-ba: No. 29. se-nig ds-nig- sd-df(g) itu-da: Nos. 30-36. se kit-a gud udu: No. 37. gan suku ki-a: Nos. 38, 40. gan u-rum dBa-u: No. 39.

Publications of other tablets from this period are as follows: Recueil de Tablettes Chaldkennes, by Fr. THUREAU-DANGIN, 1903. Documents Presargoni4ues, by ALLOTTE DE LA FUYE, Fasc. I, Part i, I908, Part 2, 1909. Tablettes Sumeriennes Archaiques, by H. DE GENOUILLAC, 1909. Documents of Agronomic Reports of the Oldest Epoch of Chaldea from the Collection of N. P. Li- khachev, by M. V. NIKOLSKI, 1908 (in Russian). Oldest Bulls and Seals of Shirpurla, by N. P. LIKHACHEV in "Memoirs of the Classical Division of the Imperial Archaeological Society". Tome IV, I907 (in Russian). The Amherst Tablets, by T. G. PINCHES, Part I, 1908. Hussey. I 2 INTRODUCTION.

Copies of the tablets correspond in size to the originals. Shading indicates some defacement of the tablet, either by an injury received while the clay was still soft or by a break that has occurred afterwards. An attempt has been made faithfully to reproduce the original text, but I am aware that, in cases in which the scribes allowed themselves considerable latitude in the number of minute parallel wedges in a given sign, I have not at all times re- produced the exact number. In no case, however, have I exceeded the limits of variation which the scribes allowed themselves, and rarely will the deviation from the original exceed one wedge: e. g. in the signs lit and la the number of perpendicular wedges on the tablet varies from three to seven or eight, while in the signs da and su there are occasionally as many as nine horizontal wedges. Characters. The number of signs which occur here for the first time is not large.' t- (i Ob. II), 4l (I Ob. III), ~J (42 Ob. I 1), are unknown to me. AX (45 Ob.I2) occurs in Nik. Doc. 241 Ob. I'. The first of these new signs (I Ob. I') suggests Br. 949. Only a part of the third sign (42 Ob. II) is to be seen in the photographic reproduction (Plate 77), because the tablet crumbled somewhat after it was copied but before it was photographed. The form of the following signs is more archaic than any with which I am acquainted: ^-4^ (I Ob. IV2) may be an older form of REC. 8, or it might be Ses-mu. J (I Ob. VII ) is a heightened form of nam. For the usual form see I Ob. VI 2. ^ (I Ob. VI3) is similar to REC. 24. ~- (I Ob. V2) may be compared with REC. 45 or REC. 4642, but identification with either would be precarious.

P^if (I Ob. III 3, VI 5, VII ) -- REC. I 14. >-^> (I Ob. 14) == REC. 210o. 1~ (I Ob. VI3)== REC. 341. ift^ (I Ob. V4), perhaps dub + udu + udu.

Numerical Notation. Previous investigators have called attention to the fact that, although at this period numerals are usually written in curvilinear characters, they are occasionally written in cuneiform. In other words, numerals are commonly written with the circular end of the stylus, but sometimes with the square or trapezoidal end. They also agree that the numerical value of a character re- mains the same in whichever way it is written. The following facts in regard to the use of the curvilinear and the cuneiform notations3 in these tablets have been noted.

· The numbering of the columns in this volume follows the order of the text rather than the consecutive order of the columns on the tablet, i. e., the numbering is from left to right on the obverse, from right to left on the reverse until the completion of the detailed portion and the sum- mary, then the sum total which begins at the top of the left hand column of the reverse and con- tinues toward the right, if one column is not sufficient. 2 See also the last sign of Ob. line i in the E. A. HOFFMANN COLLECTION, No. i o6, which is regarded by RADAU in his Early Babylonian History p. 428 as a variant of REC. 464. The same sign occurs on tablet 6 Obv. 7 of the Drehem tablets in the Cleveland Public Library, which I ex- pect to publish in the Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 33. 3 For discussions of this subject see DE LA FuYE in Revue d'Assyriologie, t. 7, PP. 41-47, and in Journal Asiatique, Ser. io, t. 13 (1909), pp. 241-244; DE GENOUILLAC in TSA., pp. LXX-LXXI; NIKOLSKI in Doc., pp. 12, i6, i8; THUREAU-DANGIN in REC. pp. 22, 88-90. INTRODUCTION. 3

There are a number of tabletst in which all the numerals are written in the curvilinear system with the exception of a) The number of the year2, or b) The number of the year and the number of the payment of wages or the distribution3 of grain. These are always written in cuneiform. Furthermore, the cuneiform is always used in writing the number of qa4 , in giving the age of an animals, or in stating that a second6 or third7 payment has been made. It is regularly employed in writing the number of asses, sheep, goats, oxen, or dun in accounts which give the allotment of food for domestic animals 8 The use of the double form of notation in the instances mentioned above may perhaps be sufficiently explained by the fact that the differentiation which the two systems afford greatly facilitates the reading. But that differentiation for the sake of greater ease in reading was not the only purpose served by the cuneiform notation is shown by a careful scrutiny of the methods of book-keeping employed. For the sake of clearness we will designate the totals that occur in the detailed portion of the account' as detailed totals; the totals which give a classification of the detailed portion upon the basis of sex, wages, adult or minor age, as the summary9; and the totals giving the number of persons and quantity of grain as the sum total 0. The use of the cuneiform system in those monthly accounts" in which both forms of notation12 are employed is as follows:

I Nos. 5, 6, 7, 17, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52. 2 It is generally admitted that the horizontal wedge crossed by one or more oblique wedges at the end of the tablet indicates the year of the reign of the patesi or king. See JournalAsiatique, Ser. 0o, t. 6 (I905), p. 552; Revue daAssyriologie, t. 6, p. 1o7; Hilprecht Anniversary Volume, p. 122, note 3; Nik. Doc., p. 6; KING, A History of and , p. i69. 3 Written ba-an and nig-an respectively. The suggestion of NIKOLSKI, Doc., p. 12, that they correspond to the months can scarcely be verified in the form in which he makes it. 0 2 4 Nos. 30 Ob. 19, II ' 3, IV7' 8, V . 3 4 1 32 Ob. 19, Rev. 113 I 33 Ob. IV'1 2 1 35 Ob. III' 6, 8 [Rev. 1 2 1 2 V' 2] 36 Ob. II ' 79 Rev. V . The word qa is never left unexpressed in these documents. DE LA FUYE has demonstrated that the gur sag-gal contained 144 qa (see Revue d'Assyriologie, t. 7, pp. 36-40, andJournalAsiatifue, Ioe Ser., t. 13, pp. 238-24i). To the examples which he enumerates may be added Nos. 30, 35, and 36 of our texts. For the number of qa written in the curvilinear notation see Nik. Doc. 26I, discussed by DE LA FUYE in Revue d'Assyriologie, t. 7, p. 39. 5 As mu 2, mu 3; see No. 31 Ob. VII '9 10, Rev. 13 1 32 Rev. 14,5.8, etc. 6 As 2 kam-ma; see I5 Ob. III7 17 Ob. IV'I 4.6 Rev. IV2 , 6 f I8 Ob. III'° I 20 Ob. VIX 16 4 12 18 6 ' 21 Ob. II5.9, VI , VIII j 22 Ob. II8, , VII", IX4 232 Ob. III12,5, VI , VII , IX12, Rev. I12, III 0 25 Ob. I4 26 Ob. 14 I 27 Ob. I4 40 Ob. II18, Rev. III6. 7 As 3 kam-ma, 22 Ob. VII 5. 8 See Nos. 30-36. 9 The column giving the summary begins with su-nigin and follows the detailed portion after an intervening space, if possible. O g/,-an-su is hardly to be translated with DE GENOUILLAC (TSA., I I Rev. VI p. 33, sq.) "En tout, (par) le dieu Su!". su = ana (Br. 7072): gMz= napharu (Br. 3220 and MEISSNER Seltene Assyrische Ideogrammle, 2033): an is perhaps to be compared with its use in the following cases; a-dun-an, 21 Rev. V' 15 [dim-g]az-an, 22 Rev. 116I du-a-tar-an, 26 Rev. I14 lul-an, 25 Ob. VII4, 26 Rev. 113 nita-an, 17 Rev. I , I8 Ob. VII' 1 sal-an, 17 Rev. 13, 8 Rev. 119, 25 Ob. VI2, 26 Rev. II'5, 27 Rev. II2, III2 I su-i-an, 25 Ob. III6 su-i sal-an, 25 Rev. I", 26 Rev. III 8 I u-bil-an, 22 Rev. II6, or perhaps even with kam-ma-an, 40 Rev. III6 IV7, or ba-an and nig-an preceded by the numerals from one to twelve to indicate the number of the payment. The latter is found at the end of most of the monthly accounts. I Namely, Nos. 8, 9, o1, II, 12, 13, 15, i6, I8,21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 30-36. 12 In the following verifications the correctness of the numbers that have been supplied is assured either by the detailed total or by comparison with a similar account. Arabic numerals have been used for the transliteration of the curvilinear, and Arabic numerals followed by a obelus for the cuneiform. I* 4 INTRODUCTION.

I) When both forms are employed in the detailed portion, in the summary, and in the sum total, the numbers in the summary and in the sum total are the sums of those numbers written respectively in each form of notation in the detailed portion of the account.

No. o1 Detail Summary Sum total [2t] Rev. VII' I t person Rev. IV3 L4t Rev. VI' It at [4] Rev. VII 2 2 t gur No. 12 Ob. IO, VITO Rev. 13- 7' 9, I" 13 1 Rev. 112, 4. 6, 8 Rev. IIs1 9 Rev. VI 22t persons I 2 Rev. V 61t at 2 Ob. VI - Rev. V 3 at 4- Rev. VI2 9gt gur 4 24 4 24 4 Ob. Vs, I2 Ob. VI' t Rev. V4 3t at I

No. 13 Ob. 19, VI9 Rev. I[]. 5, 7, 9. I2 it2 = Rev. V' 13t at t Rev. III, 3' 5. 7 4 t Rev. III5 9 Rev. VI' 22t persons I 2 2 Ob. VI8 = Rev. V 6t at 2 Rev. VI 2 9 t gur 4 24 4 24 I Ob. V7 To*,[I31 I == Rev. V4 3t at 44t 4

No. 23 Rev. VII o 3 t -Rev. IX9 24 Rev. VIII8 3 t [2]t at Rev. X 4t persons 24 I Rev. VIII9 2t at 2 - Rev. IX5 2t at 2- J Rev. X2 t 44 gur 24

No. 26 Ob. Is9 t omitted in Rev. IV'I Rev. V' 2t persons 4 Rev. II 2 t - Rev. IV' It at - Rev. V2 4t gur 4 4 4 2) When the cuneiform is used in the detailed portion and in the summary but not in the sum total, the cuneiform of the summary corresponds to the cuneiform of the detailed portion, and the sum total, which is written in curvilinear, is the sum of those numbers written in curvi- linear alone, the cuneiform being entirely omitted, as in Nos. 8 and I6.

No. 8 Detail Detailed Summary Detailed Total Summary Sum Total - Rev. V' i t at - - Rev. VI - 2 Rev. III6 t 4 omitted No. I6

Ob. VII3 4-t - Ob. VII2 It at 4 = Ob. VII 13 4 t 24 Rev. V14 It at 4 Ob. VIII8 1 4 - Rev. VII'-2 t Rev. III 2t at 4 = Rev. VIs 2t at 4 Ob. V119 24 Rev.4 24 I omitted -- Rev. IV'I Tt t I 6 Rev. VI 9 It at[2at Rev. I t = Rev. III" It at 4 rrvr· r- rl ~ 241 4 i _ _ _ __ INTRODUCTION. 5

An exception occurs in No. 34 Ob. II7-V's, Rev. V 2, where the quantity of wheat (as) used in the preparation of certain drinks is the sum of the numbers written in both forms.

__4~ i^~24

Ob. 117 9 4 8 i It 2t III' 5S 2 3t 2t 12 5 '3 3 2 IVy 3 2 2 V 1 I 4 3 10 4 I 2 4 6 7 2 I 7 I I 10 I

12 I I2 2

41 18 i 18I= 46' Rev. V 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~4

The curvilinear and cuneiform are added together in the detailed total in No. I Ob. IV I4, but the cuneiform is omitted from the final sum total. 3) Both forms of notation may be used in the detailed portion, in the summary, and in the sum total which gives the number of persons, but the cuneiform may be omitted in the sum total which gives the quantity of grain, in which case the grain total is the sum of the numbers written in curvilinear alone, as is illustrated by the following table. No. 9 Detail Detailed total Summary Sum total Rev. IV ' t Rev. V I t at 2 Rev. VII' I t person. 4 _= Cuneiform omitted from grain total in Rev. VII2 No. 15 Ob. VI'6 4 t 24 6 Ob. VII -7 Rev. V4 It at '1 4 4 Ob. VIII3 t Rev. VI" 41 persons. 24 I 6 2t = Rev. IIJ, ] - Rev. Vs at 24 = Cuneiform omitted from grain Ob. VIII4 4 t 24 I Rev. III, 6 Rev. V9 t at 4 total in Rev. VI12 Ob. VIII '3 4t1 24 ) No. I8 2 8 Ob. VII I [- t = Ob. VIIII' '3 = Rev. VI It at 3 Rev. VII' I t person. Cuneiform omitted from grain total in Rev. VII2 In accounts which give the allotment of food for domestic animals' there is need of only

I In this series (se-nig as-nig) 30 days are to be reckoned to the month, except in No. 32 Rev. I0--III6, in computing the food for the dun-gisgi. Here 32 /2 seems to be required, but in Ob. II3-6 only 30 (!). 6 INTRODUCTION. one total, namely the grain total. Numbers written in cuneiform may be omitted from this total, as in Nos. 34, 35 and 36.

Verification of barley (se) used in No. 34.

I _ qa 4 24 ---`-- - ~-"'- --_ 1 1 1 t11 ~ 1 _ _ _ _ -

Ob. I10 ...... I7 2 II . . . . . I II5 ...... 5 2 3 23 5 3 =- 24 7- 2 grain for asses - I --- I I I I

Ob. II9 5 2 II1 4 7 2 III 3 2 2 3 2 III 2 2 8 111 3 III 8 I I111 4 3 III ,o 4 3 2 2 1 IV 3 2 2 IV 2 2 6 IV I I IV7 I I 5 8 IV I 5 IV9 I I IV I 2 [3] 5 V9 I I . . | . .~ I I I 40 25 32 6 == 47 23 grain for prepa- I ration of drinks I Ob. VI4 ...... 4 2 3 VI7 . . . . . 3 I 3 1 VI o ...... 4 2 Rev. I ...... 7 T 1o. IIO ...... I I 10 I I II" ...... 6 I III 7 9, I, i3, 15 IV3

5 27 37 4 3 grain for the sheep, etc. o09 4- 3 =- Rev. V 4 24

In making this calculation the cuneiform in Rev. III4, i. e. 7+t t 2t gur, has been omitted. INTRODUCTION. 7

Since Nos. 35 and 36 are entirely similar, the one may be used to supplement the other. Without giving a complete verification, it is to be noted that the following numbers written in cuneiform have been omitted from the total: No. 35 No. 36 Rev. I' . . . 6t 3t . . . Rev. I8

6 I9 . . . . Io I1 III ' . . . 8 . .. III 4

III 4 6, 8. I, 1 I2 '5 . . III7, 9,I, 3, 5S 4) When both forms are used in the detailed portion, the cuneiform may be omitted from both the summary and the sum total. In this case the totals are the sum of the numbers written in the curvilinear characters in the detailed portion, those written in cuneiform not being counted at all. Cuneiform omitted in No. 14 Detail Summary Sum total

Ob. III 3t at 4 + JJ III6, no sum total being given

No. 21 8 T 2 Rev. VI4 23 t Rev. VII - Rev. VIII - No. 24

Rev. II" It at 3 Rev. IV s.5o Rev. VII-2 ' Rev. II 2 2t at 2 24 5) Unmistakable signs of erasure show that numbers originally written in cuneiform have been erased and replaced by numbers written in curvilinear. Erasure of the cuneiform and substitution of the curvilinear are found in No. Ii Ob. I%", 2 s III IO II, 3, I4. I6,17 IV3" II, V 3. 5, 6, 8 VI ' 2, 3, 6, 7, VII. 9, Rev. I2 6, I'7. 12 No. 30 Ob. 113' 6, 7, 8, 9, 13. 14 III, 6 IV6, 8, 9, I , I3, V3- 4, 5. 7, VII 2, 8. 9. I VII4 5' 8. I, Rev. 1 I5. 8, II3- 5s 8. Io, , III3. 6. 7. I, 12, IVI 2

No. 34 Ob. 117, III3. 4, 12, I3 IVI, 6, 7, 8, 9, IO, II. 12, V9, VI4 7, Rev. I10' 13, III9, 11, 13, IV 3. For the verification of No. 34 see page 5. 6) In the fourteen pay rolls just considered wages are written in cuneiform 72 times, and in curvi- linear 2985 times, i. e., the proportion of the cuneiform to the curvilinear in these tablets is ablout I :40.' XThe uses of the cuneiform and curvilinear notations may be tabulated thus:

Detailed Portion Detailed Total Summary Sum Total

I cuneiform and curvi- cuneiform and curvi- cuneiform and curvi- cuneiform and curvi- linear differentiated linear differentiated linear differentiated linear differentiated

2 cuneiform omitted (note exception)

3 cuneiform and curvi- linear differentiated in the sum total of per- sons, but omitted from the grain total 4 cuneiform may be cuneiform omitted cuneiform omitted omitted 8 INTRODUCTION.

