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Ail the News

Every Thursday Morning of All the Pointes rosse ews Complete Nelvs Coveru/{e of All tIle Pointes Home of the News

VOL. 2b-NO. 3 Entered as Second Class Matter at $5.00 Per Year the Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN. JANUARY 21, 1965 lOc Per COpy 20 Pages Two Sections-Section One

',C- D -Z N dT$7')358')433 HEADLINES I Liggett School's New Building Nears Complet~on lty etal s ee iSought for of the Of Sewer System iHigh School As Compiled by the 'Requested Figure Includes Grosse Pointe News IForModernization $2;~,~~~s~~~~1~Ud~~;ns Thursday, January 14 A DEFE:'\SE DEPARTMENT Bv unanimous roll call statement. y'''strrrlay disclosed I H Id I f R.d f R 'vote at a sp'ecial meeting that an FIOS ThundE"rchief and Open Meeting e to norm eSI ents 0 easons held Thursday morning. the FlOO Supersabre. U.S. Air force I For Proposed Bond Issue of $1.32 Million : Board of Education of The fight('r bombers, had been shot: I To Be Voted On Next Month : Grosse Pointe School Sys- down Wednesday while striking, ! I . . . . . i tern passed a resolution at a key road m Laos. The road : I More than 140 mterested CItIzens of Grosse Pomte 'callinC1 for an election to is one :>\'('r which supplies and! ; i City attended Monday night's .op~n council ~ee,ting t~ I be held Monday, March 22. meo reach Communist Cueri]. i .. : I hear and see a detaIled deSCrIptIOn of the, CIty s sanI-; Two separate proposals will las in South Vietnam and cen-: ~ary and stor~ sewage probl~ms. The D:1eetm& was held! be submitted to property- tral Laos. The announcement of i .._....,~-_., .., In the gymnaSIUm of the MaIre School In CadIeux road. , owning voters of the school their loss was the first indica- tion that thc United State~ has! .: Y'I"': .~;. :~ Voters are being asked to ,. ! district. ~; ,} ~mJ approve at a special election,! The first propos1tlOn seeks extended its mihtary operations i s. w , : in Southt'ast Asia to attack: .. ' .":". "{":":«.?;:":~:".'~4W.itif;" .....:. ;,; ~r~. .. ":,'.'~tiII Fe~rua~y 15, a 20.-year Generall ... UltS ort t Iauthority to issue bonds to cover ~ommtl,nist supply lines outside I . .~_. ",,~~:....:.;.~'i:0" '0 ,., ~".:.;, < .. ' '.: : ~ ObhgatIon bond Issue of $1.32 the cost of constructing a badly South vietnam. Four other U.S. : '.~ "-;j;7iir',".,,',,"'...:TI million designed to correct and $2 400 Stolen needed second high school. plus planes have b('en shot down i . ,~' .:-, . ~:l:' :'.'. ":~"':'"",~,,:::::~~:,:::~'::.,;:",:Y:;:.~;:::::.;:..'~\iiffipro~e the sewage system of, renovation all? remodeling of sinC'e June. hut the D('fense Dc- , partment ha" sad that they i ~" . - '~*~'/~nt.%'~r~.'. th~i~~t~~e aid of color slides, From Store ~hee ~~~;~~~ h;~~p;S~~i~~ ~~~~t~ were on reconnaissance mis-, Councilman G. Gordon Cook permiSSIOn to fmance an audl- sions onl~'. explained the four major areas' to~iu~ connected with the new i of troulJle and the necpssary Second Robbery in less bUIldmg to .serve as ~ school COXGRESS WAS ASK ED! steps that must be taken, ac- Than Two Months : and commumty Performmg Arts ye:-terday by PrE"sident Johnson: cording to engineers of George I i Center. to do <1\\ ay WIth the old quota; Jerome and Company, to elim. Resu ts in 24 Suits , Spread Over 30 Years systt'm for Immigration and! inate the existing troubles. Disappearing I Long-term financ;'lg of the pass a new la\\ which would in. , . , project has been planned to dude considC'fation of imrni-: Sta~ OffiCial Present. For the second time 'In Iease the tax burden and to grant skill." and family unity. I The City's complete descnp- ! spread the cost over a 30-year Tht' ncw law \\ ould al"o be on tion of the present problems was less than two months, bur- I period among people who will a f,r"t.eome. first.serve ba,.is. reinforced by the presence of glars brcke in~D the Valente eventually use the facility. It Liggett School will soon be occupying this spank- I Th(' l'n'sid£'nt said the 40'YE"~r from the old site in Burns avenue, is scheduled to be W 1 B . f h . d ing new structure at Briarcliff and Wedgewood in 'rI'ed out durI'ng spI'l'ng vacatl'on staI'tl'ng March 19. a ly enZle, a member 0 t e Men's Clothing Store, 20733 liS estimated that the annual a - old fluota s....stem was "incom- cal M i chi g a n Department of i ditional cost to the taxpayers patihlE" \\ ith our basic Ameri('aT' Grossr Pointe Woods. The move into the new plant --- 000 f 't Senate, Rep_ Joseph J. Kowalski I . d an ven 1 a IOn; o1k>Q.<.. or SI e Revered Institution Leaving Indian Village Site f or , ar ds create d by ma equate sew- stolen. Fifty dollars was also' , ts k' d 1 m,. Detroit) was for mall Y I Park Resident Says He ' Football Great to Give age must be remedied or legal . ..,' ' llllP~O\ em en . par 109 an and- M~gnjficent Plant in Woods; Cost of Land • t' . t th C't ld taken .from the calSh . eglster on scapmg; $85,000 for sewers and ~'lectE"d speakE"r ~f the House. IWas Bound and G 9 d Secon d Lecture in S erles ac Ion agams e I y cou t'I'1' $700000 f f' ed d rhe legIslators WIll hear Go\'. I ag ? and Structure Placed at $2,200,000 b t k this date. u Illes; . or IX an Romney's Stal(' of the State ad-' Before Thief Took Casn in Fries Auditorium e a en. . movable equipment: $300,000 r broken. and a half of inte~;ive studv h clt'''' Tar ffs are to remaIn' . '. agreement to pure ase th e 1 O . t 8 15 'I k T da f 1 ti f L k St CI' . I. I . 'ing officers that the crime QC- . f acres of land at the intersec- gm ~ : 0 c oc on ues y 0 po u o~ 0 a e . an', Lorenz said that everything by the Board of Education aI?d unchanged for replace men t curred between 9:30 a.m. and The transfer of locatIOn. rom, . ., evenmg January 26. (Contmued on Page 5) 'd h h d member" of the schools' staff m . \ th t . .' ., tion of ~rlarchff and Wedge- ' was In or er w en e passe . . . SInce on y e nE"\\ rar par s IO:~~ a.m. He did n~t ;all polIce DetrOit to Grosse Pomte chm- wood drive. In October of that: The Commissioner of the Na- the store earlier. -eachmg a ~olutlOn tv the prob- tht an' invo!ved ..111t is hoped I ' until 3:30 p.m .. Chl('l Louwers i axes a long struggle on the part year a campaign to raise funds I tional Football League, Pete Costly Necklace Th ff' 'd th t h f d em of enrollment growth. The agrE"pment \n put an em to . ..I ••• d ' ' . I eo Icersal a.e oun I-t t t' . 1 th b ' I b :-alll. ' of offICials, alumnae and frIen s for the bUI'Iding was launched Rozelle opened the senes ast th f 0 t d d f th i1 es s 3tlStiCS revea at pu - a two-vear strugo e et\\"('PI; . . 1 . , '. I ern an rear oors 0 e I' hill h . the two' cmmtnes ~\"('r a Cana- SC'hneif!er told Det. Lt. Stan- i to brmg the we I-known girls . . i Tuesd.ay eve~mg before a near- Reported Lost store locked. which indicated IC sc 00 s enro. ment aye ffi- . '. . I . F I,d D t J. L -1- . ---,~. -- --_ .. _~ .. - ...-- The campaign called Liggett capacity audience creased 464 pupIls over Decem- dlan duty remISSIon scheme ey ~nc ers an e. ames a Tomorrow Fund, originally had' that the burglar, or burglars, ber of 1963. Enrollment itl- \~hich has r('duced. exports to' i::t:~o~~aJo;h~~JJ h~e a~~;~~n~ I Purse Snatcher as its goal $1,783,000 but dur- During his twc years~ from Farms police received a let- entered ~n~ left through the creases have averaged 250 for Canada bv some Indpp('nf!('nt f ..I b t ' I t II l' ing the years has been upped 1936 to 1938, at ColumbIa. Mr. ter from Boris Gaynes of 19186 broken WInQOW. the past five years and show no " f' ronte" y an ex remE' y a co L k h d b 'll" t 11 g , companiPs map.:1 actunng rE"-; d " h' thO r d-I MOIsses TarO'et to its present $2,200,000. AI- uc man a a rl Ian co e - Livernois, uetroit, on Sacurday, Valente was <:alled at his sign of abating. pla('pment part". The schemf.', lore. h man ~n t Ir Ie;. ~~ though the drive is stilI in pro- iate football career. He was January 16, a~lting for assist- home and he arrived at his, Many Plans Studied g a ~~o ! ~ howPH'r has boosted l.".S. pur-: WE'lg f;n h dOU hP~Ut~ s. . e I A k t h 1 gress Mr Sladen says that it's All.Ameriean Quarterback and ance in trying to locate a cost- store without delay and took: :\Iam' p'lans were considererl ('hases of Canadian made r>arts ~1anhhla~ e ~f pus '1 u on'd shl~-, lSUPtehrmar e ~ opper a - movi~g aiong well and the end was elected to the Football Hall I kl hi if h d 1 inve~torv. II hefore' the Board decI'ded upon f SR '\1' t 560 '11" Ii1C aIlE'k nl E",am force I~ most 06 er grocerv money on . of Fame He then played 12 y nec ace s w e a ost. ~ rom , ml IOn 0 ml IOn way Into t!w house, saying "I :\londay, January 18~ : 15 not far off. !',. t' I F _ In the letter, Gaynes stated 24 Suits Missing I t~e construction oi a second • ." I seasons ....Ith the Na lOna oot hIgh school. The"'e included the CO~GHESS WAS ASKED ~'('s- \\ ant mone~ . :\Irs Katherine Field of 4005' In January. 1963. the fund ball League's Chicago Bears be- that he and his wife had dined He told Lorenz and other of-, c'onst 'uct'on of d"-d't'o I ' . . 'passed the $700000 mark and re .., at the On The Hill Restaurant f' h t th I I l a I 1 ns on e e- h'rday by Presid('nt ,Jornson Tied Up W Ith Ties Hereford, Detroit. told City I. .'. - Ifore retIrIng In 1951. In 1943' Icers w 0 c.ame 0 e scene, I IIIen tan' and junior high schools for $338 hiIlion ill foreIgn aid Schneider said that he was poliC'e that a voung man at-I celved a big boost m July of I he won the most valuable play. in Kercheval avenue on Tues- that approxImately 24 ~en's: In' fo th 0 f f th ' fon'ed to hi~ first floor bed- tempted to tak~ h€r purse a,-;, that year when the Kresge er award day, January 12, and when they suits worth a retail value total- I a a Ire f pe-ra Ion a e for npxt yt'ar It is the 10\\"('st h on she left her ear to "nt"y 'P~ek'- I Fuundation gave its first and J -' roh' B returned home, Mrs. Gaynes ing $2400 were missing from! ~tC 00 sd a al0urh"quarter sys- rl'Clu('st for t!w prot:r3lTI sin('c' room, whNe the assailant made ' ~. , 0 I' g'ft t d ho I oms .- Icago ears d' d h kl' 'k' th h'd l' em, an sever ot ers him lav faee down on the oeli ers Store at :\'Iaek a:ld St. Clair. n ~ loa sec?n ary sc o. Ai h' . t Mr L k lscovere er nec ace mlSS- two rac s at e sout SI eo, In S t b 1964' 31. . it "as started af1('r Worlrl War . '. i . ! It honored SebastIan S. Kresge's t~r. IS retlremen . ~c - ing. the store. : .ep em, er.. a meJ!l " The Presldc'nt also a"kpd dl.ld bOllnd hl~ hands and ankle: She had parked her 10 the I th d h h L' _ man Jomed the Bears as a Vlce- : bel' CItizens AdVISOry Commit- for 3 oew kind of aid author- WIth ~~\'~ral tIE'S. The Park r~s. parking lot at the store wh~n I ge~~ealu:nU;a:.e~heWgi~t ~~e m~;e president and coach. He is also 'fhe necklace contained an 18. Detec~ives sai~ th.at they i tee, w o. r, kin g wit~ Dr. ~elix i/ation for Vietnam and ('m. lrknt said that the man fOfC.('(1 th(' ~'outh With long. blond haIr. 'th n $200000 h d th d' an outstanding figure in the c~rat emerald an.d eight round could find no object rhat was, )lcCormlcg. Columbia Umvers- phasl7NI aid through mtcrna a !.:a~ mto hl~ mouth and tIed trl('d to grab her handbag. which ov~r the' ~il{~~~ eand ea ~:~ business world and active in diamonds, and IS valued at u~ed !o break the window, but '!ity building consultant, recom- tional channels. He inc!ud('d in II With another tIC. c?ntained S23. Sh(' desrrib('d mark, community and civic affairs, $2,500. dl.d fInd three ?1a~ks .on the; men~ed as the best possi~le his message to Congress a ThE' Park resident said that, him as 18 to 20 years old. tall Ge 'ld' 't where his special ;nterests lie Police said that to date no! wmdow frame. mdlCatmg th~ I' solutIon to the school housmg gcnE"ral policy statement \\ hich thE' robter took $51 from his: and wearing a % length ddrk . t BUI mg Perml ; with the youth of ~ur country. one has reported f:nding' the 10bject used to smash the win- dilemma. the construction of a saI(l that developin~ countriE"s wallet. then asked him where I coat. During the late st;mwer and Th' t' b f hi necklace or turned in such an dow could have been a pry bar. second hIgh school on the Van- , fall of 1963 school officials e mvoca IOn e ore s ' i d b h B k . Th' . "need to avoid spending thcir the r('st .of the ~10TI('~'was kept. I According to police, he may . ' . lecture will be given by Dr. item. Reports of the ~oss were Nothing else appeared to! er us - a er Sit? ~ I~ site. rE"sources on unn('cessary arm- Schneld:r saId L,31 he was h:H"~ had a companion waiting worke.d. WIth the Woods ~lt~ Dale A. Ibrie, minister of the t~let~ped to othe~ police agen-\ ~ave bee,:! taken from the store, ! locat~d near the Intersec~lOn. of aments and foreign adven- (Continued on Page 4) for him in a car. ~ouncil lI.1 order to get a b.ml~ Grosse Pointe B tist Ch h cJ.es m the DetrOIt area. 1t was said. V~rmer road and ~IormngSlde tures .. .. 'mg permit The legal techmcah- . ap ure, dnve in Grosse Pointe Woor.s. .... " ties were all worked out, how- As at the fust lecture, the contains 31.7 acres. The present GCA, RO~l:--;EY in his "Stat(' ever, by Deeember 18 and on (Continued on Page 3) Shores Pol;ce Have Clue (Continued on Page 2) GrouII,d Broke'l for etv I that date the official corner. ----___ II _ of the State" m('ssage to the- N Istone for the new school was d FOB' I V.-Is !E"glslature Thursday said thaI S · B -ld. GPUS J in thIS time- of prosperity the i ClellCe Ul lUg a,t laid in ceremonies attended by U ge orgIves In LS Hit-.Run ...4ccident urg ar 1St sl at(' faces more money prob-' many dignaitaries. Young Essayist ~__ Home in City )el1)" and that he is ready to Ground - breaking ceremonies \ the finest tools with which to Arch~tects for. the building _ Shorec; police have a clue to I Duemling said that although \\ork to reform Michigan's tax \\ ill be h('ld Friday, January 22, work." he continued. "The re- are Ha.rley, Ellmgton, Cowe.n I Robert Go:,ndenow, 18, of 1260 the make and co.lor of a hit~ the make and color of the hit- The res>idence of Robert C. structure. Although the Demo for a OC'\\' $450,000 Science I sult will be a s~ience program a.nd Stlfte~, a. noted Detr:olt Maryland. knows the import. and-run aut?mobIle that ran run Cl!.r are known, the driver DouQ'las at 897 Lincoln road (' rat i c-controJled I('gislature Huildin~ on the campus of 1 that equals or better" those in fum. The Site Wlll have park~ng ance of laws enacted for the down and seriously injured of the vehicle has yet to be I was "'broken into and robbed on mt:"t "how it wants rE'form, he G((J~"e Pointe Un I v e r sit y some of our nation's fin est I a.reas, roadways, walks, playm? protection of citizens, especially Joh~ McKay,. 62, of 6206 Un i- t identified. The dri',er is still: January 11 sometime between \\ Iii .nake the first step by ap. Sehool. 1045 Cook road, Hugh !;f'hools," Riddleberger said. I fields and an outdoor amphl- for pedestrians, verslty. DetrOIt, a watchman at I being sought, and the help of I the hours of 6:20 and 9:18 p.m. pointing a "tor-.flight. biparti. C. RiJdlebcrger. Headmastf'r.1 Other. Buildings Planned, ,theat('r. The youth appeared beiol'e the Edsel Ford Estate, last De-I cit!zens is aske? in an I'ffo~ to; The unknown thief or thieves 5an" study commIssion to de. anno~need tod~y.. . i Other !mportant elements in The building has two stories, Park Judge C. Joseph Belanger cember 10, '" I brmg ab?ut hl.s apprehenSIOn.; escaped with '$500 in quarters, clde on the state's financial Tht' n('\\' bUlldm=, an Im~or- ~the $.2,6:>0.000 program are a and two wings :lnd will accomo- on Wednesday, January 13, to The watch~an IS still In Bon I The chIef pomted out that a : $31 in other cash, $20 in smaIl rf'qulrements for the next 10 ~ant part of ~ S2,6;'lO,OO?bUlld- I new. hbrary to replace the pres- date 350 students from nursury answer a charge of jayWalking. Seco~rs HospItal, w~ere he had 1 $500 reward,. offer~d by !he i change. ~rom a change purse, :years. l?g an~1 endowment prOject en,~ en}. I.n~de~uate s~ce'. a covered through the 12th grade. Goodenow entered a plea of not I been tak.en, s~fferIng from a Sho~es council, for mformatIOn Iand a wrIst watch. • * * tl~ledh' Progframlfobr Excel.lence'd ar',:flclaldice skating rInk to pro- At last, as it welcomes the guilty 3.nd was found guilty. bhrokde~ :Ig?t hIp and leg, and l~adt.mg tf0ththehiatrrest an~ CO?II-I' Entranc~ was ?ained, accord- Saturday, January 16 Will Oll.',e our a oratOrIes an v.ne stu ents, faculty and thf.' f" t GPo' t F' ea mJunes, VICIOn 0 e -runner, IS Stl 109 to CIty polIce through a BRITAI~'S 9O-vear-old war- a teaching amphitheater, and community with skating from I:S c~ocuses, rosse 1D' e or pUnIshment. Judge Be. Doctors at the hospital had in effect, door on the north side of the time leader S i ~ Win 5 ton will l',m~in the most advanced I November to April, and a great- WI~ 7e~come an old, r~;.ere~ lal':~er 3~~dered the youth to to amputate McKay's leg below Chief Duemling said that part home. The window above the Church:l\ la;' near death today' equipment for ~he t~aching of ly in~rea:sed endowment fun~ to ~~m~. 0 a new magru ICen ~~h~:k of -~~d ~s6r~n ",~hat the. kne~ on D.ecembe~ 30, wheu of. McKay's clothing, which c~n-l door knoh .had been pushed In Umdon He was stric-kC'n by ("ht'ml,<;t~.. phY'<;lcs, bIOlogy and prOVide [jetter teachers and Im- lb' h a a d her, and serIOUs mfecbon set In. McKay tamed flecks of bod~' pamt out. but no Implement was left a hloorl dot on the brain y('s. ~('n('r;l1 sell'nee, RiddIeberger, proved facilities. W-E-T-P-A-V-E-M-E-NT to su mlt t e \~ork to t e court. b reported in good c~ndition. from the hit-and-run (ar, and I at the sC'ene of the robbery. lerc!ay. aft{'f fighting a ('old and' said. . '" II Grosse P o.i n t e University , . . . I Goodenow did not leave the McKay was crossmg south- other evidence .found at the, Police .found evidence that a c:rculaton' weakn('ss. His doc- "Thl~ nE'~\' bUIldmg WIll £'n- School, a privately supported A car drIven by WIlliam Hend- courtroom, but promptly sat bound Lake Shore road, near scene of the aCCIdent, \l-3S sent the ups,alrs of the house had tor, s,lJd h'e was _,lipPing wto able u" to meet the increasing I secondary school. has 670 pu- ri~ks of 48 Willow Tree place down and wrote an essa~ that the Ford Estate, when he was to the Fec"eral Bureau of In., bel'n ransacked but nothing was "d('('prr "leep" but he was not demand being placed on the \ pils fro m pre. kindergarten skidded on wet pavement on apparently pleased the Judge, struck by the car. He was vestigation Scientific Labora-: taken from the drawers of the suffermg. Churchill has sur. I teaching of science, and it will through the 12th grade, The JaDi.:ary 15 and hit a pole. Hend- who after reading the youth's tossed 75 feet into the air by tory in Washington, n. C .• for i bureaus. viv('d a number of major ill.: al<-;) mean we can attract the school is the result of the ricks was trave~ing ,:>n Jeffer- masterpiec:, d i.s m i sse d the the force of ~e im~act. Ianalysis. ,The returned report I Officers are investigating the (Continued on Page 19) I finest teachers and give them (Continued on Page 5) son when the aCCIdent occurred. charge agaInst hint, Shores Police ChIef F red ,Continued on Page 4) case. Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 21, 1965 Thursd

ANOTHER LESSON AUTOMATION AftE'r a man strikes out in a The seM'"etof success lies in School Bond Issue of $7,358,433 get.rich-quick scheme he feels trying to find a more efficient to Be Voted On PONTC he needs a plJ6t-graduate course I way of doing your work - nct 22825- in the school of experience. i running away from it. (Continued from Page 1) have been evaluated and recom. population expansion which has designed with fleXibility to ac- high school site at Grosse Pointe mendations have been gathered seriously affected our school commodate d iff ere n t sized ST. Cl boulevard and Fisher has 22.5 from the most successful teach. capacities. The addition of the classes, ranging from the stau- I acres. ers on our staff. second Grosse Pointe High dard 25 to groups of over 100 i The basic plan pruvides for "I feel that the architects I School is not only the most Preliminary plans call for a There IS a Difference 1 :a completely equipped and self. have produced a fipe basic plnn ('('onomical means of providinf{ building of '292,707 square feet. Exclusive Lines of Fine Attire for Mea 'sufficient high school. It in. for the building. J likl' the thl' necessary space for the If the referendum is success- It's QU 4LlTY, of course cludes also a small creative preliminary d~sign. the size, the (;rosse Pointe Popullltion, but ful. bids will be accepted in the theater. (with seatilig capacity new ideas incorporated and I I it will also insure Grosse Pointe early fall, with the ground- $135 IMMEDIA I't 350), that can be divided like t~~ buildings' adaptability I ampl.<,facilities. and further ex. breaking s chI' d u led shortly FINAL MARKDOWNS! MODEL into several instrudional areas to addltrons when future genera. panSlOn potential for years to thereafter. It is expected that For rental in for daily use. The Board of tions are faced with similar en-, come at all levels of education. Grosse Pointe Hig."J School Sale Ends Saturday, January 23rd dlmt Man Education. however, would pre- rollment challenges." I J sincerely hope that the com. North will open its doors in, NOW fer to l'ee the more adequate munity will s.uppo.rt this pro. September, 1967. I' d. . b Look Into Future 27th ANNUAL JANUARY au Itonum uilt, sin c e the ?ram and.. maIntam the ex.cel- After the proposed renovation I Ismaller facility is not adequate Alice Mary Hykes, secretary lent POSltlOIi Grosse Pomte . rOpe" Sund to offer a full instructi1mal pro. of the Board of Educntion. com- holds nationally for its out-I and remodelmg, the present i T",,~ and Igram in the performing arts mented, "We have endeavored standing educational program Grosse Pointe High School will 20% to 40% OfF

I nor to stage dramatic. vocal and to plan a building that will COil. for hays and girls." II consist of 90 teaching "tations, i WE Selected Groups of . I instrumental productions. tinue to provide the same high Nt"t'd Must Be Met the same number as the project./ On Order SALE I Pongracz States Views quality educntion that has char. f I Edward J. Pongracz,' president llcteri7ed Grosse Pointe in the Dr. Robert K. Whiteley, trus. I ed secondary school plant. The SUITS - OUTERCOATS • of the Board of Education, said, past, but with an aW!lreness of tee and recent President of the two high schools will offer I RO Selected groups of fine clothing, "I wish to reiterate the senti. possible curriculum demands of Bo~rd, said of the current similar programs of instruction. , furnishings, hats ann shoes are ments I expressed when I took the future. The proposal, ham. plans, "The need for a second and both will oper(lte unde;- the SPORTS JACKETS MA ! office in Julv. This Beard. our mered out in many meetings of high school is apparent. It is same. Boa.rd of Education and I offered at impressive reductions. . Oldest i I capable Sup~rintendent and his Ithe Board is a reali3tic but a direct responsibility of the supermtendent. I I able assistants are faced willi adequate school. plan - cla~s- Board of Education to meet that r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. i21020 MA Selected Group of Furnishings : the challenge of reorganiz~ng l'o~n:s: laboratones. at hIe t 1 C need." I Storm Windows ; TU •the student body and plannin<> faclhtJes - and represents the Barbara Thompson. new est ill much needed second high best curre.nt thinking avail~ble trustee. stated, "The auditorium, and Doors ------school with all the advantages on educatI.onal con s t r uctlOn. which can be voted upon sep. ¥: 50% OFF this offers om' youth for the Grosse Pomte has always been arately, would fill a need in next decade and even for the sensitive and responsive to edu. the community not now met by • Storms For Steel rap' next 20 or 30 years. Seldom ca~ional nee~s. I.feel su!,e that any other facility. Dramatics, Casement Windows s has a community been given IthIS commumty Wlll co?hnue to instrumental and vocal music, • Porch Enclosures Large Selected Groups of WASHINGTON BLVD. In The BOOK TOWER such a good opportunity to con. meet. the demands of :ncr~ased are an important part of our • Jalousies 1831 Hnue on its present high level ?nrOllme~t and educatIOna" ex- cultural life. Many of our stu- WO 2-5191 • Screen Porches ~ of educational benefits so far I cellence. . dents will enter these fields as SWEATERS s Free Parkin;; .Just Wl'st of BuiJdir.,;:-Let us Stamp Your TIckl't into the iuture." Russell H. Peebles, treasurer a life vocation, just as some • Awning Windows 00 Open Mon. t Dr. Frank H. Parcells vice. of the Board of Education, said will enter law, medil'ine or busi- • Aluminum Siding 3 Days Only 5 SOM presidt:nt. has com m e ~ ted, "In the triumvir~te ~f teaching, ness. A performing arts center • Awnings ~ "Teams from the administration the necessary thIrd IS adequate would be available to students VALUES TO 21.95 s King Cra I and board visited many good buildings and equip~ent. I feel of both high schools and to the We Repair Storm drawn new high schools so that we thl~. ~rop~sed addItIon to our adult community. might capItalize upon others' facllltle~ IS not only necessary "We of the Board will be Sash and Screens TUxedo 2-8251 ~ Broiled M successes and avoid their mis- but deSIrable. It appears to be t t d ta"l f th lEI . 1 d I d'd eager 0 repor I' ISO I' Open Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Baked takes. :Many ideas in education Wh0IIY functJOna an a sp en I I th t • FREE ESTIMATES • I ______addition to our community. I program as we. go a ong, so a Drawn Reductions Served I am a}"o convinced that the cost all Grosse Pomters can share ' ~ Broiled M ISeniors in Quest is co~petJitive in the 1i s t of o.ur en~usiasm for what looks PPINTEI s Drawn good contemporary educational ltk~ ~ fme ~chool plan. . A new SC REiEN AN D STORM Pieactl-'IlOl'ft!/l Sizzling }.-rshl- pInts" I bUlldmg brmgs us a bIg step ------•• _ 01. Broiled Lo Of. Sch0 asp a . closer to solving our education- SASH. 'INC. 11... _- Robert F. Web I' r, 10ng-I al problems." • a. _ ~ S!aw, R Hot By Enen Kennedy time trustee and former presi-\ -- 17328 Mack Ave. 8 3 Broited L dent of the Board, has said, Design Is Flexible On the basis of scores they Three Blocks East of Cadieux "For many years Grosse Pointe In p I ann i n g the physical Fresh Frog dllrlnq our ,eml-annual received on the Michigan Com- I TU 1.6130 has been facing the problem of spaces, the building has been ~ Slaw, R Fre.inventory petitive Scholarship examina- s clearance tions, the following st:niors from 2 Dz. Frie Saint Paul High School have I Dz. Frie . been selected for further con- ~ 1 Lb. Frie sideration: Car 0 1y n Bellaire, l:I Annette Ciarimataro, Janet Di- Fresh Perc Let Us Serve Up Laura, Karen Dlouhy, Linda Keegan, Sue Labadie, George Slaw, Rc Some Delectable I ~ I Loewen, Marilyn Montmorency, Family Per. Morsel, for You EJ Susan Peters and Janice Smith. Inc. 4 Rc s.lect.d from our Approxim, tely 10,000 Michi- Red Snapp reg ..lar stocks gan seniors have qualified for ~ the scholarships, although only EJ Slaw, Rc 2,500 will be awarded. To make White FisM the final elimination, class rank. A LARGE SELECTED GROU' OF ~ Slaw, Rc financial need and ihe indi- ~ vi:iual's grad~s will be taken e Men's Suits 01 into consideration. The scholar- 2 0 ships, whici'! reach a peak of Kosher Co Coats /' $800 may be extended for the ~ duration of the coilege years, l!I Broiled Tel OF' provided an average of "e" or .f/' Sesame Sport Coats above is maintained. NOMINAL CHARGI See an authentic large-scale ziverboat 011 display at Rinniew Dodge Broiled De I The scholarship program at ~ S'acks 'Olt ALTUATIONS Saint Paul is under the direc- a French tion of Sister Thomas Mary, O.P. Breaded V French I MEN'S FURNlSHINGS Full steam aheadto the !e Broiled Be. Ora.'lt French I S.I.d.d Groups of Cheesebur • ~ DRESS SH!RTS SWEATERS 20% Pointt N~w. EI Slaw an. SPORT SHIRTS SCARFS TO Spaghetti PubUshed every ThlIrl>day by SUBURBAN NECKWEAR Antel:bo Publishers, Inc. ran, ~ penln s Chicken (1/ JACKETS PAJAMAS OFF 99 Kerchaval Avenue 500/0 Grosse F~dnte 36, Michigan Chicken (lJ Phone TU 2.tl900 ~ Slaw, Ro Three Lines ~ Chicken (e Second Class Postage paid at De. Slaw, Ro WHALING~S trolt, Mkhigan. at JAN. Subscription Rates $5.00 Per Year 131-1(;)' men's wean by Mall ($6.00 outside Wayne County,. All News and Advertising 520 WOODWARD 7 MILE near LIVERNOIS Copy Must Be In The News Office 21,22,23 North of City County Sid\!. Optn Thursday a~d Friday Evos. by TuesQay Noon to Insure Inser. tion. AND IN THE FISHER BUILDING Address all MaH (Subscriptions, Change of Address Forms 3579) to 99 Kercheval Avenue, Grosse Pointe }<'arms, Michigan 482341. ~::~~~ Featuring the big performers from Dodge ~::~~~

