Before reading on please read my pdf ‘THE BOMBING PSY- OP’. OP.php

Super shill Chris Spivey [or more accurately the people who write his articles] knows all too well how the general public are prevented from getting anywhere near the real truth, and thus becoming a real threat to the ‘PTB’ [Illuminati/Masonic mafia]. He spells it out in his ‘Debunking Diana’ article The content of that article BTW takes outrageous bollox to new levels! I’m not even going to go there. I’m only interested in how we are being mind controlled – by the likes of Spiv, and countless other COINTELPRO turds. This is what Spivey says [I’ve changed some of his wording slightly to reflect more of the truth]:

“ALL of the many, many conspiracy theories arising from Diana’s death [of which there are far more than your usual psy-op due to how popular she was] was the doing of the Masonic controlled cointelpro agents, thus keeping the pretend investigative-journalists [mainstream and ‘alternative’] working to divert you from ever finding the right rabbit hole to burrow down. And since the huge number of anomalies in the official version of events ensured that enough in- fighting would occur over how the said anomalies were interpreted, the mainstream viewing public [since everyone else is a tin foil hat] were, in general, happy to go along with the official version of events.”

“You see, by leaving room for conspiracy theories (which are red herrings designed to send those investigating the official narrative down the wrong path), The-Powers-That-Be are able to keep the vast majority believing their fiction, whilst keeping the rest - the blanket labelled “conspiracy theorists/nutters” away from finding out the real truth.”

“... these contradictions & anomalies in the official version of events are deliberately written into the narrative by the scriptwriters, working on the basis that there are always going to be those who – quite rightly – question the credibility of the much more often than not, improbable, official version of events.” False flag conspiracy the “Such evidence was purposely planted in the media – Mainstream and so-called Alternative by the Masons in high places specifically to keep researchers, investigators and the sceptical away from finding out the real truth.”

“ ... which inevitably will be the one that you want to believe to be the truth – which sadly must be around what 90% of the population do, made sadder still by the fact that their preferred version has come via the state censored & controlled MSM and AM.”

“ was just another one of their Masonic instigated conspiracy theories designed to split opinion.”

And that is the reason no-one has got anywhere near convincingly proving Jahar Tsarnaev’s innocence; and thus the sheer magnitude of corruption in connection with his trial, the murder of his brother and officer Sean Collier, the wounding of officer Dic Donohue, and the Marathon explosions themselves has not yet been exposed.

Course what Spivey means [and what he avoids telling you] is that if we are to ever get anywhere near mounting a serious challenge to our oppressors, we have to start thinking outside of the Masonic Matrix. That means we have to stop being controlled by freemasonry; we have to stop playing the Masonic games, stop being masonically manipulated ... in short we have to break down the masonic prison walls.

The COINTELPRO agents have – as expected – flooded the internet with numerous ‘Boston Bombing anomalies’. Those are the Masonic engineered anomalies. I’m going to show you the ‘out of the box’ anomalies; the ones the psy-oppers don’t want you to know about; the ones that will lead to freedom for Jahar, and, ultimately, freedom for the rest of us. For the TRUTH shall set you free.

Throughout this pdf, as always, I copy/paste/highlight from various official documents and blogs, and I comment in red.

Ok, now take a look at Anita Dalton’s lengthy analysis of back backs. theories-the-backpack-analyses/#comment-188 Before going on I should mention that she too is yet another treacherous NWO gatekeeper. I explain why she earns that title here _a_closer_look_at_the_work_of_the_COINTELPRO_who_are_geared_t owards_the_savvier_truth_seekers.php I copy/paste and comment: “This video claims to show that the photograph that David Greene [slight typo] took on his cell phone was doctored to photoshop out the backpack Dzhokhar was carrying.”

This photo is very significant – but not in the way the psy-oppers would have you believe. Have a read of this likely-photo-of-suspect-2-i-took-one-picture-and-that-was-the-picture/ I quote: “On a day which saw the FBI release photos and video of two men wanted in connection with a pair of deadly bombings at Monday's Boston Marathon, it was a single iPhone photo, discovered late Thursday evening, that may give authorities the biggest break in the case to date. From his home in Florida, Green shared the back story behind a very significant snapshot: "I contacted the FBI," he told Morgan. "They immediately knew that they had something. I had given them everything that I had, and they told me that it looks like a very good picture." Having just completed the marathon himself on Monday, Green ducked into a store [not specified] to charge his mobile device. Moments later, he heard the bombs, and had time to snap one single photo. "I took one picture, and that was the picture."

And it's this new photo that the FBI feels gives them the best image of a man they believe to be "Suspect number two."

"I know that the images that they released were the best quality that they had," said Green, before going on to explain some of the additional information his photograph has since provided.

"I know that the photo shows he was not wearing the bag with the bomb post explosion."”

If you’ve just heard two bombs explode, and people are running for their lives, WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU GOING TO STOP TO TAKE A PHOTO???

I have proven in my main BB psy-op pdf that the FBI are complicit in the Boston bombings, and that they are part of the conspiracy which set the Tsarnaev brothers up as patsies. That being the case they obviously did not need the public’s help identifying the brothers. They did not need photos, video footage ... ANYTHING ... from the public.

David Green is obviously ‘in’ on the conspiracy to frame Jahar. As for Piers Morgan, just this one article exposes him as a bold faced liar, and part of the conspiracy. Have a listen to the interview. Piers asks Green to clarify, saying “You had already notified the FBI on Monday that you had a set of pictures; they took receipt of those pictures; and at 7p.m tonight [Thursday] you contacted them again to say look again at one of the pictures; I think that one of the guys is in the picture. Is that right?” Green says “correct”. Oh Jesus, that’s just fukkin laughable. Even if this was not an ‘inside job’, and the FBI were genuinely looking for the marathon bombers they would not need to look again at a set of pictures someone had sent them – it wasn’t as if a lorry load of photos had been sent. Even a sheople wouldn’t believe that story. Piers is making himself look a right idiot broadcasting it.

Course the fact that the mainstream media are propagating Green’s bullshit makes them ALL guilty of perverting the course of justice. As for all the online researches and reporters, where the fuck are they? There should be a deluge of voices denouncing this ridiculous claim.

Green tells Piers Morgan that he finished the race at around 1.40 p.m. He says four of his friends were standing in the area where the second bomb went off; he was on his way back to meet them, but then they disappeared. He says he didn’t know where they were. His phone had died so he dipped into a store to get some power. Why didn’t he specify the store? Why didn’t Piers ask him which store it was? I’ve looked at a number of sites referencing Green and his amazing photo and no-where is it stated which store he had popped into.

He says that was 2.30. He came out of the store at 2.50. As he was walking [towards the area of the bombs] he saw bomb one and bomb two. First thing he did was pull out his phone and take ONE PICTURE. He says he then ran to see if he could help people; but decided he couldn’t help anyone because it was way beyond anything he’s ever seen or knew how to deal with. So he started walking away and taking other photos to see if there was anything he could memorialise that might be helpful. That does not stack up. He walks away cos he decides he can’t help anyone, yet he takes photos, in case they might be helpful. Ha ha, stupid Mr Green; he’s really going to regret going along with this Masonic storyline. And what of his friends? Didn’t he say they were near the bomb scene? So shouldn’t he have been looking for them, or at least trying to phone them, rather than wasting time taking random photos??? And why would he walk away when his friends might have been hurt???

Green tells Piers that the photo also shows that the suspect was not wearing the bag with the bomb post explosion. As if on cue, Green makes sure he gets that bit in.

At the end of his interview with Piers, Green says that he took only one picture. All the rest afterwards were videos. So he directly contradicts himself there – first telling Piers he walked away from the bomb scene, taking photos, then later he tells Piers it was only one photo; that all the rest afterwards were videos. Course Piers doesn’t pick up on that.

Now this one special photo that Green had apparently given the FBI, which was the breakthrough they needed to identify Jahar, was the one which looks as if it has been doctored.

This is the photo which is publicised far and wide, and the one which we’re told was snapped by David Green:

Yeah, it’s a really clear shot of him isn’t it! It is not exactly a close up; it’s actually a long range shot – I’ll come to that. Rather than it being the clearest photograph; it looks like it’s one of the worst.

This is the video which ‘proves’ Jahar’s backpack was photo-shopped out. The photo used is the one which [we’re told] Green took.

I think we’d all agree it is pretty convincing; it certainly does look like said photo has been doctored. You’d think that whatever armchair sleuth made that video would be pretty chuffed with his fine piece of detective work; such that he’d want to take the credit. NOPE. This hero prefers to hide behind anonymity. He calls himself 2minstral. If you go on the ‘about’ page you find there is no information at all about this person; just someone called Stewart Brennan [which could be another pseudonym] who runs a blog entitled ‘World United News’ If you take a look at that blog, you see immediately it is a shill site, just by the recommended links:- Press TV, Russia Today, Paul Craig Roberts, Max Igan, Corbett Report, Dean Henderson, Information Clearing House, Democracy Now, Activist Post, Wide Awake News ...

Now here’s another impressive video which backs up the photo shopping allegation But look, this Sherlock Holmes is also too shy to claim the credit for exposing FBI corruption. He hides behind the handle Eko Ekooly. And notice he too links to controlled opposition channels – Alex Jones, Russia Today, WeAreChange ...

Why do these super sleuths not want us to know who they are? Because they are not genuine members of the public; they are SCUM OF THE EARTH cointelpro agents; paid to send you burrowing down all sorts of rabbit holes; and keep you trapped in Masonic matrix thinking. They have made that photo look as if it’s been doctored. It actually hasn’t been; as you will see. Read on.

The doctored photo is simply another smokescreen to prevent you getting anywhere near the real truth. They are professionally made distraction videos; to keep us all focussing on Masonic engineered anomalies. Whoever is behind ‘2minstral’ is the same person[s] behind ‘Eko Ekooly’. In fact it will be the same group of Illuminati agents who are behind all the anonymously created videos and blogs on the Boston bombings.

Be very suspicious of all anonymously created blogs and vids. This is especially so if they are being promoted by known cointelpro agents or other anonymous persons.

I think there should be a law preventing ‘truthers’ operating anonymously in cyberspace. People hide behind anonymity because their deeds are evil. Some do so because they are afraid. I maintain that anyone too scared to reveal his/her identity is no good to anyone, and should get off the battlefield.

One way to force these scumbags into the light would be if the victims mounted a class action. There are some highly defamatory videos and blogs [which I’ll cover in due course] infecting the WWW whereby the victims are labelled liars, and are accused of being ‘crisis actors’ and money grabbers. It is about time evil gits like Chris Spivey [who wants you to believe it was a hoax on/] and all the other degenerate NWO agents, most of whom hide behind pseudonyms, such as the Aussie ‘Peekay Boston’ bastard[s] [there is probably more than one agent behind Peekay] were sued by genuine victims, whereby we might actually start seeing some real justice in this sick world.

Course these ‘Justice for Jahar’ videos and blogs just rams home the message that despite all the seemingly admirable efforts by seemingly good folk to expose government corruption, there is absolutely sod all we can do about it; injustice will continue, people will continue to be murdered and maimed, and the NWO continues to march onwards. Job jobbed.

Now take a look at this blog photo-of-suspect-2-in-boston-marathon-bombing-emerges-on-facebook I quote: “That photo can be seen above. I copy/paste it here:

Green posted the photo to Facebook on Monday.

Little did he know that a man shown in his photo could be one of the men now wanted by the FBI. Believe all that bull, you’ll believe anything. In the photo, the man seems to be walking away from the scene and he appears to have no backpack.

"This speaks to the power of social media," Green said this evening. "A friend reached out to me and said look at your photo, that's definitely the guy."

Green got in touch with the FBI tonight and said he spoke with multiple agents. He specifically asked if they were OK with him publishing the photo publicly to his Facebook page and he was told it was fine.

The photo started getting attention on Reddit around 8 p.m. ET. A debate emerged whether it was digitally-altered or not. There wasn’t really a debate; the masons just want you to believe there was.

Green's original post on Facebook, time-stamped Monday before the FBI released any photos, showed that it was not.” The masons made sure they got that bit in!

Now take a look here whereby Green is interviewed by Channel 4 news. suspect-2 I quote: “David Green took the picture with his iPhone and posted it on Facebook earlier in the week. Thursday night, the FBI contacted him and asked him for the original, high-resolution version. News4Jax [another filthy shill site] are not following the script. No wonder no-one attached their name to this article. The story is that the FBI ALREADY HAD all of Green’s photos. Green decided to call them again and tell them to have a closer look at them.

Green said agents told him that his picture was the best they had because it was taken from a better camera than the others that were posted.” Everyone else must have pretty shoddy cameras then! I’ll come to the reason that photo was chosen in a minute.

If you listen to the video runner-about-his-photo-of-boston-marathon-bombing-suspect smug David Green says Jahar was leisurely making his way from the bomb scene. No he wasn’t. He was running very quickly. That is evidenced in the videos, which I’ll come to in a minute.

At around 5 mins insincere Green talks about the kids; saying people were out enjoying patriots day “and it’s shocking anyone could destroy that.” He says he walked out of the store [but he doesn’t say which store, and none of the three interviewers inquire about that!!!] He says some people came out of the bars and were violent, trying to see if they could find who had done this. He says police had to physically apprehend people and push them out of the area. So where is his video footage of all this? He told Piers Morgan that he took videos afterwards. He goes on to say that he took one video; he says he looked at it, “where the little boy was on the ground; it’s amazing people knew exactly what to do; they were cool and calm; they put themselves in harm’s way to help people.” He also says if his phone battery hadn’t died he would have got the message [presumably the text message] from his friends to tell him they were going to a restaurant to “grab a bite and then come back and see the rest of the runners.” Notice he doesn’t specify the restaurant.

What a slime ball this David Green is. He doesn’t stop to help anyone; he can’t even offer words of comfort to someone until medics arrive; yet he happily takes photos and videos of people who are seriously injured and writhing in agony.

On the News4Jax article is a link to his FB message: “David Green 19 April 2013 · Friends & Family, I have been feeling down since the because I couldn't do anything to help the injured victims...until now. Thanks to my friend Jason [another idiot] who pointed out to me that the photo I took right after the second bomb and posted on FB has suspect #2 in the left hand corner of the photo. White baseball cap turned backwards, black sweatshirt, NO BACKPACK right after the bomb went off. Compare to the ones posted by CNN, it is unmistakable. I spoke to the FBI and it is may be the best photo they have at current time!!! One step closer to taking these @!#?#'s down...share as much as you can so that if someone knows this person they can turn them in.” Lying thoroughly obnoxious little man. He should be the one in prison; not Jahar. b.1604384014.-2207520000.1366389753.&type=3&theater

If you take a look at his FB, you’ll find the photo – the original one - published amongst his ‘Top Photos in 2013’. It is difficult to tell on that photo, even when you zoom in, but it looks exactly the same as the one which we’re encouraged to believe has been doctored. I’ll copy/paste if for you:

If you have a look at the cointelpro video [2minstral] again you see that Jahar’s hand has supposedly been moved up; but his hand on the above picture is in the same place as the one shown on the video. So the video just makes it look as if it’s a doctored photo; when it isn’t.

I don’t think the masons reckoned anyone would figure that out! o.1604384014.2013.www_timeline.&type=3&theater

So let’s get this right. Green gave this original photo to the FBI. That photo was put out to the public, whereby some people make a convincing argument – that the photo has been doctored to hide Jahar’s backpack.

Now why would the FBI use that photo when there was another one, which is just as clear[!], which does not reveal Jahar’s backpack, and which DOES NOT LOOK doctored? Take a look at 1:17 mins of this video This video was apparently shown for the first time in court [March 2015]. You can clearly see that the two photos are very different. [At 1:22 you see the ‘doctored’ photo.]

We can clearly see Jahar was running; along with everyone else. Now take a look at this video At 8:40 mins you see Jahar. It looks like he has his bag tucked under his right arm. He’s running fast and his right arm is held still, as if he’s holding something. His left arm is swinging backwards and forwards freely. Notice he uses his left arm to navigate his way through the crowd. If he wasn’t holding anything, he’d be using both hands. [At 8:59 mins you can see the same photo which is shown in the above video at 1:17 mins, and at 9:03 you see the ‘doctored’ photo.]

So why are the ‘alternate’ voices not asking some searching questions; such as, who took that photo? At what point did it come to light? Why did it take so long to emerge? Why didn’t the FBI release it? Why is it not published independently of the CNN video? Where did CNN get the photo? Why are we not allowed to see the uncut video of Jahar running? Is it because it does indeed show that he was carrying his backpack?

The reason the ‘alternate media’ are not asking those questions is because they do not want your attention focussing in any ‘out of the box’ areas. These are the pretenders remember; they work for the same Masonic mafia as the whole of mainstream media. None of them are independent; they’re paid to ask only the questions which are acceptable to their handlers. Their job is to keep you theorising. They can’t have you proving FBI or any government agency corruption; and they can’t have you cottoning on to who is behind their misleading/deceiving videos and blogs. As it stands, the photo does look doctored, but there’s no proof of that, and it wasn’t anyway. Nor does that photo prove that Jahar was carrying his bag post the explosions. If we were privy to the full uncut video, there is more chance we would be able to prove that he was.

In any case it doesn’t really matter if he was or wasn’t carrying his backpack when he was on his way out, because the FBI told us that the murder weapons were housed in BLACK backpacks. Jahar’s was clearly not black [and clearly did not have a pressure cooker tucked inside it.]

Now since that photo had to be suitable for an agent to be able to make the ‘Proof - 's Back-Pack was photo-shopped out’ video, do you think it was obtained randomly? Of course not; it is a still shot of a video recording. [And the photo we see at 1:17 of the CNN video was also lifted from the same recording.] And that recording was not from a surveillance camera, it was done by an undercover agent. I should imagine there were a number of undercover agents dotted about the marathon, recording covertly, getting lots of footage – of both Jahar and Tamerlan - which would have been combed through for useful footage that could be used to ensure the success of the psy-op. You’ll notice a lot of the video footage shown is not date/time stamped i.e. it was not obtained from surveillance videos, it was private recordings; but not from spectators, from agents for the psy-oppers. Green is being used to parrot the cover story.

For more of the same sickening BS, take a look at this site dzhokhar-tsa-1565073318 "The left side of Green's photo would go viral, leading to a nationwide manhunt and eventual capture of the Tsarnaev brothers.

Later that night, Green submitted his photo to the FBI. He was thanked, and that was it. He posted the photo to Facebook to let friends and family know he was OK. That Thursday, the FBI released grainy surveillance footage of the two suspected bombers, one of whom was wearing a white baseball cap.

"My friend called me and said, 'Dave, look at the photo you posted on Facebook. I could swear there's a kid in there with a white baseball cap.' And the second I looked at that photo, you can see the number on his cap, you can see he's walking away with no backpack."”

th On this video dated May 16 2015 boston-bombing-suspect-photo/27410093/ Green says he ran towards the little girl who lost her leg. Didn’t he tell News4Jax that it was “the little boy” that was on the ground? He says Jahar is walking away as if casually leaving the site of a picnic. David Green is a cowardly lying scumbag of the highest order. He is just as bad as all the rest who conspired to make sure a totally innocent young man was hung out to dry.

Now Green makes a point of mentioning the numbers 3 and 7, with regards Jahar’s cap. [He tells Piers that he “knows that the suspect has a number three on their baseball cap, not kind of an enhanced number seven”.] So what is the significance of that? Have a look at the comments section here photos-videos-suspected-boston-marathon-bombers.html Anonymous says: “So... Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that the FBI released pictures of the "suspect" and in one picture, his hat has the number "7" and in the other, the number "3"... How exactly does that happen? I've looked up the hat online, and it's a Ralph Lauren hat, and it's supposed to have the number "3".”

This is just another example of the red herrings being put out by the perps and their co-conspirators to keep you occupied with their Masonic approved discussions. They do not want you exposing the real corruption. They don’t want you looking at the real conspiracy; for example they can’t have you smelling a rat re Green and his story, or getting suspicious about the ‘doctored’ photo.

Notice all the people commenting behind a pseudonym. In reality those comments will be from probably one or two Masonic puppets. I’d be very surprised if anyone genuine is commenting. That is the case on all of these shill sites and videos – the comments sections are swamped with comments from enemy agents. There will be very few, if any, genuine people commenting.

Right that’s thoroughly debunked David Green. Now, who else is a famous photographer in the Boston bombing conspiracy? Oh yes our ‘hero’ Sergeant Sean Murphy. He’s the one you’ll remember who takes the credit for taking the photos of Jahar exiting the boat. For a recap, take a read of this New York Post article - for some more piles of poo by the Masonic conspiratorial piss takers in power boston-bombers-capture/ I quote: “They took his gun and vest, they threatened to prosecute, they demoted him to a graveyard patrol shift, and, ultimately, they forced him from his job. That is pretence. Murphy has been persuaded to go along with this story by high level masons. What is his reward? He’s viewed as a hero worldwide, and he now has a very comfortable life - he doesn’t have to work, and his lifestyle is paid for by decent hard working American tax payers.

Still, he has no regrets, says Sgt. Sean Murphy, the State Police photographer who broke the rules by releasing grisly capture photographs of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, showing him emerging bloody and stumbling from a backyard boat. If he had taken photos in his capacity as a police photographer he would have handed them to his police bosses. He wouldn’t have been able to break any police rules. Or is he saying he took those photos clandestinely? Why is no- one in the media or ‘alternative media’ asking for clarification about that? I’ll answer that, it’s because the masons don’t want you asking any ‘out of the Masonic matrix’ questions i.e. ones that could lead to an unravelling of the psy-op.

“I stand behind what I did,” Murphy told The Post Thursday, giving his first print interview since releasing his photos in protest after Rolling Stone ran a giant picture of a doe-eyed, tousle-haired Tsarnaev on its front page this summer. Rolling Stone of course are ‘in’ on the conspiracy as well. They too are Masonic controlled [as are all mags and ‘news’ publications in the mainstream and ‘alternative media’] and were told by the Masonic powers to publish that photo of Jahar; and to run that article.

“What I released was the true face of terror, not him being fluffed and buffed on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine,” Murphy said. “It glamorized him,” Murphy said.

He released his photos of Tsarnaev to Boston Magazine out of outrage, Murphy explained. He’d spoken to victim family members, [I bet that’s not true either; notice he doesn’t name anyone] he said, and they were even more incensed by the Rolling Stone cover than he had been.

“Anyone who saw that image was instantly pissed off,” the 48-year-old married dad of three said.

The 25-year veteran retired with full pension [that was his reward from the masons after agreeing to sell out – fukkin idiot] after a disciplinary hearing last week found him guilty of breaking state police rules by communicating with the press.

He wants to set the record straight, [no he doesn’t; if he did he’d have to come clean and admit to going along with this bullshit story. He’ll never do that of course, as he knows very well that his life wouldn’t be so comfortable anymore; he’d swiftly lose his sweet deal pension for one thing; and other nasty things might start happening as well ...] he said on some misconceptions that arose when he released the photos.

They were not evidence photos — he is not a crime scene photographer, he stressed, but a public relations photographer who photographed major operations along police funerals and other functions as part of the historical record of the state police.”

So where are all the evidence photos??? There are none; and there are no recordings. Yet there were hundreds of officers on scene. Folks, take a minute to have a think about that; the authorities had just captured the most wanted deadliest terrorist in the USA after a 4 day search and a most dramatic ending whereby a police officer is murdered, a man is carjacked, another officer is seriously injured ... and yet there is no video recording of this momentous occasion. And there isn’t even one clear photo of it either. WTF? And the only photos that are available were taken by just one man – and even they were not taken in an official capacity.

Oh lordy lordy lordy.

Ok, let’s take a look at Sean Murphy, telling his story. He, like all the other Masonic stooges is going to seriously regret selling out. He parrots the BS to TIME who [according to their ‘about’ page] bring “unparalleled insight, access and authority to the news. A 24/7 news [Masonic propaganda] publication with nearly a century of experience, TIME’s coverage shapes how we understand our world.” That translates to how we understand the Satanic freemasonic illusion i.e. the Masonic matrix in which we live [exist].