These facts may be briefly summarised as follows. In accounts in which both notations are used in the detailed portion, the cuneiform could either be noted separately or entirely omitted from the detailed total, from the summary, or from the sum total, or any combination of omission and retention of the cuneiform seems to have been allowable. Its use was restricted, and it was therefore reserved for exceptional cases. In monthly accounts of expense the totals may be expected to represent the amount of disbursement, and amounts that are either not included in the total, or, if included, differentiated from the main total, may very well represent the amounts which for one reason or another were not paid out'. The suggestion that wages which were due but unpaid were written in cuneiform and that wages actually paid were written in curvilinear characters may receive some further support from the following consideration. In the tablets published in this volume it is stated some thirty times (see p. 3) that a payment is made twice, and once a payment is made three times. If some monthly accounts show by the writing of the wage in cuneiform that persons have not been paid at all, and others show that the same persons have been paid twice, is it not possible that the latter is a payment of arrears? At present it is impossible to give adequate proof that this is the case. For this it would be necessary to have accounts for consecutive months of successive years. The following table illustrates what is actually found. In Nos. I and 3 the double payment precedes the wages written in cuneiform, and in No. 2 the double payment follows the cuneiform, but is separated from it by so long an interval that no necessary connection between the two can be established until the publication of other accounts fills in these intervals. Cuneiform 2 Kam-ma I) Mu-ni, sag-engar U. 5, 7 ba-an (Nik. 20 Ob. VIO) U. 4, Io ba-an (DP. 117 Ob. V ") 2) t-ta-e, gab-ra-mas' [U.] I, 6 ba-an (No. I6 Rev. I6) U. 3, IO ba-an (No. 17 Rev. IV2) U. 5,3 ba-an (DP. 114 Col. 12 4-15) U. 4, 4 ba-an (TSA. 14 Rev. III4) U. 4, 7 ba-an (TSA. 15 Rev. IV5) 3) Lugal--mu, gab-rim U. 5, 3 ba-an (DP. I 14 Col. 14 ) U. 3, Io ba-an (No. 17 Rev. IV 16)

Clerical Errors. The accurate and analytic method with which accounts were kept is astonishing. Never- theless, errors do occur occasionally and may be listed as follows: I) nu-nu-[d]u for ig-i-nu-dzu, I7 Ob. II3. 2) 8-ta-dit-ta for t-ta-e, 17 Rev. IV'.

xIt would be futile to enter into a discussion of the possible causes of lack of payment, for they were probably manifold. The death of a number of persons with whose names we have grown familiar (such as Lugal-da-nu-me-a, Lugal-dingir-mu, A-bad-mu, Zugal-nanga-ra-nd, E-namn, Ud-ni-kus, etc.) is recorded in DP. 138, Nik. Doc. 7, and 14. But cases in which wages of the same person are written in cuneiform in one year and at a later period in curvilinear show that lack of payment must sometimes be attributed to other causes than death, e. g., Wages in Curvilinear Wages in Cuneiform Bdsar No. 22 Rev. IV 4 = U. 5 TSA. II Rev. II 3 = U. 3 No. 23 Rev. VII 4 = U. 6 2 9 Baazimu, No. 22 Rev. V = U. 5 TSA. 11 Rev. II'9 = U. 3 No. 23 Rev. VII" =U. 6 9 Damamu, TSA. 12 Rev. IV16 U. 5 TSA. II Rev. II'7 = U. 3 Etae, No. 17 Rev. III20, 1V' = U. 3 No. I5 Ob. VIII 3= U pat. (gabramas') 9 Ezinuamamu, No. 22 Rev. IV' 8 = U. 5 TSA. i Rev. III8 = U 3 2 Payments are frequently made in advance in the Orient today. INTRODUCTION. 9

3) A-na for Za-na, 21 Ob. V". 4) dMu-mun for dSes-mu, 37 Rev. I 2. 5) Nin-da-nu-ine-me for Nin-da-nu-me-a, 22 Ob. IX6. 6) In No. ii the detailed total in Ob. VI 5, viz., 2 is a mistake for 2. In line 14 both 4 24 4 numerals are partly broken away, i. e. the number of men and their rate of wage, [ ] 4. The latter is determined by consulting the summary (Rev. V), which calls for men at three different rates of wage, namely 2 24, and . The rate of wage in line 14 must be therefore 2- . 46 ) 4 ~24 4 424 The number of men enumerated in the summary who receive this wage is seven. Ob.V 6 mentions one man at this wage, therefore the numeral in line 14 must have been six, since this rate is given in no other line on the tablet. line I3) I x - 4 4 + 24 4 24 line i4) 64x + -I-'2 4 24 I 8 2 2 2 4 24 4 The sum total of I I74 is obtained by adding together the various detailed totals, if this cor- rection is made. 7) In No. 12 Ob. V2 the scribe has written 2 gztr instead of i, i. e., the barley for 4 men at gur. This is simply an error in writing down the detailed total, since a verification of the whole account shows the summary and the sum total to be correct. 8) In No. 19 two scribal errors occur: a) in Ob. II3 where instead of 3 gur there should be only 3 gzur, and b) in Ob. V2 there should be I 4 instead3 of i . A verification of the summary and sum total4 show that these are scribal errors and not errors of calculation. 9) In No. 21 the detailed total in Ob. VI6 -10 enumerates i s'a(g)-dlu(g)-nfita and 2 sa(g)- du(g)-sal, whereas in the portion of which this is the detailed total (Ob. V5-VI4) no dumu nita is mentioned. A comparison of Ob. V 5-VI4 with DP. II2 Ob. IVI8-VI 6 shows the error

See No. 37 Ob. II, III6, IV3, VO, Rev II4. 2 8 x (- + 344T - +2 + I6-; 4\( 324- 4 24 I X (. + 2_) I + 2

9 18 4 24 3

3 2 x- + - +± 3 4 + 24/ 4 + 24 1 2 4 4 I 4 Verification of Summary of No. 24 4 Verification of Summary of No. I9

Men Women 2 I 2 I 4 4 3 2 4 4 24 4 24 24 24 24

Ii . Ob. III 2 io . . Ob.I' 2.. Ob I 2 I . Ob. IV3 i . . Ob. IV I . Ob. IV' i . Ob. IV 6 6 I 12 . . . . . II .... 6 i.... . V3 i .... V7 I . . Rev. 15 7 II . . . . 7 8 .... III 2 .. ... i . . Rev. 1 2 I ... .IV9 I ..... I .... II5 4 .5... I.... II 3 6 .. . . . 7 I ... . II 1 . . . IV 2 . .. . V 2 ... IV"1 _ 35 44 II 3 12 2 I Hussey. 2 10 INTRODUCTION.

1 to be in No. 21 Ob. V 9, where dumu-sal has been written instead of dunm-nita. To obtain' a sum total of 33 sa(g)-du(g)-nita (Rev. VIIs) line 19 must be counted in accordance with the above correction. IO) In No. 22 there seem to be three mistakes: a) in Ob. VI '3 is an error for 24-if the 24 24 detailed total in VI' 8 is correct; b) Ob. VIi6 calls for dumu-sal in the detailed total of VI 19 instead of dumu-nita; c) in Rev. I" we should expect 7 sa(g)-du(g)-sal instead of 4 (cf. Ob. VIII', 1 , IX I, Rev. I2 5). However, 6 seems to have been the number actually employed in the calculation of the detailed total in Rev. I" (!). II) In the summary of No. 24 Rev. IV2 the scribe wrote 8i instead of 93 men at - gur. 4 That this is merely a scribal error and not one of calculation is shown by counting the number 2 of men who received gur , and by the fact that 93 must have been the number actually employed in making up the sum total of persons and of barley in Rev. VI1- 2.

(Note 4, p. 9 continued.) Verification of Sum Total. Detailed Totals - -- ------ I I I 4 24

Ob. 14 ...... 4 I 2 I8 ...... 4 4 II3 corrected from 324 3 3 4 °II...... [2 2] 2 II14 ...... 5 3 III6 ...... 6 II8 ...... [5 2] IV ...... 3 IV3 ...... 4 IV5...... 4 6 IV ...... 2 IV9 ...... 2 2 V2 corrected from i I 24 4 V 3 ...... 4 V7 .... 4 Rev Is ...... 3 I7 . . . . 4 2 3I I3 44 -- 364 sum total in Rev. IV to thefollowing readings in No. 2 On account of the broken state of the text we call attention to the following readings in No. 21: Rev. VII9 is to be read (5xIo) LAL 3, Rev. VIII' = (3 x 6o) + (5 x o) LAL 3, Rev. VII 2 (3 X io) LAL (I + + ).

2 12. Ob. II 5 II17 4 . . III'8 I5 . . 4 2 . III' 2 . . IV3 6 . 3 I IV. 12 3. I22 9 I 4 I 5. . . I. 3. 5 2 10 3. · . II4 2 . 9 I. Rev. II i IO [2] I . I I . 14 [1] 13 I. Rev. I " 93 INTRODUCTION. II

I2) In No. 29 Ob. 13 3' is written in the detailed total instead of 3-. The sum total of 4 I I gur in Rev. II is correct. I3) 1 In No. 34 Rev. 115 a total of io gur as the monthly feeding at the rate of 4 + -44gur per ox, requires 24 oxen instead of 26 of 1. 12. That 26 is a scribal error for 24 is shown a) by a comparison with No. 35 Rev. I 6-9 and No. 36 Rev. I13-16, b) by the fact that the sum total (Rev. V') requires 24 in line 12.

Inventaire des Tablettes de Tello Tome I (1910) by FR. THUREAU-DANGIN, Tome II, Part I (1910), Part II (1911) by H. DE GENOUILLAC did not come into my hands until after the manu- script of the present volume had gone to the printer (September, 19II).

It is now a great pleasure to acknowledge my obligations to those who have made this publication possible. In the first place to the Baltimore Association for the Promotion of the University Education of Women, whose fellowship I held in the year I909-1910, and to the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, which granted me the Alice Freeman Palmer Memorial Research Fellowship for the year Iqo I-1911. During the year 909--I9I0 I worked chiefly upon tablets from the Dynasty of Ur, the publication of which I hope may not be long de- layed, and during I9I--I91I upon those composing this volume. The latter being older, it seemed proper that they should be published first. To Professor David Gordon Lyon, curator of the Harvard Semitic Museum, I am under no less obligations for allowing me to study and copy the tablets and for many other courtesies.

In the detailed total Rev. I 9 of No. 33 the numeral has been omitted. But since it was not counted in making up the sum total, its omission was probably intentional, in which case it could not be considered an error. (For the omission of numerals written in cuneiform see pp. 5-7.) The errors made in the detailed totals in accounts in which the final totals are correct, or the omission of detailed totals where they might be expected, show that the sum total was not made up from the addition of the detailed totals. REGISTER OF TABLETS.

Measurements are given in centimeters, lengthxbreadthxthickness,'the largest measurements being given. Ba-an == payment (?): gar-an = distribution (?): L. pat. =- Lugalanda patesi: U. = Urzukagina higal: U pat. = Urukagina patesi.

- -- -- __


I 3618 9.4X 13.5X2.9 2 I U. 4 r 3727 5.8x 5.9X2.7 3 2 U. 2 AMAR-A-SI(G)-GA 5 & 12 3570 7.3X 7.1X2.5 4 2 U. 5 3659 6.7X 6.7X2.5 5 3-4 U. pat. EZENV dBA- U 3653 ii.6xiI.7X2.8 6 5-6 U. pat. [EZJEN-[BU]LUG-KU dNINA 2 3568 12 XI2 X2.6 7 7-8 U. 2 [ 1I 2 3654 I2.7XI2.8X3 dN IV-GIR-SU 8 9- 0 U. r- I 3566 12.3x12.7x3 3 HL I d NINA 9 I I-I 2 U. 3 SIG dBA- U-E-A-GAR-RA-A 3 3620 I2.2 XI 2.2 X 2.8 I0 13-14 3 EZEN dBA-U 4 3613 I2.31 2.7x3 I 11 15-16 U. 3 EZE.-BULUG-.AU d NINA (I o?) 365 13.5X I3.3 3.2 12 17-18 U. 6 (?) II 3621 II 2X I.3X2.3 13 19-20 U. 6 I0 3608 I0.7x 10.9x 2.5 14 21 U. 6 3658 7.7X 7.6X2.5 I5 22-23 U. pat. I lIAR-RA-NE-iMU-A 5 3719 14 2X14.3X2.8 16 24-25 I 6 3606 12.5x12.6x2.7 17 26-27 U. 3 EZEN ES- -LAGASK'f I0 3614 12 6X 2.6X2.8 18 28-29 U. 6 12 3619 12 XI 2.2X2.5 I9 30 4 3722 9.7X 9.7X3.5 20 31-32 U. pat. SIG-BA-A '8 3612 12.7XI2.9X2.8 21 33-34 U. 2 (?) EZEN-BULUG-KAl dMNVIN- (9?) 3718 15 3X15 2X3.4 GI[R-SU] 22 35-36 U. 5 GUR-IM-GAB-A 4 3616 13.5xI3.4x2.5 23 37-38 U. 6 12 3605 14.2X 14.2 3.2 24 39-40 U. 6 II 3615 12.9X12.9x 2.6 25 41-42 U. 2 EZEN dBA-U 3623 II.5x11.5x2.8 26 43-44 U. 3 UDU-SrU-SE-A [d?] NINA TLL- 5 3721 I I.xtii.1X2.8 LA-BA 27 45-46 U. 3 EZEN dBA-U 12 3567 IO.7x1o.7x2.7 I 28 47-48 U. 4 (?) 3723 9.IX 9. X2.6 29 47-48 U. 4 4 3571 6.4X 6.3X2.8 30 49-50 L. pat. 7 SE-KIN-KUD-DU I 3611 13.4X 3.4x3.I 31 51-52 U. pat. I EZEN-BULUG-KU [ 9 1 3652 I2.2X I2.2X2 5 ] REGISTER OF TABLETS. I3

Il^ - C I - -~ - - r ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- : f TEXT PLATE KING YEAR MONTH NIGANMUSEUM SIZE NIG'AN I NO.

_-= _----`_ I 32 53-54 U. I UDUlSU-SE-A dNIN-GIR-SU 3 3657 10.7 XI 7X2.7 33 55-56 U. 4 (?) EZEN SE-KU dNINA TIL. 2 3622 I .4XI I.5X2.7 LA-BA 34 57-58 U. 4 EZEN dNE.(U)GUN 8 36IO io.6xio.6X2.7 ff I, (FIC 35 59-60 U. 5 II.IXII.IX2.6 36 61-62 U. 5 6 3655 Io.4X o0.5x2.4 37 63-64 4 [ ].TA-GAR-RA 3720 9.8X 0.2 X 2.5 18 65-66 3609 Io.6 IO.5X2.8 39 65-66 U. I 3724 6.9X 6.9x2.4 40 67-68 U. I 3607 14.8 14.9x 3.5 41 69 U. 4 3569 9.4X 9.6X2.7 42 70-71 36 7 I 8XII.9X2.8 43 72 3 3730 4.6X 4.6X2.I 44 72 6 3729 5 x 5 x2 45 72 NIK--ID-KA 3573 464.6 4.62.2 46 73 L. pat. 6 SE-KIN-KXUD-DU 3725 6.2X 6.5X2.5 47 73 U. 7 3731 4.6X 4 6X2.3 48 74 5 EZEA SE-KU dNINA 3572 4.5X 4.5X2.1 49 74 3 GA-UR 3732 4.5X 4.5X2 50 74 6 GA-UDU-UR 3733 4.3X 43X 2.2 51 75 L. pat 5 3726 6 2X 6.IX2.5 52 75 U. 2 3728 5.7X 5.5X2.3 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

It has not been possible to make a detailed study of Sumerian proper names. The index has been prepared for the convenience of those who may use this volume, but it does not purport to indicate the meaning of the names nor to give their correct pronunciation. In general the same system of transcription has been employed as in Thureau-Dangin's Inscrip- tions de Sumer et d'Akkad. Feminine names are preceded by the sign of Venus. Under all proper names the occu- pational names are arranged alphabetically and numbered. The word "over" signifies that the person in question is an overseer or foreman; the word "under" means that he is a laborer under the foreman whose name and occupation immediately follow, if they are mentioned on the tablet. The first numeral in each reference indicates the number of the tablet in this volume, the Roman and superior numerals indicate the column and line respectively. An asterisk be- fore a reference indicates that some part of the line is broken. Names that have been supplied are enclosed in brackets. Abbreviations: b. = brother; d = determinative with the name of deity; d. = daughter, dd. = daughters; f. father; L. = Lugalanda; m. = mother; Ob. Obverse; prob. = probably; REC. = Thureau-Dangin, Recherches sur l'origin( de de critizre culteifowine; Rev. = Reverse; s. = son, ss. = sons; U. = Urukagina; var. = variant; w. -- wife.

