
The Discovery of the Top

Finding the sixth quark involved the world’s most energetic collisions and a cast of thousands

by Tony M. Liss and Paul L. Tipton

VIOLENT COLLISION between a and an (center) creates a (red) and an antitop (blue). These decay to other , typically producing a number of jets and possibly an or .

n March 1995 scientists gathered are the building blocks of mat- must exist since 1977, when its partner, at a hastily called meeting at Fer- ter. The lightest quarks, designated “up” the bottom, was discovered. But the top I milab—the Fermi National Accel- and “down,” make up the familiar pro- proved exasperatingly hard to find. Al- erator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., near tons and . Along with the elec- though a fundamental with no Chicago—to witness a historic event. In trons, these make up the entire periodic discernible structure, the top quark MICHAEL GOODMAN back-to-back seminars, physicists from table. Heavier quarks (such as the , turns out to have a of 175 billion rival experiments within the lab an- strange, top and bottom quarks) and electron volts (GeV)—as much as an nounced the discovery of a new particle, , though abundant in the early of and far greater than most the top quark. A decades-long search moments after the , are now theorists had anticipated. The proton, for one of the last missing pieces in the commonly produced only in accelera- made of two ups and one down, has a of particle had tors. The Standard Model describes the mass of just under 1 GeV. (The electron come to an end. interactions among these building blocks. volt is a unit of , related to mass The top quark is the sixth, and quite It requires that leptons and quarks each via E = mc 2.) possibly the last, quark. Along with come in pairs, often called generations. Creating a top quark thus required leptons—the electron and its relatives— Physicists had known that the top concentrating immense amounts of en-

54 Scientific American September 1997 Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. The Discovery of the Top Quark ergy into a minute region of space. Phys- GeV. Meanwhile the at beam , its collisions would be icists do this by accelerating two parti- was just coming into its own with our unlikely to create top quarks heavier cles and having them smash into each young CDF (Collider Detector at Fer- than 77 GeV. The competition was now other. Out of a few trillion collisions at milab). A brief flurry of intense compe- between CDF and a new experiment least a handful, experimenters hoped, tition between us and a group at CERN across the accelerator ring at Fermilab, would cause a top quark to be created brought the decade to a close without a called Dø (pronounced “dee zero,” af- out of energy from the impact. What we top but with the knowledge that its mass ter its location on the ring). did not know was how much energy it could be no lower than 77 GeV. In the early 1980s Leon M. Leder- would take. Although many properties By this time CERN had reached its man, then director of Fermilab, decided of the top, such as its and limit. With its comparatively lower that CDF needed some local competi- (intrinsic angular momentum), were predicted by the Standard Model, the mass was unconstrained. Although particles can be created from CONSTITUENTS OF nothing but energy, certain features, CHARGE u c such as electrical charge, cannot—these UP CHARM t TOP are “conserved.” A top quark cannot MASS +2/ be born all by itself. The easiest way to (GeV) 0.3 1.5 175 3 make a top is along with an antitop— d s b identical in mass but with opposite signs d DOWN STRANGE BOTTOM

