The Making of Philosophy

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The Making of Philosophy IMT SCHOOL FOR ADVANCED STUDIES LUCCA, ITALY THE MAKING OF PHILOSOPHY ORTEGA Y GASSET AND THE SPANISH ACADEMIA PhD Program in Political History XXIX Cycle By Paolo Scotton 2016 II The dissertation of Paolo Scotton is approved PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Prof. Giovanni Orsina, Luiss Guido Carli Universiy and IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca SUPERVISOR: Prof. Antonio Masala, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca The dissertation of Paolo Scotton has been reviewed by: PROF. LORENZO INFANTINO, Luiss Guido Carli, Rome PROF. EVE FOURMONT-GIUSTINIANI, Aix Marseille University PROF. ANTONIO RIVERA, Universidad Complutense, Madrid IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, 2016 III IV Aknwoledgments Writing a thesis is not an individual, solitary job. During the last four years in which I have delved into the study of Ortega’s philosophy, spending most of my time in Spanish archives and libraries, I also had the opportunity of benefitting from the help of many people who have helped me to ameliorate my work, and who have supported me during my research. In this occasion I am happy to thank these people, starting from the one who firstly accompanied me through the texts of Ortega since I was a master student at the University of Padua, Prof. Adone Brandalise. From then on I had the great fortune of benefitting from the help of many other professors and Orteguian scholars, both in Italy and Spain, thanks to the financial support of IMT School, and the academic guide of its staff, and in particular of proff. Giovanni Orsina and Antonio Masala. I would like to thank, in alphabetic order, proff. Alejandro de Haro Honrubia, Jaime de Salas Ortueta, Jean -Claude Lêvéque, José Luis Moreno Pestaña, Donatella Pini, Antonio Piñas Mesa, Armando Savignano and José Luis Villacañas. I would also like to thank the director of the Ortega y Gasset Foundation in Madrid, prof. Javier Zamora Bonilla, for giving me the opportunity to spend long periods of study in that incredible research center, and to all its staff for their enormous help. I express my gratitude also to prof. Margarida Almeida Amoedo for reading a first draft of this thesis. I would also like to thanks some very helpful PhD students who I met during my numerous stays in Madrid and that, in differen t periods, since 2014, helped me in my research at the Foundation, the Complutense and around the whole Spanish peninsula. In particular, I would like to thank Marcos Alonso Fernández, Jorge Costa Delgado, Noé Exposito Rotero, Manuel Artime Omil and Edgar Straehle. A special thanks to another recent PhD Candidate and great friend, Enrico Zucchi. My most profound gratitude goes to Duverli Coronado Sandoval, who has always sustained me during the last years with enormous patience. And to my family that supported me. V VI Contents Vita XI Publications XV Conferences XIX Abstract XXI List of Acronyms and Abbreviations XXIII Introduction 1 1. Topic and research questions 1 2. Scope and aims 3 3. Methodology 7 4. Sources 12 5. Status quaestionis 14 6. Structure 17 Part I. Birth and apogee of a spiritual guide 25 Chapter 1. The birth of a professor sui generis 27 1.1 The academic fascination 28 1.2 Europe as a myth 31 1.3 A liberal with a socialist outlook 34 1.4 The material conditions 37 1.5 A philosopher or a politican? 40 1.6 Philosophy as political education: the MeditationsMeditations on Quixote 42 1.7 The University of Madrid at the beginning of the XX Century 45 1.8 The guidelines of Ortega’s professorship 51 Chapter 2. Fortunes and failures. The golden age of an impertinent intellectual 57 2.1 Ortega behind the scenes of politics 59 VII 2.2 Revista de Occidente. The birth of Ortega’s myth 63 2.3 Ortega’s university theaching (1921-1922) 67 2.4 Ortega during the dictatorship (1923-1929) 72 2.5 The University of Madrid during the Dictatorship 78 2.6 The reform of the University 82 2.7 A professor in politics 87 2.8 The University of Madrid during the II Republic 90 Part II. The separation from the University 97 Chapter 3. The breakdown of the civil war 100 3.1 A critical spectator 101 3.2 An involuntary ideologue 103 3.3 The University of Madrid as a batterfield 106 3.4 Looking for a dialogue 109 3.5 The language of the dialogue: Ortega on trans 112 Translation 3.6 A sui generis collaboration with the FN 117 Chapter 4. The cultural revolution. The construction of an authoritative university 123 4.1 New State, new education 124 4.2 Sáinz Rodríguez’s counter-reformation 130 4.3 The new University: a debated future 134 4.4 The organic intellectual: the case of Martín Martínez 138 4.5 A new literary genre defining a community