The Pointes' Oldest M(l.Tket "£E~ If 898 St. Clair Ave., near Mack TU 5-1565 TU 5-1566

BON ELESS - ROLLED Pork Loin Roast i'COIOiETS! iriTSci


HOME MADE Big, bold, l2l-inch wheelbase Dodge$.A range of m~e'~ to Hot and handsomewith engine options up to 426 cubic inches. Dodge-size room. Dodge.size power. Yet compact handling and satisfy anybody's taste for luxury performance. 383cubICInch You've got to see this full line of full,room Dodgesto believe economy. Dart's a great buy any way you look at it but Pork Sausage BULK I VB standard. RivervIew's price? It's so easy to take that if Riverview's grand open;", pri.cetiIS. Buy Coronet for less- especially'when you add in Riverview's celebration 3avings. • • • • 45& you're thinking low.price field, Polara's for you! in sorre modei:., hundreds of dollirs less-than low-price ! Join in the fun, and see what Riverview has for you! WITH MOISTURIZING CREAM SPECIAL FEATURE: GAIL DEL CORRAL, THE"MECBANICALMODEL"-SfnOP'FIIEDETROIT AUTO SBO.W-A REALLIVJ: DOLL GONE MECHANICAL C iV Princess Dial 2 BARS 29 . [I iS2Iis"E. jEFFERSifi FREE! 3-0%. PKG. Final ~ ** GROSSE POINTE PARK ** FLORIDA VINE-RIPE Strawberry Touch Tomatoes JELL-O Fabric PHONE 823-1660 WHEN YOU BUY 6 REG. PHGS. Softener IAYIIAL __ T"E DODIE 80YS ARE COMINGON IRWAII'UUlIIDiZI D CAIIOTD UI.B HUSAK not. .. STlMfOlallm, IIIC. UD~. DItIIIl ...... w.sw .5 MitbilllAft.. 0ItIC mOll8ER AIIO STROII8ER. JUST COUNT 'ElL _._~ SlP fort st.. UacIII bit Frank'. 3-Way Pock 35~ REG. CANfIWlIlOTOI SALES.I.. GAMITJMOTOI SAL£I, lie. IllEllJEW IlODI(, • .. DOl",. nmr DOINlE, .. ~OI tm DODGE SIl.EJ I33Ill ,,_ ..... ~ .norSI1OTOIsaw.. SIZE .It 1IlK1IAw.."- flt. WIIIlII 1,5GlIJ"""taInpIlI-"-lr" ~L~""PIIo" .. v.."..._ 197Jll.ivnclil.1lIInit FRESH PEAS Olives -...... eus ..itTO. SAlES H." MOTOI'SAW -aEGIS. CIIllfGlttlllOl ... I.L.lWUlU IStmCE JIORTM WEST AllTO CI. & ClMfm 1*a w,.itI{t __ - MIll '1M DIJDG(," 4.oz. 'o~tle I!IIC w.Mwl,d Ave•• o.tnit ~ VI" O,ke - lIIicI 11245 G/IIiGt AVf.. DIIlC 127 IfIIIII S4rIIt .. IloIttMIlI 211135"Illd Itinr. DetIIit »4lllitllld RiY«' - flfllIi,.. 2L'S.3~ GIANT I Pfain - stuff.d with .w •• t pepp.,. SIZE CGUHIIAL DODCiE, •• HUNn' DODGE ar.TAIC DODGE,III:. CIESTIOGIIIGDGf, lie. MDDGn OODG[. 'R PATTERSON DODGE SlS..1IIC. WYAlfoom DODGE.life. 25125 h.d ..... _. DODO ___ • AWl •• r..... and Califarnia rip •. 24m ',ItIII Ave.• Ellt DII,oit m Mu"l.r live.• 8"",,,..,. .. 211 s. So...... Sl.• "-till 223 Mil" Sl _ Rocht1ltr I~ Eurelll • Wy.odoIte

~::ryYOUean always be sure of QUALITY FOODS at VerbruggeO:.l:ry

• • • ------, .

21, 1965 Thursday, January 2 I, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three PONTCHAR1RAIN i19 Ca.ses in City COll,rt Lectures 22825-29 E. 9 MILE ' ST. CL.AIR SHORES "Hellrd By Ju.llge Pat~rsOll (Continued from Page 1) New ' 8eetrm - - talk is ('xpected to last for ap- " :~Wt':';~~:s.g.~ , .Judge Douglas L. Pate~~o~Tl~~h~~g~; of being 2 disorderly proximately one-half hour. Mr. ('ft tral Air Condi. 'ward a long docket in City; person and larceny. Luck~an will then answer ques. .., t~~;ingca ~:::::. .Ju~tice Court on TUesday. Janu. i i .John W. MacKenzie of 281 Mc- tions from the audience until, • Excellent Tran,. ary 12. I MiHan. William Burke of 516 9.2'0 p.m. .. \ portatiC;l. . I Notn' Dame and Margaret ,Patrons wIll adJOI~rn .to the , $135 MO. AND UP In two Cdses of the 19 heara. A h t f 829 T hI ballroom of the audItorIUm to 0 • IMMeolATE OCCUP~NCY h\' Judgt' PatNson. ('harg{'s: IS' lflrs 1 'It rOf~ teYf w~re; Imet the guest speaker at a I MODE .. OPEN '-7 DAILY :. d'.,'. 'd b f th a oune gUI y 0 In er erlng i .. For rental information, call resi. \\if'l e IS..lISst ecause 0 (' 'th . t ff' B th 1\1 'eoHee receptIon dent M,lnltgH at 776.0719, 'failure of parties to prosC'C'utc.' WKI .mo\'lI1)I!.Bra IC ,dOl d ac - I 'fIle fOllr lectures deal with T t'I1Zle all( III' k'e hape not U '.3000 Both defendants were ae.'us('(l .It t kl I . , football and are for the many s c atls ~I lof f{>ekless driving causing an' ~l~ y 0 l:e}c' t!'sE (rhl\'lOg f . ,- VOUI)'" peOI)le in the area as - .. _~--- .,111 .... an a(;cJ( en. ~ac was mec. 0 aecldent. Thr\! were Walter, $}'5 h t 1\1 K ., t \"e11 as the adults . •_-_. ------___ '.. \I ac ellZle s ,.;en enc(" . OPII" Sundft:' ,o~.o-o tD ....00 ' i. .Ianit's OZ,lr).; of 21504 L Ans!'. \V I d 'I A h t ' Two ]\lore Ledurt>s ~.. .. St Cl' Sh d S' R I as suspt'n( e. !, rs. s ut's I • F Th ursEa"dDFr'ELTilt~V9:0tOR"''''' - .. air. ores, an Ira . :J))e I g'L'll\' t th h: On the followmg two Tues- , i Cosio of 1160 Fairholme. ., t( h II .. {} e s .amec arge, da"s the speakers for the serles ! )1I er fIn!' was S2 0 .' . , W , Four ot hel' cases were (\is- Pleading not guilty' to charges will be William Clay Ford. of On Order ot $.5 or Mor. ,missNI aft('\' the ddelHlallts: of rrckiess driving causing an prove.nca.t road. owner o.f the I r wen' found not guilty of accident were Justine 1\1 Fisher DetrOIt LWl1s, and Harry GIlmer, i char.£:es. Erie (>. Phillipp of 459 of 2475 iroquois. Detr~it, and newly appointed Lions coach. I R 0 5 LY N t Touralnc'. TOlli A. Chopp of 1179' Thomas R. Hurst of 22412 B1ack- Mr. Ford's talk on February I MAR K ET j ~ottilighaJll and Eileen ~~olton. bum 51. Clair Shores. Judge 2 wil.l be p~eceeded by an in- i " :;f 11821 ('aro\. Warren. all had' Paterson found them each guilty I vocatIOn delivered by the R~v. - i_ Old... in the Woo. i plt'd not guiIt~. to the charges. of driving without due care and Fr. George J. Scharuder. asslst- ! of rl'ek1es" dnving causing an I caution and fines them $15 and ant pastor of Our Lady Star of i2 t 020 MACK ~t Roslyn Rd'i (lecir!('n1. TIH' fourth case in. i S20 respectively. the Sea Catholie Church. TU 4.9821 i ,\'ol\'('d Will red Breault of 2267! William.J. Burns of 1238 Bea- The Rev. Andrew Rauth, L- -_c_ 'Jt'iferson who pled not guilty: consficld pled guiltv to leaving minister of the Woods Presby- ~------. -" . _. ------:the SCf'np of an accicien1. He was terian Church. will give the in. B:::~~~~~IBI-lGll 'e::. =====U;), :lB'-II:]1 ~ filled $:0. put on 30 days pro- vocation before Mr. Gilme~'s - '6al ~"""""''E •• TJr• .-tI1I'F . :'!ation and required to attend lecture on February 9. Mr. Gll- P ~ J.. W ...... , j ...... B IOllr sessIOns of traffic school. mer IS also expected to be ac- rB "SF.AFOOD AT ITS fINF.ST" ~ Two defendants pled not companied by three ~ions play. . .gllllty to charges of be'in{! dis. ers. whose names WIll be an- 18310 Mack at McKinley-In The FJrm~ I ornrrly persons but were found nounced at a future date. ~ TU 5-4453 - TU 5-4790 0 guilty by .Judge Paterson. L.I ReceptilJn Following E~ster. 8 Cnrry Out r>nd DelH1ery Only ~ Donald Suttle, Jr. of 19226 I George R. McMullen, chaIr- Open Mon. thru Sot. 4 p.m. t!) 10 p.m.; Sundoy 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. ;~olandale, Harper Woods was I man of this year's series a.lld SOME Of OUR MANY SEAFOOD ITEMS fined S10 and Charles Souther- i ~reator ?f the Lecture Senes ~ . • l:l .Iand of 22623 California. St.: Hlpa. POlllts out that all the B King Crab (hot) slaw, roll, lemon, fnes, ~ Clair Sharps, was fined $20 Of programs begin at 8:15 p.m. drawn butter , ...... $2.55 II! I thl.'ee day~. In a third ease of Each. \ViII be followed .by the B '1 d ..... L b.t ( II! L ~ t ) ill ,Iwmg a dl.~l)rd('rl)' person. Wi]. questIOn and answer seSSIOn and ~ rOI e •f1alne 0 S er 2 0 IS ers l:l;liam Peasley of 10531 Kerche- the coffee reception. G' Baked Potato, Slaw, Roll. Lemon, ~I'val. Detroit pled guilty to the Single lecture tickets, if avail- Drawn Butter ...... $3.95 ,charge and was fined' $25. able. c')st $1 and may be pl:lr- I BrOI'1ed M'aln L0 b st er (0 ne I- Lb • L0 bst er } B.... Wavne Weiss.. of 28090 Gar- Cchasedt at the War Memonal ~I B ~ fIeld. Rose\'llle. pled guilty be- en e~. . Drawn Butter ...... , . .. 2.95 I. fore Judge Paterson to being a R~(ho station WWJ IS broad- Broiled lobster Tails (3 tails) chorderly person and to lar- castIng t~e lectures at 8:30 p:m. . L D B t 3 35 cenv. He was found "uilty and on the Wednesdays followmg SI R II F 1 ~I clW I 0 I nes, emon, rawn ut er. . . • ';J finid 525. o. each. A tape of the entire series BI 3 Broiled Lobster Tails, Drawn Butter ...... 2.95 ~ In other cas('s. Johonna Mar. will also ~e availa?le ~t the -- Fresh Frog legs (' Dz. fried) ill'tha Williams of 999 Nollingham Grosse Pomte Public LIbrary. ~ SI R II T t L F . ... 90 B stood mutt' to charges of travel- I s... aw,. o. ar er, emo ", rles L. ~,ing throu~h :l stop street. She GP Dellls Seek i . L Dz. Fried Frog Legs an d Tarter...... 3.50 :Was found guilty but Judge Pa- T' ~ .,f I Dz. Fried Frog Legs and Tarter ...... 1.75 tt'rson suspended sent~~ce be- ~. New Melllbers ~I Lb F. d P h (T ) 2 25 8 eaust' ~he had been driVing for: 8 I . fie ~rc arter , . ~ 40 years and had no record. I A membership drive is being F res h Perc h 0 mner A $20 fine was levied a!.!ainst , 'i5 ~ conducted during January and Slaw, Roll, Fries, Lemon, Tarter , .L ,(;ilhert B. Carrier of 2580 Alter. February by board members of ~I Family Perch Dinner. Serve$ 4 ~B lI.e had pled ~u.ilty to c.harges the Grosse Pointe Democratic B "I F 4 I of r{'('klc~s dfl\'lIlg causl1lg an party of Michigan. Inc. 4 Ro s, ~ Saws, 4 Tarters, 4 ries... .50 accident hut was found guilty of Mrs. B('verly Tarpinian, 1244 ill Red Snapper Dmner, ~ f,llllllg to stop for a stop light. Bi!"hop. membership chairman, ~ l:l Slaw, Rol1 Fries, T after 2.60 ~BI' Although hp pled no! guilty ha~ sent out a mailing to some \ " • 10 eharge's of reckless driving 1500 Democrats in the Grosse White Fish or Pickerel, ('a1hing an a('cident, Judge Pa- Pointes, but said that her group Slaw, Roll, Fries, Tarter ...... 2.50 tt'rson found Howard Haskin of hopes to contact many more po. ~I B 22!:i23 California. Sf Clair tential members among the 8/' MEA T MEN U I' Shc~{'s guilty. He was fine,! $35 more than 8,000 Democrats in Kosher Corned Beef Sandwich 85c :or fl\'e days. put on. six months the area. • • • • . • [iJ~ prohation and told to attend Along v-'ith the regular ITlem. ~ S Broiled Tender/oin Steak Sandwich on W four s('ssions of driving school. bership mentioned previously, Sesame Bun (Slaw and French Fries). . .. 1.50 I 1\1,.OllJ-l-~J-.J. Cnlalll' there are several other cate- Broiled Del Monico Steak (Slaw, Roll, • ...... ;gories of membership available ~. E Serves in MarineR Ito those interested. An individ- e French Fries) ...... 2.50 ~ ual can join the Grosse Pointe B d d V I C tl t (SI R II .-- group alone for $1 yearly, or rea e ea u e aw, 0 I , .~larine Private. First Clas.s the state orgamzation. for $3, ~ French Fries) , 1.50 B' :'vll('hael J. Celalll. son of MI- annually. 8 Broiled Beefb~lrger on Se~ame Bun .50 ~'I (t'}hlaf'!A. r{>}at~i. Oft 1 96 OHaw. A new category of sustaining ' ,or n e. par IClpa t' d aouaryJ membership has been set up F h F d I renc rillS an Slaw ...... 75 7.11 I'n Ol)"'.r:ltl'on, . Reflex' One, a this year by the state group as I Cheeseburger . , ..... , ...... 60 I .Iomt :\1anne Corps"Air Force a part of their Juhn F. Kennedy ~ [;] SI d F h F' 85~ B', tl~'alning ('xercise in the Far i.lemoriai:. membership drive. ~~~j~.", . ~', aw an renc nes .. , .... , . . . ' '3"t .< : . . . . Sustaining n.embers p:>y a Spaghetti (Meat Sauce) Ouart 1.25 .Dunng t~e ('xer('~se 1.0?(~ ~1en minimum of $12 per year. I ~d'; ~ Pint _65 B of the TI~1r(1 Manne DIVISIOn. Those interested in member. I G Chicken Ph) Broiled-Slaw, Roll, Potato 2.1 0 ~ flll)~I' t('qUIPped a?cllftredadY12fOooI shipf who have not been contact. (,Ol~l )a. were, all' Ie.. ed should get in touch with Mrs. I Chicken Ph) Home Style F.ied- miles from Oklllawa to an alr- Tarpinian at 8&6-0084 or other ~I Slaw, Roll, French Fries 1,45 l:l fl('lel in the Philippines. members of the Grosse Pointe f:1 Chicken (Child's Order-3 Pieces) ~ The. exerei~e denlOnst.rated Democra.tic ~lub's executive . IIi tlH' CjuIC'kr('spon~e capability of I board, mrludmg Mrs. Helen ~I\I Slaw, Roll, French Fnes ...... '.00 W \S Arme'd Forc'cs in the Far Graves. ~i~s Suz:'ll1ne Gidday or • I ~ Bl?-----lE'lI--;BI II:H====JBI-Il:ll 11m IEl~ L

I Ii Purple "andl;n;: and :. a~ .~. but ;;0 Bluebel ry Ilion $.1';"'&S. • Burnt Orange 'ou ~ • Honey Gold


22 beautiful accent colors, 6 differc;nt lengths to complement formal or casual table settings, wall sconces and centerpieces .. , an out- 'ARK ** standing once-a-year candle value for home, club, sorority. Paragum base coating holds them firmly in place in any size holder.

1660 10" Tapers Box of 12 1.59 6" Twists ... ".... Box of 12 1.59 12/1 Tapers. Box of 12 1.79 9" Twists .. " Boxof 12 2.19 OIIlOS..INC. 15/1 Tapers...... Sox of 12 1.99 12" Twists Box of 12 2,49 ." lillQllo hrII 18/1 Tapers ..... Box of 12 2.29 . . fTRT DOOG( Ill:. rf'('(. ;.~,"."rto- J(ll~obson.s [ DODeE. 'lie. HOME DECORATiVE SHOP , 0 i 2 HOURS FR[E PARKING WITH YOUR PURCHASE ~:J....._,z:,,;,':zk,,. I i i.? j..-"::,

~----_ •• _------•• m_.. _ Page Four G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W 5 Thursday, January 21, 19b5 ------BROKEN AERIAL \ Pvt. Pel~r I,. Whitton End" eombat Training Ma II 11 U e H Charles Coe Take~ He R A ill t CI I ~ '1 e;l(, p In orne 1t - un cc en ue ., -- . I CAMP PENnU~TON, CALIF \ rine Corps Base, Camp Pendle- ..-~---- Cruise in Caribbean Wl1ham Hahn of 14902 Brmg-! WHTNC) __ !\farine Private! trJfl. Ce. showed that t.he hit-and-run car rages, to fi~d out if a car }Joliee that the radio aerial on i znd Mrs. f'. H. \'Ihitton of ] OJ 4 new Marines are trained in his ga~. which was bose. that: The frightened resident told: USN, son of Mr. Charles L. was a cinnamon-metallic col~ a.nswering the h~~-run descr~p- his car which was parked on St. 1 Haw tho r n ('. Grosl;e POintl-,: tactical and combat skil~ need- there was no morl' ~llOney. The, him there was some in the I Coe of 121 Meadow lane, has ored 1957 Lincoln sedan. bon was brought In for repaIrs Clair, had been bent over. The' MJch., completed four. weeki; of: ed for battle. E~Ph~1S w~ unbelie\'lnl.: intru(\l'r ran~a('krd: dress/":- drawer. The thief went returnerl to Newport, R.I. after A check with manufacturers, to its front end. mishap occurred on Saturday,! individual combet tramIng De.: placed on the 8m~ .• UDlt tactic thE' rO[)r:l. then .stuck. the. P?I~t to thl-. dre"ser and remuved four rom I f 18-d Ca'b- the chief said, disclosed that The names of persons volun. January 9, and damage was estj.1 cemher. ,21: ~t ti'le ~(-<:ond In.:. -the fo~r.man fIre team and of hIS knlf(' a~aln~t hiS \'lctIn1 S 'one u011ar hills from a small p e mg an ay fn only 2.000 Lincoln sedans were leering information leading to I mated at $20. I Cantry _J_r_Blnlng Reg~_~~~~_~~~ the 14-man squad. ------_.- - - ,hank. after which he left the bean cruise aboard the fleet sold in Michigan in 1957, and _ __ _ _ , bedroom and went out the front oiler USS Cal('..osahatchee. oi this number, only two per- the arrest and conviction of the door ' cent, Dr 40 such vehicles were hit-and-run driver will be held . I While un the cruise the Ca-

Worked Hanrl,; Loose I Joosahatchee participated in the cinnamon colored. in the strictest confidence, . Sc~ncider :--aid that he worKed I refueling of the aircraft car- .If persons O~ning cars of Chief Duemling said.

i his hands louse and removed: riel'S USS Saratoga and Intre- thIS m ake and I~o ~~ wou:~ ~o~- _ ( WOU j the ~ag, but the knnts of the: pid in addition to prOViding! tact horesS PhoIce 1 h d e P SLAVERY ;'. I h' k to shorten t e searc an save I : tIes aroun{ IS an I('s were too: fuel to several destroyers. h l' Th . h' t There is no ~rant like habit, I ~tl~ht. so he hopped ~o the front I When operating the ship's :~~nte~~~his i~~~Tl:~~i~~g ca~ and no freedom if the strangle- ~ ,door and ;,lammed It shut and '.. 'd' 1 h t' TU hold is not broken loekpu it. ' mission IS to pr?"1 e petro cum C

Tf t1,('rc's i'ome hnw;e/wld ,;('hools. Brownell. Parcells and locksl beautiful interiors. Ladies: white, silver duskl bluel tweed, . Pi"ru'. Df'cember. 1963 sho"/ed item that IIl'cds tIJ'iIlD-/,ring fawn. Mens: silver dusk brown tweed . (In ('nrollment of 2.553 students l l it in-:I(Jldl like 0111' prOlllnt while 1964 showed 2.735. The A increase totaled 182 pupils. courteuus sernce. Reg. Price Now The fi~ures for Decembi!r, ... 1963 ,ho\\' that thpre were 5,- Ladies 14/1 Train Case 24.95 17.95 • TOYS • LAMPS • BIKES 980 eJemE'ntal y students attend . / in~ thf' 10 schools and 146 in Ladies 20 ' Hat and Shoe Case 24.95 17.95 1964. Th(' December, 1964 ele- mpntary enrollment reached 6.- I Ladies 21" Weekend Case 24.95 17.95 • HOUSEHO!D APPLIANCES . 126 pl!pils I Ladies 24/1 Pullman Case ...... __.. _. . 29.95 20.95 - ETC. - The G r 0 S 1\ e Poi n t e High: School's number of stud(~nts was i Ladies 2T' Pullman Case ,_"" __ __ 39.95 27.95 CHECK WITH US! up 136 in December. 1964, when! rerords showed that there were I Ladies 30" Continental Case __ 49.95 34.95 ::!.632 Quc1enfs pnrolled. Decem-: 8ri"9 Them In! Men's 21" Weekend Case . bpr. 1963 figures revealed that 24.95 17.95 there were 11,079. Jack 01 all Men's 25" Two-Suiter Case .... ._.._ __.-. 42.95 29.95 CONFUSION Men's 25/1 Three-Suiter Case __'''''_ _..,. 44.95 30.95 A little theoretical wisdom Trade.f; i sometimes turns into a mass of I pr


By t If t~ sunr motl Pont TI and swin grou r Jam I day 'Ne easy For

Y2 off SALE fAMOUS-NAME DESIGNER.WiLRY 150 750 Olig. 3.00 to 11..00 How to add to your One-half off regt1f« pricesf

living space A splendid G$so-rtment of neckla .. , without adding an inch Parisian chic, translated bracelets, pins and earrings by an with international flair •••this a leading Amen ...an designer of to your home. I. h.r fashion fort. tashion jewelry ..•beaded, stoDe-

Simply install a 9~s baseboard heater. And suddenly that studd.d, tailored and en,ameled Verve, vitality, sophistication embodies the new spring enClosed porch. breezeway, playroom or add-on room-any styles in beautiful gold-or ~Yef'..foR. room that was too chilly for comfort before-becomes a real collection of Mademoiselle Arlette ...young creative family room. Economically. settings ••• many one-of-a-kind piece •• ~a~ heats add-on rooms for about ~~the operating co~t of fashion designed for the individualist with iast. and any other type of baseboaid heat. So every $25 you spend for G~s baseboard heat ,epresents savings of L!P to $75 com. Imagination. From the collections pared to the operating cost of other baseboard heaters. S~vlngs like thaf really add up. And, of course, when you heat A., Navy with whit., magenta with white. 45.00 With 9_a.!? you get super-comfort ... withOut super-!nsulation. So don't shut off that hard.to-heat area. Heat it easily- B. Pink with black,_ navy with white. 35.00 and economically-with G~. To find out how to mai



• ------4-'------

m:ary 2 I, 1965 Thursday, January 21, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Rve those responsible for the beat. lIll hat Trainin~ ADVERTISEMENT Woods Police Step lTp Patrols ings will be arrested and charged, and prosecuted to , H;,"€', Camp Pendle- GPUS Starts Work on Farms Pier-Park the Woods policemen have been an effort to stOl) this type of full extent of the law. "t,~ the re~im~nt all Amazing New Amplifier instructed by Director of Pub. crime. New Building Pool.Project Gets Started WOOD CARVER CUT .:~l'" ,I' f' trained in lie Safety Allen Andrews, Jr .• Several persons have com. James Ouasarano, 15, of 19999 ri (';',11 b,{' skills need- Easteru Michigan, Inc. The firm to increase their patrols in the plained of unprovoked beatings (Continued from Page 1) At a special meeting held on Williams court. was conveyed to ,,,'

SPECIAL PURCHASEI NElRY MEN'S KNEE-LENGTH EXECUTIVE HOSE last 2 days ••• 99c JACOBSON'S BABY WEEK 6 PAIR FOR 5.75 Ends Saturday still in progress ••• Final opoortunity to stock up on baby's layette CLEARANCE Special savings on full..length needs during this week. long reduction of OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF BOYS' 6 x 3..rib stretch cotton lisle prices. and nylon hose that stay up Warm Acrilan/ Acetate Blanket Sleeper. WINTER OUTERWEAR Sizes S,M,L. Pink, maize, malibu ... $3.88 without gaiters ••• no pullin~ Jacobson's own White Cotton Crib BOYS' SIZES 4-7 BOYS' SIZES 8-12 PREP SIZES 14.20 or tugging, no pinching or Sheets with Fitted Corners 88c $9.$18 $11.$25 $12.$25 Acrilan Crib B~ankets, assorted colors. $3.88 Reg. binding! Black, navy. charcoal. Reg. 12.98-24.95 Reg. Jacobson's Own High Count ! cordovan brown or olive Gauze Diapers. White. Dozen $2.88 Complete midwinter selections at substantial savings just when they t need the cold weather warmth. Surcoats, suburban coats, goal coats, ,~ gr&9r!4One size fits aU. .Cotton/Nylon Stretth Wrap-A-Tot. \ Sizes 0 to 12 mos. White, pink, ski jackets, B9 parka jackets, and zip jackets. Nylonsj corduroys, dacron maize malibu _ _.._ _.._.$~.88 j polyester and cotton blend pop IinSj wool meltons or cotton poplins Cotton Knit Kimona. Assorted Colors ..$1.18 with snug orlan acrylic pile or quilted linings.

