Garden State Gardeners Book Process

It all started when Mr. Klock won the 2014 NJEA Frederick L. Hipp Foundation for Excellence in Education grant. This grant was for Kresson Elementary School students to start a garden of vegetables and herbs. Ms. Rocco's class makes a book every year. So Mr. Klock and Ms. Rocco decided to combine their projects. Her 5th graders would write a book on the garden. Topics included information on the plants, famous planters, recipes and the process itself. That is how "Garden State Gardeners" was born.

In order for the book pages to be similar, Ms. Rocco created a graphic organizer to help in our research. Once the topics were chosen, some started researching and getting drawings of different planters and plants. Others gathered information on various vegetables online and in encyclopedias. Once the research was completed, each student decided whether they wanted to be an author or an illustrator. Authors began to write rough drafts of their text using the organizers. illustrators drew rough drafts of their topic.

Once the final drafts were completed, many students drew covers for the book. Mr. Klock and Ms. Rocco will choose the winner. To celebrate our project, NJ Classroom Close Up will be reporting on the project. They will the class on both parts of the project; planting and writing. Additionally, we will have a book signing in June.

• We built 9 garden boxes. They came as a kit. • We put the soil that has fertilizer in the boxes. • We built a seed started that had 3 light beds. • We planted the seeds in peapods. • The seeds started to germinate. • We started to record data. • We measured growth, counted leaves, and took other notations. • We decided we where should plant the different seedlings and seeds according to the height, sunlight, and spacing of the plant. • We planted the seeds and seedlings into the boxes. • Each Friday we would observe each and every seed and/ or seedling. To check if they were growing the correct way and if the plants have enough sunlight. Jane Colden

Having been described as "first botanist of her sex in her country," Jane Colden was an important and noteworthy early American scientist. Jane was born on March 27th, 1724 in City. As the daughter of a physician, she was home educated with an emphasis in science, particularly .

In her career as a botanist, Jane Colden attracted the attention of respected contemporary botanists, like from Philadelphia, Carolus Linnaeus, and Peter Collinson. Her use of the Linnaeus Classification System in America brought Jane to his attention. She was a big fan of Carolus Linnaeus's groundbreaking work so you can imagine how excited Jane was

Jane Colden was an amazing woman and should be recognized, because she was a big inspiration to women everywhere. She showed that women can do anything that they set their minds to. Jane's work made an impact on the way botanists do their work today. She wasn't afraid to work in a field that was dominated by men. Many women were inspired by Jane because she wasn't a quitter and continued to do what she loved to do.


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/ Thomas Jefferson had many interesting things going in his life. One of them was learning about plants. Jefferson described botany as, "...the most valuable of the sciences." He considered his vegetable garden at his home, Monticello, as a laboratory for him to experiment with different varieties of fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Thomas Jefferson was born April 13, 1743 in Albemarle County, Virginia. He was passionately interested in nature, especially plants. Once he figured out how many pea seeds would fill up a jar (2,500 for your information). He also evaluated native plants for their usefulness to humanity. He was little when his father died and young Thomas was left the gigantic estate. Later Thomas attended the College of William and Mary in Virginia. There he met his mentor, a law professor by the name of George Wythe. And later in life he became a lawyer. Thomas Jefferson went on to write the Declaration of Independence, serve as Secretary of State under George Washington, and most importantly, he served as the third United States president.

Jefferson appreciated good food and especially vegetables both familiar and exotic. He wrote, "Ihave lived temperately eating little animal food and a 'condiment' for vegetables, which constitute my principal diet." Jefferson swapped seeds with local farmers with growing instructions. The English pea is known to have been the former president's favorite vegetable. He and his neighbors even participated in a tradition that whoever harvested the first pea of the season had to host a feast for all of the others.