of discourse 141 4.6 The struggle for hegemony in the academia 147 4.7 National-Catholicism, the University reform 152 4.8 The stone guest 158 VIII Part III. Ortega’s exile in dialogue 167 Chapter 5. Building identity. H umanities in the first years of Franco’s regime 169 5.1 Novum Organum 170 5.2 The Spanish Empire: the creation of a myth 174 5.3 The propagation of the myth: the radio 178 5.4 Which Empire? Revista de Estudios Políticos 180 5.5 Politia magistra historiae 184 5.6 Ortega’s theory of history during the exile 187 5.7 Orega on the Roman Empire 197 5.8 Saepe etiam in proeliis fauni auditis 203 Chapter 6. What does to be a Humanist mean? On Juan Luis Vives 209 6.1 Juan Luis Vives. A national(ist) icon 210 6.2 The patriotic philosopher 215 6.3 The faint criticisms of Gregorio Marañon 220 6.4 An active spectator: Ortega in Argentina 222 6.5 Vives, or el matarife 226 6.6 Ortega’s isolation 231 Chapter 7. Nearing Spain. The Lu sitanian exile 235 7.1 Ortega in Lisbon 236 7.2 The Lusitanian writings 239 7.3 A critical spectator of the new University 241 7.4 Teaching again: a paradigmatic course 244 7.5 Cultural activities 250 7.6 The new international scenario 252 7.7 Ortega as a political resource 256 7.8 Preparing the intellectual return 259 Part IV. The struggle for the cultural hegemony 265 IX Chapter 8. A provisional return 267 8.1 Ortega back in Spain 268 8.2 The political background: Arbor and Revista de Estudios Políticos 271 8.3 Ínsula: an orteguian niche 277 8.4 The Ateneo’s conference 280 8.5 A renewed philosophical outlook 285 8.6 The scholasticism of the Madrilenian Philosophy 287 8.7 Ortega’s anti-scholasticism 291 8.8 Towards a dialogue: seeds for new projects 296 Chapter 9. The Institute of Humanities 301 9.1 The birth of an ambitious project 302 9.2 In the political arena, beyond Ortega’s intention 306 9.3 Why the Institute? From the local to the global 311 9.4 The first lessons: on “historiology” 316 9.5 Individual and society in a state of exception 321 9.6 Reforming humanities and forging intellectuals 327 9.7 The reactions to the Institute: a balance 331 9.8 The end of the Instititute 334 Chapter 10. The end of hope? IH in continuity 339 10.1 The international appeal 340 10.2 The cultural unification of Europe 346 10.3 Exporting the IH: an utopian project 350 10.4 The regime’s ostracism 355 10.5 Ortega after Ortega 359 Conclusions 367 1. The novelty in relation to the Orteguian studies 367 2. A description of the main findings 370 3. An analysis of the main findings 374 4. Final remarks 379 Bibliography 381 Appendix 435 X Vita 2016 March-June Visiting PhD Researcher at Fundación Universitaria Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Marañon, Madrid (3 months), under the supervision of professor Javier Zamora Bonilla. 2015 26-27 May Organizer of the international conference: Tracing the path of tolerance. History and critique of a political concept. University of Padova, Department of Political and Juridical Sciences and Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori. Padova. 2014- October- May Visiting PhD Student – Erasmus+ 2015 Traineeship, at Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Department of History of Philosophy (9 months) under the supervision of professor José Luis Villacañas. 2014 November Diploma in Humanities at Scuola Galileiana (Galileian School of Higher Education) (100/ 100 cum laude), University of Padova. 2014 21-25 July Oslo University Summer School in Social Science: Deliberative Democracy: Theory and Practice. XI 2014 7-11 July Universidad Complutense Summer School, Curso de Verano. Title: Ortega y Gasset: Liberalismo, Socialismo, Nacionalismo, Autonomismo y Federalismo (En el centenario de la generación de 1914). 2014 29-30 April Organizer of the conference: Filosofia e responsabilità intellettuale. Per una rilettura dell’opera di José Ortega y Gasset (Meditaciones del Quijote 1914-2014). University of Padova, Department of Languages and Literature and Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori. Padova. 2013 November-Present PhD Student at IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy. Full Scholarship. PhD Programme in Political History. 2013 September-Present Responsible for the cultural activities of the Alumni’s Association of the Galileian School of Higher Education. 2013 July Master Degree in Philosophical Studies at the Università degli Studi di Padova. (110/ 110 cum laude). 2012 February-May Erasmus Student, LLP Scholarship, at the University of St Andrews. XII 2011 November Visiting Student at the University of Chicago 2011 July Bachelor Degree in Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Padova. (110/ 110 cum laude). XIII XIV Publications a) Books - Scotton, P.
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