) ]llcobsOI1S J(fl l( IhS( IllS JaCOilSOn'S


• .-.------..s..O------....-.--....l~...... _ ...... $.... __ a..- ..Q...... --~~.---~--T-- I I I 1 i Thursday, January 21, 1965 Page Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Kennedy Burns of Montego Bay Brownell School The everyday • II V Jamaica; a brother, William P. seven-4:0-0ne c (J 11l I ~ S Reid of Los Angeles, and four IAAUWRevealsPlans Sunday practiti 1-______O D I T I grandchildren. T~ Give Concert I No funeral services were held KING K. CLIFFORD IDA PHILLIPS SMITH for Mrs. Kennedy, but memori- Weeks of daily practice wHl Funeral services for Mr. Clif. Funeral services for Mrs. For 'Rumpelstiltskin' al contributions may be made pay dividends for 140 members ford, 22, we:e held Monday, Smith. 95, were held Saturday, of B row n e 11 Junior High January 9, at the Grosse Pointe to the P I ann e d Parenthood January 11, at St. Michael's League of Detroit. School's Concert Band and Two Performances of Live Drama for Children Sched- Episcopal Church. :ie died Janu- Memorial Church. She died Symphony Orchestra next Fri- E 1- d f U' .t ,,, ary 8 in Bon Secours Hospital. Thursday, January 7, at her * * • day evening, when both instru- uled: Proceeds armarl(e or mversl y . . .. home in 301 Lakeshore road. ERNEST LAWRENCE MILLER mental groups will appear in A native of Detroit, he resid. Women's Fellowship Fund ed at 110 Moran road. Funeral services for Mr. l\~;l. coneert in the school's audi~ ------~_.- Stock Up Now On Born in 1860 at the corner of ler, 55, were held at the Ver- tarium ~gym, beginning at 8 For the fifth consecutive year the 490 al committeeman from Michi-, sent to the Detroit Orthopedic ?an, 1\'Ir. Be~an h~s. been active Clinic or to a charity of indi- REGULAR In Democrabc polltlcs for many vidual choice. years. He served as national ,. .... * PRICES committeeman from 1944 to 1948 MRS. ANNE REID KENNEDY before he became chairman of the Wayne County Democratic Mrs. Kennedy, 88, of 15439 Committee. Windmill Pointe, died Sunday, He was a native of Mt. Forest, January 17, in Harper Hospital. COMP-ACT SA VINGS , Ont., and had been a resident A pioneer in birth control Village of metropolitan Detroit since and family planning work, she 1924. He resided at 1035 Cadi- was an associate of Mrs. Mar- DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY WE ARE HAVING OUR eux road. garet Sanger, founder of the Survivors include two daugh. Birth Control League of New .1 ters, Mrs. Russell (Judy) Zenk, York City. She served as the of Mi."'.neapolis, and Mrs. David League's first secretary. Mrs. (Joyce) Dowd, of Massillion, 0.; Kennedy organized the first in- Janw.uA a brother, two sisters, and seven ternational birth control con- grandchildren. ference in Geneva, Switzerland, Co, Memorial services for Mr. in 1927. EVERY CAR, EVERY MODEL, EVERY COLOR IN OUR ENTIRE Bevan were held Saturday, She moved to ('.rosse Pointe January 9, in Old Christ Episco- from New York Cjty four years STOCK IS PLACED ON SALE AT SPECIAL SAVINGS! !! pal Church. The family has ago to make her home with a HOUI ask~ that memorial contribu. daughter, Mrs. Victor Rapport. tit/ns be made to the Protestant Children's Home of Detroit, 900 other survivors include an. Cook road, Grosse Point~. other daughter, Mrs. Sheelah II • THIS WEEK'S BELL RINGERS. CAMERA CENTER I Fresh Ground, AU Beef * Chevrolets * Chevelle Hamburger MARK-DOWN SALE I I * Chevy II * Corvair FINE FOR EXTENDED TO MEAT LOAF 39~. JAN~ 30th 2 DOORS, 4 DOORS, HARDTOPS, , STATION WAGONS .•• Frying Hurry down for these bargains IT'S JUNE IN JANUARY ATTED EWALD CHEVROLET Chicken OUR PRICES ARE'CUT .50 DRASTICALLY THAT WE Breasts 30% TO 40% OFF CANt'dOT AND DARE NOT ADVERTISE THEM! , U'le on demonstrators and display models Come In-Just Try Us- ~ i Haad c ": ~. ~rr;::c... Lettuce 2heads 29 • CAMERAS A Rea30n Wk~ au, CU3lome'3Come Back Year After Year 100 Size • PROJECTORS We guarantee Complete Sati3faclion Be/ore and A/Ie, tke Sa.1e Florida Oranges • SCREENS. FRESH DRESSED

Roasting . -.~ • RADIOS TED E"WALD CHEVROLET :.~t ~... - (hickens At City • TAPE RECORDERS 15175 E. Jefferson Lilnitl S to 6 LB. AV. THE CAMERA CENTER VA 1.2000 it/~;"'-'il~ 17\ t 4 Kercheval Ave. "In The Village" 9Jl/JAAR jJDinlR A onlq CJuwJWM (/)JitLlJJA Tender, Tasty Open Thursday JUST MINUTES FlOM EDSEL FORD FREEWAY Cube Steak Evenings 'Til 9 CHALMERS EXIT TO JEFFERSON, TURN LEF-r TO CITY LIMITS TU 1-4096

_ ~ _~~ ._~~~ .. m ------~~-..--- I'

ry 21, 1965 Thursday, January 21, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEW S Page Seven

FUlLTIME SELF.REFLECtION The everyday Christian has a The ability to criticize is an School A.dvisors Pays $100 Fine ;plans seven.to-one chance over the assett - just don't forget to 18538 MACK AVE., Sunday practitioiler. use it freely on yourself. Hold Luncheo'p. With Bad Check at Touraine The first m e e t1n g of the Donald Roussin, Jr" 22, of e W1JJ1lJJlJl, rskin' recently-formed Advisory Com- 20350 Ten Mile road, St. Clair New Decorator mittee to the Business Educa. Shores, paid a fine of $100 in Woods court on Wednesday, :hildren Sehed- tion Department of G r 0 sse January 6, with a check-and liversity Pointe High School was 'held the check bounced. Tuesday, J'anuary 19. ~ SCREENS and Roussin was arrested at his WeAre Grosse Pointe Highlights of the infonnal home by Det. Sgt. Jack Mast luncheon, held at Grosse Pointe on the Wednesday date, on a nin';'sltv Wom- DIVIDERS war.rant charging him with vio- \-house of ~ew High School, included the introM lating terms of probation im. StlP up thl aeunt duction of the members of the posed by Woods Judge Don in your horn. Or 0'- fica with 'h,a brlrd Business Advisory Committee Goodrow. naw S era a n I and MOVING r,,":onal ('ompany, _oom DIYid.". and capsule summaries of the The S1. Clair Shores man, at 'prr:aIly for chil- current offerings in business a recent trial before Judge Splndl" I" tha YI'Y p di!{~tion of Ken let .. t motif In inta- education at both the junior Goodrow, was found guilty of S ,(':l'I!rr. It ie; now rior dl.ion, and thay driving a motor vehicle while 1 yrar and travele; are fully Imph"iz.d and senior high levels in the in th••• floor le".n. his operat.or's license was sus- T e r::I~trrn half of room dlvlda ... Grosse Pointe Public School pended. System. P... st.ined to e b•• u. The judge fined Roussin $75 o 10 I h(' Rockefeller tiful provincial finish The presentations included for the offense, and placed him ';";:':I!1J1Jy enabled hinll,d, tlnlion hard: on probation fc,r six months, to R tp lnaU~llrate its Wa.. .ftad.ed, thlY these: "The Junior High School a.. idc~I for sepa. report weekly to the Wayne ',-('nl;:1-: playe; for Program," Jack Harrigan; "The ratinq ,pleial room County Probation Department, E fi\'l' to 12 years a"eI, at IntrancII, First Year of the Distributive Or for other :maqina. Education Program." Miss Kay with the fine to be paid to the tiv; touch.. In your department the fir s t we~k. , of "Rllmprbtilts. homl. Sheedy; "The First Year of the Roussin was also ordered to NOTHING fold: Thp children Office Education Program," Frolll attend a session of traffic W 'nity are giH'n an Mrs. Marie Parzych; "Teaching HELD BACK ) ""r a live profes. the Typewriter as a Communi- school. I . prod lIetion and $29.95 cation Tool," Mrs. Kathie Her- According to charges, Rous. EVERYTHING MUST GO! from the event go P.r Jl... 1 sc?elmann; "Data Processing," sin failed to pay the fine and D ..~l'\\' Frllowship DallYlrld Clnd MISS Laura Jakobowski; "Ex- neglected to .comply with the Here's a soles event too good to miss. There's never been 0 better Styl. #20. 11"le .." 'nstoll.d perime~t in Teaching Typing (,t:ler terms of probation. E oportunity to buy quality G.E appliances - TV - Stereo, etc • .hp Fund gin'" fi. by TV," Miss Frances French. On J a n u a r y 6, he was They're priced to move fast. Nothing held back ••• everything goes, including the fixtures. Be here early while selections lost! lancp to l'olleg(' FIRST Jack Doneth discussed "The arraigned before Judge Good- )~t ~r;od~iate stl..~dy Function of the Advisory Com- row, found guilty of the proba- mittee," and presented the ~jOi1 violations and fined $100 1 Only - Rebuilt SHOWING or 10 days. He wrote out a members of the Committee For Excitin, New TV a They are Clifford W. Ashton, check for that amount and rrogr.",. d Cross IN DETROIT Clarence L. Ebersole, John J. gave it to the court. The checJt Malik, Norman Kopperschmidt was returned, mark "Insuffici- COLOR o has SIX hours of All unill era .110 .v.il. Donald Houser, Dr. Michael R: ent Funds". ,in1£' for voluntrer ebl. in width. of 17" On Tuesday, January 12, Rous- 34", SI" Or wid.. .i Sullivan, John Hannan and A. "~pital Yolunll-er proportlonatl I!:;" •• Helmer. sin was re-arrested and again UHF Styl. #22. 51"176" Styl. #122. 51"1"" C-E \ 1';1!1I1~ \dth pa. brought before Judge Goodrow, TV Other guests at the luncheon who this time, demanded the New GUQrantee In,' their letters. Don't Delay! See these Be:;utiful &reens at the included Dr. Charles H. Wilson, fine be paid in cash. Roussin SURFACE UNITS Converter a,,- 1 "l1ed to the Superintendent of Schools. who complied. Brand New in C~at.. ey Center or thp gave a brief welcome to the Sgt. Mast said that Roussin 95 and Aerkll In"titutp. for ex- group, Edward J. Ponrgacz, was not relea3ed immediately 'vic:e to U'!t' MiIi- President of the Board of Edu- because when Roussin emptied T't:l~ 1/2 PRICE SHUTTER SHOP cation, Donald R. Campbell, 249 Ill' Red Cross Vol. his pockets before being put pe; a liaison be. W.st Star. North Star. Assir.tant Principal at Grosse into a cell to await a court hear- Pointe High School, and Dr. ernnh'nt. the ser- 23229 Plymouth Rd. 2908 North Woodward ing, Mast found two operator's ;('a" and his fam. I Robert J. Hanson, Guidance licenses and two Selective Serv- Blood Program DETROIT ROYAL OAK Coordinator. ice cards, neither of which be. lp J'('gj"tn donors 6 bib. ~ast Telegraph 6 bib. south 1] Ma. Rd. longed to Roussin. The man VACUUM CLEANERS 25% Mon.'Fi'J. , A.M. to 6 P.M. MOII.-Fr!. Noon to 8 P.M. 1rtinc: thf'nl to the Saturclc'f , A.M. to 3 P.M. Saturday Noon to 6 P.M. EXTRAVAGANCE claimed he did not remember me;portation ser- The cost of high living is the where he got them. l'IIon. 535.5581 Phon I 549.6128 88 88 88 Limited Quantity :ail driving other reason people can't meet the The owners of the licenses now 25 • 35 • 49 Bloodmobiies on high COiStof living. were contacted, but they re- .fused to orosecute, and the I documents - were sent to the Secretary of State's Office in Mack Lansing. Roussin insisted he did Lowest Prices in Town on p TUxedo not remember where the Ii., 5-9816 censes came from. Oc!ar TV Ca;;~ux ointe Auto Wash Federal Bureau of Investiga. tion agents were called by Mast, and they questioned Roussin about the Selective Service cards. Roussin, again, did not *******************-f( *' WITH ANY remember where he got the cards. The cards were confis. : Car Wash : FILL UP OF cated and Roussin released, GAS ,.. iC p{'nding further investigation. PURE OIL SOLD iC *' GAS MAKES THEM PAY AT *' C ~ Many a man lives a full life REGULAR * ~ "The Brand because he knows how to turn his mistakes into assets. Worth PRICES * ~ * it Changing To" * iC 6 Oallon Minimum MEAT *',.. iC~ ******************* BUYS! IG OUR !~. • VACUUM SERVICE. WHEEL WASHERS • 2 LINES c , E ; ::-1' '~J • PRESSURE WASH. GREUJ SOAPWASH • OFF STREET WAITING ,~ . * For Your Convenience, we Honor All DISPLAY Company Credit Cards, Carte Blanche and Diners Discounted ,,, From . .. FOR DELIVERY KITCHEN CABINETS . HOURS: 7.6 DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY- 7.7 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TU 2.5778 - TU 2.5777 I ..._. .- - - . Used KITCHEN-AID 00 STEREO CONSO,LES , __ .•.. m~_._, ;.... ''''_~_ .., LEAN, SMALL DISHWASHER $75 On. 01 a lind-W"il. they 'astJ I get a recipe ,,~, Barbeque USED ELECTRIC Some Reduced to soot Spare Ribs REFRIGERATOR • RANGES 535 550 Over 10 New - 19" It 49~ PORTABLE WASHERS & DRYERS ...... TV Lowest Prices E"er - 88 FARMER PEET'S $124 up pnSONAL BRAND TOASTERS, tRaNS, WAFFLE tRaNS, G-E RANGES - Save Sliced Bacon APPLIANCE POLISH FRYtNG PANS. $20 to $95 below reg. price COFfEE MAKERS. 99C S9~ CARVING KNtVES. '64-'65 Model - ...... BLENDERS. NYLON KNIT WASHER BAGS REFMlIGERA TORS phone STRICTLY FtRE 51 ARTERS a repairman FRESH, WHOLE Were 39 Saye $20 te $80 fro", ~eg. price 1.98 $1 BEEF Many Other Unadvertised ,. ~. TENDERLOIN Specials •••• Buy Now •••

~('.. 15 TERMS AVAILABLE ~~ <~; ,. Lb. :( '1 ., ,~~/: DETROIT EDISON ,;~j •••. ~". SERVICE CENTtll PlY I!dllon BIIlI H.re, What a wonderfnl thing the telephone I. ... chan.. Bulbs, Repair LANG'S Imall Appliance. J:!!!!1JJJl1l in getting JOu through the busy day! And how little it costs I e~RIC e ( OPEN MONDAY 17045 KERCHEVAL & FR!DAY Michigan Bell @ 18538 MACK AVE., at Touraine TU 5-3206 UNTIL 9 '.M. Tun., We4•., nun., PIIt II .... Iltionwith Bel SysWm ~ 'II ,It. Villa,. Sft.9-6

______...... _ ~ ._~ ~ ... . rt_. . ...- ~~_~ _ 1-

Thursday, 21, 1965 Page Eight GROSSE POI.NTE NEWS BIlle Devil Swimmers St. Florian Five Skis Worth $220Taken from Car. e 11 d P I Defeats Lukers Henry J. Smith, Jr-.-, -2-3,-o-f-f-o-un-d~th-a-t an unknown person wamp 19 I an ar i . 1924 Allard, lost $220 worth of had broken the leit vent win- S H_ _~ ~_ By Jim Brunson Iskis from his car, taken by a dow to enter the vehicle. Bv Ric Hendee . The L~kers of 8t. Paul suf- thief on Saturday, January 16, 'Stolen, Smith said .. were two ' t }' b'l G P . t ," 1 fered theIr stlcond defeat of the .., Th e. 0 ld ) e re 13 e tross.~ om e swImmmg p~o season last Friday at the hands according to mfo,"mat1on gIven pairs of skis, valued at $20; a opened Its ~;)tr. season last r!l~ay as t?e Blue DevIls lof St. Florian's basketball team. to Woods Police. pair .of Head skis, with his name swam~.?d Highland, Par:k 69-3~, In the fIrst home ~eet The game was played on. the Smith said that he parked his engraved on them, valued at of 196;), Last week S VIctory gIves the tankers an eIght Lancers' home court. car in the Howard Johnson Res- $100; and another pair of skis, and one recorc1; stil1 undefeated in the BeL. Th L k d f taw'ant lot. Mack and Eight en g r a v e d with the name, .' I' .a er e ense. was punc, Mile road and 1~ked the car "Thomas J. Asmus," valued at On FrIday the Blue Devlls ~---_.------hIred hme and. agaIn by the d Wh'.h returned. he $100. 'Il d f d th . . . . 1 t L h h d . oors. en e , WI , I' £'n elr poslt1on In. a Mark Gibson, Jim Wood, and I a er ancers w 0 a. prevl- 4 0 dock home contest \\'lth Mike Dover all '66 actually ously beaten S1. Paul In the I' R?yal O~k Donder? Earl.ier this gave the IJighland p'ark oppo- lea~ue opener. The Lak.ers 0 " ~ I t. /0 ~'mtcr Grosse. P.OIntl' slId past I nents a battle but were touched traIled ~hroughout the fIrst Cost 25 ALUM tne Acorns, WI::mng the last re- :out at the finish. Never.the-Iess, three pen ods by scores of 11-10, lay ,to take a close meet. :the divers' display of unique flip 22.18 and 33.27. ,Iiil Less • jl II Than Any Similar DOOR Elg~t of the 11 events were, turns and zig.zag strokes kept The game was close until Type Window ~natc,.ed. by the blue and gold' the meet light-hearted. about the last three mbutes 95 In the Hlghland Park meet. The S when the Florian five went on WE REPAIR - STRAIGHTEN $17 CoUNt YOUR.SAVINGSl Devils took the first si~ ev~nts 160-YARD u:~~~Y RELAY a scoring spree. The final score lD. a row. And for the first ttme r. . • was 55.41. FENESTRA .~~~~~~Sa 1" Thick thIS season, Coach Robert Kin. -1. Jrosse Pomte (Hendee, De- Trade Name L£T us Pllet lMD flll lOUI MlXl n('(lr can boast of having cvrry . Me,u~emeestcr. Dever, Davis): The Lakf'rs .still remain in Locks & Operators Dating Back Eest Sid. Can A.II Hdwe. swimmer wet. i 2.. l'hghland Park. I secund place WIth a 6-2 record. Avalliibl. to 1920 West Sid. Cell Al Sht'lIi!! Back ; 200.YARD FREESTYLE - 1, : They ~I11 pla~ .Sacred Heart of 640 EAST 7 MILE RD. AIR • TEC TODA'i . IW.2.7800 Al Shellig '65 rcjoinl'd the R. Hendee. (GP); 2, T. Pratt; ~osevllle on Friday, January 22, squad after spending the last (GP): 3. lhghland Park. j III the St. Paul gym. PRtSCRIPl ION month recovering from a ski 60-xARD FREE.STYLE-l, T.I ~----- '\1 compound to injury. But since Ai's mishap. Mt::~z (GP); 2, ~'I1ghland Park; 1 St. Paul Team . fons oncl WI , Coach Kinnear has kept thc ac- 3. 11}((hl~nd Park. S We fllt ALL presCT.I~ Ids. 'Shop and cO\1'l~are. cident slate clean with a simple: 1NDl\ilDU~L M~DLEY - I, Win Three Tilts dodor'S speCIfic: or e\!t r better serVice so ... mus, rule: "no skiing, no skating, no I Barnes (II), ~ 2, u. Sweggles y~lJr 't Hnd higher qUQ I yo. "The injuries." ; (GP): 3, S. l'uacDonald (GP). You Wl)n "Ru Everyone including the swim.' D~VI~G---I, D. Green, (GP): By Jim Brunson Dale, mers ~hemseh'es was surprised. 2, l'u. Glbstn (GP); 3, Highland The Lakers of St. Paul won and to find Sandy MacDonald '65 in' Park. ,three sports contests in the WRY PAY,MORE1 in th the individual ml~dl('v and Kit lOO.YARD Bt!TTERFL\ - 1, week before last. has Tennyson '65 in the i;rN~slr0ke. ,1" Ta.n~bly~(;(~P): 1;: M. NealOn Tuesday, January 5, the the a Then tankcr~ Stl've IIcndN' '6i, ' \ (,P) .• ,). Ih"hldnd - ark. Laker basketball team walked Th 'Vally Schmidt '66. and Phil .100-'J: AHD FnEESTYLE - 1, : over St. Clement. The game was arch Dixon '66 got their first chance I-I1ghland Park: 2. J. Clarke played in the S1. Clement gym. violin at Varsity competition after. (GP): .3. B. Carelton (G~!. The final score was 56-40. playe' leadin~ the reserve squad since I IOO.YARD !ACKS'!'I,l0AE-l, There November. Hendee swam back- i Barnes (II): ", .l. Shmla (GP); On Wednesday, January 6, the ~peci stroke in th£, winning medley! 3. C. n.\ls~~el (GP). 81. Paul swimming team defeat- at dents rel:1y, Schmid~ grabbed third in I 400-YAR.D FRE~STYL~ -1 I, cd Detroit Cathedral. Both Rick perso the 400 yard fr~estvle and Dixon J. Harlo\\ (G p), . 2, 1l1gh_and Montmorency, an all-city swim. - Prins. finished the 60 yard freestyle on Park: 3, W. SchmIdt (GP)., mpr last year, and Bob Kotz REDUCED thl' sad side of a Judgc's IOO.YARD BREASTROKE-l, scored 10 points for the Lakers. How decision. D. DeMeulemcester (GP): 2, The final score was 58-47. PRICES! bfJrah been But the big event of the after- Highland Park: 3, Highland Far the biggest victory of the for noon was Grossl' Pointe's l'X' !>ark. , week was the basketball game "Scot! hibition freestyle relay: tl.e: 160.YARD FRE~~TYI:E RE- agamst the BI~estreaks of St., "Rond diver's rl'lay. Dick Green '65,: L.~Y -1, Grosse, omte ,Dever, i !homas on FrIday, January 8.1 and G ~ ~ _ __ ,BlIss, Rent£'bach, Mertz}; 2,,::-i1. Thomas led throughout the Tic T 1\,1 L I Highland Park. i firsl three quarters by scores of 345 FISHER RD• .....WO If Ol.e ost i ---~--- 18-12, 34-30, and 51-47. St. Paul

. ...:;,:~.\ .-.I •::t '.:.J:(l

"'e ~ut 6 big reasons to buy a Buick Special under the hood. And another amall one on the price tag. The six are a set of the liveliest, thriftiest cylinders that PACKAGE DEALER IN ever zipped you merrily on your way. They're all arranged in neat,. smooth V-fashion. They add up to 225 cubic inches and 155horsepower, and'ID3ke other arrangements of 6 cylinders seem primitive. That's not all. Specialsp!trts Buiok comfort, Buick style and traditional Buick quality. The price tag? We saved the LIQUOR c.. to Ametita', lIr~ boat show. SIt more tban 550 • II-new boats--lCres of bolts for ,II kinds of wlte. sports. best foJ' Jast. IMPORTED & DOMESTIC Manufactllrer'lI auAl1el1ted retJIlI price for Special V-6 :J.dr. COlJpe. frice IncIu4tlll Special camping section. Drill to Ii¥e music. .~. tl1Ctlllrted Fedel'lll E ..('ile Tal< and lIuQlleJIted dealer delivery aad handllna char'e (a-aDJIporta- beside three real.as.life lakes. $tO. lid, c...... , •••• buy. tlop charllN, accestlOrielI, other optional equipment. atate and local tall_ addldoPJll). DallJ Skipper Skools to better your bollti"J: 3 p.m. Camping, $2343.°0 WINES and CORDIALS 4:30 Boating Safety. 6:30 Boatio,laws. 8 :>ailing. The Wouldn't you reaJly rather gofirst classP exclteml'nt staJt~ at hOOn on saturdays .nd Sundays, at 2 p.m. on aowt..ay throog" frlclay. Parkin, for 8000 cars on armory t!ounds. Admission, $1.2S, cIIildren under 12 free. The Great.r Michigan BOlt SMw is owned IrId produced by the Michi,.n See your local authorized Buick dealer------.... ine Dtliers M1ocIatIoft, ...... tw letter IutIII" TUNE IN "LOWELL THOMAS AND THE NEWS"'-CBS RADIO

II -~ ------~---~--_..-.._-_-.._-----_.-_------+'

Page Nine Thursday, January 21, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS !~lUary 2 I, 1965 1 U of D Women1s Guild Will Meet February 2 I .Guests of honor for. the daylclubs and organizations. p'i.er.ce School Two Youtlls LS A.ccidents InJ.ure Three ----- ~--~------,will he the pat-t preSIdents of I Mrs. John Shada, U. of D. Il'Ul1!_Oncert DI.e 1.11 Cra~h Three persons wer-e-In-j-u ..-e-d--T-h-e-o-f-ficers said that RidelI The U of D. Women's Guild \ dent Union Building on Tues-Ithc Guild as well as the presi- alumna, ywill speak on "Fact and G C Ioin two separate accidents on did not have any visible signs _w_il_l_h_o_ld_it_s_m_e_e_ti_n_g_i_n_t_h_e_S_t_u_-_d_a_y_F_e_b_r_, ua_rY_2_,_at__l:30 __p_._m_._i_d._el_1t_s_o_f__va_r_io~~_h__i_gh_s_C_h_oo_Is_,_F_a_n_c_'------.---_.'_'

of Tht~eins~i~~:nt~;U~r(~:rt~~~ lI' --

FS;~f~~~::~~~,~'g;;:1:Ii S~:.~~~~~i:1~::~~~~::;i~i£~~:;h;::~~i~~~~;d,:;;~:;;~;~~::;~;~;~;~;;~:~~~~fe~~~:;'i: lwrW;ti~f~~ ': pJ"O~ram. evenIngs struck a utility pole on Jeffer- jured William G. Riddell, 35, road by another driver. \)J :,'::

