
sJ .fray iSIlJWrTf. Ses SUU His Society W-- t "J!MeajeB- f .

THE Weekly Ledger FARMERS - Publishes AH Newt That Till Time. MEXICO The Weekly Ledger h (News) All ths WEEKLY LEDGER Pes He ReSaM market $1.00 PER YEAR adverts, Csaata Causa, Advance, other-- K paid i , R. M. ewiii .he, stack wise, $1.50 pel year, WHITE, Editor and Proprietor. Hot aad Asrttettarat To 0a Ppidt Da Vigorous Work In the) Living $1.00 per Year, if in Advance. Matters Ocaeraar. NOW. In the Past and Oat flop ton th Fotova, iMt Add Peent. 8TJBSCRIBI0 Strictly s Horn Journal. Vol. XLVI. MEXICO, AUDRAIN COUNTY, , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1904. No. 39.

HONE? CABBIES' DISEASE. PROSPECTIHO FOE COAI; GROWING UP DIES OF HIS WOUND. CATARRH DESTROYS THE KIDNEYS. n STKIii Oa VEIB.I vurrency may be the Means of Scrofula the mat- - lobe W. Passes Away A Few Few are entirely tree from It. There's something Smith spreading Contagions Diseases I It may develop so slowly as to canes Workmen Sinklne? a Coal Shaft on m;tu u,- - PWM fa Is aocmenuu prnwung Interesting tor " that 4n" n- GEORGE Communication Uttle If any disturbance daring the whole Farm Hear Thmpson Find Indi v" at Hands of Young So- Difference on This The Subject. period of childhood. ot to grow up. A child that Funeral Friday. KING aWJ tWJL, 1 cations 'Jil W. It may then produos Irregularity of the stomach and bowels. dvsrjeDsla. catarrh. , . . To the Editor or the Ledger. and marked tendency to consumption J. L. Thomas, of Thompson, In Kiuw w Smltn, livtDkT near Gant Ot Wednesday Though this Is a subject much dts. HJ'!.!l"i,?.afhcutue0U formed a Lrdokb representative Fri- Without proper filling out died at 11 o'clock 'night, me resuir, a wuunu 111- - Cost cussed In the public press, still anotb- - It Is best to be sure that you are quite day that a discovery of an oil vein was i oi awiueuutiiv in flesh, IS almost as badly Ott. er or ,OT comi"e,e eraaic- - mcted with a target rifle In the bands can the minds of the masses. !, " , made on the farm ot Fielding Wisdom, bis son, Samuel, aged about 16 I i once again, to the danger possible by ... H miles southwest of Thompson, tbls Nothing will help these pale, of a good and a the careless handling of both paper tlOOCL S tiarSCtparula between poqr baking thin "weedy" children like nesday morning the Smith home money as wen as silver used as chanire. of ell medicines tor all humors. It is said that Messrs. Tlnsley and at lingered Into powder would not amount for a family's may not ne out of place. Ferguson, while prospecting for coal, Emulsion. It supplies na the Uer that Scott's nlgbt, suffering severely. Any one doing business may any and TtnnicTrB wnTTTwp discovered Indications of,a vein of supply-t- one dollar a Ka Tivan of flesh and Mr. was 60 years of age year. The poor oijr uuur or toe aay see people oil. the rounding out Smith about was one of Audrain county's best! would cause doctors' bills mnnov In thai. i ,a Great excitement prevails In that the rich inward nourishment and powder many - locality over the discovery and the in and most substantial citizens. He was a of Missouri and moved to this. their bands in securing the required vestigation will be pushed. of blood and vital organs native times ?srasm,asls&-tended Funeral. county forty years ago, living amount or exact change. Audrain Twenty-Fourt- insures rapid growth a imagine, Folk the which on tbe same farm until a few months If you please, the changes From the Jefferson City Tribune. money The Hoberly Democrat of Thursday - ago, when he moved to the farm of bis has to make from the bands of Joseph w. Folk is the twenty-fourt- h healthy and uniform develop- . regard " , --- one person to contained the following In to V .1 , In I " ,M.. another. A person we uu v o nuurcu w UlL I -- DiV the death of the mother of Mrs. T. F. Kuveruux ua wtu " rigritj. ourred. win say pox. PRICE'S has small Necessarily I arur. no ia due jouubw. nwiwuw to daughter of : Roden and James Finn: He a be is Isolated. Suppose bis food, everobosen by people of tblsState. Mrs. the TJHIOBT Thos. 35 years ago. Ills cream medicines and requirements . Ann Finn, a plonoer resident age FOB HEW DEPOT. Gant about other are Be reached tbe required for In following sur-- placed spot of Moberly, died at ber borne No. 628 wife and tbe children at a agreed upon, for the cumbents of tbe office ot governor and .,.. . i.- -. Conoannon street, last nlgbt at Official, of Alton, w Tjh,,. nf Davlnaa payment of wblcb he bands out bis president (tblrty-flv- e years) on October Mooting of tho Baking Powder mnn(whii.hii.. hi. .,...... o'clock, after a long Illness. She bad k.