Case 1:21-Cv-00756 ECF No. 1, Pageid.1 Filed 08/27/21 Page 1 of 49
Case 1:21-cv-00756 ECF No. 1, PageID.1 Filed 08/27/21 Page 1 of 49 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN JEANNA NORRIS, on behalf of herself ) and all others similarly situated, ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) ) CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT SAMUEL L. STANLEY, JR. ) FOR DECLARATORY AND in his official capacity as President of ) INJUNCTIVE RELIEF Michigan State University; DIANNE ) BYRUM, in her official capacity as Chair ) JURY TRIAL DEMANDED of the Board of Trustees, DAN KELLY, ) in his official capacity as Vice Chair ) of the Board of Trustees; and RENEE ) JEFFERSON, PAT O’KEEFE, ) BRIANNA T. SCOTT, KELLY TEBAY, ) and REMA VASSAR, in their official ) capacities as Members of the Board of ) Trustees of Michigan State University, ) and JOHN and JANE DOES 1-10, ) ) Defendants. ) Plaintiff and those similarly situated, by and through their attorneys at the New Civil Liberties Alliance (“NCLA”), hereby complains and alleges the following: INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT a. By the spring of 2020, the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which can cause the disease COVID-19, had spread across the globe. Since then, and because of the federal government’s “Operation Warp Speed,” three separate coronavirus vaccines have been developed and approved more swiftly than any other vaccines in our nation’s history. The Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) issued an Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”) for the Pfizer- 1 Case 1:21-cv-00756 ECF No. 1, PageID.2 Filed 08/27/21 Page 2 of 49 BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (“BioNTech Vaccine”) on December 11, 2020.1 Just one week later, FDA issued a second EUA for the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (“Moderna Vaccine”).2 FDA issued its most recent EUA for the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine (“Janssen Vaccine”) on February 27, 2021 (the only EUA for a single-shot vaccine).3 b.
Autism and MMR Vaccine Study an 'Elaborate Fraud,' Charges BMJ Deborah Brauser Authors and Disclosures
Autism and MMR Vaccine Study an 'Elaborate Fraud,' Charges BMJ Deborah Brauser Authors and Disclosures January 6, 2011 — BMJ is publishing a series of 3 articles and editorials charging that the study published in The Lancet in 1998 by Andrew Wakefield and colleagues linking the childhood measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine to a "new syndrome" of regressive autism and bowel disease was not just bad science but "an elaborate fraud." According to the first article published in BMJ today by London-based investigative reporter Brian Deer, the study's investigators altered and falsified medical records and facts, misrepresented information to families, and treated the 12 children involved unethically. In addition, Mr. Wakefield accepted consultancy fees from lawyers who were building a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturers, and many of the study participants were referred by an antivaccine organization. In an accompanying editorial, BMJ Editor-in-Chief Fiona Godlee, MD, Deputy BMJ Editor Jane Smith, and Associate BMJ Editor Harvey Marcovitch write that there is no doubt that Mr. Wakefield perpetrated fraud. "A great deal of thought and effort must have gone into drafting the paper to achieve the results he wanted: the discrepancies all led in 1 direction; misreporting was gross." A great deal of thought and effort must have gone into drafting the paper to achieve the results he wanted: the discrepancies all led in 1 direction; misreporting was gross. Although The Lancet published a retraction of the study last year right after the UK General Medical Council (GMC) announced that the investigators acted "dishonestly" and irresponsibly," the BMJ editors Dr.
Brave New World of Zero Risk: Covert Strategy in British Science Policy
Brave New World of Zero Risk: Covert Strategy in British Science Policy Martin J Walker Slingshot Publications September 2005 For Marxists and neo liberals alike it is technological advance that fuels economic development, and economic forces that shape society. Politics and culture are secondary phenomena, sometimes capable of retarding human progress; but in the last analysis they cannot prevail against advancing technology and growing productivity. John Gray1 The Bush government is certainly not the first to abuse science, but they have raised the stakes and injected ideology like no previous administration. The result is scientific advisory panels stacked with industry hacks, agencies ignoring credible panel recommendations and concerted efforts to undermine basic environmental and conservation biology science. Tim Montague2 A professional and physician-based health care system which has grown beyond tolerable bounds is sickening for three reasons: it must produce clinical damages which outweigh its potential benefits; it cannot but obscure the political conditions which render society unhealthy; and it tends to expropriate the power of the individual to heal himself and to shape his or her environment. Ivan Illich3 Groups of experts, academics, science lobbyists and supporters of industry, hiding behind a smoke screen of `confidentiality' have no right to assume legislative powers for which they have no democratic mandate. The citizens and their elected representatives are ethically competent to democratically evaluate and shape their own future. Wilma Kobusch4 1 The New Yorker. Volume 52, Number 13 · August 11, 2005. John Gray, ‘The World is Round’. A review of The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century by Thomas L.