Thomas Jefferson was one of the greatest Americans of his day, and yet cared deeply for the science of botany. He was a pioneer in growing and developing many of the common vegetables we still grow in our gardens even today. You can visit his gardens and home at Monticello to learn about him and his studies. John Bartram

John Bartram was born on March 23, 1699 in Darby, Pennsylvania. He was a botanist, horticulturalist, and explorer. He is sometimes known as "the father of American Botany". He had no formal education other than school. He had a large interest for medicine. He started a small farm. Then,he got in touch with European gardeners interested in North American plants, and the farm thrived.

When Bartram was 24, he married Mary Maris. He had two children with her, Richard and Isaac. Unfortunately, Mary died in 1727. He married Ann Mendenhall in 1729. He had five boys and four girls with her. His third son, William became a famous botanist like his dad John.

He co-owned an 8 acre garden with Ben Franklin in Kingsessing not far from Philadelphia. He also created the first botanic collection in North America. During his travel in the Eastern colonies, he collected plants. Sadly, he died on September 22,1777 at the age of 78.

Luther Burbank worked on over two thousand five hundred kinds of plants;in fact, he made more new forms of plant life than any other man. His work was to make plants more useful for humanity.

Luther Burbank was born in Lancaster, Massachusetts on March 7, 1849. When he was small his mother and sister noticed that he was fascinated with plants. He was so in love with plants that people would bring them to him at a very young age. Young Luther was interested in science at school, and was very popular with his teachers. When Luther was older, he had a friend whom he spent many days exploring rocks, caves, rivers, fish and birds.

Luther Burbank moved to California in 1875 to the city of Santa Rosa. Burbank created hundreds of different varieties of fruit and vegetables, and plants. Some things he created are plums, prunes, pears, peaches, blackberry, raspberry, potato, tomato ornamental flowers and other plants.

Some people say that Luther Burbank was a handsome, courteous gentleman, fond of fun, of young people and children, but I think he is an extremely smart man for all the fruits, vegetables and plants he created. Let's Move!

"The physical and emotion health of an entire generation and economic health and security of our nation is at stake." - First Lady Michelle Obama February 9, 2010.

Get outside and do something! You can jump, swim, and play. Being active is healthy for you. Eating healthy foods is also good for you! The "Let's Move" campaign was started by Michelle Obama encourages young people to become more active and healthy. To accomplish these goals, "Let's Move" teaches kids about the benefits of food and exercise. It also provides parents with helpful information. Mrs. Obama also wants to better school cafeteria food!.

In order to be healthy, one should be physical active. "Get Active" encourages children to play for sixty minutes each day. You can spend those 60 minutes playing a sport,dancing or just running around. It might seem hard work but its real good for you!

Doctors believe too many young children in America are overweight and are not getting enough physical activity. "Let's Move" recommends eating fewer calories, being more physically active, and making wiser food choices. This program teaches children how to become healthier!

In ancient Greece, parsley was used in funeral ceremonies and to make wreaths for graves. Parsley was also placed in the wreaths given to winning athletes. The Greeks believed and thought that the god Hercules had chosen parsley for the garlands he wore.

There are two kinds of parsley. There is a curly•leaf and a flat-leaved species. You should try growing your parsley in a rich, moist, well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Sow the seeds outdoor when soil temperature averages 50 degrees. Parsley seeds germinate very slowly. You can speed the germination up by soaking the seeds in water overnight before planting. They mostly require 6 weeks before the seedlings poke out.

Parsley has 0.3 grams of protein. They can provide vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin A. You can also use parsley to enhance flavor and make your dish look good! Dill was so important that it was even mentioned in the Bible! Many soldiers in ancient times used dill to heal themselves. Now we know that it is a good source of vitamin A. Maybe that's why soldiers used it. It is native to Russia, Africa and parts of Europe.

To grow your own dill, you need to start in early summer because the soil needs to be warm. It can't be moved once you plant it. That mean once you put the seeds in the soil, you can't move them to another garden. Gently place seeds 1' inch deep into the soil. They also need to be 18 inches away from any other seed. They will start to germinate in 2 weeks. Continue to water until you see 4 to 5 leaves. Then, you can cut the leaves off and use them.