A A-dg-ga-ni A + en-ni-ki-dg il, 15 Ob. IV 2 1 i6 Ob. IV4 I9 Rev. II2 A-ba-sd A + en-ra-ginZ var. (?) A + en-ra-mun-gi (q. v.) 8 dup-sar, 6 Ob. Vs 1 7 Rev. Io 1 '8 Rev.III s.(?) of U, *43 Ob. 1I2 9 Rev. IV3 1 Io Rev. IV5 [Ii Rev. A + en-ra-mu-gi III ] I2Rev. III9 113 Rev. III9 1 3 Rev. s. of U, 25 Rev. II5 1 '26 Rev. III'4 [27 119 37 Rev. V4 1 38 Ob. IV4 I 40 Rev. IV"] Rev. V2 A -gil-sa A-bdd-mut u-bil, 2i Rev. II5 sag-engar, 25 Ob. I6 1 [26 Ob. I6] 1I27 Ob. I6 i A-gil- sa 7 A-da-ba in service of Gimtasirsrir, 19 Ob. V 1 hlu, *x5 Rev. I 1" 16 Rev. III6 25 Ob. VI' | '26 Ob VI | *27 Rev. II' A-da-gal-sd A-gir-gal qa-su-dti in service of Gimtarsirsir,"25 Ob. in service of Aenramugi, '25 Rev. I5 V8 1 *26 Ob. V5 1 *27 Ob. VIt3 26 Rev. III2 1 *27 Rev. IIIs A-dingir-mu A-gub-nd I) qa-isu-dz in service of Aenrarmugi, 25 I) sag-dub of ki-szg, m. of one d, 21 Ob Ob. VII"2 1 *26 Rev II12 [27 Rev. III4] I7 1 22 Ob. I" 6 2) lu-ur, 40 Ob. VI' 2) ki-sfg, *23 Ob. III' INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. 15

A-ha-igi Ama-bi-a-gub-nd 4 under Urmut, '21 Rev. I I) ki-s'g, 23 Ob. VI's5 23 Ob. VIII12 A-hum-[ba] 2) ki-s'g, m. of two dd., 23 Ob. V4 sag-engar, *27 Ob. V9 3) sag-dub, m. of two dd., *22 Ob. III18 A-lu-lil-la 4) sag-dub of ki-slg, m. of one s. and 6 su-ha, *28 Ob. IV three dd., 20 Ob. I1O 21 Ob. III15 $ A-na-ni S Ama-da-nu-sd I) gim sd-di(g), m. of one d., *22 Ob. VIII9 under Masdu dupsar, 20 Ob. VII 2 8 2) under Masduz dupsar, 20 Ob. VI m. q Ama-en-tud of one d., 21 Ob. VIII'3 ki-s'g, 23 Ob. IX 8 A-ni-kur-ra Q Ama-sal-me-tug 1) title omitted but prob. sag engar, "8 Ob. 6 2 10 ki-sig, 23 Ob. IX V7 9 Ob. V | IO Ob. V I I Ob. AAma-s'dg-ga Vs J39 Ob. II I 49 Ob. I13 I) ki-sg, 23 Ob. VIII6 I m. of one d., *23 2) sag-engar, 5 Ob. IIs5 6 Ob. II 8 *7 1 Ob. V 6 Ob. V 2 1 2 Ob. V3 13 Ob. V2 2) sag-dub of ki-szg, m. of one d., 20 Ob. A-dNina-ki-ag 113 21 Ob. III18 1 *22 Ob. IV 2 [sag]-engarin service of Sah-Bau, *27 Ob. II2 A-[sib]-da-ri ,Ama-tur gim bar-bi-gal under Urmut igi-dub, 22 du-a-tar in service of Sah-Bau, *26 Rev. I'3 Ob. IX'6 S A-ur-mu sal e-gal-la in service of Ginm-Bau, 25 Ob. $ Ama-ur-mu III6 1 "26 Ob. III3 1 *27 Ob. III" sal e-gal-la in service of Gim-Bau, 25 Ob. Ab-ba III7 I *26 Ob. III4 "27* Ob. III12 nim, I5 Rev. II' 16 Rev. II'3 Amar--zu . Ab-ba-nir-gal ad-ge, 40 Ob. V'5 ki-gz, 23 Rev. 119 Amar-ezen Ad-da I) 17 Rev. IIIl I) I Ob. VI5 2) gal-uku, 9 Ob. I" I Io Ob. 19 2 2) dim-gaz, [20 Rev. 19] *21 Rev. III 3) over gis-tig-pi-kar-rd, 7 Ob. VII I 6 6 22 Rev. IIIs *23 Rev. V16 "8 Ob. VII I 9 Ob. VII Io Ob. VII" I Ad-da-da I Ob. VII7 su-ha, *28 Ob Is 4) over igi-nu-dz, "17 Ob. II'4 2 14 $ Ag-ga-ga 5) over md-ldh, 7 Ob. VII 1 [8 Ob. IV ] I 6 I) under Urmut, *2I Rev. I6 [9 Ob. IV 19] I 1 Ob. IVI I 1 Ob. IV 9 2) gim bar-bi-g, l under Urnmut, *22 Ob. IX" 6) nagar, "40 Ob. VI5 3) sag-dub of ki-sg, 20 Ob. IV4 1 21 Ob. Amar-dEzinu V5 i *22 Ob. V7 sa, 40 Rev. V4 1 45 Ob. 13 Q Al-mu-ni-ka Amar-dEzinu-gid-su x 9 I) gi-ba, 22 Ob. IV gala, "18 Rev. III6 I *24 Ob. VIO 2) ki-s"g, 23 Ob. V's Amar-ha-a-ki 5 Am-ma su-ha-a du(g)-ga, *7 Ob. IV 7 *8 Ob. VI 2 I) sag-dub of ki-sig, 20 Ob. IV5 | 21 Ob. 9 Ob. VI9 I 0o Ob. VI 8 .* II Ob. VI 2 V7 1 22 Ob. V x8 Amar-ki 2 2) ki-sg, 23 Ob. II I) over gin-nita, 7 Ob. III 1 8 Ob. III5 I $ Ama-dAb-sa-e(?.)-ta *9 Ob. III8 I [io Ob. III6] I Ix Ob. II's ki-sig, *23 Ob. VI 2) sagan-bil, *33 Rev. IV4 $ Ama-bdr-gi Amar-kiski ki-sig, 23 Ob. VII'7 I) dup-sar, *6 Ob. V 6 17 Rev. I" 1 8 Rev. 16 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

III°1 I 9 Rev. IV5 I *t o Rev. IV? I *II js-i, 16 Ob. VII1 1 7 Ob. VII1'7 1 8 Ob. Rev. III 9 I 12 Rev. III10 I 13 Rev. III10 VII3 I 24 Ob. III1 2) Iii-kas+ gar, 5 Ob. III 1° I 6 Ob. IV9 i An-al-sdg-ga var. An-al-sag (q. v.) 7 Rev. IV2 1 8 Rev. 13 9 Rev. I" SU-i, 15 Ob. VI 4 *lo Rev. I9 *1II Rev. I5 (Title is $ An-da-ti-e omitted but certainly the same man) I) ginm x gug + dim, 22 Rev. III'5 I2 Rev. I8 1 13 Rev. I6 1 [20 Rev. I114] 2) ki-sg, 23 Ob. I'5 *2I Rev. II17 1 22 Rev. III" I 23 Rev. An-gid-du4 8 VI' 1 24 Rev. I14 I *25 Rev. 17 j '26 Rev. ki-szg, 23 Ob. VIII 1114 | [27 Rev. 1117] 1 '30 Ob. III3 1 *3I An-igi-gub Ob. 1113 1 *32 Ob. 1117 1 '33 Ob. II1 " I l)gis-tug-pi-kar-rd in service of A + en- 34 Ob. III7 1 35 Ob. III331 36 Ob. III6 i nikiag, I9 Rev. 17 40 Ob. VII8 1 48 Rev. I2 2) lu-alan, 17 Rev. 17 18 Ob. VIII 4 3 3) mu, 5 Ob. V3 1 6 Ob. V4 1 7 Rev. II5 *24 Ob. II [8 Rev. I16] I 9 Rev. II9 I Io Rev. II" y An-ma-ni-bar (?)-ba 2 ki-szg in service of Sah-Bau, *26 Rev. II II Rev. II I 2 Rev. I14 1I3 Rev. I13I 38 Ob. IV9 1 40 Ob. VII 8 An-sib gab-ragud-tur-tur, * 5 Rev. I1 3 I I6 Rev. II 9 Amar- d ug-nun An-ses-mu I) over su-ha, *28 Rev. 15'6 6 lid-ku, 5 Ob. II13 1 [6 0b. 1114] '7 Ob. 2) over sgu-ha ab-ba, 29 Ob. II VIO 1 37 Ob. I6, II8, III6, IV3, [IVI2], An-a-mu V9, Rev. I'(!), *II 4 38 Ob. II8 I) 51 Ob. 13 $ As-ni-ib 2) over nu-sar, '7 Ob. VI 12 Ob. VI I 1) ki-sg, 23 Ob. VII "13 Ob. VI"I 15 Ob. 14 [i6 Ob. I4] | 2) sag-dub of ki-sig, 20 Ob. II1 I 21 Ob. 17 Ob. I6 I I8 Ob. 13 1 I9 Ob. I5 1 24 IV7 1 22 Ob. IV9 Ob. I10 34 Rev. III7 2 Azag-gi-pad An-al-safg var. An-al-sa'g-ga (q. v.) w. of Dudu dupsar, 40 Rev. II14

B 2 Ba-ba-e 4) under Masdu dupsar, m. of one s., *20 sag-dub of ki-s'g, 20 Ob. III '4 Ob. VII ' Bd-bd-ga-ni-dug 5) under Urmut, m. of one s., *2I Ob. 8 qa-su-dz, *15 Ob. V' 1 *I6 Ob. VI3 | "17 IXI3 Ob. VII2 d Ba-u-babbar-mu 2 Ba-ri(g)-gi under Urmut, 21 Rev. 19 ki-s:g, 21 Ob. VII3 d Ba-u-dim-a-ba-idg Ba-sar I) sag-dub of ki-sig, m. of one s., 20 Ob. gim dun-nig-ku-a, 20 Rev. III 3 { 21 Rev. IV" I m. of one d., *2I Ob. V15 IV 7 | 22 Rev. IV 4 I 23 Rev. VII4 2) under Amar-kis i, m. of I s., 22 Rev. 9 ( Bd-ha-ma-ma II12 1 23 Rev. V9 over gim-har (?), 2 Rev. III12 d Ba-u-dingir-mu d Ba-z-ama-mu I) gim sad-d[fug], 22 Ob. VIII14 I) gim bar-bi-gdl under Urmut, m. of one 2) su-i in service of Gim-Bau, 25 Ob. II 15 S., 22 Ob. IXI2 *26 Ob. III12 2) har-tud, 17 Ob. VIII7 | I8 Ob. VI5 3) under Magdu dupsar, 21 Ob. VIII 8 3) il, 18 Ob. *IV, VI I m. of one s., 20 Ob. VI 5 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. I7

9 d Ba-u-ig-gai d Babbar-igi-gub-lugal-an-da ' I) gim dun-nig-kfi-a, m. of one d., *20 il, 15 Ob. II113 1 I6 Ob. III 2 Rev. III 8 1 '21 Rev. V 6 Babbar-lz-mu 2) gim sac-dig, 22 Ob. VIII'7 123 Rev. III" ni-du, 17 Rev. III1 3 [d Ba-u]-il-.[sa(g)]-ga d Babbar-lt-sld(g)-ga qa-su-dz, 17 Ob. VII' I) dum garas, i. e., s. of Girnibaku, '40 Ob. 9 dBa-u-llsvd(g)-ga IIII ° 6 har-tud, 17 Ob. VIII I 18 Ob. VI'I 2) il, '5 Ob. III 6 16 Ob. IV I 7 Ob.V 12 $ d Ba-u-li-ti Babbar-[m]u-kus under Amar-kiis lk-kas + gar, 20 Rev. I sag-engar in service of Gim-Bau, *27 Ob. I" 9d Ba-u-na-nam Babbar-ni-kus ki-sg, '21 Ob. VII9 sag-engar in service of Gim-Bau, 25 Ob. d Ba-u-ni-kus Is 1 *26 Ob. Is 1 *27 Ob. Is I) gim hubur x gzg + dim, 2 Rev. III 9 9 Br-nam-tar-ra 22 Rev. III'4 w. of L., 30 Rev. VII4 1 46 Rev. II2 51 2) ki-s2g, 23 Ob. 16 Ob. IIs d Ba-u-ni-su 9 Bdr-ud-su(d)-s' udu-nig-ku-a ba-ldk-gi-ii, 18 Rev. II' I) gui-ba, [22 Ob. II'7] 9 d Ba- -ur-mu 2) har-tud, i8 Ob. VII' gim dun-nig'-ku-a, m. of one d., 21 Rev. V" 9 d Ba-u ..... -mu Bdr-zi var. Bdr-zi-sa(g)-gdl (q. v.) ki-s'g in service of Gimtarsirsir,27 Ob. VI6 igi-dub, *7 Rev. IV7 1 IO Rev. II 3 9 d Ba-ui-i-mu 9 Bar-zi 16 I) gim dun-nig-kiu-a, m. of two dd., 21 over gim-har, 21 Rev. III Rev. V'1 m. of one s. and one d., '22 Bdr-zi-s'a(g)-gal 6 Rev. V2 23 Rev. VII" I) igi-dub, '8 Rev. I I 9 Rev. II 1 1I 8 10 Rev. I6 2) il, 'I 5 Ob. V *i6 Ob. V 9 Babbar-ama-mu 2) lu-kas +gar, 15 Ob. VIII" 1*I6 Rev. 14 ki-sig, m. of one s. and one d., 21 Ob. VI22 Bi-su-ga Babbar-igi-gub var. d Babbar-igi-gub-lugal-an-da lz-sinig, 'I7 Rev. VI 6 | 19 Ob. V3 (q. v.) 9 Bi-su-ga I) dua-a-tar in service of Gimtarsirsir, '26 I) ki-sig, 23 Ob. III2 Ob. VI6 1 [27 Rev. I"] 2) sag-dub of ki-sg, 21 Ob. II 3 1 [22 Ob. I8 ] 2) il, I8 Ob. IV"I 3) under Masdu, '21 Ob. IX 6

D 9 Da-na 2) over gin-nita, 5 Ob. II 1 *6 Ob. sag-dub of ki-sig, 21 Ob. IV" I m. of one II2 1 *7 Ob. III5 1 *8 Ob. ]II[7 1 9 Ob. 2 d., 22 Ob. III12 1 23 Ob. I III" I Io Ob. III9 I ii 01b. III 3 *38 O Dam-a-mu Ob. I 8 I) gim dun-nig-ku-a, 23 Rev. VIII° I m. of 3) sub-lugal, 13 Ob. III' one d., 20Rev.III 6 I m. of two dd., 2I Rev. 9 Dam-ur-mu IV2I I m. of one s. and one d., 22 Rev. IV2o ki-sig, 23 Ob. 17 2) ki-sig, m. of one d., '21 Ob. VI"8 1 '22 $' Dim-Ba-fi-mu-tud Ob. VI'5 1 23 Ob. Is il, *i5 Ob. IV4 1 16 Ob. IV 6 Dam-dingir-mu 9 Dim-dNina-mu-tud 8 I) title omitted but prob. sub-lugal, I2 Ob. il, '15 Ob. IV 6 Ob. IVO 1 7 II 9 1 t4 Rev. 13 1 40 Ob. IV4 Ob. VI Hussey. 3 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

9 Dim-dNinni'da-gal-sd var. dNinni-da-gal-sa Dub-di-da (q. v.) 'I Ob. III3 il, *i5 Ob. IV5 I|16 Ob. IV7 | I8 Ob. IV 14 Dub-e-sa(g)-ga Dim-dNinni-ra-gub il, I 8 Ob. II 4 il, 'i5 Ob. IV' 1 6 Ob. IV3 Dub-udu + udu (?) 9 DIm-dNinni-ra-gub *I Ob. V4 sag-dub of ki-sig, 20 Ob. IVxo Dii(g)-ud-zi 9 Dhn-zi(d)-mu ad-ge, 40 Ob. V 14 il, 'I5 Ob. V9 I| 16 Ob. V" 1|"7 Ob. VIXo Dun-dEn-lil-li Du-du li e-sa(g)-ga, 18 Ob. VI°1 I) dup-sar, 40 Rev. II'5 Dun-sa(g)-kus 2) salngu, 30 Ob. VIII I 31 Ob. V, 1 32 zadim, I8 Rev. I3 Ob. V 11

9 a-azag 9 E-ki-bi-gi i) ki-sZg, 23 Ob. III'3 I4 gim dun-nig-kit-a, m. of two ss., 20 Rev.