This is just another professionally made carefully scripted video, whereby the Masonic tool [and fool] Murphy regurgitates what he is told by the Masonic conspirators. He says ‘they’ took away his gun, his badge and all the photographic equipment he had. But he’s “never looked back”. Course he hasn’t; when you please the masons you get looked after – you get security and protection; and if you have a career you get undeserved promotions which are often over more experienced and qualified colleagues. He says “the days that followed were much like the days after September 11th.” Notice how he gets that in [the Boston marathon bombing is billed as the bloodiest terror attack in the United States since 9/11] just as the writing on the screen tells us of the lock down in Boston “as the authorities frantically searched for the last Boston Marathon bombing suspect.” Well the boots on the ground might have been genuinely searching for this most famous and most wanted terrorist fugitive; but their superiors were having a laugh. Notice the on screen writing also states that Sgt Murphy was working as a tactical photographer for the police and was the only photographer on the scene documenting the capture of Tsarnaev. How shocking is that? I don’t see the ‘alternative media’ even giving that a mention; let alone raising issue over it! Why do they remain schtum? Because that is another ‘OUT OF THE MASONIC MATRIX’ debate i.e. one that could lead to the unravelling of the official narrative [psy-op.] We’re told “the following photos were taken that day.” Murphy says when he heard the news of the bombing he knew he had to get to work. So he’s not asked to turn up? So if he hadn’t been able to get to work that day for whatever reason, there would have been no photographs at all of this momentous occasion??? Why was Murphy the only photographer??? Such an important moment – the capture of America’s most dangerous deadly terrorist – defeated and barely alive; and there was only ONE lone photographer??? Why did the police leave that to chance? What if Murphy’s equipment had failed for some reason? Surely the police should have had a number of photographers at the ready; and a number of videographers? And where were the media??? Murphy says he heard a report that a resident had found this guy in his boat. Yeah like that’s how it works; casual like ... So he jumped in his unmarked cruiser and followed a couple of tactical vehicles to this house. He says it was clear this was an “active” situation; that “this is as real as it gets.” Ha ha; yeah ok; dickhead. He says he was proud of being part of the team that was able to say “we got him.” He reminds us that Jahar is the guy who had executed a police officer, who had set the bomb off at the finish line on Patriot’s day [actually that was supposedly Tamerlan] and who had caused a “lock down of this city.” He stresses that this was something that had never happened before. He says he and everyone in Boston was angered and insulted by the photo of Jahar on the front page of Rolling Stone magazine; presented as if he was some sort of rock star. Well genuine people who believed Jahar was one of the bombers would be angry; however if anyone believes this story that this lying idiot Murphy took it upon himself to take those photos, and that he then released them on his own bat to the media [for whatever fukkin reason] ... then you really are a seriously dumbed down pathetic excuse for a human being. He said the public needed to see the true face of terror – his photos of the captured and bloodied Jahar. Murphy says he knew they would bring closure to a hurting city, but that the State police would never release those images. L.O.L the public need to know who really published those photos – the Masonic collaborators – the scumbags who are behind the bombings and all the murders; the same scum who control the police, the MSM and the COINTELPRO agents of the so-called ‘alternative media’, and who pull the strings of clowns like Sean Murphy.

He says very few people even knew these photos existed. Ha ha, so if Rolling Stone hadn’t published the cute Jahar, what would Sean have done with his photos? Would he have left them in a drawer in his living room? And the police would have been ok with that? Perhaps he’d like to tell us who knew about those photos. He says on 18th July he released all his photos taken for the Massachusetts State Police for the first time on He says he knew what he did was right; he knew there would be ramifications. Fukkin great pretender. He wants us to believe that he was punished by his employers for his gallant efforts - he says he was forced to see a psychiatrist, after which he was given the all clear and allowed by the State Police to return to work. The only people who get punished are the ones who genuinely upset the police [or other govt dept] higher ranks i.e. the masons who hold positions of power. Perhaps Sean Murphy would like to show us some evidence of what he says is true; such as the psychiatrist’s report or some evidence of the police disciplinary hearing. Perhaps he could explain whether he was charged with taking police photos without permission, or whether it is the case that his bosses knew about his photos, but that they just let him keep them anyway ... He tells us he was demoted to patrol, and that he received an honourable discharge. Huh? How can he have been honourably discharged when he had been dismissed from duty for violating police rules?

Jesus wept and bloody wept. What a load of old hooey this story is. I repeat NOTHING gets into mainstream publications [including magazines] without Masonic approval. This looks like a Masonic ruse to divert people’s attention from the fact that there is no clear footage of Jahar exiting that boat. Course the masons had to produce some photos; otherwise it would be too obvious that Jahar had not been hiding in that boat.

Who knows who really took those photos – it could have been Murphy, but I doubt it. Actually I reckon they’re not even photos, they look like still shots taken from a video recording. Whoever did the recording deliberately did a lousy job; and made sure the photos lifted from it came out grainy and hazy i.e. not clear enough to show that the man in those photos actually is Jahar [just like the photos taken by that other famous BB related photographer; the one who supposedly captured the brothers shooting at policemen and lobbing pressure cookers their way - Andrew Kitzenberg – more on him in my main pdf on the BB psy-op.]

Take a look at just after 31 mins of Deborah Feyerick’s ‘CNN Special Report: Murder at the Marathon’ Notice the picture at 31:24 mins of the man exiting the boat; he looks a lot bigger than Jahar; also he has white/grey powder in his hair and on his sweatshirt. Compare that to the image of the man we’re told is Jahar at 9 seconds of this video He looks more like Jahar’s size. Notice he has no powder/dust in his hair or on his sweatshirt.

Here is the image of the man who looks more like Jahar’s build:

Notice no powder on him. Here is the image of the man who looks considerably bigger [and has powder on him]:

FBI Special Agent Michael Nealon testified that the white powder found in the boat was discharge from a fire extinguisher. I quote from p 117 of his testimony: “Once we made entry into the boat, it was noticed -- it was identified that there was what appeared to be carvings on a couple of the wooden rails along the -- which would be the portside of the boat, close to the mid-port. We also noticed that there was what I would guess to be discharge from the fire extinguisher. So the carvings in the wood were highlighted by this white powdery substance which inlaid itself in the carvings.” 49/1546_day_34_march_17_2015.pdf So who discharged that fire extinguisher, and why? And was that the powdery substance that we see on the man we’re told is Jahar in the above photo? No idea. None of those questions were asked.

Now take a look at the picture we see at 31:32 mins of ‘Murder at the Marathon’; it does not look as if that man has been shot in the face. Trauma surgeon Dr Odom who attended to Jahar’s injuries testifies that Jahar had “multiple gunshot wounds, the most severe of which appears to have entered through the left side inside of his mouth and exited the left face, lower face.” Do Odom also states: “This was a high-powered injury that had resulted in skull-based fracture with injuries to the middle ear, the skull base, the lateral portion of his C1 vertebrae, with a significant soft-tissue injury, as well as injury to the pharynx, the mouth and a small vascular injury that’s been treated.” Competency-Hearing-Transcript-Dr-Odom

Course those discrepancies could be put down to lighting. That aside, Sean Murphy is/was a [or is/was the] Massachusetts State Police photographer. Yet all of his photos are as clear as mud. A kid could have taken a better set of photos. Do you see the ‘alternative media’ commenting on the quality of his photos? Nah; me neither.

So, is the man in those photos Jahar? I don’t think so. If it was, wouldn’t you think the conspirators would want to show us concrete proof - by way of clear photos and video recordings of him exiting that boat - to back up the official story that he’d hot footed it after ditching the SUV, and had clambered into a boat? Having said that, there is actually a very small chance that it was Jahar [who had been put in that boat by the men who shot him – see my main BB pdf on that] and the images are blurred for more ‘muddying water’ purposes. Remember in order for a Psy-Op to work there has to be, in amongst all the uncertainty and implausibility, a degree of possibility, even if extremely minute, of some parts of it being true.

Take a look at the clarity of the following evidence the masons are happy to show us. For example take a look at exh_698.jpg which is of exceptional clarity, whereby we can see minute detail on the forensic ruler. Or how about the clear as a bell map, where we have no problems reading the names of gas stations - see exh_742.png [also from day 6.] Or what about the amazing clarity shown in the photo of Dun Meng’s lease agreement on the Merc, whereby we can read the tiniest of writing - see exh_754.pdf [also from day 6.] And what about the sharpness of this photo of a biohazard specimen bag exh_1520.jpg [also from day 6.] The reason the masons are happy to show us these crystal clear photographs is because they are ‘safe’, in the sense the Masonic conspirators have no need to obscure them, and obscuring them does not benefit the psy-op.

Not surprisingly Sean Murphy was spared perjuring himself on the stand. The question in court was not whether or not he should be subpoenaed, but whether or not his photos could be admitted into evidence without him [that is without authentication.] Here is the Q & A from p 107 of 49/1575_day_42_march_31_2015.pdf

“MR. WATKINS: Your Honor, that is all the witnesses that the defense will present. There's a series of pictures that the Court indicated could be shown to the jury, and I would do that now with the Court's permission. MR. WEINREB: I object, your Honor. There was a series of pictures the Court did not exclude on one ground, but they have not been authenticated and should be excluded on that ground. There's no witness here. MS. CLARKE: They've told us all along – THE COURT: The objection to their admission was overruled but that -- MR. WEINREB: It was on relevance and 403 grounds. The only representation that I made to the defense was that items of evidence that were collected at Scene A and Scene B in Watertown, we would not object to them on authenticity and chain-of-custody grounds. This is something different. These are arrest photos. All the more reason why those photos should have been court exhibits, and Sean Murphy should have been rigorously cross examined on them. We're not stipulating to anything that was not an item of evidence. MS. CLARKE: That was not our understanding. Our understanding, authentication was not an issue. It was the relevance claim that the government made. So that's why we didn't have a witness here, because we've always been led to believe that authentication was not the issue. THE COURT: These are what they purport to be. That is, they're photographs of the defendant getting out of the boat. MR. WEINREB: Well, there's nobody for us to cross-examine about how long he was in the boat before the photographer took the pictures, whether -- what the lighting issues -- respecting the lighting issues, respecting other things the photographer may have seen when - But with respect to these pictures, because we have objections to them, we are entitled to insist on the normal -- that the normal Rules of Evidence be followed and that they bring a witness who actually can authenticate them and, therefore, be subject to cross-examination about how various aspects of the scene may affect whether they are, indeed -- not so much whether they're what they purport to be in the sense of being photographs but, as the defense is constantly doing with our evidence, putting it in context, as they say, what each side has with respect to the other's evidence. MS. CLARKE: Judge, one of those photos is in. This is the rest of these series. We would have had a witness here had we known that was an objection. We were clearly told authentication was not the issue, that it was simply a question of relevance. THE COURT: Who would you have – MS. CLARKE: We would have to go find the photographer – THE COURT: The photographer – MS. CLARKE: -- or one of the police officers who was on the scene. Ha. Who? You find me a police officer who witnessed Murphy taking those photos. I’ll be waiting a long time because there isn’t one. We simply didn't do that because of the nature of the objection that was raised. MR. WEINREB: Who the photographer is is a matter of public knowledge, but we'll give them the name [so why couldn’t Sean Murphy be named here?] and – MS. CLARKE: Come on. These were provided to us in discovery. It's the next in the series of photographs. It's about seven photographs that the government gave to us. MR. WEINREB: But that doesn't address the objection that, without the witness who took the photographs, we can't put them into context to help the jury know what weight to give them, not just the admissibility. They may appear much weightier to the jury than they otherwise would if they just come in as if they spoke for themselves. Weinreb really does take the trophy for biggest bullshit artist. Well he and judge O’Toole share that trophy. In fact, there was a person who was there who can speak about them, [who?] and that will affect the way the jury takes them. THE COURT: Okay. I think you need a witness, so maybe you can get one. MS. CLARKE: They're Mass. State Police photos. THE COURT: There is an identified person, I assume. Judge O’Toole has just been told the answer to that – that the photographer in question [according to the script] is publically known. MS. CLARKE: And the answer is we're not going to delay the proceedings further to call a witness.” Translation: “We’re not going to call Sean Murphy as we can’t risk him dropping any clangers in court which could lead to the unravelling of the official narrative.”

Murphy’s photos are of the upmost importance; he was one of the most important witnesses and therefore absolutely should have testified. Kitz testified, and he was just an eyewitness [so we’re told.]

Now before going any further let’s look at how the very sophisticated COINTELPRO network are keeping us from getting anywhere near figuring out what is really going on. As I explain in my main BB pdf we now live in this insane world where hoaxes merge into reality. We are in a psy-war being attacked with psy-ops - 9/11, 7/7, Sandy Hook ... to muddy the waters to such an extent that we can’t discern fact from fiction, so we give up trying to make head nor tail of it all. If we can’t separate the facts from the fiction, how the hell can we put up any kind of challenge? The enemy’s tactic is keep us theorizing. The cointelpro agents have flooded the internet with numerous [and growing] blogs [which are often anonymously run] and videos [again, which are often made by anonymous persons] which point out many Boston Bombing anomalies which are intended to convince you that the marathon bombing is a hoax. Taken at face value some of these agents do put up a convincing argument that it was all staged and that crisis actors were used.

I can tell you it isn’t a hoax. Real explosions occurred and real people got hurt and were killed. That is not to say there were no actors at the blast scenes; I can’t be sure about that. Perhaps I’ll look into that some other time. The reason I say there could have been some fakes amongst genuine victims is that some of the injuries do look odd, for example some people have torn trousers and seemingly no leg injuries; also some of the blood does look like red paint. If there were any actors they would be what I term fake ‘victims’ – people who are controlled by a Masonic handler; who are no different to the other Masonic puppets that I’ve exposed, such as Charlie Foulkes, Vicky Haigh, Maurice Kirk, Norman Scarth, Caul Grant, Nigel Cooper, Fiona of ‘forged letter’ fame ... and they will have been put there just after the blasts, in the immediate aftermath to sow more confusion, and thus muddy the waters some more as to whether or not the marathon bombings were real or a hoax.

Having said that I can tell you about the actors I do know are involved - they’re not the ones the psy-oppers want you to know about; they are the FBI, police, the lawyers and judge, Ali Stevenson, Dun Meng, David Green, David Henneberry, Andrew Kitzenberg, and various other so- called witnesses. You won’t hear that from the MSM/AM though. They’re actors too!

One example of these professionally made cointelpro videos, dominating cyberspace, is entitled ‘Boston Bombing Pt 1 - Real or Hoax, you decide - The blast’ made by someone hiding behind the handle mumofgraveypie. None of the points made here [or in any of the videos I’ve seen or sites I’ve read] prove it was a hoax; just that the official story is questionable [which goes without saying!] For example mumofgravey points out the implausibility of a pressure cooker bomb being the cause of the first blast as it would have been shooting nails and bbs out at over 2000 ft per second i.e. faster than the speed of sound, which should have caused more damage to surrounding buildings [and people]. Incidentally the claim that around 260 people were injured from these explosions is not borne out by the video evidence.

I’ll just quote and comment on a few things graveypie says: “As is the way with News footage, it goes round on a repeated loop. Similarly the ‘alternative’ news goes round by the shill repeaters. I watched events unfold – the discrepancies, the false reports ... Ya hypocrite. You’re doing your own false reporting. I have poured over lots of footage and photos. Liar Some of the original footage has disappeared. Lots of links I go to have been withdrawn or pulled. That only happens when genuine whistle blowers expose something damning. And there are images which have been altered by photoshopping. The fake[s] behind this video are probably the ones behind the videos alleging photoshopping. I have no political agenda, I am not a conspiracy theorist, a lobbyist etc ... I’m just an ordinary person [you’re not a person. Satan’s mouthpieces are not human. Reveal your identity you cowardly lump of filth] who has the deepest feeling that the wool has been pulled over my eyes. You and your evil chums are the ones pulling the wool. Now if nothing was at stake I would just shrug and get on with my life. But this is a major even where allegedly people have died, [you know very well people have died; and you too have their blood on your hands] and fraud on an unequalled scale is at this very minute being committed, blatantly, arrogantly, and within view of the watching world.” Yes it is; and you evil fraudsters behind your dirty videos are going to be soiling your pants when the spotlight of truth shines in your faces – for all the world to see.

The other points made are very weak. Mumofgravey questions the victims, asking where the people with missing limbs at the first bomb site are, pointing out conflicting press reports – “No nails” say Boston Globe, “Nails” say The Telegraph. Anyone who has any kind of enquiring mind knows full well that all media is controlled by those who rule over us i.e. it is all propaganda – half truths, exaggerations and downright lies. So there is no point trying to prove anything by pointing out their contradictions and provable lies. Hence why we have an ‘alternative media’! Unfortunately our A/M has been completely infiltrated and taken over by counterintelligence operatives, like the graveypie Masonic puppet[s]. Notice you don’t see the likes of these NWO prostitutes naming and shaming and properly exposing mainstream reporters; and it is only very rarely that they reference court-related or other official documentation.

As for mumofgravey’s reference to the observations of Peekay22, as I’ve already said nothing Peekay says can be trusted either as he is just another voice for the propagandists [i.e. just another unidentified lying piece of shill shit who works for the people who caused the marathon explosions]. He could very possibly be the same person who operates behind mumofgraveypie for all we know. In fact there is probably more than one person behind all these videos.

The point I’m making is that you’ll never find the likes of these agents for the dark forces making the points/asking the questions I do i.e. the ones that will prove this was a false flag attack and that the Tsarnaev brothers were set up as patsies. Their job is to keep you focussing on only the things they point out. They want you believing there are other more capable people out there doing the research and fighting this battle for you. They certainly don’t want you thinking for yourselves. They want you disempowered, and of the belief that there is nothing any of us can do about our impending NWO total enslavement.

So who are the people behind these anonymous videos and blogs. Who is mumofgraveypie? Let’s assume it is just one person. Why doesn’t s/he simply put his/her name to a video s/he should be proud of? Go on graveypie’s you tube channel and click on ‘about’. What do we know about this person? NOWT. And look who the related channels are: Peekay – Peekay Truth, Peekay22, Peekay Music. Peekay makes various videos calling the Boston bombing a hoax, and the bombing victims frauds. He even says Jeff Bauman is Nick Vogt! More on that in a min. So who is Peekay? He is also too ashamed/afraid to reveal his identity. Notice the coward doesn’t put a photo of his own ugly lying face on his YouTube channel; he has a photo of John Lennon there instead. Peekay links to anonymous channels such as Russianvids, MattyD 4Truth, Enterthe5t4rz, New World Agenda

And who are Graveypie’s other related channels? TyrannyNewsNetwork Who the fuck is behind TNN? Again we don’t know. WHY? Look who TNN link to: Peekay, Corbett Report, David Duke, Brother Nathanael, Alex Jones and other anonymous YouTubers such as cinnamonsmyname, QKultra, Carnicom Institute, KateSlate11

Who else does Gravey link to? Someone else too ashamed to attach his/her name to his/her work - Professor Doom1; and there is a link to the king of disinfo himself Alex Jones.

Ok, let’s examine the bombing victims. They of course are getting completely pillorised by the cointelpros – accused of being fame seeking, money grabbing liars. Some of the victims testified at Jahar’s kangaroo trial. Take a look at Rebekah Gregory’s testimony. Scroll down to p 142 here 49/1528_day_27_march_4_2015.pdf There is nothing in that testimony that convinces me she is anything but genuine. Her injuries and scars, shown here certainly look genuine. She is one of the victims being targeted, and accused of being a crisis actor. For example take a look at this video It is made by someone calling himself Mike Sea So who is he? He doesn’t want you to know his real name because he’s a filthy lying cointelpro agent. This is what he says on his ‘about page’: “There once was a channel named Stackpot, who Google and Youtube forgot. So I made a new name, just to play their silly game, so it's Mike Sea for now, and why not?” And who does this prick calling himself Mike Sea aka Stackpot link to? Peekay, David Duke, Brother Nathanael, cinnamonsmyname, Professor Doom1 and other anonymous Youtubers such as Ghenghy, Truth Virus 2, , Russianvids, RandomShots174 [RandomShots link to Ghenghy, cinnamonsmyname, vaticancatholic, KateSlate, God Bless America ... And who do God Bless America link to? Peekay, MattyD4Truth, RandomShots, Russianvids ... And what about Matty not for truth? Well he links to Prof Doom, Truth virus, Pete Santilli ... ]

Following on is Sydney Corcoran’s court testimony. She and her mum Celeste were also seriously injured in the bombings. They too are genuine - borne out by the video evidence

Sydney tells the court: “I was in shock. I didn't know that I was injured. And I remember feeling like half of my foot was gone, half of my right foot, and I tried to put pressure on it thinking, like, "Why does that feel funny?" And I actually started to like limp. I couldn't put pressure on it. So I managed to limp over to a rail and I grabbed onto the rail. And I passed out for maybe a minute because the next thing I know, I'm laying flat on my back on the ground and there's these men around me putting massive amounts of pressure on my thigh, they're taking off my shoes because they're bloody, and they're trying to figure out where I'm bleeding from and they're tying tourniquets to my thigh.” Not surprisingly that gives Satan’s little helpers an opportunity to scream “fraudster – how can she walk around with a severed femoral artery?” When someone is in shock from a severe injury it is a very natural thing to try and get up and run. This happened to my son Andy’s friend Kyle when he was about 12 years old. He fell off our wall and cut open his thigh; it was a very nasty injury - you could see his bone. His first reaction was to get up and try to run away. He hobbled a few steps, until I told him to stop and sit down whilst I was on the phone calling for an ambulance.

Also not surprisingly Peekay puts the boot into the Corcorans. Listen to the utter garbage that he spews here He can’t back up anything he says, and just comes out with any bullshit, for example he says Sydney isn’t even Celeste’s daughter. He questions why no-one is on a drip, saying he’s been in hospital many times and has had surgery and that he’s had a drip on him the whole time of his hospital stay. That is just nonsense. People do not stay on a drip for the whole duration of their hospital stay. Course he doesn’t provide any evidence he’s had any surgery. He criticises the victims for being ‘all dolled up’ and dressed only days after receiving such appalling injuries; he says they should be in hospital gowns. Well gowns are for surgery; patients are encouraged to dress in PJs or clothes asap. In any case we don’t know when those interviews were done; and can anyone blame them for wanting to look their best when being interviewed as the survivors of the most famous and goriest attack on the US since 9/11? They even get slated for surrounding themselves with flowers and soft toys. Jeesh, well wishers worldwide sympathised and sent them gifts. Peekay will tell you that the bombs only affected people’s legs. Wrong again. The numerous videos of many victims’ injuries bear witness to that; as do the court testimonies of various medical staff who gave detailed testimony about the injuries and also the autopsies. See 49/1530_day_29_march_9_2015.pdf 49/1569_day_40_march_26_2015.pdf

And since Peekay and other filthy lying NWO shills are accusing these people of being frauds, how do they explain when and how they got their horrific injuries, if not at the Boston marathon? They can’t. Well as said he and others would have you believe that Jeff Bauman is double amputee Army 1st Lieutenant Nick Vogt. Aside from the fact these men look nothing like each other:-

you can see in this video that Jeff’s injuries are more recent – he is having his stitches removed in May 2013

A resident at Boston Medical Center removing Bauman's sutures, a month after the bombings. Credit Josh Haner/

“The resident worked slowly, pulling and cutting, leaving the especially deep ones for Kalish to do. Bauman did not care to watch. He lay back, rested on his elbows and glanced out the window at the darkening sky and an American flag at half-staff. It had been one month since the bombings.”

Nick’s accident happened in November 2011 i.e 18 months prior.

For anyone to suggest Jeff Bauman, Rebekah Gregory, Sydney and Celeste Corcoran, and all the other victims are faking it is downright disgraceful. Will someone please help them bring a class action lawsuit so they can sue the likes of Peekay [whereby he will be unmasked and the whole world can see his ugly lying mug] Chris Spivey and all the other scumbag shills.

I’ll just give a swift comment on a couple more of Peekay’s videos. Take a look at this video Peekay and all the other shills spouting ‘it’s a hoax’ want you to believe no-one got killed at the marathon; that 8 year old Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell and Lingzi Lu are not real people! Seriously, the masons must think we’re all fukkin retards. The idiot Peekay really shows himself up in this video, not just as a disgusting specimen of the human race, but as a dumbass one at that because he says in reference to Martin: “they use their young children cos it’s easier to cover up that they’re not real people; if they were adults there would be too many questions asked about them being real.” Er weren’t Krystle and Lingzi adults? He says Martin’s head is photoshopped because his neck looks abnormally long. What baloney; it’s just the way he’s standing – tall with his shoulders dropped, unlike most people who are leaning forwards with their shoulders up by their ears. You could say his dad [who is standing behind Martin and his sister Jane] has a giraffe neck too! He says more ‘proof’ that Martin’s head [and his mum’s head] have been photoshopped is that they are the only people looking at the camera, whereas everyone else is looking to their right. Huh? Actually there is another woman looking in the same direction; and they’re actually looking at the runners. Peekay shows a photo of the Richard family, admitting he doesn’t know when it was taken, guessing it was one or two years prior to the marathon. Judging by the photo of Jane [who looks about 3 years old in that family pic] I’d say it was at least 3 years prior to the marathon. Peekay questions how Martin could have grown so much, that he is so much taller than his mum at the marathon. Course you can’t compare heights that way – Martin is standing upright and is standing on the railing; whereas his mum is leaning forward; and of course kids do grow quite a few inches in 2/3 years. And if it was all a hoax, and no-one got killed or maimed, how does Peekay explain how Jane lost her leg? Or is she not real either?

I couldn’t resist a swift comment on this Peekay vid Fast forward to just after 10:30 mins for some unbelievable and sickening jaw dropping shamelessness. The freemasons of Maryland grand lodge in Cockeysville [a most appropriate name for these smug bastards to have a lodge] want the public to know what nice benevolent charitable men they are by presenting bomb victim Erika Brannock with a cheque for £10,000. Jesus wept and bloody wept. These disgusting degenerates know no bounds. I long for the day the likes of Erika [and all the other sheople] know the truth about freemasonry and their role in the grand deception that is the Boston Marathon Bombing psy-op; and what they are doing to bring about our total enslavement. Apparently it didn’t take long for the freemasons to raise the money for Erika. I bet it didn’t. Did you notice the magnificence of that building; there’s some serious money just in that one lodge – just look at that plush carpet. And just look at the well fed grand master mason [wonder what the prick did to earn that title!] Gerald Piepiora proudly presenting the nudge nudge, wink wink money to Erika and her family. And listen to that other great pretender Peekay saying: “Freemasons; surely not; surely they wouldn’t have been involved in this great big hoax; as we see this fraud closing her eyes before she speaks.” He’s the bloody fraud. The sly bastard is working for the vile murderous masons. Wonder what level in the lodge he’s reached for services to Satan.