-5-k and is placed !n "nce 18l2 ? w" it at the same spot. The re6idf "J?1 been for ""Sjsssst ot Montana; Joe and ne known and beloved Arab Smith, is the most economical be- butcher bandies both money, governors or appointed in the end, the the mer elected Basil Smith, wbe are attending school patlent'smeat and the meat going with "tffridate ot election and county Several railroad offlolals were in this . years lived until tbe wnilm Smir.h. a .m. cause it goes further in leavening and through the butcher's hands to other oroltyfrom whieb they were chosen route to Moberly to the 26th of next March. ity Thursday en L,utK M A ln tDg olty. gam people. Who say T'LL I can but small l perfect, food. tbe mourn leaves ber "ere. Kt.nd a meetlnir of the officials of the umlth anil Mm r.tdla Jaii. whnllve insures wholesome I nm rarmn nAfts alnno with l.h. mnnow To ber loss she Aieiauuer iuuwa.i, v., , at. t h nlano. ""mn . LW XXvl .v. nr.h..hv .nAaa h. w a hnma -- - then to the and h,..k..i ' ik n ' Jhf.r. aun iJUJliBalu i i..lAJUe vuu atuaou vuv I When 'meat both the money "JZ Olh LsOUlSe I Mi Qmlt-V-i a a fif ordering of the Z a the Haggle - ... a. . - grocer always I Boden, Mexico, and i , tana unr nfrrnn tn rvinrAr in TfTi.rn------m in wuhvu and the meat become mediums of In ureaenoa-caws-.i Augusu, D. . " , A, Miss sons, - x, nh.ta.,.nw .n(l alsn of the- I Lizzie, of tbls city, and two i ikla alw Tt If una.- for Dr. Price's fection to other people, LOUIS. nl.. x. fuo- TT . . call Cream Baking Pow- Mike, of St. Louis, and John, ot Mo uuiouBtlioumUuiaiv. w h. Hen handle poultry, bogs, dogs, cat jonn Miner, August, uooper slDie action was taken, - name for berly, besides countless friends. ib, that definite conducted at l o'clock Friday after- der by good health and good tle and all manner of stock, then tbe Bount). - - Mrs. was woman of noble tm- - Th. matt.- of ,ii three roris enter- Finn a rraau sever oold several uaniei uunaun, August, ioo, wapv I -- GF.OKOK KING, Deputy Bhonn: "I contracted a makes the . . Inr. In t.hm nwr.MiwA la , annnur. MA- M food. It finest cake, pud- nuix--Ann MB. Rensellser Co., N. tor years years sgo, which from negleet developed I J Imnhnmh member she was wT.asiJ vuie.ua Yn I manner heart. BOggS, AUgUSt, 1B30, agiug w iue uiuteuo ui mm mm iv ot Troy. Into urinary trouble, and threatened of microbe existing with or ...... W.. . Lllbum W. uiv, was a well known merchant dings, flapjacks, biscuits and bread. t. ul.Au.lll ha Bright's I used Peruna faith- possible to be carried by every kind of "T Jackson. looks like a possible union station tor The board of athletic control of I In a letter from No. 4 King Bt., Troy, disease. ZtZv missed by the home olrole, who loved fully for three and one-ha- lf months, I as well as man. Tk Thomas Reynolds, August, 1840, College, Fulton, held s.Taewmes: ber with a most tender devotion and all threflt Thls will suit the cltliens Westminster at when my health was perfect one mora, NOTE. There is not a part of man or anl Howard Monday to review foot There are many imitation who looked to ber for counsel. She of the town and patrons of the road U meeting tta ' inZ I have never had any troubl slnoe." baking powders which are sold from five & Edwards.; August, 1844, vun rUh' John M" eaBon' xuerepor.oi Bright' Dsease, after I bad sunereo. O. Fred Llndstrom. cents twenty-fiv- e U be sadl, missed b, tbe neighbors, muoh better than separate stations I Prioc bakiho eot Co. to cents a pound. They I meat nor cereal is dole. T WM received of the bladder and kidney Inflammation of th mucous Ohioaoo. should be carefully avoided but to whom she was ever ready to lend a F Canani Jr wtt oaurrh Catarrhal as they are man 1848, Bay. would ana anoiner aovaniage woum By good called made from alum and are unhealthful. bands, and it is impossibleX.to be Austin A. King, d mended. reason of tronble. lining of the kidneys, also helping baud. washing bands all the time, but these , August. 1852, Chart be the class of the union building, as management and good support by tbe " Peruna is a blessing to a sick man. Bright's disease," may b either seat We tender to tbe heart-broke- n hus me well man and produce I same bands from sick rjoms, poultry, ton. would be much handsomer if the students and the publlo, tbe Bight bottles made a or chronic. The acute form band and sorrowing children our heart It worth more a thousand dol- symptoms of such prominence) that th I meat and milk venders, from grocers, , August, 1850, St, ' bo ble almost to clear off wen than felt sympathy. Intereste are merged. lars to me. I cannot speak too highly serious nature ot the disease Is at one now as though LARGEST STATE slaughterers, blacksmiths, Louis. 