There is a lot of uses for the dill plant. Dill's many parts are used in cooking. The seeds are used to flavor cakes because Dill is a sweet herb. They are also used to pickle cucumbers. Dill's leaves can be put in soups and different sauces. Oil of Dill is made by crushing the seeds and is used in perfumes and children's medicine. Most of the plant's parts are helpful to people.


Do you love pizza? Pizza contains one of my favorite ingredients, basil! You might think this herb is just another one of those foods that your parents make you eat, but it's much more than that!

Basil is grown worldwide but it was first native toIndia, Asia, and Africa. Hundreds of cultures around our globe use basil in their dishes, such as Vietnamese, Italian,and Laotian. Did you know that the Greek word for basil is 'basilikohn'? In India, basil is considered sacred. It is thought by Indians that if they are sick or in pain, they can put basil in their food or drink.

Harvesting basil is sometimes a big challenge. You have to be extremely delicate because basil can easily be ripped or bruised. You must cut the basil off from the tops of the branches very carefully. After, the basil can be put in bunches, and air dried.

Basil enhances the flavor of food as well! If you are eating a tomato or spaghetti you should add some basil,and your mouth will be flushed with flavor. You can even add basil to your meat to season it. If you want to add some color to your dishes, consider getting purple basil. You can use purple basil just like you use regular green basil. It is nutritious and delicious!

Basil is an extraordinary plant. Try it, you'll think it is extraordinary as well! Do you know anything used about tomatoes? Tomatoes were first in colonial North America in the 1500s. Now, mostly Central America South America, and Mexico.

You should plant tomatoes around May 22nd. Be sure to check the frost date in your area. Plant dwarf tomatoes 12 inches apart in a row. Normal tomatoes should be at least 15 inches apart. Plants aloud to spread on the ground should be planted 24-36 inches apart. The temperature for its germination has to be 75-80 degrees F, it takes 1-2 weeks.

You can use tomatoes in a million ways,here are some ways. You can use it in tomato soup. You can also use it in salad. You can use tomatoes to make tomato juice. Most people use it in burgers. However the best food will you will find Tomatoes is mostly famous in pizza.

Tomatoes are just 18 calories for 100 grams. Tomatoes have lot vitamins in them. Tomatoes can help prevent cancer. These are the reasons tomatoes are healthy.


Have you ever wanted to grow cucumbers? Well, this delicious and popular vegetable has an interesting history. It originated inIndia where many varieties have been found. It has been cultivated for at least 3,000 years. It was probably introduced to Europe by the Romans or Greeks. Records of cucumber cultivation appear in France in the 19th century, England in the 14 century, and North America in the 16th century.

Cukes, as they are known, are healthy and taste delicious. Different kinds of cucumbers include Armenian, Burpless, Picklers, Slicers, Gherkins, and White and Bush cukes. Slicing ones are meant to eat fresh. Pickling cucmbers are flavorful and have longer shelf life. Burpless cucumbers are sweet and meant to be easy to digest. The country with the most cucumber production is China, at over 40,000,000 tons per year! The world only produces about 60,000,000 per year!

Their biggest use is in salad, pickles, pasta, sushi, and salad wraps. When growing them choose a place with well drained soil and much sunlight. Cucumbers do their best with long, hot humid days in maximum sunlight and warm nights. The optimal soil temperature for them is 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit. The time it takes to germinate from its ideal temperature is a week- 10 days. They should be placed 1-2 feet apart and 1 inch deep depending on the type. The best time to plant them is a month before the last frost date. After about 4 weeks apply a thick layer of mulch. Keep soil evenly moist to prevent bitter cucumbers. They are harvest ready about 65-105 days after plant depending on the type. Then comes the best part, time to eat!