Dr 'I h T I' son avrnuc at Amherst in St. of 14311 Jane, Detroit, who hit He was taken to Bon Secours :/,:,:: :':::'::: , omas,. Moore, the Clair Shores. an island tree, at 535 Lake Hospital for observation and " conductor, states that haVin~( l'h D 'd A J' Shore, at 4:35 a.m.; and James treatment and released. . ".. .'.:. the sy~phoni(' strin~s ral'rying ey were aVI . enmngs, A. Holbert. 17, of 29901 Twenty- . :'::' :;i::d • a portIon of the program is an 20. of Hillcrest and Bruce. G. four Mile road, St. Clair Shores, Holbert and Escamille were .:'::::: • innm'atinn for the annual win. Rodger. 20, of 2082 Brys dnve. the driver, and Frank Escamille, taken to Bon Secol;rs for treat- ~~t{* COATS 1~ I~ :~,i:~:i • DAME I tr'r hanrl con('ert. Honald Brad- : Jenni'1gs was the son of Mr. Jr., 17, of 280 North Gratiot, ment of their injuries, Holbert, ::':::':::: .. ~~~;rl;~~~Oahnnag~::n~tnth~r\~~~ i :~~ ~:s. g;e:~~;~;n~~o~le~~i~~: ~~~ 1~~~;~e~~'Sh:~s o:c~s:re;le:i ~~~S~~l~ :~~~~ ~r~~a;~d a~~ca~ ::.:::::::* SWEATERS 3to 2••e1! , ....:.::.':* :i.'::~':~ CllmpOS{'rI of 105 members 'founder of JennIngs i,1emor.al 7 p.m. mille, for a small cut behind

fll;~'::.B:~~ti~~~~s~~a:~~s ~i:r:~ I ~~~~p~~~l.~~~~I~e~b~~t t~.e R~gge~~ iSS~~d vt~la::~:er ti~:::s b::urs: r~i~~:r:d r~~::s~~ ~~::r ~~:::~ ;::"::: ::':\:,'f))\i::::\(fYi:::::?r:::)}?::::::i::::::,}::'){::\'i:/:?:::;::: ~~,::,;,;::::';~:.:::;\:::;::):.,:iL~Jl~ki.lI::::::::::• V\NGSI :I,ft" ~~oe.'i:ehocdComI", Th I Ih' d tI oi I,ekofwlln",.,.aeeo"UngHolbert"id th,t he w", EX PERT G ROO M IN G M J?l ;~~o;;~~l:~~ K;~~~t~l~~~:~~., : were e gOi~v: a/~~ :sti;~\ee; h7~ to 3h?res Police Chief Fred travelihng south on Lake Shore, rmt for a II breeds . . . Jhi..4.. '-, ( JM JDA p& .!jl.[..~..~;.l.l rOUR Milt Lorraine Pro b s t. Nathaniel I' to 80 m.p.h. when Jenmngs, t e Duemllng. when e passed over a patch of r>:,: Gre~ne: saxophones. Gary L::ouff, dri~er. lost contr<>.l of the. car. Ridell told investigating of- ice, in front of number 1017. n{::~ I:::r DaVId rou~g: cor~ets. William lit Jumped the w.es~ curb, :>.r~ck I ficers that he was on his way He said he applied his , .. ... pick-u p taxi service 19443 MACK AVE. ?/\ ~::~:I ~~~~~.J"~~:~~~'nst",';~~i :~\ ,';~k.,heor>n6Iheveh.deI~:;'~t;';,"ms;;:~\::e':h~~h~~:~ie\:e:e~';'~v:~n:~~le:~~:~~ Fe ava iIa bIe jjr (\ON RI(.hard. Todd and . Karen Pea I"s- I. A wItness told polIce. the rear i'dneare num ber 535,ehIt os con- hit the tree. /:::';::.:::" ...... ',..,..".,..,.". TU 19007 mt} :\ compound to t :.':E~;'~;~:F~~:;1~e~;,~~~~e.~~~r:;~;~ff~~!e~'e~~~~~~n~'~: I:~t~::~,,~~:;,w,'::~hsf,":':::: ~~~::~~::~~:;~e::~e':t0~~~~:~1';£bm;:;';':'A.;;":" '~;"j, ';.../...... '.' ...... ~.:;;C;;:5iW¥;;;'74~01li;:J and COI',pore. op • crVlc.C. so .,. mus." Waves of th~ Danube." ! lice the impact with the first i ------betTer -' "The Traveiler." Tschaikowsky's i pole threw the two young men "Rus.<;lan D 1\ n ~ e," "Allan-A- ~from their car. Dale," 'Sentimental Journev" i ~ORE1

HElD OVER! I HURT IN TUMBLE 68, Lulie Caron, Met Ferrer I Lpna Stephens. of 2138 'Illinois. Detroit, a domestk 6t , "LI U" the home of Mrs. Fredrick in Color i :Vlata. 644 Higby place, while i cleaning a kitchen i:upboard in SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY '\the Matka home. slipped off the ladder and struck the back of June l.oc"ha'" • l.assl. her head on the floor. She suf- "LASSIE'S GREAT I fered a cut on the back of the ! head and a sore arm, and Was The full price is low. ADVENTURE" . taken to S1. Joh::. Hospital by in Color Woods police. The incident oc- l ,('uned on Monday. January 11. 69~ - -~--- --~------.. ,)y MASONIC AUDITORIUM FRI., JAN. 29 - 8:20 P.M. The down payment is low. -GS AND' BERLIN PHILHARMONIC Cor,ductor: Herbert Vol" Kataion oeethover. Symphony No. 6 (Pastorale) y ~EEDS! . D~buS5Y l.'Apres Midi d'un F;:aune . ~ R;:avel Daphnis and Chloe. Suite No. :I The monthly payment is " low. , Tickets: $5.50 • $4.50 • $3.50 - $2.50 GRINNELL'S (DNTN.) MASONIC TEMPLE --~.------~---~_._----~'------The day-to-day costs,

AMERICA'S SMARTEST SUPP~R CLUB STAR like gas and oil, are low. IN THE JULES VERNE 59~ ROOM THE MARLIN BEACH HOTEL Directly on the Ocean 94 17 S. ATLANTIC, Ft. Lauderdale 2 r~m:,~ti:;:;~:~:~~~,::~...&;1k.u:Z.~<.,.~>'~~,r:::~,:::;~,:;'~x~;:::.:::~,.::::::~.;.;'*<:::,...;::y:.::~~~~~.i,:::;'i;*~.;.;M"':::~':l$!IlI See. Valiant really is the U II WHAT'S THE LATfST pOINTe ~ I '! INDOOR SPORTP" fit compact that hasn't forgotten 33~ ,,"GOLDFIN(jER-WATCIIING, I COUR$t.I:!-G,~1lJillfeN~w$ ~~ ~~Of ':~. ..,~ why you buy a compact. 59~ - Dave youl 6~ Valiant's also the lowest-priced car made in America with this 5-year/50,OOO-mileengine and drive train warranty: Chrysler Corporation confidently warrants all of lhe following vital parts of Its 1965 cars for 5 years :lr 50,000 miles, THE ROARING 05s 69~ whichever comes first, during which time any sucil parts that prove defective in malerial and workmanship will be replaced or repaired at a Chrysler Motors Corporation Authorized Dealer's place of business without charge for such parts or labor: engine block, FURY head and internal parts, intake manifold, water pump, transmission case and in~ernal parts (excepting manual clutch), torque converten EALER IN drive shaft, universal joints, rear axle and differential and rear wheel bearings. Required maintenance: The follDwing BElVEDERE maintenance services are required under the warranty-change engine oil every 3 months or 4,000 miles. whichever comes first; VALIANT replace oil filter every second oil change; clean carburetor air filter every 6 months and replace it every 2 years; and every 6 months furnish evidence ct. this required service to a Chrysler Motors Corporation Authorized Dealer and request BARRACUDA lOR him to certify receipt of such evidence and your car's mi!eage. Simple enough for such important protection. DOMESTIC "'Price based on Manufactum's SUi~ested Retail Price for lowest-priced Valiant 100 2.dr. sedan, PLYMount DIVISION ~ CHRYSLER ~ MOTORS CORPORATION Plgmoulli ~ORDIALS exclusive of destination charges, state and local taxes, if any, whitewalls, wheel covers, and other optional equipment. . WOODS Mock ,,~ar 7 M.lp Rd OROSSE POINTE PLYMOUTH, INO., 15401 E. JEFFERSON,GROSSEPOINTE PARK · 1.'.-' ~ lU'-".SO'

/' Q 4 qa •i •

Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. January 21. 19b5 Or"lll Potnl. Newt I Memorial Center Schedule I What Goes On PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY on ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS. INC. JANUARY 21-28, 1965 at What~ new OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL OPEN DAILY 9 A.M.-9 P.M. GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36. MICHIGAN SUNDAY, 12-NOON -5 P.M. Your Lihrary Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan By Virginia Leonard ______, ,* All l\'lemorial sponsored activities, open to the Grosse '"frlErlltt Pointe Public. FULLY PAID CIRCULATION What are many of our news- prise toward solving the basic By SYBIL Phone TU 2-6900 Hospital equipment available for free loan~ crutches, paper headlines shouting today? problems of poverty. which is wheelchairs, heating lamps and hospital beds. War on poverty! Aid to educa- the lot of one out of every five OXES, CRATES AND precious carry-on-board Member Michigan Prellll AssociatIon anlS Natlona1 Ed!torlal AlSoelation tion! Medicare! Let us examine Americans. Humphrey has al- B packages are arriving. The Hill group has been NATIONAL ADVERTlSIN\i REPRESENTATIV. GROSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER AND LIBRARY. the first of these topics, for I ways been concerned with both on a shopping spree in all the market:s for fresh Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc. tOt Tifth Ave~ue. New York 19. New Vork. BYl'llnt 9-7300 Mrs. Leland GilmoUl' on duty Tuesday, Wednesday have discovered that we have urban and rural poverty. Sin- design concepts, rare antiques and speCIal look-for. CHICAGO OFFICE meso All that's newsy and nice is coming to the 333 North Michigan Avenu~ Phone Inn.nelal 6-2214 and Thursday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. A volunteer con- recently added a number of Icerity and authority are con- sultant on duty Friday, 2-4 p.m. (TV 1-4594). books to our Libraries which tained in his descriptions of Hill . • . hourly ! ROBERT B. EOGAR .EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER deal with this field, either di- causes, characteristics and prac- UGGAGE LEADS a fashionable• life right about WILLIA M ADAMCl ADVERTISING MANAGER THURSDA Y, JANUARY 21 l,:ectly or indirectly. It is indeed tical stei)S to be taken to eradi- now. It's traveling South. The Mark Cross J'ANET MUELL.~R. FEATuRE PAGE, SOCIETY 9:00 a.m.-Beauty Counselors-Meeting. a timely and serious subject; cate this evil from our country, L JAMES J. NJ AIM _ NEWS matched pieces at the Sign *9:30 a.m.-Special Class in Water Color-Mrs. Louise countless articles in magazines Poverty should be everyone's GLORIA WOLFCALE _...AOVERTISING of the Mermaid, 75 Kerche- NobilL Instructor. and pamphlets are constantly business; unhappily, it is not. MARY LORIMER._ _...ADVERTISING val come in fed or navy, JOHN MacKEN ZIE _ BUSINESS 12:30 p.m.-Beauty Counselors-Luncheon. being written about our poor- This book is not for the student light-weight can vas with JOANNE EASON .ACCOUNTS 12:30 p.m.-Women's Republican Club of G. P. _ our underprivileged - our de- but for the lcyman who can be ALBERTA WILKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISIi'lG leather trim for the ladies Luncheon and Meeting. privcd. We cannot escape, nor moved to understanding and in- ONNELLEE KOENIG ....._.. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING or in olive for the gentle- FERN CREIG CLASSIFIED, 12:45 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Lawyers Wives-Luncheon should we, for it is Our problem'lvolvement. Our Vice-President men. So well styled that it FLORA HARD ING " CIRCULATION and Meeting. and' it is for us to solve. represents this national blight is an extension of your own 1:30 p.m.-A. A. U. W. of Grosse Pointe _ Lecture Michael Harrington, in 1902, Ias a challenge which the na- fine taste. and Meet!ng. wrote THE OTHER AMERICA tion's economic resources and HE WINDOW of the •League Shop, 72 Kerche- City lays It On Line *4:00 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper, In- -a report of the subculture of brain power can meet. Let us T val. reflects the charm of antique pOfcelain and struc1or. povery in the midst of America's hope so. All the Poinies could learn a lesson from last Mon- silver. Collectors note ... the miniature blue and *4:30 p.m.-Ballroom Dancing-Ted and Lillian }<'or- plenty. Mr. Harrington focuses In a more general economic day night's open meeting of the Grosse Pointe City white Royal Worcester urns, tea and chocolate pots rest, Instructors. on poverty among industrial re- vein we have Gunnar Myrdal's - council meeting. are "not" antiques but definitely limited edition. Faced with a major ~md immediate problem of im- 7:00 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Community Theatre _ jects, migrant workers, minori- CHALLENGE TO AFFLUENCE. proving its sewage system and knowing that the voters Rehearsal. ties, and the aged. This is a fine Here, the author of An AMERIa OLOR.uP brings a natural• glow to winter-weary 7:30 p.m.-Camp Leelanau Alumni _ Meeting and study, of enormous dimension, CAN DILEMA turns his atten- failed to approve a sewage bond issu(' last September, C.4 complexions. Elizabeth Arden captures it for the council set about Monday to educate its citizenry Movie. of want and desperation in spite tion to the American economy. you in an elegant little compact and Trail Apothe- on the whys. the wherefcrs and the wavs of better sew- 8:00 p.m.-Men's Gal'den Club of Grosse Pointe. of national plenty. And all of The book is an amended and cary Shop, 12] Kercheval has it. P.S. the skin ag~ dispos'al for the City. • Ithis ma.! COl:1e as a shock to enlarged version of three MCa beneath is lavished with Arden's Rich Night Cream. No one present at the meeting could possibly have FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 many, in spite of the recent Enervey lectures given at the TUxedo 1-5688. left without a better understandin.g of the need for *9:30 a.m & 1 p.m.-Oil Painting Classes Prof. publicity of this subject. The IUniversity of Californ;a at ' • action. No one present could have left without knowing Robert Wilbert. Instructor. author has studied his source) Bt'rkeley in 1963. It is written Jack and Jill went on the Hill thp precise steps that would be taken to remedy the *10:00 a.m.-Flower Arranging Class - Mrs. Richard material quite thoroughly, backs with clarity and simplicity. It is To get a bite of luncheon. problem. No one could have left without knowing exactly Gerathy. Instructor. up his theses with statistics, and a short book that encompa:;ses where the $1.3:: million General Obligation bond issue, I Jack went first to look at houses with John S. evidences sou n d scholarship. national policy, central plan- which the council is asking the residep-ts to approve, 11:00 a.m.-To\,;'ne Club-Meeting, Cards, Snack. Goodman, Realtor, would go. 12 Noon-G. P. Women Real Estate Counselors And vlhat are his suggested ning. race relations, economic And Jill came shortly after. The counci1. knO\ring full well that some steps Luncheon Meetillg. remedies? He feels that only growth and foreign affairs. Myr- the Federal Government can dal's facts are indisputable' his ~3 Kercheval ... TUxedo 6.3060 must be taken. approached the question of explaining 12:30 p.m.-Neighborhood Club Retired Men's Group. afford to tackle the problem. :. ' the situatiop. in depth and in openness. Illustrated slides, His t.hinking resembles Gal- book IS WIse. He has been con- *6:45 p.m.-Ballroom Dancing-Ted and Lillian For- PEAKI~G OF LUNCHEON,• "ON THE HILL," described b\' Councilman G. Gordon Cook, showed rest. Instructors. braith; he writes with sympathy, cerned for some time with the I' definitively areas of trouble n Meeting. and the know-ilOw of free enter- be informed! pitalization to in~ludc iheir de- I granted licenses for 1965. by *1:00 p.m.-Memorial Bridge-Duplicate Bridge. pendents. At the pr{'st'nt time the council. According to a only employes arf' co\'{'red. Woods vrdinance. any establish- Mrs. Andrew Walrond, Director. *7:30 p.m.-Adult Ballet - Mary Ellen Cooper, In- . ment which has a lot for eight 1:00 p.m.-G. P. Arts Students League - Steve Davis, structor. Compf'n:atlOn for thc ma:,or , or more cars. must be licensed. Instructor. EVERYTHING and counCilmen would be upped' In othf'r action the council 7:30 p.m.-G. P. Art Students League, Steve Davis, by approval ()l 11:: second I denied permiSSion to Rose Gara *4:00 p.m.-Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper, In- Instructor. See The New ltVave NAUTICAL ('harter ame.ndmt'l1! 111(' mayor! den Florists. Inc. to i'onstruct structor. *7:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge - Mr. and Mrs. A;}drew BUT NICE ~vould re('f'IVe SolO a meeting I a circular drive and appointed *7:00 p.m.-Dale Carnegie Course. Walrond, Instractors. Instead of th(' prf'sent 520 an~ Co u n c i I man Benjamin W. Of The Ship JVheel *7:00 p.m.-An Evening in the Greek Isles. s councilmen $30 rathcr than $1:>. Pinkos to the Election Com- *8:00 p.m.-' Yoga Class - George Johnston, Jr., In- The council also listed the mission. Ambrosia. structor. -~-----~-~------Olympian feast. 8:00 p.m.-First Church of Christ, Scientist, Grosse ClEARANCE SALE ON Live Greek town entertainment. Pointe Farms. Testimonial Meeting. Movie of Athens and the Greek Islands. SHIIVS BELL CLCH:KS Paid reservations at $4.50 per person, re- THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 quested by January 23. AND BAROMETERS *4:00 p.m.-Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper, In- *8:00 p.m.-G. P. lVien's Chorus -' Rehearsal. structor~ TUESDA Y. JANUARY 26 *4:00 p.m.-Ballroom Dancing, Ted and Lillian For. Come in and Browse With Us TI2AV~L rest, Instructors. a.m.-Conversational French - Mrs. Charles "'9:30 7:30 p.m.-G. P. Numismatic Society-Meeting and Bachrach, Instmctor. Refreshments. *10:00 a.m.-Service Guild for Children's Hospital _ *8:00 p.m.-G. P. Cinema League Members Slide Night. the ship's Wheel, inc. Workshop. TI2I() The Grosse Pointe public is cordially in- 19605 Mack Ave. 12 Noon-Senior Men's Club-Meeting, Luncheon. vited to enjoy this movie contest among *1:30 & 7:30 p.m.-Basic Painting and Integrated Draw. the Pointe's most skilled photographers. Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. Eves. TU 2.1340 ing, Ray Fleming, Jr., Instructor. Ftorida bound"? AAA Maps, Triptiks and 6:30 p.m.-G. P. Toastmasters-Dinner Meeting. TOR' Book'S make exceilent traveling com- 6:30 p.m.-Kiwanis Club of G. P. Dinner Meeting. paINons. This travel trio tells you the right 6:30 p.m.-Exchange Club-Dinner Meeting. NOW! IRIntediate Openings tar *7:30 & 8:30 p.m.-Yoga Instruction-George JOhn-I way to go, the best places to stay and the ston, Jr., Instructor. *7:30 p.m.-G. P. Chess Club. SALESMEN finest places toO eat. The fact is, they'l'e I 8:00 p.m.-G. P. Camera Club--Mecting, pictures. JIRlCh better than a bade seat driver .•• The Wm.R.fIam.ilfon C:o. *8:15 p.m.-Third Annual Fries Forum, George Mc- Over a Century of Service they r;an't talk. They're handy guides to Mullen, Director. The topic for 1965 is "Professional Football," Sid Luckman,' make traveling better and easier f()f' you. FUNERAL DIRECTORS IBM@ former Columbia All-American and Chi- DATA PROCESSING DIVISION cago Bear" Quarterback. Why not take these ttaveling eompanioDs For those who Cfb3Iir. e.lICdIsM ..... ~ lilies WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 ire available with one of Jlmerica's top sales organ;.. ~ong with YO'I!!They don't take up much &rring *9:30 a.m.-II a.m.-Pre-School Culture-Mrs. Mary ~ations. IBM is irlterested in P8fS0ns with a coMege J:':OODl and they're a gl'eat; help. Acto Club Ann Hughes, Mrs. Lee Peters, and Mrs. GROSSE POINTE DETROIT degree. under 35. who desire a career ia sale&. AND SUBL"RBS members always use them. You can too by Helen Doelle, Instructors. Previous experience in the data pro<:essing or office 12 Noon-Senior Men's Cribbage Group. ~uipment fiekjs is not required. 1he important fling is 1hat you can demonstl'ate to deal joining the Club tlxtay. Stop ill at yow 12:30 p.m.-Senior Ladies' Club-Social, cards, tea party. abiiIr WILLIAM R. HAMTLTON II DAVID M. HtUULTO:S lffectNelv with business 'MPiIg8IDOat. II.e. ~ Club ~ 12:30 p.m.-G. P. Garden Center-Annual Meeting and CURENCE E. OTTER Luncheon. 12:30 p.m.-G. P. Traffic and Safety Committee _ ToArrange NJt- AD" iDcis.. _ Luncheon Meeting. CHAPELS IUTOMOBllE CLUB Of 11CJnGAI *4:00 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Coopoer, In- DETROIT BTR'MTNGHAV CALL COLlECT structor. 3973 CASS A VENUE 820 EAST MAPLE 6:30 p.m.-Soroptimist Club of G. P. Dinner Meeting. TE 1-2712 MI4~6000 IBM District Office, Detroit 7:00 p.m.-King's Daughters and Sons-Ada M. Kies GROSSE POINTE DIVISION :\ORTHWEST 965-5370 15415 E. JeHerson Circle - Card Party. 18900 JAMES COUZENS Phon. 821-1~OO 7:00 p.m.-.Detroit Cribbage Group. DIl-13oo Gf:orge Measel, Managef' 7:00 p.m.--G. P. Community Theatre - Rehearsal. *7:30 & 8:30 p.m.-Folk Guitar, Alex Suczek, Instructor

I - • • - --- r • - _cO Thursday, January 21, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven Discuss Tea Dance Decorations Junior League Plans 'Evening With Stars'

Proceeds from Event to be Used in Poison Control Project and School Enrichment Program; Mr$. Arthur Buhl Hudson is 'Evening' Chairman At its general lllemberstip meeting in the Country Club last Tuesday, the Junior League of Detroit an- nounced plans for "An Evening With the Stars," a fab- ulous program scheduled in Ford Auditorium April 30. Entertainers will be' Frank Fontaine, Jane Mor- Total cost of the five-year gan and Les Troubadors de plan is $104,000. The League WOMEN'S Espana, a singing and danc. intends to contribute $10.000 ing group newly arri\'ed in e a c h year for thE" five-year period. this country from Spain. The School Enrichment Pro- Pro j e c t chairman is Mrs. gram. chosen by Junia;' League Arthur Buhl Hudson. Mr.c;.Law- membership in June. 1963, was . I Short and to rer.~e D. BuhL Jr.. serves as initiated in Detroit's Coo per From Allother Pointe assistant chairman. I Elementary School. Program chairmen include I A com;nittee of J u n i 0 r of View The Pointe :\frs. Palme~ T. Heenan .. ~lfrs'l LeM"Je members works closely Albert C. DIckson. advertIsmg'l with Cooper School's admi~is- and Mrs. Norman A. MacColl. trative staff to plan a program By Janet Mueller . MR. and MRS. R. D. HAL- advertising assistant. I geared to provide teaching as- I FORD. of Harcourt roa~, have: Ticket prices range irom $25., sistance to any of the school departed for Sun City, Fla., (Golden Circle Benefactor), to faculty wno desire assistance . ...------1 where they will make their: $3, (general admission). Patron Some of the are~. '> child: l\lR. and' MRS. LEWIS injection, with eight-inch racing I bUIldmg,at .the corn.erof Fourth rangemen~; Mrs. William D. volunteers are certified. experi- :\larch 29 Overture at Grosse Pointe High School. PETER HYDE SWANSON, H. ECHLIN, III, (Elizabeth slicks on mag n e s i Um rear an~ Forter In DetrOIt. n~ longer I Byron. aSSISted~y. Mrs. Charles enced teachers themselves; oth- Chairman of the War Memorial Overture is Mrs. son of DR. and MRS. ROBERT "Happy" Roneyl. are the par- wheels. The interior is com- i eXIsts; the Settleme~: IS pres. I V. HICk,;. pubhclty; ~r~. Ed- ers attended a training session . d b M R ents of two girls, ELIZABETH '. I ently part of ~he.Nelohborhood I'ward T. Gushee, promotlGn: and provided bv the school and re- John Benfield. of Lakeshore road. asslste y, rs. ex G. SWANSON,of.Beaupre ~oad, TUCKER ("TUCK") 21:, and pletely customIzed In black and i Service OrgamzatlOn. , Mrs. Howard M. Love, Afterglo . , " .. Broph\'. of Hampton :'oad. Mrs. Daniel Callahan. of plans to enroll m the Umver .. \"eal'-old TRACY AN'NE.~' ; white leather with white carpet- i .. >« • I Party. ccd"ne futhrthertrhammg.thasnheed- Berkshire road. :\1rs. Charles Endicott, of Blairmoor sity of Michigan Medical School' . i • e. bv e teac ers WI \\' om " p court, :\Irs. Frank Donovan. of East Jefferson avenue, next September. Peter, a '61, * * * ing. The car won first place in I Hosts andf hostessesII " PM'at the so. mUSleAI. Navarr~and dlrectlonIS :es oTI31blePart" purfor they ~re working. graduate of Grosse Pointe High ,' :\1R. and MRS. DANIEL \ the last seven shews in which i cial hour 0 OWIng ro US1- . . - The Junior League plans to :\lrs. Wilber H. Mack. of Country Club drive, Mrs. WiI. l l. • d . ca's second concert featuring pose, other than fun, (and much f't.<; b t Ham Tost. of Cloverlv road. Mrs. Henrv deS. Lauve, of School, is presently attending DOSSIN are now settled in It appeare . ;the Brazilian choir' "Coro do fun is expectea at this "Eve- used mOtre 0 1 mem ,ers " ldo • Williams College. Williamstown, Mystic, Conn.. after a three * '" '" . W't1 th St H) . t con uc or accompanj Ie Sunninedale drive. and Mrs. Joseph A. Vance. of South k' "t 'th MD' , G . d Brasil" in the Lecture Hall of nl~g 1 1 ears, J1S . 0 trips, and to bring their fown ~ Mass, wee s VISI WI r. ossm s Four rosse Pomte coe s the Detroit Institute of Arts last raIse do 1 1a r s for the unlOr I . Deeplands.:!< * .. " parents, the ERNEST J. DOS- who have be\!n pledged by Tuesday evening included MR. League Com m u nit y Fund. t a en t ~ and communIty re- * * In town recently to make the SINS. of North Oxford road. sororities at Wayne State Uni- D V'ID A COOL which pays for Junior League sources mto the classroom to T . h S h lOt 'tt' h d d b h h D' , N and MRS. A . - , <: 1 t' f hf' lll,g (' 00 \'er ure comml ee IS ea e Y acquaintance of her new grand- T is was t e young ossms versity this year are A ITA IDGE, MRS. MILDRED COUL- community projects. ~upp emen VarIOUS areas; .0 :\lrs . .John Garlinghouse, of M{'rriweather road. Mrs. son, PETER BULKLEY PAD- first stay in The Pointe since BENDEL, of Hawthorne road, TER, MR. and MRS. RAYMOND All monies in the fund are the ,school faculty and adm.nIS- GarHn,ghoust,'S assistants are ~]rs. ~enjamin H. Paddock, DOCK, JR., son of MR. and their marriage, which took place JOAN ENDRES, of Hampton GAGE MISS KATHRYN GEE, returned to the community in tratlOn. III. of Lincoln road, and Mrs. J(,hn Lesesne, of Ox- MRS. PETER BULKLEY PAD- in Mundeloh, Ill., last April. road, and MARGARET WELLS, MRS.' WALTER J. GESSEL, the form of services. This year. ford road. DOCK, of Grand Marais boule- MRS. THOMAS R. DOSSIN of Washington road, K a p p a MISS JANE JOHNSON, MR. the League has two major proj- vard, was MRS, FREDERICK entertained at a tea in her Ed- Delta; and CHERYL BEAN, of d MRS DAVID KLUDT ects: Poison Control and School ]a,nes Gil,nour Posters are bt'ing handlt'd by Mrs. John C. Griffen. S. GILBERT. of New Canaan, shire lane home while the Torrey road, Sigma Kappa. ~~ISS GLADYS LITTLE, MRS: Enrichment. of ('Io\'erl" road. assistt'd b" Mrs. Charles Kotcher, of Conn. Mrs. Gilbert spent a few couple were here. to introduce * * * I FRANCES MADSEN, MISS Aim of the Poison Control To Claim Bride Stephens road. and Mrs. Wniiam Y. Gard, of Dean lane. days with MR. and MRS. ROB- her nephew's wife to relatives Among those receiving de- MARGARET MAN NEBACH, project is to establish a clear- Dr. and ~Irs. William Rice, Publil'ity is the responsibility of Mrs. Mark Ethridge, of ERT B. EVANS, of Lakeshore and friends who were unable to grees from Western Michigan I MISS SARAH ROBINSON, DR. ing house for pois~nings and of Brighton. Mich., announce Washington road. 1\'I1's.Benjamin Long, of Country Club road. Among those who enter. attend' the wedding. Pouring University this Saturday will I and MRS. ERNEST STRAUSS, ~re.atment.~y. ext~ndmg the. ex- the engagement of their daugh- Dri\'e. Mrs. Lee Hills and Mrs. Edgar Howbert, both tained in the visitor's honor were ~RS. H. J. KNIGH~ON be SHARLYNN L. SAlLE. of THURLOW L. SWEET. MR.and Istmg faclhtles m the POIson ter. Treasure Ann. to James