Before reading on please read my pdf ‘THE BOSTON BOMBING PSY- OP’. OP.php Super shill Chris Spivey [or more accurately the people who write his articles] knows all too well how the general public are prevented from getting anywhere near the real truth, and thus becoming a real threat to the ‘PTB’ [Illuminati/Masonic mafia]. He spells it out in his ‘Debunking Diana’ article The content of that article BTW takes outrageous bollox to new levels! I’m not even going to go there. I’m only interested in how we are being mind controlled – by the likes of Spiv, and countless other COINTELPRO turds. This is what Spivey says [I’ve changed some of his wording slightly to reflect more of the truth]: “ALL of the many, many conspiracy theories arising from Diana’s death [of which there are far more than your usual psy-op due to how popular she was] was the doing of the Masonic controlled cointelpro agents, thus keeping the pretend investigative-journalists [mainstream and ‘alternative’] working to divert you from ever finding the right rabbit hole to burrow down. And since the huge number of anomalies in the official version of events ensured that enough in- fighting would occur over how the said anomalies were interpreted, the mainstream viewing public [since everyone else is a tin foil hat] were, in general, happy to go along with the official version of events.” “You see, by leaving room for conspiracy theories (which are red herrings designed to send those investigating the official narrative down the wrong path), The-Powers-That-Be are able to keep the vast majority believing their fiction, whilst keeping the rest - the blanket labelled “conspiracy theorists/nutters” away from finding out the real truth.” “..
Spectrum | Autism Research News SPOTTED New numbers; film flub; diversity deficiency BY KATIE MOISSE 1 APRIL 2016 WEEK OF MARCH 28TH New numbers After ticking up since 2000, the rate of autism among 8-year-olds in the U.S. may be leveling off. One in 68 school-age children have autism, according to data released yesterday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The same rate was reported in 2014, marking a possible plateau in autism prevalence. The CDC cautions, however, that it’s too soon to tell whether the rate is truly stabilizing. Late last year, the agency reported that 1 in 45 children have autism, based on a different surveillance method. Prevalence also varies dramatically between states, with New Jersey reporting a rate of 1 in 41 compared with Maryland’s 1 in 123. SOURCES: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / 31 Mar 2016 CDC estimates 1 in 68 school-aged children have autism; no change from previous estimate Film flub First it was on, then it was off. Now it’s back on again. “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,” a film directed by the disbarred doctor Andrew Wakefield, will debut today at New York City’s Angelika Theater. 1 / 4 Spectrum | Autism Research News It’s not the venue the film’s makers had hoped for. “Vaxxed” was slated to premier at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival, co-founded by actor Robert de Niro, who says he has a son with autism.
nieman spring 2013 Vol. 67 no. 1 Nieman Reports The Nieman Foundation for Journalism REPOR Harvard University One Francis Avenue T s Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Nieman VOL Reports . 67 67 . To promoTe and elevaTe The sTandards of journalism n o. 1 spring 2013 o. T he signal and T he noise The SigNal aNd The NoiSe hall journalism and the future of crowdsourced reporting Carroll after the Boston marathon murdoch bombings ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Fallout for rupert mudoch from the U.K. tabloid scandal T HE Former U.s. poet laureate NIEMAN donald hall schools journalists FOUNDA Associated press executive editor T Kathleen Carroll on “having it all” ion a T HARVARD PLUS Murrey Marder’s watchdog legacy UNIVERSI Why political cartoonists pick fights Business journalism’s many metaphors TY conTEnts Residents and journalists gather around a police officer after the arrest of the Boston Marathon bombing suspect BIG IDEAS BIG CELEBRATION Please join us to celebrate 75 years of fellowship, share stories, and listen to big thinkers, including Robert Caro, Jill Lepore, Nicco Mele, and Joe Sexton, at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism’s 75th Anniversary Reunion Weekend SEPTEMBER 27–29 niEMan REPorts The Nieman FouNdatioN FoR Journalism at hARvARd UniversiTy voL. 67 No. 1 SPRiNg 2013 PuBliShER Ann Marie Lipinski Copyright 2013 by the President and Fellows of harvard College. Please address all subscription correspondence to: one Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138-2098 EdiToR James geary Periodicals postage paid at and change of address information to: Boston, Massachusetts and additional entries. SEnioR EdiToR Jan gardner P.o.
