Books & arts the O’Donnells, have extensive political and Breath from Salt: A ivacaftor, was approved in 2012. financial resources. Even so, it took staggering Deadly Genetic Disease, There are controversies, including the effort, dedication and perseverance to marshal a New Era in Science, eye-popping US$294,000 annual price tag that and the Patients and these resources in the search for treatments. Vertex slapped on ivacaftor. The Cystic Fibrosis Families Who Changed The grief-worn families in Breath from Medicine Forever Foundation received royalties, and found itself Salt put their efforts and money into the Bijal P. Trivedi accused of benefiting at the expense of fami- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, a charity based BenBella (2020) lies who had sacrificed to support it. By 2019, in Bethesda, Maryland, that has become a after decades of hard work, the foundation had trailblazer in venture philanthropy. Business- developed targeted treatments for the vast and science-savvy, it actively directs research majority of people with cystic fibrosis; none and drug development, and makes payouts to over the years. But it is in the details of that was a cure. It sold the rights to its royalties academics or companies when the research struggle — from the relentless fundraising to for $3.3 billion in 2014, making it the world’s reaches milestones such as getting a candidate the slow and uncertain medicinal chemistry richest charity focused on a specific disease. drug ready for animal testing, or succeeding needed to perfect an experimental drug — that The foundation pledged to plough those funds in a clinical trial. Breath from Salt enlightens. back into research, supporting bold efforts to Trivedi chronicles the evolution of drug dis- cure cystic fibrosis once and for all. Genetic link covery and biomedical research as it moves The tools for that might at last be available. The foundation helped to fund research that towards individualized therapies, offering a In the decades since Joey O’Donnell died, it discovered the genetic cause of the disease: realistic portrait of the meticulous processes has become more common for companies to mutations in the gene encoding the protein involved. One crucial step, separating a sweat develop treatments for rare diseases. Many CFTR, which is key to transporting ions from gland from skin, is “like extracting a transpar- charities have adopted the Cystic Fibrosis salt across cell membranes, explaining the ent hair from a bowl of clear Jell-O”, she writes. Foundation model. Still, it is sobering to think skin taste. The charity pushed pharmaceu- She also delves into the motivations of sci- of other genetic disorders that don’t receive tical companies to take on a daunting task: entists, fundraisers and trial participants, and the same attention — including sickle-cell designing drugs to fix a broken protein and the emotional toll on all of them. “Can you guys disease, which affects mainly people of African mend an ailing body. Despite widespread scep- hurry up?” a bereaved mother begs a Vertex descent, who are less likely to have access to ticism, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, now in Boston, executive at the funeral for one of her three financiers and politicians. Those children, too, Massachusetts, ultimately prevailed — largely children with cystic fibrosis. The same exec- deserve a formidable research rescue. because the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation could utive cries when he learns that his company’s foot much of the bill. first drug against cystic fibrosis has dramat- Heidi Ledford is a senior reporter for Nature in Plenty has been written about cystic fibrosis ically succeeded in clinical trials. That drug, London. The discredited doctor hailed by the anti-vaccine movement Riveting biography is a cautionary lesson in the legacy of hubris. By Saad B. Omer ince Edward Jenner’s first scientific its origins in the 1970s. That was when con- It was in this context that, in 1998, Andrew description of vaccination in 1798 — cerns (later determined to be unfounded) Wakefield and his colleagues published using cowpox pus to protect against about the safety of a whole-cell vaccine a now-infamous and retracted paper in smallpox — there has been pushback. against pertussis, or whooping cough, came The Lancet, following which, in 2010, Wakefield Throughout the nineteenth century, to the fore in many high-income countries. In was struck off the UK medical register for mis- Sin the United States and the United Kingdom, the 1980s and 1990s, a few organized groups conduct by the country’s General Medical there were cycles of increased smallpox vacci- opposed to vaccines emerged in many coun- Council. The fraudulent work on 12 children nation, rising opposition, drops in immuniza- tries, including the United Kingdom. promoted a non-existent connection between tion coverage, outbreaks, better appreciation autism and the MMR vaccine, used