of Detroit. were DR. and MRS. DONALD and IhRS: DON~LI? C. KIL- Moorland drive, BA and Ele- I MRS. THORNTON ZANOLLi, Control Center of Childr-:n's Gordon Gilmour, son of Mr. and C. WINANS, of Lakeshore drive, GUS. ~anJ~1 DosSI~IScurre~tly mentary teaching certificate; MR. and MRS. HENDRICK P. I~ospit:althrough Junior League ~'Irs. James G. Gilmour, of Sev- And looking far ahead: Another "Evening with the and the GEORG~ N. MONROS, attendmg •.,ubmartne SchOOlat JUDITH A. STOCKING, of ZUIDEMA and MRS. MYRON fmanclal support and volun- ern road. Stars," a rf'Jaxing. amusing. off-the-record session with III, of Woodland place. Groton. Conn. IHawthorne road, BS; MICHAEL SAVIDGE. teers, and to help p r.e v e n t A l\1.ay1 wedding is planned, :UetropoJitan Opera personalities, has been scheduled '" '" '" .. * '" W. TOWSON, of McKinley ave...... through a. sou~d educatIOn p~- after which the couple will li\'e Mav 23 at the War Memorial. Mrs. Daniel Goodenough, EDWIN D. O'LEARY, of Tou. ANN McCRACKEN, daughter nue, BBA; SUSAN M. ASMUS, MRS. WALTER FAUST, of gram, seriOUSll~ess and p(lss~~in Ann Arbor while they con- of Lothrop road, is "Ev~ning" chairman. rame road, is among seven of MR. and MRS. H. 0, Mc. of Roslyn ruad, BA and Elemen- Lakepointe avenue, will show ble death~ of. chIldren by aCCl- tinue their studies at the Uni. * * ... new members officially wel- CRACKEN, of Goethe, is one tary teaching certificate; VAL- slides and tell anecdotes of her" dental pOlSomng. . "ersity of Michigan. where the Annual Meeting corned to the Board of Trustees ('of400 students who started her ERIE J. DIEM, of Torrey road, Alaskan trip next Thursday, at The League voted ill Sep. bridegroom-elect is a candidate Sigma Gamma Association's annual meeting is for Maryglade College, Mem- first winter term at Hanover BS and Secondary teaching a meeting of the Lutheran tember, 1963. to sponsor the for a Masters degree in Business phis, Mich., at a banquet held College, H a n 0 v e r, Ind., this certificate; ROSANNA P. RE. Ladies Institutional Mission So- Poison Control Project for a 'Administration. scheduled this Saturdav. in Fries Auditorium. There will at the Sheraton.Cadillac Hotel month. FIOR, of Beaufait road, BA ciety at Gloria Dei Church in periN:! of five years. matching The bride-elect wiII transfer be an election of officers and awards presentation, fol- last Thursday. A.F.S., Student Council repre. and Second:Jry teaching cer- West Seven Mile road. An 11:30 funds with Children's Hospital to U. of M. from Michigan State lowed bv a tea. '" * • sentativt', C h 0 i r, Newcomers' tificate; and WILLIAM E. RE- o'clock luncheon is scheduled to of Michigan. University in the sprillg. Thi's is the session at which the Laura Butler Higbie MR. and' MRS. THOMAS W. Club, and the tennis team were NAUD, of Stanhope road, BS precede the program. )'lemorial Award. for distinguished service to the Asso- BOOKMYER, of Birmingham, some of Ann's activities while and Secondary teaching cer- '" '" * ciation. is presented. announce the birth of a son, she was a student at Grosse tificate. "'.. * WILLIAM B. CANFIELD, III, Traditionallv. the name of the award recipient is .JOHN KINGSLEY. Januar:' 7. Pointe High School. Formerly. _. . son of MR. and MRS. WILLIAM I kept serret untit" the actual prespntation - so w~'ll ~ait Mrs. Bookmyer is the former Ann attended st. Denis School :'\iewoffIcers of the Nelghbor- B. CANFIELD, JR., of Lake. j CHRISTINE RONEY. daughter in :2dinburgh, Scotland. hood House Settlement, elected crest lane, is a recent pledge 'til next week to let vou know who the honoree IS. (hmt: ,at the group'S l08th annual She is one of The Pointe's "Great Ladies," a charming of the JOHN KINGSLEY ...... I meeting at the War Memorial of Phi Gamma Delta, one of :!nd esteemed member of our community). RONEYS, of Kercheval ave- AL MAYNA~D, JR:, .o! Sout.h )1onday, are MRS. FRANK N. the 10 national fraternities on nul'. Young John's older bro- Renaud road, IS exhlbltlng his ISBEY. president; MRS.GLENN the campus at Denison Uni- '" '" '" ther and sister, three-and-a- 1932 Ford Street at the M. COULTER, vice president; versity, Granville, 0., where he thil And Farewell half.year,oid twins CHRISSIE 13th annual International Auto- ::\1RS.C. BAYARD JOHNSON, is a freshman. An heno-~oodby corktail party is Mr. and Mrs. Oliver and TOMMY BOOKMEYER, rama at Cobo Hall this week- recording see r eta r y; MRS. '" * '" Drwev :\lar('k's answer to the problem of how to intro. consider the new baby the best end. The car, entirely reworked, CARLETO;\l HEALY. corres- CLIFFORD L. CRAIG, son of duc£' 'two n('w mf'mbf'r .. of Detroit's Consular Corps to of all possible pI'esents-even is stock appearing, complete ponding secretary; :'olliS.RALPH MR. and MRS. PAUL CRAIG of their friends. at the sam{' time bidding farewell to a though he did arrive a little with rumble seat, painted the i THOMAS. trea,]urer; and MRS. Manchester road, plans to en- late for Christmas~ ,John is Mr. traditional b I a c k with red I GILBERT WHELDEN, assist- roll in the University of Mich. (Continued on Page 14) and Mrs. Ro..ey's fifth grand- stripes, but completely "rnod- I ant treasurer. MRS. PERRY L. igan Medical School in Septem- ern" underneath the hood, with TeWALT was honored upon ber. A June 1961 graduate of Open Thursdap valli 9:00 a high performance racing en. completion of her two-year term Detroit's Denby High School, he gin e. Its undercarriage is as president. The 0 rig i n a 1 is presently attending Tufts Uni- ! chrome-plated and it boasts fuel I Neighborhood House Settlement versity, Melford, Mass. i- ~----'-" .._--._----_.~ _ I

? " : ~',' :.. ~.'. • ,i ;,':" .:. "t~

(.~../ '.. ~:

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CLEARANCE ;. : .. ClJilJren'. Famous Male. ;' ) Winter Sleepwear -COATS ~.: .... ALL AT ..~. -SUITS and 2 for 2.59 4.59 -DRESSES tt.e'e 3..5D and 2 jar 6.W . ,.....

-COSTUMES :. :.".. 4"li On sale now are Mid-winter ~. .... ; clothes, current fashions, all , unmistakably Margaret Rice. They oHer you exceptionai OFF values at greatly reduced Choose this prices. J Kimberly All sales li••a', no mail or pirone orclers, pleas •• knit suit, with meta IIic...th readed top, in white, pale yellow A40ij ond phon\) orders 6l1ed • 5.00 01 1ftOl. 1.:" or bh..e, $89.95 t G:;:~;:...:;;~~~;;;:~~~~~~~ WALTOn-PIERCE ... -- - - -~ -- -- -...... ~~-~----~~-----....------.------_..------

Page Twelve - -- '\,' GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 21, 1965 Society News Gathered frolll All of the Pointes

Garden Clubs Mrs. Robert F. Gregory, II DA.C to Stage Gretchen Wollenzin Dad-Son Party Spring Flower Show Januar Wed to Mr. Gregory I~.tFr7~~..~..,.~.;.,~ Many fathel" and son combina. ~i;~;Gf~~;~L~::~ tions from the Grosse Pointes Slated at Wright Kay Is Sell- will be among close to 700 ex, pected to attend the traditional Reception at Gtosse Pointe Yacht Club Follows Rites; ~~e~~a;~ gt~uaciUb~\'h~: ~~l~ ;'.:;.::<, ' :.~.:::<;....••.•:.:;.J get-together slated each Janu- Pointers Mrs. Harold R, Smith and Mrs. John Veech Many Pointers Ma Newlyweds to Live in Philadelphia, Pa., be the mid-year meeting of Dis- i:;; . : . ary for members of the Detroit Accept Chairmanships for April Exhibition at Sheila MacRae Upon Their Return frCJm South trict I of the Federated Garden:.:';~,.: Athletic Club and their son.:; and Downtown Jewe/r.t Company ------Clubs of Michigan, beginning at ::L:: . <::/': .' .. '.;; ... set in this 50th Anniversary At a January 9 ceremony in St. Paul's on the Lake- , 9:30, o'clock. Year of the DAC for Saturday, Mrs. Clarence E. M;guire. of Lochmoor boulevard, ~t:.;t. '. January 23. \Vith 1965 th shore. Gretchen Charla Wollenzin spoke her marriage; After luncheon, Mary C. ,. state president of the Michigan .Diyision of Woma.n's .: '.' ":.) The day's events will get Detroit Athletic Cl vows tl) Robert Frederick Gregory, II. :T~kahashi. of New York City, V:' National Farm and Garden ASSOCIatIOn, has asked ~1rs. " underway at 12 noon at pool side hoard for an endle The Reverend Paul --~---~-~'--'-.----.' - i\"I11 lecture and demonstrate ~'. :' .~ with a swimming and diving ex- Wilson F. McClellan, of Birmingham, to chairman this mid-April \'.-ith a "d H' k' -. t", d' t I. I Japanese Flower Arranging 0f roo, year's spring flower ShO\\l. ~~------~~- lC'C€'~th' €'1.xec~11\ ('I S lre~ or ',tIered oows of matching fabric, ,the Ikenobo School . ., hibition scheduled in addition mark the DAC's bi o f .a 0 IC ~ocla ervlces and they carried pink mutTs co\'- :. .'. Ii: I' 1I. ',"':"', ..:';1 to water games in which the The annual event, ~ifth the ~1.ichigan Division with ('ornii1g up on Fri of Wavne Count\'. oificiated :t:n'd with varigated pink camel- MIss Takahashi.

greens with cheese 2,nd arti- 'I you • rough time • • • clear up St.,. ~""1• )0 to S ')0 M.". tltrv sor. chokes) and baklava (sweet your akin problem with TASC. cakes). Pericles couldn't have ordered brUer. AVAILABLE AT YOUR FAVORITE DRUGGIST'S JI.I In the Fries Theater follow- A PRODUCT OF Choose Yours at Warren's ing dinner, will be feat!lred un. IN T usual instrumentalists and lithe S. \I. TUTA8 A CO., DETROIT 34, MICHIGAN dancers from Detroit's Greek PtIARMACmJTtCAlA

1~ eSpecial ON A FROM KOPP'S OF Y) \ You Expect More 30~ OFF R And You Get It! ( 19467 MAC ~ EXTRAS In Prescription Service That Cost You No More. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE- Enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that we're as near as your phone, day or night, round the clock. Should an emergency arise and your doctor prescribes a drug you can be assured that it will be promptly filled. This added service costs no more.

PROMPT PICK UP AND DElIVfRY on PRESCRIPTIONS NClVADO records thE dote os well as the ..... the Enjoy the 3dded convenience of having Kopp's pick up your pre- minute and the second in ringmotic Calendar. ll1is h.ond- scription, filling it and returning it promptly. some 28 jewel walch is se f.winding, WQter-resiSSQnt and shod-protected. 14K gold, from $200.00; l-«~, EXTENDED STORE OPENING HOURS - 'ilL 9:30 DAILY $155.00; Stainless steel, from $135.00. red.. tIQlIc-iAd..~ 1 We're open until 9 :30 daily, offering a choice selection of fine cosmetics and gifts as well as regular prescription services. these • DRESSE~ seasonable Phone fashions - TUxedo 5.8900 • COSTUI are so very • LONG reasonabl. • JEWE in price. • BOF 0iARLES w.-WARREN &<:oMPANT 16926 K.rch.val JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS in the Village STEUBEN GLASS • TIFFANY STERLING 1520 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD Detroit, Mich. 48226-Phone 962-S1S8-Store Hourl; 9:30 to 5:00 WALTon. PIERCE.... The Belleview BiltMcre, Belleair, Florida HATS .• -_-.- ...... &GIa _

, J '. J , January 2 I, 1965 _Thursday I January 21, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS inles Page Thirteen Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women er Show Sta.nZey-Deist Engaged Betrothal Told Varied Topics January Floor Show R~troth.al Told Interest A.A.UW Spring Flower Show Continued from Page 12 I and Garden Club in Grosse 'ight Kay d B', A New boo ks, European short I ' Is Sell-Out At DAC :\1r. an Mrs, en}amm . stories, family relationships and II assuring a succefsful A p r iJ I Pomte hav*, a~:eady begun. to Deist. Jr" of Glen Ridge, N.J., . problems of the underprivileged show. I work for a truly beautIful and Mrs. John Veech have announced the engagement Ma P. t M k-~R . H G d d of their daughter, Linda Schuy. are the varied topics that m.em'j M Harold R. Smith of: show" in spring '65. A.pril Exhibition at ny om ers a e eservatsons to ear or on an bers of the Grosse Pomte • r~. , : ,... Sh.1 M R D h ler, to Kennpth Bishop Stanley, B h f th A . A . MerrIweather road a past pres. , ------l,..,ompany el a ac ae urine;:;T eir Week's Appearance son of ~r. and Mrs. T<:dward a~~~c of °Uni:ers~;\~~~e;s~~:i I ideI?t of her bran('h, is staging! Wednesday Book Club at Athletic Club Carpenter Stanley, II, of :\1er. chaIrman discuss at meetings this week,' : __ f l.ochllloor houlcvard, -~--- -~ ._-- -- ... -.- riwe3ther road. "The Changing Arne r i can I Mrs. John Vee"h, of Lake. I )):\ hl0!l of Woman's \Yith 196~ the Golden Anniversary Year for the: J.'he .:ouple plans a 13te sum- Family in a Changing com'lllan~ avenue, will be entries: The Wednesday Book Club .1;ltl0I1. ha" a"krd :\lrs, DetrOIt Athletlc Club .. January is serving as a spring.! mer wedding in Glen Ridge. l11ur.ity" will be the topic of the chairman., : \nll gather January 27 at the !i:ltll. to dlairman this b~ard for an endless string of events to be climaxed in! ~iss Deist and Mr. Stanley general meeting on Thursday" :\1rs. V~~ch lS except.lOnally, WOInen'5 City Club. Mrs. Frank mId-April with a "do" to outshine all pthers and formallv i will receive Bachelor of Arts de. January 21, at 1:30 o'clock at I well. qualIfied for her Job, as, Fir n chi I d's discussion on I' ,';i_,l;~ j):\ :,i:)n with a mark the DAC's birthday. - :grees from :\iiami Universit~',l the Grosse Pointe War Memori.: she IS a graduate flower show . '11 , Coming up on Frida~' eve-'0 dailv double bet in show busi-: .~xt or:dO' ~,I~ J une" 'I'".nISS D'els t .',:; . aI Cen ter. : J'udge. : "Renaissance of a CIty" WI ',1' i'{' :n the cluh's I . nmg. Januarv 22, is a dou-j ness, will play to a sell-out i 11~h~ ~t'Dlb~tl of I\,appa Alpha.): Dr. Armin Grams, psycholo. All four branches of rarm, follow a 12:15 o'clock lunchelm. ,\.Q'!h'.dl!:e prOjects suet. hI b I d . I' 'ght IIi e,a .~ororI y. ': I gist at Merrill Palmer Institute, oCUT -0-~-U~-T A-N-D'- M -AI~L--:.-:::.::~~ 1 e- arre e event fOf duu- IT O\'! ( on opPl1lng III as we , . . . :".:.':IIwill speak at the meeting spon. :': 1 r~pIt. a t:-al!1ing center bl" pleaslll'e the 0 enI'n of as all othl'r evenings, for res. ,:\11', Stanl,ey. who IS affIha~ed ~II kd.:{'l',. m northern th ~ J 'fl' p g en'ations were closed nuring the I WIth P hI Kappa Tau fra.erl1lt t y. ~iJ.... J so red by AAUW's American e .. anuary 001 show, fe~. ,first week of thpir announced, plum to enter graduate school \t Family study group. Tea will be tur~ng t hat ta,lented pall' appearanel'. They'll be seen and; for. his. .\1asters degree in ~con'l " served following the program. , ADeD UNDERWRITERS, INC. \;. "--(' l"'Il1tf' Branch of GOI don and SheIla :.\larRae,' heard e\'('f.\' pveninn through I, OIllICSIn the faIL I Mrs. Edward Sandell will re.: H. E. Bud Adelsperger & Associates :"1 ;, i'l'. q;d 1h;11 two of its :\ d W R hI I h b -Photo by Bransby Mr, and Mrs. Charles E. view the best.selling books, i • n arne~' 11 an(, IS January 29 save for Sunday. I-~-~-' ..~------~~~ Shannon, of Lochmoor boule- "Rector of Justin" and "Power ;' '.\ :~ ;,1,1\ m:ljor rolps in All Kinds of Insurance ~}'('hledstraR WIlhl ?e trhePlal'I~g I The blend of Gordon's sing.! has ~pell~d \~el! deserve? sue. Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'R. Dom. vard, are announcing the en- of Attorney" for U:.e Book TU 1-6220 ('ontinllf'd on Pa~f' 13) r{'( Ie use In e mUSIC I i'1g talpnt and exuberant charm I (,pss or t e g amorous pall', oney, of Saginaw, have an- !!agement of their daughter, group at its meeting Monday. • 1 t t I G d b dd' I nounced the engagement of their " 15228 MACK AVE, (epar men. I and Sheila's \'pr"atilitv as ac-: or on has een a mg au- BEVERLY. to John D, MI)- January 25, at 1 o'clock at the, Grosse Pointe Pnk The MacRaes, heing t!1£' bpst trpss. siTJger and eor;l(-'dil'nne.' rels 10 a successful career ever d a ugh t e r, CAROL GRACE ran, .II'.. son of Mr. and Mrs. home of Mrs. Abram Brown in I Representin" The Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford ' :since he gained stardom as a DOMONEY, of Rivard boule. J, D. Moran, of Lakeshore Kerby road. Mrs, Clifford Am.: Without obligation, I would like Information concerning my ,leading man with Doris Day. vard, to Leonard W. Bartos, son lane. mon is co.hostess. insuronce policies expiring os follows: ...... ~- 'of ~r. and Mrs. Waiter J. Bar- , HAIR REMOVAL : Shelia was a well.known star The bride.elect, a member Contemporary short stories l)y , I ' tosiewicz. of Detroit. I F h S . h G d Homeowners Expiration ..-' 19- Auto Expiration 19- ,of summer theater an d ra d 10 The bride.elect was graduated of Alpha Phi sorority, wi I be renc, pams, erlllan an . Boat Expiration 19-; 19- l 'before the couple settled down !.!raduated fro m Michigan Italian authors will be discussed other 'from Michigan State University, " b h C I ' I NAME: A LIC E PAC KA RD : wi:h four children in the San State Universit.v this June. y t e ontemporary "Iterature, . where she affiliated with Zeta ADDRESS .. PHONE...... R : Fernando Vallev. :-.J'owthe" are ::\11'.Moran will be graduated group when it meets Tuesday, i (! .eglstere d EIectro Iagist I':a su('cessful duet both in J their Tau Alpha sorority, She taught from Ferris State College this January 26, at 7:4'5 0'Ic oc'k at: ' • LIFE. HOME. AUTO. BUSINESS <~- :private lives and on the stage. in the Sag i n a w Elementary yeal. the home .of Mrs, Alfred Tay-! DOCTORS' REFERENCES Among area residents with schools and is presently on the I~._~ ~~ __ .___ lor in Handy road. Mrs. Taylor i '_~.~~_ ~:::.~.'.."~~~•• ~ -"-••: ••••• ~~'..":'..".~=::::.:====~~ . . h iacu1ty of Kerby Elei~lentary! and Mrs, Vincent Leonard willi Consultation WithGut ObiilJat;on :reservatIOns for opemng mg t School in Kerby road. HeaZt!, Council lead the program. Co-hostesses i 2 ~ are, Judge and :\lrs. Carl :vI. I Her fiance attendeQ Detroit ~ 18050 Mack AVf: By ApPolr1tment WCldeman who WIll have the! Ins tit ute of Technology and 111eets Monday ~~s,l\~r:~f~~th;;O\~;odnow and: AN EXCITING FEATU~E FROM, ENGLANDER'S )~ Gr0~~c p...... Olntf: Phone 882.3906 :James Quellos and Dr. and Mrs. : Wayne State University, where "Social Family Education for I : Donald Shee!s as g~ests. Mr,' he affiliated with Alpha Gamma the Underpriviieged" will be i " ~ ~ :and Mrs. Leshe G. Wngley have Upsilon. The }fother's Health Council 'I~~I'~~ asked 1\1r and Mrs E R Pet of Grosse POI'nte wI'II hold I't" the topic discussed at the meet-;I S'-T DR E J ~ \. BI'JD I ' • "'. - An earlv summer wedding is ", ing of the Legislative group on i 'SALE p------~--_._--..-...... --.-~...--I tengill, of H?l!y, and, ~he Wi!- planned. . next meeting at 1 o'clock. ::\10n- Thursday, January 28. at 9:45 i ,ham E. HamlHons to JOIn lhem. ------_ ~_. day. January 25, in the Main M1D{,-W INT E R .~" ' Others with reservations are Library. o'clock at the home of l\lrs. C. i .John W. Blunt, George R. Root, LWV To Call G. Turrell, in Stephens road. I J?UR Following a b r i e f business Mrs. Edgar A. Hahn will ex .. Ray Whyte, Sylvester C, Shea, m£>eting conduded by president amine what is beine; done and i YOU MAY CUSTOM ORDER IN YOUR Harr~' S. Stahl, A. Richard On Legislators :\Jrs. William Self, program what more ean be done to up. i Stanny, Lawrence L Haller. chairman Mrs. Todd Fredericks grade the cultural background; CHOICE OF FABRIC AND FINISH AT MID- OF COURSE William Schultz and Dr. Wi!. I f :\lembers of the Grosse Pointe las arranged or a present2tion of low-income families whose i WINTER SALE PRICES AND BUDGET YOUR IE ' liam A. Lange. League of Women Voters are of evcr.present teen.age prob- cultural deficienc.:es make it, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooley are planning to see for themselves lems and their possible solu- difficult for them to take ad. PURCHASE ON ENGLANDER'S CONYEN. - - i taking advantage of the Mac- how one public assistance pro. tions. vantage of educational and em. at t"e YOU CAN ,Rae's visit and will host parties gram works and also are pre. At present, children taking ployment oPl'Ortunities. lENT uPIC.A-PLAN" "'. :on ~oth Fritlaj' and Saturday paring to pay a call on their advantag~ of the flouride treat. The Teacher Tenure act pass. fint furs e\'el11~gs. .. state legislators. ment are being treated at Ker-! ed by the last Legislatur~ will, ~!'. J aC"e't..~ , Th~lr guests on opemng nIght As part of their study of state hy. Poupard. Defer and Chris. \ also be discussed briefly. I e l t'ed'.1Cuons. WIll I~clude 1\1)'. 3!Id ~!rs, Jack welfare programs, the Grosse tian Day School by the dentists Women interested in joining i i\lerwm, the Irwm Kunerths, I PfJinte Lea"'ue members will' connected with the Council's AAUW are invited to attend . ot cOg~ee. PURC.iASES MADE :William Goodsons, Mr. and Mrs. join with ;embers of the De. i program. \ any of the study group meet. (~o, H ERITAGE I William Van Wormer, the Bur. trait League of Women Voters i :\1rs. Carl Nolte. welfare chair- ings. ;\lembership is open to. ~ny ; 1 ~ NOW PAYABLE ton Jone~ and Mr. dnd Mrs. to visit the Brewster-Douglas man, has asked for clean. usable, I woman graduate o~ a qualIfied: il Dan Schaltberger. lIou ,ing Project in Detroit on mended clothing, for distribution college or univerSIty, Prospec.'

..,~~ Saturday evening guests of Friday, January 29, from 10 to to needy school children. Her tive members may obtain addi.! MARCH 10, 1965 the Cooleys will be Mr. and Mrs. 2 o'clock. address is 84 Clairview road. tional information from mem- .~ Donald Rothang, Mr. and Mrs. Tours of the facilities will be phone 881-0582. Delegates may bership chairman Mrs. Urban SE~CnO.Nll~ George Gotshall, the Victor conducted and public assistance also bring articles and clothes Boresch, 886-4692. Radelifj'£,s, :vIr. and :\1rs, Victor and social workers. will discuss to the meeting. I ~1:RS Breidenbach ane! Mr. and Mrs. the services provided by public ------_ ' LOST CONTROL 1 :TROIT CHArRS, SOFAS LOVESEATS tl>,~ S.f. Earl Meyer. assistance programs, the in- DEFAULT Thomas Armbruster of 137~ I ------herent weaknesses in the pro. A debt of gratitude to a cer- Devonshire lost control of his .. _--- --~ ANY LENGTH BY THE INCH ! A CHOICE grams, and the needs that are tain type of people is an obli. I car on January 15 and struck The floating population finds still umnet. gation that's seldom Hquidated. I a tree in front of 748 Lakeland, FROM 3O~TO 12!r JULIE'S i it a case of sink or swim to Members interested in attend- --~--- ~ _ Warren's i survive on the sea of life. ing should contact Mrs. Jack IN THE FISHER BLDG. i ------Still. 886-1627, to make reser. THE SOLUTION vations and arrange for trans- portation. , The secret of success i.~ pr0b. Nlembers of Leagues from A rema.bbly flexible coftectfon i lematieal - it lies somewhere throughout the state will gather b¥ Heritage! YOtt meny select .. ------_-.~.~. _-_._.~.~.. ~~._-_III bI(''.\¥~~~_~r_=_al~~~_a~?~d_oi_ng__ in Lansing on Wednesday, Feb. ~ ruary J, for their annual Capi. ~ Joveseats. sofas and tol Day visit with their legisla- tors, 711r.anthony secticnaIs in 8 bm:It styles, 1b The program will get under'r _rm aad cushion styles. 2 e.xposed way with registration and cof. 1(Special Clearance and fee at 9:30 o'clock at the Jack I -oed frame styles and you may - Tar Hotel. At 10 o'clock the women will hear about the I also select from curbed or ON ALL TYPES "New Look in the Legislature." I Jam,:s Brooks of United Press l 711r. ai/ansa straight front pieces. You may International and Robert Popa I select one of four seat cushion OF YARN _ of the Detroit News, members I of the Capitol press corps, Willi filli"9S and one of three bod meet with the women at 10:30 o'clock to tell them "What to I pillow fil~n9s and any length Expect from the 1965 Legisla- NOTED 30% to ture." by the inch from 30" to 120". 75% I OFF REGULAR PRICE! All members of the Legisl?. You may have 2 exposed leg I ture have been in \'ited to join GROSSE POINTE I with the League members for a styles or 2 skirt styles and the -Inte Kn-It Shop :noon luncheon. Lt. Gov. Wi!. Grosse PO ~ i liam Milliken, the Senate Presi. HAIRSTYLISTS entire conectien adds up to a 19467 MACK AVE. TU 1-1074 dent. and House Maj0rity Lead- r: tremendous flexibility of selection ~-v---w-v--~ I er Joseph Kowalski will intro- - - - ..... ---~-- ! duel' the members of their I to satisfy your most demanding I houses to the women. I now I I .Mrs. Thomas Snelham, presi. neeos. : dent of the League of Women I at : Voters of Michigan, will take I 11he opportunity to explain about: Chairs ••• from $190 I the League and its activities to i I new members of the Legisla. ture. 50" loveseats ••• from $273 Foilowing luncheon the worn. en will observe the Legislature DAVID POINTE i 80" Sofas ••• from $399 i in session. O!~u~P~~~! ! Pre-paid registration of $3.50 I I ! should be sent to Mrs. Robert I 10% DOWN DELf'lERS••• i Jessup, 945 Lakepointe avenue" 19565 MACK AVE. TUxedo 4-6072 Roll tufted by January 23. ! . arm months to poy balance ....€'1I ().$ 1he how. 1b8 % Diamond C "'~..,d(Y ~ honj.. tuft.d hack : """"'0/ -' eszsklnt 0T'd y. ~I'''''' ';4)': goid-fo1led, OFF 1r-ec_ tax .nd.~ - exquisite cuisine cocktails

~ Botcl.r.d 11 DRESSES ROBES GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN ~ • • plain arm , Squaw t Starting February 1st , • COSTU/v\ES • SWEATERS tuft.d back ~ WE WILL BE OPEN EVERY MONDAY • LONG DRESSES • SLACKS Open Mon., - for Lu.ncheons - Dinners Thurs.. Fri.. Seat. !tiJ 9 • JEWELRY • BLOUSES Enjoy Our LUNCHEONS Served Daily One of the features, .. LONDON BROIL with Mushrooms • BORGANA and RIVOTA Taste Te"'Pfi ng N&COMPANT PRIME RIB OF BEEF MICHAEL QUATRO: CR5MTTHS COATS with baked potato at t'le Piano F&r-nlghtly 8 p.m, to 2 a,m, Br:lOg "y STERLI~G served nightly for your friends to enjoy the piano stylings of this your f'njoympl1t 30L'LEVARD fine recording artist. for dinner, snack or cocktails join your friends leOn The Hill'" .1CY.~ Houn 9; 30 (Q 5 00 PUNCH & JUDY BLOCK Call 886- 1931 3 Kerc:heval Ave., at Fisher Road We regret we cannot accept table reservations for after 7 p.m. BIRMINGHAM

.. J .. ;, Page Fourteen January 2 I, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 2', 1965 lutes Society News Gathered frolll All of the Pointes