The Write Stuff the Journal of the European Medical Writers Association
wstuf0605-pp.qxp 27.6.2005 12:59 Page 1 The Write Stuff The Journal of the European Medical Writers Association Greetings from Malta Vol. 14, No.3, 2005 wstuf0605-pp.qxp 27.6.2005 12:59 Page 2 The Write Stuff 77tthh AAuuttuummnn MMeeeettiinngg Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Manchester, UK. Your Executive Committee has the pleasure of inviting you to the 7th autumn meeting in sunny Manchester on the 24th to the 26th of November 2005. Originally founded in the 1st century by the Romans and named Mamucium, Manchester became a city of renown during the industrial revolution at which time it was consid- ered the heart of the British Empire. As a thriving metrop- olis, which still produces more than half of Britain's manu- factured goods and consumables, Manchester has acquired a mixed reputation. However, recent international events of some acclaim, such as the success of Manchester United, the 2002 Commonwealth Games and the soon to be held EMWA Autumn Conference are raising the profile of the city. Our conference will be located at the Radisson Edwardian. A hotel ideally suited to combine the learning and network- ing opportunities available at the EMWA meetings with the cultural delights Manchester has to offer. The programme of workshops will cover many aspects of medical writing, and will also include some of our new Advanced workshops. Keep an eye on our website ( for regular updates and further details. If you are looking for premier educational experiences for medical communicators the Manchester meeting holds great promise with the added attraction of discovering what the city has to offer.
{PDF EPUB} Pinstriped Summers Memories of Yankee Seasons Past by Dick Lally Lally, Richard
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Pinstriped Summers Memories of Yankee Seasons Past by Dick Lally Lally, Richard. PERSONAL: Married Barbara Bauer (a writer; divorced). ADDRESSES: Agent —c/o Author Mail, Random House/Crown, 1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. CAREER: Sportswriter. WRITINGS: (With Bill Lee) The Bartender's Guide to Baseball , Warner Books (New York, NY), 1981. (With Bill Lee) The Wrong Stuff , Viking (New York, NY), 1984. Pinstriped Summers: Memories of Yankee Seasons Past , Arbor House (New York, NY), 1985. Chicago Clubs (collectors edition), Bonanza Books (New York, NY), 1991. Boston Red Sox (collectors edition), Bonanza Books (New York, NY), 1991. (With Joe Morgan) Baseball for Dummies , foreword by Sparky Anderson, IDG Books Worldwide (Foster City, IA), 1998. (With Joe Morgan) Long Balls, No Strikes: What Baseball Must Do to Keep the Good Times Rolling , Crown (New York, NY), 1999. Bombers: An Oral History of the New York Yankees , Crown (New York, NY), 2002. (With Bill Lee) Have Glove, Will Travel: The Adventures of a Baseball Vagabond , Crown (New York, NY), 2005. SIDELIGHTS: Sports writer Richard Lally focusses much of his efforts on his main passion: baseball. After collaborating with former pro player Bill Lee on Lee's autobiography, The Wrong Stuff , Lally wrote Pinstriped Summers: Memories of Yankee Seasons Past , a book that focuses on the team's history from the time the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) bought the team in 1965 until the 1982 season. During this period, the Yankees experienced great success, winning four American League pennants and two World Series. They also experience "down" years, including a last-place finish in 1966.
Anti-Vaccine Activists, Web 2.0, and the Postmodern Paradigm –Anoverview Of
Vaccine 30 (2012) 3778–3789 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Vaccine j ournal homepage: Anti-vaccine activists, Web 2.0, and the postmodern paradigm –Anoverview of tactics and tropes used online by the anti-vaccination movement ∗ Anna Kata McMaster University, Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, 555 Sanatorium Road Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L9C 1C4 a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Websites opposing vaccination are prevalent on the Internet. Web 2.0, defined by interaction and user- Received 26 May 2011 generated content, has become ubiquitous. Furthermore, a new postmodern paradigm of healthcare has Received in revised form emerged, where power has shifted from doctors to patients, the legitimacy of science is questioned, and 25 September 2011 expertise is redefined. Together this has created an environment where anti-vaccine activists are able to Accepted 30 November 2011 effectively spread their messages. Evidence shows that individuals turn to the Internet for vaccination Available online 13 December 2011 advice, and suggests such sources can impact vaccination decisions – therefore it is likely that anti- vaccine websites can influence whether people vaccinate themselves or their children. This overview Keywords: Anti-vaccination examines the types of rhetoric individuals may encounter online in order to better understand why the anti-vaccination movement can be convincing, despite lacking scientific support for their claims. Tactics Health communication Internet and tropes commonly used to argue against vaccination are described. This includes actions such as skew- Postmodernism ing science, shifting hypotheses, censoring dissent, and attacking critics; also discussed are frequently Vaccines made claims such as not being “anti-vaccine” but “pro-safe vaccines”, that vaccines are toxic or unnatural, Web 2.0 and more.