161W .mo It begins to look SURPLUS. tinsmiths. High mass funeral servloes will be ueuit iruui IBS. JW. wuiviw of It. It is now four yean since I wss suspected, but the ehronls variety may have new union barbers, ditchers and coal handlers, F. Jackson, August, 1800, was voted to thirteen of tbls Mexico would not a held from St. John's church Claiborne AS Q00D AS A BASK. "W" .vnnhlMif anrl r tiaa anlATed narfect come on so gradually and Insidiously lon oe awarueu station before spring. Secretary of State Bays Bepnblican. ' mhoney'nt row morning o'clock, And uowd Saline. year's players ana win uj bsaith slnoe." George King. that Its presence Is not suspected until r"eTrjI I at Will Find Conditions Excellent nnr. inn Thomas C. Fletcher, November, a. .-- That Coach Robinson at the annual football after it bas fastened Itself thoroughly been -- -J oiM " L T. North street bas thousands of times .or from tbe time , 1864, St. Louts. arriA." " - oyster supper to be held Friday night A Prominent Member of 0. 0. upon Its victim. at Jefferson City Cook's Flans. I H, .... Marv'a Mi-o-- Will Curs or costs Threatened With Bright Disease. opened north to near the city limits money comes I MoClufg, November, I of next appesrance of th symp- the out bright, fresh Joseph W. HothJng. at Reunion Hall. The election Restore Mint tteaitn. At the first evidence of tbe strength of t be rem- Another t r,,. auuuewirom our minus nam worn CHE05IC CATARBH CURED. 1868, Camden. year's foot ball captain will take place tom Peruna should taken. This mw line. snrtonoi.,o Mon-I- edy strikes at ones at th very root of the Lkugbr's and'sald be,ond re00gnltl0Q M to lto B. Gratz Brown, November, 1870, before On next f O. Fred Linda trom, Past Grand Master in St. Louis Thursday to the " Mi-o-- does not cure you of H St. Louis...... imiwill elect Independent Order ot Odd Fellows, the disease. ' ',,.,, It Is reported from Jefferson City lit public: Hyomei's Wonderful Action in Coring Indigestion or any form ot tomacbi Ht.1 A book on catarrh sent free by Th pure, uooie auu riguu are Silas Woodson, November, 1872, e gtudent member8 Qf tDe write from 19a University Ave., that Judge Gantt will resign and move ' Whpn th Ronnhlln. .h.,... ooer a Case of Thirty Tears Standing trouble, will not cost you a cent L . I Peruna Medicine On, Oolumbus, O. T Z the hearts of every body indlvlduallly, It ,, hm Paul. Minn.i V Buchanan. J ' I to St. Louis to practice law. In tbe of tbe various departments In Jeffer-(Jit- y Guaranteed by Wooldridge " " ' becoming the medium of exchange, of Charles Hardin, November, 1874, manl8er wiu obMen- - for Free Almanac for 1905 event of his resignation Governor they will find everything tn tbe tc Fordy. h. ?JZ?toTtolTZntol Ask Your Druggist Peruna ,., -- necessity the bands give to money Audrain. likely appoint Judge .h.n ,.im i tbe good as bond Westminster College library is Dockery will November, 1876, following bond, Just as a Tbe k- John S. Phelps, systems-- 1 Woodson, of Ht, Joseph. th Vv, f "- Do not try to cure catarrh by tak Issued by any bank: to be renovated and arranged HUSK COBB" Mrs. A. R. Waterman Is still very Z VUOIO "-- im Greene. 'u7m.hun- - th.n ,K. IV. ... """1 .lit tloally. A good list of magazines bave "" ius une germs as well. ing drugs into tbe stomach. It can. November, FOB THE IB CBUBCH. ill. A I'Bominkmt olticml of the Chicago Thomas T. Crittenden, GUABASTEE uuiuiais uave puv uie atate omces tnat average be cured ln manner. Tbe been subscribed for, and will be placed Squire Dudley is ln St. Louis on Itallroad Company writes the iuih If one were to take the no' that 1880, Johnson. We hereby to refund tbe 4 Alton tbe Republicans have captured. only way common dh asree niece of monov and nlaca It under a in which tbls Marmaduke, November, money a on return Ut business. LsixiKK that the Allun llurliugUm John S. oaid for protection. A librarian to present "For the first time In tbe history of microsoooe he will find a reeklnir ease can be cured is Is through a direct nf the emntv box. If the ourcbaser "SSS? ,0., M. Edwards Is borne from as rapidly as it 1884, St. Louts. l.lmpn anH W 11 wu vw Judge & people are "arranging vue mey sur- - or failed to cure .1.11 avnrv effort be oiaw, win nna a large orowdlng mass of g application mat win kill tne germs Francis, November, 1888, tells us that It has Jefferson City. possible to give Mexico a new aupoi, David R. indigestion or stomach troubles. This I maita tn tinln students and friends in Pius iu iuu treasury. 