Single Parents Holding Party ~rShow ~;~~e-~Iect View T~ Be Wed Theatre Arts Slates ~IFromA:~~~~;I:'~:~~71)of Parents .Without Partners of I profit, non-sectarian. educational Grosse Poi n t e is planning a organiza"'tion devoted to the in. Dr amaD uet Friday ~!w!;\A0:"" popular departing Consul and his wife. r;; l>choIarship fund. President Jack terest and welfare of single par. ghtKay i?%NY';" <;'::;,t:iXt'i Some 60 couples will drop in at the Marcks' bome in !\:.: Stafford, of ~foross road, re- ents and their children. }1ern------~----- 1:~:~Y;w ":::':,\(.:f':'::l Three Mile drive early this evening, to wish the Stanley . cently introduced the newly bership is open to all eligible Tea nd Mrs. John Veech Scheduled After Tomorrow's Matinee; Two One~ '.:::::f '.;;~?;;J ,V. AlIens, (he's Canadian Consul), good luck in their elected vice president, John adults in this area, who may Courtney, of Tonnancour place, come and visit an~' meeting. oril Exhibition at Act Plays, "Gray Bread" and "Xingu.":~:::% Chicago assignment. I Comprise Afternoon Program ':) Also honored will be new arrivals. French Consul w~o is in charge of the prograrn- Wanda Cyman, vice president :ompany ---._' -- _~ _- I:: ,.Jean Le Direach and German Consul Dr: Wolfram Hucke nung. in charge of children's activi- The Theatr£' Arts Club of Detroit will produce its I . and Mrs, Hucke. The Friday, January 22, meet. ties, planned a roller skati~g !.()('hmoor hou levaI'd, ing will be a large Las Vegas p~rty for m~mbers and th~Ir :-;E'C'onciprogram of the season 011 Friday. January 22, at The Huckes, incidentally, are hosting a reception in ]1:\ \,joll of \\"omcln's party, open to the public, with friends and chIldren las~ Sunday. .Ii:.lll In ... asked :\Irs. ~ o'clock in the Players Playhouse in East. Jefferson their Grand Marais boulevard home Jmuary 29, on the many merchandise prizes, cof. Regular PWP meetIngs are ,lvenue. ~-----~----- . l ~('casion of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra's viSit :!':: !11 dlaianan this fee and conversation. Members scheduled at the center on the "(;ra\' Bread" a one-act' James B Doli and Mrs. Joseph' 11 to Detroit. I an~ encouraged to come and s~cond and fourth Friday eve. . ':,_..'~ !):\ :';l()n with 8 pIa; •. \vill have' in its cast. '1;. Jt!nnings. :.; i DYC Officers' Ball I PWP, sponsored by the War Gordon Cooper's orbital flight ?nrl I .\ ,;" 11.\hl:(' proj('cts such \lilton W. Volkens and :\frs. ~rrs. Arthur H. Wrock Mrs.::; Tonight is the BIG night ai Detroit Yacht Club, ~'Iemorial C e n t e r. is a non-'. will bE shown on February 12. R Sidney Sinclair. Ralph R. Genter. Officers' Ball Night, when the receiving line forms ,at ; !--";1. il t~alning ('entcr 71 . o'clock and the dancing goes on ... and on ... ana on. : :1.1 :,':', :n northern In the ~rrond oM.art. "Xin- I In charge of costumes are : Receiving their guests will be Commodore and Mrs. I ~1I." arc :\1l':dal~H'~ Waltt'r Wil.. .:\lrs. Jesse C'. Hurley and Mrs. . W'lf d D G ., V' C d d M G I lard. Frf'r!(,rt(' SIl)Jey. Jr . .John .\Ibe.t D I' . .:t:.. " I re . memer, ICe ammo ~re an rs. eorge CHARLEVOIX rUMPI I,'"",' !'lllnte Branch \)f f; (;l'aham. Owi,ght W. Edwards.!' I I. ~d\\. Ph"';-- b Edd1 M G th J ,... \ Levette and Rear Commodore and Mrs. Duncan James, At f '1 d' M .' :':., il: \h.11 Iwo of lIs .Jr. Eldon C. Baumgarten. W.. :\lrs. G('or~(' Zeitz, at the pia. - OO} e.• c ra ,r. Grosse Pointers all. a a.mI y lOner, r. and "A Chafader Camp for Boys" " :' :'::1', :n:l)or roles in ,.... . I . Dr and :\1rs GIlbert :Mevr:.r M' fl I th f th . '11 b d Mrs. CeCil B. Jewett, Jr., of ,,;1\ If I

I Hance, son of Mrs. Samuel Eren- roses, and each of the ladies has cnosen' a gown to com- are both grad\lates of Michigan T~~ camp w!th Dude Ranch features: Riding, riflery, I~II ~ 'nJ A:.. r:..ar~ne.,' ill V/~U~e II Tl ~~II.. • ~ thaI and the late Charles Flam, plement the vivid blooms. Stat~ University, where she af. sal~lng, .tennlS, canoeing, all athletics, archery, cratts, ...... ~ '-,;t-- I is a graduate of Detroit Insti. The neckline of Mrs, Gmeiner's white crepe sheath fili~~ed with. :i Be.ta Phi and he sWlmmmg, wa'er skiing, tutoring, over-r.ight trips. A SPECIAL! 4 3 C None sold tut~. of Te~~nology, ~here h~ is trimmed in white mink. Mrs. Levette's gown, of can- affIliated WIt!;,Phl Delta Theta. mature staff of sixty . i to deolers ! affIliated wnh Tau EpsIlon PhI. dlelight beige Hong Kong silk brocade, features a fitted I --~------.0":7 ~ !joys from many states, plus foreign countries. Grosse Ilw ::.« 1 ~Cill The couple plans a September bodice and a low, scooped back. l . The Po."nle Hdwe. & lumber roo Glade I Ledyard-Holm POinte enrollment limited. Call now for an appoint- J 8 ... Inist I i 12 w('dding at the Sheraton '" • * ~ ment. .~ / has if ••• along with )0,000 other items "es~:ne( i Cadillac Hotel. M.rs. James' embossed white crepe Empire ~tyle B.~trothal Told ~! 8 i-gown IS accented by an all-over embroiderv of irrldes • Lost seoson boys from 73 cities and towns in ...' 8 Mack at Wa'yburn VA 1.5550 J;Latvyers' Wives cent beads. • 12 IMtes attended Comp Charlevoix (ill IGr= IGL:==aOC~l!n-ISl====:JliJi 1t::!::!J , Other DYC officers and their ladies who will be Mr. and Mrs. Russell Holm, of El'1 \..' ~~ .------~-~------~----,;;------.-- ..------...,I : To Meet Jan. 21 present are secretary t:t0bert H. Dodd ~nd Mrs. Dodd, Indianapolis, Ind., have an- Kenneth W. Smith 1922 Beaufait Road -., .f'.( ,': I treasurer George O. WIlson and Mrs. Wilson., fleet cap- nounced the engagement of Director.Owner TUxedo 1-0286 'L,'J\~ I tain Norbert V. T~ylor and Mrs. Taylor, fleet surgeon ~~e~o~~u~~~~~.~:ry~~e,t s~~le:;r B~'.:.. IJ__• .-1-...... ,llrlll ~ ~"'''... I The Grosse Pointe Lawy.ers' Dr Edward M G t d M G t d fl t ~ 1 t' . a es an rs. a es, an ee measurer Mr. and Mrs. WI'Ill'am Hendrl'e }-'UR Wives' second genera meemg, M i R M . "".JIO~'E'L/ -r-~:~~ :a luncheon, is to be held at the arv n . arsh and Mrs. Marsh. Ledyard, of Dyar lane. " IP7 • 1 ~ 'Alge, Ilouse 01 the G'osse DYC Dlreetors and Past Commodores will be there, The bride-elee! was graduated On thr Famous Galt Ocean Mile ~ .:~\ ; Pointe W~r Memorial on Thurs. as will Com~Od~res fr?m other ~rea Yacht Clubs. Com- from Purdue University and is l • HOTEL ROOMS • EFFICIENCIES ~ ~ [day. January 21, at 12:30 I mod ore Gmel11er s specJal guests mc1ude the John Boyles, presently attending St. Eliza- ~;. ! o'clock. M.r. an.d Mrs. Charles .Bowers, tbe Jobn Fifes, Howard beth Hospital Medical Technolo. 'I E • 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT @)" ~ PI n will be discussed for a Glfardms, Frank Gmemers, Donald Schindlers, George gy School, Laf2.yette, Ind. She "You!' Friendly Ft. Lauderdale Home" 'bene~itS luncheon scheduied W. Starks, George E. Vans and Miss Adele Wagner. is a member of Alpha Delta Pi SHOE ,'. ~t t"-f' j Thursday, February 25, at the .. ,Entertainment committee chairmen for these fes- sorority. I ii,,~ {u~S *HEATED * CONTINENTAL ; Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. tlvltIes are Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lapham. Mr. Ledya~d was graduated , Jac ....tU-. BREAKFAST i This general meeting on Jan------from Phillips Academy, attended !<. * AIR CONDITIONED (in Sea50n) i uary 21 is a most important get. ~f' G S L h the University of Michigan and BLACK & BROW,\! Formerly 37.95 -reductions. NEWLY DECORATED d' 1" liSle roup ets unc eon was graduated fI"Om Wa"--s.h ,together. Reservation dea Ime Ud POOL Genuine Alligator 85 {>t eo.sttl!. ., * * CLOSE TO EVERYTHING ------College and Purdue University, NOW $26 .el. 2~oooooo~ooooQ~~~ : is January 16. . The Auxiliary of the Detroit I of the Auxiliary, has appointed where he earned his Masters de- .. *TV N. OCEAN SLV::>. ~ . ~, ~ 3801 Mail checks and reservations I Women's Symphony Orchestra Mrs. La..vrence McKinney as g'ree in &onomics. He is cur- BLACK & BROW,'\I Formerly 32.95 ~ FT. LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA I to Mrs. Anthony Vermeulen, 7161 is sponsoring a gourmet lunch- chairman of the luncheon. As- rently teaching at Purdue while iJ .j MAID SERVICE 85 * 12 will his 566-4376 i Balfour Grosse Pointe Michi. eon to be held at o'clock, sisting her be: Mrs, Nor- he works toward Doctorate . Genuine Lizard NOW $23 ~~ ~ 0 0 0 000 llllllllllllll !Ill 0 0 ISn \gan 48230. ' Wednesday, J a n u a r y 27, at bert Bittrich, Mrs. William He is the gl'eat-great-great- 0 16906 of iI":" -. -~.~~~----..-- -- - .....- -- -..,------~ _.------._-~~'~-'------H s pit a lit y Center, Chester, Miss Arline Closson, grandson General Lewis Cass, Formerly 22.95 ~ Kercheval. Mrs. Robert ?rossen, Mr~.. Ed- territorial governor of Mich~ 85 . Ch 't d V' S k 11 ward P. Frollch. Mrs. Wllham igan Central Railroad and Alligator Calfs . NOW $13 2 OUTSTANDING GROSSE POINTE an y e ICq ucze. we - Heller Mrs Kurt KeYdel and ' fliRS / Known authority and lecturer M ' .: grandson of Mrs. John R. Odell, TROIT it t. 1 f d '11 b rs. Leste. McIntosh. Reserva- 8 member of the Livingstone I I t~'1/ Slit. HOME OFFERINGS on n err.a lOna 00 s. WI e tions may be made by calling' . " I ALL OTHER DARK ._--- .. I in charge of the program which. I family. well known m MichIgan I shE' has titled "The Cordon Mrs. McKmnEY at 821.049~. Ibanking and shipping circles. Bleu Cuisine." Following a ., STREET and DRESS SHOES brief discussion, Mrs, Suczek I ; Formerly 85 will demonstrate the menu in 1 ,r: to 24.95 $13 preparation. i' .PlJDLIC SALES , i I The purpose of the Auxiliary;; Not an Auction-All Items Priced is to promote interest and I.icket sales for the Women's' ; I SPECIAL GROUP Symphony. The second concert of the season will be held Sun- Household Furnishings Cobblers and Other Casuals day. February 14. at 8 p,m. in Community Arts Auditorium, $885 Wayne State University, featur- Estate of Mary M. PoUer I ing Jane Hershon, soprano, as 1015 Bedford all :-;ales final-No Phone C'J./I.s Please guest artist. Grosse Pointe Park Mrs. John Defever, president Additions WRLTOn.PleRCE BOTTOMLESS PIT SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, FROM 10 A.M. kERCHI\'J.t, AT ST. CLAlk GROSSI POIl,n, CHARMING, DELIGHTFUL ANi> A PRESTIGE ADDRESS :\oIaster one course in the school of experience and it OPEN SUNDAY, 2-5 quickly cooks up a new one. SALES CONDUCTED BY 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, lib,ary, terrific Mutschler kitchen with every possible H. O. McNierney, Stalker & 800s, Inc•. conven fence and facd ,tv' breakfast nook, large terrace, brick walled land- WORTHLESS , , , Appraisel' 424 Book Building ,>caped grounjs, air conditioning throughout and the best of everything. Priced The rights you insis-ted on Quaker Ml.}id to move fast. having on the highway don't I WOodward 1.9085 (@): mean much at your last rites. . QUALITY KITCHENS •••• )0"' ••••• ,...~:.-". .. ~-.,. ••• ..,;""~-r:;~ ,.: -IJ!'••-.~.." ~, ' .- , ••••. ~.-.:."""':-.:•. '::••:,'1 •.;•••. vr '7~ A Thiel. CUltom Built kitchen is of the finest quality home .~ - ',:: equipment you COft buy. Designed to your needs, color .nd ~..... - the ultimate in convenience yet ,. :..--.... r~! DRASTIC " COSTS NO MORE Features of Tltis REDUCTION Quaker "11',,~11"?,1 Maid J{i'cfteK SALE STIll Include, Tray Storage IN PROGRESS.' ~;;\~"';fI;~' ., ..•~-Ronge Drawer Adiustabfe Sh.lvtf 20 Natural final markdowns Wood' finishes taken on weH C1.~ the hotIr. the '~ .[:::~/' FRESH NEW IDEAS r O"'"'~,ic .. ~ hond- ATTRACTIVE EARLY AMERICAN many items ... w'"lIOl.'~ Ot'd On lar>:,e cor,ler site ..-120'x 120' in size. Has 3 bedrooms (one with dressing {'. ~,-•• 4l:: goio-~, This NEW Multi-Storage ;oom ~~d bath), 2 additional baths, library or 4th bedroom, family room with Fec.lQl(~~ • BRAS, final sale QUAKER M A 'D Cabinet bar a'ld fireplace; games room; gas heat, and considerable carpet. THE PR.ICE 51 has beautiful full-length IS RIGH1' Many Strapless in Group panel doors, unfold at the touch of the hand to trans- IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? • STRAPLESS TORSOLETTE and form them into spacious 8usinec;s has been unusually good and the demal'\d for LONG LINE BRAS 5399 Valu •• to shelves of every shape and homes greatly exceeds the supply. If your home is for $12.50 sale and competitively priced, we can sell it for you size for all your package fast. See us at once w!-'de 'this actually cf)ntinues. • CLOSEOUT GROUP goods . SELLINC HOMES IS OUR BUSINESS OPEN WEEKDAYS 8 TILL 6 FOUNDATIONS and' GIRDLES 99 Values to ,- 58 $25.00 Call for Evening and Sunday Appointment COME IN AND SEE OUR LARGE .11 ..... ("' ... "", &COM1>ANT '~T, DISPLAY OF COMPLETE KITCHENS ,f,y " FREE ESTIMATE ...... U!'" TO 5 YRS. TO PAY , R'MJTH~ Wt Specialize in "II Types of 'y STERLI~G ~-.-(~;~)- ...... -I-Ill!-I! .-,-, ,-.,.-I;ri ALL SALES FINAL HOME MODERNIZATION )Ol"LEVARD • • ..L TO. • HOURS: 9:30 to 5 :30 Additions, Family Rooms, Attics, Etc. Oft Hour~ ().'O to S. 00 82 Kercfleval-"On The Hill" 371 Fisher Road THIELE (ONSTRUUION & SUPPLY CO. TU 4.0600 Grosse Pointe 3D, Mich. 24155 Little Mack and Stephens PR 5-2325 Betw.en 9 oncl 10 Mil. Rei,.


(-- .. r r • • - A a a 2 g a..z _ . ry 21, 1965 Thursday, January 21, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen tes Woman-'s Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women Party sands of Detroit...area families tragically victimized by the de- Church Guilds Ensign Dossin ,,1',,1:' f'ducational June Bride Bridge Club ListsWinners ~\"!"ri to the in- Ucs WOmen Mark pression. ;1:-(' OJ ~ins:lf' par. Plan Meetirtgs To Claim Bride a - h A - Participating in this fClunding Grosse Pointe Me m 0 ria I Mr. and Mrs. John :McAlpine. - ,'1:1drf'n \tem- group were twenty-five prom i- Bridge Club winners have been January 11: North and South, The night guilds of S1. Mich- II - al! Pil;::l!)1!' ThIrt Iet I announced. Vdma Dodd and Lillian Duane; Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Mor- nn ve rs ael's Episcopal church will meet l',1 a ~~~:_kn:~~eriro~~IU:~~:ter:u~~ !I: who may ry December 21 - North and Patricia Edmunds and Elsa Red- timore, of Cary, Ill., have an. a:1Y mf'eting. at 8 o'clock Monday, January s S Mrs. Standish Backus, Mrs. South, Kay Stough and Con. daway. nounced the engagement. of ome even Hundred Men and Women Expected to Charles T. li'isher, Mrs. Edsel 25, their daughter, Mary Jane, to '1 '. :'.'f' prpsidf'nt stance Gibbs; Elsa Reddaw8) East and West; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Wilson will invite Ernest J. Dossin, III, Ensign, l'~ddrl'i~'S actl\'j- Attend Committee's February 1 Birthday Ford. Mrs. J. Dwyer Kinnucan, and Marian Johnston. Frank Nelson: Jessica Hansen a ro~lt'r skalIn": P t L h . Mrs. Longyear Palmer, Mrs. members of St. Agnes guild to USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. East and West, Margaret and Mary De Poorter. 1]:)"r, ,md thf'ir ar y unc eon at MaSOniC Temple Joseph Schlotman, Mrs. Gerard her home in Brents court. Her I Ernest J. Dossin, of :North Ox- Klock and Martha Park; Mary January 13: North and South, 'lr('n 1:l,,~ Sunday. ------R. Slattery and Mts. James co-hostess is Mrs. Peter Gro- ford road. schner. De Poorter and Ellen Walrond. Nell Pethick and Ellen Wal- 'r 'TI('f't lng'S an' . Whe~ the Women's Committee of United Commu- Watkins. Many of the founders Miss Mortimore will be gradu- 1(' Cr;]!rf on thf> mty SerVIces (UCS) r.elebrates its 30th anniversary on are still active with the commit- St. Hilda guild will meet with December 23 - North and rond; Mary Wood and Dr. John ated from Valparaiso Univer- South, Jackie Moussiaux and Cobane. :1rln Frida\" ('\'p. M.onday, February 1, several well-known Grosse Pointers tee. Mrs. C. Arthur Windsor, of sity, Valparaiso, Ind., in .June. :nonth from Srp- WIll have key roles. As the women soEeited dona- Fisher road. Her assistant is Albert Boelens; Betty Tuer and East and West: ~r, and Mrs. Ensign Dossin, a graduate of l I~- Earl Gurnack. IVlaurice Vandenhel.'

The Women's Guild of St. James Lutheran Church will hold its next circle meetings on ~AS Monday, January 25. The afternoon circles will meet at the homes of the fol- lowing hostesses at 12:30 o'clock: Martha-Mrs. Franklin Quale, of Harvard road; Sarah-Mrs. Thomas Ketchum, of Grayton road; - Mary-Mrs. Erwin Stoet- zer, of McKinley avenue; Esthcr -Mrs. Bernard Beierla, of Rad- nor circle; Ruth-Mrs. Kenneth Michel, of Touraine road. The following evening circles When you wish to buy or sell resi- will meet at 8 o'clock on, Mon. d~ntial pr~perty in the Grosse Pointes, day: thiS experIenced group of specialists Lydia-at the church with fully qualified to counsel with you and Miss Anna Horvath as hostess; handle every detail of your transaction offer you an exceptional service. ' nenl Miriam-Mrs. Albert Schweit. • THE RIGHT HOME • THE RIGHT PLACE • THE RIGHT PRice A continuing demand from buyers zer, of Bedford road; Dorcas- facilitates sales ••• II wid. selection of .' at the church with Mrs. Doug- A wealth of current, accurate and helpful information i. quickly listings facilita_ your finding the available to you from our extensive record •••• you .. las Graham as hostess. we invite 'CHENS home you seek. call on us. RS. TO PAY Tuesday evening, January 26, at 8 o'clock, the Elizabeth Cir- cle will meet at the home of tc. Mrs. John Collins, in Neff road. The topic of discussion for r (0. most of the groups will be a ninety kercheval avenue on the hill telephone 884-6200 resume of the booklet, "The R 5-2325 True Function of a Christian grosse pointe farms, michigan ...8236 area 313 Church," authored by' John Heuss.

"':... r r. sa ca a p co co _...._-.1------..--.-----....----- ....------

Pagt Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 2 I, 1965 Thurs Society News Gathered froID All of the Pointes Meet to Plan rh Parents Night Slated To Marry Paray Returns COUNT.DOWN TIME.BOMB DBC Luneheon It takes a chairt of circum. There's more power in kind. To Symphony stances to show up the weak ness that TNT - it just takes Dr link in a man's character. Spring is in the air • • • at longer to develop it. At GPHS February 9 least, it's in the minds of a Tea S Detroit Boat Club committee Paul Paray, conductor-emeri. who meet today b the Tonnan. tus of The Detroit Symphony YOUR AI S d F I W II B S b. f S 1_' T Ik Cour place bome of Mrs. Earl Orchestra, has returned from "Why tu en'ts ai" i e u lect 0 pealter saG. Meyer to begin planning for his native France to conduct the WANTED! to Sento:- Hic,h School Students! Mothers and Fathers the club's annual Mother-Daugh- i Orchestra in an all-orchestral 'r .. ------ter luncheon. program at 8:30 o'clock Thurs. V{omen's Clothes -;('(()nl Dr. J.ames H. Ro~ertson, Associate Dean of the ~oI- Thinking in terms of May. day, January 21. and Saturday, Classi~ ~ 0'('1 lege of LIterature, ScIeD~e and the Arts, and AssocIate poles and spring flowers are January 23, at Ford Auditorium. Is TuCSl Professor of English, University of Michigan, will be chairman Mrs. Meyer, assisted for all n JH'l\\l W 0 r k s to be performed is .. t ;: guest speakH for Parents Night, sponsored by the Moth- I by Mrs. Roy Jenkins, Mrs. AI- include Chabrier's Gwendolyn copyanc ers Club of the Grosse Pointe High School. Ian A. Neef and Mrs. Frank suggeste4 ;:1:1\ , Overture, Brahms' Symphony T t 'II b h Id n --~----. ~---~ W. Hausemann, Jr. No.2, Faure's Pavanne. and copy be: \11'" he even Wl ~ e ~ Fashion show arrE:ngements fice by 1\ February 9 at 8 0 clock In ed in the East. are being handled by Mrs. Rob- Moussorgsky's Pictures at an \1 i1t () Exhibition. the High S c h 0 0 I Audito- ~arents trying .to help, their I ert Palmer and Mrs. John M. R ~l rium. chIldren ~ompet~ In today s .edu- Fitzgerald. Paray is making his second Ch~rge A 1'1 The subject of Dr. Robert- ~ated SOCIe!ywl~l be e~peclally Working on decorations and ,guest appearance with the Orch- OPEN IOe eo( :u son's talk, "Why Students Fail," Imteresteti In this evemng pro- favors ~re Mrs. Emil Traum, estra since he became conduc- 10-5 'arr!. is expected to bring parents of I gram. Mrs. OlIver Frey. Mrs. Fred tor-emeritus at the end of the I; (;:. Grosse Pointe High SChool stu.1 Mrs. J~es Lai~ of the Moth. Flom. Mr~. Kenneth Locke! ~rs. 1962-63 season. Since that time, lr, I TUX dents and elsewhere out in J ers Club Is chaIrman for the Henry RUlfrok and Mrs. WIlham Paray has conducted extensive- nil\ !( hundreds. program. H. Bundesen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bai-I At a recent family dinner, ly in Europe. He was regular 3 Fr,ln~ Dr. Robertson, a Bachelor of _ _ ley, of Brys drive, are announc- Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Benkert, conductor of The Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra from 1952 until LINE Th Science from New York Um- A.."m McCRACKEN, a fresh- Millinery Fur ~ng the engagement of their of Moran road, announced the daughter, MARION LUCILLE, to engagement of their daughter, 1963. iJ1.onogramming, Embroidery, Hemming CUNNINGH R t't' versity with a M,t8ter of Arts man at Hanover College, Han- '. John Critton Bell, son of Mr. CAMILLA ELEANOR, to Wil- Sixten Ehrling, the present ~ _ 18941 Kerc and a Doctor of Philosophy de- over, Ind., has been pledged to Classes Slated TU5-_ gree from the University of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. and Mrs. John T. Bell, of AI- liam L. Brisley, son of Mr. and regular conductor of the Orches- Michigan. has researched this She is the daughter of MR. and gonac. Mich. Mrs. Robert G. Brisley, o,f tra, will spend the month mak. HARKNESS Miss Bailey is a graduate of Detroit. subject area. Some of his find. MRS. H.O. McCRACKEN, of An opportunity to create her ing guest appearances in the 20313 Mack ings have already been publish- Goethe avenue. TU 4.3100 own chapeau under the expert Grosse Pointe .High School and The bride-elect was graduated United States and abroad while guidanc<> of a well known mil. attended Ferns. State Coll~ge from St. Paul's High School and Paray is conducting in Detroit. NEWS 8 • Ehrling will also conduct the ~.':, NEIN- - - • • • ,..; liner is offered to women of the wh~re Mr: .Bell IS. a marketm~ st. Joseph School of Practical DOWNTOW~ major, affIlIat~d WIth Alpha PhI Nursing, l\U. Clemens, Mich. Her London Symphon~ in recording Grand Cirel Grosse Pointe area. Majestic BII (;ar Need Serviee? Mrs. Jenny Carradus will in- Omega fratermtX' . fiance is a graduate of St. Am- sessions during t.lat time. ~ \' and deficious J A June weddIng IS planned. brose High School. struct two classes in Millinery E. J EFFERSOI for the Department of Com- Alden Park Call for Free Pick-up and Delivery An August wedding is plan- Two Ski Clubs and VanD munity Services of the Grosse Village Garden ned. Camerons ( Pointe Public School System. Schedule Trips & Jeff, l\'1rs. Carradus has been a cus- Club To Meet Park Dl"'.lgs LA 6-3000 tom designer in New York and St. Paul Dads GROSSE POll' Detroit for many years, and has Now is the time to ski if you CHOOSE YOUR NEW '65 BUICK NOW! The January meeting of the Miller Phar cOnducted classes in Detroit and To Give Party are going to do it this season Kercheval We Also Have A Fine Selection of Good Used Ca.... and the metropolitan area as Village Garden Club is sched- and Grosse Pointe's two ski Sul1van Ph uled tomorrow, Friday, at the and Kerch well as Grosse Pointe for the clubs, one for adults and the Louis Party past 10 years. Under her guid- Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. The traditional St. Paul All. Ski Hi Club for young people, AsSisting the hostess, Mrs. Parish Dinner-Dance will be Egg noodles ~nd layers TOlD Taylor Bui~k ance and instruction her stu- are scheduling trips to take WITH MEAT SAUCE GROSSE POIr- dents complete stylized mil. Walter E. Simmons, will be co- presented this year in the Crys- care of everyone. of Ricotta and Mozzarella Kopp'. P!u&1 Kercheval 13033 Gratiot LA 6-3000 linery which would do credit hotesses Mrs. Walter Guier, tal Ballroom of the Whittier cheese exquisitely Hotel. Saturday evening, Feb- Operating from the Grossl:: An authentic Cunningham to any of the finer salons. Mrs. William Scott and Mrs. Pointe War Memorial these blended in a tomato and Kerch 4 Blks. Below 6 Mile Road Taylor Seeber. ruary 6, beginning at 7 o'clock. Notre DamE A morning class will meet on groups offer ,'ound trip char- sauce rich with meat and Italian specialty Dame and Wednesdays, and an evening Members of the S1. Paul Dads - : The program on conservation ter bus transportation to the spices. It's delicious! class on Thursdays. Reserva- Club. booster organization for GROSSE POIN will be a book review of Secre- slopes and special package rates \.... tions must be mad£>in advance. tary of the Interior St2wart S1. Paul School athletic pro- for accommodations, and spe. Trail PhaI1I grams. will again sponsor the the Hill Practice Another course for the style Udall's "Quiet Crisis," given cial tow and lift rates where Farms DruS conscious woman is Fur Styling by Mrs. Alice ShePard. annual event, a pre-Lenten possible. Kercheval and Remodeling. With an old highlight of the social season Now in ScheUlers Dl for S1. Paul parishioners and The Grosse Pointe Ski Hi Maumee fur coat and the know-how of Club co-sponsored by the Grosse frozen food K1nJle1 Drug! I Mrs. Reggy Wyatt. the instruc- their friends. Road Church Women Pointe Memorial and The Neigh- Wood's Drug ter, students turn out jackets, A social hour will commence Counters borhood Club. offers a trip to Bournemou GOLF stoles, boas, handbags, hats _ at '7 followed by dinner at 8:15 at quality food To Seat Officers Mt. Brighton this Saturday, you name it! Mrs. Wyatt has 9;30. GROSSE PO/N' and dancing from This January 23. Buses will leave the been instructing this course in stores Grosae PoInt Indoors Installation of officers will be year's dinner.dance will feature Center, 32 Lake Shore at 8 a.m. and Buntin, Grosse Pointe and Detroit to on the agenda for'the 8 o'clock a S1. Valentine's Day motif in returning by 6 p.m. All day Harkness Ph hundreds of women who find it Lochmoor the decoration scheme. PREPARED BY CHEFS OF Boward John GROUP LESSONS not only practical but fun to January 26 meeting of the Eve- tow fees, ski insurance and ning Group of Grosse Pointe The party is being arranged round trip transportation are ~l1Ie hexpensive Small Groups create a new fur from a previ. under the general chairmanship fNi"ERNATIONAll Y FAMOUS MARIO'S RESTAURANT Goronflo. Mac ously unuseable fur. Memorial Church Women's As- offered for $4.50 for ski club Arnold'. OTUj sociation. of Anthony H. Delsener, as- members. Guests are $1 more. thorne Two classes are scheduled, sisted by Lou Sandlebach as Bob's Drugs. I ~ one to meet in the morning Speaker for the evening will Group lessons are available for be Glenn Coulter, who will show co-chairman. 50 cents, equipment rental for ~ JERRY'S- INDOUR GOtJF and the second in the afternoon, DETROIT AREJ his O:.l t s ta n din g slides on. Benefits from the annual $2. Briggs Drua 22704 HARPER > both on Fridays. Advance reser. "Stained Glass Windows." dinner-dance will be used for TOuraine vation for this class, too. Call The adult Grosse Pointe Ski Rands Med\ca Hostesses will be Miss Alta tlw St. Paul School athletic Mack and 1 4 BLKS. SO. OF 9 MI. PR 6-9285 the Department of Community Club is going to Collingwood, Gray, Miss Lucy Seeley and programs, both grade and high Ontario, for a weekend of ski- Blue Croft D, Services at TUxedo 5.3808 or Miss Anne Seeley. school. Blue H11J Pti TUxedo 5-0271. ing leaving Friday, January 22, Blue Wll Tickets are $10 per person, Devonshinl J at 6 p.m. and returning to the Devonsb1re and attendance is limited to Center at 11 p.m. Sunday, Janu. L & L Pharm 200 couples. Tickets may be ob- robafteld ary 24. The group will stzy at Cololl,Y PMteD' tained by calling Chauncey Di- the Dorchester Hotel and ski Mack Laura, at TU 2-7277, and table at Blue Mountain. The cost for This is the wine to serve ... when reservations may be made by members is $34. Guests may lA-PERSOII calling Dr. John Koerber, at sign up for $2 more. I TU 5-2350. Anyone wishing to go on ENGAGED? D ACCOMPLISHMENTS either of these trips should youwant yourgoodtaste to show contact the Grosse Pointe War select GrossI In the final analysis it's the Memorial immediately. candids ... AND results that COU!)t- not €a.k Cream Shlrry eaters to the whims of discriminating tas'les. Little wonder. big, color, or spa plans or broken promises. white. Jack STEPPING STONE Ca.k Cream Sherry II • full bodied, amber.gold wine, rich in rare fragrance. 44852. and filled with a nut-sweet flavor all its own. And Cask Cream Sherry is so fit .. Good t~rminal facilities are a The ties of friendship start to GALOSHES must if a public speaker wishes tingly "right" for so many pleas. ant occasions. You'll f~nd this slip the minute a man begins to be a success. 2A-MUSIC~ . superb-tasting sherry especially delightful between meals, or in pulling on them. i INSTRlJ 6ett ng the mood for after. dinner cordiaiity. Ask for Cask Cream ~helTVIJ your 1avorilt liquor store. tavern, or lupermarkel- SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES PUNCH ). FOR OVER Y2 CENTURY MUSIC OFF Piano, gu Every style 01 Fene. acco Guitar Rente; erected lor yOU 15 KE TU 2-5720 WA.1-6282 Grosse Pc lnrlUdlDI TU 4-4440 Ch.~in Lift. AII.St@el ar.d Rustic Sty'es PIANO. organ. Pre-school t sity level. Wal Colonial Ct. ] 16914 Kercheval Ave. MEHLEfJBACI:ER FENCE CO. 10403 HARPER IllXlE BOYKIJ RESIDENTIAL. INDUSTRIAL piano teacher Conservatory tute of Music Beginners am dents. Studio. Grosse Point~ VA 2-9464. ACCREDITED D.I.M.A. g r a Kirby met h through collegl 886-3094.

