Robocup 2005 Teamchaos Documentation
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ROBOCUP 2005 TEAMCHAOS DOCUMENTATION Vicente Matell´anOlivera Humberto Mart´ınezBarber´a Francisco Mart´ınRico David Herrero P´erez Carlos Enrique Ag¨ueroDur´an Victor Manuel G´omezG´omez University of Murcia Rey Juan Carlos University Department of Information and Systems and Communications Group Communications Engineering E-28933 Madrid, Spain E-30100 Murcia, Spain Miguel Angel Cazorla Quevedo Mar´ıaIsabel Alfonso Galipienso Alessandro Saffiotti Antonio Bot´ıaMart´ınez Kevin LeBlanc Boyan Ivanov Bonev University of Alicante Orebro¨ University Department of Computer Science and Center for Applied Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Sensor Systems E-03690 Alicante, Spain S-70182 Orebro,¨ Sweden Acknowledgements For the elaboration of this document we have used material from past team members, be them from the original TeamSweden or its follow-up TeamChaos. The list is becoming rather large, so we strongly thank all of them for their contributions and effort, which has allow us to continue with the work. In particular, this document is based on previous team description papers and some conference papers, from which we have borrowed an important amount of information. Although they appear in the references, we want to explicitly cite the following papers and give extra thanks to their authors: • A. Saffiotti and K. LeBlanc. Active Perceptual Anchoring of Robot Behavior in a Dynamic Environment. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (San Francisco, CA, 2000) pp. 3796-3802. • P. Buschka, A. Saffiotti, and Z. Wasik. Fuzzy Landmark-Based Localization for a Legged Robot. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS) Takamatsu, Japan, 2000. • Z. Wasik and A. Saffiotti. Robust Color Segmentation for the RoboCup Domain. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Quebec City, CA, 2002. • A. Saffiotti and Z. Wasik. Using Hierarchical Fuzzy Behaviors in the RoboCup Do- main . In: C. Zhou, D. Maravall and D. Ruan, eds, Autonomous Robotic Systems, Springer, DE, 2003. • J.P C´anovas, K. LeBlanc and A. Saffiotti. Multi-Robot Object Localization by Fuzzy Logic. Proc. of the Int. RoboCup Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004. TeamChaos Documentation Contents Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 History . 1 1.2 Team Members . 2 1.2.1 University of Murcia, Spain . 2 1.2.2 Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain . 3 1.2.3 University of Alicante, Spain . 3 1.2.4 Orebro¨ University, Sweden . 4 2 Architecture 5 2.1 Introduction . 5 2.2 ThinkingCap Architecture . 6 3 Locomotion 9 3.1 CMD: Commander Module . 9 3.2 Walk....................................... 10 3.2.1 Implementation . 10 3.3 Kicks . 12 3.3.1 Implementation . 16 3.4 Optimisation of Walking . 18 3.4.1 The Optimisation Problem . 19 3.4.2 Learning algorithm . 24 3.4.3 Implementation . 28 4 Perception 31 4.1 PAM: Perceptual Anchoring Module . 31 4.1.1 Standard vision pipeline . 31 4.1.2 Experimental vision pipeline . 32 4.2 Color Segmentation . 33 4.2.1 Seed Region Growing . 34 4.2.2 Experiments . 35 4.3 Corner Detection and Classification . 37 4.4 Active Perception . 42 i TeamChaos Documentation Contents 4.4.1 Perception-based Behaviour . 43 4.4.2 Active Perceptual Anchoring . 45 4.4.3 Implementation . 46 4.4.4 Experiments . 48 5 Self-Localization 51 5.1 Uncertainty Representation . 52 5.1.1 Fuzzy locations . 52 5.1.2 Representing the robot’s pose . 52 5.1.3 Representing the observations . 53 5.2 Fuzzy Self-Localization . 54 5.3 Experimental results . 57 6 Information Sharing 59 6.1 TCM: Team Communication Management . 59 6.1.1 Arquitecture . 60 6.1.2 Communicating with TCM . 64 6.1.3 Implementation . 67 6.2 Sharing Global Data . 72 6.3 Ball Fusion . 73 7 Behaviours 77 7.1 Low-level Behaviours . 77 7.1.1 Basic Behaviours . 77 7.1.2 Fuzzy Arbitration . 80 7.1.3 The Behaviour Hierarchy . 81 7.2 High-level Behaviours . 82 7.2.1 Hierarchical Finite State Machines . 83 7.3 Team Coordination . 83 7.3.1 Ball Booking . 84 7.3.2 Implementation . 84 7.4 The Players . 87 7.4.1 GoalKeeper . 87 7.4.2 Soccer Player . 90 A ChaosManager Tools 95 A.1 Introduction . 95 A.2 Vision . 95 A.2.1 Color Calibration . 96 A.2.2 Camera Configuration . 97 A.2.3 General Configuration . 98 A.3 Kicks . 99 ii TeamChaos Documentation Contents A.4 Walk....................................... 100 A.5 MemoryStick Manager . 102 A.6 Game Monitor . 103 A.7 Game Controller . 104 A.7.1 Implementation . 105 B HFSM Builder 109 B.1 Using the Application . 109 B.1.1 Buttons and Menus . 110 B.1.2 Code Generation . 112 B.2 Building a Sample Automata . 113 B.3 Implementation . 114 B.3.1 File Format . 114 B.3.2 Class Diagrams . 