11, oy any means, mlorobes. not alone of small nox oaiarru ana prevent ineir growin. flrst-clah- s and up-to- - but St. Louis. oovers two ooxes, or a Wabash, Ind. Nov. is ber which will be they Bhould fall to keep conditions In Hyomei Is the only known method of guarantee their reading and reference work. Mrs. Harriet Turner ill at ' 0f soarletlna, dlptherla, typhoid fever, 1892, Metho-.aa- a William J. Stone, November, month's treatment. Price,50c a box. faolltles will be I women of the Wabash Stteet home on N. Western ave. dsw." as good shape as they are now, it will treatment that accomplishes this. It Signed. Books and library consumption and all the rest, and still Vernon. .. aa nnsahin. dlst church went to the farm own oe-- 18 auu MnMi. Martlnsburg, Is Wl understand than Frank Budnm, ueiueir isuii. nowever, i people will put money between their simpiesi, moss pieasani, Stephens, November, 1896, Kail frtnv mll-- a north, and George Gill, of ln " LonV. a acta upon an entirely differ- - .11 n - lleve the new officials are oompe-- 1 on1' absolute cure for bas : College on business. of Louisiana, has purchased tbe Mex- that up9 ur a tUelr mouths without any catarrh that Cooper. The library of Westminster field forty bushels of tbls city I ou.er Jl tent snd honest men who will be a personal Ter been discovered. ent princp eiron, M flnd DUoab of U 1',,,hTh-"- w7 thK busi- InaTelcDhone syatetn, and will take rcuitd as to their health. Alexander M. Dockery, jyovemner, . ,lou. . li.V, W. F. Atkinson is home from a M- xsmingies w.tu credit to the State. - 0-- Derby, of Beverly, for indigestion, , of Westminster Colle .Vir " .h- - ohsrge at once. Mr. liuflum is one ot soreness of mouths or IIds. or without 1900, Daviess. - " uu"u'u ness trip to Oklahoma. myself, Mass., "My husband has had food you eat, helps it digest, strength- . nf th.MtAln u" men In "As for I have not decided . considering writes: a.i .- ,v" ' tbe most suooeskful telepuone for moment the i. .a .v - " rvBW luuuruu. Mason l.h- trouble years and m .COB lUO UWIW Wl vu. dwujswu tot taO IRA ftfi 73 faflfi '74 iS r . A IB William D. was a recent country, and will give Mexico an batlBballdo. I have offers from - condition of the money or catarrhal for thirty 4I11 V.a4... It o.ll .rM nnnAH the gives health to the whole digestiYe . AU.AntA business visitor in Oklaboma. In trust companies In St. Louis, but tbe advantages money has bad In Hyomei is the first thing which has - hft hfcMH nr tnrmM nm th nm up and Hrst olass service the that fi Deu og in. expense of living In Is so ever helped blm. He had catarrh ln its your last? Insteadof the dose an(i ,lumDl m these and will a single day. markets in Mexico will every particular. St. Louis us transit of being literally loaded that every minute will be hlve they would hnsk in The The meat ,orm an(i except Hyo- - creased frorn time great that I am a little dubious with every form of disease possible for woret nothing Such was the experience of Mrs. aH. let the college have them for binding women surprlasd him by accepting. olose on Sunday during tbe winter. what- - ly lesssened until natural digestion has following very suggestive to about coming here. is not Improb- - There cannot mel eTer nao "" effeot on It Newson. Decatur. Ala. "For three and pregetTaUon- - Piease address the Those who participated included some The is It man or animal to have. n ana you are Cel. I. H. Talbot and William - eTOr- - This gave him relief from the insuffer- - torea snsimy ubrary you can help. women ln Wa- - business men who do do not advertise: ablethatl may settle ln one of the beany thing, from the very circum- years" she writes, "I endured lt 0f the most prominent Vlvlon are In Neeleyvllle on business. uu uo -- baaa. "Some merchants speud more money interior towns ln connection with a stances of the case, more filthy than ura" "i"""i able pain from indigestion, stomach ..J til now heisoured." I - MissHallie Trigg bas returned to every year for moth balls,fly paper and bank or trust company, but until later mooey. It Is truly "filthy lucre " "" ana bowel trouble. Death seemed "V trTTTiM Thl. Is to Morrii Bells Fkotograpnuauery. Wooldridge & Purdy have so much rem-- G,ard. p. photographer, bas ber borne ln Fulton after visiting in cheese to bait mouse traps witn than I cannot stato definitely what I shall That there should be something done Inevitable when aootors anoau ; that I am using the Texas J. Morris, tbe do." , confidence ln the power of Hyomei to was induced o0800 to C. S. this city; a good ad vet Using bill would amount iMn r.h A.nmT of disease infec edies failed. At length I unMwX. Hall's GreaV Discovery, for sold bis gallery In tbi. olty way money owe catarrh that.they will sell the to try Eleotrio Bitters and the result '-"- I kidney ana oiaaaer irouoies, ana bid Blshoff, of Maryvtlle, wno took cnarge Tbe borne of W. S. Haggard ln to, aud there Is no better to get OF ST. LUKE'S tion through the medium of BECT0B treatment under