QUARKS MASS 0.5 4.5 1 for other properties, so that conserved (GeV) 0.3 – /3 quantities cancel out. In 1985, when the Fermilab collider - e- µ- τ- was first activated, the search for the ELECTRON MASS top had already been going on for eight 0.0005 0.106 1.7 –1 years. Early forays at the Stanford Lin- (GeV) ν ν ν ear Accelerator Center in Palo Alto, e ELECTRON µ MUON τ TAU Calif., and at DESY in Hamburg, Ger- NEUTRINO NEUTRINO LEPTONS MASS 0? 0? 0 many, turned up nothing. Over the years (GeV) 0? the hunt moved on to different acceler- ators as they came into operation with ever more energetic particle beams. In TRANSMITTERS OF the early 1980s at CERN, the European laboratory for near Ge- VECTOR neva, beams of and W + W – 0 γ g hitting one another at energies up to W Z g 315 GeV generated two new particles, MASS the W and the Z. (GeV) 80 80 91 0 0 Whereas quarks and leptons consti- tute matter, these particles transmit CHARGE +1 –1 0 0 0 force—in particular the weak force, re- FORCE WEAK WEAK WEAK ELECTRO- STRONG sponsible for some types of radioactive MAGNETIC decay. Their discovery provided further confirmation of the Standard Model, which had accurately predicted their . It was widely believed that the discovery of the top quark at CERN Characters of the Standard Model was imminent. Finding it would still be a difficult atter consists of two types of particles: quarks and leptons. These are feat. When protons and antiprotons hit Massociated into generations. Up and down quarks, for instance, occur one another at high energies, the actual along with inside ; they are members of the first generation. collision is between their internal quarks Much heavier quarks such as the top and bottom are created only in acceler- and . Each quark or gluon car- ators. For each quark or , there is an antiquark or antilepton with oppo- ries just a modest fraction of the total site charge (not shown). energy of its host proton or antiproton, Force is transmitted by a different set of particles: the W, Z, photon and glu- yet the collision must be energetic ons. The W and Z “bosons” transmit the weak , involved in ra- enough to generate top quarks. Such dioactive decays. For instance, an may change into a by collisions are rare, and the higher the emitting a W particle, which then decays into a quark or lepton pair. The pho- ton transmits the electromagnetic force, which at high energies is unified required energy—that is, the higher the with the weak force. The gluons transmit the strong force that binds up and top mass—the rarer they are. down quarks into protons and neutrons. An extra particle that is believed to By 1988 the top had not yet been ob- exist, the Higgs, has not yet been found. —T.M.L. and P.L.T. served at CERN; the experimenters con-

cluded its mass must be greater than 41 MICHAEL GOODMAN

The Discovery of the Top Quark Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. Scientific American September 1997 55 a b W W JET





3 METERS FERMI NA FERMI NA tion. So we acquired in-house rivals: be- the best theoretical calculations, we ex- that quarks always appear stuck togeth- ginning in 1992 the Dø collaboration pected that about one out of every 10 er with other quarks and antiquarks— began to take data. In addition to spur- billion collisions would produce a top in pairs called or in triplets ring on our efforts, which it certainly quark. The rest, though interesting for a called . (Protons and neutrons did, having two complementary experi- host of other projects, would be a com- are examples of baryons.) When a quark ments studying the same physics was plicated backdrop from which the top emerges from a collision, it gets “dressed healthy in another way. Despite the best would have to be extracted. up” by a cloud of other quarks and an- efforts of experimenters, spurious re- Over the course of a decade, both the tiquarks. What is observed is a jet, a di- sults can occur. Having a second exper- CDF and Dø collaborations construct- rected beam of particles that have rough- iment provides a cross-check. ed enormous, complicated instruments, ly the same direction of as the Both CDF and Dø are international with hundreds of thousands of chan- original quark. collaborations of more than 400 physi- nels of electronics, in order to isolate cists. There are also numerous engineers, the top’s “signature”—the trace it would A Barrage of Jets technicians and support personnel. The leave in the detectors. Whereas the CDF rival teams are independent of each oth- detector emphasizes the ability to track he W can decay into a quark and er and never collaborate on their analy- accurately the paths of individual parti- Tan antiquark from the same gener- ses. Each tries to beat the other to the cles in a magnetic field (in order to mea- ation, such as an up and an antidown. punch. But it is friendly competition, sure their momenta), the Dø device re- In this case, the quark and antiquark and we regularly share tables in the lies on an extremely precise segmented show up in a particle detector as two cafeteria and enjoy both serious scien- calorimeter, which measures the energy jets. But the W can also decay “leptoni- tific conversation and a considerable from each collision. cally”—into a charged and a neutral amount of needling. The top and antitop, once produced, lepton from the same generation, such It is part of the unwritten code of decay almost instantly. Unlike the up as an electron and a neutrino. both experiments that the results of any and down quarks, which are stable, the If the charged lepton is an electron or physics analysis are not discussed out- top quark has a lifetime of only about muon (a heavier copy of the electron), side the collaboration until the analysis 10–24 second. The Standard Model pre- that particle can be directly observed in is finished. It was clear, however, that dicts that if heavy enough, the top quark the detector. But if it is a tau (an even keeping any secrets in the top search was will decay nearly all the time into a W heavier copy of the electron), it decays going to be tricky. Among other things, and a . So a top and anti- quite rapidly, making it hard to identify. there are at least three physicists with a top, if created, should generate two Ws, The neutrino (which has little or no spouse on the rival team. To prevent the a bottom and an antibottom. mass) passes through a detector com- rumor mill from spinning out of con- Unfortunately, neither the Ws nor the pletely unobserved. Fortunately, its pres- trol, we agreed with Dø that if one of bottom quarks can be directly observed. ence can be indirectly deduced because the experimental groups was about to The W’s lifetime is about the same as it carries away momentum. When the make a newsworthy announcement, it the top’s. The bottom, too, is unstable, momenta of all the particles seen in the would give the other a week’s notice. though much longer lived than the top. detector are added up, and a significant The critical part of a high-energy ex- Moreover, individual—or “bare”— amount is missing, a neutrino is assumed periment is the detector, which records quarks are never seen. The strong force, to have carried it off. the debris from a collision. Based on which binds the quarks together, ensures By the time we started taking data in