Cucumbers are low in calories and rich in a number of nutrients, making them an excellent nutritional choice. Cucumber is rich in a number of essential vitamins, including vitamin K, also known as the clotting vitamin. Vitamin K is essential for helping your blood clot. Cucumbers are a rich source of a number of minerals. A half-cup serving of sliced cucumber also contains 12 milligrams of phosphorus, 7 milligrams of magnesium, and 8 milligrams of calcium. Cucumbers are also rich in potassium, containing 76 milligrams per half cup serving of sliced cucumbers. Corn is a food many people eat today. Old-fashion sweet corn, corn on the cob, super sweet corn,sugar• enhanced sweet corn, and popcorn are all types of corn. Whether you like it cooked or not, it's a vegetable for all. Corn goes WAAAY back to the Aztec and MayanIndians in Mexico and Central America. They had corn several thousand years ago. Native Americans traditionally grow corn, bean,and winter squash ALL together. It is called the three sisters. Corn was something that the Native Americans could rely on for food. Corn is authentically American.

Corn is high in antioxidants and fiber. Corn can help you lower blood pressure. A cup of yellow corn contains 392 milligrams of potassium. Having more potassium can also help to lower blood pressure.

If you want to grow corn,you might want to try a 3x6 raised bed,a temperature of 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit, and a windy area. When any danger of frost has passed, sow corn seeds once the soil warms up to about 60 degrees F, next plant 4 seeds per square foot,thin to 2 seeds per square foot.

Current uses: Corn is used for corn on the cob, popcorn,corn tortillas, and corn tamales. You can also use them for corn mazes, decorations, and festivals.

By 1492, Central America had cultivated the green bean. It can be used for salad or at lunch, or dinner.

If you grow it right,it'll grow up to 5 to 8 feet (the vine). To do that,you need water sun light and good soil. The best time to grow it is during or early May when the frost is gone. Each hole for the green beans has to be 1 inch deep. A bush bean seed willl turn into sturdy little 2 ft plant. Each bean stalk has to be about 2-4 inches apart. The best time to start plant is May. Some ways to keep your garden safe is keeping animals away so they won't eat it and also use fertilizer, water and sunlight. Start harvesting around June or July.

There is a lot of vitamin A,B, and C in green beans. They also contain minerals like iron, calcium, and potassium. They help fight against infections. .

There are a lot of ways you can use green beans. Some people eat them raw. You can also use green beans in salad and soup. Green beans also go on pizza! They are yummy deep fried. My favorite way to have green beans is at Thanksgiving in a green bean casserole. Did you know that lettuce is part of the sunflower family?

Lettuce was a plant used in many different countries. It was first grown in China during the 5th century. It was also grown in the gardens of ancient Persian kings over 2000 years ago! Lettuce became very popular in the 1400's. It was planted and used to eat.

Lettuce should be planted during the month of March. It must be in the ground by the 27th or 28th. Make sure to not over water. Don't plant in warm temperatures! This is a cool season plant. It can't stand the warm. You should harvest this plant within 50-60 days.

The current uses of lettuce are salad. You can put it in a sandwich. You can also use it in a BLT, the L in BLT stands for lettuce. Lettuce aids in weight loss. Lettuce has no cholesterol, which can help with heart problems. Lettuce is heart healthy because it contains vitamin C and beta-carotene. Lettuce is very usefuI. / ...J ./ -r..

·_,, ( \ Eggplant was founded in the 5th century in China. It came to the U.S. in the 18th century. It was utilized by ladies in China, because they liked to use the dye to stain their teeth. Eggplant came to America as just a regular old plant until soon after we found just enough ways to find eggplant helpful. Well ways other than just eating it.