TH DUNNING PIANO and BRIGGS Mm 15 Kercheval-P LOWREY Building. ORGANS Grosse Priced front Teacher: MILI TUxedo $495 2B-TUTORIN FOR FAMILY FUN ALL ELEMENT, You can't beat LOWREY. ,Even though you have never hod and remedial j any mU.;ical training whatever, WE CAN TEACH YOU TO Board of Edw PLAY IN ONE EASY LESSON. Enjoy the Lowrey Organ in your 4-4323 after 4 home for a free 3 day trial . . • YOu Owe us nothing but 0 CASK chance to show the whcle family how to have fun together, BRIDGE taught i without TV! in my home CREAM SHERRY CLEARANCE 885-S341. USED ORGANS PRIVATE T - WINE • Lowrey 2 Manull IN • Ba'dwln Spinet f ..om • Estey ,"ortable YOUR OW • 511".rto". Chord All subjects; al ~ • MaS:1lton. Chord • Special CHURCH ORGAN ults and chiIdr BOTH STORES OPEN SUNDAY 1.5 teachers. Call DETROIT BIRMINGHAM DETROIT AND 5510 WoocIWDni SlIiI.".,..B 115 S. Woodward TR 3.'B~O ,IV~. MI 7.1177 TUTORING E.... Mon. thrv Fri. Eves. Mon. & Fri. KE 7'"

I y, January 21, 1965 Thursday, January 21, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen intes

TPIE.R(nrn '.;Crt,'.' n<,rl' /lower in kind- I I " that T:\T - It just takes 'E"r t(l dE"':e!o;. It

YOUR AD CAN IE CHARGED ED! Thl'ee Trunk Lil'ies To Serve You QuIckly CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Tllree Trunk Lines To Serve You QAtckly DEADLINE 12. NOON TUESDAY 28- TUTORING IS-SJ,TUATION WANTED 6-.FOR RENT 8-ARTICLES FORSALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FORSALE 8-ARTICLES FOI SALE omen's Clothes Clossijied Deadline U~FURNISHED --- MARRIED college .-;ophomore IF YOU'LL NAME the job you WANTED FOR THE FINEST IN RESALE MASON & HAMLIN g r aDd III T".Jesday noon, 12 p.m .• ANTIQUES Slgnrr.ent for Resale will tutor junior and senior want done I'll do it! VA On Consignment for Resale. CLOTHING FOR THE piano, walnut. Perfect for for all new copy, changes of HARCOURT, attractive duplex. 'of S('lIm~ Price is high school student. VAlley 4-9172. Children's, men's and women's FAMILY OF serious music ~dent. TUxedo c.opy and cancellations. It ts Three bedrooms, two and one- rs '1'/IThtn 3 Days 4-4593. clothing; must be cleaned and Many originals. Large selectlon THE 1-1020. suggested that all real estate NURSING - Hospital experi. half baths. Family room. Carpet- pressed. ALSO household appli- of children's wear. copy be submitted to our of. er.ce, training. 835.1509. ing. $325 month. WAGGIN' TONGUE COMMUNITY ances. Will pick up. Items taken on consignment. BASEMENT SALE !ice by Monday ~ p.rn. C00K, permanent or tempo- MAXON BROTHERS I THE BARGAIN BOX LEE'S FASHION MART COl.JNTRY FURNITURE Furniture, dishes, miscellane. TUTORING SERVICE rary. Will travel. References. TU 2-6000 25819 HaTper, 4 blks. north of 20339 Mack TU 1-8082 ACCESSORIES ous.. 11 to 5. Friday. Saturday. Telephone 898-3484. Che-rge Ads- 12 words for $ I.00 MRS. LOU!S MARICK DIREC- 10 Mile. 771-2850. 10 to 5 Daily - Fri. 'm 9 20933 Harper Tues.-Sat. 71 Fairford. BEAUFAIT RD.-Lovely 3 bed. IOc each additionol word TOR Tutoring by degree teach- MATURE baby sitter, my home Near 8 Mile 11-4 ,~ room Colonial, carpeted, den, STEIl'rN AY piano. Excellent ers available in all subjects for or yours, evenings, weekends. WE BUY-SELL-TRADE 881-4090 3 YOUNG men's sPorts jackets. Coli grades hIgh school, college and dining room, 2 car garage. GUNS condition. TUxedo 5-0695. .~ Grosse Poi n t e references. A v ail a b 1e February 1st. - size 36-38. Navy blazer, gray adult education. VAlley 1-3367. Reloading equipment and com- FIREPLACE seasoned hardwood, tweed, India print, $8 each. TUXEDO 2-6900 Adults. No pet!. ~O. PR 33" Merriweather ponents. SCope and Sight !n- delivered and placoo. Don Womens' dresses, 12-14. Red k. near 3 Mile Dr. 2-0931. 3 T~unk Lines Grosse Pointe Farm. COMPETENT practical n u r s e stallatlllD8. Stock fitting and Buyin~ a Used Piano? Spens. New Baltimore. RAy- cashmere coat $15. Kenmore availabl", Thoroughly experi- complete gunsmithing. BEr-ORE YOU DO, 60 LINER STATIONS NEFF LANE - 2-bedroom, air mond 5-0056. mangle $10. TUxedo 1-5642. TUxedo 4-2B20 enced. ED. 1-2108. conditioned fully carpeted, BROWNING & WINCHES'rnR ASK CUNNINGHAM DRUGS OPENINGS FOR rEACHERS SALES &. SERVICE IS IT CLEAN? ROCK SALT and ammonia sul- BABY furniture baby clothes. ()idrr~'. Hrmming PORTER or handy man with 26 feet of closets, private 18941 Kercheval at Notre Dame GUN AND TACKLE SHOP WAS IT MOTH PROOFED? phate for icy walks and drives. I 702 Westcheste'r. TU ~-96li8 references. 821.0178. basement. No children, no We deliver. TUxedo 4-6576. I TYPEWR.ITING or shorthand pets. $160. TUxedo 4--3207. HAS IT BEEN REGULATED? HARKNESS PHARMACY individually taught in my B. McDANIEL CO. IS IT SCRATCH-FREE? KNITTERS - Assemble. block. JANITOR SERVICE GUITAR and Drum Warehouse' finish sweaters shorten kDit- 20313 Mack Ave. at Lochmoor home. Reasonable. 885-5341. 957 HARCOURT-Lower Flat in IS THERE A MATCHING 0ffke cleaning, floor mainten- 15102 KERCHEVAL JOust remove before mventory ted dresses. re2~able. quick. TU 4-3100 excellent condition. 2 bed- BENCH? ance, clf'aning, waxing, buffing. Cor. Maryland VA 1008200 guitar; and drums. Lowest TUxedo 4-4677. rooms, 2 garages &: only 3 NEWS SALES STATIONS 3-l0ST AND FOUND 10 years experience, excellent WILL YOU GET FREE prices ever. Several used " doors from bus. $185. SOFA, green, grey slipcovers. DELIVERY? DOWNTOWN AREA references. I service Grosse drum sets. Gibson and Fender ENCYCLOPEDIA B r 1 tan mea, NEW- I LOST, charm bracelet, copper- TAPPAN B84~200 Excellent condition Reason- IS 1'.•.' GUARANTEED? Grand ClrClIS Park News Stand Pointe's leading Rul Estate guitars, and others from com~l~te edition, 1~7, good :V1a)estlcBldg. News Stand tone color, lost in Grosse able. TUxedo 2-8048. I Brokers' offices who can and Then check the following $14.95. Fender electric ,mitar condltwn. Reasonable. TUxedo Pointe high ..chool. Great per- DUPLEX, Neff - 2 bedrooms. nd delicious! will highly recommend me. values . . . each includes all $99. 0- , 4-0935. E. JE~FERSON TO CITY LIMITS Near transportation. Garage. SQUIRREL jacket, 3 wiD:ter: the above and more. sonal sentimental value to EVANS, 923-2967. Alden Park Manor, E. Jeiferson Available February 1. Adults, coats, formal dresses, ladies BALDWIN GRAND Ebony and VanDyke owner. Reward. TUxedo 1- MUSIC CENTER Camero'1S Gift Shop. WByburn 5975. SA-SITUATIONS no pets. 884-7238. gray spring suit, size 14. ACROSONIC Recital used 22933 Gratiot near 9 VIRGINIA'S & Jeff. Other items. TUxedo 2.8048. MASON & HAMLIN, Mint condo Hours 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily P;trk Drugs, C1tyLlmltll LOST: Generous reward for WANTED !Domest;c) AntC .TREASURES ~ COUNTRY CABLE.NELSON GROSSE PO,NTE PARK I small tapes~ry purse and. "on- W 0 MAN, eXJ:lerienced, g?od CLUB RUMMAGE SALE French walnut 10:30 - 5 Daily We buy and sell ~.lller Pharmacy, Wayburn and 1 tents. Senttmental va J. u e. referenc\:s, WI she s cookmg, MANOR I;EAVING TOWN STUDIO Ul'RIGHTS , VALERIE, Inc. Kercheval Grosse Pointe area. 881-9772. I s e r vi n g, semi-invalid care. Spacious and luxurious 2- 176 MUIr TlJ 5-5710 Choose fr(lm 3 A collector's beautiful Chinese 17904 Mack 884-6313 su~~anKerc~~~:fY' Be.coNfied i Steady. One Qr two in family. bedroom apartments. From COMPLETE dark room outfit: STEINWA Y LOUIS XV antique Ming vase is the p''U ,or ome, er. '. Howard Johll3ons. Mack an.. 8- por, mOIS. TUxedo 4.7980 pe e n. 7 p.m., MI 7-3437. Thank you. brba}lded dWOOI dra..."tmg Mae -~-- • WIDOW wishes baby sitting, rug,. Goron!lo. Mack and AnIta AGGRESSIVE young man to sell evenings: also ironing in my LOVELY 4.bedroom, 2 bath, WIGLE'S ART SHOP ta e an stool, Vietnamese '1-\~iO'S RESTAURANT Arnold'. Drug, Mack and Haw- sewing machines No canvas- home. Mrs. Connie Franklin, . family room, games room, paintings. TUxedo 4--6930. thorne '.. . 8100 Kercheval WA 2-5165 ESTATES bought and lold. 571 Manistique, 824-3464. garage. TUxedo 4.6361 after What Makes Sammy Run? Complete or odd pieces. ROPER 30" ik Bob's Drugs. Mack and Roslyn smg. Bona-fide leads only. Car Restoration Specialist An. gas range, l' e new. necessary. Will train. Good 5 p.m. Valerie's January Sale of Sales ti.ques, silver, china. furni- temperature control burner, Everything marked down for DETROIT AREA money. :'vIr. Jay, SL 5.7870. 58-EMPLOYMENT ture, Oriental rugs. Hugh C. $100; year old 12413 avocado ""K~£~~""-" BrlUs D.ug Store. Mack and BUREAU 6A-FOR RENT our wonderful customers, an- Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO wool carpet, pad, $75. TUx- : ."(ft'''/~ : '{?/ .~":-_.... Touraine PRACTICAL nurse to live in. __ ALSO AT WIGLES ..• (F..rnished) I tique jewelry included. Some 6-2500. edo 5-0019...... -..lob ... R\~~~k :\~e~Jca~o~~lce Pharmacy, Must be able to cook and THE EFFIClENT WORKERS decorators pieces from models . BIlle Cr-.>llSDrugll. Mack and Neff drive for 1 person. Rp.cent EMPLOYMENT 'AGENCY TWO BEDROOM home, 2.car FOR SALE Blue Hill Pharmacy. Mack and RENT a new piano or organ $2 FRIGIDAmE electric stove, 30", garage. Near schools, shop- Extraordinary selection of fully Blue Hill references. TUxedo 1-9579. Specializes in fa s t domestic We Buy, Sell, Trade, settle weekly. Free deliv'.ry for limit. automatic t i mer, excellent Devonshire Drua:~, Mack and service. We are offering live- ping and churches. St. Clair I :mthenticated rare masterpieces .", Devonshire Estates. ed time. con d i t ion, $75. TUxedo Shores. Security deposit. PR including works by Whistler, t~~"~ L & L Pharmacy. Maek and Bea. 4A-HElP WANTED in jobs in better homes with 1-0166. 1-2510; after 6 p.m., 772-4871. Thomas, Gainsborough, Aert van MUSIC CENTER , J C~~~nel~atent J4ed1clDe, 15&45 (Domestic) top wag e s. Applicants are Valerie Inc., 4126 N. Woodward, der Neer, Garl Melchers, Rober': 22933 Gl'atiot near 9 Royal Oak, LI 9-6669 NEW hand crocheted bedspead, Mack I' screened. 6B-ROOMS FOR RENT Hopkin, others. Hours 10 A.~1. to 9 P oM. Daily 1 ~ITE w,)man for general iron. I 3139 East Larned St., LO 8-3118 ecru. Best offer. 882-7153. 1A PERSONA'S mg. 2 days per week, near bus I FURNISHED room, near trans- lines. VAlley 2-6537. Refer- 6--FOR RENT- portation. Par k privileges. HAMMOND ~hord organ, ebony WE FIX ANY TV FRIGIDAIRE washer And dryer, npf - - .. i NEW YORK, Broadway, Paris, finish. Like new. Sacrifice. new, never used; Voice of I ences. ( Unfurnished) Working woman, References. i. Spain are some of V~lerie's TUxedo 4-4509. $19.95 Music model 720 stere<' hi-fi ~ E~GAGED? Discerning brides WANTED f I cement. Ex. Call after 5:30 p.m. 821-5216. • I I !ncludes all parts and labor. select Grosse Pointe's finest or p a . LARGE UPPER FLAT-2 bed- . favorite haunts and she has dual speed. 884-5466 after 6. candids . . . in vibrant full- perienced cooks, waltreues rooms, eating space in kitch- FOR YOUN~ MAN WIth refer- been on a buying spree. New WILLETT solid cherry din- 110', 24", 27", slightly extra. .i estates and merchandise ar- ing room, dropleaf table, 4 BUTLER tray coffee table, 2 an- 'Jble color, or sparkling black and I _~~!I)u~les. TUxedo 5-4576. en, dining room, fireplace in I enc~s. P r I vat e home. 588 USED TV SALE riving daily. You must come chairs, buffet, server, pads tique side chairs, sofa slip white. Jack DeForest. TU! PER~1ANENT BABY sit t e r, living room. Nice, quiet neigh- CadIeux Road. TU 5-7078. 17" TV $15 and glass tops. Excellent con- 21" TV $25 cover, 6 cushion, white with t • • • and see some of this delight-I 4-4852. i white, 3 to 5 days per week, . bor!1ood. G~s heat. Call ED COMFORTABLE room for gen. ful whimsey. We are always dition, $325. VAlley 1-8090. 21" PICTURE TUBES $7.95 blue flowers, custom made. ! 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Two girls, 1 1-4375, anyttme. tleman. References. TUxedo buying estates, accessories, 886-0014. 2A-MUSICAL I and 2 years old. Own trans. ELEGANT Georgian Colonial 1-4128 after 6. furnishings, jewelry and ? or? Looking for Vie Phil's TV INSTRUCTION & lA-OFFICE EQUIPMENT I portation necessary. VAlley for lease. 742 Sunningdale. NICE ROOM in private borne. Please call or come in today. ANTIQUES? DECOR ITEMS? 25280 GRATIOT 3-2573. (;ffers quall'tl'es Whl'ch Wl'll VALERIE, INC., 4126 North COLLECTOR'S ITEMS? FOR SALE Refined gentleman. Garage. 776-6200 ).llll(~ PU",CH AXD JUDY I Woodward, LI 9-6669; or home UNUSUAL GIFTS? I HOUSEKEEPER FOR working speak well of new tenants. Grosse Pointe Woods. 881- I TYPEWRITERS ana add t 0 JZ MlJSlC STuDIOS mother, 5 days. Grosse Pointe $435 monthly. Owner, TUxedo 4299. after 7 p.m., MI 7.3437. BARGAINS! BROWSE! SOFA, modern, 78", like new. machines, DC,'W. rebuilt. Rea- II.l(.~T Piano, guitar, banjo, I .. e fer e n c e s. Call 881-3293, 6.2600. - THE GRIST MILL Sacrifice at $135. 884-9188. sonable pnea, Nation&! Of. after 5. PLEASANT room for employed BALDWIN grand piano, Louis flce Equipment. 16833 Harper accordion. RESALE SHOFPE • LUXURIOUS, spacious 2 bed- gentleman, in quiet home near XV, walnut, like new. TUxedo ELF-CTRIC STOVE 38" wide, at Bishop. TUxedo 1.V130 . ~HEVAL Guitar Rental and Sales. COOK-HOUSEKEEPER, $50 per room flat, 2lh baths, family business c e n t e r s. TUxedo 4-6620. 21151 Mack, Grosse Pte. Wds. timer c~;)cl, $50. 1719 Man- lfi Kercheval wel:k. Temporary. 885-8761- room, terrace, 2-car garage. 1.6255. 886-1640 chester, TUxedo 4-4417, after C. E. PORTABLE dishwasher, 9-ARTIClES WANTED Many extras. 15847 Windmill 5 p.m., all day Saturday. ~154 Grosse Pointe Farms WHITE WOMAN full time. 2 years old, excellent con- Pointe. $325. TUxedo 4-Z253, JEFFERSON - Lakewood. P r i. LIONEL TRAIN, ext ens i v e BOOKS, art objects, paintings. TV 4-4440 Res. 372-8994 Every other Suncay. Wednes- dition, reasonable. TUxedo vate bath, entrr.nce, gentle- equipmen'" good condition, CABLE-NELSON baby g ran d Immediate cash. 1-5693. - da" afternoons free. Stay NORTH SHORE APTS. man. VAlley 1-3850. 75% off. TU 1-2006 after 6. piano, walnut finish, excellent B. C. Claes Book Shop PIANO, organ. voice, theory. so~e nights. References. TU NEW AND SPACIOUS condition. WAInut 2-5206. Since 1928 GRACIOUS homelike living for 2 MAG TYPE hubs for 15-in. Certified Appraisals Pre-school through unlver. 4-2482 after 5 p.m. DON'T BUY ANY USED sitv level. Walter Mueller, 482 1 and 2-bedroom apts. Central business woman. Private bath. wheels. Brand new. TUxedo WO 3-4267. R G A N UNTIL YOU LOVELY black Persian coat, Privileges. LOraine 7-8240 af- o 1-2006 after 6. C~lon!al Ct. N., TU 6-1090. 5~SITUATION WANTED air conditioning, private base. CHECK OUR size 14, fun length, best offer. We have excellent boob and _ I ments, GE appliances includes ter 5 p.m. - VAlley 4-2057. delightful paintings fer KARRAM oriental rug, 10x13, we. HIXIE BOYKl:.~ II AT T E~, FOR -pe!'sonalized secretarial stove, refrigerator, dishwash- JANUARY - piano teacher. New England Bervice caU Hester Wright er, garbage disposal, covered 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT red background. Phone 886- It's a buyers' market. We know WE BUY old gold. Jewelry and Conservatory Boston, In:o;~i,I Batchelor, 885.2727. car ports, SWIMMING POOL. 1652. it and our prices show it. silver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377 AIR CONDITIONED 0 f fie e , CLEARANCE tute of Musical Art, Detroit. I TRI-CITY Close to public transp!, Answering Kimball, Story & C1ar!c pianos. plifier and speaker. Vibrato WURLITZER S pin e t Organ, Kirby met hod. Pre-school 754.6070 4 room terrace. Oil heat, 2 bed- service. Parking. TUxedo Shop at Diamond 2-3717 included at a very low prite. model 4100, sustain and ner- through college level training. rooms, garage. Shown by appoint- 5-0518. THE m;SIC CENTER cussion, walnut. Excellent WANTED - Home of furni- 886-3094. NEED a baby sitter? The Sitters ment only. Call Mr. Bliss, WOod- 22933 Gratiot near 9 Mile OFFICE FOR LEASE MAGNUS CHORD ORGAN - condition. $925. TU 1-2513. ture or odd pieces. WA 1- Ciub, PR'escott 7-0377. Li. ward 1-0321. Hour:; 10 to 9 1000 Sq. ft. Kercheval near Great for beginner ... cheap. 8575. ccnsed and bonded. HUDSON console piano, mahog- Chalmers. Paneled, drapes, air DUNNIN~ COURSE CHESTER, 1H962. Upper 5 room any, perf(:ct condition. TUx- HIGH SCHOOL boy interested I conditioned and heated. Parking CONN MINUET-2 manual in INTERIOR flat. Gas heat, garage. Adults. edo 5-6585, after 6:30 p.m. in used drums in goud condi- ?IA~O and THEORY I APPROVED No pets. $120. After 5. 'l~. space in rear. beautiful walnut finish. Very BRIGGS MUSIC STUDIO DECORATING tion. TUxedo 4-7415. NURSES REGISTRY 1.9310. reasonably priced. 15 Kercheval-Punch and Judy PROPERTY INVESTMENT CO. VINYL love seat, good ior den First class custom.made drap- ~--- 13327 Kercheval 824-1510 or library, $50. Excellent con- Building. AP ARTMENT - 2 bedrooms, Many others . . . all priced eries, bedspreads, dust ruJfles, 1J-AUTOS FORSALE LOWREY Licensed Practical Nurses. dition. TUxedo 4-1391, after Grosse Pointe living room, kitchen, bath, to sell from valences, samples, repairs. ORGANS 6G-STORES FOR RENT 5 p.m. COMET, CALIENTE, 1964 4- Teacher: MIlDRED BRIGGS Companions. Nurses' Aids carpeted, refrigerator, stove, Free estimates. HOward 3. door. Like new. less than 2,. Priced +'0"' $160 TUxedo 2-5680 heat furnished. Park privi. EAST WARREN, Grosse Pointe SM ILEY BROS. HA..'\iM(lND organ, best Offer; 6153. 500 miles. Must sacrifice to Convaleseent Care. leges. Close to shopping, bus area, few steps off Warren; ladies drt>sses, size 14; boys settle estate. TUxedo 1-9134. 5510 Woodward $495 28-TUTORING line, churL:.. No pets. 163 store, newly decorated, gas TR 3-6800 topcoats, sizes 10 and 14; RENTAL of musical instrumPDts Day or Night _~uir :.-:Uxedo ~-8629. heat, $50 per month. TIJxedo for school children. $5 monthly. 1959 FORD station wagon, auto- ALL ELEMENTARY g r a des I C:>en Eves. Sunday 1-5 sport jackets, sizes 14 and 20; LY FUN 2.3046. office desk, $15. 881-7187. THE :\flSIC CE~TER matic, . Must and remedi &1 reading Detroit I HARCOURT 709-U P per six sell, $350. EDgewater 1-4664. ~ •.., "r," \:~ hev€, nC>,('r h::Jd 885-8722 882-2498 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 2 full BOY'S 24" Schwinn bike, six 775-8000 :.'E CA"" TEACH YOu TO Board fl' Education list. TV 6F-TO SHARE SOFA, living room chairs, tables; baths, completely a.Jr-c.'Ondi. months old. TUxedo 4-6049. -. :'-,c L: ...'Cy Cr8'Jn In Y:)~r 4-4323 after 4 p.m. - I F 'd LiYing Q..arten desk with needlepoint chair; FOLDING fireplace screen. Set, 1962 CADILLAC , You r G Ir rl ay tioned, gas heat, 2-car garage. . You ewe u, nothIng but a TUXEDO SOFA, 2 end tables; dining room, blond Swedish everyday dishes. Girl's size 12 white, black top, red leather BRIDGE taught in small groups Secreta .... I Service VAlley 1-4206. WORKING WOMAN would like f-: ...... " .,~"'(' hm toc~th€r, drum table, leather top; Pem. mahogany, 4 cane back chairs, skates. Blond corner table. buckd seats. New snows with in my home. Reasonable. M.1meogr&phini _ to share her 6 room furnish. broke table, tilttop mahogany 2 host chairs, Credenza. Vega Child's ski P01e~. TUxedo extra wheels. AiJ{.FM Metro- 885-5341. Mrs. Coleman TU 4-6442 SOMERSET - ~-room u~per, ed house with same. TUxedo vox radio with vibrasonic. newly decorated. Exceptional table. TUxedo 5-2092. tenor banjo. Water skis with 1-6016_ 5-4557. Cadillac maintained. Call TV lANCE ENVELOPES. cards, etc. any transportation. A d u Its. No life belt. ~aple c.auble he,d, COMPLETE dark room equip- PRIVATE TUTORING BEAUTIFUL gray winter coat, 2-4926 Thursday after 6 or GANS quantity, hand addressed in pets. TUxedc.. 4-0655. 7-WANTED TO RENT ser IN new, size 12-14. TU 1-3767. dr:es , m1rro: and chaIr. ment, new condition. also fine saturday, Sunday afternoon. my home. VAlley 1.3485, 0 11 2 bed h Miscellaneous Items. TUxedo 35 mm c a mer a. TUxedo from YOUR OWN HOME ne oor room ouse on FIVE.ROOM bungalow, carpet. G.E. MOBILE dishwasher, 3 1-3276. 2-9618. CORVAIR Monza '63, silver, EXPERIENCED secretary would Muir. ing, garage, good G r 0 sse AU subjects; all ;rades. Ad- yea r s, excellent condition, 4--speed, extras, whitewalls. ults and children. (.ert.ified like work approximately 12 JOHN S. Pointe area. VAlley 1-8225. MUST SELL Singer sewing ma- $90. Porcelain stall shower, USED furniture suitable for den, Good condition. TlT 1.0258. teachers. hours per week. TUxedo I GOODMAN chine in lovely wood console. EXECUTIVE wants 3 or 4-bed- new,' $35. TUxedo 2-0713. recreation room; 23" TV. .. SUNDAY 1-$ Call: 4-5285 after 4 p.m. 93 Kr.rcheval 886-3060 Makes buttonholes, designs, 1964 IMP ALA convertible, fully room home in Grosse Pointe TUxedo 6.3038. BIRMINGHAM DETROI'l' AND SUBURBAN MINK PAW full length coat etc., with rig-zag. Will accept equipped, .alesman', demo .• WIDOW would like babysitting GROSSE POINTE PARK-4 bed- Woods. Excellent references. rOSa 11 S ~. Woodward TUTORING SERVICE Mauve coat, mink collar. Both $3.16 a month or $31.67 to~ FRENCH Provincial gold bro- 5,000 miles. factory wI'..ttanty. or help care for sick. EDge. room Colonial available April Call TAshmoo 5-0008. ext. 35. MI 7.1177 excellent condition. Size 14- amount due. Dealer, SL cade love seat. 2 English wool Call Mike Szmigiel. VerHtlVeIi B EVeI. Mon. & Fri. KE 7-4653 water 1.4825. 1st. $225 month. 881-5466. before 5 p.m. 16. Best offer. LA 7-2529. 5-7870. blankets. TUxedo 1-6661. Chev., TWmbrook 1.1344.

