• • $ 4 Ail the News Every Thursday Morning of All the Pointes rosse ews Complete Nelvs Coveru/{e of All tIle Pointes Home of the News VOL. 2b-NO. 3 Entered as Second Class Matter at $5.00 Per Year the Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN. JANUARY 21, 1965 lOc Per COpy 20 Pages Two Sections-Section One ',C- D -Z N dT$7')358')433 HEADLINES I Liggett School's New Building Nears Complet~on lty etal s ee iSought for of the Of Sewer System iHigh School As Compiled by the 'Requested Figure Includes Grosse Pointe News IForModernization $2;~,~~~s~~~~1~Ud~~;ns Thursday, January 14 A DEFE:'\SE DEPARTMENT Bv unanimous roll call statement. y'''strrrlay disclosed I H Id I f R.d f R 'vote at a sp'ecial meeting that an FIOS ThundE"rchief and Open Meeting e to norm eSI ents 0 easons held Thursday morning. the FlOO Supersabre. U.S. Air force I For Proposed Bond Issue of $1.32 Million : Board of Education of The fight('r bombers, had been shot: I To Be Voted On Next Month : Grosse Pointe School Sys- down Wednesday while striking, ! I . i tern passed a resolution at a key road m Laos. The road : I More than 140 mterested CItIzens of Grosse Pomte 'callinC1 for an election to is one :>\'('r which supplies and! ; i City attended Monday night's .op~n council ~ee,ting t~ I be held Monday, March 22. meo reach Communist Cueri]. i .. : I hear and see a detaIled deSCrIptIOn of the, CIty s sanI-; Two separate proposals will las in South Vietnam and cen-: ~ary and stor~ sewage probl~ms. The D:1eetm& was held! be submitted to property- tral Laos. The announcement of i .._....,~-_., .., In the gymnaSIUm of the MaIre School In CadIeux road. , owning voters of the school their loss was the first indica- tion that thc United State~ has! .: Y'I"': .~;. :~ Voters are being asked to ,. ! district. ~; ,} ~mJ approve at a special election,! The first propos1tlOn seeks extended its mihtary operations i s. w , : in Southt'ast Asia to attack: .. ' .":". "{":":«.?;:":~:".'~4W.itif;" .....:. ;,; ~r~. .. ":,'.'~tiII Fe~rua~y 15, a 20.-year Generall ... UltS ort t Iauthority to issue bonds to cover ~ommtl,nist supply lines outside I . .~_. ",,~~:....:.;.~'i:0" '0 ,., ~".:.;, < .. ' '.: : ~ ObhgatIon bond Issue of $1.32 the cost of constructing a badly South vietnam. Four other U.S. : '.~ "-;j;7iir',".,,',,"'...:TI million designed to correct and $2 400 Stolen needed second high school. plus planes have b('en shot down i . ,~' .:-, . ~:l:' :'.'. ":~"':'"",~,,:::::~~:,:::~'::.,;:",:Y:;:.~;:::::.;:..'~\iiffipro~e the sewage system of, renovation all? remodeling of sinC'e June. hut the D('fense Dc- , partment ha" sad that they i ~" . - '~*~'/~nt.%'~r~.'. th~i~~t~~e aid of color slides, From Store ~hee ~~~;~~~ h;~~p;S~~i~~ ~~~~t~ were on reconnaissance mis-, Councilman G. Gordon Cook permiSSIOn to fmance an audl- sions onl~'. explained the four major areas' to~iu~ connected with the new i of troulJle and the necpssary Second Robbery in less bUIldmg to .serve as ~ school COXGRESS WAS ASK ED! steps that must be taken, ac- Than Two Months : and commumty Performmg Arts ye:-terday by PrE"sident Johnson: cording to engineers of George I i Center. to do <1\\ ay WIth the old quota; Jerome and Company, to elim. Resu ts in 24 Suits , Spread Over 30 Years systt'm for Immigration and! inate the existing troubles. Disappearing I Long-term financ;'lg of the pass a new la\\ which would in. , . , project has been planned to dude considC'fation of imrni-: Sta~ OffiCial Present. For the second time 'In Iease the tax burden and to grant skill." and family unity. I The City's complete descnp- ! spread the cost over a 30-year Tht' ncw law \\ ould al"o be on tion of the present problems was less than two months, bur- I period among people who will a f,r"t.eome. first.serve ba,.is. reinforced by the presence of glars brcke in~D the Valente eventually use the facility. It Liggett School will soon be occupying this spank- I Th(' l'n'sid£'nt said the 40'YE"~r from the old site in Burns avenue, is scheduled to be W 1 B . f h . d ing new structure at Briarcliff and Wedgewood in 'rI'ed out durI'ng spI'l'ng vacatl'on staI'tl'ng March 19. a ly enZle, a member 0 t e Men's Clothing Store, 20733 liS estimated that the annual a - old fluota s....stem was "incom- cal M i chi g a n Department of i ditional cost to the taxpayers patihlE" \\ ith our basic Ameri('aT' Grossr Pointe Woods. The move into the new plant ---<PIcture by David Powles. Health. Mr. Benzie pointed ou_t Mack avenue, and stole I for the new high school and traditIOn" of asking "not wh('re ." -'-~--- ,. - .