Dissemination of Vaccine Misinformation on Twitter and Its Countermeasures
Dissertation Dissemination of Vaccine Misinformation on Twitter and Its Countermeasures Christine Chen This document was submitted as a dissertation in March 2021 in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the doctoral degree in public policy analysis at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. The faculty committee that supervised and approved the dissertation consisted of Luke Matthews (Chair), Sarah Nowak and Jeremy Miles. The external reader was Jennifer Golbeck. This dissertation was generously supported by the Anne and James Rothenberg Dissertation Award. PARDEE RAND GRADUATE SCHOOL For more information on this publication, visit Published 2021 by the RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif. is a registered trademarK Limited Print and Electronic Distribution Rights This document and trademarK(s) contained herein are protected by law. This representation of RAND intellectual property is provided for noncommercial use only. Unauthorized posting of this publication online is prohibited. Permission is given to duplicate this document for personal use only, as long as it is unaltered and complete. Permission is reQuired from RAND to reproduce, or reuse in another form, any of its research documents for commercial use. For information on reprint and linking permissions, please visit The RAND Corporation is a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help maKe communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. RAND’s publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of its research clients and sponsors. Support RAND MaKe a tax-deductible charitable contribution at Abstract Outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases have continued to affect many parts of the United States.
PAGE 2 • NEWS PAGE 7 • ARTS PAGE 16 • FEATURES During hybrid learning, Head designer of the Check out reviews of three many teachers have sneaker shop Leaders chicken sandwiches from struggled to find a 1354, alumnus Ellen Ma around Chicago. Find balance where both in- uses her platform to out how factors such as person and distance connect Asian and Black presentation, freshness, learning students remain communities in Chicago crispiness and flavor can engaged in class. through streetwear. make or break the taste. University of Chicago Laboratory High School 1362 East 59th Street, Chicago,U-HIGH Illinois 60637 MIDWAY • Volume 97, Number 2 MAY 6, 2021 Editors Pennington to lead student body by AMANDA CASSEL With a relatively low voter EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 2021-22 Student Council turnout this year, do you think sign off This interview took place May 1, Student Council is representative President: Brent Pennington the day after the election, and was of the entire student body? Kennedi Bickham lightly edited for clarity and space. Vice President: Student Council is 23 people year of The extended version is online. Secretary: Peter Stern representing 610 students. There What is your main goal or a Treasurer: Taig Singh is no way in the world that Student couple of your main goals as all- Cultural Union President: Council is going to be able to rep- distance school president. How do you Saul Arnow resent that many people with just plan to put them into action? Cultural Union Vice President: 23 people, which is why I want to by EDITORS-IN-CHIEF My main goal as all-school pres- make sure that Student Council is Katie Baffa Dear Readers, ident is to make it so that Student open to having people who either Fourteen months ago, life Council is capable of accomplish- CLASS OF 2022 didn’t win or just didn’t run at all to changed: from classes to ing a lot and to prove to the rest of President: Zachary Gin come on Student Council and rep- clubs to sports.
September 25, 2017 Important to Important People Megyn Kelly has had it with political nastiness By Jeanine Poggi BREAKING WITH THE BELTWAY p. 56 Dwayne Johnson owes his success to manager Dany Garcia. She’s just getting started By Ann-Christine Diaz THE ROCK IS ON A ROLL p. 22 Sheryl Sandberg and her team are betting that video is Facebook’s future. They’re in for a fight By Garett Sloane PRIMAL STREAM p. 40 NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER $9.99 U.S./CAN. £6.95 U.K. PG001_AA_20170925.indd 1 9/15/17 8:43 PM MASTER September 25, 2017 Important to Important People Megyn Kelly has had it with political nastiness BREAKING WITH By Jeanine Poggi THE BELTWAY p. 56 Dwayne Johnson owes his success to manager Dany Garcia. She’s just getting started By Ann-Christine Diaz THE ROCK IS ON A ROLL p. 22 Sheryl Sandberg and her team are betting that video is Facebook’s future. They’re in for a fight By Garett Sloane PRIMAL STREAM p. 40 NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER $9.99 U.S./CAN. £6.95 U.K. PG001_AA_20170925.indd 1 9/15/17 8:49 PM September 25, 2017 Important to Important People Megyn Kelly has had it with political nastiness BREAKING WITH By Jeanine Poggi THE BELTWAY p. 56 Dwayne Johnson owes his success to manager Dany Garcia. She’s just getting started By Ann-Christine Diaz THE ROCK IS ON A ROLL p. 22 Sheryl Sandberg and her team are betting that video is Facebook’s future. They’re in for a fight By Garett Sloane PRIMAL STREAM p.