2) sag-dub of ki-sg, 21 Ob. II7 8 22 III'4 I m. of two ss. and I d., 21 Rev. Ob. II10o, IV 8. $ A-bdr 9 J8-ki-ldh-mu ki-sig, 23 Ob. VII's sag-dub of ki-sg, m. of one s. and two dd., 9 E-da-nam 21 Ob. I9 1 [22 Ob. II3] I m. of two ss., ii, "17 Ob. VI"I I 8 Ob. IV'7 23 Ob. II s S E-dug-li var. A-dug-li-su(d) (q. v.) E-mne-ldm-sud sag-dub of ki-stg, m. of one s., 21 Ob. sub-lugal, 5 Ob. I 1 *6 Ob. I6 i 7 Ob. 115 II2 4 *8 Ob. II 14 '9 Ob. III2 1 'Io Ob. III' 9 8-dug-li-su(d) II Ob. 117 |1 38 Ob. I4 I) ki-sg, m. of one s., 23 Ob. III9 " A-na-ki 2) sag-dub of ki-slg, m. of one s., 22 Ob. i Ob. II2 Ils5 7 A-nam e-dug-nun-sa sub-lugal, '8 Ob. II8 I 9 Ob. II9 1 *Io Ob. I) edin, 38 Ob. 1119 119 1 [ii Ob. II'] 2) sag-engar in service of Gim-Bau, *27 Ob. I10 At-ni-gd-sud A-d2i(g)-si-sd over su-ha du(g)-ga, 5 Rev. III3 1 *6 Rev. over su-ha-a dug-ga, 12 Ob. III' 13I Ob. III4 III" I [7 Ob. IV3] *S Ob. VI3 j1 9 Ob. E-gil-sa VI4 i| Ob. VI3 Ob. VI 38 Ob. I14 u-bil, [20 Ob. VIII4] I 21 Rev. Il5 1 22 Rev. 9 A-nun-ni 1Is 23 Rev. V3 sag-dub of ki-sg, 20 Ob. II9 j 21 Ob. IV5 A'-igi-il 22 Ob. IV7 su-ha, "28 Rev. I2 A-pa-e-du dImg4'g I Ob. VI l-igi + lagab in service of Gim-Bau, 225 A-sd-ne-ba-gub 2 Ob. II" 1 *26 Ob. II° 1 27 Ob. III3 gin-nita, *40 Ob. I E-ki A-si-nu sib-ansu, I7 Rev. IV20 i Ob. 13 .- ki-bi-gi A-sag-har su-4a, *28 Rev. 13 I Ob. IVs INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. I9

6 t--sldg-ga 1119 1 9 Rev. IV4 I *Io Rev. IV 1 *II il, 18 Ob. III8 Rev. III8 1 12 Rev. III" I 13 Rev. III" I E-ta var. E-ta-e (q. v.) 38 Ob. IVs I) gis-tug-pi-kar-rd, 9 Rev. 13 2) lz-kas'+ gar, 46 Ob. III 3 2) over igi-nu-du gis-kin-ti, 24 Ob. 17 En-da-gal-sd E-ta-e dup-sar, 17 Ob. VIII'3 1 I8 Ob. VII" I) gab-ra-mas,*I5 Ob. VIII'3 I I6 Rev. I6 En-gil-sa 17 Rev. III20 IV (!) 30 Rev. II' 2) gab-nitaxgunu, *i5 Ob. VI'9 I I6 Ob. En-gzlr-na-sum VII 6 38 Rev. II3 3) gis-tug-pi-kar-rd, 7 Rev. I' I 8 Ob. VII8 En-ig-gdl IO Rev. I' I 'xI Ob. VII9 12 Ob. VII9 nu-banda, 2 Rev. III3 | 3 Rev. III7 1 *5 Ob. 13 Ob. VII; b. VI. VI2 1 [27 Rev. 113] IV9 1 6 Ob. V3 1 7 Rev. I7, VII" I 8 4) igi-nu-diz gis-me, var. gis-kin-ti (q. v.) Rev. I' 10 VII 2 1 9 Rev. II3, VII' I 10 *I5 Ob. IIO I I6 Ob. IO I [I7 Ob. IT 2] Rev. II5, VIII' I 1'i Rev. I10, VII3 1I2 5) igi-nu-du gis-kin-ti, I7 Ob. III 2 I8 Rev. I" 1 13 Rev. I9 "15 Rev. VIII 2 Ob. I O (Title is omitted but certainly the same 6) ni-di, [15 Ob. VIIIs] I6 Ob. VIII' 0 man) I 16 Rev. VIII' I 17 Rev. V*8, VIII" i I9 Ob. IV3 I8 Rev. 113 1 I9 Rev. IV4 1 [21 Rev. 7) nu-sar, [33 Rev. III8] 1 34 Rev. III" VIII 7] 1 22 Rev. VIII" 1 24 Ob. IV'7 I 8) sukkal, I8 Ob. VI4 *25 Rev. VI4 1 *26 Rev. V4 i 27 Rev. 9) su-ha, *28 Ob. 14 VII' 1 28 Rev. V' 1 29 Rev. I1115 30 Io) tfig-di, 15 Ob. VII|4 16 Ob. VIII4 Ob. It3, Rev. IV4, VIII 2 1 31 Ob. II2 32 17 Rev. II17 1 8 Ob. IX'1 Ob. II5 1 '33 Ob. 117, Rev. VII5 i 34 Ob. $9 -te-me 115, Rev. VI' 1 35 Ob. I13, Rev. V'IO har-tud, 7 O. VIII2 8 b. VII12 40 36 Ob. II4, Rev. V'I 1 37 Rev. V6 1 38 Rev. II°10 Ob. IV', Rev. V3 1 *39 Rev. III3 [ 40 6 2 Rev. II*", VII 1 45 Ob. II 1 46 Rev. I 2 I) igi-nu-dg gis-me, 5 Ob. 17 * i6 Ob. 47 Ob. II 1 "49 Rev. I4 1 50 Ob. II4 I7 1[7 Ob. 19] [ 9 Ob. I8 5I Rev. I6 1 52 Ob. II5 2) il, i5 Ob. 119 I 6 Ob. II10 dEn-ki-uir-mu 3) nu-sar, 33 Rev. III6 1 34 Rev. II 9 1 35 I) in service of Sah-Bau, 25 Ob. VI' 4 1 Rev. 1114 1 36 Rev. III7 "26 Rev. Is 2) simutg, *I5 Ob. VII9 1 16 Ob. VII'5 I pa, 44 Ob. II2 I7 Rev. II' i 18 Ob. VIII 14 E-zr-bi-dug En-kisal-si "30 Ob. VI4 I) over igi-nu-dz- giz-me, i5 Ob. II4 | 16 si-gln (?), 17 Rev. III3 Ob. I14 1 17 Ob. IIs1 *I9 Ob. II 6 En-azag 2) nu-sar, 34 Rev. IV' 1 35 Rev. III10 1 I) ii, [15 Ob. V 2] | "*6 Ob. V4 | *I7 Ob. 36 Rev. III'3 VI3 I8 Ob. IV" Enz-kur-ra-gub-nd 2) over il, '15 Ob. IIII" I 6 Ob. III'°0 17 il, I17 Ob IVV 8 Ob.b. III5 8 Ob. V 1 I8 Ob. IV9 I 24 Ob. II7 dEn-lil-bdd 3) pa-il, 5 Ob. II'5 1 *6 Ob. IIIl 7 Rev.V2 il, 17 Ob. III4 4) REC. 344, 7 Rev. III ° 1 *38 Rev. I2 I dEn-lil-da *40 Rev. I10 simug, 5 Ob. V1 8 I| 6 Ob. VII 14 | [17 5) um-mi-a, 33 Rev. I6 Rev. 1'9] En-bi En-lzi-dug I) dup-sar, "6 Ob. V8 [ 7 Rev. ITO 1 *8 Rev. b. of Lugalalsag, *4o Ob. IV o 3* 20 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

En-na 4) sib udu-sig, 5 Rev. II7 I 6 Rev. 117 dim, I8 Ob. V6 1 24 Ob. II'4 7 Rev. IV" 8 Ob. VI71 9 Ob. VII4 En-na-um-mu *IO Ob. VI'3 I I Ob. VI7 | 12 Ob. V 2 iu-igi+ lagab, 5 Ob. VI 2 | *6 Ob. VI9 13 Ob. V'10 15 Rev. I2 | *6 Rev. '1 I 7 Rev. III3 1 [8 Rev. II4] 9 Rev. 119 30 Ob. VII" 1 31 Ob. V12 | *32 Ob. VI9 "io Rev. III' I Rev. I16 1 2i Rev. 33 Ob. VI5 1 34 Ob. VI7 1 35 Ob. VI3 III3 | 13 Rev. III13 1 38 Ob. V3 | 40 36 Ob. VI" Rev. I En-tur En-nanga var. En-nanga-ri (q. v.) I) il, I5 Ob. II' I 16 Ob. II0 lk-e-nig, I Rev. I14 2) sib ama-gan-s'a, *17 Rev. Vs En-nanga-ri 3) simug, 17 Rev. II7 1 8 Ob. IX4 2 I) lk-e-nig, *5 Ob.V'1 [6 Ob. V | 7 Rev. 4) su-ha, *28 Ob. 13 II1 *8 Rev. II 2 I 9 Rev. II" I o Rev. En-ud-da-na II'3 1 2 Rev. II6 1 13 Rev. IIs1 *3 Ob. I) over gim-har, 20 Rev. II9 IV"2 38 Ob. IV7 1 40 Ob. VII" 2) /l-kas+ gar, *6 Ob. IV ' 2) in charge of sd-dzg e-nig, *32 Ob. V9 3) su-ha, "28 Ob. II3 En-se-bur(?)-na En-zi(d) I Ob. VI3 edin, 38 Ob. III10 En-su-gi-gi Erin-ur-mu igi-dub, 12 Rev. VII' | *i3 Rev. VII' lu igi + lagab, 18 Ob. VII5 18 Rev. VII9 1 23 Rev. X9 1 24 Rev. VII' Eg-kur-gal En-tum nagar, 40 Ob. VI' I) gab-ra udu-sig, 17 Rev. IV 8 9 dEzinu-ama-mu 2 2) li igi + lagab, *7 Rev. III6 18 Rev. III gim dun-nig-ku-a, *20 Rev. IV 3 21 Rev. 9 Rev. III" 1 *io Rev. III12 I I Rev. III' V8 1 22 Rev. IV ' 8 3) mu, 5 Ob. V 7 1 6 Ob. VI5 1 40 Rev. III 2

G 9 Ga-du(g)-nam-he-ti 7 Rev. IV[ I°] · *2 1 *8 Ob. VI 6 8 9 Ob. x) gim hubur x gig+ din, m. of one s. VI'3 *15 1 *IO Ob. VI"' '4 1 I Ob. and one d., 20 Rev. II" VI 6, 8 1 2 Ob. V"i '4, VI3 13 Ob. 2) ki-sig in service of Gimtarsirsir, 25 Ob. V9, *12, VI 4 IVI 1 '26 Ob. IV" 1 *27 Ob. VI7 4) sub-lugal, 8 Ob. II4 1 9 Ob. II6 I 1Io Ob. 3) sal-an e-gal-la of Aenra-mugi, 25 Rev. II61 I Ob. I8 I 1 *26 Rev. II 14 j *27 Rev. III' Gal ...... 4) under Urmut, m. of two ss. and one d., I Ob. VI6 *21 Ob. IX'9 Gal-ki-me-ta Ga-X I Ob. II3 I Ob. I' Gala-tur 9 Ga(.4)-zi-sag-gal I) il, 15 Ob. 119 I 16 Ob. IIg I 17 Ob. IV" I ki-sig, m. of one s., 21 Ob. VI20 I8 Ob. III6 Gab-ra-ni 2) lu Urdam, 40 Rev. III8 I) without title but prob. sag-engar, *8 Ob. 3) sib ama-gdn-sa, *I8 Rev. II3 1 24 Ob. 8 ' V , [o1] | 9Ob. V I Ob. V" |1 IV" 1 37 Ob. *VI5, Rev. I1o, III2 II Ob. V6,*8 140 Ob. II 2 4) over su-ha, 28 Rev. II3, 4 2 2) sag-engar, *5 Ob. II8 6 Ob. II9 *1 5) over su-ha ab-ba, 29 Ob. III' *7 Ob. V3,[6] 12 Ob. V 4.6 1 13 Ob. V3 9 Gan-dAn 3) sib-udu-sdg, 5 Rev. II6 1 '6 Rev. II6 1 il, 15 Ob. III3 1 I6 Ob. III4 *i7 Ob. V'5 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. 21

Gan-dub ki-sig, 23 Ob. IX' 4 ki-sig in service of Sah-Bau, 26 Rev. I2 9 Gim-"Nina $ Gan-ezen 30 Ob. IV's 1 35 Ob. V13 I 36 Ob. V's gu-ba of ki-sig, 20 Ob. V3 i *21 Ob. VI4 9 Gim-su-ga-lam-ma 9 Gan-ginar-sag nu-gig, *40 Rev. V6 ki-sig, 23 Ob. IX'5 9 Gim-sau-il-la $ Gan-dKal ki-szg, 23 Ob. VIII" I) ki-s"g, 23 Ob. III 3 9 Gim-tar-sir-sir 2) [sag-dub] of ki-s'g, [22 Ob. 1'9] d. of U, *I9 Rev. 14 1 *25 Ob. VI'O 1 "26 O Gan-dNe-gun Ob. VI4 1 [27 Rev. II3] ki-szg, 23 Ob. VII4 Ginar-sagf S Gan-Babbar il, [15 Ob. III12] 1 6 Ob. III" ki-sZg, 23 Ob. VIII9 9 Gir-a-ne-ku Gestin-za I) ki-sig, 23 Ob. V9 I Ob. IV4, VI4 2) sag-dub of ki-szg, 20 Ob. II7 j 21 Ob. Gi-nim IV3 1 22 Ob. IV5 I) 30 Rev. II" 32 Rev. 15 Gzr-ni-ba-ku 2) di(g)-sagan, 5 Ob. IV'3 1 *6 Ob. VIO I garas, f. of Babbar-lu-sdg-ga, 40 Ob. II 7 2 7 Rev. III I *8 Rev. II 9 Rev. IIs5 Gir-nun, var. Gir-nun-ki-dug (q. v.) 10o Rev. 117 I *II Rev. I 12 I 2 Rev. I) title omitted but prob. gab-rim, *17 Rev. I13 I 3 Rev. I" 130 Rev. I1 132 Rev. IV13 1 9 Ob. V2 1 33 Ob. II' I5 j 34 Rev. II I 35 Rev. 14 1 36 Rev. 2) gab-rim, 9 Ob. IV' I io Ob. III12 [ I" I *40 Ob. VII4 Ob. III8 1 13 Ob. IV 8 I5 Rev. I" dGid-dz * 6 Rev. II7 1 30 Ob. I" 31 Ob. I'O ki-s'g, 23 Ob. VIII8 [32 Ob. II'] 34 Ob. I" X35* Ob. I°o 9 Gim-dAn *36 Ob. I10 ii, I8 Ob. IVI5 Gir-nun-ki-dug 9 Gim-dBa-u gab-rim, *7Ob. III9 i) d. of U, 25 Ob. IV12 1 *26 Ob. IV9 Gir-su-ki-dug *27 Ob. IV 5 su-ha-a dug-ga, *8 Ob. VI3 1 9 Ob. VIT' i 2 ilz,17 Ob. IV 2 I 18 Ob. II o1 *io Ob. VI9 ii Ob. V13 3) ki-gu, 23 Rev. II 2 9 Gis-ban 9 Gim-du under Urmut, '2I Rev. I8 su-i, 19 Ob. IV' Gis-gig-na-ni-dug 9 Gim--dam I) sag-engar in service of Gim-'au, *27 I) ki-sig, 23 Ob. VIIIs Ob. 17 2) sag-dub of ki-s', 20 Ob. II'1 [ 21 Ob. 2) su-ha, "28 Ob. IIIs IV6 1*22 Ob. IV 8 Gis-[sag-ki-dug] $ Gim-e-zi(d)-da from (Gis-hu)1 ,i under Ninipini lk- I) ki-sig, 23 Ob. III 7, V8, xVI 8 kas+gar, 20 Ob. VIII6 2) sag-dub of ki-szg, 20 Ob. II6 1 21 Ob. 9 Gu-bdd II", IV 2 1 22 Ob. II4, *IV4 I) ki-sig, m. of one d., 23 Ob. IV 15 9 Gim-ganun 2) sag-dub of ki-szg, 20 Ob. Is5 21 Ob. I) ki-sig, 23 Ob. III6, VI III8 I 22 Ob. III10 2) sag-dub of ki-stg, 20 Ob. II8 I 21 Ob. Gu-en II10, IV4 1 22 Ob. II13, IV 6 sagan-bil, 33 Rev. IV 6 9 Gim-id-edin-na Gu-u il, 17 Ob. III9. *4 1 18 Ob. II8 I) l& su-gid, 12 Rev. III5 | 13 Rev. III5 Q Gim-nigin 2) s. of Urdam, *40 Rev. V 12 22 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