their personal guar- - once I I,.bav,e Mr. Blshoff Mexico was damaged by fire goods public." rf was miraculous. I Improved at of Mrs. Marr EUer. th. place Thursday. southeast your before the money n..th 1?. ' people, especially oblldren, tee to reruna me u tne and now I'm completely recovered." Mrg Mary Bller, rellolt of tho Ute H"other's similarly afflloted.'lotI comes to this olty well recommended Thursday. I ing about mend it to Ontario, Testtfetto the , .. -- chasers can say it did not benefit, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel of ability and a good The executive committee fixes the llDa nd tnto For Liver, warren Kller. died at her home one! Mbs. Lovblla Wabo. las an artist Itch cured In 30 minutes by Wool-- Good Qualities of Chamberlain's Is only will move hie family here next meeting of the Young Men's mouths cannot be out of place. CHECKS CAUSE troubles Eleotrio Bitters the and on8 half ortii 0f Auxvasss oltlxen. He tord't Sanitary Lotion. Never falls. Cough Remedy. is-- hat Only 600. guaranteed debility, I In a week, Christian Association. Mexico bas a In England the goverment never SUIT. medicine. it's Thursday afternoon of senile I TFli WnNDER about Sold by J. F. Llewellyn, Druggist . A S16 000 DAMAGE Mexico for rood to secure tbls meeting, ifuipjinia Daoer money or nuner uiuuej by Wooldridge & Purdy Druggists. L.ed seventy years. V thl Mr. Morris has been in chance about 1 V. Texas Won-- , bead off Ont. 1R, lftoi . . . , , a . One small bottle an anviahia Jay Bennett while trying to and those in tbe matter l.niiiDiiiiiu...... , Inrll- lldX uacu, k...uuu i oeoeasea naa kiiHi interested ll'Hl evei irecu it.wjo f 13 Killed and 896 Hurt at FootbaU. der, Great Discovery, euros all ,j Thursday fell and tore off -- 1 is only I should tell See past Halla KwlvaWt a rabbit should communicate with the commit think it that tbe new, ttesb aDd crisp. 28.-- health for wme tlme and tie . Nov. The Record. portion ot bis knee cap, wblob la very vuu ioam-i,,,- -- rpnnipod trov- - -- -r - nnmi.' i a - ram,. I . ' i ann lev. B uruuavuiv wvnw next sptlog what a wonderrui eneci m hv the ..nu.t- ha. I ami will tee between now and .,i,,n says: -- .1 ril.ru anmlnal amla. 77. . Ain'sOouLTn nrouucea invnMan, riispsjiA T..Hffr Herald ""l " painful. when tlnal arrangements will be her Kemeavcas raiiarAinu mail fmm ly. The deceased leaves eight ions I tbe 30.-T- have resulted from .inn. anil ha' tr. vhaiima.1 so d Is-- 111., Nov. rlal Thirteen deaths .b ltm. .... maoe. L. F. and family bave moved Easter was Bloominotok, 1 mourn demise. definitely Austin nude. The day before I nfected localities. Every letter and season casualty daughters to ber Irro of 1 $15,000 damage case foot ball tbls Th. - l ta..Muua .a I VlDiH tau a. ,..,' - I ...... to Mexico. They tressed with a cold and cough that plece of maU mUst be perfectly fuml of a remarkable were tha- - from Bowling Green ii.t. in t he same as year, but the I ine remains I kMn-...n- ri w.rin.vin both men and "I wm much affllcated witn eciatioa- History any against Alton road bas begun ln "- - last - i . .. . u1 iu.i .1 v , . ... ,. contemplated oomlng to Far ber. Far Hon. Waltbb Williams' rtiri not. think to be able to take ,, . u mn haimand attend, tbe """-- "i irumnnn towaviue.oeagwica . 6 I., I , . . rpha injuries during tbe a women: regulates bladder troubles in writes m u. aua, ot Missouri has been awarded the gold my was - vou,r a u nlat.ifTa- .ra V o ber Forum. duties the next day, as voice antt still money goes on contlnous- f exceed of f r earvices conduoted at ookt your druggist Ca, Kan., "going about on crutches season closed will that not wld b, - by superior - J. W. Gwln, his wife and J. F. Gwin, lust . . . . DVI It . . I A- T medal tbe World's Fair almost choked by the oough. Tbe everlastingly with perfect com- LUCha AnvvajlAA PhriStlan OhUron ...... i - na Maln.-. maa S. suooessor J. P. j, and any year since tne lniroauoiion oi ...Itn will be sent by mall on receipt suumiu v. k-- - - 0. Blshoff to jury. Is among few grand you Recently they boarded tbe train Corwlne-Ful-r ton ilit It one tbe Name day I received an order from Dlaoancy, and without once being Jr. Rev. H. J. Sun. oii.iuinduo-- d to trv BalUrd'i Snow Llnl Morris Is certanly a success aa a photo j- . . ., fnp Rt. Turtle. modern college sport. mth., t -- (rites and well merited. Those wno your uougn uemeuy.- a oe nt.iA.rn. lth tlalav.- .n for a bottle ol challenged. If tbls article win tne .-- ment, whloh relieved me. I used grapher. He Is Introducing some ot tv"is" gave usual Tbe players Injured number 296. TtnW. Thl.t .mi uifinm rn tn mrfnnt a know claim that tbe three big men of once prooured a sample bottle, and of keeplng even one person Tbe oonduotor them the greatest at mean8 we otter one Hasan Doners Beware for oure. