PUSHING THE BOUNDARIES CENTRAL ASIA Shapero Rare Books 1 We hope that you will enjoy this glimpse of the treasure trove that is Shapero Rare Books. Established in 1979, we are an internationally renowned dealer in rare books and works on paper. Amongst our team are specialists in travel books, illustrated natural history, first editions, Russian literature, and Judaica. In 2014 we launched Shapero Modern, a gallery for modern and contemporary prints. Whether you are seeking knowledge, building a collection, decorating your home or searching for that special gift, speak to our experts who have over one hundred and fifty years’ experience between them. We also have considerable expertise in both buying and brokering the sale of important collections. Browse in store or online and you might be surprised at what you discover. PUSHING THE BOUNDARIES CENTRAL ASIA: from the Southern Provinces of Russia to the Sea 32 Saint George Street London W1S 2EA Tel: +44 207 493 0876
[email protected] shapero.com CONTENTS page Books in Russian 6 - 45 Books in Western languages 46 - 181 1. [CAUCASUS] - Нивеллирный план города Тифлиса составленный по триангуляции, съемке и нивеллировке города в 1879 – 1881 гг. инженерами путей сообщения С. Уманским, А. Поповым и П. Замятниным. [Plan of the City of Tiflis compiled by the Engineers S. Umanskii, A. Popov and P. Zamiatnin]. 1879 - 1881. A LARGE MANUSCRIPT TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OF THE GEORGIAN CAPITAL TBLISI. The Caucasus Topographical Bureau was established in 1853, and yet active mapping of the region began only after 1866, when Ieronim Stebnitskii (1832-1897) was appointed head of the Bureau.