Gub-ba-ni $ Gul-ama-mu il, 8 Ob. 115 under Ninipini lt-kas + gar, 20 Ob. VII 9 ni-dz, 17 Rev. III 12 *21 Rev. I'7 22 Rev. 14 H ? Ha-igi ii Rev. II6 I 12 Rev. II°10 13 Rev. II9 I) gim bar-bi-gdl under Urmut igi-dub, 38 Ob. IV'O 1 40 Rev. 117 22 Ob. IX9 HTa-ti 2) ki-sg, 21 Ob. VII6 under Masdu, 21 Ob. IX4 Ha-ma-ti Hul-amar ml, *5 Ob. V4 6 Ob. VII 1 7 Rev. II6 I I Ob. I 2 8 Rev. 114 i 9 Rev. II'3 Io Rev. II15 I Ibila-nin-si-sd 2) ki-sig, 23 Ob. V 12 li igi+agab, 8 Ob. VII4 3) over ki-sig,, 22 Ob. VII' 9 Id4-l var. Id-lu-lah-lak (q. v.) 4) sag-dub of ki-sg, "21 Ob. IVyIO '22 I) a-ga-am, m. of one s. and two dd., 23 Ob. IVIO Rev. VI3 Igi- mu-Si•-gadl 2 2) in service of Gimtarsirsir, 19 Rev. I lu e-lZig, '15 Ob. VI?7 | 16 Ob. VIIO I7 $ Id-lu-lah-lah Ob. VIII 2 [m. of one d., 20 Rev. II115] m. a-ga-am, Igi-zi r~~~~~~~~~2 Ob 111 21 Rev. III21 I m. of one of two dd., su-ha in service of Gim-Bau, *26 Ob. III6 I III7 son and two dd., "22 Rev. 27 Ob. IV3 Id'-mut 8 $ Igi-ur-kal-ba I) over edin, 8 Rev. IIIP3 1 9 Rev. IV ki-sig, 23 Ob. VI'3 *"o Rev. IV 10 I "I Rev. III'3 2) sa, 15 Ob. VII 2 1 6 Ob. VIII i 17 Igi-zi II 5 Rev. III3 I) ses-sal, 37 Ob. I2 1 40 Rev. gi-Ba-Ui-su 2) SU-i, 12 Rev. II8 13 Rev. II7 in ser- ni-dui, [i5 Ob. VIII8] 16 Rev. I' I "17 vice of Gimtarsirsir, *27 Ob. VI" Rev. III" 18 Rev. I8 Ii Igi-bar var. Igi-bar-lu-ti(1) (q. v.) I) 40 Ob. VI3 2 I) over ki-sig, 21 Ob. VII'3 2) ad-ge, 40 Ob. VI 2) ki-sig in service of Gimtarsirsir, "25 3) dup-sar mah, 40 Ob. III 4 Ob. Vs | [26 Ob. V 2] 4) su-ha, 28 Ob. III7 3) in service of Sah-dBau, 26 Rev. 14 Im-ni-pa 9 Igi-bar-l-ti(l) [udu-nig]-ku-[a ba]-lah-gi, 17 Rev. V" I) gi-ba of ki-si, 20 Ob. IIIl K Ka-gi-na 9 O. IIg I1| * Ob. II7 i I Ob. 9I 30 Rev. II3 12 Ob. V7 Ka-ka Ka-ma-ni-zi 2 I) pa, 49 Ob. I I) title omitted but prob. sub-lugal, 6 Ob. 2) sag-engar, 12 Ob. V7 1 13 Ob. V4 19 1 I4 Ob. III6 1 39 Ob. III3, Rev. I*4 9 3) sgub-lugal, 7 Ob. Is I8 1 *8 Ob. II5 I 2) gis-sinig, *7 Rev. V INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. 23

3) nig-en-na, 40 Ob. IV3 Ki-bi 4) sag-engar, 12 Ob. Vs 13 Ob. V5 over su-ha, *28 Ob. III' 50 Ob. I2 Ki-t/g-l 5) sub-lugal, 5 Ob. 1 7 Ob. 117 1 8 Ob. i) mu, '40 Rev. III' III2 1 *9 Ob. III5 *Io Ob. 1113 1 I Ob. 2) nagar, 40 Ob. V" II" 1| 3 Ob. II8 1 38 Ob. Is 1 40 Ob. IV3 9 Ki'tug-il 9 Ka-sdg wife of 11 dupsar mah, 40 Ob III3 I) ki-s}g, 23 Ob. I'I Kid-gid var. Lid-kid-gid (q. v.) 2) sag-dub of ki-s'g, *22 Ob. VIO I m. of sagan-bil, 33 Rev. III" one d., 20 Ob. 114 1 21 Ob. V8 Kur-ansu-ni-su [fKal]-ga I) sa, *40 Ob. II16 sag-engar in service of Gim-Bazu, 27 Ob. I9 2) su-ha, *28 Ob. I 2

L Lid-kid-gid var. Kid-gid (q. v.) Lugal-bdd sagan-bil, 34 Rev. IV 6 1 35 Rev. IV2 lt igi + lagab in service of Gim-Bau, *25 36 Rev. IV5 Ob. III2 1 *26 Ob. IIII 1 27 Ob. III4 9 Lid-sa(g)-gi-na Lugal-da-nu-me-a sag-dub of ki-slg, m. of one d., 2 Ob. IV12 I) gab-ra udu-sig, *I7 Rev. IVIO Lu-gid 2) sib-udu-sig, 5 Rev. II8 1 *6 Rev. II8 I sib-ansu, 7 Rev. V 12 7 Rev. IV'3 8 Ob. VI9 j *9 Ob. VII' I Lu-kur-ri-ne-gi *IO Ob. VII I | *I Ob.VI9 I 12 Ob. VI I 5 lid + ku, 6 Ob. IIl 7 Ob. VI" 37 Ob. [13 Ob. V3] I 15 Rev. I4 *I16 Rev. II2 I I7, 1I9, III7, *IV VI, 'VIO, Rev. I3, 115 30 Ob. VII'4 1 31 Ob. VI' I 32 Ob. *38 Ob. 119 VII' I 33 Ob. VII 8 (!) i 34 Ob. V IIO *35 Lu-ttu(d) Ob. VIs 1 36 Ob. VI'3 lid+ ku, 5 Ob. II12 Lufgal-e-ni-su Lugal-a-mu var.(?) Lugal-an-mu (q. v.) nu-sar, 35 Rev. III6 1 36 Rev. III9 I) sag-engar in service of Gim-Bau, 25 Ob. Lugal-dEn-il-li 2 2 2 I ' 3 1 26 Ob. I '3 27 Ob. I - 3 su-i in service of Gim-Bau, 25 Ob. III' 2) sib-anssu in service of Gim-Bau, *25 Ob. I 2 *26 Ob. II'3 1 *27 Ob. III6 3) under Uu, I5 Rev. II3 1 I6 Rev. II's Lugal-ezen I7 Rev. V2 0 5 Rev. I4 Lugal-ab-dug-ga dup-sar, *40 Ob. 113 Lugal-ga Lugal-al-sdg qa-su-du, 15 Ob.VV 6 b.b. VI'2 I 17 I) f. of Lugaligiannaesu, *40 Rev. IV' Ob. VI' I 18 Ob. V10 2) master of Lugalanda, 40 Ob. V2 Lugal-gan 3) b. of En-lk-dug, *40 Ob. IV" I) har-tud, 30 Rev. I8 4) sutug, 40 Ob. VIZO, Rev. III4 2) mu, *i8 Ob. VI7 Lugal-an-da Lugal-gestin I) patesi, 30 Rev. VII5 [ 46 Rev. II3 nagar in service of Gim-Bau, '25 Ob. I7 5I Ob. II6 *26 Ob. 17 1 *27 Ob. II4 2) lu Lugalalsag, 40 Ob. VI Lugal-gi~-bur Lugal-an-mu var. (?) Lugal-a-mu (q. v.) over su-ha-a dug-ga, 5 Rev. Ill 5 1 '6 Rev. III 9 sib-ansu in service of Gim-Bau, "26 Ob. Lugal-ia-nun 1 I I 1 27 Ob. 114 I) nim, I*5 Rev. II6 I I6 Rev. II12 Lugal-apin-ni 2) udu nig-ku-a ba-lah-gi, 17 Rev. V 13 1 '9 Rev. 19 I8 Rev. II6 24 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

Lugal-igi-an-na-e-su 2) sib-gud-tur-tur, Io Ob. V 7 37 Ob. s. of Lugal-alsag, 40 Rev. III 17 *II2, I1119, IV6 , V3, VI2, Rev. Is, II7 Lzugal-ka-gi-na Lugal-pa-e I) qa-su-du, 'i5 Ob. VI' I '16 Ob. VI4 sib-dun, '5 Ob. IV7 I 6 Ob. VI 1 *7 Rev. 17 Ob. VII 3 I5 *I8 Rev. I8 9 Rev. I8 1 IO Rev. I6 I 2) su-ha, *28 Rev. I' ii Rev. I8 I I2 Ob. I6 I 'I3 Ob. 1 6 I14 Lugal-keski Ob. I6 1 20 Rev. V 2 I 21 Rev. VI6 1 22 a I) *27 Ob. VI Rev. VI' 1 23 Rev.VIIII I124 Rev. II 5 I 2) li sguku(-ku) ba in service of Gimtar- 30 Rev. II19 I '3I Rev. III I 32 Rev. III7 I 7 sirsir, 27 Ob. V *33 Rev. III3 I 34 Rev. III4 I 35 Rev. Lugal-kisal-a-gub 12 8 III1 I 36 Rev. III4 1 40 Rev. IV gab-rim, 12 Ob. IV Lugal-pzr-ki-dg var. Lugal-pir-ri-ki-dg (q. v.) Lugal-mas-zu sukkal, 17 Ob. VII9 *38 Ob. II2 Lugal-pzr-ri-ki-dg Lugal-me-gal-gal sukkal, *15 Ob. VI5 1 "16 Ob. VI8 1 18 su-ha, *28 Rev. III' Ob. VI2 Lugal-mu var. Lugal-mu-da-kus (q. v.) 8 2 Lugal-sib I) mu, *5 Ob. V 1 *38 Ob. VI I *40 Rev. II I) over il, i5 Ob. IV' 4 I| 16 Ob. V' | 17 2) sib-ansu-pir-ka, *8 Ob. III 4 | 9 Ob. IV4 Ob. VI'1 8 Ob. Vs 1 24 Ob. IIo1 i I Ob. IIII I *38 Rev. I"I(?) 40 Rev. V4 2) pa-il, 5 Ob. III' 6 Ob. III8 1 7 Rev. V3 Lugal-mu-da-kus Lugal-Lagals i I) mu, 6 Ob. VI2 1 7 Rev. II9 | 8 Rev. I) simug, 17 Rev. IIs I [I8 Ob. IX2] II 7 9 Rev. III2 1 I Rev. III3 1[*I Rev. 2) over sgu-ha, 28 Rev. II7 II9 12 Rev. II3 1 13 Rev. II" 2 Lugal-sa(g) 2) sib-anssu-pir-ka, 5 Rev. II2 1 *6 Rev. II2 I *7 Rev. V"I I1 Ob. IV I 12 Ob. IV" I I) dup-sar, 17 Ob. VIII'4 13 Ob. IV" I 7 Rev. VI 2) mu, 40 Ob. VI'3 Lugal-mu-siU(?)-gdl Lugal-sa(g)-ld-tuk over su-ha, *28 Rev. 11 I) dup-sar, 18 Ob. VII O Lugal-nam-gu-sud 2) su-ha, '28 Ob. III3, IV3 gab-rim, 33 Ob. II3 1 *34 Ob. III 3) over su-ha, '28 Ob. IV4 Lugal-nanga-ra var. Lugal-nanga-ra-nd (q. v.) 4) lu-ha ab-ba, 29 Ob. II' I) gal-uku, *9 Ob. I 8 Lugal-su-mah 2) ll-hal, 8 Ob. I8 I) mu, 12 Rev. II2 13 Rev. II" Lugal-nanga-ra-nd 2) nagar, I8 Ob. IXI3 I) a-da-ba, "15 Rev. II°1 I 16 Rev. III5 Lugal-te-da 2) gal-kku, *Io Ob. I 8 in service of Gimtarsirsir, 25 Ob. VI4 Lugal-ne-tur *26 Ob. VI4 1 [27 Rev. I9] simug, 17 Rev. II4 I I8 Ob. IX3 Lugal-ur-mu Lugal-nita-mus I) Zl a-bil, 'i5 Ob. VIIO I| 16 Ob. VI |3 ) sib-gud, 7 Ob. V 8 Ob. V4 i Ob.G9 17 Ob. VIII' ° V9 Iii Ob. V2 2) under gabrim, 1 7 Rev. IV '4 '5

M Ma-al-ga var. Ma-al-ga-sug (q. v.) Ma-al-ga-sug 1) li igi+lagab, 40 Rev. 13 lu igi + lagab, 7 Rev. III4 2) over ki-sig, 20 Ob. III'3 $ Ma-ma-ni 3) pa ki-sig, '5 Ob. IV2 1 *6 Ob. IV4 sag-dub of ki-sig, 20 Ob. IV 8 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