against mea- of vaccination, more of it, and more protests. The Doctor Who sles, mumps and rubella. It propelled Wakefield This stand-off eased around the start of the Fooled the World: to notoriety and turbocharged the anti-vaccine twentieth century when, with sanitation and Andrew Wakefield’s movement. He remains a headliner on the inter- War on Vaccines medical care improving, public health placed national vaccine-sceptic circuit as diseases Brian Deer less emphasis on compulsory vaccination. Scribe UK (2020) once vanquished return because of falling rates Probably the last time the world waited with of immunization. Many large epidemiological bated breath for a vaccine — against polio in studies have found no difference in risk of devel- the 1950s — it was welcomed with open arms. opmental delays between children who receive The modern wave of vaccine scepticism has the MMR vaccine and those who don’t1. 668 | Nature | Vol 586 | 29 October 2020 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All ri ghts reserved. ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All ri ghts reserved. seem indefensible, among them anti-vaccine politicians, and (in Deer’s telling) institutional power players who should have known better. How did Deer come to uncover one of the most significant scientific frauds of our time? He describes a lunch meeting in Lon- don in 2003 with a newly promoted editor at The Sunday Times that became the starting point of his investigation. We learn how a discrepancy between an interview with the mother of one of the children included in the 1998 study and the descriptions in the paper itself gave Deer one of the first clues that some- thing sinister was afoot. What follows is a roller-coaster ride. Wakefield’s findings were questioned in an interdisciplinary meeting at England’s Royal College of Surgeons in 1998, although it took a further 12 years for him to be stripped of his licence to practise. Deer has reported indefat- igably throughout, including on Wakefield’s move to the United States, where he convinced an ever-expanding list of benefactors to sup- port his various ventures. Among them was two-time Oscar winner Robert De Niro — who has spoken up for the 2016 film Vaxxed made SHAUN CURRY/AFP VIA GETTY CURRY/AFP SHAUN by Wakefield and producer Del Bigtree. Andrew Wakefield (centre) in 2010, shortly before being struck off the UK medical register. The book is not without imperfections. For example, Deer notes too many times that Wakefield is the subject of The Doctor Who Deer paints a picture of a privileged man Wakefield was a “doctor without patients” Fooled the World, a riveting new book by inves- with charisma and big ideas, who was a little because, despite having a medical degree and tigative journalist Brian Deer. It was Deer’s too confident of his hypotheses — and a little surgical training, he, like many in biomedicine, reporting in The Sunday Times and The BMJ too certain of his imperfect understanding became a full-time researcher — as if that in that helped to debunk the 1998 study as of the topics he was investigating. We are itself makes him worthy of our scepticism. fraught with ethical, financial and methodo- reminded that the disastrous 1998 Lancet As with all good biographies, The Doctor logical impropriety. It was eventually found to paper was preceded by several other Wakefield Who Fooled the World is about more than have involved undisclosed conflicts of interest, studies, not always methodologically strong. the life it covers. Written pre-pandemic, it is and to have subjected minors to unwarranted For example, Wakefield authored a paper in a timely warning for the rest of us. It shows how procedures and mischaracterized their sam- 1995, also in The Lancet, claiming that measles self-importance can be self-destructive and ples. Wakefield continues to defend his actions harmful to others. The Herculean efforts of so and conclusions. “It shows how self- many researchers during COVID-19 have been Over nearly two decades, Deer has covered marred by a few individuals going well beyond Wakefield’s demise and second act in detail. Yet importance can be their areas of expertise and endorsing outland- there’s plenty of new material here, even for self-destructive and ish hypotheses. As Deer writes: “Courage in those (like me) who have been following the harmful to others.” science isn’t proving yourself right. It’s in your saga as detailed in a shelf-ful of books since, efforts to prove yourself wrong.” More than including Paul Offitt’s Autism’s False Prophets anything, we are reminded that investigative (2008) and Seth Mnookin’s The Panic Virus vaccination was associated with inflammatory reporting is worth paying for, whether it is by (2012). For example, we gain insights from inter- bowel disease2. That paper compared disease subscribing to a local newspaper or through views with Wakefield’s family and colleagues.
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