See here for Peekay exposed. More on Jeff Bauman coming up.

Back to the Corcorans. Celeste Corcoran is also being attacked by someone hiding behind the pen name ashes x in this video entitled ‘IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE: Celeste Corcoran's fake injury Exposed’. So who TF is ashes? Well there is – once again – NO information about this person. We have a photo of a girl, who could be anyone.

l reckon that photo is of the same model the piss-take brigade use in their OOT blog introduction

See also P65 of my Hampstead Hoax psy-op pdf OP.pdf

It looks like the same bird is being used by Spiv too. See his 17/7/16 article :-

Here’s another dirty disinfo video made by some lying mason or mason- controlled puppet calling himself NoDisinfo [No Disinfo! Ha, how ‘in your face’ these fukkers are!] It is entitled ‘Fraudster Sydney Corcoran Busted as Faking her Injuries’. Who is the evil subversive behind the NoDisinfo handle? Well, AS ALWAYS, the coward prefers to remain anonymous. And what channels does the disinformationist link to? Well what a surprise - Peekay, Russianvids, MattyD4Truth, Truth Virus 2, Enterthe5t4rz, New World Agenda.

Now click on the blog and ‘Boston Bombing’ for a healthy dose of stinking disinfo. Here’s an example, take a look at this page uses-silicone-leg-to-fool-the-world/ I quote: “Like the other Boston hoaxers, including that arch-fabricator Jeffrey Bauman, she is a prior amputee and is using the hoax to enrich herself.” Continue down that page a short way and we have a photo of Rebekah’s healthy legs:-

And the blurb: “Yes, she had a fully functional set of legs at one point before. Yet, that is not the issue. The issue is that this is a fabrication, a hoax. By no means did she loose her leg as a result of a terrorist act at the Boston Marathon. There was no terrorist act/bombing. It was all a drill, and she was a part of that drill.” The disinfo agent doesn’t say when or how she lost her leg though! And there was no drill by the way. That is just more of the same dirty disinformation being spread by the muddy water merchants.

Now type into the Google search ‘Total Fake Bill Richards is Ali Stevenson’ and you get the following:-

More Proof that the Bill Richards Family is a Fake - NODISINFO 6 Jun 2013 - Ali (Allistair) Stevenson is now busted as a government operative hired to create a fake ... Proof of a Total Fake Bill Richards is Ali Stevenson.

Freeman Unchained: Proof of a Total Fake Bill Richards is Ali Stevenson 7 Jun 2013 - There is no Bill Richards. It's an invention, pure make- believe. Ali (Allistair) Stevenson is now busted as a government operative hired to create a ...

The Camera Never Lies - Chris Spivey 12 Jun 2013 - And the same goes for that fucking fake cowboy too...... In fact, according to the video, Bill Richards isn't Bill Richards at all. He is apparently a chap by the name of Ali Stevenson...... This whole Boston fiasco, with military planning and total martial law imposition is clearly to soften up the sheeple further ...

Click on the first link and you get:

“Formerly titled Total Fake Bill Richards is Ali Stevenson

Everyone knows that no one by the name Martin Richards died at the Boston Marathon event. That’s because no real bomb of any kind exploded. Without a real bomb there is no way that a purportedly 8-year old child could be killed. This poses a curious question. It would indicate that no one by the name Martin Richards exists, that is, in particular, no one as advertised, a local Massachusetts resident. It means that in terms of being a real bombing victim the identity would be faked, as in a spy novel.”

Click on the second link richards-is.html and you get: “Proof of a Total Fake Bill Richards is Ali Stevenson Everyone knows that no one by the name Martin Richards died at the Boston Marathon event. That’s because no real bomb of any kind exploded. Without a real bomb, there is no way that a purportedly 8-year old child could be killed. This poses a curious question. It would indicate that no one by the name Martin Richards exists, that is, in particular, no one as advertised, a local Massachusetts resident. It means that the identity would be faked, as in a spy novel.”

So whoever is behind NoDisinfo is also the anonymous blogger behind Freeman Unchained. This is what Spivey says:-

No! Not according to a video from which can been found on YouTube by clicking HERE In fact, according to the video, Bill Richards isn’t Bill Richards at all. He is apparently a chap by the name of Ali Stevenson. That video is now unavailable; wonder why!

NoDisinformationAllowed says in his own comments section on JUNE 7, 2013 AT 9:53 AM “John Friend did a great broadcast on media fakery, psyops, and black ops, last week on his Reality Report, found at http://www.John- I just love all of you who are intent on knowing these truths, such as are presented here at” No, he loves all of you knowing the dirty disgusting disinfo shill shit he’s dishing out. See my ‘Digger is a shill’ pdf for more on John Friend.

As for Ali Stevenson, he isn’t a government operative, he’s a Masonic operative. Nor was he hired to create a fake identity. That’s just more filthy disinfo. He is himself a big fat fake though. He’s just another pathetic Masonic sell out being used to spread more fog about a drill and a fake identity. These are tactics to keep us all theorizing in ‘Masonic matrix’ mode. More on fake Ali in a minute.

Here’s another filthy Masonic disinfo vid entitled ‘Nothing but the Truth - Corcoran Fraudsters’ created by a scumbag calling himself PlasmaBurns. Plasma Burns FFS. Course this smug prick is too cowardly to reveal his identity too. In truth all these disinfo vids are created by the same group of utterly despicable lying very high level freemasons. Some of them are probably the bastards who actually bombed the marathon. And if they’re not directly involved themselves, then they’ll know a man who is.

The twat behind the nom de plume PlasmaBurns lies when he claims Sydney’s legs were destroyed in 2010, which he says explains her leg scars. Yes she was involved in a horrific car accident in 2010; however there is no mention of her suffering leg injury as a result. and other media outlets report that she suffered a fractured skull. journey-back-health/YoeuzhNaRAUgVa8duGDu1K/story.html

Right, on to Jeff Bauman. Take a look at his testimony here 49/1529_day_28_march_5_2015.pdf [scroll down to p 24.]

I do not doubt that Jeff lost his legs as a result of one of the marathon explosions. Certainly no-one has been able to explain how else he received his shocking injuries. And he most certainly is not Nick Vogt [or any other person!] However I can tell you he is lying about seeing Tamerlan in the crowd just prior to the first explosion. I’d say he’s been persuaded by the Masonic suits to tell this story for two reasons [1] to bolster the official narrative, and [2] so that cointelpro agents like Peekay who are on the ‘crisis actor’ propaganda team can come along and discredit him [when someone is exposed as lying about something then everything that person says is questionable and everything about that person comes into question] thus giving legs [sorry don’t mean to make light of this] to the crisis actor/hoax theory.

Here’s my reasoning:-

Jeff states in court: “This guy -- you know, he's about my age -- he came up and he was trying to make his way through the crowd. And, you know, it was a dense crowd and, you know, he kind of nudged me and I looked back at him. And that's when I looked at him and he just looked very suspicious. Why didn’t the questioning attorney Steven Mellin ask him to explain what he means by this? What was the guy [Tam] doing that made him look suspicious? You know, he didn't look like anybody that was there. He was alone; [how would he know that in a dense crowd? And why would he notice that a complete stranger was alone and acting suspiciously unless he’d been observing him a while? Jeff was not studying Tam; his story is that he noticed him there one minute and gone the next] he wasn't, you know, watching the race, he wasn't -- you know, it didn't look like he was having fun like everybody else.” Why wasn’t he asked what Tamerlan was looking at if he wasn’t watching the race?

Jeff says he saw that Tam had left his bag on the floor. Why wasn’t he asked where the bag was left – was it near the railings; further back? He says it was black and, “like an Eastpack or a JanSport, you know, a regular backpack.” This is the bit that exposes Jeff as a liar, and proves that the masons have been coaching him. When WGBH News interviewer Emily Rooney mentions a JanSport bag, he says: “yeah it looked like a Jansport; growing up, everyone had them.” [9:35 mins.] Ok if you’re observant you might notice someone in the crowd standing near you carrying a black backpack; but you are not likely to notice the brand, unless you were specifically looking for it. The problem for Jeff is that the script says that Tamerlan was carrying a Ful backpack i.e the backpack remains that were found at blast scene A [the finish line] were from a Ful backpack, not a Jansport backpack. I quote from p 118 of 49/1567_day_39_march_25_2015.pdf whereby FBI Special Agent Christian Fierabend is on the stand: “Q. Were the remains of a Ful backpack recovered from what was called Scene A on Boylston Street, the site of the Marathon Sports explosion? A. Yes.”

According to the storyline a Jansport was found on the Crapo landfill and another found on Laurel St. The backpack remains found at Scene B [by the Forum] were from a Fox backpack. Woops, looks like Jeff’s Masonic handler forgot the script!

That’s another anomaly you’ll never see the ‘alternative media’ pointing out.

Of course this also proves Emily Rooney is also ‘in’ on the dirty conspiracy. Why else would she point out that it was a Jansport bag? Rooney, incidentally, also interviews lawyers Church and Demissie in relation to Robel Phillipos’ trial. See my pdf on the Jansport Backpack.

As for his injuries Jeff tells the court: “I mean, you know, I did look at my wounds at that point and, you know, my right leg was pretty devastated and I wasn't losing much blood out of my right leg at that point.” This is a point the cointelpro agents regularly make to ‘prove’ Jeff is a lying fraud. Well I don’t think he’s lying about that; he certainly has no need to embroider his story as far as his injuries are concerned! As for the lack of blood I know from first-hand experience that blood doesn’t necessarily come gushing out straight away. An example of that is the injury sustained by Andy’s pal Kyle that I mentioned. Despite trying to run away before being told to sit down, it was a good few minutes before the ambulance arrived and yet there was absolutely no bleeding until he was being carried into the ambulance. He now has a large scar on his thigh.

Jeff testifies that he was talking to the ambulance crew, and that he was aware of Carlos talking to them too. When Emily Rooney says [at 8:25 mins of the WGBH interview]: “You were very clear; and you said something in one of the ambulances too – I saw the guy. I know who did this” he agrees. Wouldn’t you think that if that was actually true he would have mentioned it in court?

On answering questions about his surgery he says he recalls “going into one surgery, but I believe I had a total of three surgeries and I don't recall the first two.” Why wasn’t he asked roughly how much time passed in between those surgeries i.e. was it a day or two; a week; longer? When was his third surgery? And isn’t it odd that he doesn’t remember his first two surgeries yet he can vividly recall important detail about Tamerlan, including the aviator shades, hoodie, five o’clock shadow ... which the FBI found useful [or so the story goes]!

Another part of his court testimony I find a tad embellished is where he states: “I have FBI standing in front of me and state police and -- Q. Did they ask you about what you saw? A. Oh, yeah. You know, at first I couldn't talk. I had the breathing tubes in. So, you know, at first I did write down what I saw. I wrote down exactly what I saw. And, you know, after that they were like, you know, "You have to get his breathing tubes out," and, you know, they kind of worked on that and they got my breathing tube out.” Really? The FBI overruled the doctors? Why wasn’t he asked when the breathing tubes came out?

Another bit I find far-fetched is where he tells the court that he assisted the FBI who were trying to do a sketch of Tamerlan. He says he believes this was done on Wednesday at night time. Really? Why would the FBI turn up at night time to do a sketch? He tells Emily Rooney [but not the court] that the FBI “were outside my door the whole time. They never left my door. They always had a police detail outside my door and they didn’t leave for a week until that Friday. They were there all night; never left.” Not believable. Why would the FBI need to be camped outside his room the whole time? If this was not a psy-op, and Tamerlan was genuinely a suspect bomber, you could understand the FBI wanting to talk to Jeff if he was letting it be known that he thinks he saw the person who set off the first bomb; but they’d surely only need to visit him once or twice.

Jeff also seems to be embroidering ‘cowboy hat’ Carlos Arredondo’s role. His court testimony is: “And I didn't get a good look at the girl pushing the chair, but the guy in the cowboy hat, Carlos, grabbed me with one hand, [why would he only use one hand?] picks me up and threw me in the chair.” According to the New York Times piece referenced above: “Bauman grabbed what was left of his legs, lay back down and was writhing there when Allan Panter found him. Panter, an emergency room physician from Gainesville, Ga., had been in the crowd, too, but was unharmed. He pulled Bauman from the pile of bodies and placed the loose tissue back into his leg. Bauman screamed. Panter tied a makeshift tourniquet around his right leg, placed a jacket on him and left Bauman so he could tend to the woman sprawled nearby whose eyes were open and empty.

I’m going to die, Bauman thought, lying there alone.

He had sat up again when a man in a cowboy hat named Carlos Arredondo came bounding toward him. Arredondo had watched the chaos unfold from across the street. He called for help, and a woman came with a wheelchair. He nudged Panter, and they lifted Bauman into the chair, and off Bauman went, Arredondo running by his side.”

It looks to me that the reward Jeff got from the masons for agreeing to tell a few porkies is a book deal - he is now a best-selling author a movie - there is a movie about him called ‘stronger’ in the can; and he is also now mingling with professional athletes, and meeting ‘important’ people such as the president and first lady. He tells Emily Rooney that he wants to capitalise on all his opportunities.

Some shills are saying there are two Jeff Baumans! Take a look here hoax-or-both-you-decide/ I quote: “1. The “Jeff Bauman” in those famous news photos at the scene of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing with his bloody legs reduced to stumps, supposedly “blown off” by the bomb explosion. Let’s call him Marathon Jeff. 2. The “Jeff Bauman” supposedly “in recovery” in the hospital, and the recipient of charity donations. Let’s call him Donation Jeff.”

Of course the main shill spiel is that these seriously injured bomb victims are actors who are now laughing all the way to the bank as they rake in lots of donations from a gullible public.

Not surprisingly the ‘Fellowship of the Minds’ blog is run by somebody we know absolutely nothing about who goes by the name ~Dr. Eowyn which is almost certainly a pseudonym. According to C.A.G dr-eowyn/#more-171 Maria Chang is the Dr Eowyn persona.

Course it’s no surprise to find ‘Dr Eowyn’ linking to Ken Adachi, another fully paid up rat shill spouting the “two Baumans” question mark Nick Vogt theory http://educate- and working with fellow filthy disinformation peddler Jim Fetzer

Here is another disgusting piece by Dr. Eowyn bombing-crisis-actors/

And look at this page of pure dishinfo shill shit from Fetzer tsarnaev-blows.html I’ll cover the crap he and his fellow Masonic brown noses come out with in due course; for now here’s a taster: “Three proofs "They didn't do it!" Let me close by pointing out three blatant demonstrations that the brothers were innocent ... they included that the footage of the boys at the marathon was faked [not true; the evidence is they were at the marathon] that Tamerlan was killed in police custody [we don’t know the circumstances in which Tamerlan died. His death certificate states he was shot by police and then run over and dragged by a car. There is no evidence he was shot in a police shoot out, or that the person who ran over him in a car was Jahar. Tameran was murdered by unknown untouchable powerful people i.e masons of very high standing] and that the backpacks they were wearing (in the faked footage [which isn’t faked]) were not the backpacks that exploded in Boston.” Isn’t that stating the obvious? Not that there is any proof that backpacks actually housed the bombs. The government didn’t even produce exhibits at Jahar’s trial of the remains of the backpacks that they say housed the pressure cookers and were found at both blast sites. Is this the best Jim Fetzer can do?!

Back to the bombing victims. Karen McWatters [previously Karen Rand] also lost a leg in the bombings; she was good friends with Krystle Campbell, and gives her testimony here 49/1528_day_27_march_4_2015.pdf [scroll down to p 170.]

It is no surprise to see ‘NoDisinfo’ claiming that Krystle’s death was faked. See this video entitled ‘Krystle Campbell Busted as a Fake Left Leg Amputee - Part I’. These bastard masons – the real fraudsters - really are clutching at straws trying to prove their assertions. It’s just pathetic. I pray someone ‘in the know’ finds a conscience, grasses these vile animals up, and throws them to the wolves. I quote some more from their filthy disinfo site “Meanwhile, we stand by the premise, here, that the standard information about Krystle Campbell is incorrect and that, in fact, she didn’t die from a bomb-blast. Other individuals with expertise in the medical aspects have weighed in favour of the findings. We begin with one such UNSOURCED quote: “I have worked with trauma and seen hundreds of unconscious or dead people. I know what it looks like. None of the more seriously injured “victims” in Boston show any of the typical facial signs of chock, blood loss, etc, you would see. Red lips, nice colour of the cheeks and so on. And look at the expression in the eyes on both Krystle and the black woman lying on a stretcher… They look like children pretending to be dead.””

Now, take a look at this video entitled ‘Boston Marathon Explosion 'Was a Drill'?’ by disinfo duo Aaron and Melissa Dykes, former employees of Alex Jones. Former employees of Alex Jones; what more needs to be said? They’re probably still under his control; they’re certainly being ‘handled’ and spouting the same stinking disinfo shill shit as their old boss. They’ve apparently created TRUTHstreammedia which lists related channels as ... Alex Jones and James Corbett and has links to a host of other degenerate shill channels; most of which are run by anonymous persons. As with all cointelpro agents the Dykes’ videos are professionally made by unknown Masonic high ups.

The aim of these two fear mongers is to demoralise you, as they report with some urgency in the aftermath of the terrorism in Boston - on the looming police state, the tightening control grid ... Yes, we know this constant barrage of terror is forcing us to live in fear. We know we’re being encouraged to be suspicious of everyone – including our friends, family members and neighbours. We know we’re being conditioned to accept martial law as normal; and even welcomed. Bottom line, we know we are being manipulated into begging for protection [enslavement.] So what are the Dykes doing about it? Well they don’t want you thinking you can do something about it; that’s for sure. Instead, like all good shills these treacherous monkeys are keeping you busy with ‘in the box’ theories and disinformation; i.e. they are disempowering you. Aaron Dykes says “It’s important that we focus on the drills that have been reported. Yeah let’s focus on the red herrings which have been put out by the psy-oppers [the real marathon bombing terrorists.] There were reports in the Boston Globe that police will have controlled explosion [more on that coming up] as part of bomb squad activities ... Even bigger is that a coach [Ali Stevenson] was there and he witnessed bomb sniffing dogs both at the starting line and the finish line [well if bomb sniffing dogs were there, how come they failed to sniff out the pressure cooker bombs?] and when something happened related to the explosion [notice the vagueness] he heard police and people with the dogs saying: “Don’t worry folks; it’s just a drill.” Well according to Stevenson in his recorded phone call [coming up] ‘they’ kept making announcements that it was just a training exercise; which means that there wasn’t just an announcement after something had happened.

Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis specifically states they had “no specific intelligence” regarding a drill taking place. [1 min.] If a drill was taking place police would know about it beforehand – it’d be a bit embarrassing if a bystander saw events unfolding, didn’t realise it was just a drill, and called the police!

Apparently drills/training exercise are something that soldiers, police officers, fire fighters and first responders perform all the time to keep their skills sharp and engage with the public to promote preparedness. In order to do this they stage a terrorist attack that looks and sounds very real – using fake blood and actors. We might however question the point of such drills when they’re not stopping real terror attacks; and they’re costing the tax payers a mint! That aside, what would be the chances of a drill happening at the same time as a real terror attack i.e. what are the chances of the same type of attack occurring in exactly the same place and at exactly the same time? I should imagine the chances of that would be close to zero, which means that if it did happen, the person[s] conducting the drill would, without a doubt, know beforehand of the impending real terror attack. Well of course they’d know. Why? Because the people in charge of the drill would be freemasons; and thus part of the conspiracy to carry out a false flag attack.

It is not difficult to see how there would be much confusion as to what was real and what was staged in the event of a drill just coincidentally taking place at the same time as a real terrorist attack. So, in such a scenario, when the shills yell “hoax”, their theories actually have legs.

You can hear the recorded phone call of Ali Stevenson on this propaganda video entitled ‘Boston bombing - Fox TV - bomb sniffing dogs / drill before explosions’. I quote: “At the start line this morning, they had bomb spotters on the roofs of the building, [Stevenson says on the Alex Jones channel that there were people on the roof with binoculars From all the footage I’ve seen there was just one ‘mystery’ man, who didn’t have binoculars, on a roof. I’ll come to that in a min] and they had bomb sniffing dogs coming up and down at the start line and Melanie [his wife] said there were bomb sniffing dogs at the finish line; but they [who?] kept making announcements, saying to the participants: do not worry this is just a training exercise. Isn’t it odd that neither Ali nor his wife, nor anyone else recorded those announcements; nor did anyone record all those dogs and their handlers that were supposedly patrolling both start and finish lines!

Filthy lying shill Fetzer says you can hear the police on a bullhorn announcing “this is a drill; this is a drill.” [9 mins.] Liar; no you can’t.

At 2 mins of the same infowars video we see a couple of dogs and a handler. It wouldn’t be unusual to have bomb sniffing dogs at a big event such as the Boston marathon; I saw police and bomb sniffing dogs patrolling within the vicinity of the Eiffel tower in Paris. Ed Davis confirms the presence of cops and dogs to be heightened security, which is the norm at events which attract large crowds. He apparently says there was no specific threat; that teams of undercover officers were in the crowd working the crowd at the end of the race, which is standard procedure. [I say ‘apparently’ because although there appears to be transcripts of words spoken, there are no actual videos or audio recordings published.] He says EOD [Explosive Ordnance Disposal] dogs were fully deployed in the area all through the race. bombing-qa-afternoon-press-conference-on-april-16-2013/ So why aren’t we told how many of these undercover cops were there and how many bomb sniffing hounds there were? There were probably only those two dogs and their handlers; if that wasn’t true how come there’s no footage showing any more? Course the masons would not want us to see footage of lots of EOD dogs with their handlers, as that would raise some very uncomfortable questions about why the bombs weren’t detected; after all if Jeff Bauman can spot a suspicious man with a backpack containing a bomb, why didn’t those undercover cops with their highly trained dogs sniff them out? This is especially so as they were “working the crowd at the end of the race”. I bet there weren’t any bomb sniffing dogs at the marathon [even the dogs photographed probably weren’t bomb sniffers] - imagine if there were any bomb sniffing dogs, especially in the vicinity of the finish line; they’d all be sniffing out the real bombs! Well I don’t believe they were just having a training exercise, I think they must have known. They must have had some kind of threat; or suspicion, called in.” Stevenson is leading you to believe that the authorities allowed the attack to happen. He’s saying they did have a warning; that is clear by the presence of bomb spotters and sniffer dogs etc. Of course, as I’ve proven in my main BB pdf, it’s much worse than that – the authorities, or rather the freemasons i.e. the men who occupy the highest positions within the authorities, are involved in the massive marathon bombing conspiracy and the framing of the Tsarnaev brothers.

Incidentally Stevenson says it is plain miraculous that his wife Melanie left her seat to meet him when she did as she had been sitting in the stands at the finish where the bomb went off just moments before the explosion. A miracle, or prior knowledge?

I have had a good read of numerous court related documents and transcripts [all listed at the end of my BB psy-op pdf] and I’ve been all over the Net, and as far as I can tell Ali Stevenson is the only person making these claims. So how come none of the other 27,000+ runners and none of the spectators made the same observations? As said, cos there was no drill. Ali Stevenson LIED about that. So who told him to tell such a whopping lie? There is more chance of being struck by lightning than finding the answer to that! Notice the ‘alternative media’ don’t point that out!

More ‘no drill’ confirmation comes in an interview whereby Stevenson is told “there are people out there that are saying the drill never existed and many of them [inaudible] that they never even did the training exercise” and “the police commissioner said they had no prior intelligence whatsoever and now some are denying there was any type of drill.” [10:16.]

Ali’s reply is that he finds it hard to comment on that, adding that he couldn’t tell whether or not there was prior knowledge [despite saying on Fox TV he believed there was knowledge of a threat.] And just like all these scumbags who are ‘in’ on the psy-op, they pretend to care about the victims – he quickly goes on to say his main thought is with the families and the victims. [Further on in that video – 1h 46 mins - you see another fake bastard Ruslan Tsarni pretending to care about the victims and even naming the murdered ones.]

Just so’s you know, that 6 ½ hour [roughly] video narrated by Brendan Hunt calling himself xrayultra is pure disinfo. Just the fact that his ‘presentation’ is from over 100 mainstream news sources tells you all you need to know. Course that video wasn’t cobbled together by just him, his masonic handler[s] will have been assisting/directing. I will be expanding on all the points being made [the masonic masterminded conspiracy theories] in xrayultra’s video throughout this pdf.

Just the fact that Hunt and the likes of Anthony Gucciardi, James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds, Lew Rockwell, Glenn Beck, Seth Macfarlane seen/referenced in the film clips shown ... do not expose the Jahar Tsarnaev show trial shows you that they are working for the men who authorised the marathon bombing and fitted Jahar up.

Ali Stevenson is just another Masonic sycophant. The Masonic mafia [the real terrorists] needed someone who was seemingly just another runner [or spectator] to tell the main American talking head of the ‘alternative media’, kingpin of misinformation and disinformation Alex Jones that he [or she] had heard such announcements. This then provides an opportunity for the ‘conspiracy theorists’ [all of whom are cointelpro agents] to get to work and muddy the waters with their numerous disinfo videos and blogs; which collectively become too mind boggling for the average Joe to comprehend, thus the real opposition [Joe Public] gives up trying to make sense of it all, and the populace are kept under control in the Masonic matrix.