$ Ma-ma-tum 9 Me-kisal-li I) ki-sg, 23 Ob. II7 sag-dub of ki-szg, 20 Ob. IV 3 I %2IOb. V 7 2) sag-dub of ki-s'g, 20 Ob. IV 3 21 Ob. Me-liu V10 | 22 Ob. V"I pa-il, 7 Rev. VI Mah-nam cf. Nam-mah 9 Me-me 2 i Ob. VI I) ki-szg, m. of one d., *23 Ob. I13 Mas- d 2) sag-dub of ki-sig, m. of one d., *20 Ob. I) '21 Ob. IXIO I 25 Ob. VII5 1 26 Rev. I14 IV'4 1 [21 Ob. V18 ] 1| 22 Ob. VII 2) dup-sar, 20 Ob. VII7 1 G30Ob. IV4 I 3) iu-i, 17 Rev. I2 1 [I8 Ob. VIII'] *3I Ob. IV9 | '32 Ob. V4 1 38 Ob. IV3I 9 Me-nigin-ta *46 Ob. II I ki-sig, 23 Ob. IX7 3) igi-dub, 5 Ob. IV5 1 "6 Ob. IV 3 I 7 Me-pa-nu-sd 8 Rev. IV5 I 40 Ob. II" lid+ ku, 37 Ob. I 15 , 1115V., I [],[7,V V , 9 Mas-fu-la Rev. II, 113 ki-sg, 23 Ob. VI 12 dMes-an-du-l-sjd(g)-ga Mas-na iZ, 15 Ob. IIII | 16 Ob. II" [ *17 Ob. IV'3 i Ob. Vs Mu-ni 9 Mas-tur lk-suku(-ku) ba in service of Gimtarsirsir, I) ki-gu, "23 Rev. II3 27 Ob. V3. 4 2) liu de-ma of ki-giu, 22 Ob. VII'3 Iu-ni-da MJe-an-ni(?)-si 40 Rev. IV5 ses-sal, 38 Rev. II1 MJ-ni-uru 9 Me-kisal var. Mie-kisal-li (q. v.) mu, I7 Ob. VII 6 22 Ob. VI9 N 9 Na-na 9 Nam-uru-ni-si sag-dub of ki-szg, m. of one d., "20 Ob. IV' under Amarkis'k, m. of one d., 21 Rev. II 3 Namn-dam ;am ...... ' I o lid + lku, 37 Ob. I *4, II6, III4, IV , [ ], I Ob. II5 *V7, *VII, 0 Rev. II2 9 Nam-X(REC. 36)-mu var. 9 Nam-X-imu-ne- dug (q. v.) 9 NVam-dam 6 gimn dun-nig-ku-a, 21 Rev. VIO 22 Rev. I) gim-mas', m. of one d., 23 Rev. VIII V5 1 23 Rev. VII3 2) ni-du, m. of one d., 17 Rev. III'5 Nam-Zi' Nam-X(REC. 3y6)-mu-ne-dug 16 Ob. VIII5 sagan-bil, 33 Rev. IV 2 "34 Rev. IV 8 tkg-di, *15 Ob. VII'5 35 Rev. IIIs5 36 Rev. IV3 17 Rev. III 9 Nam-X(REC. 3I6)-mu-ne-digg Nam-mah cf. Ma/-nam I) ki-sg, m. of [one] s. and [one] d., 21 Ob. ni-di, 6 Rev. 1113 1 5 Ob. VII3 I *i6 Ob. VI 14 VIII 8 1 [27 Rev. III10] 2) ni-dz, m. of one d., 19 Ob. IV5 Nam mah-ni 9 Nanga-dim-dug sukkal, 17 Ob. VIII° I 18 Ob. VI3 under Ninipini, '*2 Rev. II3 1 22 Rev. II3 I 9 Nam-nin-an-na-gam-gam *23 Rev. V' ki-sig in service of Gimtarsirsir, 25 Ob. 9 Nanga-ra-sdg V4 1 "26 Ob. V' I) girm dun-nig-ku-a, 23 Rev. VII1 9 Nam-iuru-na-su var. Nam-uru-ni-su (q. v.) 2) il, I7 Ob. III 2, IV5 under Amarkis. , 23 Rev. VOIo m. of one 3) ki-gu, 23 Rev. II1 d., *20 Rev. 13 1 *22 Rev. JII4 4) lu de-ma of ki-gu, 22 Ob. VIII7 Hu s s ey. 4 26 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

5) sag-dub of ki-sig, 21 Ob. II 4 1 [23 Nigin-mut Ob. IVI] I) sag-engar in service of Gimtarsirsir, Ne-sag 27 Ob. V12 I) [a]-dun Umma (Gis-hzu)2 20 Rev. IV6 I 2) sib-udu-sig, 5 Rev. II5 1 6 Rev. IIs 2 a-dun-an Uinmaki, 21 Rev. V 4 [7 Rev. IV9] *8 Ob. VIs 9 Ob. VI 2) su-ha, *28 Ob. Il5 io Ob. V ,I| 1 Ob. VI5 1 *'2Ob. V9 3) over vu-ha, 28 Ob. II8, Rev. II8 13 Ob. V7 1 27 Ob. V 2 1 30 Ob. VII8 1 4) over su-ha ab-ba, 29 Ob. I4 s31 Ob. VIO 1 *32 Ob. VI 6 i *33 Ob. Ni-id-ama-da-ri VIII 1 34 Ob. VI4 1 '35 Ob. VI' 1 *36 I) il, 15 Ob. IIII5 1 6 Ob. III 14 Ob. VI8 2) sib-ama-gdn-sa, 17 Rev. V4 Nimgir-absu Ni-lum-kal I) nu-sar, 34 Rev. IV3 1 35 Rev. III I I gsuku(-ku)ba in service of Gimtarsirsir, 36 Rev. III I 2) over 8 *27 Ob. V6 zgi-nu-dz gis-me, 17 Ob. II , 9 *I9 Ob. II9. Io Ni-ni-fi-ni Nimgir-es-a-gub I) title omitted, but certainly lu-kas + gar, I) gab-ra dun-u, '23 Rev. VII 6 If Rev. I 2 1 21 Rev. II1T 2) su-ha, *28 Ob. III8 2) lu-kas + gar, 5 Ob. III" 6 Ob. IV ° I 7 Rev. IV 3 8 Ob. VIII3 9 Rev. I 12 Nimgir-ka-gi-na *io Rev. I Io 12 Rev. Is 13 Rev. 17 I) mu, '40 Rev. V9 6 20 Ob. VIIII3 1 22 Rev. IIo I 23 Rev. V 7 2) s.u-ha, 28 Ob. I 24 Rev. I1O I '30 Ob. III8 I [31 Ob. III4] ANimgir-si 6 *32 Ob. IV6 1 33 Ob. IV'1 | 34 Ob. IV4 I sub-lugal, 7 Ob. I *35 Ob. III14 136 Ob. IV'1 38 Rev. I4 9 Nin-a-gub-ti(l) 1 40 Ob. IIII | 46 Ob. II6 il, *18 Ob. II '4 9 Ni-su-ba 9 Nin-al-mah I) gim bar-bi-gal under Urmut zii-dub, il, I 5 Ob. Vs 1 *6 Ob. V7 *22 Ob. IXIO 23 Rev. IV' $ Nin-al-sdg 2) under Urmut, 21 Rev. Is I) har-tud, *I7 Ob. VIII 3 18 Ob. VII3 Ni-ti-e 2) ki-sig, 23 Ob. IVI7 su-ha, *40 Ob. V4 3) sag-dub of ki-szg, *22 Ob. III" I m. of one d., 20 Ob. I8 1 21 Ob. III'I 9 Nig-banda(-da) 9 Nin-ama-mu il, *7 Ob. VI 6 1 *8 Ob. IV3 I) ki-sig in service of Gim-Bau, m. of Ntg-du-pa-e one d., 25 Ob. II4 1 [26 Ob. II3] 27 I) lu e-sgag-ga, I7 Ob. VII'5 | 18 Ob. VI8 Ob. IIo1 2) su-ha, *28 Ob. IV' Nin-ama-na Nig-ga-kur-ra I) ki-sig, 23 Ob. II12 ni-dc, 6 Rev. III12 I '5 Ob. VIII4 16 Ob. 8 2) sag-dub of ki-sig, 22 Ob. I j m. of VIII9 1 17 Rev. III8 one d., 21 Ob. Is Nig-galu var. Nig-galu-nu-tum (q. v.) 9 Nin-azag-zu simug (?), 24 Ob. III 9 i) ki-ssig, 23 Ob. II 14 Nig-galu-nu-tuim 2) sag-dub of ki-sig, m. of two dd., 21 Ob. I) 17 Rev. II9 I 3 [22 Ob. I16] 2) simug, x8 Ob. IXs 2 Nin-ba-ba 3) sukkal, 40 Ob. III4 I) gim bar-bi-gdl under Urmut igi-dub, 9 Nig-ne-gub-bar-ra *22 Rev. 13 under Mas-du, m. of one s., *21 Ob. IX 2 2) gim har, 20 Rev. II4 j 21 Rev. III" INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. 27

9 Nin-bdr-da-ri 9 Nin--unugkt-ga-nir-gdl 6 8 I) ii, '5 Ob. V I '16 Ob. V 1 *17 Ob. I) ki-sig, m. of one d., 23 Ob. VIII'3 8 VI I8 Ob. II12 2) over ki-szg, '23 Ob. VIII'8 1 24 Ob. VIIs 2) ki-gu, m. of one d., 20 Ob. V'I, *I7 3) sag-dub of ki-sig, 21 Ob. II' i 22 Ob. I O 23 Rev. I 7. I m. of two dd., 21 Ob. Nin-edin-ni 6 VII VIII 3 I) gim bar-bi-gdl under Urmut, m. of two 3) lu de-ma of ki-gu, '22 Ob. VIII dd., *22 Ob. IX 14 4) sag-dub of ki-gu, m. of two dd., 22 Ob. 2) gim dun-nig-ku-a, m. of two ss., 23 VII 4. IO Rev. VII5 9 Nin-bdr-gi 3) il, 15 Ob. III4, '16 Ob. III5 1) gu-ba of ki-sig, 20 Ob. II3 4) ki-gu, 23 Rev. II 1° 8 2) sag-dub of ki-sig, 21 Ob. IV I m. of 5) ki-szg, *23 Ob. VI9 one s., '22 Ob. IV"I 9 Nin-en-sgu-nu-gan-gan $ Nin-da-nu-me-a ni-dk, i8 Rev. I O I) ki-Sig, 23 Ob. I20, IV 8 9 Nin-es-gu 2) sag-dub of ki-sg, [20 Ob. IVI7] 21 Ob. 1 I) gim bar-bi-gadl under Urmut igi-dub, IIIg9 22 Ob. III 4 22 Ob. IX3 3) under Masdu, '20 Ob. VII' 2) gim sd-dug, 22 Ob. VIII '5 23 Rev. 4) under Urmut, *21 Ob. IXI5 III8, 9 9 Nin-da-nu-me-me (!) 3) under Masdu dupsar, 20 Ob. VI*6, x gim bar-bi-gdl under Urmut igi-dub, 22 21 Ob. VIIII9 Ob. IX 6 4) under Urmut, '21 Ob. IX12 9 Nin-dkg-ga-dk(g)-bi Nin-gal-lam I) ki-slg in service of Gim-Bau, m. of gim dun-nzi-ku-a, m. of three ss., *20 Rev. two ss., 25 Ob. I' 4 I *26 Ob. I14 I 27 III" I 21 Rev. IV'5 Ob. II6 9 Nin-gan-gal-sud 2) ki-sig in service of Gintarsirsir,25 Ob. ki-sdg, 23 Ob. IX9 IV'3 1 *26 Ob. IV'1° *27 Ob. VI5 S Nin-gan-gam 9 Nin-dug-li-sud 14 ki-sg, 23 Rev. II 8 under Amarkis' l-kas + gar, '23 Rev. V 9 Nn-dun-ama-mu $ Nin-gzil-sa ki-szg, 23 Ob. I" ii, 17 Ob. III" i 8 Ob. 119 9 Nin-e-balag-ni-dug Nin-gmn-zi I) gala, [20 Rev. III'] I 21 Rev. IV 5 22 ri-hu, 38 Ob. II6 Rev. IV 6 1 '23 Rev. VI'5 dNin-gir-su-bdd, var. Nin-gir-su-bdd-mu (q. v.) 2) gizn ar, *20 Rev. II' il, I7 Ob. III5s 1 8 Ob. 113 3) ni-du, 17 Rev. III'7 dNin-gir-su-igi-gub 9 Nin-e-dingir-zu I) gab-ra e-nam, 17 Rev. IV4 1 19 Ob. IV9 I) ki-stg, m. of one d., 23 Ob. II8 2) gab-ra gud, 15 Rev. I6 1 i6 Rev. II2 2) sag-dub of ki-sig, m. of one s. and 3) gab-ra gud-tur-tur, *24 Ob. IV one d., *22 Ob. V12 4) i, 15 Ob. II12 16 Ob. II12 1 17 Ob. 3) under Urmut, m. of two ss., 21 Ob. IX I7 IVI4 I8 Ob. III7 9 4) under Uu, m. of two ss., 15 Rev. II 4 dNin-gir-su-l&-mu I6 Rev. II 6 I) 20 Rev. II2 9$Nin-e-ki-dg 2) lul-an in service of Sah-Bau, 25 Ob. ki-s'g in service of Gim-Bau, 25 Ob. II6 VII3 I '26 Rev. II2 *26 Ob. 15s 1'27 Ob. II12 3) mu, 17 Ob. VII7 | 8 Ob. V16 9 *in-e-ninni-Gs 4) qa-su-dg in service of Gim-Bau, 25 Ob. ki-szg, '23 Ob. VII 20 II3 j 26 Ob. II'5 1 '27 Ob. HI8 4* 28 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

5) sukkal, 5 Ob. VI2 *6 Ob. VI7 17 Rev. Nin-ma-al-ga-sud III' 8 Rev. II9 1 *9 Rev. III4 1 *"oRev. I) gim har in service of Gimtarsirsir, II5 I *II Rev. III" I I 2 Rev. III I '13 *27 Ob. VI5 Rev. III' | 38 Ob. V8 40 Rev. I6 2) ki-sig in service of Gimtarsirsir, 25 dNin-gir-su-nen-zi Ob. V3 1 26 Ob. IV 14 qa-Su-di, I 8 Ob. V 3 9 Nin-ma-tzumq dNin-gir-su-ur-mu I) gim sd-dug,- m. of one d., 22 Ob. VIII 12 I) *30 Ob. VI 3 2) under Masdu dupsar, 20 Ob. VI'3 2) il, 15 Ob. V3 *16 Ob. Vs *I71 Ob. VI4 m. of one d., *21 Ob. VII[I 6 d 3) qa-'u-du, *I8 Ob. V" Nin-marki-ama-dim 9 Nin-hum-ma-ki-dg I) ki-sig, 23 Ob. II3 Io gim dun-nig-ku-a, 20 Rev. III6 I 21 Rev. IV 2) sag-dub of ki-s'g, *20 Ob. IV16 I 21 Ob. 9 Nin-igi-e-an-na-zu V 6 I '22 Ob. V8 1 23 Ob. II3 gim sd-dug, 23 Rev. III12 9 Nin-mas-e $ Nin-igi-gd-ur-bi il, "5 Ob. V7 "1'6 Ob. V9 I *17 Ob VI9 su-i liz Aennikidg, I9 Rev. Is i8 Ob. IV 2 9 Nin-igi-ga-ur-mu Nin-me-dug-ga su-i in service of Aenramugi, 25 Rev. I10 I ki-s:g, 23 Ob. VII ° *26 Rev. III? 1 [27 Rev. III1 T ] 9 Nin-mu-da-kus 9 Nin-igi-gub I) gim bar-bi-gdl, 23 Rev. IV ki-s g, 23 Ob. VIII4 2) gim huburxgug + dim, 2t Rev. III18 Nzi-[igi(?)-tab(f?)]-me 22 Rev. III'3 ki-gu, 23 Rev. II4 3) har-tud, 18 Ob. VII 2 9 Nin-igi-tab-mu 4) ki-s'g, 23 Ob. II6 m. of one s., 21 Ob. I) il, *15 ObIV 6I6 O.b. IV VII3 1 23 Ob. III7 2) under Masdu dupsar, '20 Ob. VII4 5) sal e-gal-la, *26 Ob. V8 1 27 Rev. 13 3) under Urmut, *21 Ob. IX' 6 6) sag-dub of ki-szg, 22 Ob. VI4 9 Nin-ka-zi(d)-da 7) under Amar-kis*i, *20 Rev. I7 I) ki-s'g, 22 Ob. IV 22 1 23 Ob. V16 9 Nin-mu-su-da 2) ki-szg in service of Gimttarsirsir, 25 I) ki-sg, 23 Ob. IV 14 Ob. V' 1 *26 Ob. IV12 *27 Ob. V9I 2) sag-dub of ki-sg, 22 Ob. IIIP m. of 3) over ki-s'g, 21 Ob. V4 I 22 Ob. V6 one d., 20 Ob. I6 1 21 Ob. II16 *23 Ob. VI3 1 "24 Ob. VIs 9 Nin-nam-mu-sub-e 6 4) sag-dub of ki-sig, m. of one s., 2 I Ob. IV16 ki-sig, 23 Ob. IX' 9 Nin-kisal-s-u 9 Nin-nig-su(s)-mu I) ki-s'g, 23 Ob. II14, IX'IO, II under Amar-kiki li-kas + gar, *20 Rev. Is I 2) ki-gu, *23 Rev. II5 21 Rev. IIs 1 *22 Rev. II6 I "23 Rev. V" 3) sag-dub of ki-slg, *21 Ob. I '5 22 Ob. II' 9 Nin-nir-zi 9 Nln-lu-mu I) ki-gu, *23 Rev. I10 I m. of one d., 20 i) il, *I7 Ob. VI7 Ob. VI's 21 Ob. VIII' 2) ki-sig, 23 Ob. II4 2) sag-dub of ki-gu, m. of one d., 22 Ob. 3) ki-s'g in service of Gim-Bau, *25 Ob. VII8 II9 I "26 Ob. II8 I *27 Ob. III' 9 Nin-nita-mus 4) sag-dub of ki-sg, *22 Ob. V9 ki-sig, 23 Ob. VIII7 5) under Amarkiski, 21 Rev. II12 9 Nin-nu-nam-X (REC. 316). 9 Nin-luz-ti-ti 1) il, 17 Ob. III1° I) a-ga-am, [20 Rev. II17] I mn. of one d., 2) ki-sig, *23 Ob. IX 17 21 Rev. IV 2 1 '22 Rev. IV3 1 23 Rev. VI9 9 Nin-pad 7 2) gu-ba of ki-sig, 20 Ob. 1II14 ki-sig, 23 Ob. VI 4, 1 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. 29