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufac-- three 50o bottles. It lt the lbe latest novelties. checks, these the Gwlns failed To Desperation. haw I I the World's Fair who got results at about three dosesof the medicine fatUng not aiune into his or her bat but Driven . . a. .a 1 .as na. W - an an fl T AMVST tlal4 lSaVt rfaxVlfTl. took from - " - curer, u. uox oai, ow mo. ..u.uu. a - Biley, of Fulton, home magnlllctnt rr., , oouirb and ,.., to display. T.lvlnB.tanoutof tbe way plaoe.re- " ' xuis, Mrs. Dr. "Jack" and abroad for this, orpr. relief the miinpv. hut if It will i tiatan- ' mended to a'f"-number of persons: all h. ni.of . " 1R I - . a. Jend for testimonials. Sold by all lt Mr. and Mrs. T. S. -- - ..am ...nl . ...Illa.Mnn a fttmllV...... numrav nwu,.. ft , . . was tbe guest of ewerprlBe were D. B. Francis, Walter cold bad completely disappeared ana keep one person from putting from "'" niubo ifutu m. i hiaaareas c...... express tnemseives as oeing oenenwu case of I we. tbmnft.ivaan.'."niwiwiaasersttasa. aave kaewa 1. 1. irugglst. umoe, uuve sureefc Riley, of tbls olty, while ea route E Stephens and Walter Williams. to preach tnree times ou to flve thousand germs or most " nfndrlvntodeSDeratlonln ai 1 now orutcbes, able " 7 ..-- . by It. walk without City, Friday. raoldL-- a nnt. .i,,n int the display tbe checks he would puttnem."" anMrirnt. resultlnir in euros, uuia i Carney for bm uwsia borne from Monroe L t nfi. that this j.. icmod. "7 pensotly booorabt la au sasueas au,. .,. aoie to penorm a greai uoai ui naw us" The newspaper people of Missouri off. Tbe Ulcers, ect. Lay In . ,UPP'' - and effective cure was due to Jur mouth, as well, but possibly putting Wounds U0B, sad saanoiauy aM to oany oatsayeb- Mrs. Addle Stuart,Jolnt owner with labor on tbe farm... fio, 600, 11.00. Farm For Bale. will be glad to know Hon. Waller - of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its tne utioasBiadeby : of Mex that Cough Remedy. 1 make this tesii- lhera rght Into the blood by a sore in "j Pl'r ot tbe William Stuart sold b Wooldrldea ft 108 acres, 2 miles northwest or Wooldridge A Williams, who bas for tbe last year sollciuuon, oemg or Hps or Into tne lining w.vv. beston earth. 26c, at wast a rSceln Boulevard avenue, has ,V loo, well Improved. monlal without mouth WitDuio,t.x. Me.auavn, waoieaan Lumcers. K devoted energy to the God- - Pnrriv's Druir Store. Kuta nr. intArpat. inl Jtoueru woounien awtot d2-w- bis time and found such a Lf death.tbe writer OJJA I ..Mhouui smart's-- -- I Wakken llioGxa. thankful to have lnhlllaUon approved Dnnrlata. Toledo. O election of officers by World's such magnificent ton, who .was on the train, I ac-- 1 At tbe annual Fair with remedy. Respectfully yours, will feel himself a public benefacter. Mrs. E. J. Button Is arranging to Hall's catarra care takea lawrnauy, tbel"property ror s,oou. Mary ot Houston, Tex., sent -- a ...- -. Mexloo Camp H. W. A. following Miss Burks, results, will Columbia, . I am I iUO o vs. air-o- u, u tbe return to E. A. LaNOFKLUT, M. A., nninl anrl flnnA. wuuuvwi bave ber house facing Anderson street im f soon to plaoe before cousins, Mr. and officials say hat check rule Is b'f,,per aouie- - mm Bob Hooton is were obogen (or the ensuing year. Is tbe guest of ber where be editorial charge of - tic bv that tbe faoesof tkasrsuas will take ot St. Luke's Churcn. 1VIBU1.y"'rl:,:r r- moved a block to Love street -- wiu Rector uuj twfnr. south by aU tbe puono tne ceieoratea opovwu O, Mrs. W. G. Burks. Miss Burks the Herald. A reliable rumor Is to emore un Drasttsta. D A Murphy, V. Medicine that of putting '""' She will use tbe plaoe as a resldenoe Take Ball's Family puis lor eonsupauoa. pens rmg. her relatives several also taking the train at Chicago, buy tick- - Family" ana weaaing wiu Ed. Hollenback, W. A. remain with tbeeftectthat Mr. Williams will ?hlreme1 Isforsal. by BucknerP",,, ink bottles, palls, 1t i repaired. -t. - after it weeks. pro-- -- - tr, Joliet nnlv. and that oonfeder--- - Birthday Party. J. W. Plunkett, O. 0. edit a monthly magazine, which & Whitney. eto. Th nk ol tne loaueuj.j uuu- I you a pleasant purgative sus- - ates provide tbem with hat checks Mrs. A. Sannebeck Ed Kunkel, E. B. When want mlses to have an unprecedented cir "DOCTOB." action of the money, thlnkof tbe Mr. and Frank Conragre la a IHatter SHOTS BY THE live In I MoCord, Escort try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver eulsllon from the very start. , milk and cream and Uooi to St. Louis. The Gwlns delightfully entertained a few friends X of the Blood. Frank :!F"-- "" Rulllmnra