AGBU Armenia Newsletter (April-May, 2011)
ARMENIAN GENERAL BENEVOLENT UNION AGBUAGBU ARMENIAARMENIA NEWSLETTERNEWSLETTER Yerevan, Armenia IN THIS ISSUE ISSUE 13, APRIL-MAY, 2011 ♦ Tsitsernakabert visit (p. 1) AGBU ARMENIA PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE VICTIMS ♦ AGBU “Groong” choir on tour in Armenia (p. 1, 2) OF THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Yacoubian visit the renovated library teaching On April 24th, on the occasion of the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, center (p. 3) the Armenia-based structures and members of the Armenian General Benevolent ♦ Working meeting at the RA Union (AGBU), headed by AGBU Armenian Representation Director Ashot Ghaza- Diaspora Ministry (p. 3) rian, AGBU Armenian ♦ Final round of the 5th Republi- Representation Deputy can Chess Tournament (p. 4) Director Hovig Eorde- kian and AGBU Dias- ♦ AGBU continues its support of “Renaissance” festival (p. 5) pora Youth Programs Coordinator in Armenia ♦ AGBU Nork Youth Center Hermine Duzian, vis- children in Beirut (p. 6) ited Tsitsernakabert to ♦ APO presents Tchaikovsky's pay tribute to the 1,5 “Nutcracker” (p. 6) million innocent victims ♦ APO continues the series of of the Armenian Geno- university concerts (p. 7) cide. Carrying the flags ♦ Artsakh Chamber Orchestra’s of the Republic of Ar- concert dedicated to the Arme- menia, AGBU and the nian Genocide (p. 7) scout movement, mem- ♦ AGBU YP Yerevan new pro- bers of the AGBU Yer- jects (p. 8) evan Scout movement, AGBU Armenia-based structures and members visit Tsitsernakabert ♦ AGBU Yerevan Scouts’ events AGBU Young Profes- (p. 9) sionals Yerevan team, AGBU Armenia members and AGBU Armenian representa- ♦ AGBU Switzerland honors the tion staff, accompanied by the AGBU Montevideo “Groong” choir, who were on a leaders of Topalian Foundation concert tour in Armenia during that time, walked to the Genocide memorial and (p.
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