115 iii TeamChaos Documentation Contents iv TeamChaos Documentation Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 History Team Chaos is a cooperative effort which involves universities from different countries (currently Sweden and Spain). Team Chaos is a follow-up of Team Sweden, which was created in 1999 and has participated in the 4-legged league of RoboCup ever since. The distributed nature of the team has made the project organization demanding but has resulted in a rewarding scientific and human cooperation experience. The scientific results of the team during these years have been very fruitful, although the competition results have not matched those, in particular in the the last two years. Because of the complexity of the software system, the code for the 2003 competition got very messy and included an important number of bugs. In addition, it did not include tools for helping in the configuration or calibration (except for a very simple tool for color segmentation). For the 2004 competition the team decided to go through a major code debugging and rewriting process. This included a number of configuration and calibration tools. Unfortunately the effort was not finished and ready for the 2004 competition. A major problem for the 2003 and 2004 was the lack of appropriate funding, including travelling. This, among other obvious problems, did not allow us to assist to local competitions, which definitively is very important for getting the system up and running for the competition. In December 2004 an important fact resulted in a major reshape of the team: the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science granted three Spanish universities in order to work in the RoboCup domain for three years. Thus, funds were available not only for the RoboCup but also for local competitions. The Team Chaos 2005 consisted on the following members: 1 TeamChaos Documentation Introduction University Country Coordinator University of Murcia Spain Humberto Mart´ınezBarber´a [email protected] University of Alicante Spain Miguel Angel Cazorla Quevedo [email protected] Rey Juan Carlos University Spain Vicente Matell´anOlivera [email protected] Orebro¨ University Sweden Alessandro Saffiotti asaffi[email protected] We had two main requirements in mind when we joined RoboCup. First, we wanted our entry to effectively address the challenges involved in managing uncertainty in the domain, where perception and execution are affected by errors and imprecision. Second, we wanted our entry to illustrate our research in autonomous robotics, and incorporate general techniques that could be reused on different robots and in different domains. While the first requirement could have been met by writing ad hoc competition soft- ware, the second one led us to develop principled solutions that drew upon our current research in robotics, and pushed it further ahead. 1.2 Team Members 1.2.1 University of Murcia, Spain The Laboratorio de Rob´otica M´ovil (Mobile Robotics Lab) is part of the Intelligent Sys- tems Group, University of Murcia, Spain. The lab is headed by Dr. Humberto Mart´ınez and currently counts 3 docents, 4 PhD students and several undergraduate students. There are three different research activities in the group: fundamental mobile robotics research, industrial mobile robots, and field robots. In the first case, the members of the group work in control architectures for multi-robot systems, navigation techniques (mapping and localisation), and sensor fusion. These techniques are applied in both standard indoor mobile robots and in the RoboCup domain (Sony Four-Legged League), in which the group actively participates in the competition. In the second case, the members of the group work in integrating basic research techniques into industrial AGVs in order to achieve real autonomy. The developed system (the group has designed and built both the hardware and software), called iFork, has been deployed in an agricultural company and is currently in use. In the third case, the group has been working in the development of different autonomous outdoor vehicles: an autonomous platoon of real cars, an autonomous airplane (UAV) for search and rescue operations, and an autonomous boat (ASC) for autonomous bathymetry and autonomous sampling. 2 TeamChaos Documentation Introduction 1.2.2 Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain Rey Juan Carlos University is the youngest public university in the Madrid autonomous region. Founded in 1997 currently counts about 17,000 students in four different campuses around Madrid. The Laboratorio de Rob´otica (Robotics Lab) was established in 2001 and it is part of the Systems and Communications Group, that belongs to the Computer Science Depart- ment. The lab is headed by Dr. Vicente Matell´an and currently counts 3 full-time teaching people, 4 PhD students, and several undergraduate students. The group main research interest is how to create autonomous mobile robots. This is a wide area with many chal- lenging issues involved: environment estimation through sensor readings, robust control, action selection, etc. The group is focused in perception and control architectures, both for single robots or groups of robots. These architectures will let an autonomous robots exhibit intelligent behaviors, reacting to different stimuli and accomplishing their goals in a dynamic indoor environments.