The masons with assistance from their mind blowing number of loyal lickspittles are adept at employing various types of deception and subterfuge to keep you - my fellow slaves - under control.

Remember psy-ops are massive conspiracies which involve all the authorities, all media [AMA and A/M] and various Masonic controlled individuals, such as David Green, Sean Murphy, Andrew Kitzenberg, Ali Stevenson ... Everyone involved in a psy-op is acting a role and is under the control of a Masonic overseer; they are all pretenders.

So, were spotters with binocs on the roofs? No. There was one ‘mystery man’. The dirty disinfomongering Daily Mail [whose reporters are too cowardly/embarrassed/ashamed to attach their names to their contemptible articles] say: “A picture posted on Twitter shows an individual walking on the roof directly overlooking one of the blasts at the Boston Marathon.

The picture of the mystery person was posted shortly after the terror attack and raises the eerily possibility that one of the perpetrators watched as the carnage was unleashed.” bomb-explosions-Who-mystery-man-roof.html One of the perpetrators of that heinous crime would have been watching the carnage unfolding; but that person was not a man on a roof, nor was he one of the Tsarnaev brothers, or anyone else the Masonic conspirators via their minions are accusing.

Folks, understand, whoever did bomb the marathon will never be found in any of the Boston marathon footage. The finger pointing at various people who were so-called ‘caught on camera’ are perversion/diversion tactics put out by the marathon murderers themselves.

So some bloke just wanted a bird’s eye view of the race, did he? I don’t know if people living in that building are able to access the roof, but if anyone unauthorised was seen wandering around on rooftops, at a time of heightened security, especially at a time when two deadly explosions had just occurred, the authorities would have had said person down from there in lightening speed and questioned. Mystery person, my arse.

ABC ‘news’ say speculation and conspiracy theories took off. Yeah, spread by themselves and all the other Masonic mouthpieces in the media – MSM and A/M [who, as you know, are both controlled by the same Masonic power.] They also say that internet sleuths [who are in reality one and the same as the A/M ... I’ve yet to find a genuine online sleuth] spotted a man on a rooftop just as the bombs went off. We’re told Authorities are giving it no special priority; that it’s just one of many tips and leads they’re following. Fukkin piss takin’ pretenders. If this was not a psy-op [false flag attack], the authorities would have given very special priority to a man walking around a roof. 38519107 Ok so presumably the authorities [masons in high places] managed to interview this man. Considering the fact the masons made a big deal of this mystery man – he’s in the propaganda shit rags and all over the shill saturated internet, I think they have a duty to tell us who this person is and what he was doing walking around a rooftop.

Course it is no surprise to find the lying piss take brigade via their media bum-suckers spouting a load of old horseshit about this man. The Daily Mail filthy lying cowardly propagandists continue to refuse to attach their names to their ‘reports’. I quote from ‘DAILY MAIL REPORTER’: “The 'mystery man' spotted on the roof of a Boston building which directly overlooked the bomb site was likely just a resident, it emerged today.” Oh that’s ok then, some bastard[s] just detonated two deadly bombs which killed and maimed hundreds of people, but there’s no urgency to find the culprit – even a mystery man seen walking on a roof, who could have been a bomber, was just assumed to have been a resident. bomb-explosions-Mystery-man-seen-walking-roof-building-directly- overhead-Boston-marathon-bomb-site-likely-just-resident.html

The link to the smoking gun says: “The purported “mystery man” now starring [courtesy of the psy-op specialists] in conspiracy theories [red herrings put out by the murderers who conspired to bomb the marathon and stitch up innocent young men] stemming from yesterday’s bombings in Boston was walking on the common roof deck of a luxury building in front of which the second explosion occurred.

The deck--outfitted with wicker chaises, a gas grill, and a bathroom [a bathroom on a roof? Course the piss take brigade will tell us anything] -- is open to residents of 755 Boylston Street, a seven-story building where apartments rent for upwards of $7000 monthly.

Since the building is situated a couple of blocks from the Boston Marathon’s finish line, the deck provides a clear view of runners streaming towards Copley Square. So the prospect that a tenant happened to be on the sunny deck watching the race appears more likely than the roof serving as the perch of a bomb plotter.” mystery-man-578432

Those railings look dangerously low for residents to be lolling about on very high rooftops.

As for the ‘smoking gun’ publication, what a waste of space that is - nothing there will help us break out of the Masonic matrix. The editor William Bastone, managing editor Andrew Goldberg and reporter Joseph Jesselli are obviously freemasonic friendly [and likely freemasons themselves.] Just the fact that they print assumptions i.e. the shite that it appears more likely that it was a tenant up on the roof, rather than a bomber, when they should have been questioning why the authorities were unable to say definitively that said man was indeed just a tenant or a resident tells you smoking gun is just another mouthpiece for the real bombers.

Folks, that ‘mystery’ man is just another pathetic Masonic stooge who agreed to go up there for a photo-shoot; the purpose of which was to give the tin foil hats [shills] something to blog about – was he a bomber or a bomb spotter?

The evil men who bombed the marathon and fitted up the Tsarnaevs would not have got away with their false flag attack if they hadn’t created so much smoke and mirrors to keep you in a perpetual state of confusion and apathy, and thus unable to think outside of their generated conspiracy theories.

The Daily Mail Masonic monkeys and all media monkeys [‘A’/M included] and the internet ‘sleuths’; all of whom are under orders from the real terrorists – their paymasters - have all sorts of tricks up their sleeve to keep you distracted and entertained, and prevent you getting anywhere near figuring out who is really behind the bombings.

The person who we’re told took that photo and posted it on twitter is Dan Lampariello. So Dan Lampariello was amongst the very few who didn’t hand their marathon footage into the FBI [who say that they obtained thousands of hours of video recordings and numerous photographs from the public] and he just happened to take a photo that would spread like wildfire on the internet. Yeah; pull the other one.

He tells ABC ‘news’:- when the second bomb went off the runners were running back backwards on the race track. Well that isn’t borne out by the footage. The first bomb detonates, people continue running; the second bomb goes off – the runners immediately do an about- turn and start running back the way they came.

Lampariello says the blasts were very loud, the ground shook, it was very scary, very chaotic, he just got right out of there ... but not until he’d taken that iconic photo. Echoes of David Green anyone?

Isn’t it a bit odd that Lampariello would take a photo and not a recording? Just about everyone these days [especially the youngsters like Lampariello] have decent mobile phones which take very good video recordings. Notice he isn’t asked why he didn’t press the record button. Notice also that he isn’t asked if that was the only photo he’d taken.

So who is Dan Lampariello? “Dan Lampariello joined the WBBJ 7 Eyewitness News Team in May 2014.

He is a native of Boston, Massachusetts where he graduated from Suffolk University with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. While at Suffolk, he was a part of the University’s award winning newscast “Suffolk U News”, covering many hard hitting stories across the city including the Boston Marathon Bombing.

Dan has also worked for a number of news agencies in the Boston area including WHDH-TV, New England Cable News, and Boston Magazine. Nuff said. He too is a lying Masonic suck up.

The freemasons want you to believe the following bullshit: “When nearly a day passes following a national tragedy like the Boston Marathon bombing without answers from authorities, [so not even a day has passed and answers are expected from the authorities?] not everyone is interested in leaving the investigation to the professionals. All the more so when federal authorities are asking for anyone with photos from the event to send them their way.

Case in point: Boston's so-called "man on the roof."

The person in question—barely a silhouette on a rooftop captured in the background of a photo of one of the explosions—has sparked the imagination of countless Twitter users, not to mention at least one British tabloid that saw within the blurry snapshot a "chilling image" of a "mystery figure lurking on a rooftop." Yeah like there’s going to be so much interest in a man on a roof on the same day that two deadly explosions have killed people including a child and horribly mutilated many others. See Lampariello’s twitter BS: So all those media outlets just had to have that great photo? Why? It shows practically nothing of the blast. So what about CBS Boston's WBZ-TV who were actually filming the marathon live that day – did they not get any footage of the blasts or the aftermath? Lampariello himself says “there’s cameras up top there” at the finish line. And what about other reporters who would have been on the scene quick smart, was their footage not good enough? And what about the red hot footage obtained by Steve Silva, He happened to be in the right place at the right time, and managed to get a recording of both blasts which were published on the same day – 15th April. fullvideo/

Interest in the mystery man has grown so great that during a press conference Tuesday morning, the FBI acknowledge that they were aware of it, [course they are; the FBI are up to their eyeballs in the dirty psy-op. Course if this was not a psy-op the FBI would have been able to inform the press [and thus kill stone dead the conspiracy theories surrounding the ‘mystery man’] that said man had been ruled out as a suspect; that he was just a resident/tenant ...] although they declined to comment on the photo or any other images flagged by the public for investigators. "We are processing a lot of digital photograph evidence right now," FBI Boston Division head Richard DesLauriers said with a smirk on his face; nudge nudge, wink wink, before renewing his request that the public continues to submit any and all photographic evidence that may help authorities piece things together.

Spectator Dan Lampariello snapped the photo in question Monday and posted it to Twitter, where it then began to spread far and wide.” Courtesy of the Masonic collaborators. mbing_man_on_the_roof_prompts_twitter_to_speculate.html

I’d say, just like the photo we’re told was captured by David Green, the ‘mystery’ man photo was also lifted from a video recording which was done by a Masonic stooge. It is very possible that Lampariello was that very person. As said in my main pdf on the BB psy-op numerous Masonic operatives would have been mingling amongst the crowds recording and photographing the marathon, and the explosions, and the aftermath. The same scumbags were busy getting footage of the marathon route months, if not a year, prior to the day of the marathon. I’d go as far as to say that the only genuine photos used [since I believe the photos we’re shown were obtained from video recordings] which were obtained by spectators or runners at the marathon were the photos taken of people posing for the camera, such as the ones of the victims pre the blasts.

I’ll say it again for those who still don’t understand, freemasonry controls - apart from individuals and small businesses - pretty much everything else; so the FBI, media and ‘alternative’ media [including the so-called armchair sleuths] are controlled by the Masonic elite - the very people who actually bombed the marathon and fitted up the patsies, and murdered Tamerlan and Officer Collier, and seriously injured Officer Donohue and Jahar.

You will never find the so called ‘alternative’ media or internet ‘sleuths’ [freemasonic puppets] pointing out this kind of truth.

Back to the Dykes: We’ve heard this all before; it happened on 9/11 [9/11 is a mega massive psy-op that I might attempt to get my teeth into at some point] ... it happens again and again with these terrorist events; largely because Homeland Security does so much training with their crisis centres, with FEMA preparation for disasters of all kinds from all shootings; that it really is an overlapping coinciding ... and allows them to hide, through their compartmentalised unit a false flag event.” This of course is just a load of shill speak because if these were not psy- ops there would be no drill going on at the same time as a terrorist attack. Put it this way if there was a genuine training situation that just happened to coincide with a real terror attack [which obviously would not be a false flag attack], there would be a genuine investigation. A proper investigation would quickly reveal who the actors in the drill were, and thus clear the fog, making it a simple matter of collecting evidence to find out who had committed the terror attack.

Course you’ll never find a shill telling you that the people who are behind the false flag attacks are also the ones who are in charge of the drills i.e. the all powerful Masonic conspirators at the top oversee everything.

Dykes emphasizes the point that throughout the whole Bush administration it was “all terrorism; all the time; it could be home grown terrorists, but it was all about the Muslim terrorists. During most of the Obama administration it’s been about single shooters, lone wolf incidents.” Once again he is parroting the usual propaganda that is put out by the PTB [Masonic elite] to distract you away from discovering the real truth.

The Dykes mention the Saudi suspect; which is yet another red herring put out by the real terrorists via their media lackeys to enable the cointelpro network to divert you from ever finding the right rabbit hole to burrow down.

The right rabbit hole is the one that chips away at, and will eventually free you from, the Masonic matrix.

I’ll say it again, in all psy-ops there are many conspiracy theories which are actually red herrings designed to send the genuine armchair sleuths looking into the official narrative down the wrong path. See my pdf on ‘The [censored] House Homeland Security Committee report’.[CENSORED]_HOUSE_HOMELAND_ SECURITY_COMMITTEE_REPORT_dated_March_2014_entitled_The_ Road_to_Boston.php

The Dykes also reference the Masonic engineered debate on ‘gun control’- people being angry about gun control measures [remember all well-publicised debates are orchestrated from on high i.e. within the bowels of the secret societies.] Seriously it matters not a jot if we’re allowed to own a gun or not for self-protection. What good is a gun against the might of the police/army/security apperati ...? Bill Cooper is the proof of that; the PTB wanted him dead, and there was nothing he could do about it; despite the fact he did own a gun, and did use it.

Dykes and other shills say that the purpose of the concurrent drill [not that there was one] is to provide special ops personnel Craft International, who they say are the real perpetrators of the false flag incident and/or professional crisis actors with a cover story should they be seen or caught on film at the false flag event. As said no-one caught on film bombed the marathon. This is just more muddying water disinfo. The idea is to create as much fog and darkness for we ordinary folk to keep getting lost in.

Craft Intl are identified as public safety officials or CSTs in the media marathon-explosions-pictures#/?picture=407248955&index=16 You will find some cointelpro agents [including Anita Dalton - see my write up on her here _a_closer_look_at_the_work_of_the_COINTELPRO_who_are_geared_t owards_the_savvier_truth_seekers.php] pointing out that the government’s department of defence has revealed that the WMD-CSTs [Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team] were at the marathon on the day of the bombings.

According to ‘Homeland Security Today’ CSTs “are known as some of the most effective first responders when it comes to a potential chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or enhanced improvised explosive (CBRNE) event. But they failed miserably to detect the marathon bombs.

CSTs are federally resourced, trained and evaluated, and they operate under federal doctrine. I wonder if the American public have any idea where their tax dollars are spent! CSTs can respond to a WMD incident as part of a state response much quicker than a federal response would allow. Really? Why?

In fiscal year 2011, CSTs were deployed throughout the United States in support of civil authorities 128 times. These missions included white powder incidents, suspicious substances, chemical hazards, clandestine labs, the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill and Hurricane Irene recovery operations. They were also called upon for 504 standby missions in support of large-scale events, including national and state special security events, stadium and arena sporting events and political gatherings where the WMD-CSTs, in cooperation with local first responders, provided air sampling and chemical detection or similar activities.” But they weren’t able to detect two dodgy looking backpacks which were [allegedly] left lying around unattended! article/guards-wmd-civil-support-teams-can-respond-faster-than-other- federal-assets/af2160975c8dc3d4ab7f17f0942bdcdc.html

I quote from the Air National Guard’s article – ‘support teams respond to crisis nation-wide’. [The ANG are the Air Force component of the National Guard.] “The Massachusetts team was on duty during the running of the Boston marathon, augmented by similar civil support teams from the New York and Rhode Island National Guards.

In Boston, more than 850 National Guard members were on duty to assist local authorities with logistics, security and other operations. In addition to the CST members, the team also included members of the Massachusetts Army National Guard's 387th Ordnance Company (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) and the 267th Combat Communications Squadron from the Massachusetts Air National Guard. The 267th CCS brings with them the Joint Incident Site Communications Capability, which allows voice, radio and data communication across multiple systems used by first responders.

Chief of police, superintendent and chief Willy Gross testifies: “We had a multijurisdictional meeting where we went over the logistics of the Marathon so -- with several police agencies, to the inclusion of state police, transit police, all local law enforcement and also the city departments, like parks and rec and licensing. So a lot of detailed planning went into the logistics of the Marathon. All of the commanders, including the command staff, commissioner, superintendent and chief, deputy sergeants, lieutenants, captains, had a roll call. Basically, we briefed the zone commanders, right, and their subordinates who were the supervisors, again going over logistics. Our goal there was to ensure that everyone could meet the responsibilities of providing the most efficient and effective uses of our police resources. And, again, that would be to ensure that everybody's protected that day: the citizens of Boston, the business owners, businesses, the spectators as well as the participants in the race.” When asked how many Boston Police personnel were assigned to work the Marathon that day, he says approx 840 to 43. When asked if the department is somewhere around the order of 2,100 personnel, he says 2,185. He says one of the police’s principles was that everybody under the zone commanders was to be “very cognizant and/or vigilant for any suspicious activities, suspicious persons or suspicious packages.” 49/1530_day_29_march_9_2015.pdf [p 158.]

Thomas Grilk is the executive director of the Boston Athletic Association [BAA]. He testifies that there are between 8500 and 10000 volunteers at the marathon. Also that the BAA “partner closely with public safety officials. There is a very high level of coordination that goes on among those public safety officials in the months leading up to the marathon every year. And there are meetings at their headquarters, at which both public safety and police, fire, emergency management, emergency medical people get together along with various state agencies and federal agencies to plan for the race that year and to address any security issues that they think need to be addressed.” Grilk-BAA-Testimony-Transcript [pages 8 and 24.]

Wow, all that impressive manpower, employed at phenomenal expense to the American people, to make safe all who participated in some way at the 2013 Boston marathon ... and yet two kids with home-made bombs managed to pull off the most devastating terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11. Say WHAAAT?!?!?!

"The National Guard can be relied upon for our diverse emergency response and rapid deployment capabilities during times of need in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." said Air Force Maj. Gen. L. Scott Rice, adjutant general of the Massachusetts National Guard.”” Said the piss taking Major [who is almost certainly another high ranked bloody mason]. The National Guard obviously couldn’t much be relied on to organise a piss up in a brewery.

Even though Craft were there legitimately, they were not allowed to discover the bombs that caused the marathon explosions. I should imagine those bombs were being very closely guarded! For all we know both of those bombs could have been placed inside nearby buildings. Do undercover cops and a whole plethora of other guards check inside buildings for any suspicious looking packages? No idea. What I do know is that Craft were put there by the psy-oppers [Masonic conspirators] to give the ‘alternative’ media and armchair ‘sleuths’ more fodder for their conspiracy theories. Who knows if any of those Craft fellas are genuine or whether they are all Masonic puppets. I’d say the one that is widely published running off without his backpack is a Masonic puppet. [See the video by D Nickelson coming up.] Certainly whoever controls them and gave them the order to be at the Boston marathon that day will be a high degree Mason.

This professionally made video uploaded by someone calling himself Dylan Nickelson [probably a pseudonym] entitled ‘Countering the Craft International Boston Marathon bombing theory’ is another example of psy-op obfuscatory diversionary tactics.

Look at the comments section. Some Masonic stooge [probably the same bloke who calls himself Dylan] comments under TheCraft_97 The Craft! Craft International. Isn’t Freemasonry known as the Craft?!!! Piss taking bastards. And is 97 significant? Is it a high degree of freemasonry? “This Rite consisted of 96 degrees, with a 97th degree reserved for the head of the Order ...” http://www.freemasons-

Another fake persona [probably the piss taker who operates ‘Dylan’] Glenroy Hamden comments, “Have you ever considered that the government may be creating false flag conspiracy theories to distract from the real conspiracies?” Well duh! Notice mason ‘Glenroy’ doesn’t tell you who the real conspirators are though! Notice also that he says it’s the government who are creating the FF conspiracy theories ...

Steve Watson, writer and editor for Alex Jones [i.e. traitorous cointelpro monkey] bombing-identified-as-national-guard-cst-teams/ says of Craft: “They were part of a survey squad deployed at the request of their counterpart unit in Massachusetts.

The fact that the individuals were also pictured conversing with FBI personnel and police at the scene also suggests that their presence was not covert, and was pre-planned.

Of course, the FBI could have simply cleared this up by issuing a statement identifying the military types as members of CST teams. Course if this wasn’t a psy-op the FBI would have clarified Craft’s role. Instead, however, they chose to ignore the pictures altogether and order members of the public not to even acknowledge the existence of the pictures – causing much confusion, speculation and mistrust among those who were following the events closely.” Well Steve Watson and all the other NWO mockingbirds certainly weren’t ‘following events’. They were/are following orders from their Masonic masters.

As for suspicious packages and controlled explosions, take a look at this article written by Damon Kiesow, senior product manager at The Boston Globe [in other words he is the Globe’s senior scumbag propagandiser and protector of the real marathon bombers] I quote: “In the hours after the bomb attacks at the Boston Marathon (2:50 pm ET on April 15) police responded to multiple reports of suspicious packages. At least two were destroyed in "controlled explosions" around 4pm ET.” Not that Damon Kiesow is following the script, since the story is that only one ‘suspicious package’ was destroyed. Course the reality is no ‘suspicious packages’ were destroyed because there were no suspicious packages, and there were no reports of any suspicious packages. Why would there be when this was a false flag terror attack i.e. there were no terrorists walking around with, and abandoning, suspicious packages. That is just more bullshit lies by the people who protect the real bombers. The bombs that exploded at the marathon were never in any ‘suspicious packages’; they were extremely well concealed.

Willy Gross would have you believe that “The Boston Police Department, over the next three to four days, received several hundred calls for suspicious packages.” 49/1530_day_29_march_9_2015.pdf [p 167.] Fuckin lyin piece of shit. Tell us how many suspicious packages there were, and where they were spotted William Gross [very apt name btw - you are an extremely gross individual.] This is what you have to do to reach the dizzy heights of any police force – you have to engage in psychological operations against the public and tell outrageous lies and [in the case of the BB psy-op] be party to murder and the imposition of a life sentence on a totally innocent young man. How the hell do you Willy G, and all you other bastards who are a part of this ginormous conspiracy, sleep at night? Prove it Gross. Publish all those calls – every one of them – publish the dates and times and every word spoken by caller and police officer; and name all the police officers.

Folks this wanker Willy G is telling you there were numerous [exact number unknown] suspicious packages, and yet only one actually contained an explosive device. Um, so do these wannabe terrorists just pack rucksacks/holdalls and the like with paper or rocks and leave them lying around the streets to scare the living daylights out of the local populace? If that happened around here no-one would bat an eyelid; it’s called fly tipping which people have to resort to as our thieving council does not empty our bins often enough, despite charging us extortionate council tax.

And what does Boston Police bomb technician Todd Brown, whose job is to respond to suspicious packages have to say for himself? Not a lot. He’s full of bullshit too. And not surprisingly he enjoyed an easy cross from Chakrafarty. I quote the Q & A from p 40 of his testimony 49/day_30_trial_day_march_10_2015_transcript_prosecution_witnesses .pdf: “Q. And so what was the general tasking to the EOD officers after the bombing? A. To clear packages, make sure that there was no other devices. Q. Can you describe very generally [what do you mean very generally? You are supposed to be subjecting this witness to a thorough and proper cross examination] how that happened over the course of the afternoon? A. We would -- you know, there would be [we would ... you know, there would be] a suspicious package or whatever [or whatever?] on Boylston Street. We would go up there, clear it, and then continue on to another package, to another package. That is very vague and unconvincing. Where were the questions, such as: what exactly did you find that was suspicious? What kind of package? What size? How many packages? Did you work alone or in pairs, or in groups? Where on Boylston did you find these items? How did you clear these packages?

Q. In some cases, or very limited cases, you actually would do what's called a controlled explosion? A. Correct. Q. On one occasion on Boylston Street [where?]did some of your colleagues [who? how many colleagues?] actually conduct a controlled explosion? A. Yes. Why is Chakrafarty being vague? Why didn’t he ask specific questions, such as the names of these colleagues, the name of the person who actually did the controlled explosion, what the explosive device was, what it was contained in ...? Why did Chakrafarty not want details i.e. clarification?

Q. Does the controlled explosion use what's called a blasting cap or a controlled explosive device in order to burst something open? A. Yes. Q. How many times do you think that happened? A. I believe once.” He believes? So there was apparently only one controlled explosion, but Todd Brown can’t even convincingly confirm that.

If this was not a psy-op do you think a police bomb technician would have such an easy time of it when giving testimony in court, especially in connection with a terrorist attack, whereby someone is on trial for his life? I don’t think so.

Back to Kiesow’s propaganda. The toady says Twitter tried to self- correct:


John DeMayo@jawajohnny @RealAlexJones Another classic example of posting stuff without even finding out the context. And who are the people doing that? Correct, the cointelpro turds. Controlled explosion happened AFTER first 2.

And a conspiracy was launched [courtesy of enemy agents].

As people tuned in to the Twitter stream late, they were obviously confused by the timing. Yeah like Joe Bloggs was tuning in! Twitter displays tweets in your local timezone. So a 3:53pm tweet in Boston looks like a 12:53pm tweet on the West Coast. As the hours pass, it becomes harder to keep the ordering of events in context - without stopping to actually look at the timestamps.

Then, because the conspiracy buffs were building upon an entirely false narrative [who controls the ‘conspiracy buffs’?] it became self- evident that the media was ignoring the story.

By the end of the week the 'fact' that there was a cover-up is assumed [there was a cover-up; bastards like the Boston Globe’s Damon Kiesow are part of it] and any evidence to the contrary is further proof. In reality, a lot of people just don't know how to use Twitter.” The BS these Satanic mouthpieces come out with knows no bounds.

Here is a summary by

“On the afternoon of April 15, the Twitter feed of the Boston Globe reported that officials had stated "There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities":

This tweet was proffered by conspiracy theorists as proof that officials planned for a "controlled explosion" to be under way at the same time as the marathon explosions, a highly suspect "coincidence" that indicated the bombings were "false flag" operation. However, this tweet was issued about an hour after the bomb blasts and referenced a controlled detonation of a suspicious device near the central branch of the Boston Public Library, which is on the stretch of Boylston Street where the initial explosions occurred.