56 Scientific American September 1997 Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. The Discovery of the Top Quark BOTTOM/ POSITRON ANTIBOTTOM c W JET JET UNOBSERVED BOTTOM/ NEUTRINO W JET ANTIBOTTOM JET

A Classic Top Event ENERGY proton and an antiproton traveling in oppo- A site directions along the beam line (pointed out of the page) collide at the center of the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) (a). The impact produces four distinct jets (b) and a few other particles. Two jets, identified by a silicon vertex detector, are from the decay of a bottom and an an- tibottom quark, whereas two are from the decay of a W into a quark and an antiquark. An en- ergetic positron is produced by another W decay, along with an invisible neutrino (red arrow). Multi- ple jets, along with a positron, alert experimenters to the possible creation of a top. A magnetic directed along the beam line curves the paths of the charged particles. The direc- tion of curvature shows the sign of a particle’s charge, and the extent reveals its momentum. Further, a calorimeter wraps around the beam line; it measures the energies of the emerging particles. It is shown unrolled (c). The height of a bar indicates the energy released by particles in the corresponding segment. The combination of devices allows experimenters to reconstruct the original event (depict- ed on page 54) with a high degree of confidence. —T.M.L. and P.L.T. JENNIFER C. CHRISTIANSEN

August 1992, we had pushed the top safely away from the silicon if a problem bottom jets. The other looked for low- mass limit up to 91 GeV. This represent- was detected. Even as we were learning energy leptons, a telltale sign of a bot- ed a milestone. The W mediates inter- how to use the new vertex detector, the tom-quark decay. actions between quarks in the same gen- Dø collaboration was commissioning Nearly a year into the run, the mass eration—and so between the top and the its own new detector on the opposite limit was pushed to 108 GeV by CDF bottom. If the top were light enough— side of the accelerator ring. and later to 131 GeV by Dø, and we below about 75 GeV—a W might have In October 1992, just three months were still searching. Then, in July 1993, produced a top by decaying to it, along later, we saw our first hint of the top— at a meeting of the entire CDF collabo- with an antibottom. But now we knew an event characterized by a highly ener- ration, the three groups presented the that the only way we could find a top getic muon and electron, lots of missing results of their ongoing analyses. Inde- was by creating a top-antitop pair. momentum and at least two jets. We pendently they were ambiguous, but to- Among the most striking features of analyzed that one event in excruciating gether they offered persuasive evidence a top “event” are the jets produced by detail, finally concluding that it was of a top. One of us (Tipton) was soon to bottom quarks. The bottom quark trav- probably the real thing. Dø had also go to a conference and present our latest els in a jet as part of a or , observed a similar event, the most like- results. After the meeting, we began to then decays roughly half a millimeter ly interpretation of which involved a realize that if these results were present- from where it was generated. In 1992 top. But a single event was not enough; ed, the audience would conclude that we started to track the particles in jets we needed to observe the top in several we had strong indications of a top. Our very precisely using a special instrument different ways to make sure we were not work was not yet ready for such intense placed right on top of the region where being fooled by “background,” events scrutiny. So Tipton gave a talk focusing the beams collide [see “The Silicon Mi- randomly mimicking the top signature. on our methods and the various diffi- crostrip Detector,” by Alan M. Litke and We began to