9 Nin-ra-a-na-gu-lul 2) gim dun-nig-kk-a, 20 Rev. III5 1 21 Rev. I) ki-sg, m. of one s., 23 Ob. III5 IV9 1 22 Rev. IV9 \ [23 Rev. III8] 2) sag-dub of ki-sig, '2I Ob. I 16 122 Ob. 1I2 3) sag-dub of ki-sig, m. of one s. and I d., 9 Nin-rin-il-il 20 Ob. 13 1 21 Ob. IIIIO 1 '22 Ob. IIIps under Ninziini lu-kas + gar, 20 Ob. VII 3 1 9 Nin-um-me-da *2i Rev. II 2 1 22 Rev. I[2 1 23 Rev. IV' 7 ki-szg, 21I Ob. VII7 Nin-si-ssd 9 Nin-ur-mu har-tud, m. of one s., "17 Ob. VIII4 I) gim bar-bi-gdl under Urmut, m. of 9 Nin-sIg-ma two dd., '22 Rev. I' ki-s)g, m. of one s. and one d., 23 Ob. VI 2) gim har, m. of one d., 20 Rev. II | 9 Nin-sag-ga *21 Rev. II 9 ki-sig, *23 Ob. VII3 3) gim sd-dug, 22 Ob. VIII" 9 Nin-sag-ld-tuk 4) gu-ba of ki-s&g, '20 Ob. V2 '21 Ob. ) a-ga-am,m. of two ss. and one d., 23 Rev.VI 6 VI3 1 *22 Ob. VI6 2) gizo dun-nzg-ku-a, m. of two dd., 21 5) il, *15 Ob. IV9 1 6 Ob. IVI I *7 Ob. Rev. V3 j m. of one d., *22 Rev. 1V's V 6 3) il, 'I7 Ob. III'3 1I8 Ob. II" 6) ki-slg, 23 Ob. I12 4) lz de-ma of ki-gu, 22 Ob. VII16 7) sag-dub of ki-sg, 22 Ob. IV 17 9 Nin-ses-da 8) under Masdu dupsar, 20 Ob. VI I3 1 il, 15 Ob. III2 I6 Ob. III3 21 Ob. VIII s 9 Nin-ses-ra-ki-dg 9 Nin-ur-ni il, 17 Ob. IV18 I m. of one d., I8 Ob. III12 I) gim dun-nig-ku-a, 20 Rev. IV4 [ 2I Rev. 9 Nin-su-dam-e-ki-dg var. Nii-su-dam-me-ki-dg V9 1 22 Rev. IV'9 1 23 Rev. V119 (q. v.) 2) ki-gu, *23 Rev. II6 gimn dun-nig-ku-a, 23 Rev. VI'7 3) ki-sg, 23 Ob. VIII' 1 , IXs 9 Nin-su--dam-me-ki-dg 9 Nin-uru-da-kus gim dun-ig-ku-a, 22 Rev. IV8 [ m. of 1 I) sag-dub of ki-sg, '21 Ob. I 7 I m. of one d., 20 Rev. III3 1 21 Rev. IV7 one s., '22 Ob. II3 9 Nin-si-gi-gi 2) under Amar-kis*k lIz-kas + gar, 21 Rev. ki-s'g in service of Gim-Bau, m. of one d., II 8 1 22 Rev. 1113 25 Ob. II2 *26 Ob. III [ 27 Ob. IIs Nin-subur -ama-mu N9in-uru-ezen-me-gan-gam-gam 6 under Nintiini li-kas + gar, 20 Ob. VII 2 I lz e-nzg, 17 Ob. VII'3 18 Ob. VI 6 9 Nin-subur-ama-mu '21 Rev. II' 22 Rev. II'I 23 Rev. IV' I) gim sa-dug, 22 Ob. VIIII6 9 Nin-uru-ni-su-nu-gan-gan 6 8 8 2) il, '15 Ob. IV 1 '16 Ob. IV il, 17 Ob. III , IV3 3) ki-sig, 21 Ob. VII 8 22 Ob. V1'1 9 Nin ...... 18 4) under Masdu dupsar, *20 Ob. VII3| I) ki-sig, *23 Ob. VII 4 *21 Ob. IXI 2) ki-gu, '23 Rev. I' dNin-ti(l)-bdd-mu dNina-da- nu-me-a sag-engar, 27 Ob. V" I) over ki-s"g, *21 Ob. VI 1 1 *22 Ob. VI 12 I 9 Nin-tur 23 Ob. II" | 24 Ob. VIIO I) ki-gu, 20 Ob. V IO 21 Ob. VII' | 23 2) pa ki-szg, '5 Ob. IV 3 1 6 Ob. IV5 Rev. 19, I 7 '7 Rev. III'3 8 Ob. VII" 9 Rev. I6 2) sag-dub of ki-gu, 22 Ob. VII3 *o1 Rev. 14 II Ob. VII 2 1 I2 Ob. I* 1 8 9 Nin-u-ma *13 Ob. 14(!) I4 Ob. I4 1 '20 Ob. V I I) gim bar-bi-gdl, 23 Rev. III 16 40 Ob. 113

For this reading see Thureau-Dangin, Lettres et Contrats, p. 65. 30 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

Nina-ki-dug il, 15 Ob. III4 1 I6 Ob. II113 I [17 Ob. su-ha, *28 Rev. II' V9] I| 8 Ob. IV I dNina-lig-sdg-ga Nir-dDa-gal il, *I7 Ob. VIO x) z/, I5 Ob.IV I *6 0b.V2 1"17 Ob. IV 5 dNina-gag-pad 2) l/ e-sag-ga, [17 Ob. VII16] 18 Ob. VI9 41 Ob. 19 $ Nita-ni-tum $ dNinni-ama-mu I) sag-dub of ki-sg, 20 Ob. IV9 I 21 Ob. ki-sig in service of Gim-Bau, "25 Ob. II 7 V4 1 22 Ob. VI7 1 23 Ob. IIT [26 Ob. II6] 1 *27 Ob. II'3 2) under Urmut, 21 Rev. 17 9 dNinni-da-gal-sa Nita-zi il, 17 Ob. V'4 qa-su-du, 5 Ob. VIO I 7 Rev. II3 1*8 Rev. 9 dNinni-dingir-mu II4 9 Rev. 117 1 Io Rev. II9 1 I Rev. sag-dub of ki-szg, 20 Ob. IV7 21 Ob. I4 I 12 Rev. II2 1 13 Rev. III i 5 Ob. V3 1 22 Ob. V16 V' | I6 Ob. VI7 1 25 Ob. VIs5 *26 dNinni-ib-gal Rev. I°o 1 40 Ob. VII I 41 Ob. I6 NVumun 9 dNinni-men-zi-dnim 40 Ob. V7 su-i, 15 Ob. VI'6 6 Ob. VII3 [fVu]-mu-na-sum-mu dNinni-ur-dim sag-dub of ki-sg, *2I Ob. 112

P Ph-dug-sag I Ob. Is

Qal-si *40 Ob. 114 I) over ki-sig, 21 Ob. II4 1 *22 Ob. III7 Qum-ku-su 0 2) pa ki-sig, 7 Rev. IIII2 8 Ob. VII' I sa, 40 Ob. VI 7 9 Rev. Is 10 Rev. 13 1 II Ob. VII" I

R $ Rig 9 Rig-ku-sg I) ki-sig, 23 Ob. IXI8 gim dun-nig-ku-a, 20 Rev. III7 21 Rev. 8 2) over ki-szg, 23 Rev. 13 1 24 Ob. VII IV'" I m. of two ss. and one d., 22 Rev. 3) sag-dub of ki-sig, *20 Ob. I 2 | 21 Ob. IV°I 1 *23 Rev. VI9 IIIs5 '22 Ob. HI8

S 9 Sa-dSi-ne 3) sag-engar in service of Gin-Bau, *25 I) gim sa-dug, m. of one s., *22 Ob. VIII7 Ob. 19 1 *26 Ob. I9 1 "27 Ob. II2 2) under Masdu dupsar, m. of two ss., Sag-ga-tuk-a 2 20 Ob. VI9 1 m. of one s., 2I Ob. VIII" I) 39 Ob. I4, Rev. I Sa-tam 2) title omitted but prob. sag-engar, *8 Ob. 1 2 I) 49 Rev. I' V9 I *90b.V'4 loOb.V b. 4 b II' 2) gin-nita, 5 Rev. III7 1 6 Ob. II3 1 38 3) sag-engar, '5 Ob. 117 I *6 Ob. II" l Rev. I6 1 '40 Rev. II4 [7 Ob. Vs] INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. 31 4) su-i-an in service of Gimtarsirsir,*26 Ob. Sib-Lagasi-e-ki-dg V 2 sa, 18 Ob. IX 8 Sag-ginar-ba Sib-uru-da-kus i) su-ha, *28 Ob. IV 5 il, 15 Ob. I113 16 Ob. 113 1I17 Ob. VI2 2) over su-ha ab-ba, 29 Ob. III3 I8 Ob. II 6 Sag-mu- -tuk 9 Sig-ga-na-gi 12 I) qa-'u-dzi, 18 Ob. V under Ninipini Iu-kas x gar, 23 Rev. IV I5 2) su-ha-a dug-ga, *1 Ob. V7 m. of one s., 20 Ob. VIIIO | m. of two 3) 1 su-i-an in service of Gimtarsirsir,*25 Ob. ss., '2I Rev. I 8 1*22 Rev. Is5 V12 I [27 Rev. 17] 9 Sil-tur Sag-dNin-gir-su-da I) gim bar-bi-gal under Urmut igi-dub, I) tm, *5 Ob. V5 1 6 Ob. VI3 I [7 Rev. 22 Ob. IX5 1 *23 Rev. IV4 II 7] 8 Rev. II5 9 Rev. III4 I1 Rev. 2) gim-har, 21 Rev. III'5 III 1 '38 Ob. IV" 1 '40 Rev. II8 Sug-ri-si(g) 2) over il, 17 Ob. IV10 18 Ob. III4 I ni-duz, 18 Rev. I7 24 Ob. II2 Sa(g)-ga 3) pa-il, *7 Rev. Vs 1) gab-nita + $ Sal-la gunu, '5 Ob. VI5 38 Ob. V6 1 *40 Rev. IVIO I) gim bar-bi-gal under Urmut igi-dub, 2) in service of Sah-Bau, "26 Rev. I'5 m. of one d., *22 Rev. I4 2) gim-har, m. of one d., 20 Rev. II7 21 9 Sag,-gi-a-gub-ne-dug Rev. III13 ki-gu, *21 Ob. VHIIs 1 22 Ob. VIIII 1 23 9 ? Sal-si-gdl Rev. I6 *i Ob.V2 Saog--zu-gdl 9 Sal-sag var. Sal-sag-ga (q. v.) I) ad-ge, 18 Rev. I' 2 I) gin dun-nig-ku-a, 22 Rev. IV 3 I m. of 2) sib ama-gdn-s'a, 8 Rev. I" one s. and one d., 20 Rev. III 8 1 21 9 sag-dsag Rev. IV12 i) wife of U., 2 Rev. II4 1 3 Rev. III2 6 2) ki-szg, 23 Ob. IIs *7 Rev. VII 1 *8 Rev. VI5 1 9 Rev. VIs ? Sal-sdg-ga *io Rev. VIIs5 *'I Rev. VIs i 12 Rev. 6 I) in charge of sd-dug, kas-,gi, 30 Ob. VI5 ] 13 Rev. VI5 1 I7 Rev. VIII 1 I8 VII Rev. VII5 [2I Rev. VIII"] [22 Rev. 6 2) ki-sg, 23 Ob. VII16 VIII 1 23 Rev. Xs 1 *24 Rev. VI5 1 25 9 Si-ma Rev. VI9 1 *26 Rev. V9 1 27 Rev. VI | ki-sig, 2 Ob. VII 5 28 Rev. IV5 ] 29 Rev. III' | 33 Rev. 6 6 9 Si-pi-tun VI 34 Rev. Vs 35 Rev. V 1 36 Rev. 6 I) gim-b-bar-bi-gdl, "23 Rev. III 7 V [ *47 Rev. 14 1 52 Rev. 13 2) sag-dub of ki-sg, 20 Ob. IV 6 21 Ob. 2) i1, 8 Ob. IV16 2 V1 | *22 Ob. VIs 3) ki-sg, 23 Ob. VII[ ].s m. of one s. 9 Si-um-me and three dd., 23 Ob. IV3 ki-sig, *2I Ob. VIII 22 Ob. VI3 I 23 4) over ki-sig, 23 Ob. IV'3 24 Ob. V' 8 Ob. I8 5) sag-dub of ki-sig, m. of five ss. and Sib-aEn-lil-li 2 dd., "21 Ob. I2 nm. of three(?) ss. qa-su-dz in service of Gim-Bau, 25 Ob. and three(?) dd., 22 Ob. I2 II4 1 '26 Ob. III' I *27 Ob. III9 Sag-tar Sib-Lagas-ki-dg (see var. sqq.) lz-s-uku(-ku) ba in service of Gintarsirsir, sa, i6 Ob. VIII 27 Ob. VI Sib-Lagaski-ki-dg (see var. sq.) 9 sag-tar sa, 15 Ob. VII" 17 Rev. II12 gab.ra dun-u, 22 Rev. V 7 32 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. 6 Sah 8 Rev. II 9 Rev. III' 1 "Io Rev. III 2 8 I) *I Ob.V3 i 17 Rev. II2 18 Ob. VIII's I *I Rev. 11 | 2 Rev. II"1 13 Rev. II o 24 Ob. II16 *38 Ob. IV12 1*40 Rev. 119 2) ad-ge, 40 Ob. VI' Ses-l-dug 3) su-ha, 28 Rev. III2 I) dup-sar, [15 Ob. VI12] 1 16 Ob. VI'5 4) over su-ha, 28 Rev. 1113 17 Ob. VIII's 5) over su-ha ab-ba, 29 Ob. II4 2) qa-su-du in service of Gintarsirshi, *26 Sah-d3a-u Ob. V6 1 27 Rev. I' s. of U., 25 Ob. VII 1 *26 Rev. II" 3) sag-engar in service of Gimtarsirsir, $ Ses-a-mu 27 Ob. V10 gim mas, "20 Rev. IV5 I 2I Rev. VI4 4) sub-lugal, 5 Ob. 13 1 7 Ob. 11 3 1 8 Ob. m. of one s., 22 Rev. V 7 | m. of two ss., II" I 9 Ob. I II Io Ob. II" [ xI Ob. 23 Rev. VIII 8 114 1 I3 Ob. II6 1 *38 Ob. 13 jSes-da var. Ses-da-gal-sd (q. v.) 5) title omitted, but prob. sub-lugal, 6 Ob. sag-dub of ki-sagf, 22 Ob. VI3 13 1 I2 Ob. II 6 1 I4 Ob. III3 1 40 Ob. 2 Ses-da-gal-sa IV2 14 I) gim dun-nig-kuz-a, 23 Rev. VII Ses-sdt(g)-ga 2) sag-dub of ki-sg, *21 Ob. V20 l'-kas + gar, 31 Rev. IIs 9 Ses-da .... ga Ses-tur ki-sg, *23 Ob. IX'3 1) l1 igi + lagab, 5 Ob. VI3 1 6 Ob. VIIO 1 S9es-dEdin-na *7 Rev. III5 1 8 Rev. III' 9 Rev. III°10 II'5 I) gu-ba of ki-sig, 20 Ob. 10 Rev. III" I| Rev. 117 12 Rev. 2) ki-sig, m. of one s., 23 Ob. V'3 III'4 1 13 Rev. IIII4 1 38 Ob.V4 1 40 3) sag-dub of ki-sig, *21 Ob. IV9 m. of Rev. I4 one s., 22 Ob. IVI3 2) su-ha, *28 Ob. 119 $ Ses-e-a-na-ag 9 Ses-ur-mu I) ki-gu, m. of two ss., *20 Ob. VI3 1*2I gu-ba of ki-sig, 20 Ob. III2 Ob. VII18 Su-na var. (?) Su-na-mu-gi (q. v.) 2) ki-szg, m. of two ss. and one d., 23 Ob. il, [i5 Ob. V'] I6 Ob. V3 1 7 Ob. II16 VII 7 Su-na-mu-gi 3) over ki-szg, *23 Ob. VII 14 1 *24 Ob. VII' 6 il, i8 Ob. II2 4) sag-dub ofki-gu, m. of two ss., 22 Ob. VII Ses(?)-ki-na Su- V pa, *I Ob. IV simug, 17 Rev. II6 1 IS Ob. IX2 Ses-ki-ne-sub-ma Su-tur-ga-ti su-ha, *28 Ob. II" qa-su-du in service of Sah-Bau, 25 Ob. Ses-kur-ra VI 2 1 '26 Rev. 17 mu, 5 Ob. V6 *6 Ob. VI4 7 Rev. II81