A fire coincidentally [yeah ok] broke out at the JFK Presidential Library and Museum at about the same time as the explosions, [and, um, was it ever revealed what the cause of that fire was?] and as a precaution police were summoned to the scene while bomb squads swept the building for explosive devices.”

As for Snopes, well it and its founder David Mikkelson are just another total waste of space. Everything published in is Masonic approved. What more needs to be said?

Damon Kiesow also says in his ‘Controlled Explosion Farce’: “The Boston Globe tweeted about these suspicious packages so residents would not be alarmed.” This folks is just more of the same shiny bullshit propaganda from the psy-oppers. If it was true that the Boston Globe tweeted that just to put residents’ minds at rest, they would sure as hell have AVOIDED using the words ‘controlled explosions’, and they would have avoided stating the time. They could have just tweeted something along the lines of: “In the hours after the bomb attacks at the Boston Marathon, suspicious packages reported were quickly removed by police and made safe.”

The Masonic controlled Globe was told by the psy-oppers [the Masonic conspirators responsible for the marathon explosions] to write those key words, so that the reporters of the ‘alternative media’ [shills] could spread their conspiracy theories. These conspiracy theories are necessary for the psy-op to work.

Incidentally fat liar Fetzer pleases his freemason friends when he tells you that the Boston Globe is “one of the world’s great newspapers” [just after 10 mins of his ‘Real Deal Special MUST SEE Boston Bombing Update’ propaganda video.] He knows very well there is no such thing as a news paper anywhere in the world; there are only Masonic run propaganda papers.

Back to the dirty Dykes. And who do they link to? Well the usual black op channels – Alex Jones, Corbett Report, DAHBOO77 and other anonymous Masonic run propaganda channels; of course.

Another Alex Jones puppet – loud mouthed big headed idiot Dan Bidondi somehow manages to get into the BB press conference That’s all you need to know to tell you whose side he’s on. Folks, you do not get into a press conference if you are genuine opposition. Only Masonic approved media puppets [in the MSM and A/M] are allowed in. Lying degenerate filthy shill Bidondi was invited in. It’s all staged. Look at the prick waving his posters around shouting “ [everyone knows Alex Jones is a filthy lying super shill scumbag; anyone with an ounce of moral fibre would have nothing whatsoever to do with that evil bastard]; we are aware of your lies; we’re going to expose your lies. Liars cannot expose other liars. Not that he wants to. He’s just pretending. He’s paid to protect those liars. The world is aware of false flags. We have a constitutional right. Contractors - private contractors folks – they were on the rooftops; all over the bomb scene folks; hired by our government. They’re the suspects. They deported the Saudi guy straight away; the Saudi suspect.” You can hear in the background Bidondi’s equally fake mate backing him up. Bidondi boasts about the secret services men who had come up to give him the “evil eye”. One of those men he’s proud to tell us guards Obama. The twat Bidondi says he pointed his finger at these secret service men who gave him the “secret service stare” and told them he’s not afraid of them. Course he’s not. Why would he be; he’s on their side. Pretenders are no threat to anyone.

This is the blurb under the video: “Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick gives Infowars reporter [shills are not reporters, they’re repeaters] Dan Bidondi the pretend "stink eye." At the first Boston bombing press conference, which took place Monday, April 15 almost immediately following the bombings, Dan questioned Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis as to whether police had prior knowledge of the bombings, to which the Commissioner replied they had "no specific intelligence" regarding such a threat. Well what sort of answer would you expect to that kind of question? Fuckin frauds, the pair of them – Bidondi and Davis. Davis either partook in that bombing himself; and if he didn’t he certainly knows who did.

Bidondi also had the guts [L.O.L Masonic bum suckers like Bidondi have no guts. The people with guts are the ones who genuinely challenge the enemy – the freemasons; not pretenders like him] to ask Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick at a second press conference whether the Boston bombing was a false flag attack geared to take away our civil liberties and justify the TSA sticking their hands down our pants. Another stupid question. As if Deval Patrick is going to admit that it was a false flag attack to justify more tightening of the Big Brother control grid! Someone should tell Dan Bidondi he’s made himself look a right wanker. While Gov. Patrick answered Bidondi with a terse, "No," the ensuing police state takeover of Watertown, Mass., in which police forcibly (and without warrants) evacuated people from their homes, only proved Bidondi's and Infowars' prescient knowledge of such events.” Course they know. Bidondi and Infowars are paid to progress the police state takeover.

And who uploaded the video? Yet another anonymous cowardly Masonic stooge hiding behind the pet name briman72123 who also links to anonymous channels ... and Alex Jones.

You will find an innumerable amount of shill blogs and professionally made videos commenting on Craft and other Masonic devised conspiracy theories. These are the lengths our slave masters have to go to in order to suppress the truth. I’m going to comment on as many as I can - to expose as many of these enemy agents as possible. Obviously I’m not going to comment on everything a shill is saying as I’ll just end up repeating myself; and you’ll get bored. As said all these agents are Masonic puppets i.e. they’re all working for the masonic NWO agenda. For ease of reference I may refer to them as masons, even though they may not actually be masons themselves; since whether they are or not is totally irrelevant.

Right have a listen to the filthy shill hiding behind the stupid pseudonym Reptilian Resistance Jesus the names these bloody masons dream up. Reptiles are not the enemy. Freemasons are. Notice the voice of the mason doing the voice over is distorted. Why? Is it to prevent the public figuring out the identity of the dirty traitor behind the video?

RR talks about the Tsarnaev brothers being ‘handled’ by the FBI or by “black operatives of secret agencies or private contractors impersonating federal agents.” He is referring to Craft International who he says “seems to highlight the hypothesis that the bomb attacks were an inside job.” He says that the odds are that these professional assassins were there either to plant the bombs or as a backup in case the Chechen patsies failed to get it done. This is obvious disinfo. There is no evidence at all that Jahar was being ‘handled’. It seems likely that Tamerlan had a ‘handler’; if so it would have been a Masonic handler [probably an FBI agent]. See my pdf ‘The [censored] House Homeland Security Committee Report’[CENSORED]_HOUSE_HOMELAND_ SECURITY_COMMITTEE_REPORT_dated_March_2014_entitled_The_ Road_to_Boston.php The ‘secret agencies’ are the freemasons [the very organisation the RR shill serves] and other affiliated secret societies. Craft are not professional assassins of course. Has this anonymous voice, operating behind the ‘Reptilian Resistance’ pen name, provided any evidence that they are? No. Is there any evidence Craft planted the bombs? No. Notice incidentally the ominous music when pictures of Craft are shown [just after 7 mins of the video] to convince you they’re the bombers! The professional assassins are the men at the top of the Masonic hierarchy.

Even though RR correctly tells you it’s “an ‘inside job’ sanctioned by the US government” [more accurately sanctioned by freemasons who occupy the highest levels of the US government] and that the Tsarnaev brothers were “patsies framed by the FBI [more accurately framed by freemasons who occupy the highest positions within the FBI] to protect the identity of the real perpetrators of such heinous violence”, he, as with all cointelpro agents, only ever theorise. Of course theories count for nowt. Real internet sleuths do their own research, and point out conspiracy facts. That of course is the last thing these obfuscation agents and their Masonic NWO paymasters want – they can’t have you proving false flag attacks; they want you disempowered and of the belief that these ‘inside jobs’ can never be proven.

The video starts with a ‘news’ clip showing the unprecedented lockdown whereby nearly a million people were ordered to stay inside. Martial law is an extreme and rare measure used to control society during war or periods of civil unrest or chaos. The authorities would have you believe that the [pretend] search for the ‘most wanted fugitive terrorist in the USA’ justified that.

Here’s a quick reminder of what this means and what is unfolding:- With the help of fake ‘armchair sleuths’ like the scoundrel narrating this RR video, false flag terrorism will continue until we are living under a totalitarian regime, and martial law will be the norm [and will even be welcomed as the sheople beg for protection against the terrorist bogeyman.] The PTB [highest ranking masons] aim to disempower the people through endless cycles of horror; and by employing endless agents to muddle the internet in a mass of conspiracy gunge - to such an extent that we have no idea anymore what is real and what is a hoax. Muddying the waters is part of the subterfuge plan. With so many cointelpro operatives now successfully obfuscating the Boston marathon terrorist attack and other headline hitting terrorism [9/11, 7/7, Sandy Hook, November 2015 Paris attacks etc etc] it becomes almost impossible to figure out what is really going on. These attacks are all planned and executed at the highest levels to keep us distracted and busy; busy long enough for them to advance their satanic NWO slavery agenda to levels where there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. We’re kept busy with various theories that are put out by the NWO agents to prevent us getting anywhere near the truth which ensures we’re kept firmly under control in the Masonic matrix. We’re even left wondering if the official story [or something close to it] is correct after all.

In the smoke and mirrors world we occupy we are being lied to on a colossal scale and subjected to deception of epic proportions, to fool us and stave off any meaningful challenge.

RR says Jahar was ‘supposedly’ taken alive to a local hospital. Well there is no ‘supposed’ about it. He was taken to hospital whereby he recovered from his appalling injuries, and was well enough to stand trial. RR then tells you that Tamerlan wasn’t killed according to the “version officially kept by the Boston authorities”. That of course is true, but rather than tell you we simply don’t know how Tamerlan died - who shot him and who ran him over in a car, the shill wants you to believe that Tam was taken alive. He shows a video which was aired by CNN showing a man who is touted as being identical to Tam [but the image is far too blurry to tell] who was allegedly stripped naked by the cops, handcuffed and led into a police car. The shill goes on to say that the MSM changed the story alleging that the naked man was released by police and the whole scene was unrelated to the Boston marathon. RR wants to convince you that the naked man was Tamerlan; that you should ignore the media because they lie. As he’s telling you this, notice the ominous music again! [Just after 2 mins into the video.] He is of course right about the media, but what he isn’t telling you is that he [as a fake internet ‘sleuth’] is lying too; and that the media, ‘alternative’ media and fake ‘sleuths’ are working hand in glove to feed you a whole load of disinformation to prevent you getting anywhere near the real truth.

The media bullshit about the ‘mystery’ naked man is: “It was a little after th 1 A.M. last Friday morning [April 19 2013] when the person who has since become known as “the naked man” was briefly detained by police as they searched for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the streets of Watertown. By 3 A.M., it was clear that he was not, in fact, connected to the Boston Marathon bombings—he was merely someone [who just happened to look similar to Tamerlan] who had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at exactly the wrong time. Yeah, what are the chances of that? The masons must think we’re all fukkin retards. So why has he become a magnet for conspiracy theories? Because the conspiracy theorists [shills] just do what their Masonic paymasters tell them to do.

This, then, was the situation when police found a young man with dark- brown hair alone in a car. They shouted at him to “keep your fucking hands where they are” before putting on flak jackets. Yeah, cos that’s what police do to people who are sitting in their cars, minding their own business. Several appeared to arm themselves with sniper rifles. At 1:15, there were shouts and scuffling, followed by barked orders to “drop your underwear” and “get on your hands and knees.” Since when do police strip people they are arresting, and parade them naked in public, so that any Tom, Dick [sorry couldn’t resist that!] or Harry can publish it? Have you seen any other videos of such a scenario? (A CNN cameraman, Gabe Ramirez, who just happened to be in the right place at the right time – pull the other one [it’s got bells on] and was able to capture some grainy footage of the naked suspect being loaded into a police cruiser.) Isn’t it odd that the most important footage taken in connection with the marathon bombings is so grainy it’s worthless – Murphy’s photos, Kitzenberg’s photos, Ramirez’s video. At 1:20, the report went out over the air: “We have a second suspect in custody, we need an I.D. that it’s him, we’re not sure it’s him.”

The two men who were briefly detained in the middle of the night appeared to be all but forgotten to authorities. They were a footnote in a terrifying, tumultuous manhunt that would shut down Boston and its surrounding suburbs. (When I asked a Boston Police Department spokesman about their identities, he referred me to the F.B.I.; an F.B.I. spokeswoman referred me to the Watertown police; and I’m waiting to hear back from the Watertown lieutenant handling media inquiries.) Seth Mnookin, author of this outrageous garbage wants you to believe that he’s tried to find out this mystery man’s identity, but alas he’s being given the run-a-round by the authorities ... Fukkin masons - piss takin pretenders; the bloody lot of them.

But once the fact of their existence had been set loose on the Internet, courtesy of the Masonic lackeys they became two more data points for conspiracy theorists [fully paid up rat shills] to latch onto. On Sunday, someone associated with Press For Truth, a Canadian outfit dedicated to“expos[ing] the elite and their agenda for a New World Order,” [see how Seth, who is a respected assistant professor of science writing at M.I.T, and is therefore someone who you believe you can trust to bring you the truth ridicules the NWO as just a conspiracy theory] claimed that the Tsarnaevs’ aunt was positive that the naked man was . (On Thursday, the Tsarnaevs’ mother said the same thing during a news conference.) This, in turn, was used to further all sorts of outrageous notions, [the masons were obviously keen to get Zubeidat and Maret to believe that this naked guy is Tamerlan, as that gives weight to the conspiracy theory, and thus all the other conspiracy theories on the BB. I haven’t heard Zubeidat saying she believes it; but Maret did tell David Knight, another lying scumbag who prostitutes for Alex Jones, that she trusts Jones and his ‘Infowars’ team and that she has to believe the naked man is her nephew [6:15 mins.] Of course, and it’s only natural, she wants to believe it’s him. Course that phone call was four years ago; who knows whether or not she still believes it] some of which were mutually contradictory: the Tzarnaevs were double agents; the bombing was a “false flag” attack staged by the government as part of its ongoing campaign to create a police state; [that of course is true; but lobbed in amongst the other conspiracy theories, it is just an outrageous notion that can be dismissed] the bombing was faked and the victims and first responders were actors; marathon organizers knew about the attack beforehand. Some, but not all will be ‘in’ on the conspiracy.

The fact that the naked man hasn’t been identified only adds to the sense of mystery and intrigue. If this was not a psy-op he would have been identified. [Well he wouldn’t’ve been paraded naked in the first place.] All the cops and anyone else who ‘just happened to have been’ anywhere near that man as he was being led to the cop car will have been part of the act. (Until this morning, when the Boston Globe published a riveting account of the ninety minutes Danny spent with the Tsarnaev brothers, there were those who believed the carjacking victim and the naked man were the same person.) Yeah, who ‘believed’ that? You got it - only the Masonic controlled evil subversives. man-watertown-and-conspiracy-theories If you believe all that bunkum then you really are blinded bedazzled brainwashed and buried deep in the bowels of the Masonic matrix.

This my friends and fellow slaves is just another little bit of theatre orchestrated by the psy-oppers – the evil men who bombed the marathon and murdered Tamerlan. The well circulated video of a naked man getting into a police car is just another red herring put out by the men responsible for the marathon bombings and the death of Tamerlan to keep you entertained and contained in their Masonic manufactured Boston Bombing theories. As you know [and I’m going to keep on saying it] the Media [mainstream and ‘alternative’], the pretend ‘sleuths’, the police and all other authorities in connection with the marathon bombings, and all lawyers and judges in connection are all ‘in’ on the dirty BB Masonic conspiracy [psy-op]. You also know that NOTHING gets into the mainstream media unless it is Masonic approved.

There is a death certificate for Tamerlan, which has not been proven to have been a forgery; and there is no real evidence that the naked man in that video is Tam. Having said that, there is actually a very slim chance that it was him. If that is the case he would have been paraded naked for the blurred footage before he was shot and mowed down. The masons obviously needed blurred footage in order to spawn the conspiracy theories. If that naked man however was an actor, he is just another pathetic Masonic sell out, who will one day, I can assure you, just like all the other Masonic bum suckers [sorry couldn’t resist that] regret going along with this staged act. So too will Gabe Ramirez and Seth Mnookin. God will one day reveal the full truth.

As for the family’s outspoken claims that the brothers were framed, RR says: “Apparently their relatives have worked in the law system and law enforcement, what perhaps suggests they were not talking about a set up, just in the heat of the moment.” Ha ha, nice try shill. The Tsarnaev family know that the brothers were framed. What the shill fears is that one day, with the help of we genuine armchair sleuths, they will prove it.

So who made this video? Who are or who is Reptilian Resistance? The fact that this video is made by anonymous person[s] is a sure sign it is a shill vid. I’ve said it before, anyone in this ‘business’ who hides his/her identity is absolutely not on the level. Anyone who claims they hide behind anonymity because they are too afraid of the enemy shouldn’t be pretending to fight it. If you’re afraid, get off the battlefield; you’re no good to anyone. The truth is those who claim that they hide their identity due to fear is a bullshit liar, because if you are a genuine fighter against the NWO, your only enemy is the real one – the masons – and they know who you are anyway; there is no hiding from them! Just like all phoney resistors of the NWO RR link to other NWO gatekeepers such as Alex Jones, David Icke and other anon channels which are in fact controlled by themselves. The liar[s] behind RR claim to have nearly 12 million views. L.O.F.L. As if.

And what does the prick Deveau have to say about the naked man? Take a look here GoTxcBXwbki8dz8DNcDhEqhjscw

There is another dirty disinfo video doing the rounds known as the ‘Podstava video’ which the COINTELPRO are telling you is more ‘proof’ that Tamerlan was taken alive and so couldn’t have died in a shootout as per the official story. There is of course no proof of anything – all we have is more blurred footage, supposedly of Tamerlan on the floor shouting “podstava”, which is Russian for ‘set up’; but the footage is so poor that you can’t even tell it is a person on the ground. As said however, there is a remote possibility that that footage is of Tam. If so it was staged for the camera before he was murdered.

The ‘Podstava video’ is just another masonic ruse put out by the psy- oppers [the men who bombed the marathon and murdered Tamerlan] to provide more ‘muddy water’ material for the scumbags on shilly street to spread more wild claims to fuck with your head, and thus prevent you getting anywhere near the right rabbit hole to burrow down.

So who is behind ‘Podstava’? yet another anonymous masonic piece of shit [or group of turds] who hide[s] behind the stupid pen name fedra glow, whose other videos are masonic concoctions; for example yfE entitled ‘Tamerlan Tsarnaev alive in FBI custody in two CNN videos, no concidence!!’ and entitled ‘Boston Bombing Photos of ‘hoaxers’ that you aren't supposed to see! High Resolution)’.

Mary W Maxwell is a kindly looking plump grandmotherly figure with a seemingly honest face. You’ll probably be surprised to know she is anything but; she is just another masonic controlled dirty disinfomongering whore. Have a look at this video entitled ‘Mary W Maxwell Talks "Podstava" on the Boston Marathon’

Mary repeatedly makes the point that everything she is saying is sourced from aunt Maret who she says she has spoken to. She does not, however, provide the evidence for that.

She is spreading disinformation that either the ‘naked man’ video or the ‘podstava’ video is proof that Tamerlan was alive and well, that the official narrative of him dying as a result of a police shootout is not true, and that, “we have a death in custody situation that needs to be dealt with.” As said neither the naked man or the man allegedly shouting “podstava” has been proven to be Tamerlan. As for the official story of a police shootout; that of course is unevidenced; however it is not entirely true to claim a ‘death in custody’ situation as we simply don’t know what happened. All we know is that Tam died at the time and place stated in the official story; that is evidenced in the death certificate. What we don’t know is how exactly he died and who shot and drove over him.

Mary Maxwell claims to be shocked. If that is true, why has she made no attempt to do any of her own investigating? She of course doesn’t have to now, as I’ve done it for her. Will she credit my work? Ha, no. Pigs will fly first.

So who is Mary Maxwell? She’s a writer for Gumshoe News and is proud to tell you, “I used to stay miles away from David Icke because he talked reptiles. But apparently he has not done it for years. He has some very sensible talks on Youtube and what he said to Dee made sense.” coming-to-australia/ So that’s ok then! Folks any so-called independent researcher for truth who supports super slimeball Icke is absolutely NOT on the level. I comment on Gumshoe here _a_closer_look_at_the_work_of_the_COINTELPRO_who_are_geared_t owards_the_savvier_truth_seekers.php Also on that link are my comments on another pair of pretenders Paul Craig Roberts and John Remington Graham, who Mary credits in her video.

Course you’ll notice that the shill saturated blogosphere is awash with the following images and ‘analysis’: “Who Was Wearing a Backpack that Most Looked Like the One Containing One of the Bombs? ABC released the following photo [that we’re told was found at blast site two] that is believed to be the shredded backpack in which one of the bombs was hidden:

Below are photos of Tamerlan, Dzhokhar, and a Military-looking man (see What Were Private Military Contractors Doing At the Boston Marathon?) [notice the way you are being led to believe that these craft fellas are ‘suspicious’. I quote from the linked article by so-called ‘investigative journalist’ [shill] Anthony Gucciardi [more on him coming up]: “Will someone in the media have the courage to ask the authorities if these clearly suspicious characters are being considered as official suspects?” Craft were there legitimately remember as WMD-CSTs i.e. public safety officials] – each wearing a backpack.

Which one is wearing a backpack that most resembles the backpack in the photo above? Clearly, it’s not Dzhokhar (in the middle), who is wearing a white backpack. When you examine Tamerlan backpack, it appears to be a dark gray color, as opposed to the black-colored backpack in the picture above. Also, look how flat it is. Do you think his backpack could be carrying a pressure-cooker bomb? Why doesn’t the writer of this piece at ‘Conscious Life News’ tsarnaevs-backpack-photo-shopped/1155748/# who are obviously just another shill site just by their promotion of the usual Masonic contrived conspiracy theories - naked man video, photoshopped backpack, finger pointing at Craft - simply point out it couldn’t possibly be Tamerlan’s as the above mangled backpack was allegedly found at blast site two. [Tam is accused of detonating the bomb at blast site one – the finish line.] Now, look at Military-looking man on the right. His backpack is black, deep, and has the same white, rectangular patch on it as the above backpack.”

Notice it is stated that ABC ‘news’ released that photo of a shredded backpack which is “believed” to be one of the backpacks in which one of the bombs was housed. ABC say, “A new security bulletin from the FBI showed images of a shredded backpack in which the bomb was reportedly hidden.” Note the wording – in which the bomb was reportedly hidden i.e. not officially confirmed to be. marathon-bomb-shredded-backpack/ As said there is no official word from the government that the photos of shredded backpacks [there isn’t just one photo] are of the backpacks that they say housed the bombs.

The Masonic conspirators who are responsible for bombing the marathon published that photo [and the others which you can find in my main pdf on the BB psy-op] whereby their dutiful ‘conspiracy theory’ lapdogs sent it viral in the ‘alternative’ news to bolster the theory that Craft are the boys whodunit. The masons want you to believe that the FBI found these bits of backpacks [that weren’t necessarily the ones which supposedly contained the bombs] at the blast sites. They obviously didn’t – what are the chances of someone’s black backpack being found in that condition – very neatly showing the white rectangular patch? Those pieces of backpacks were planted. Course if those bombs were actually housed in backpacks you’d think - by the look of the explosions and carnage caused - that the backpacks themselves would have been blown to smithereens.

Another anonymously penned shill site ‘Before Its News’ is another one of many which promote the theory that Craft International are the real perps blackwater-agents-did-the-boston-marathon-bombing-2445882.html Just the fact that the shill repeaters are heavily promoting this theory tells you it is a smokescreen. ‘Before Its News’ enthusiastically promote this video entitled ‘Blackwater Agents did the Boston Marathon Bombing Event!’ which was uploaded by a person or persons unknown who hide behind the handle DAHBOO77. It is very likely that whoever is behind DAHBOO77 is also behind B.I.N. Not surprisingly DAHBOO77 links to himself - J.KNIGHT and other anonymous propagandists who are behind channels such as Spiro, Enterthe5t4rz, X22Report, Freedom Fighter Times etc etc etc. And it is no surprise to find links to Alex Jones and Pete Santilli. In fact Jones and Santilli probably assist in the creation of a lot of these black op propaganda videos. And they of course all link to each other. Notice the DAHBOO joker pretending he’s being attacked; that YouTube hits him with violations etc. Fukking liar. Only genuine opposition voices get attacked.

Notice all the enthusiastic comments which follow. Ha ha; the majority [if not all] of those comments will have been penned by Dahboo himself, and other members of the piss take brigade [masons] masquerading as members of the public. Disinfomongering scum.

Take a look at this video entitled ‘MUST SEE: FBI Blurred Secret Agent In Boston Marathon Bombing Footage!’ narrated by bullshit liar Pete Sanshilli. He starts by saying his vid is probably one of the most important videos to be published, and is a follow up to a presentation by his friend and fellow shill Lieutenant Colonel Roy Potter – more on that prick coming up. Santilli provides commentary on the remarks of the FBI’s Special agent in charge Rick Deslauriers who you’ll remember was pretending to be asking for the public’s help in identifying ‘black hat’ and ‘white hat’ at the 18th April press conference. Deslauriers is the clown who was proud to announce that for 100 years the FBI have relied on the public’s assistance. So why do the Americans need an FBI??? Santilli says: “Disregard everything that idiot [Deslauriers] just said. Review every image and decide for yourself.” Sanshilli of course knows that the real perps will never be found in any of the BB images. But he wants you to believe that a man seen standing in a doorway at the marathon is the real terrorist. He tells you the FBI have blurred him out to prevent you seeing his face, in a bid to convince you that the fella must be the bomber. This of course is more of the same obfuscatory diversionary tactics by the ministry of psy-ops. That guy could be involved in some way in the plot, but there is no evidence he was; there again anyone who was at the marathon that day could be part of the conspiracy. As for that man being ‘blurred out’ so are a lot of other people, including the ‘suspects’; in fact the whole of the footage is of very poor quality; just like all of the BB related vitally important footage.