Baby's a superb 8 o'clock supper Tuesday I J. T. Bedbury, Watchman. Tablets. Tbey are easy to take and m o.vn . . at Soeed Key, of Centralis, bas a dis 1. the only cure for that tired evening elegant nome oni John Howard, Sentry. produce no nausea, griping or other Work at their - located of the was Col. I disagreeable effect For Sale by Buck- shoulder, the result - money ana North Jefferson street. It tee""- . , methods ln regard to M nnwninir. nee Miss Dollie Cored Paralysis. game of football here between Vea some people Saanebeck's birthday and tbe supper I ner A Whitney. n. makinira big bluff nr,ent a calamity to yourself, ,,,. fn.m-- ri nf this cltv. died W. S. Bally, P. O. True, Texas, tralla and Mexico. was greatly enjoyed and tbe evening suffering L. Edwards was a visitor shun lots of work. neighbors and friends. But don t cut Qer nom4 , SaHn township, north writes: "My wife bad been Mr. James can u was Joyous one. school duties, long and of Potasb or ujrrusite Friday morning of acute a five yean with paralysis in her arm, here while enroute to his if vnu make your path iodide of sturgeon, was given giaa your purses, as I once knew leaves husband and Mr. Sannebeck tbe when I was persuaded to use Ballard's at Fulton. Mr. Edwards attended the will be no bends. ate Into pneumonla. She a I raiht there hand and all wished that be and his which her all convention of tbe Phi Delta Theta , a lady doing, ana son, three years old. sne naa oeen in Snow Liniment, cured wneu " -. .ivb..,. amiable and good looking wife may oonvened Indianapolis, Always remember, j .. gred to death when she bDt a rew days, having been attecked right I bave also used it for old fraternity, at fA prosper. Without i- Fl up in the world mat .uBre " da,ntny tipping tbe money with live long and V' ' sores, frostbites and skin eruptions as a delegate from Westminster. :tting ia.--; MoodayeTlng rood red V, ' 1 DRO uU 00. Sold 250, 600, room on top. lt-- of Mercurate oi cuver Downing was born in Audral Elks Hunt Coons. ' 1 It does tbe work." el had Mrs. 0K? I , I I . .. . m.n were noor boys .,rt microbes to her tongue. 21 years ago and was A ot members of the I by Wooldridge A Purdy. A Postal our county about number tbe weak V iW . I All oi nesn-etful- lr. and I married to Mr. Downing four years bloeeom- - local lodge of Elks enjoyed a big coon heart X. .a.Lt. I ina. very much like th poor nerve. Fieldinf Quiseaberry Reooverin?. FOR soap G. Givkn, M. D. She leaves beside the IUbesiutyana of town Thursday night, u. are looking for a soft ago last month. ing of flower. hunt north Anemia mean Field Qultenberry, formerly ot this han .nn Hop depends entirely bagging iny blood .u , wai- -. verv husband and tod a father, R. P. perfection but bad poor luck as to city, now ot St. Louis, who was crush- vou will find a barq turn u.ria riauirliter of i. upon the care bestowad epoa common in i ThluBooK " . . ,. n of oity, ana lunowiug game. Only one coon was caugbVbut Saturday ., . h,.mA nr ner uuuic it v. kins, tnis ius iu parent. Expectant mother vouna arome ed between two automobiles where. HI b mn no sport. those who work indoors. I - - ... -- nri la , I T, Ayer's brothers and sisters: Mrs. cnaries should have th tenderest car. that one furnished little at. nn rut one. Wales, In tbls city. who do aot get e.oiwh outdoor air snd " "uw u" Time wall for no Harrison, Mrs. Cad Crockett, Misses They should be spared all worry The members of the party bad a too along exceedingly well. His many eat cood oxvaen in their luass. There an FREE and anxiety. They should and en- m Annie, May and Bessie and Richard glorious time after tho bunt "- I DO SO bronchitis, put off work for sood nourishlnc food aoanvwail aiwu cnpuK.v. "V1.- rfleOdt in Wit City Will glSQ For hard colds, heiJA Never nimttv oi huge fire. Vow W,T' P. HoDklns, Jr. She was a member This joyed a fine lunch around a of I learn be Will recover. coughs of til WTwtsr1 blfisttw. itWd as It never oomes. A FACT and take pentie exercises. heart, called a murmur, in cases snesii. tbat asthmi, ind tl hie. "i"d oai of Methodist church and an ex way toward preserv- This murmur u caused by thinaeas tny-tbi- of I what's tbe will go a long Meeting at Centralis. heart kinds, you ctnnot take the.rnth hul n mHr vnu can never tell T THC Ri lypcw their beauty of die blood passins; throofh tbe heart. Fine Audrain Cattle. ll;.,...