T Tur-sib gal-uku, 9 Ob. IO1 U U-da 2) igi-dub, o Rev. II2 su-ha, 28 Ob. II10 U-ne-ni I) gis-tg-pi-kar-rd, 40 Ob. II7, III'9 i) 13 Rev. 13 2) ju-ha-a dug-ga, 7 Ob. IV 51 *8 Ob INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. 33

V16 1 9 Ob. VI 10 Ob. VI6 1 *I Ob. III 8 8 Rev. II" 1 9 Rev. III6 1 io Rev. Vx1 II7 *II Rev. II13 1 2 Rev. II3 1 13 Rev. 1113 1 *38 Ob. VIl 1 40 Rev. I8 * ' I) 5 Rev. 117 1 16 Rev. III2 17 Rev. Is 4) qa-sgu-dz, 15 Ob. V16 I| 6 Ob. VI I| *33 Rev. 19 17 Ob. VII7 | i8 Ob. V9 2) dup-sar, '6 Ob. V7 17 Ob. VIII2 1 5) sahar, 40 Ob. I6 i8 Ob. VII9 Ur-dam 3) gal-ziku, 9 Ob. 19 1) 38 Ob. II' 4) igi-dub, 30 Rev. I 1 31 Ob. VII2 I 32 2) engar, 40 Ob. IV6, Rev. IV*2 Ob. VII9 3) f. of Gu-z, 40 Rev. V13 1 2 5) in service of Aenramugi; 25 Rev. I 4) lz si-gid, '8 Rev. III6 ] 9 Rev. IV' i 25 Rev. 1119 I [27 Rev. III 2] *IO Rev. IV3 1 ii Rev. III5 6) in service of Gimn-Bau, 25 Ob. IV' I 5) master of Galatur, 40 Rev. 1119 *26 Ob. III14 Ur-dDumu-zi 7) REC. 344, 17 Rev. V18 I i8 Rev. II1 I sib-gud, 5 Ob. II°0 6 Ob. III'2 *7 Ob. 24 Ob. Vs5 *33 Rev. 13 34 Rev. 17 VI' 8 Ob. Vs 1 9 Ob. V'1 I *IO Ob. 8 35 Rev. I' 1 36 Rev. I 1 37 Rev. I8, V 8 I Ob. V3 1 37 Ob. II3, III 1 IO,IV7, III 4 V4, VI', Rev. I6, II8 1 *38 Ob. IIIl 8) sangu e-gal, 17 Rev. VI' I 34 Rev. Is I' Ur-dun var. Ur-dDun-pa- (q. v.) 35 Rev. 19 1 36 Rev. II6 I among the I) gis-tug-pi-kar-ra, *6 Ob. IV 1 *8 Ob. gis-kin-ti(!), 9 Ob. V3 I *IO Ob. Va VII3 9 Ob. VI I IO Ob. VI9 1 Ii I Ob. IV 12 Ob. VII3 1I2 Ob. VII3 I 3 Ob. VII' I 9) sub-lugal, *7 Ob. I10 *15 Ob. II7 1 6 Ob. 117 1 38 Ob. III' 12 9 U-u 40 Rev. III'4 2 ki-s'g, 21 Ob. VII' 1 22 Ob. VII4 2) over igi-nu-duz, 17 Ob. II 12 8 Ob. I6,j Uk-ki *i9 Ob. III4 1 24 Ob. 13 I Ob. I4 Ur-dDun-pa-e Umn-um gis'-tz-pi-kar-rd, *7 Ob. VII4 sa, 40 Rev. IV 4 Ur-e-ninni Ur-dAb-ul I) dam-ka2r, 40 Ob. 19 I) gs-tzg-pi-kar-rd, *12 Ob. VII6 I 13 Ob. 2) gal dam-kar, 52 Ob. II' VII4 Ur-dEn-ki 2) over igi-nu-du, I8 Ob. I8 19 Ob. HIl 6 i I) 39 Ob. I2, IIs5 *24 Ob. I5 2) gal-uku, 9 Ob. Is 1 *IO Ob. 5I 3) sag-engar, *40 Rev. IV8 3) &l-hal,8 Ob. Is Ur- .. ga 4) nagar, *40 Ob. VI 4 su-ha, *28 Ob. 17 5) over su-ha, 28 Ob. III 6 g Ur-azag--gi 6) sag-engar, 5 Ob. II6 1 6 Ob. II10I *7 ki-sig, 23 Ob. VII6 Ob. V4 Ur-dBa-u. 7) sib-gud, I5 Rev. I8 1 *I6 Rev. II4 I) mu, *i5 Ob. VI3 1 I6 Ob. VI6 1I7 Ob. Ur-dEz ir- nun VII5 I 18 Ob. V'5 lul, '*5 Rev. II2 1 6 Rev. HI17 2) nagar, 17 Rev. IITs I8 Ob. IX12 [Ur-ga]-da 3) REC. 344, 37 Ob. VI7 1 47 Ob. 14 sag-engar in service of Gim-Bau, '27 Ur-dk Ob. I 8 I) gal-zku, 9 Ob. 17 1 *IO Ob. 17 Ur-dGasam 2) lu-hal, *8 Ob. 17 il, '5 Ob. IIII7 1 "16 Ob. IV 2 *17 Ob. 3) ni-dz, *5 Ob. VI 1 6 Ob. VII' 7 Rev. V"x Hussey. 5 34 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS.

Ur-ginar-sag 3) sub-lugal, 7 Ob. II 9 i) lu-kas + gar, 5 Ob. III12 Ur-dNinni 2) su-ia-a dug-ga, '7 Ob. IV 6 1 [8 Ob. x) md-ld4, I5 Rev. II8 16 Rev. III3 1 I7 VI'] 9 Ob. VI8 1 Io Ob. VPI; I Ob. Rev. VI [ 18 Rev. H'4 1 24 Ob. V8 VII 2) ni-diz, I8 Rev. I 6 Ur-ka-si Ur-dPa-gis-gibil-sag su-ha, *28 Rev. I4 I) ni-dk, 15 Ob. VIII9 j 16 Rev. I 2 Ur-ki 2) simug, 17 Rev. II8 I) gab-rim (?), 17 Rev. IV'7 Ur-sag 6 2) ni-du, [I5 Ob. VIII ] 16 Ob. VIII" I) title omitted, but prob. gub-lugal, *6 Ob. 17 Rev. III9 110 1 2 Ob. I10, [1] I 14 Ob. II3 5 3 3) nu-sar, 2 34 Rev. III 35 Rev. III8 I 2) gal-uku, 8 Ob. IIO 9 Ob. I I 1 I Io 36 Rev. III Ob. IIO 4) over igi-nu-du, 15 Ob. II I *x6 Ob. 3) over gal-oku, *8 Ob. I'3 1 9 Ob. III 2 II' 1 7 Ob. II' I9 Ob. 113 *io Ob. II' 5) su-ha, 28 Rev. II2 4) qa-su-du in service of Sah-dBau, 25 Ur-mut Ob. VI" 1 *26 Rev. I6 I) title omitted, but prob. igi-dub, I I Rev. 5) 'ub-lugal, 5 Ob. I 8 7 Ob. II8 II Ob. II 21 Rev. I' 13 I 13 Ob. 1*9, II 38 Ob. I6 6 2) 7 Rev. IV 1 8 Rev. I5 9 Rev. I I[ Ur-se-da-lum-ma io Rev. II' 1 2 Rev. 13 [I3 Rev. II] I 6 il, *18 Ob. II 22 Rev. II2 24 Rev. I 1 *25 Ob. III12 Ur-sgU-dam *26 Ob. III9 127 Ob. III'7 33 Ob. VI7 udu nig-ku-a ba-lah-gi, *17 Rev. V7 1 i8 34 Ob. V' 35 Ob. V5 1 36 Ob. V'7 Rev. II2 3) igi-dub over gim bar-bi-gal, 23 Rev. IV'3 UrS-du.nir-da I) title omitted, 4) sangu nig, 51 Ob. II 2 but prob. sub-lugal, 12 Ob. Ur-ni 113 [ 4 Ob. II8 2) sub-lugal, *7 Ob. 13 lk a-bil, I5 Ob. VI9 I 16 Ob. VII 1 17 8 Ob. II [ *9 Ob. 113 [ [IO Ob. VIII9 8 Ob. VII7 Ob. II3] I *II Ob. I5 1 3 Ob. Ur-nigin II4 su-ha, 28 Ob. III4 Ur-ur Ur-dNin-dar 1ksuku(-ku) ba in service of Gimtasrsirsir, 2 I) nagar, 40 Ob. V9 27 Ob. V 2) su-ha, 28 Rev. II6 2 Uru-e-nu-mu-si Ur-dNin-gir-su-da ki-sig, 23 Ob. VI I mu, *1I Rev. 117 Uru-ka-gi-na Ur-dNin-mes I) lugal, 2 Rev. II 5 3 Rev. 1113 4 Rev. su-ha, 28 Ob. I14 I 1 *7 Rev. VII 1 *8 Rev. VI 6 9 Rev. Ur-din-mus x mus- da-ru VI 6 1*Io Rev. VII 6 i I Rev. VI6 [I 12 I) pa-i, *5 Ob. III' 6 Ob. 1119 7 Rev. V4 Rev. VI 6 1 3 Rev. VI 6 1 7 Rev. VIII 7 1 2) over il, *15 Ob. V'3 I 6 Ob. Vs 1 7 18 Rev. VII6 1*2I Rev. VIII 2 1 22 Rev. Ob. VI' s *24 Ob. III3 VIII7 1 23 Rev. X6 1 24 Rev. VI6 1 25 Ur-dNin-sar Rev. VII' 1 *26 Rev. V0O 1 27 Rev. VI5 I) gin-nita, 5 Rev. III 8 1 *6 Ob. 114 '38 *28 Rev. IV 6 I 29 Rev. III 1 32 Rev. Rev. I7 1 *40 Rev. II' VIs 1 33 Rev. VI7 1 34 Rev. V6 1 35 2) lk-zig-ga, 8 Rev. III4 I 9 Rev. 11'3 I Rev. V7 1 36 Rev. V7 1 39 Rev. III 6 *lo Rev. IV' I II Rev. III 3 I2 Rev. 40 Rev. VII9 [ 41 Rev. Vs 1 47 Rev. Is I III7 f 13 Rev. 1117 52 Rev. 14 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. 35

2) pa-te-si, 5 Rev. VI3 1 6 Rev. VIs1 15 2) [lu A + en-ra-mu-gi], *27 Rev. IV' Rev. VIIs I [I6 Rev. VII 6] 1 20 Rev. Uru-ka-gi-na-dNina-zu 1 VII5 I *3I Rev. Vs I) lz A + en-ra-gin, "43 Ob. II Uru-ka-gi-na- En- lil-zu 2) [kl A + en-ra-mu-gi], *27 Rev. IV3 I) i A + en-ra-gin, "43 Ob. II 9 Uru-na-a-na-gu-lul 2) [f/ A + en-ra-mu-gi], (cf. 25 Rev. SII I) ki-sg, *23 Ob. III 8 2 26 Rev. III), *27 Rev. IV' 2) sag-dub of ki-sg, 21 Ob. II I 22 Uru-ka-gi-na-dNin-gir-su-ge-zu Ob. II'5 I) lu A + en-ra-gin, *43 Ob. I 2

z S Za-na Zar-la I) gim bar-bi-gdl under Urmut igi-dub, *I Ob. VI' 22 Ob. IX7 $ Zi-la-la 2) gitm dun-nig-ku-a, *20 Rev. IV2 [ *21 I) gim bar-bi-gal under Urmut, *22 Ob. Rev. Vs I 22 Rev. IV I7 23 Rev. VII7 IX 2 | m. of one d., 23 Rev. III14 3) il, *15 Ob. IIIs 6 I *i6 Ob. III6 1 I7 2) under Masdu dupsar, *20 Ob. VI7 Ob. V2 3) under Urmut, '21 Ob. IXI 4) ki-sig, 23 Ob. II 3 9 Zi-i 5) sag-dub of ki-sg, 21 Ob. V" (!) 22 I) gim bar-bi-gdl under Urmut igi-dub, Ob. 19 22 Ob. IX 8 6) udu nig-ku-a ba-lah-gi, I7 Rev. Vs5 2) under Amar-kiski l kas xgar, *20 Rev. 18 Rev. II8 I6 i m. of one d., 21 Rev. II 6 1 22 Rev. 7) under Amar-kiski, 20 Rev. I 1I21 Rev. III *23 Rev. V 2 8 II" I 22 Rev. II" I 23 Rev. V 3) under Urmut, 21 Rev. I*3. o1 8) under Ninipini lu-kas x gar, [20 Ob. 9 Zi-mu VIII I] I) il, I7 Ob. IV16 9) under Masdu, *2I Ob. IX5 2) ki-sig in service of Gim-Bau, *25 Ob. o1) under Uu, I5 Rev. II6 1 16 Rev. III' II8 1 *26 Ob. II7 27 Ob. II41 2Zabar(-bar)-tur Zi- mu-dDa-gal T2 over ki-gu, 23 Rev. II 1 24 Ob. VII 5 I) il, 15 Ob. II'4 "16 Ob. III' Zag- mu 2) ni-dz, [15 Ob. VIII 7] i 16 Ob. VIII 2 I) gal-zku, 9 Ob. I6 1 *1O Ob. I 6 9 Zi-na 2) li-hal, 8 Ob. I 6 I) ki-szg, m. of one d., 23 Ob. I4 3) sib-ansu, 5 Rev. II3 1 *6 Rev. II3 1 [8 Ob. 2) sag-dub of ki-sig, m. of one d., 22 Ob. III'3] 1 ' 9 Ob. IV3 I *io Ob. IV' I ii IV s Ob. IIIo1 I I2 Ob. IV'° 1 13 Ob. IV'0 I O Zi-zi "38 Rev. I9 1*40 Rev. III12 I) sag-dub of ki-sg, m. of one s. and one d., 4) sagan-ki, *8 Ob. IV8 1 *9 Ob. IV'3 *20 Ob. II, I m. of two dd., *21 Ob. II 20 *io Ob. IV" [ I Ob. IV3

X(REC. Supp. 5ter)-gig-mu I Ob. III5 I Ob. II4 X(ibid.)-nu-me X(ibid.)-kur I Ob. IV 6 I Ob. IV' X(ibid.)-sag-md X(ibid.)-li i Ob. II' 5* 36 INDEX OF NAMES OF PERSONS. 4 X(REC. 186) IIo1 I [7 Rev. IV '] I 8 Rev.III' 9 Rev. in service of Gimtarsirsir, 25 Ob. VI 3 | IV9 I Io Rev. IV" I I Rev. IIII4 12 [26 Ob. VI ] j "27 Rev. I13 Ob. VI5 1 I3 Ob. VI 4 X(REC. Supp. 339 bis) X-ni-du gab-ra udu-nzg-k'-a, 5 Rev. II O 1 6 Rev. I Ob. III'

...... ama() ... ki-szg, 23 Ob. VI 6 gim bar-bi-gal under Urmut, 23 Rev. IV2 ...... m[a] ...... aa ... tzr(?) gim sd-du(g), m. of one d., 23 Rev. II16 su-ha, 28 Ob. III 2 ...... nam + gunu? .... (?) .. ba ... I Ob. VII' I Ob.V 6 .... nin (?).... dd...... da su-ha, 28 Ob. III 9 I Ob. VII4 d. nun(?)... da ...... dim( ) ... en () I Ob. VII under Ninipini, 20 Ob. VIII2 ..... ta (?)-pad-[d]a ...... dm ki-sig, 23 Ob. VI7 I Ob. III4 ...... gal(?) I Ob. VII 3 su-ha, 28 Ob. II 9 .... u ... dingir-mu (?) 9...... X (REC. 3y6)-sud gim bar-bi-gal-la, 23^Rev. IV3 TEXTS

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Reverse Plate 31

No. 20

Obverse Plate 32

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No. 21


Hussey i Plate 34

No. 21


I/A' i, D

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ni/,yla_;_ -/./_' _ , / / /t .I ///!l/x/x,/ ' *i/l -^ ';,,,',/t

toll'! /b O ^i^^^^^®^^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~///:

'I // ~~1/ ///' ,, II;

V'/^P^j Y'!/''^I·~ tt i,f^^ i'"'B ^wT Plate 35

No. 22

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No. 49

Obverse Reverse

No. 50

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Obverse Reverse

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No. 51

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No. 40


4io No. 35 Plate 80 Obverse

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Obverse Reverse

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Obverse Reverse