Pete the pretender reminds us that the FBI have been lying to us about who the real conspirators are behind the terrorist attacks on America; such as 9/11, Oklahoma city bombing, and who really murdered JFK. Yeah, and Santilli is making sure we never get even close to finding out; cos if we do; he knows his sorry ass belongs to the victims of the heinous Boston bombings. Santilli wants us to put the blurred ‘man with the microphone’ in jail. The people getting their just desserts will be Dedlauriers [not a typo] and his scum of the earth Masonic controlled henchmen, such as his Santilli bitch and whoever else is involved in creating these disgusting diversionary videos. They’re the real ‘criminals and enemies of the USA’.

Sanshilli calls Dedlauriers a hypocrite. L.O.F.L he’s a disgusting hypocrite himself. In compliance with the script Dedlauriers tells us he’s worried that the public’s attention might be diverted away from the Tsarnaev brothers, and create undue work for vital law enforcement. The piss taking utterly corrupt parasite Rick Deslauriers knows he has no worries about the public looking elsewhere, as he has hundreds, if not thousands of poodles, such as Santilli, Col Potter and whoever else is behind ‘Immaamenti’ and all the other filthy shill videos and blogs keeping the public entertained in Masonic manufactured ‘whodunit’ games. Deslauriers can bank on Satan’s mouthpieces to keep his dirty little secrets.

So who is behind ImmaAMENTIgoddess? New Age sell out shills who are peddling the happy shiny ascension bullshit. Have a look at my pdf on Mel Ve _FREEDOM_CENTRAL.pdf for more on that. And who does this goddess link to? Other shill channels run by anonymous persons, such as DAHBOO77, The Event Is coming soon, Yahweh Rules, The Black Child, Jason A, and also a prick called Matt Muckleroy who wants you to know that, “This is where the latest messages of the Galactic Federation of Light are made from a robust text to speech program.” Yawn! Go and do one Matt, you twat. The lying piece of shill shit even claims he has over 11 million views. L.O.L

Another sewer rat going by the name grindall61 wants you to believe that he too is a genuine ‘free Jahar’ sleuth exposing FBI corruption. He’s pointing the finger at another blurred out man. Take a look here Of course, as with all these voices screaming ‘false flag’, grindall is seemingly on the side of truth and justice; but look a little closer and you realise how – collectively – he and his Mason pals are very cleverly keeping Jahar [and the rest of us] imprisoned [we’re all caged in the Masonic matrix; but most people don’t realise it.]

Notice how grindall gets your attention and trust by stating the obvious - that Jahar could not possibly have housed a heavy pressure cooker bomb in his light grey backpack. He then goes on to point out a suspicious looking man crouching down in a doorway in possession of a black backpack, who he says was “supposedly placing the bag”. That of course is just a theory; and a very pathetic one at that. It seems the masons are getting a bit lazy [or desperate] as they’re finger pointing at some random guy [who may or may not be a plant] who’s backpack could not have had anything to do with either explosions since both bombs had detonated i.e. the bomb bags were in bits!

What grindall [and all the other slimeball cointelpro agents] is doing is distracting you with finger pointing at anyone [not least the Craft Intl boys] who he knows is NOT one of the real culprits. These Illuminati agents are diverting your attention onto the ‘suspects’ that their Masonic paymasters want you to believe did it, whilst at the same time seemingly exposing FBI corruption; thus creating a smokescreen, which ensures that you – the real opposition to government corruption - never get anywhere near sussing out who is really behind these terrorist attacks. Thus the NWO slavery agenda moves steadily on.

Grindall wants you to believe he has over 8 ½ million views [check out his ‘About’ page.] Dream on. This Is grindall’s anonymously penned back up channel entitled ‘GovCENSORED Me’ Ha ha; my arse. The government isn’t censoring him; they’re paying him. And who are his related channels? DAHBOO77, ALEX JONES, and other filth who hide behind ANONYMITY - The Next News Network. KafkaWinstonWorld Counter Tyranny Ops

Someone using the handle Bantokfomoki made this video entitled ‘Boston Bombing - second site anomalies’, and uploaded on May 20th 2013. You’ll notice he doesn’t point out the important anomalies; only the Masonic stage managed ones.

Why the anonymity? All we have is a photo of a man who could be anyone. Why is the bloke behind Bantok not proud of his detective work? Because he too is just another dirty NWO shill. That is obvious just by the fact he straightaway refers to the bombing as a hoax; and the fact he endorses Alex Jones, David Icke, Jeff Rense, Pete Santilli, David Duke and a load of other shills.

At 3 mins Bant shows a “relevant photo” of something which is on the floor next to the metal barrier which is alleged to be the backpack that housed the second bomb. This presumably is the photo that FBI agents Cieplik and Genck are referring to when they state that a “photograph taken from the opposite side of the street shows the knapsack on the ground at Bomber Two’s feet”, as there is no other such photo published. [See my main BB pdf.] Not surprisingly that image is blurry and therefore useless - it doesn’t even prove it is of a backpack, and [as Bant points out] it certainly doesn’t prove it was Jahar’s backpack. Once again that photo is almost certainly a still which has been lifted from a video recording which was done by a Masonic undercover operative. The fact it is another widely circulated photo in conspiraland tells you it is just another Masonic ploy. Bant says he doesn’t know where Jahar’s backpack went. It didn’t go anywhere! There is no evidence that Jahar parted company with his backpack at any time during his time at the marathon. It was most likely tucked under his right arm when he ran from the bomb scene. Look again at this video [from 8:35 mins.]

Bant then shows a photo of a bag which had been left near the green mail box which he says is probably someone’s lunch bag as it had been left there far too early. Yeah, who leaves their bag [whatever it contains] on the other side of the barriers? According to the script an unidentified woman took that photo and sent it “exclusively to 7 News”. Notice who made that video - Reptilian Resistance. The woman points out that the bag could not be seen after the explosion. She also says that the person who was right behind that bag was hurt the most. This leads you to believe that the bag was there just prior to the explosion, which leads you to question whether or not that bag [and not Jahar’s] had hid the second bomb. This in turn allows for more conspiracy theories to be unleashed by the pretend ‘Justice for Jahar’ voices [I’ll explain why they are not genuine in a minute.] What 7 News don’t tell you [deliberately as this is just another Masonic smoke and mirrors exercise] is that the ‘mystery’ bag could not have hid the second bomb as it had been removed prior to the bomb detonating, evidenced by the fact it is not present in the footage seen of the Richard family and Jahar just prior to the explosion.

Notice, once again, that the photo [or more likely the still taken from a recording made by a Masonic puppet] that we’re told the unknown woman took is conveniently blurred so that it is not obvious that the people who were standing there just prior to the blast [the Richard family, Jahar] are not in that footage.

7 News reporter Victoria Warren says that the woman who sent the photo says “an hour passed between the two”. What is meant by that? Course if 7 News was not a mouthpiece for the higher ranking Masonic cabal Warren and colleagues would have noticed that the bag was not there just prior to the blast, would have pointed that out to mystery woman and would have asked her when she’d taken her photo.

Soooo, once again someone took a photo that just happened to have caught something of interest – this time not a mystery man, a mystery bag! Well this woman must have been perched up a tree or something to get that footage. Take a closer look at the 7 News clip, from 6 seconds into the video. Notice the angle – the camera is looking down over the runners’ heads. This was necessary to get a shot of the bag [if it was taken at ground level there was a high risk that at least one runner would have obscured it.] That photo sparks the interest of the news media, which in turn gets latched onto and spread by the ‘alternative’ media in the form of one conspiracy theory or another. And the masons are counting on all you Jones/Ickie/Spiveyite fans to believe that all that happened by chance. Ai yai yai yai.

Bantokfomoki’s mystery bag anomaly is just more Masonic subterfuge for their ‘tin foil hat’ toadies to talk about, which serves to distract us from focussing on any ‘out of the Masonic matrix’ anomalies i.e. the ones which will unravel the psy-op, expose the real truth, which will lead to justice for Jahar and freedom for all of us. Remember the more conspiracy theories the masons can throw out onto the internet, the more successful the psy-op. What shills like Bantok are making clear is that no matter how many anomalies you can point out, which seemingly prove the brothers’ innocence, the government can get away with killing and maiming their own citizens, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. NWO here we come.

Bant then shows two photos of the tree which was near the mailbox [4:09 mins]. Those photos were not taken on marathon day, as you can see someone pushing a pram across the road, and traffic is flowing along the marathon stretch. Also notice the tree is full of green leaves [on marathon day the tree has no leaves.] Those photos were taken some time before the marathon; I’d say the previous summer by the look of the leafy green tree. They are not tourist pics; neither were they taken after the marathon because the tree shown in this vid is the one that Jahar stood behind, the one that got removed by the FBI. [Bant shows us that tree - with the FBI fellas “doing their thing.”] Have a read of my main BB pdf on agent Anthony Imel to see photos of the post marathon newly planted tree and the tree one year on. So who took the photos shown by Bant at 4:09 mins of the vid, when and why? I can answer two of those questions. The person who took the photos is one of the Masonic conspirators; the reason is to add more subterfuge to the plot. So who is the person operating ‘Bantokfomoki’ and where did he get those photos??? I think we should know.

Bant questions why the FBI sawed down the tree during a crime scene investigation, saying if they wanted it for forensic analysis, why didn’t they wait until the onsite the investigation was terminated; and asks whether they took it because it had evidence on it which did not comport with the party line i.e. if anyone could see it “they’d smell a rat”. That is just another ruse, to keep you occupied with their ‘in the box’ theories. The hypocrite tells us the FBI are suspect as they are known liars and are known to kill innocent people to further their agenda. Yes, we know. And the narrator of this video and all those who assisted in the creation of it is complicit in the Boston marathon murders and mutilation. The smug lump of shit narrating says: “Sorry tree, you’ve been sacrificed to the NWO; perhaps you’ll come back as an Illuminati tooth pick.” The prick won’t be feeling so cocky when his identity is revealed; and the whole world will know what an evil lying murderous bastard he is.

Bant then throws out some more theories - about the blasts. He talks of a simultaneous electronic detonation. He says two blasts explains the damage more easily than one blast. His ‘tentative’ conjecture is that there were two blasts at the given locations – one small real blast, and the larger smoke and mirrors blast. He could be right about that. I don’t know. He of course does know what actually caused those explosions.

He says that the mystery bag that was left by the mail box was not a possible bomb candidate, given the state of the fence unit wrapped around the mail box. As he himself points out it isn’t a possible bomb candidate as it was not there when the bomb exploded! [Some stooge had removed it after the required footage had been obtained.]

Bant’s conclusions on the Boston bombings is that the first explosion by the finish line was all fake and that the second bomb site had a genuine injurious bomb blast near the mail box that killed and maimed and at the same time another non-lethal blast to make the whole thing look as big as the first fake bomb site. Bant of course is lying about the first explosion – he knows it was real and that it killed and maimed people. However his theories – formed after considered reasoning and a seemingly intelligent and detailed presentation serve their purpose by adding even more smoke and mirrors to the whole thing.

He ends by saying the FBI is like any other typical government organisation – a pyramid with the controllers at the top and minions at the bottom. At the top they’re all “evil bastards” the next level is the “evil bastard wannabes” and at the bottom are the “enablers”- people who front up at work every day believing that their organisation is doing good all over the place. Well, whoever is behind ‘Bantokfomoki’ [and it isn’t just the narrator] will be in the ‘truly evil bastards’ section. I think these people and all the other scumbags who make these psychological warfare videos, and who write their equally vile mis/disinfo distraction blogs/comments whilst hiding behind anonymity should be forced into the light, and charged with aiding and abetting the criminals who bombed the marathon, and of perverting the course of justice.

This is what Bant says in the comments section: “ ... the first bomb site was very poorly done theater. So, we know for sure that the 2nd one was staged as well. What does he mean by that? Even if the second explosion [or explosions] was/were as he believes, he also says it [or one of them] was real. The US government used to actually kill people [they still do – as many as they can, but nowadays, courtesy of the very sophisticated cointelpro network which dominates the blogosphere - of which he is a major contributor - it is not so easy to tell what is a hoax and what is reality. Job jobbed] in their false flag bombings (like the Bologna, Italy train station - 80 dead). Now, they don't really have to since they have complete control over the mainstream media.” That’s true. It’s not about numbers of actual injuries and fatalities, it’s about the propaganda. It is about the appearance of blood and gore, and lots of it that matters. It’s about controlling people through fear. But Bant forgets to tell you that they have complete control over the ‘alternative media’ too [and fake ‘sleuths’ like him.] He’s also not allowed to tell you that it isn’t actually ‘the government’, it’s actually the people who control them – elite secret society members.

Matthew Levitt says it as it is: “Since terrorism at the end of the day is not necessarily about killing the maximum amount of people, wounding the maximum amount of people alone, it's also about getting media attention, it's also about literally terrorizing society, making people afraid ...” He would know – see my main pdf on the BB for more on him.

Also in the comments section is someone by the name of Tony Midyett who had a name change to Norman Odinson in the time I started researching for this pdf to the time I was putting it together [ha ha how much more proof do you need that the funny handshake brigade behind the videos and blogs are the same scum who make a lot of, if not all, the follow on comments] who says: “Let's say that you are the leader of an evil cabal in the heart of the government, and you want to create a terrorist hoax to crack down on your citizenry OR you want to hoax a school shooting in order to take away citizens' guns. WHY....WHY...... would you hire armies of collaborators---crisis actors, first responders, journalists---HORDES of people that must be co- ordinated, paid, etc. But why not simply set off a REAL bomb which REALLY kills innocent people? Why not send a black ops nutjob to shoot up a public place? You're members of an evil cabal---you have no scruples! Why do you hoax believers look for CGI and greenscreen and blood squibs and actors and theatrics when ACTUAL CARNAGE would serve the evil Elite's purposes quite well?”

Bantokfomokii10 months ago +Tony Midyett replies: “One looks for all those things because they are inevitably there. If you investigate these false flags, the evidence is overwhelming. He would know. He’s got serious blood on his hands. The Supreme Court ruled that the CIA can lawfully run operations to deceive the American people for political ends a few years ago [I think he just made that up!] ... and they do just that. They prefer these less gory methods over 'real' stuff out of fear of the Army [more BS] (the members of which grow more awake every day [I’d like to see the evidence of that]). If it comes down to it, a military coup could wipe out them and their plans overnight. They are safe only so long as the line officers obey the senior staff who are mostly in the evil camp.” This is what Bant wants you to believe; he wants the regular soldiers to revolt and overthrow the top brass. He doesn’t want you to know that it is the same evil people [elite secret society members i.e freemasons who answer to the Illuminati families] who control the Supreme Court, the CIA and the Army. And since that is the case; they of course do not fear the Army. Military coups are for overthrowing governments, NOT the people who control those governments. The people can change their governments until the cows come home ... it won’t make a blind bit of difference unless the people who control those governments are dealt with.

Just look at all the shill repeaters promoting the same ‘in the box’ theories and spreading the same Masonic generated disinformation. Do you see any of them asking the questions/pointing out the things that I do? No, and you never will; that’s because they are paid to keep you focussed on Masonic devised hypothesis only. Start thinking outside the matrix and you become a real threat.

Now, take a look at Anthony Gucciardi’s Storyleak site Ha ha, leak, my arse. Warra pretender.

Just the fact that Gucciardi parrots the following Ali Stevenson Masonic induced disinfo tells you he too is shilling for the dirty brigade. I quote: “In an exclusive interview, I just finished speaking with key Boston Marathon eyewitness and running participant Alastair Stevenson, who has confirmed to me that drills were taking place the morning of the Boston Marathon complete with bomb squads and rooftop snipers.

Alastair’s initial statements towards the Alabama news publication regarding the Boston Marathon training exercises ignited a firestorm within the alternative media, despite being only around two sentences in length. Now, Alastair has been given a forum to voice the entirety of what he saw as a participant and coach during the Boston Marathon

The interview with Alastair clarifies his former statements regarding the presence of bomb squads and bomb sniffing dogs that went mega viral on the web, and also serves to better understand what the reality is behind this situation.”

Take a look at Gucciardi’s impressive biography. I quote: “Radio, Internet and Television Features Anthony’s work has been featured throughout a wide variety of radio, television, and internet media outlets. His writings and quotes have appeared in #1 selling books and top 100 websites. Some of Anthony’s recent features include: Coast to Coast AM with John B. Wells (link) Drudge Report Simple Reminders Daily Mail Michael Savage’s Savage Nation The Thom Hartmann Show RT’s The Truth Seeker Television Program (multiple appearances) The Alex Jones Show (multiple appearances) The Power Hour The Robert Scott Bell Show The Corbett Report with James Corbett (multiple appearances) Dr. Stan Monteith’s Radio Liberty Nuff said. Gucciardi is just another dirty disinformationist.

Anthony is thankful to the brave and intelligent producers and hosts who dedicate their time to spreading the word far and wide.” Well he certainly isn’t brave; he’s a cowardly cointelpro monkey. As for spreading ‘the word’, he’s spreading THE MASONIC PROPAGANDA.

You want more proof of his treachery? Look who he links to: The Alex Jones Chann, Pete Santilli Show, DAHBOO77, Resistance News, AMTV ...

Now take a look at this site confession-the-most-unbelievable-part-yet-of-boston-psyop/ which is run by Craig McKee. The fact that he too is a scumbag spreader of dirty disinformation shows that he is also an enemy agent, keeping you in the Masonic matrix. I copy/paste and comment on some of it: “The most obvious sign that Boston was a false flag operation is the bomb “exercise” [and that link takes us to Gucciardi’s Storyleak; well what a surprise] that was going on at the exact same location and time as the actual bombing. This has become a tell-tale sign of false flags, particularly since 9/11 when numerous exercises were taking place that morning [hence why 9/11 is the mother of all psy-ops and will really test the old brain cells [and the patience] and is therefore not on my immediate ‘to do’ list!] that simulated the very thing that happened.

Then there were the “contractors” wearing black jackets and caps, beige pants, and black backpacks. It has been alleged that they were from the private, CIA-linked security firm Craft International. Their presence in Boston has been denied [by who? Why isn’t there a link to source?] but the photographic evidence confirms that they were there.

There are so many questions and anomalies [the only questions and anomalies from McKee are the Masonic allowed ones] concerning the actual destruction and death that we’ve been told came from the bombing. I do, however, want to make it clear at this point that I am not saying no bombs went off or that no one was really hurt. The event may well have been a combination of real victims and fake ones. That is very possible; and if so it will be for the purpose of more muddying of the waters. Course McKee will never tell you that if there were any fake ‘victims’ they were controlled by the same Masonic puppeteer that pulls his strings.

We’ve also been presented with an obviously fake story of “heroism” [if it is an obviously fake story, McKee must have some evidence of that; I think he should produce it, or shut his cakehole] as Carlos Arredondo wheeled Jeff Bauman, the man who supposedly had his legs blown off [why doesn’t McKee produce some evidence of how else Bauman lost his legs if not at the Boston marathon?] down the street past photographers. Well of course any photographer would want to capture that bit of vintage footage. It is actually the Bauman part of the story that makes it most clear that the whole event was not what it was made out to be. If you just paid attention to what the talking heads of the ‘alternative media’ are saying, you could well believe that Jeff and the others were faking it. The shills do seem convincing in their argument; the main one being that he [and a lot of the other victims] didn’t look to be in too much pain. But when you read the court transcripts of the victims’ testimonies you’d have to believe that they were all lying about their injuries. There is of course no evidence of that. [In contrast the testimonies from FBI agents and Police officers and others such as Kitzenberg and Dun Meng are riddled with contradictions and provable lies.] Furthermore, when you look at the videos of some of the victims’ scars, their injuries are consistent with the victim testimonies. This topic was addressed in detail in the last Truth and Shadows post, written by Sheila Casey. I’ll come to that.

First, I do not believe the image that has been burned into everyone’s mind – of Bauman being pushed down the street in wheelchair – came about by accident. There is no evidence that it didn’t. Just because you believe it didn’t McKee doesn’t make it so. You need to prove that that wheelchair run was staged. It too perfectly achieved all that the real perpetrators could have wished for: a human face on the horror and a hero who would overcome all odds to triumph over evil. How is it a triumph over evil? The triumph over evil will be when the whole secret society network is smashed, the members brought to book for their heinous crimes, and the likes of Craig McKee are exposed for the utterly vile creatures that they are,

I find it impossible to believe that a man who had his legs blown off would be left lying on the ground for several minutes while others with seemingly minor injuries were attended to. Others around him suffered serious injuries too [and Krystle Campbell died.] Jeff’s testimony in court is: “I guess it was only a couple -- like probably about five minutes I was there.” There were gurneys and ambulances, but not for Jeff. He was just left there.

Arrendondo supposedly came to the rescue (he claims to have rushed to Jeff’s aid although video clearly shows he was more preoccupied with wrestling with the fence than with helping anyone). So much of Arredondo’s story is proven false by the photos and video. He says Bauman’s shirt was on fire, but there’s no evidence of this. He also says all the flags were blown over by the blast: not true. And the bloody American flag he unfurled for cameras? Yes, we get the symbolism. If Carlos is acting, he’s a bloody good actor. I’ve never seen a professional actor being able to shake and tremble as well as he’s doing here

We have the mysterious hooded man (who has been identified as Christian Williams) who appeared to be working on Bauman’s lower body in some way. Was he coming to his medical aid or was he affixing some kind of prosthetic? It is simply absurd to suggest that a team of stage make-up artists could rush onto the scene carrying various mangled prosthetics and all the necessary make-up and fake blood and gore, apply it all so skilfully to make it all look so real, shred and burn the clothing; and then disappear ... all in the couple of minutes or so before the smoke clears. It is even more ridiculous when you can clearly see through the smoke that the only people there are the injured and dying. Or are the hoax accusers claiming that all the spectators who appeared to end up injured [or dead] are the ones who carried all the necessary equipment in their baggage and applied it all so skilfully and convincingly on each other? I am not aware of that claim being made. In fact I haven’t read anything or seen any videos to explain exactly how they managed to pull off such a spectacular hoax. Course details and explanations are always conspicuously absent in the land of the conspiraloons.

This same man was later attended to by medical personnel as he lay on the ground. Shortly before that, he’d been propped up on his elbow, looking quite casual and not very badly hurt (no, there’s no proof he wasn’t hurt). According to the New York Times, however, Williams has had four operations on his legs since the event. He and his friend, Caroline Reinsch, have a fundraising web page and has received more than $100,000 so far. Jeff Baumans’ page has raised more than $760,000.” All the shills point out the fundraising as some sort of proof these people are actors, raking it in. What they don’t tell you is that in the USA there is no NHS, so the medical care for those seriously injured will be ongoing and very expensive; and not everyone has adequate health insurance.

Here is the article by Sheila Casey boston-bombing-involves-clearly-staged-carnage/ Before going any further I’ll just point out that at the end of her article we learn that Sheila Casey is a “journalist whose work has been published by the Chicago Sun-Times, Reuters, The Denver Post, Common Dreams, Dissident Voice and the Rock Creek Free Press.” Nuff said really.

Her article is just as ridiculous and disgusting as Craig McKee’s. I’m not going to bother going through all of it. She discredits herself straightaway by stating that Jeff Bauman’s name can’t be verified: “Based on the video and photo record, it seems clear that the lead actor in this production—the most grievously wounded, as well as the man who fingered Tamerlan Tsarnaev as the bomber—was faking his injuries, as were most of those allegedly hurt by the first bomb. We were told his name is Jeff Bauman, but since that can’t be verified and his survival is unbelievable to the point of being miraculous, we’ll simply call him Miracle Man.”

She then says “First let’s see what can be learned from a Boston Globe video on YouTube that starts six seconds prior to the first explosion. Actually it doesn’t; it starts at least one minute and 13 seconds prior (For this article, I’m focusing solely on the first explosion and its now famous victim, although serious anomalies–such as the curious case of a missing mailbox– have also been reported at the site of the second explosion.)” I do not have a scoobies what that is about as I can’t access that information. I can’t find anything on this anywhere on the internet; and of all the footage I’ve seen there is no missing mailbox.

And: “If Miracle Man lost both legs in an accident years ago, [Casey doesn’t know if Bauman lost his legs prior to the marathon bombing, how he lost his legs or when he lost them] but is going to pretend to have lost his legs at the marathon, “bloody” prostheses will need to be attached to his well-healed stumps, to get him ready for his photo op. My guess is that the hooded man is attaching those prostheses in this image and the role of the African-American woman (in the red jacket) was to get in the way so cameras can’t catch exactly what he’s doing.” Wild guesses.

Take a look at the photo below of Krystle Campbell

She clearly lost both legs. Was she a prior double amputee too? Who was attaching gruesome looking prosthetics to her stumps to make that image look so life-like? Or did she do it herself before lying down and pretending to look dead?

How I wish these loathsome creatures – Sheila Casey, Craig McKee and all the other scumbag shills who print such extremely offensive highly defamatory propaganda would get their sorry arses sued.