analyze the data even more culties in finding the top, but without Andreas S. Schwarz; Scientific Amer- avidly than before, but when nothing the latest results. Soon rumors began to ican, May 1995]. This silicon vertex particularly spectacular showed up, we fly, some very accurate and others wild- detector could locate the path of a par- knew we were in for a long haul. ly off. We did not help when in ticle to within 15 microns. By finding Three groups were involved in ana- the spring of 1994 we canceled a sched- most of the tracks in a jet and extrapo- lyzing the CDF results. Our first candi- uled talk at a major conference. lating them backward, we hoped to date for a top was found by a group Of the trillion or so collisions created find the point where the bottom quark searching among events with two lep- within CDF, we had isolated 12 events decayed—and thereby identify it as a tons (from two W decays) and at least that seemed to involve the creation of a bottom jet. two jets (presumably from the bottom top-antitop pair. Other physical pro- The silicon technology was new, and quarks). The two other groups were cesses can imitate the signature of such we were concerned about the effects of looking at events with a lepton (from an event, and we had to estimate their trillions of particles passing through it. one W decay) plus jets (from the other likelihood. After months of effort, we We knew that the entire detector could W decay and the bottom quarks). These estimated that roughly 5.7 of these be fried in a fraction of a second if an two teams used different strategies to background events were to be expect- accelerator glitch spilled the beams into discern top events. One used the signals ed. The probability that background it. We developed a special protection from the silicon vertex chamber, which alone was responsible for these 12 events scheme, which would kick the beam was functioning very well, to identify was about one in 400, leaving a small

The Discovery of the Top Quark Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. Scientific American September 1997 57 chance that no tops had been observed. imal place—and noted they were avail- radiation. Once again we had to learn We subjected the 12 events to exhaus- able for job offers. its particular quirks, but in the end this tive analysis. One crucial study in- A few days after the submission of device worked even better than the first. volved an attempt to “reconstruct” the the CDF paper, we held a seminar and We wrote a new algorithm for using the top mass. By adding up the energies in press conference at Fermilab to an- vertex detector to detect top candidates, the jets and leptons emitted by a (pre- nounce the findings. The Dø collabora- putting to good use our previous expe- sumed) top-antitop pair, we could ar- tion presented its results as well. Al- rience. Once we had enough data, we rive at a value for the mass of the top. If though consistent with CDF’s, the Dø processed them with the completed al- the events were indeed from such a pair, data showed little compelling evidence gorithm. It was almost immediately ob- the derived masses should fall close to for top quarks except for the one ex- vious that we indeed had the top. some one value—the true top mass. In ceptional event recorded early in their The final presentations, made on contrast, background events March 2, 1995, showed over- should give a much broader dis- Y whelming evidence for the top OR T tribution. The mass indeed clus- 2 CANDIDATE A quark from both CDF and Dø. TOP EVENTS tered in a narrow range, implying ABOR Both teams reported a probabili- OR L a top mass of about 175 GeV. To T ty of less than one in 500,000 A many of us, this was convincing 1.5 THEORETICAL that their top quark candidates

BACKGROUND CELER evidence that we were not being WITH TOP OF C could be explained by back- S fooled by background. 175 GeV ground alone.