« crt canarr. • s n cn tn. • m_ • II s------=; __ 4 --_------.----~-

Page Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NE'WS Thursday, January 21, 1965 Thursda)

13-REAl E FOR S~

AKN' For those wh rooms plus fal corner site, 2 room. Handy .cchools. Exc(' YOUR AD CAN 8E CHARGED 500. TUxedo Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo' 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly DEADLINE 12, NOON TUESDAY Johnstone ll-AUTOS FOR SALE i 12G--FARMS /13-REAL ESTATE K:\R:\!A~TN Ghia '64. chocolat~; '------~-----I FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 1'3-RIAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE I 13-REAL ESTATE GROSSE PC brown. sp{'ciai ord('r, bl:1Ck COllNTRY I1mfE with STABLE -~------_._------FOR SALE FOR SA"E I' FOR SALE By owner. 221~ Il?terior. Le~s than 6,000 mik~, : 8 room hOl:l{, in good condi. room colonial. (~cd on Europl':lll vacatIOn; ,tio::, Rl'c~'l'atlOn room, 2 fir~. GROSSE POINTE PARK For Your New Year GROSSE POINTE CITY YOUR dream i:anch house for I living room. RIVARD, 825 1965 In one of Birminghams' ANITA 1090, ~irs~ Offering, A 1 o~\'ner retu;n~ng 10 contllil-nL : places. 21~ baths, carpeted, 956-58 TROMBLEY 1 .-2 baths. tll. \\ III sell for :S2,OOtl.Evenmgs. with dishwashpr. built.in refrirr- ,Enjoyment ! Dutch C 0 Ion i a 1. 3-bedroorn. Brick Colonial, 3 bedrooms,' lovliest residential arpu". Im'j REALLY nice 2 bedro0'!1 rage, carpet. d: \\ eekends. c a I I WOodward' c!'ator. 29 acrps of rolliI{:'" BEA UTIFUL FLAT NEAR KENWOOD -RD. Fiberglas insulation,. storm 1lf.! baths, den. Newly decor- mediate occupancy. 3 large ranch. 11. ye~ts old. Be~utl- rated. $17.000 " 69-2 " ated throughout. New carpet- bedrooms, 2~ b3ths. large fully mamtamed. SpacIOus ,)-'.! - 'Iand_ Good bilrn set up for, TRANSPORTATION windows. Low taxes. Wall te; (Now Available) wall carpeting. 5Ox165 lot. ing and draperies. Finished li~ing room a':ld dining r?~m I roOl~s. SC,reened terrace Over- ('.-\D!LLAC, 1960 4-<1001'.-pxtras horse~ :Just off 1.75. near Clarks. CUSTOM BUILT IN 1953 I I 886.3926. .basement, gas heat" central WIth unusual fIreplace

d .... ______... _ .... __ --_ ..... _ .... __ .... , ..4 ----_- ..... ------.------~-----~-- --~~------" I

Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 21, 1965 * * * * Feature Page who~ where and whatnot Pointer of Interest Good Tasie c by whoozil r : PlHJo',#e Recipes 0/ A certain local lady ... as a favo~ to a sick friend, i People iff Th~ Know 1J-Otnfe agreed at-the-very-Iast-minute to oversee one of the Trial I (;~rdens at the \\:ar :Vl~mori~l Center. She took ?n the ! FRENCH TURNIPS W.iTH job at a monwnt s notice. \..lashed about to flOrIsts to I ! CHEESE Counter Points ~elect plants and flowers. tall the best ones had alre,dy I C4lntributed by By Pat Rousseau been appropriated by other Trial Gardeners), collected I~.. Mrs. John Benfield a group of acql_:aintanccs \villing to help with designing. ! 3 medium-sized Mrs. William Rusi PiHce . . . recentiy back from white turnips New York found exquisite fabrics for the Custom Collec- pruning and weeding. and managed, all in all. to produce I . , 2 tablespoons shortening tion that' aTe as new as Spring and breath-takingly w'1at she considered a verv creditable garden. Came: ; !,-; % cup gr~ted cheese beautiful! time f?r judges to desC'en~i and view the Trial pl~ts. ! : t' l _~ i~. 2 tablespoons flour * * .\11'5. X expected no blue nbbon - but she DID thm~; \ \4l1li6.:1..; dash of salt and pepper A Word .. about Posh .. it stands for a collection of 1Y2 cups milk her garden C'ould hold its own with the others .. , untIl I ver.satile around the world and clock fashions. It was a_~ Peel and dice turnips. Boil for coined by the very elegant English whose motto was .. :-;he rerei\'ed a typed resume of thE: judges' comments on , :~ . about 15 minutes in salted water. aport Out Starboard Horne." Travel Posh ... the Waltan- her outdoor handiwork: Make white sauee of the short. Pierce way! ening, flour, seasonings and ~Iaintenance: Bricks uns\vept. dead plants. soil: milk. When smooth and boiling, * * Top Drawer Topics ••. take advantage of the Top Drawer's take from fire, stir in the cheese lump .... uncontrolled growth. I clearance sale. The shop will be closed the last week in January I until it melts, poor over the and the first week in February to paint-up . . . fix-up and get Appearance: Cornflower foliagf' sick, Lobelia spotty, I turnips in a casserole and bake 0 ready for new ide3s and new merchandise. Hurry over to 17007 for about 10 minutes at 375 • plants unstaked. ~ Kercheval in the Village! There arc still some great values up I Serves six. those stairs. Basic Plan: Too busy. * * * .\11'5. X has decided to devote ALL her spare time LWV Considers Relax In Style . in fashionable casual wear from Cliare Pearone, 397 Fisher Road. We noted the Ellene from now on to decoupage. - Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr. GERALD C. SCHOEDER OF SHOREHAM ROAD 2nd High School Brooke, lithe:;ome "little suit" and costumes with nautical --- * * * By Janet Mueller The Grosse Pointe League of notions for those, who go down to the sea in yachts.

Standing n('xt to ... a mother and child at a neigh- I: Geralo' C Schroeder thrives on activity He enJ'oys ~mage of Grosse Pointe Shores Women Voters will hold meet- * ~, * I' h d th; T •• •• • .'. • smce 1955, currently serves as ings this week to explore the The Big Package .. Dodge put a lot of good things borhood baker~' counter recent~. we over ear e I his work, he enJoys Ius play, he enJoys tacklmg CIVICand chairman of The Shores' Plan- need for a second Grosse Pointe, inside their new sixty-.fives and wrapped them in style. youngster ask her parrnt what the pretty little pastries I charitable projects. He believes a m~n should. be well- ning Commission. High School and will sponsor ~n- \ Riverview Dodge, 15205 East Jefferson adds tl1e big deal

with cream fillin~ and colored frosting were raIled. II rounde~l, de\:eloped i~l ma~lY w~ys. wIth many mterests' He is a member of the Detroit formal coffee hours to acquamt and the good service to muke the package cornplete. "Th N I 0 s" miima an s w ere d absently. He belIeve>; m devotmg hImself whole.heartedly to any Board of Commerc.e, Lochmo~r prospective ~~J?bers with the I * ~, * .. ose ~~t' • ap~ e n... " . I project he undert akes.. l Club, The H~rmome Club, (h~s League's actlVltIes. . O-o-o.oh. thE' chIld exclaimed, You mean they named; A certified public accountant, the natIonal CPA society). term as preSIdent of Harmome The League has been making Ever Expandmg ...• all the better .tt> serve you ... Mr. them after Napoleon Solo?" his busy season is just begin- On July 28, 1964, he was ap- ended last year), and the Eco. a study of the facilities which Robert Mozena, preSident of Mutschler Kitchens, announced that nino and the days bct'.veen now pointed by Governor George nomic Club of Detroit. would be desirable in a new Curtis V. Mower has joined the company as "ice.president and * * * andb',April 15 seem all too short., I Rtfomney 0 a our-year term on He confesses he is irked by Ihlg. h SChId00 an the fmancmg. . that the General Electric line has been added. One of the past holiday season's prettiest weddings But. in hi,; .hea~'iest :'work"! the Michigan State BC~lrd of the preva~ent image of the that will. he required for its * .' * took place in :\'Iaple Heicrhts. 0.. where former I pPrIod he stlll finds tune. to I A~countancy. . CPA as strIctly a "treasurer." constructIOn.. . . Focus ... on natural color at Paul Gach Studios, . . -. " b.. .' serve on the Grosse Pomte I rhe Board IS composed of "A CPA IS 'ust as qualifl'ed to At the u,mt. meetmg.s thIS 345 Fl'she Road You'll be glad to kno,,' that thev "'ill POInter Andre" Paul Bratton c!;:umed Mary ElIzabeth. Short'S V i II age B a a r d of I three CPAs and o'~e attorney. It b 'd tJ 1 " month the fmdmgs of thIS study r. ~ ~ . . ".' . . 'bl • th nf e preSI en as anyone ese, 'll d' Ii shoot and assemble natural candids in a complete album Conrad as his bnde In the Church of St. Martm of Tours, Trustees, 011 the Board. of ~1-, IS responsl e ~or. e e orce- Gerald Schroeder points out. WI be Is~usse so League for just a fraction more than black and white. a 'church in thf round," with a free-standing altar in its rectors of the Presbytenan ".11- ment of t~e Ml.chlgan Acc.ount- "He should have the opportunity members wIll be better pre-

. ,-' . ,... , ' lage, a~ trustee of the Goo?W111a,ncy law mc1udmg th~ reglstra- to show his leadershi abilit ,Il ~ared .to vote on the school b?nd . * ~, * (enter, desIgned b~ the bllde s father. Colms In the at- Industries of Greater DetrOIt, as 110Dof CPAs, conducting of the .. p y Issue 10 the March 22 electIOn. I Kopp's .. , speak with a "service accent". They have d t. . t d th 1 f th t' d 1 f h '[.1 d II 'f' I . . at" and Provmg hIS pomt Mr. Sehroe. Th' . th d f . . . . ten an s gowns! epea e e co ors 0 e saIne g ass trustee v T e r owar orne. pi 0 eSSIOna examm IOns d tl '1 t d 15 IS e secon year 0 a two delwery cars for pzck-up and delwery of prescrzp- IT' f' d" t t' errantl' g of the CPA certificates er recen y comp e e a suc- League survey Whl'chreads' "A . . In the ('hurch's rotunda. ~e IS a., con lrme . q~lOa iOn b n I . s . cessful term as president of the .' tions and immediate delivery on all emergency medica- '" '" .. collector, fond of cllppmg ~nd Mr. Schroeder current y IS ec- G P - t W M . 1 s,tudy of the. Gross.e Po~nte ~ub- tions. Kopp's have even extended store hours ... open keeping sentenc('s that stnke retary of the Board, ross~ . om e ar emona lie schools, mcludmg fmancmg, . , "'," A most attra(.tin visitor . dropped in at the him as particularly true and pro- Serving on the State Board ?f AssoclatlOn' He served t1.U'~e use of land and buildings, and 9 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. 16925 Kercheval Z11 the Vzllage ~EWS offices last wt.'ek to see how a suburban weekly found. Among his favorites are Accountancy. Mr. Schroeder IS years on !h e War Memona s an exploration of needs for local .. , TUxedo 5-8900. . - . . . . h h 1 . .. o 1 d 'th g Board of DIrectors was treasur. d t" b d h' gh hI" '" ~. * operates In the. Lmted S~ates. ~lar~o Pulgarm hves II! I~ ~se t~v~,s or.t, rev e ~ I ~ ~ I agal~ 1 ;.r .ve I WI /oU'~h er in 1962 and 1963 during the e ~c~ IOn l~on t t; ~ ~Ot~ eop 1 Bo~ota. Colombia. works m the Women's Department 01 aXIOm.s. He IS bfcslt"e ucla e ,Pth e. liS. mvo vemhen ow, Fries Auditorium construction f' n un~ f' a e tend 0 th.e To Cut ... or not to cut? That is the question you will have hEI Es ctador" one of BOl1ota's biggest daB news- who IS most use u (E bert c young IS somew a t a. . Irs t year 0 the s u y, e to answer for yourself. Either the short shaped cut or an abun- J .. pe '. . 1">'.' Y '. Hubbard) and "A man wrapped Schroeder trademark, beginning pen~d, was. ~hal:~an of ~he League reached agreement on dance of gorgeous hair is ac('eptable. "Vogue.' says, "Quality papt.'rs. She ar.rn ed ht'rc ~e.fore Chrlst~as. t~avehng up in himself makes a mighty with his years as a teacher, con- ~amlly PartIcIpatIoli CampaIgn the following points regarding I continues to be the most important single fashion in hair." under thr auspices of th{' Umted Stat~~-Colom.blan Cttl_- I small package." tinuing through his y~ars as a m 1?~3, and stepped down as Grosse Poiute school need.s: Eclward Nepi, "Parmcchiere." 19463 gives your hair the care tura.1 ~xch~ng~' Program. sponsored III DetrOit. by th~ Became Leader Early I~ather-and as a man mt~rested preSlc.ent ~ast September 30. I (1) There should be contmued fashion demands and designs the style just for you. TUxedo Chnstlan Family )]o\'4.'mrnt. and has been makmg her Jerry Schroeder has always I m the future welfare of hIS com- Memonal Center Booster effort toward kp,eping maximum I 4.8858. home with the Charles Reynolds familY in Lochmoor been a worker, dedicated, ener- munity. "I think the War Memorial is classroom size around 25 pupils * of '" boulevard while sh(' obse"'ve~ U.S. metropolitan life. getic and enthusiastic. Born in Oldest Son Pilot the finest community center in in grade school and academic Make It A Point. ,to discO\;er at least one new It is her first visit to North America, her first experi- Detroit, he was president of his Jerry. the olde.st o! th~ two the ,united State~:' he s~ys. "I classes. beauty aid We suggest Notre Dame Pharmacy's bath oil ('ncr with cold. snowy weather. She tells us that the graduating class at the H~gh Sc.hr~eder boys, IS .a sem0.r at can t speak too hIghly of It. Th~ . (2). There .should be ~ reduc- because it',s such a good co dT d 'th .. h d \\" h' D t' f h B t . h th SchClOlof t:":ommerce, (East SIde ~f1chlgan Technological Umver. members of the Board of DI' bon In the SIze of phYSIcal edu- n 1 lOner an err an ". om\. n s epartmrn.rs ~ ~r u~o a paper IS ~uc. e i hranch). i sity .in Houg~ton, majori~g in rectors are all outst~nding c~ti- cation classes to a more man-I cream ... an excellent protf'ctor before and after chores. sarn.r as 0.u . dea~tnb With :n~agr~e.nts. weddmgs, i He studied bookkeeping and i Apphed PhYSICSand Engmeer- zens ,:"ho render. a fme serVIce ageable number or a small ratio * * * bablt's. partIes. She flUds people m the Umted States very 'I accounting at Commerce went' ing Administration. to theIr commumty." of pupils to teacher I. . frirndly. but: "All the tim(' is hurry up, hurry up! Here, on to study advanced a~count- A studeni pilot, (he has his C'1Urch work also occupies his (3) Funds should 'he voted to . Incluszve ... The ~traw, Mart has somet1nng for if someon(' asks you to come at 6 o'clock. you come at ing, economics and business ad- single-engine p I a n e license), time, He is a former chairman I build a school to serve future e~ery member of the .fa,,?uly. It s re~lly fu.n to shop there. 6 (l'cl.,~k. In Bogota. 6 o'c)ock means 6:30. 6:45 ... " I ministraticn at Walsh Institute [Jerry is Group Commander of of the Board of T~ustees and needs. Bzke baskets. dolT1.furmturl" Spanzsh trunks and more, ~earing tht' end of her stay in the States, she is worried of Aecountancy. . Ihis college AFR?TC. He be- Clerk of !he SeSSIon of the (4).N~ consensus was reached m?re, more ... "aJ, collected at 16.125 Mack Avenue by ahflut overweight IUlJgage on her 'plane trip home - Graduated from Walsh Insh- came .a colonel. l~ December, Gr?sse Pomte Woods Presby- on MIchIgan school tax laws, re. Mzldred Andersa,L awl Edyt11e Fo"(czer. she fell in love with ""our sports clo1hps (the lightweight tute in 1938, (he is a past presi. 1964. fmally attammg the same tenan Church. He ~as elected garding bonding, terminal mill- * * * . '. '.," ~. . dent of the Walsh Alumni Asso- rank as his father, who was to the B?ard of DIrectors of age. and voting eligibility. "". '''001 s\\eaters .and skirts \H .tak~ ,~or gral:!ed and we~ ,ciation). he served as assistant made honorary cadet colonei of PresbyterIan Village, a facility Also at the January unit meet- Th.e Nat~ral . .. un.ma~e-u~ look of fashion can only almost as a u!1lfo~m she. ('on siders perfect for Bogota s I registrar and an instructor in the 400th AFROTC of Mich. for senior citizens, in January, ings members will be asked to b~ achl~ved ,iI th~ proper color!ng IS cai'efuHy selected to blend perpetual.sprmgt:me chmate). ~accounting at Walsh from 1939! Tech. in 1963. 1964, and just recently, at the vote on questions concerning the with. mIlady s skm.tone, matchmg her arms, hands and throat. '" '" '" ! to 1945. i BOb, the younger boy, is a December, 1964 meeting, was state public welfare study. Mrs'j FashIOn, Two ~~enty conducts these color tests and says, "Try He started opt teaching at scphomore at Hope College. Hol- elected treasurer for 1965. (He Jack Still chairman of the before )OU bu~. We nominat~ as The Pointe's prettiest redhead ! Walsh before he was certified land, Mich., majoring in Busi- is also a member of Presby- study ask~ members to review * >I< * .Jeanne (:\1rs. Don R.) Ford, of Ballantyne road. who as a public accountant. His ness Administration - and de- teri~n Vi1lage'~ finance and op- their 'workbooks on this subject Don't Be The Last . to discover the Pointe Warf. looked absolutely smashing in a slim black coat. perfect scheI< * :structcr. I"le served as treasurer of the I~ hfe and good Work IS good In addition to providing its .•III an IS- th e on Iy amma. I th at bl us hOdes. r nee s to. I Starts hWomen's Cla!'s Grosse Pointe High School' ClBand hfe.")Y th G S members. with background ma- Northeastern Women Will Meet Monday . . , In 1942. t' began a compre- and Orche"tra Parents ub. , . ou roup ponsors tenal on the scl:ool problem so I . _: ---- . . -Mark Twam !hensivc course in. accoun1in~ for Wit~ bo~h his bo~s in college, . LIke he~ ~usband, ~leanor they will be able to vote intelli- A meetm? of th~ Northeast-, January 2? There WIll be ~ busI' '* >I< * ,women only-qUlte a s\vltch, he IS stIll an active supporter Schroed~r IS mvolved WIth her gently. the League in the next ~rn Woma~ ,s Club IS scheduled ness seSSIOn at 11:30 0 clock. .'\. shiny blatk car purred into the parking lot near ~from h.is earlier classes, where of the Po~nte Public Schools, commumty,. Most of her outside- few weeks will sponsor public 111 ~t. PhilIp and St. Stephen! followed by a pr~gram: "Jewelry the Parliament building~ in Ottawa. Ins+eCld of slowing. thC' ratw of. men to women ~as ready to rmg doorb~lls on be- the-house Involvements center events aimed at helping all Chmch parlors next :\10nday. For Your Home, down as th€' stone retaining \\ all 10o'11ed up. the car bPC'na coed & drC'"m, (two gIrls half of sc~ool. bond Issues. ahout her church. Gr05se Pointe residents become crashed right into it. A Ro\"al Canadian Mounted Police' to 30 boys for examp~e), Active 10 DeMolay. The Schroe,ders both served I better informed on the questions ~ .' . . He has worked conSIstently to He has been very active as three years as adult sponsors of they will be asked to vote on constable got Oll.t. h:s fdC'£' as scarlet as hIS dress tUnIC. improve his profession and to a member of the Order of De- the Thistle Club, Grosse Poin~e . M h Prescriptio1.LS Filled "~Iy spl~r got Jammed under the accelerator. pe~al'" edllcate the public regarding his Molay, a youth organization ~oods Presbyterian's senior _ID__ a_rc_. _ he explamed. -Reader s DIgest profession. He was a mem~er of s p 0 n s 0 red by the Masonic hIgh youth group. Eleanor is a Ray-Ban Sun Glasses also Ground to Your * ~: '" :the Board of Directors of the 0 r d e r. serving Detroit-Zion past president of the Church G & J Electric Co. Prescription On the island of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. '~ichigan. Association of Cc~ti- ~hapter as its Master Councilor Women's Ass()ciation, an~ pres- a mountain hotel II\'rrlooks a magnificrnt "it'w of the fled p;.t)hr Aceountants for.nme m 1938. . ent Yo~th Budget DIrector. snrrOl'llding rountrY .. \ sian h'lIs the visitor: "This Yiew years and served as preSIdent He ~ventually r.ecelved the (translatIOn: Treasurer), {\f the Jim Krousmonn, Owner . t . i h t I' T I"> t., from July, 1957. through June. ChevahPr Degree, hIghest award Church Sunday School. Electrical Wiring OPTICIANS ('our {'S~ 0 ,0 (' mana~t'm('n. 19:->8. for distinguished service to the Surrounding themselves with ION and Repairing Brneath this Irg"nd can br s('{'n thr scrawled addi-: While ~l'f\'ing .as cha:rma,n of O.reler of DeMolay, and t~e Le. activity in The Pointe,. The 20 f 83 MACK AVENUE tion bv some unkno~m ('ommrntator: "With a litU? help: the PlIbh~ RelatIOns C~m~mttee glOn. of Honor Degree, highest Schroeders none the less like to TU 4.2738 B'etween OXford Rd. and Norwood - G d" :of the Michigan A:";)oclahon of obtamable by a DeMolay for get away. bundle themselves, Grosse Pointe & East Side from :rO • . CPAs, he authored a pamphlet outstanding service in his pro- the family dog, "Ginger," and TUxedo 4-5770 -----~------~---- -~~------~-""-- 'on CPAs that is now available fession. any son who happens to be in nearly all banks in the state,! He i!' a Mason. sen'ed in 1955 around into the car, and head Another Added Convenience Now Avail"bl. &It He engineered the first tele-I as Worshipful Master of Zion for their summer home on Rus- :\'ision program in Michigan on Lodge NO.1, F. & A.M.-he is sell Island, opposite Algonac. J o,'om(' Tax Prep3ration, a pan. pre s e n t 1y chairman of the Cars are taboo on Russell BEST KEPT el show featuring such guest Lodge's Board of Trustees-and Island. Days are devoted to Duofold SECRET OF I-LAYER INSULATED 4-"A speakers as the District Director also bel 0 n g s to King Cyrus swimming, boating and watch- ~ , cY}..." .of Internal Revenue. Chapter Royal. Arcil Masons and ing freighters from all Over the THE SLOPES SPORTS JOHNS "It was a nightmare," Mr. is a member of Detroit Com- 'I world go up and down the river. __ Secret of kE'02ping warm ':'l the Schroeder recall". "We had a, mandeQ' NO.1, Knights Tern- But even in this Lotus Land, iiftline Or on the slopes. Fits 'program onre a week for six: plar. Gerald C. Schroeder has man- trim and smooth . . . keeps . weeks: there \\"er.epractices ~nd ~ Gerald Schroed.er is interest- II age.d.to involye himself !n group you warm and dry all day, Aulo rehearsals, all m our bUSIest ed, above all. In people. He actIVIty. He IS one of SIX mem- Fair Trade ;s a dirty Men's Tops $550 'period, when our pri\'ate \, ork would like to take men and' bers of the Russell Island Boat or Bottoms eo. ;reaches its peak." women who begin to feel sorry Club, an incorporated non.pro- word 'he wi'" Women', Top. $495 Evt'n Us('d 'Chet'secakc' for themselves on a visit to Good- fit organization. or Bottoms ea, l But he l.:,joyed the experience. will Industries, to see how the The group meets twice a year, Sfafe of Michigan ••• LEASING : "We even had 'cheesecake'," handicapped train to become the members take turns being ,he notes proudly. "Our 'glamour gainfully employed. Commodore. Since moving to except in f"e;r own SKATE SHARPENING HOLLOW • DAilY • WEEKLY • MONTHL,( • ANNUALLY : girl' was the 'taxpayer,' and Treasurer of Goodwill iur the the island in 1954, Mr. Schroed- lIusiness • • • lilee 12 HOur Service GROUND 51. Specializing in full Maintenance Leasing On 'We solved all her problems." past four years, he points out er has served his stint as Club , He was made a member of that Goodwill is big, if non-pro- leader. But his permanent job loland Gra(s Racquet aft" Sport Sltop liqu.r and gam./ing. J. ! • LINCOLN CONTINENTAL • MERCURY • COMET : Beta Alpha Psi, national ac-. fit, business, paying out about is Rear Commodore, (in the J ;counting fraternity, by the Uni- . $1 million in wages to employes Russell Island Boat Club, it is • All OTHER MAKES ALSO AVAILABLE I versity of Colorado in 1954, and: yearly, t.aking in about $Ph mil- possible to be both Commodore i is a member of the American: lion in sales. Other monies are and Rear Commodore at the -===3 .. I Accounting Association and the i used for operating expenses and same time). TU 1-2262 Call George Moulton - TUxedo 1-5000 :American Institute of Certified: expansion, What are the Rear Commo- TU 1-5262 I I Public Accountants, (he present- He also seeks to serve people dore's duties? They approxi- STUDIO CAMERA SHoff ~---- :ly serves as a member of the through participation in Ioe..l mate the duties of a secretary- CAR.L JOYNER - 130 Kerch.val-on-th.-Hill :Council of the American Insti- government; he has been a treasurer in any other organiza. 20229 MACK - in. -the Woods I tute, the Board of Directors of I member of the Council of the Ition 106 Kereheval-on-the_HiII