McKee loses credibility just by his support for Judy Wood enigma-a-discussion-of-the-most-controversial-figure-in-911-research/ Anyone who promotes her nonsense kills their own credibility stone dead. Have a listen to this broadcast 13_dor_final.mp3 for an interesting discussion about Wood and Pete Santilli. Likewise anyone who endorses the equally odious and obvious disinfo agent Dave McGowan [listen to him from around 10 mins of; listen also to his ‘expose’ on Krystle Campbell, at 18:30 mins - disgraceful] as both McKee and Casey do [she refers to him as a ‘terrific investigative journalist’] are obviously disinfo agents themselves cancer/

Traitorous rodent McKee, just like countless other dirtbag disinfos delights in telling us “Martial law is imposed where people are forced to stay in their homes, businesses are forced to close, and an army of police (who look just like soldiers) go door to door searching houses and forcing inhabitants out at gunpoint with their hands up.” And, in the secret knowledge that he is doing a marvellous job assisting in that imposition he smugly adds, “And now that we’ve been introduced to the reality of martial law – and we seemed to like it – we’re likely to be seeing it again very soon.”

Craig McKee provides a link to Dan Dicks of Press for Truth [he means Press for Propaganda] and the naked man bullshit

Just the fact Dan Dicks is an Alex Jones Infowhores correspondent tells you all you need to know about him. suspects-aunt-talks-to-infowars-she-claims-set-up/

Other people are doing excellent work exposing dirty disinfo agent Dan Dicks.

Course it is no surprise to see that Dicks’ ‘Related channels’ are: Corbett Report, Pete Santilli, AMTV,, DAHBOO77 Who does Chris Greene, creater of AMTV [‘Alternative’ media TV] link to? Alex Jones, RT, DAHBOO77 [an anon channel that has more than 133 ½ million views L.O.F.L], X22Report [yet another anon channel, and it has an impressive viewership too – nearly 34 million views. As if.] And who does X22 link to? Alex Jones, DAHBOO7, AMTV ... on and on it bloody goes.

Chris Greene is just another fully paid up establishment [Masonic] toady. Listen to his virtual hour long hypocritical diatribe here for the proof of that. All he does is what all gatekeepers do – states the obvious [harps on about the MSM feeding us misleading information and disinformation and of constantly changing their stories ... of being propagandists for our slave masters] and tells us what we already know - how bad our enslavement already is, and that its going to get a whole lot worse unless we the people act as watchdogs, demand full and independent investigations into these false flag attacks and hold our politicians accountable. Anyone who ventures into the ‘alternative’ media knows that all politicians are also establishment tools. So who does he suggest does the investigating?

Greene doesn’t do any investigating of his own; he promotes the likes of Alex Jones who Greene would have you believe heads a genuine alternative media which is now a real threat to the ruling elite. He enthuses that Alex Jones has millions and millions and millions and millions ... of views a day. Ha ha, the ruling elite own the likes of Jones and Greene.

The douchbag Greene repeatedly and enthusiastically tells us the Boston Marathon Bombing False Flag is the biggest cover up in the history of America ... but he isn’t sure if the Tsarnaev brothers were set up as patsies. He accuses the nation of hanging Jahar before he’d been tried in a court of law; that ‘it’ doesn’t want to look at the evidence. Jahar’s kangaroo trial has been and gone. Has Greene had a look at the evidence? Has he commented on the trial? No, he just accepts that the brothers were guilty, and instead champions the ‘work’ of another government [Masonic] lapdog Masha Gessen who promotes the party line that the brothers had been radicalised in her new book, ‘The Brothers: The Road to an American Tragedy, a look into the experiences that led the Tsarnaev brothers to carry out the Boston Bombing’. motivation-behind-boston-marathon-bombing

Course Greene doesn’t have to investigate the Boston marathon bombing false flag now, as I’ve done it for him. Will he endorse my work? Hell no; not in a million years; the smarmy traitor will just carry on receiving a pat on the back from his Masonic paymaster while he smugly continues to tell you that the public are being primed to accept martial law, and to welcome a police state takeover.

On the face of it, there are great sites like Scott Creighton’s whereby we can find seemingly great articles exposing the official marathon bombing story as lies. The majority of us ordinary hard working folk [the genuine people i.e. the real opposition] have no time or energy to do any digging ourselves, and we figure these smart guys have it covered anyway. This is how the ‘PTB’ have it all sewn up. And the NWO looms steadfastly closer.

But some of us manage to go the extra mile, despite our busy lives, and do what is necessary – our own research. Right take a look at Creighton’s ‘Photo Essay’ which is published on [ICH btw is just another masonic run site; that is obvious just by all the links] I quote:

“Here is a picture of what is being hailed as an image of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev “dropping” his pack which had the bomb in it. What you see is not a man “dropping” a bag. What you see is a man CARRYING a bag while walking by.

Notice, right above the girl’s shoes you can see the bottom of the bag. It is suspended in the air, not touching the ground. Look at how it’s suspended at an angle. It’s being carried by the strap, the right strap, in his left hand. Look at how he is moving past the people, on his way somewhere. And more importantly, look at where he is in relation to the iron grate and the metal security fencing. These facts will be important in a second. This is just another masonic conspired conspiracy theory. Scroll back up to p 79 for more on that image. That item by the railings is supposedly a backpack, but the image is not clear enough to show even that, let alone that it is Jahar’s backpack. As for Jahar holding it with his left hand, he’d have to have arms like an orang-utan.

There is no question where the detonation took place. Remember this pic? This bag is in the exact location of where the bomb had to be placed. Since it hasn’t been proven that the two explosions were caused by pressure cooker bombs hidden in backpacks or bags, no-one [apart from a bomb expert who knew what had caused those explosions] could be sure where the bombs were placed. It is a large enough bag to hold a backpack and a pressure cooker, [it is, but since that bag was not there just prior to the second explosion, it could not have held the bomb. These are perversion/diversion tactics. Scott Creighton is commenting only on the red herrings put out by the masons who conspired to bomb the marathon] though it is not clear if the second bomb was actually made with a pressure cooker. The official narrative is that both bombs were made with pressure cookers. What we don’t know is, if that is actually true. But look at the location and then look at this.

We can see from the blast wave of the explosion that something close to the detonation blocked the blast at a single point and forced more of the energy onto the sidewalk and down the street. That would be the mailbox. Look again at the location of that bag. I am not saying that bag was the bomb. He is hinting that it is. [Notice his use of capitals coming up!] This is keeping readers focussing on masonic tricks. It may have been, but I am saying that bag is in the location the bomb was detonated. It went off IN FRONT OF THE FENCE and BESIDE THE MAILBOX.

Part of one section of fence is wrapped around the mailbox. The other section is blown back into the crowd and on the sidewalk as you see. Were the bag to be partially under the fence as appears in the photo of the bag in front of the fence, that could easily be the result.

That is NOT the location the Feds claim they show Dzhokhar Tsarnaev “dropping” his pack. Had the bomb gone off where he was and where that image shows him CARRYING his pack, then the fence would have been blown into the street. I think you’d need to be a bomb expert to know how a pressure cooker bomb behaves. Scott’s points are mere theory. Theories prove nowt.

As the image above shows, part of the pack was found in the street. No, part of a backpack, which was not necessarily the one which supposedly housed bomb no 2, was allegedly found in the street. Shape charges inside the pack would have done that if it was placed on the street side of the fence. This is a close-up view of the bags side by side. Remember, the dark bag owned by Dzhokhar’s older brother has already been accounted for in the official story. So the only bag left is the light grey one carried by him.

As you can see, these two things are not the same. Not even close. As said there is no official word from the government that the photos of shredded backpacks are of the backpacks that supposedly housed the bombs. So that FBI photo could be of anyone’s backpack. [It was actually planted – see my write up on Craft and the white rectangle.]

The photos in Creighton’s article are widely publicised. He is just parroting what umpteen other shills are saying i.e. he and they are focussing on theories which were dreamt up by the bombers themselves.

So as you can see, the official story clears Dzhokhar. But commenting on masonic props is not going to free Jahar. Scott is clear disinfo cos all he comments on is what numerous other shills comment on. Nothing is out of the masonic matrix.

His right arm is down, straight down, while his left arm is bent and his left shoulder is raised as he is running. He is carrying something… he is CARRYING HIS BAG. From the video of him running you can see his left arm is moving, his right arm isn’t, which indicates that his bag is tucked under his right arm.

The official story itself does not prove these brothers set off those bombs. You don’t need the “conspiracy theorists” to tell you that. So why are you promoting only conspiracy theories, Scott? All you have to do is look at the evidence they themselves provide. I have done; you haven’t. You’re only pretending to attack the hand that feeds and protects you. Consider all the dishonesty they have displayed thus far and their own evidence.” I’m also pointing out your dishonesty Scott Creighton.

Creighton, under his pen name Willyloman, re-bloggs from an article written by fellow disinfo agent Paul Craig Roberts [more on PCR here _a_closer_look_at_the_work_of_the_COINTELPRO_who_are_geared_t owards_the_savvier_truth_seekers.php]

Now take a closer look at this article on the willyloman blog murphy-been-arrested-for-aiding-the-terrorist/ “According to the official story, there isn’t much [anything] tying Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to the Boston Bombing. In fact, the case against him is pretty weak and considering he just plead not guilty across the board to all of the charges, it would seem like the Justice Department and the State’s prosecutor’s office have their work cut out for them.

And along comes a photographer with his own agenda [the masonic conspirators’ agenda] in mind who he takes it on himself [that is the official line] to release crucial evidence to the public while making highly inflammatory statements about the evidence, thus ruining it’s effectiveness in the prosecution against the “terrorist” and potentially even getting that evidence tossed out of any pending trial. Isn’t tossing out evidence which supports the prosecution a good thing for the Justice for Jaharists?

In a case with such a small amount of tangible evidence, such actions could have catastrophic results for the prosecution.

So why isn’t Sgt. Sean Murphy under arrest under the new Insider Threat Program being run by the Obama administration? Why isn’t he under suspicion of aiding said suspect and being remorselessly attacked by the MSM for aiding and abetting terrorism?

This is just another Masonic diversion tactic.

If Creighton was a genuine ‘Justice for Jahar’ voice he wouldn’t write such an article. He’d be putting that intelligent mind of his into exposing the real criminality surrounding Sean Murphy. If I can spot the real anomalies and ask the right questions I’m sure he can. Course he isn’t the person writing these articles, his masonic handler is. Scott is not paid to think, which might lead to an unravelling of the BB script [the more there are of us doing our own thinking, rather than leaving it to others the better], which will lead to justice for Jahar; he’s paid to put his name to these articles which are helping to protect the official story.

Take a look at this long article, hatched up by Scott’s masonic handler creates-new-official-story-video-of-dzhokhar-planting-bomb-is-forgotten/ “Today has cobbled together the new official story which focuses nearly entirely on that specific problem because it’s a big, big problem. The FBI has been caught in a lie.

What follows is my pretend evaluation [it’s actually his handler’s clever ‘pulling the wool over eyes’ exercise] of their new “official story”. It’s a story that whitewashes the FBI’s failure to identify their own suspects. It’s a story that admits they put out the call for help in order to distract the unofficial investigation that was turning up remarkable leads. L.O.L unofficial investigation. The gatekeepers like Willyloman were turning up their Masonically conjured up ‘leads’. It’s a story that completely forgets the most crucial parts of their original lie and that is: the video they claimed they had of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev planting the bomb which they say is what brought them to their attention in the first place. the video of the two brothers standing around watching the carnage and then slowly walking away.

The new narrative erases these all important videos from the history of the FBI investigation. Without these two videos, the FBI has no reason to suspect those two young men any more than the other 1,000 people in the pictures with backpacks. This is focussing attention on the obvious lies surrounding the backpacks, which diverts attention away from the fact there is no evidence that anyone with a backpack was responsible for those explosions.

Then factor in they lied about not knowing who these two were and how much contact they had with them prior to the bombing and what your left with is a damning indictment of the FBI. Scott is only talking about the obvious lies; the ones he’s allowed to point out. I haven’t seen any articles from him naming and shaming and exposing all the contradictions and lies told by various FBI agents and police officers during their court testimonies which led to the death sentence for Jahar. Why? Cos those lies are the ‘out of the masonic matrix’ ones.

For several days an unofficial manhunt was underway with thousands on online sleuths [that many? Where are they? I’ve only come across the fake ‘online sleuths’] pouring over every available image of the race looking for suspicious characters. No-one genuine was doing that. The shills and their masonic superiors were pouring over every available image to find ones of unsuspecting and innocent folk that they could draw their silly circles around to create various conspiracy theories which would go viral on the internet, and distract genuine sleuths from getting somewhere near the real truth and proving the marathon bombing was an ‘inside job’.

The feds themselves fed deliberate misinfo to various MSM outlets, [actually it was the masonic superpower who control the feds] implicating the wrong people like the two high school runners who were called “The Bag Men” by a New York paper and of course the now infamous Saudi national. And the controlled opposition agents are constantly feeding us misinfo and disinfo to muddy the waters and keep us focussing on ‘in the masonic matrix’ theories and on that which is already known by those who seek answers from the internet. In other words the COINTELPRO network is successfully preventing us getting anywhere close to harming those who are behind these False Flag attacks.

Contrary to what a new Washington Post article claims, these false leads didn’t come from the unofficial investigation but rather from “law enforcement insiders” tipping off the major publications like the Times and CNN. The false leads came from the freemasons – the men who conspired to bomb the marathon. They were deliberately given false leads which left the papers with egg on their faces and the netizen investigators chasing down ghosts in blind allies. Papers weren’t left with egg on their faces; the papers are ‘in’ on the game. Disinfomongering scum like Scott Creighton are paid to keep us genuine online sleuths chasing ghosts.

Many people, myself included, are lying when we say we immediately wondered about why the FBI would claim to have these videos and then not release them to aid the public in identifying the suspects. It made no sense and the claim above from CNN is insultingly stupid. It is criminal. Anyone in the media who protects the official Boston marathon bombing story is a criminal - an aider and abettor of terrorism and a protector of extremely powerful and dangerous terrorists. So too obviously are shills like Scott. Notice none of them ever name and shame and properly expose reporters/editors of mainstream propaganda.

Forget the first story from law enforcement officials that there were two videos which put the brothers there, watching the carnage and planting the bomb. That story is no more…

Now the official story is the guy in the wheel chair, as popular and sympathetic a character as he is, is the one who fingered the brothers while drugged to the gills in a hospital bed.

In the intensive-care ward, Bauman, who had been near the finish line to see his girlfriend complete Monday’s race, wrote words that would help lead to quick resolution of the bombing that killed three and injured 176 others: “Bag. Saw the guy, looked right at me.”” Washington Post

And there you have it. “Bag. Saw guy. Looked right at me”. Of course, once the FBI got wind of this, it was clear the Tsarnaev brothers did it. FBI didn’t get wind of it. They may be full of wind though. Jeff Bauman is another fool who let fame go to his head, and allowed himself to be used as a pawn by the masonic powers. The use of Jeff is just another masonic ploy to keep you and I focussed on points being made by gatekeepers such as Scott Creighton [i.e. keep us nicely contained in ‘in the masonic matrix’ discussions.]

As I pointed out before, the claim that the brothers stood around and watched the carnage and then calmly strolled away is a direct lie. Not just the simple lie that the FBI has a video of it. That’s not the only lie. The OTHER lie is that there is a photo of at least one of the brothers, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, running away like everyone else while there is still smoke in the air from the bomb going off. In fact, he’s kinda leading the pack if you want to be honest about it. But he’s definitely not lingering around enjoying the carnage like the federal law enforcement official “with knowledge of the investigation” told CNN’s Susan Candiotti. And the proof of that is right here:” Scott’s pointing out only the lies and corruption his masonic handler will permit.

Whilst we have the likes of good old Willyloman doing the detective work for us, we don’t have to. Ordinary folk who might be thinking: “what can little ol me do?” are comforted to know that there are good folk like Scott Creighton out there putting serious time and effort into investigating these suspected False Flag attacks; and righting wrongs for victims of injustice such as Jahar.

But nothing is changing. No-one knows why. No-one knows what more can be done. Not enough people care much anyway - the masonic matrix isn’t that uncomfortable yet for most people. AND THE NWO TRUNDLES ON.

The rest of Scott’s long winded article is more of the same pretence. If Scott was genuine he would not be commenting on what the media are saying since any online sleuth [as he pretends to be] knows that they are working for the men who bombed the marathon. For example he wouldn’t be saying, “Especially after the feds admit they had an ulterior motive for releasing the images on Thursday, the MSM reporters and papers like the Washington Post should have immediately smelled a rat.” Those reporters are the rats; alongside even bigger rats like Scott Creighton. Neither would he be carrying on like this: “Yes, it is a rant. The Washington Post should be ranting along with me.” Since the Washington Post and all media work for the marathon bombers themselves - they earn their daily bread protecting those murderers - why the hell would they be ranting?

This is how the fake as fuck Scott Creighton ends his masonic dictated masterpiece: “But as predicted, the videos are down the memory hole. No reason to suspect those guys except for the now painfully obvious fact that they were there to be suspected in the first place [yes they were clearly framed; and what is Scott Creighton doing about it? Well he’s assisting the men who framed them of course] and the liars at the FBI can suck up to the complicit media all they want [they’re not sucking up; the most senior people in the FBI and media are involved in the mega massive masonic conspiracy – PSY-OP. You won’t hear that from this willy low man though] but until they buy enough congressmen and get CISPA passed thru our own Vichy capital, we unofficial investigators are going to continue pointing out their lies, their crimes and their complicity. LIAR. You slimeball shills are going to continue slyly assisting your paymasters until free speech will be down the memory hole.

So thank you Washington Post. Thank you for proving my point. Thank you for showing us all that the official story of the Boston bombing has always been a lie and will always continue to be a lie.” Yeah carry on pretending Scott Creighton. Carry on serving your masonic master; you’re gonna regret it, cos you too will receive your just deserts – in the not too distant future; make no mistake.

And where does Scott Creighton [wily Loman] suggest you go to for your news sources? Well Masonic run sites of course:- 21St Century Wire Before It's News 4th Media ACLU AlterNet Global Research FireDogLake No Lies Radio Pacific Free Press Penny for your Thoughts Link TV Real News Zeitgeist The Movie Off-Guardian Russia Today (RT) Press TV Live Et cetera et cetera et cetera ... Genuine truth soldiers do not promote fake ‘news’ sites; they expose them instead.

Right now, if your stomach can take it, listen to another lying deceitful piece of shill shit - retired Lieutenant Colonel Potter - serving his masonic paymasters well on this video uploaded by Belligerent Politics. Belligerent Politics are of course anonymous YouTubers [masons], who recommend ‘Other Great Channels’ [masonic run media and NWO shills.] The Potter prick is ranting on about the Boston bombings being a ‘False flag’ just two days after it occurred when it was far too early to gauge that. I have spent over a year investigating it – from poring over all the court documentation and watching numerous videos; I’ve done all the leg work; are the likes of Col. Potter going to endorse my findings? Ha ha; it’ll be a cold day in hell for that to ever happen. The dirty disinfo agent wants you to believe fellow disinfo agent extraordinaire Alex Jones is a gallant chap taking on the ‘PTB’ with his fine team of detectives. He tells us that infowhores’ ‘investigator’ - dirty masonic sell out - Paul Watson did an excellent job ‘finding’ the Craft marathon bombers. The prick Potter then goes on to tell you about the ‘drill’ masonic conspiracy theory. He tells you a half truth when he says it was the ‘shadow government’ who pulled it off; since the perps are shadowy underworld figures [not necessarily government figures] and the crime was not committed by the people he wants you to believe. He also neglects to tell you that he is a shill for the actual bombers. The masonic bumsucker wants you to believe that there is a war going on inside the government. That is absolute bullshit. The great pretender goes on: “The key to all of this was today when this information on this black operation; this drill in progress which was denied by all sorts of government people; when this information came out and the pictures of the operatives came out, and the patsy [didn’t the pictures of the patsies come out on the 18th April?]; the FBI and police were just about ready to bring this right wing suspect out [one suspect; who? One of these two circled here? boston-suspects/ Infowars just say, “Two days after the bombing, the FBI seemed poised to pin the culpability on right-wing extremists, but Internet sleuths who investigated photos of the event identified various persons of interest, causing the Bureau to awkwardly cancel a scheduled press conference citing “conflicting reports” bombing-trial/] and take him to a judge at the Boston courthouse; the media got a hold of it and stated they had made an arrest, but at the same time our information came out on this black ops, with the pictures and the videos and the operatives, and the government said “Oh my gosh; they got us”, so they shut down the information on the suspect, they turned around their story and said, no, they didn’t arrest anybody; the Boston courthouse was closed because they said there was a danger there – the danger was that they were gonna get revealed [says the smug bastard smiling]. So you’ve seen this backtrack today - oh we’ve got the suspect, now we don’t - it was going to be a right wing extremist, helped by Al Qaeda; that’s exactly how this whole thing was going to play out, and they got caught in the middle of it.” Wonder what level in the lodge this clown has reached for services to freemasonry. Potter tells us he sees the big picture now. Course he fukkin does; he’s ‘in’ on it. He’s part of the filthy masonic conspiracy to protect the official story and to make sure Jahar stays put [or ends up on the slab.] He stresses the people who are bringing this information out are endangering their lives - people are putting their lives on the line showing you what’s happening, and how dangerous of a situation it is. I don’t see anyone putting their life on the line for truth on the BB. Shills like him are in no danger; they are protected by the very people they claim to be opposing. The only people who are in danger are the ones who expose the masonic power structure. Potter continues: “The best way to hide something is to put it in plain sight. The government all along had access to these same videos. Remember how the FBI came out and said “Oh public help us; there must be someone who knows something; give us your pictures and your videos; help us find these people”; they already had the videos; they already had the information. But they’re asking you for it to hide it from you in plain sight. It is real obvious – pretend that they don’t have the information when it was out there. The fact of the matter is they’re playing a psy-op game with you. That’s the only bit of truth I’ve heard from him; shame he doesn’t let on that he plays a big part in the psy-op too. Shady bastard. The Boston marathon bombing was a false flag conducted by elements of our government. Not everyone in our government is bad. They want to lock us down in a police state; that’s what this is all about. But now we’ve uncovered it, at least it’s gonna slow them down. What have ‘we’ uncovered Mr Potter Fullofwaffle? I wish I could give us the particulars but unfortunately I don’t have the technical equipment to do what so many other people can do. So go to Infowars. Yes Alex gets pretty stressed at times; and look at me right now, I get stressed because I can see the big picture and the danger we’re all in. He and his buddy Alex Jones are not in any danger – well not from the people they pretend to expose; Potter, Jones and all the other scumbag cointelpro agents will be feeling the stress when they realise the public know their game. With that false flag; that black op being revealed the way it has been, people will take desperate action to make sure what they’ve done isn’t going to come back on them. L.O.L. Carry on pretending Potter, with your smug freemason friends; carry on protecting powerful murderous bastards; you are going to deeply regret selling out to the masonic powers. You will burn in hell for this; mark my words. So we’re all in a lot of danger right now.”

The prick keeps turning the camera off and then coming back with ‘updates’. What he means is he had to keep being reminded by his masonic handler[s] of what to say. He reminds us infowhores have done a fantastic job and that we must all go there for our information. He talks about the tightening control grid. He tells you the media is controlled by the CIA. The media and the controlled opposition agents like him are controlled by freemasonry. He says: “They [the media] are just going to be quiet “cos we don’t want to interfere with the investigation”; NO, they should investigate this totally; totally [will someone ask Potter how the media can investigate the men who pay their wages, since they are the people who murdered and maimed people at the marathon and put Jahar in prison and murdered his brother] and everybody should call up all of these people – your congressmen, your senators; call the White House; call the media and say look it’s the media’s responsibility under the first amendment to give us good information.” Yeah call up the freemasons who protect the marathon bombers. The wanker then wants you to believe he’s sending a threatening message to the feds when he wafts his arms around saying, “We’re going to flood this information on these operatives out everywhere. You liars and deceivers; you demons.” Yeah, and Potter is paid and protected by those demons. The idiot doesn’t realise that his mason friends in high places won’t be able to save his sorry arse, any more than they can save their own, when the wool is finally removed from the collective eyes of the global populace. He continues: “And if the Americans don’t want to see it and this thing falls apart, American people, this is gonna be your fault. It’s your fault, if you’re gonna stay asleep and let these murderous criminals get away with this [sigh] then what I said about not worrying about saving United States is going to hold true and this place just needs to be firebombed, because we’re not worth it; God help us.” The twat then goes for a drive and speaks to camera saying: “If they try to tell us that all those guys were there to offer us security, doesn’t that show you that the government cannot protect you. And they’ll say, “Oh, you know, that is playing into our enemies’ hands; that’s part of the terrorist plot to show that the government can’t protect you”; no, the government IS the terrorist, ok. They’ve proved they can’t do what they say they can do - not without taking all your rights away, or killing you.”

Oh, how my heart will sing when the whole truth is exposed about the disgusting dirty deeds of these spineless, nefarious, vile, loathsome enemy agents – Roy Potter and his ilk.

“He who walks in integrity walks securely, But he who perverts his ways will be found out.” Proverbs 10:9

“For everything hidden is meant to be revealed, and everything concealed is meant to be brought to light.” Mark 4:22

“Therefore judge nothing before the proper time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.” Corinthians 4:5

“The wicked flee when no man pursues: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1

“But and if you suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are you.” Peter 3:14

"But don't be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.” Matthew 10:26.