- - ... - ,.- - - that he was not there to scare more than $2,000 worth of \ renovation of the present build- a person comes from, but what i Sid' LllCkman people but to tell them it is a I suits. i ing will be 1.5 mills, and for are his personal qualities." Mall Reports Liggett School to Move :, problem that must be over- '\ d J I the auditorium proposition .16 " come. '1'he store, owne by oseph Imills. I f h f f .. Valente of 9176 Fhcher, De-\ Estimated breakdown of costs ~TI~lIIG.\"'S 73RD LEGISL.~. , Rein,g Held Into Fine New Building I A ter t e de eat 0 a Similar' . '. .. Tl: R F_ openNl Wednesday In: Spea k S Here bond issue last September the trolt, was broken l~tO last No- \ fur~Ished by the archItect l.n- Lan:-in~. For the first time in I U - H City council received a letter vember 22, and SUlt~, topcoats 1 cluae ~.561,433 for. genel al 30 years. Democrats "'ere in! p In ome During Spring Vacation Next Tue'sdaY from the State Board of Health and trousers, valued at several; constI~ctIon, mechamcal ~nd ('ontrol of both the Hou"e and I ., h th h h \ f.'lectncal trades. and heatmg , exp 1aIDmg t at e ealth az- thousands of dolI a r s were d t'} t' ..r:::..a<> 000 f 't Senate, Rep_ Joseph J. Kowalski I . d an ven 1 a IOn; o1k>Q.<.. or SI e Revered Institution Leaving Indian Village Site f or , ar ds create d by ma equate sew- stolen. Fifty dollars was also' , ts k' d 1 m,. Detroit) was for mall Y I Park Resident Says He ' Football Great to Give age must be remedied or legal . ..,' ' llllP~O\ em en . par 109 an and- M~gnjficent Plant in Woods; Cost of Land • t' . t th C't ld taken .from the calSh . eglster on scapmg; $85,000 for sewers and ~'lectE"d speakE"r ~f the House. IWas Bound and G 9 d Secon d Lecture in S erles ac Ion agams e I y cou t'I'1' $700000 f f' ed d rhe legIslators WIll hear Go\'. I ag ? and Structure Placed at $2,200,000 b t k this date. u Illes; . or IX an Romney's Stal(' of the State ad-' Before Thief Took Casn in Fries Auditorium e a en. movable equipment: $300,000 <irE"s:- today and then recE's,. and Old V/ atch Moving day is just around the corner for Liggett J 26 Councilman Co(\k, in his illus- . The prevIous burglary was for professional fees: $250,000 School. anuary trated lecture, said the four dlscov~red by Valente wh~n for alterations to existing high until January 2;). problems that exist in the City he arnve~ at the sto!e early 1O school. .. A Park reSIdent told po- Come the beginning. ~f the .Slchool's spring vacat~on, The. second program in are: flooded basements; inade- ~he mormng to. begm decorat- The total estimate of $7,358,- Friday, Januar:-; 15 ,lice on Thursday, January o~IIMba~Ch t1h9,s8C7hoOIof1fdicIalhSWIIIt' S~tart thehmove WhtiCh I the third Annual Lecture quate sewer capacity; polution mg for the ChrIstmas season, 433 also includes a contingency f PH ESIDE~T ,JOHNSON and 14 that he was held u at WI .rmg e. -year-o s~ 00 0 1 S new o.me eas 0 Series of the Grosse Pointe of Lake St. Clair, and an out. Discovered by Officer allowance in the amount of Can~dian Prime ~hnist('r L('s~er : kn'ife poi n t in his P I Verr~ler road m Gros~e POl~1te ~oods, from .ItS present I War Memorial Association mooed pump~g station .. The The second crime, on Mon- $150,000. The alternate proposal B. f earson ar(' expected to Sl~n , h d bb d f 0$w55n'lone III Burns avenue 10 IndIan VIllage, DetrOIt. will feature Sid Luckman, co lor e d shd.es graphically day. January 11. was discovered for an BOO-seat auditorium and a frN' - trade a<'recn1t'nt for' ouse. an ro eo, ,.~ ---.-- --.-... -.- -'--'~- .' showed the audl nc"'" the "res P 1 b j P f . A C . t, , , d' t . f ~t' According to Frank J Sladen former ColumbIa Umver- l; ~ J:" by Woods atro men Ro ert, er ornung rL<; ente ....IS est!- automo:'lIles and parts today. accor mg 0 m orma lon, h d t f L' t . th $2 ~: school to its location in the sity star and professional e~t network of s~wers; the in- Lorenz, who ",h.ilp patroling on mated to cost $750,000.
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