-nnened- . oeilent and lovable woman. ing their health and I protracted meeting Centra- anemia dissppeara wbe Ayer' .M rwiWI l ncu"r" -- r- AUUUI of littl on to Tbe at The aannnnr of Col. Green Clay bas been notified better than "It ..n u..v.. was as well as that th nj Vrp Ji (! tn a pacxage Tbe funeral conducted Sat the blood its aatural t how to ret " - 1Bue8. ot nut to b absolutely sur lia, which has been conducted several retain his of yearling cattle at uo - urday afternoon 2 o'clock, probably . . . , I sad nchaeaa. It ts aot heart disease. tbat exhibit l i'lwe to obey nitorc't law. How oa Always remember that it occasioned by actual erlst- at ot a short and painless labor they weeas oy xvev. tv . ivuaeuuuucr, soffer iateaae pain over Cherry-Pectora- nrtm lawa itu-- mrrTi a. Sometimes pie tbe International Live Stock sbovr at nl... ..nMtwhii from Plsgah church. which ia diaeaae, , work. conditions, but ia auouiau pastor of church ot the heart, aot heart bat r"'""1' mnn na incs I it yuui jrace to lng external th tbe Christian Chicago bad been awarded tbe first rn lay awake it ntghtf Art nrvot arif esased by the stomach. It ia the occeeioa r accumulation or win:. orlty of cases oy Fir on Pike. Mexico, closed Wednesday evening. of much anxiety, alarm and sttfterina;, for prize. of In V'1- Love Is an ,t Hlseiblblt Ibf tj.vro-- rt Ir. Mclean'- - h Friday thirty- - which victim Is dependent apoa it rno h..w tw Tbe fire in St. Louts nlgbt During tbe meeting there were iu rales second prize to Wu tmlih t to itai thonirhtA wu disturbeaeee from the stomach by a special olasswaa given rui ... . i Mother's cased J buildings on church, and Ask yout wu, o- i- - THIS IS A FACT destroyed several tbe seven accessions to tbe indiaestioa. Ia the same wav maav had Audrain cattle are always at tbe top. Cherry Pectoril. J H. Mclean rt prrtMrexJ WiM wncdi thing that BLD -.- - only d Rome, was manifested each cough, ans dependent apon these so. J,n wIm, Hsar. ts vl lha- tJ Tb. wedlock. which may be deniotra-te- Pike Includlog Ancient Fair much Interest at retea own doctor if this is not k. heart Uetber is. service. distnrhaace ot what ia called the paeaasaa Died in Hit "Bailooa Boat" broken by trying course ol Japan, Quo Vadls and tbe Bowery Friend and uses It-- He understand! Sa-t- nerve. To enrich th blood He thought, too bigb, DarritotT, Mich , Dec 1 A tele- pile your ooo cessions. Tneanlmsls tn llageo W rts tbe Boatae ot Osteopathy. tnereas th red blood corpuscles thereby why it soothes and heals. IX0. fall of worry feed Be oa rich red blood and gram to tbe Detroit Journal from JFLean'sLivcr will h-- . down beck's show and Mysterious Asia tried .Is is a slaipie imineai, wmm Those wishing to investigate Oeteo ins: th - ha. . for aaa. TSea 1 - irritability, ueiM If to their la to oe appliM esteraaiir- I ,T"T doine; away with aervoas tak Stevenavtlle, Mich., seven miles from took t'Sarr. Fwlora! aaa ealf ea fire one Is to break loose. Tbe cause of the fire th ana viror t th. eaesclas aaa patby will find Dr. Traughber at bis DrTpierce'a Golden Medical Discovery, .ml many Irons In the all disoomierts oi png. Joseph, says body of Peter a. at atleav Too thought to be the work ot an In eraveaui of U. aa office Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturday-ari- d which atamotca diresHe and aasimtlatuas St tbat the ntT Dasruara. jaie. E.Z.M. Pills it kmS thlsB .. aw w as. ... Oold. aia bmub . f twd so that the blood sets iu prove been found bit a. i.e.rnsx U1B In iret . Tutt's a., rT Whaa Sundays. Examinations are tree Nlssen bat there ln - cendiary. m4 aMMnahmeat atomacls. . Motaer'a rri-a- d la aaad then la a aannlv ttoat th TVi a r uMMunlve iu Mo. S." hat fri V, " dan- -r wBataver. A lady ln attendance. Offloe across (nrt a near to nature', way as To can. A boat, the "Foolklller itM,!.b. o l.'i WANTKU-- e- LIVER. s the; otWTii th. mutt -- t- i -- Drayman Breaks Bib. Motbar-- rMaad at tb medicine asade entirely of botanical ex- - -- .a aii - post offio. Offloe "kl !(,Ctm 'UtsOl to f' about Mexico w '0ood T""" ea- rf be street east ot tbe tracts which does aot contain alcohol is Jim Bryan, who fell oft tb coal Coughs-Cold- s a .nd " ncy to th. D. drayman, wbile en- - stara,at aim. sad r via Miller, a I r' u,- J. 1 m. p. m. Special hours eon-fin- tu in ajc 0rtir n& Irrr - and sploes. 'r el tk THE HCUATM CO, boors a. tot the safest. Dr. Pierce's Uoluea Medical chute at Felton reoently, a still Address, tunnElS nthr., (,ff sfrc..!. bring Iwslth gaged In removing freight from a car discovery contain, ao alcohol or narcotic. -- 7lJtSM.uif,..-- ,. 4trtm riwW, ATLANTA. OA by appointment Telephone 146. said iM recovery oy h'M unS err J';h jy nr. rterce a rtuem an to ha room and it a tbat Vit haatavi "WW. At u. th. reoently, fell tod broke a rib. ne rieaaau ui PHI Urne, all J, mK-- . I et Uvs I be a badly hurt Internally. Ins f AyV at IBC St., I considerable Joel Adoock is Ume from St Loots. till. BB. J. . McLEJltl VEOmHE I'1 on Market NO SUBSTITUTE. suffering pain. Ma TAKE It. touit, ra JMt St, Louis,