The European Culture Channel 2004 March 2004 Marchcontents Preface
The European2004 Culture Channel March 2004 March contents Preface ...................................................................... 5 Programmes ............................................................ 7 Programme schedules ........................................ 26 ....................................................2004 ARTE off-screen 28 The channel .......................................................... 32 MarchChronology ............................................................ 46 3 2004 March preface ARTE: the television channel for those with an enquiring mind « ARTE, vivons curieux / so hab’ ich das noch nie gesehen» (ARTE, let's be curious! ). Our new slogan says it all. After all, how can one expect to move forward, make progress, if one does not take an interest in other people? That has been ARTE's raison d’être since its inception, as it still is – even more so, indeed – today. The world is going through a period of major change and upheavals. Efforts to unite Europe are proceeding at a cautious pace. In such circumstances, the role of a television channel such as ARTE must be to break down intellectual, moral and artistic barriers with programmes that open a window wide open on the world. Programmes that look beyond the immediate horizon, to places where everything is different, where one encounters other lifestyles, other ways of thinking, other beliefs. 2004 The year 2004 is the year of European enlargement, a crucial year that will offer each and every one of us a chance to push back the borders of our
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