United States Patent Office Patented May 7, 1963
3,088,959 United States Patent Office Patented May 7, 1963 1. 2 or grouping of carbon atoms which is present in cyclo 3,088,959 pentadiene. This grouping is illustrated as PROCESS OF MAKENG CYCLOPENTADEENY NECKEL, NTROSYL COMPOUNDS Robert D. Feltham, Joseph F. Anzenberger, azad Jonatian T. Carrie, Pittsburgh, Pa., assignors to The Interaa tional Nickel Company, Inc., New York, N.Y., a corpo ration of Delaware No Drawing. FiRed Sept. 1, 1960, Ser. No. 53,374 The substituent groups on the cyclopentadiene moiety 6 Clains. (C. 260-439) 0. indicated as R, R2, R3, R and R5 are any one or more The present invention relates to the production of of hydrogen atoms, halogen atoms and/or organic groups nickel compounds and, more particularly, to the produc such as aliphatic groups, aromatic groups, alicyclic groups, tion of nickel nitrosyl compounds containing a group etc. The substituent groups can also bond at two posi having the cyclopentadienyl moiety. tions. Where this occurs, groups can substitute for adja Compounds such as cyclopentadienylnickel nitrosyl, 5 cent R groups, e.g., Ra and R3 and/or R4 and R5 to form methylcyclopentadienylnickel nitrosyl and other complex indene and other condensed ring structures. nitrosyl compounds containing a cyclopentadienyl-type As mentioned hereinbefore, when carrying out the proc group have been made. Such compounds have use as ess of the present invention, the reactants are reacted in gasoline additives. When such use is contemplated, it is the presence of a base. The base can advantageously be economically imperative that the compounds be produced 20 a nitrogen base or a phosphorus base or an alkoxide of a in good yield from the most readily available and inex metal having a strong hydroxide.
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