1 TIONAL A We initially planned to write VENT Since then, we have acquired E four papers, one for each kind of more than 100 top events. We THEORETICAL FERMI NA analysis and one summarizing 0.5 BACKGROUND have also made preliminary the results. At the next meeting of WITH NO TOP searches for phenomena beyond the entire collaboration, which we the Standard Model. The ex- privately refer to as the October 0 tremely large mass of the top— Massacre, the four groups writ- 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 the current value is 175.6 GeV— ing the papers presented them to TOP QUARK MASS (GeV) suggests that it may be funda- the rest of the collaboration. We mentally different from the other

81 Y OR

were loudly and appropriately criticized T quarks, and therein lies the hope that it A because the papers were incomplete 80.8 may lead us past the Standard Model. ABOR and did not paint a coherent picture. ) Although successful, this model leaves OR L

eV T We abandoned the four-paper idea, and A many questions unanswered. ) 80.6 CELER a small group (including the two of us) eV Within the Standard Model the weak WORLD C started instead to work on one. AVERAGE interaction, mediated by the W and Z 80.4 HIGGS MASS (G The process was excruciating. Each W MASS 100100 TIONAL A particles, and the electromagnetic inter- 250250500500 person in the collaboration had a dif- MASS (G 1,000 action, transmitted by , are W ferent view as to the strength of the 80.2 FERMI NA unified into a single “electroweak” in- claim we should make. It is hard to sat- teraction at very high energies. Such en- isfy 400 editors. Moreover, as the effort FERMILAB ergies existed in the very early . finally drew to a close months later, we 80 TOP MASS In the low-energy world in which we were even receiving corrections from live, the electromagnetic and weak in- physicists outside the collaboration, who 140 160 180 200 220 teractions behave very differently. The were not supposed to have the drafts at TOP QUARK MASS (GeV) mechanism behind the “breaking” of all. After much debate, the collabora- TOP MASS reconstructed (above) from their initial is not known, but tion decided to report the result not as a 12 initial events at the CDF cluster in the simplest model it is caused by a discovery but more tentatively as evi- around the value of 175 GeV. But the ac- new particle called the Higgs. dence for the existence of a top quark. curacy with which the top and W masses At high energies, when the symmetry are known is not enough (below) to pre- On April 22, 1994, when we finally sub- exists, the W, Z, photon, leptons and dict the mass of the Higgs particle. It may mitted the paper for publication, most vary from 100 to 1,000 GeV. quarks are all massless. At lower ener- of us thought it was a very good paper, gies, when the symmetry breaks, the W the result of an excellent, democratic pro- and the Z interact with the Higgs and cess we hoped never to have to repeat. run. The group had, however, assumed become massive. The quarks and lep- We hid all the drafts and documenta- a low value for the top mass and as a tons also acquire masses in the process. tion in a subdirectory of our secretary’s consequence had not designed its search But whereas the W and Z masses can computer, under the name of “pot.” As optimally. be calculated from the Standard Model, might be expected, this feeble attempt Within weeks Dø had finished its re- the quark and lepton masses have to be at encryption did little to safeguard our analysis (for a heavier top) and were ob- inserted by means of adjustable param- secrets. Just before the announcement, serving some signs of it as well. Mean- eters that describe how strongly each two postdoctoral fellows posted a while both teams set to collecting more type of quark or lepton interacts, or tongue-in-cheek theoretical paper on an data. To confirm the finding, we would “couples,” with the Higgs. electronic bulletin board. On the basis need at least twice as many top events. For an electron, which is very light, of a wild theory, they “predicted” the CDF put in a new silicon vertex detec- the interaction strength is 3 × 10–6. For top mass—the CDF value to the last dec- tor; the old one had been damaged by a top quark, it is almost exactly unity.

58 Scientific American September 1997 Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. The Discovery of the Top Quark This relatively strong with the they exist and are lighter than the Higgs, and to some extent the mystique top, some of these particles could associated with a value of unity, sug- be found in top decays. CDF gests that the top quark may have a and Dø have both mounted special role. We do not yet know what searches for these hypothetical it is. Certainly the top’s great mass particles, so far with null results. makes it the most influential quark, in Another critical question is terms of its interactions with other par- whether quarks, especially the ticles. A very precise measurement of massive top, are really funda- the top’s mass, for example, along with mental particles with no sub- that of a W, would lead to a prediction structure. Recently the CDF col- for the Higgs’s mass. laboration measured the rate at There are ways of breaking the sym- which high-energy jets are pro- metry of electroweak theory that do duced at Fermilab’s collider, find- TERS not invoke an elementary Higgs parti- ing that it is higher than expect- W LET cle. In one candidate theory the Higgs is ed. Very energetic scattering at VIE AL RE

