Tomás Albaladejo Is Full Professor in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature of the Autonomous University of Madrid. H
Tomás Albaladejo is Full Professor in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature of the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has formerly taught at the University of Málaga, the University of Murcia, the University of Alicante and the University of Valladolid. He has held Visiting Positions at the University François Rabelais of Tours, at the University of Nottingham and at the University of Oxford. His current teaching at the Autonomous University of Madrid is in the field of Theory of Literature, Comparative Literature and Rhetoric. His subjects in the academic year 2020-2021, as well as in the last five academic years, are “Comparative literature: international spaces and literary interculturality” in the Degree in International Studies, “Foundations of literary analysis” in the Degree in Hispanic Studies, and “Rhetoric and argumentation” in the Degree in Modern Languages, Culture and Communication. His research lines are Theory of literature, Comparative literature, Theory of literary language, Linguistic and formal analysis of literature, Rhetoric, Literary translation theory, Narrative, Fictionality, Spanish contemporary poetry, Political discourse, Literature in international spaces, and Literature and discourse of conflict and post-conflict. He has been the Principal Researcher of several research projects. He is currently the Principal Research 1 of the research project “Analogy, equivalence, polyvalence and transferability as cultural-rhetoric and interdiscursive foundations of the art of language: literature, rhetoric and discourse” (Acronym: TRANSLATIO), whose Principal Research 2 is Francisco Javier Rodríguez Pequeño (Full Professor in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature of the Autonomous University of Madrid. This project is a development and enlargement of the main results of the former research project “Metaphor as a component of Cultural Rhetoric.
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