The best planting month is May. Why? It's because of the warm weather, and it rains just enough to sprout a beautiful eggplant. The germination is 10-12 days. From the growing season to the maturity is 120-190 days. You have to plant the eggplant in certain conditions to make it nice and plump. You can't plant them in the forest, because the optimum soil temperature is 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Eggplant can also be used in a lot of ways. The most popular use for eggplant is soup. It is also used for: salad, eggplant parmesan, eggplant could also be baked. You'd be surprised on how old eggplant is.

The eggplant is a very useful plant that you could use in a lot of ways. It is very healthy, and that is why you should try it. The fiber in the skin of eggplant gives you nutrition. It contains potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants. Studies show that eating eggplant lowers the risk of obesity and diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. It also helps your skin, complexion, hair and gives you energy. That is all you need to know about eggplant for now if you'd like to know more do some more research on your own, but for now let's start planting! Peas are a very delicious vegetable. Peas are about 1 centimeter long and 1 centimeter wide. They're sphere shaped. You can eat peas on almost everything.

Pea pods are botanically a fruit,since they contain seeds and developed from the ovary of a (pea) flower. The pea harvesting months are February,April,and late June. Pea pods take about 85 days from planting to harvest.

You can add peas to many foods. Some items are, salad, pea and mint pesto, mutter Paneer ( Indian-style Peas and Cheese), Orecchiette with bacon, couscous with peas, lemon, and tarragon, herbed pea soup,and much more.

Fresh, tender peas are low in calories in comparison to beans. Fresh pea pods are excellent sources of folic acid. They are also very good in ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Vegetables rich in this vitamin would help fight infection. In summation, peas are a very unique vegetable.

( I'm sure lots of people love peppers, but do you know the history of this delicious plant? Surprisingly, Christopher Columbus discovered this vegetable. They were even found in 2,000 year old Peruvian ruins. Can you believe that?! When peppers became very popular, Columbus brought them to Europe. Eventually,they were growing in England 50 years after they were brought to Europe.

To be able to grow well,peppers need very warm weather. They must be planted when the soil and the air temperature have warmed (usually in spring). Peppers will become injured or die from being exposed to frost. Therefore, make sure to check the frost free date in your area. When planting, peppers need to be 18-24 inches apart in rows. The rows should be 14-18 inches apart, too. Additionally, bell peppers should be picked when they are 3-4 inches long. Don't pull peppers off the plant because pulling can hurt the plant. Peppers need to be cut off the plant.

There are many more uses for peppers rather than tasting the greatness! For example, peppers can help you lose weight. By eating hot and sweet peppers your body can lower cholesterol, too. If you're low on vitamin C, eat any type of sweet peppers now!! In addition, peppers help with 1/3 of your daily carotenoid needs. Carotenoid is a class of more than 600 naturally occurring pigments synthesized by plants and photosynthetic bacteria. Peppers are wonderful vegetables, and I suggest you try them now!! Zucchini is a favorite of many people. It's green and very healthy. It's a member of the gourd family. Zucchini was native to Italy. It was eventually brought to Europe. It was developed in the late 1800s, in Italy (near Milan in Northern Italy). Zucchini was brought to U.S. by 1920s, by Italian immigrants. It was grown first in California.

This vegetable needs warm weather to be able to grow well. Zucchini needs to be 24 to 36 inches apart when growing in rows, however 48 inches apart when grown on hills. Additionally, make sure they have well drained soil! This vegetable needs at least 6- 8 hours of sunlight (needs full sun). It needs 1inch of water per week in order for your zucchini to become the size of a small bush. Zucchini grows from seed to harvest in only 50 to 60 days. If you don't check your vegetable often it'll become as big as a baseball bat.

Besides tasting the deliciousness, there are many important uses for zucchini. For example, it can lower cholesterol. It is also, is good for weight management. Additionally, by eating zucchini your heart can get healthier, because Zucchini contains magnesium. Since it contains vitamins A&C, Zucchini prevents cancer, too! Did you know that?!

Lastly, this squash is used for treatment of puffy eyes. As you know, there are many other types of squash, but I picked my favorite (zucchini).