replaced by a top-antitop pair. This the- wide angles (reminiscent of Ruth- SIC HY ory predicts the existence of new, heavy erford scattering, which revealed P particles that decay into top-antitop that the atom has a nucleus) of- pairs. Such an effect would enhance the fers insights into the structure of ABOUT 1,000 PHYSICISTS and uncounted rate of production of top quarks. the colliding objects. One possi- technicians contributed to the CDF and Dø col- ble interpretation of our results laborations’ efforts to find the top quark. The first pages of their respective papers reporting the Over the Top is that the excess jets are caused discovery consist entirely of names. by collisions of even smaller ob- he sheer enormousness of the top’s jects within quarks—something Tmass makes its decays fertile ground not observed by any other experiment. tops 30 times faster than before, allow- for new particle searches. Some theorists So radical a conclusion, which would ing a more detailed look at the top’s have speculated that a few of the events completely change the theory of quarks, characteristics. By 2006 the Large Had- collected by CDF may contain super- can be reached only if we can rule out ron Collider at CERN will begin opera- symmetric particles [see “Is Nature Su- all other possibilities. An “excessive” tion. It will produce two proton beams persymmetric?” by Howard E. Haber production of jets could be coming from colliding at 14 TeV (tera, or 1012, elec- and Gordon L. Kane; Scientific Amer- subtle inaccuracies in the predictions. tron volts)—seven times the energy at ican, June 1986]. is a We are in the process of exploring the Fermilab—generating almost one top- postulated symmetry that assigns as yet possibilities; the data currently favor antitop pair per second. undiscovered partners to every particle one of these more boring explanations. In a few years, physicists will start us- in the Standard Model. If such partners For now we must conclude that the top ing the top to try to answer the many exist and are lighter than the top, they quark, though massive, is indeed fun- questions that still remain about matter might show up in top events. For in- damental; it has no parts. and the that govern the physical stance, a top may decay to its own su- At present, the Fermilab accelerator world. What new tenets of physics may persymmetric partner (the “stop”). Or is being revamped, and both CDF and arise beyond what we now know is a supersymmetry could allow a Dø collaborations are dramatically im- matter of active speculation that will (hypothetical partner to a gluon) to de- proving their detectors. We will resume end only when measurements start to cay into a top-antitop pair. Such effects taking data in 1999. The accelerator up- unravel the workings of nature. SA might even cancel each other out, lead- grades will allow top quarks to be pro- ing to no net change in the observed duced at 20 times the previous rate, and A hyperlinked version of this article production of tops and antitops. the detector upgrades will improve the is available at http://www.sciam.com on Supersymmetry predicts not just one efficiency of identifying top quarks. The the Scientific American World Wide Higgs but a family of four or more. If net result is that both groups will find Web site.

The Authors Further Reading

TONY M. LISS and PAUL L. TIPTON helped to build key elements of the Collider Dreams of a Final Theory. Steven Weinberg. Detector at Fermilab (CDF) and have both served as conveners of the search group for Pantheon Books, 1992. the top quark. For his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley, Liss participated Observation of Top Quark Production in in a search for monopoles. In 1988 he joined the faculty at the University of Illinois at pp Collisions with the Collider Detector Urbana-Champaign and in 1990 was awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. Tipton at Fermilab. F. Abe et al. in received his Ph.D. from the University of Rochester in 1987 studying bottom quarks Letters, Vol. 74, No. 14, pages 2626–2631; and is now on the faculty there. He is a recipient of the U.S. Department of Energy’s April 3, 1995. Outstanding Junior Investigator Award and the National Science Foundation’s Young Observation of the Top Quark. S. Abachi et Investigator Award. Tipton is an avid Chicago Bulls fan; Liss is a lifelong sufferer with al., ibid., pages 2632–2637. the New York Knicks. The authors would like to thank Lynne Orr and Scott Willen- Top-Ology. Chris Quigg in Physics Today, Vol. brock for helpful discussions as well as all their colleagues at CDF and Dø. 50, No. 5, pages 20–26; May 1997.

The Discovery of the Top Quark Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. Scientific American September 1997 59