Now go and empty that sick bucket that you just puked your guts into cos you’re gonna throw up again after listening to Roy Potter explaining what the feds did to him. He really surpasses himself in the bullshit stakes with this The prick wants you to believe that he is under surveillance because he knows people in powerful positions due to his ‘clearance level’. He says ‘they’ got concerned because of his knowledge. He says they watch all of us and “I use key words that get picked up; obviously.” Key words my fucking arse. I remember Brian Gerrish’s little pal Mike Robinson saying on the sky controversial channel: “You can have a lot of fun with certain words that you know will flag up and get ‘them’ concerned.” Course I was very naive back a few years when I used to watch that channel; little did I know then that he [and everyone who appears on TV or radio] is controlled opposition, and therefore they are all working for the slave masters who seek to fully enslave us in the NWO hell – the enemy that he and they pretend to be resisting. No wonder he was having fun. Potter says he noticed he got more trolls on the network as he increased his activity, and that one in particular caused him a great deal of grief cos this troll basically lied about things [isn’t that what they’re paid to do!] ... he says he is pretty sure that was ‘CIA involved’; probably someone ‘they’ hire to do these types of things. Notice Potter says ‘CIA’; shills never tell you the maligning all-powerful force is freemasonry or some other secret society. Notice also he doesn’t name said troll, nor does he tell us what this troll did. Potter is so full of shit – there’s no evidence to support anything he says.

He says, “After the Boston bombing thing in particular ... I don’t upload my videos in any one location; I change location. Am I afraid? Why would he be? He’s no threat to anyone. He’s just a pretender. No, I want to get the information out without being harassed.” Only genuine whistleblowers have that problem. He tells us he noticed some guys he hadn’t seen before, who looked like cops: “They were eyeing me quite a bit and taking pictures on their cell phones. I smiled at one and gave him a devilish look and he ran out ... maybe he thought I was going to do something to him but he took off in a mad run.” Delusions of grandeur; the trait of the shill. He says that later when he was in a parking lot, a black SUV turned up and another vehicle came behind him and blocked him in. He says he took off; that he’d reverted to auto pilot [his training was kicking in.] He said he wasn’t afraid; concerned yes. He didn’t believe ‘they’ were going to whack him in front of everyone; not that that was their intention. He said for the next few minutes he was running around the neighbourhood. He says ‘they’ didn’t get out of their cars [there were 2 guys in each one – in their late 20s/early 30s.] He says basically he gave them the slip. By running around in circles for a few minutes? He said he got back to his car and managed to watch them without them seeing him. Yeah yeah; course you did Roy; yawn. He says they stayed there for an hour, easily. He reckons they figured he’d come back and give up. He doesn’t think they were the best and the brightest. The ramblings of a narcissistic prick. Who’s paying this pansy to spout this bullshit? He says they stayed by his car; the whole thing lasted about 3 hours. He says he changed his position watching them. Yeah we believe you; nothing like a good story, is there Roy? He says he didn’t have a camera; didn’t have his phone; nothing that he needed to record them, “so that was unfortunate.” Gosh; what a surprise. Is that because none of this happened; cos you’re making it all up? Do you realise you’re making yourself look like a right faggot Potter? He says finally the guy at the back of his vehicle got tired and fucked off. The guy in the car in front of him farted off to the other side of the street, stayed for another half hour/45 mins, then went to the gas station; didn’t get gas, stayed there half an hour. Then the guy went into the convenience store, came back, farted again and stayed for another 15 mins or so. Potter says it wasn’t the first time this type of dude had been around him. He says in his area these people are like flies; they’re everywhere; so he plans to leave. If Potter was genuinely being watched by enemy agents [members of the funny handshake brigade] he would not be able to run away from them. If he was a genuine threat the dirty brigade would know where he lived and what he was up to at all times. Potter wants you to believe that they were using intimidation to try and shut him down. I wish someone would shut his ugly lying mouth up. He says they’ll do anything to prevent you saying what you know. Well that’s only true if you’re genuine opposition; not a pretender. He says he used to be in military police/military intelligence in the army, so he was on the ‘inside’, and they don’t like that. Well if he was, he certainly isn’t sharing any of his ‘inside’ knowledge with us. He believes ‘they’ weren’t out to hurt him physically; that they just wanted to scare him, to weaken [he’s already weak] him and get him to shut up. Shut up about what? He brings up Randy Weaver, saying, “remember what they did to him?” Yeah, he was a real threat. We need more men like him. Take a look at this video where two great freedom fighters Linda Thompson and Bill Cooper discuss the Weaver case; and also Waco:The Big Lie; a must watch video.

Potter says, “They wanted Weaver to infiltrate the neo Nazis, but he wouldn’t do it, so they set him up on a shot gun thing and tried to serve warrants. He didn’t respond, so they sent an FBI swat team – his son and wife were killed, he was injured ... point is they wanted him to work for them; he wouldn’t do it, so they retaliated.” Potter says that is what these guys are trying to do to him; they want to recruit him. L.O.L. He’s already been recruited – as a NWO shill. The Potter poodle shouts that he wants nothing to do with their murderous wars, their abortion laws, the things they do to the likes of president Kennedy, the people of WACO, Weaver etc. He says he will never ever give his strength to them ever again. Ha ha what fuckin strength? He’s a first class WIMP. He rants on, saying they have violated the trust that the rest of the world had in this country - being the beacon of liberty. They have desecrated it. And the traitor Roy Potter is on their side; serving the slave masters well. The twat says he answers to God and no-one else. Bollox does he; he serves Satan. He then says “to the guys who keep doing this” that he’s a peaceful man. He’s no man; he’s a pathetic cowardly FAKE. He says he knows how to handle himself [L.O.L] and says “you don’t want me to put you in the dirt.” The prick couldn’t put anyone in the dirt. He says, “Leave me alone. I’m revealing your secrets; I’m revealing what you do; how bad you are”. Potter, you’re revealing what a traitorous masonic bum sucker you are. He says he is preaching truth and liberty and he knows ‘they’ hate that. ‘They’ hate genuine people who strive for truth and liberty. They love weak cowardly pretenders like him. He keeps repeating, “You better leave me alone” and says, “Even if you come after me, someone is going to get hurt; knock it off.” Ha ha, fuckin arsehole. He wants you all to know the FEDS are after him. Please; will someone shut this lying toe-rag up. He boasts that he went on the Pete Sanshilli show; and says that ‘they’ shut down one of the radio shows he was on. Yeah ok; ‘they’ do not silence their stooges. The clown says, “The bigger guys out there – Michael Savage, Alex Jones, and I know people out there think [know] they are controlled opposition; I can’t go there.” Ha Ha, why’s that Roy? Is it because you’re not allowed to expose them; cos your job is to protect them and their dirty little secrets? The turd then makes a truthful statement, “You either work for the system or you have no idea what you are up against.” He’d know all about that of course. Treacherous rodents like him who work for the ‘system’ [masonic matrix] know who is really in power and that the NWO slavery takeover is real. What he doesn’t know is that we slaves are seeing through evil subversives like him, and are realising what we are up against – and are fighting back. The arsewipe ends by saying he isn’t in this to make money [he lives very comfortably serving the masonic machine]; he’s in it to pretend to warn people; that he has a “God given responsibility to warn” his neighbour. God is not mocked though; the clown doesn’t realise that. He wants you to believe that he’s doing it on his own at great sacrifice; that he has no ulterior motive; that he is only concerned with saving lives and liberty. And the gong for biggest and best bullshit artist goes to ... retired Lieutenant Colonel Roy Potter.

Here’s Potter talking to pal Pete on the Santilli shill show

Here he is on another well known controlled opposition outfit Project Avalon Potter&s=bb467081d7d8d7feaaa829b0b1d371f3

Here’s another agent of deception contaminating everything with his tsunami of shite on a video also uploaded by Belligerent Politics tQkAgtsAaPpDiiJJJi8Uz-f77hCRC ‘Glenn Beck Breaks Exclusive Information on Boston Bombings’.

Who else endorses the detestable despicable liar Col. Potter? Yet another degenerate noxious and depraved containment agent Daniel Towsey It is no surprise to see this ‘truth’ soldier promoting the Boston Bombing hoax/crisis actor disinformation. Nor is it any surprise to see him endorsing the likes of WhoWhatWhy, BeforeitsNews, Dan Dicks’ PFT, Alex Jones, Peekay ... Course just Towsey’s promotion of the ‘Hitler deception’ never-told/ tells you all you need to know about him. See my pdf on ‘Digger’ for more on that.

There are so many [and growing] masonic disinformation videos and sites in cyberspace, I can’t expose them all. I’ll just point out that this anonymously penned blog is obvious masonic disinfo – just the promotion of the usual masonic conspiracy theories tells you that.

I’ll bring this pdf to a close, commenting on a few more COINTELPRO videos. Take a look at this video Once again the video maker hides behind a pseudonym Enterthe5t4rz and links to the usual shill channels such as Dahboo777 and Alex bloody Jones. The narrator says hundreds of graphic designers came on to his channel on his videos and confirmed exactly what he was saying about photo shopping. He hasn’t provided the evidence for that. Why has he disabled the comments under this video? He says he is a degree graphic designer himself. He hasn’t provided the evidence for that either. Why should we believe him when he won’t even reveal his identity? What he says about photo doctoring may be true; but he hasn’t provided any proof.

Here is yet another ‘in the box’ video as it promotes the usual masonic chicanery such as Dan Bidoni [Infowars] at the press conference; the Saudi suspect [who the mason hiding behind Mopster8 wants us to believe is the real terrorist and Al Qaeda supporter], Craft dunnit, the mystery bag [that had been moved prior to the attack], the nonexistent drill ... And notice at just after 56 mins the Mopster muppet exposes himself as a disinfo agent by showing a clip of a video made by DABOOH7 who says the real bomber is Craft; Mopster had earlier gone to a lot of trouble to ‘prove’ it was the Saudi! Woops.

Here’s yet another cointelpro video deserving of a quick comment entitled ‘ROOSTER CALLS BOSTON JEFF BAUMAN'S FAKE INJURIES INTO QUESTION - SHARE THIS FAR & WIDE!!!’ made by truth4wtc7 Again who are/is ‘truth4wtc7’? Obviously NOT anyone interested in finding out the truth about 7 World Trade Centre which was destroyed on 9/11. We know nothing about the person[s] behind this nom de plume, who, surprise surprise, links to shills – Alex Jones, Pete Santilli and a list of anonymous YouTube channels. The video is jam packed full of the usual masonic disinfo which is being excreted by a bunch of NWO prostitutes: Host Rooster Carter [is that even his real name?], Lt. Colonel Roy Potter, James Fetzer, James Corbett, RT’s Daniel Bushell, Anthony Gucciardi.

Most of this Masonic shite I’ve covered in detail already, so I’m just going to point out something I noticed. Fast forward to 39:04 mins of the video, a recording of an eyewitness – ‘Linda’ - is played; but the woman we hear is not the real Linda. You can hear her on the same ‘Mopster’ vid At 48:56 mins you can hear Linda saying the words stated by the fake ‘Linda’. So why is it portrayed as if the real Linda is speaking on the Rooster video?

And here’s another weak cowardly immoral pretender hiding behind the pseudonym StormCloudsGathering [fukkin names these masons dream up – the cheeky bastards are causing the storm clouds] spouting the same old masonic manufactured conspiracy theories and of course reminding us of the ever tightening Big Brother prison grid that the masonic bootlicker calling himself SCG is assisting nicely with.

And another masonic disinfo vid by StormCloudsGathering where we find the promoting of the masonic red herrings - Saudi ‘suspect’, fake Ali and a changed date facebook page that quickly went viral. And SCG want you to believe this video has had nearly 40 million views.

And finally, have a swift look at the sickening propaganda film being planned. I quote: “CBS Films says Mark Wahlberg is set to produce "Patriots' Day," a feature film about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing based on former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis' firsthand account.” bombing

Have a read of this page entitled ‘Watertown Shootout Will Not Be Recreated For Film On Laurel Street’. filming I quote: “Watertown will not be the scene for a movie recreating the shootout between the Boston Marathon bombers and police. CBS Films wanted to use the street where the shootout occurred to make a movie called "Patriots' Day" about the bombing, shootout and search for the Tsarnaev brothers.

Plans called for five nights of shooting on Laurel Street in Watertown using loud, simulated gunfire. The company offered to compensate residents in the area, but the project created a town-wide controversy.

Helicopters, dogs barking — this is what it actually sounded like a half hour after the shootout, just down the street from where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev would later be found hiding in a boat.

Hundreds of local, state and federal law enforcement officers filled the streets, flack jackets and high-powered weapons at the ready.”

Fine make a film. But portray the bloody truth. Where are the independent investigative reporters??? Is everyone a spineless ‘yes man’???

I quote from the same page under the title ‘Encoraching On The Home’.

“In the weeks after the shoot out members of the Israeli trauma coalition came to Watertown to show school officials and counsellors how to look for signs of trauma in teachers and kids.

Dr Barbara Gortage head of counselling in the school district worked with the Israeli team. She says if the shootout had been recreated in Watertown students would have been re traumatised.

"Little children, it shows up as a regression in their toilet training," Gortych said. "At one of the elementary schools most effected we had a phenomenal increase in the amount in children wetting themselves."

Gortych cites a study that shows kids that were on Boylston Street when the bombs exploded recovered from their trauma quicker than kids in Watertown, because children who were in Boston had a safe place to go home to.

"In this case, your home was invaded. Children were taken out of their beds. And God bless them, policemen in flack uniforms came into their homes and took over their homes or searched their homes, all of which I think really meant that their sanctuary, their home that they go home to, was now penetrated," Gortych said. "A very scary thing to have happen to a little child."

From the start, CBS Films told residents if they weren't welcome in Watertown they had other places in the Boston area in mind.

That day, nearly three years ago, when Jahar Tsarnaev was arrested and the siege of Watertown ended. Residents spontaneously cheered their police officers.”

Residents will be outraged when they know the truth about their police officers. As for the kids, they’ll be doing more than wetting themselves if their parents don’t hurry up and pull their heads out of the sand, stop listening to and believing their government and ‘News’ reports, do some of their own research and FIND WHERE THE TRUTH LIES.

If there was no such animal as a psy-opper [cointelpro agent] muddying the waters, we genuine sleuths would have cracked it by now; we’d have had Jahar freed, and the real perps and all the disgusting aiders and abetters of the crime, and all those who conspired to pervert the course of justice [including all the legal people] would have been brought to justice. Hang in there Jahar; some of us care – some of us are genuine.

Oh how I wish Bill Cooper was still alive. Boy would he have named and shamed and really laid into the bloody lot of them. They would all be quaking in their boots by now.

Take a look at my follow on pdf – ‘THE BB PSY-OP – a closer look at the work of the COINTELPRO who are geared towards the savvier truth seekers’ _a_closer_look_at_the_work_of_the_COINTELPRO_who_are_geared_t owards_the_savvier_truth_seekers.php

How the New World Order is Planned and the Current Status

Interestingly guess what number kept popping out at me whilst I was checking through this pdf before publication – 222.

“The Angel Number 222 has a very significant and powerful vibration. It contains the attributes of 2 and 22, the Master Builder Number of inspiration, big ideas and the focus and persistence needed to manifest big dreams into reality. There cannot be a bigger dream than Satan being defeated on earth.

222 as an Angel Number has to do with manifestation, keeping in balance, and creating blessings on a huge and global scale.

When you repetitively see 222, it's a message from the angels that you're on the right track. You're in the right place at the right time. Stay positive, know that your angels are supporting you, but remember to ask for angelic assistance.” http://www.ask-

I’ll leave you with a bible message:

“There are a number of major things that Satan doesn’t want you to know about him. He tries very hard to keep these truths secret from you because they will cause you to think differently about your abilities and position in Christ Jesus. Today I’m going to tell you some of these guarded secrets that were revealed in the Bible for our benefit placed there by our wise and mighty God to help teach us the truth about our enemy.

Satan DOES NOT Want You To Know That He Exists Satan DOES NOT Want You To Know How He Operates Satan DOES NOT Want You to Know that He Can’t Be Everywhere At Once Satan DOES NOT Want You To Know That His Time Is Short Satan DOES NOT Want You To Know He Was Defeated Satan DOES NOT Want You To Know That You Have Authority Over Him

I know now as a Christian that Satan is a real spiritual being, but there was a time that I did not believe in his existence. Many people are in the exact same ignorant boat as I was when I did not believe in the existence of spiritual things. Unsaved people and even many new carnal Christians are generally very oblivious to spiritual realities, because they are consumed with natural things like drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power, fame, sports, food, music, and etc. Not only do most people in the kingdom of darkness not know that Satan, evil spirits, fallen angels and demons exist, they also do not understand that they themselves are also a spirit being that is simply living here on the earth in a natural physical body.

I pray that you learn to study this subject in order to learn that Satan does exist and that he is your enemy.

Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens and ye that dwell in them, Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. This verse informs us that Satan is very angry with something or someone. Why? Because he knows his time is very short. Satan is aware of an end time. You did realize that, didn’t you? Many people in the world are oblivious that the end is near. They think everything has happened the same way from the beginning and everything will just continue on like this for ever (2 Peter 3:4). However, Satan and the demons are aware that their time is so very short.

If you learned anything today, learn that Satan is a loser and if you are following him your time is very short to change your mind.

You learn from this verse that Satan still has ability to do some amazing things in the earth, but Jesus said I give you my authority over what he can do to you.” satan-doesnt-want-you-to-know-about-himself/


“These days there are too many Christians that want to look only at natural flesh and blood as the source of all of their problems in this world but this is not what the Bible teaches us that we are fighting against. If you read in Ephesians 6:12 you should be able to plainly see a spiritual opponent truth being stated. Not knowing that Christians are in a spiritual battle with an unseen spiritual force causes many of them to be easily distracted by the natural world and then to be easily defeated by the spiritual world. Not understanding how their spiritual enemy operates causes another portion of Christians to be easily attacked and overwhelmed. Then not knowing how to fight against this spiritual adversary will cause others to be effortlessly beaten. What we do not know is Satan’s greatest advantage over us. If you recall in the first lesson I taught that one method of deception that Satan uses is distraction to keep people away from seeing God’s truth. Satan does not want the truth of the Word of God to be planted firmly and unmovably in our hearts. When the Word of God is confidently implanted in our hearts with solid deep roots it will produce spiritual fruit that causes Satan’s hold on our lives to be greatly diminished. The more truth you know from God’s Word the less likely you are to ever be deceived or overcome by Satan’s schemes. This knowledge of the truth is exactly what God wants you to achieve and it will become a great threat to the kingdom of darkness. Satan will do everything in his power to keep you from knowing about this subject. One of the primary reasons for Satan wanting us not to know this is because no one will ever try to escape from a prison if they do not first know that they are in one.

Satan DOES NOT want you to know that he still rules a kingdom and you might be in it

This is the seventh truth that Satan would rather you not learn. Since Jesus defeated Satan as we all should now know, does Satan still have a rule of authority over anything or anyone in the “here and now” present world? The answer to that question is a resounding yes.

The kingdom of darkness is Satan’s independent empire. Satan is the sovereign ruler of this dark empire. This kingdom is not a part of any other kingdom. It is also not a sub-kingdom of God’s spiritual empire. This kingdom of darkness is vast and has many subordinate individuals that are within it right now.

Act 26:18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. These words in Acts 26:18 were written in red ink in my Bible and this means Jesus is speaking again. Notice that there are two antithesis spiritual kingdoms being mentioned directly in this verse. These kingdoms are called “Darkness” versus “Light”. There are also two opposing rules of authority established in this verse being called the “power of Satan” versus the power of God. Satan is directly associated to be the power of darkness that was indirectly mentioned in the previous verse and God is only called the Power of Light. Both of these two previous verses directly mentioned the very important hidden kingdom subject keyword “power”. God will often talk about a subject using a related keyword and you need to become aware how to connect it to the current subject that you are studying.

1Jn 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

Clearly the Kingdom of Light is superior to the kingdom of darkness. Darkness can never prevail over light or drive out the light.

Christians were once found to be a part of the darkness and have now been removed from it. But yet this truth implies those that are not Christians right now are still residents within the power of darkness.

Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

God starts in verse 11 by revealing that we are in a spiritual war and have need of His spiritual armor. This spiritual opponent is called the devil. This is just another title for our enemy Satan. If we look up the meaning to this Greek word G1228 translated as “devil” we will find that it means a person who is a traducer. Do you know what that is? This is literally someone who tells lies about another person. This is very revealing information about what type of battle we are in. The battle is raging in a spiritual court and we are the defendants that are being accused by the devil. It is a clear battle between what is truth versus the words of lies being thrown at us. We need to know this because it will become very important due to our fleshly sin nature.

What we should be learning is that the ruler of the spiritual darkness is Satan.

Please allow me to give you a couple of further confirming witnesses to the reality that unsaved people and fallen angels are revealed subjects of this dark empire of Satan. We will look at some additional words of Jesus to see who He claimed to be and why He came into the world and this is vital spiritual information and truth to know: Joh 12:46 I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

Now notice what Jesus claimed for one of the reasons why He has appeared in the flesh here in this world. Jesus claims to be the spiritual light to show us the way out of the darkness that we were stated to be in. Most unsaved people still do not realize that they are in this darkness because they do not see it. I will emphasize once more that Jesus is not claiming to be a natural light. He is claiming to be a spiritual light and that will become greatly significant as we continue on in this study.

Joh 19:11 Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin. The Greek word G1849 translated as “power” in this verse means a literal “right of authority”. Jesus speaking to one ruler named Pilate was telling him there is no power/authority except it came from God. Jesus was declaring the sovereignty of God as well as the important fact that He is omnipotent and without God willingly giving us anything we would be completely unable to take or possess anything like power from Him. No human ruler on the earth is able to have any authority unless it was given to them from God. This is certainly true of Satan as well as for us. Satan’s kingdom of darkness and authority had to have been given to him from God. God has a reason and a purpose for whatever He does even if we do not yet understand it.

If the kingdom of darkness consists of both fallen angels and unsaved people this kingdom has the potential to be both physical/natural and spiritual. This is because unsaved people live within a natural domain and fallen angels exist within a spiritual domain. It does become a bit distorted when we learn that unsaved people are really just spirits that reside in a natural body. When the unsaved person dies it is just like the saved person when they die. The spirit of the dead body departs the earth at the time of natural death. The saved person goes up to heaven and the unsaved person descends to be in hell. So far I have concluded that the kingdom of darkness can only be spiritual but we still need more evidence to draw a conclusion. Joh 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Jesus said here in John 10:10 that the thief (Satan) came to primarily do three things and these were to kill, steal and to destroy but then Jesus reveals His antithesis purpose for coming to the earth saying “I have come that you may have life and that life more abundantly”. This single verse confirms the contrasting reality between the kingdoms of darkness verses light. Jesus clearly reveals to us that the kingdom of darkness brings to us death and the kingdom of light brings to us life. Then Jesus said the kingdom of darkness takes away from us and the kingdom of Light does the opposite. Finally Jesus said the kingdom of darkness “destroys” and the opposite of that would be to create something good and worthwhile that has a positive purpose. I think that is very plain and self-evident which kingdom realm that we should desire to be in and remain a part of, don’t you? Just ask yourself would you rather die or live life fully and abundantly? This is not a difficult question. Christians should be living and acting differently than those that are not saved because of the presence of Light (God). God further declares that those in the light will obtain mercy and those in the darkness will obtain wrath and this is so important to know. It saddens my heart tremendously to think of people who do not want to know the truth. Luk 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Jesus shakes the foundation of Judaism by saying stop looking on the outside in the natural because the kingdom of God will be on the inside in the spiritual.

What God is saying is that if Christians have now been transformed into the kingdom of light then it was the same internal region that had previously been darkened until the light arose. Therefore it is only the non-Christians or the unsaved people of the world that are those that are in the kingdom of darkness right now because they have not let God’s light inside their hearts. Here is a new verse to help us further understand this reality: Eph 5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are yelight in the Lord: walk as children of light: (KJV) Eph 5:8 for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light (NASB) and the light is now present so we must choose to believe it and walk like the light is present by faith since we do not see any literal light. Practically everything that we have received from God in the N.T. is faith based and you should already know that.

2Co 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. The light is shining in our hearts (spirits). Spiritual Light is defined by God to be the “knowledge of Jesus Christ”.

Eph 4:17 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Eph 4:18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:

Spiritual blindness is the inability to see spiritual light. What was spiritual light according to the definition we just observed in 2 Cor 4:6? Spiritual light is God’s Word and this means spiritual blindness is not being able to see God’s Word.

Satan controls the hearts of unsaved people. Now we are seeing that these unsaved people will reside in hell and this is where they will be ruled for an eternity. I have just introduced you to the subject of where is the kingdom of darkness. It is presently in the hearts of men and women that have not heard the Gospel or did not believe the Gospel because of the blindness of their hearts. These people have the chance of leaving that kingdom of darkness to enter into the kingdom of light if they receive the knowledge of Jesus by faith before they die and then as we have observed there is no second chance given to them.” want-you-to-know-about-part-2-the-kingdom-of-darkness-learn-gods- word-applying-the-5-ws-of-bible-study/