The Night Bomb Review #1, Night Bomb Press, Night Bomb Press, 2009, 0984084215, 9780984084210, . .


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While bound for the Belmont branch of the library to return a book and see if I could find some garbage reading (mystery novel), I had the pleasure to encounter Amber Ridenour hanging with some friends outside Sound Grounds Coffee House on Belmont and 37th Avenue. Amber and Chris Ridenour are editors of Night Bomb Press and the just released Night Bomb Review #1.

I was delighted to hear that the book release Thursday at Tony's Tavern was a tremendous success because Amber and Chris are two people I like and respect and because this is one fine collection of poems. I should acknowledge that I am not altogether without bias or least a vested interest in promoting the book. Night Bomb #1 includes one of my poems. I know about half of the contributors and count a number of them among my friends.

I was struck from the get-go by the opening poem, "After Dinner," by Rachel Robertshaw, not among the poets I knew previously. From the opening stanza: "...You / sat patiently at dinner waiting for someone / to arrive. / When he didn't / you got drunk and ruined someone / else's life. I'm not saying / this is all your fault."

It went like that, from poets of my generation such as longtime luminary of the Portland scene Doug Spangle ("Blue Streak I"), Elizabeth Archers ("when my brother was sick"), and Dennis McBride ("Prophesy") to Tommy Gaffney ("Banshee Time"), Curtis Whitecarroll (VINCENT'S SUNFLOWERS"), and Judith Faye Pulman (the lovely "Bird Breath": "Dickinson heard the breath of a hummingbird / One morning / … Ever windowed Emily / bee stung bird lady"), who recently celebrated publication of her own Encounters with the Pane of Reality.

As of 5:45 EST the Internet is abound with different reports as to the identity of Suspect #2. A popular Reddit thread and trending Twitter topic has possibly tagged Suspect #2 as a mysteriously missing Brown University student who disappeared back in March – while NBC is denying those reports stating both suspects are from overseas and have foreign military training.

First, news came of the murder of an MIT police officer, which looked like a possible signal that the suspects had been on campus. Not long afterward, it emerged that there had been a 7-Eleven robbery nearby shortly before the shooting. And then reports of dozens of speeding cop cars, gunfire, and explosions in Cambridge and Watertown. The two suspected terrorists had carjacked a Mercedes SUV, kidnapped its driver (letting the victim go, unharmed, after thirty minutes), and led cops on a chase through the suburbs, tossing bombs out the windows—as if in a video game—and shooting at police. At least one officer was hit. Suspect No. 1, who reportedly had an IED strapped to his chest, is dead. Suspect No. 2 is on the loose, and much of Boston is effectively shut down. There’s what is effectively a daytime curfew in six suburbs, including Watertown and Cambridge, with residents told to not leave their homes and for businesses to remain and the entire Boston mass transit system has been shuttered.

NBC’s Pete Williams led the national reporting with solid, authoritative reports, and the AP got a couple of big scoops, including the name of the suspect at large. The journalist Seth Mnookin, who teaches at MIT, provided vivid reportage from the scene on Twitter. Andrew Kitzenberg, a citizen, had terrific eyewitness reports and photos from his window, where he saw the two suspects, brothers Dzhokhar and , exchange gunfire with police and throw an unwieldy bomb at them, with Dzhokhar escaping after driving toward police.

And then there were the keyboard crimefighters at Reddit. At one point a police dispatcher, apparently incorrectly, said that the suspects’ names were Sunil Tripathi, a Brown student who disappeared last month, and Mike Mulugeta. Reddit, still smarting from the backlash to their amateur sleuthing, took a very premature victory lap, as you can see here:

Speaking of getting it wrong, , in the early 1990s, reported it was a a "done deal" that Apple was sold to Sun Microsystems, on the front page. This "breaking news" has never been retracted. In the intervening 20 years, there are very few articles about technology companies reported in the WSJ that aren't rife with obvious and basic fallacies. some of the tv coverage clearly sucked, if I might use that word. when I stumbled across the tv coverage around 2 a.m. friday, there were repeated reports of one suspect being dead and the other being on the run. so who the f was the motionless guy lying in the street, reportedly still alive, with a bunch of cops pointing their guns at him? reruns of the tape showed him over and over and over and over, with virtually no explanation of who he is. i'm STILL trying to figure out that one.

But these would not be the traditional shuffling fare. Over four summer schools online or onsite, eight weeks per summer, at the ends of grades 9-12, students would learn from Yale, Columbia, and Georgetown exactly how to build latency. Every day students would pore over until they had learned how to remember and how to spot patterns.

Therefore, we have the CIA apparently not grasping the potential of its reckless overseas practices. Arbitrary and abusive habits will mean that we will be dealing with blowback for decades, if not centuries. The formula will be soft targets of high symbolic value, terror in the US emerging from inside the US.

BOSTON, MA — Last night was possibly the biggest, most confusing news night in Boston history. Around 5:15pm, the FBI released two photographs of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings. Five and a half hours later, two men allegedly robbed a 7-11 in Cambridge, MA. Around the same time an MIT police officer was shot and killed in his cruiser. Dozens and dozens of police and law enforcement vehicles raced to the scene, securing the MIT Stata Center and effectively locking down the campus.

About an hour later, the scene dramatically shifted west, as police scanners reported that the suspects had allegedly stolen a car and driven it to the nearby suburb of Watertown. Police cars converged on Watertown amid reports of gunshots and explosions. Eventually, authorities confirmed that the two men being hunted were the same two men whose photographs had been released by the FBI earlier Thursday. One of those men, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is dead. The other, his younger brother, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, is still on the loose, and Boston and all surrounding communities have been locked down as what seems like every police officer in 100 miles searches for him.

Local Boston TV news has reported the whole thing, and done an absolutely heroic and tremendous job of it, proving that, even though local TV news is often maligned, it can serve a huge need in times of crisis—and can rise to the occasion when other, national outlets do not. I was on the scene for the MIT portion of this insane series of events last night, and observed first-hand the local TV news trucks roll up and start shooting footage, before any national outlets could get there.

As the scene shifted to Watertown, I withdrew to a local bar, and watched as local TV outlets headed west and continued to report the story. WBZ-TV Boston in particular did a fantastic job, delivering sober, non-hysterical reports throughout the night, reports that took full advantage of the anchors’ and reporters’ familiarity with the area. Reporters Lauren Leamanczyk and David Wade tag-teamed the reporting—talking to local witnesses, getting shots of the police action—while the anchors tied it all together with broader commentary and occasional warnings for local residents to stay in their homes. (I wrote a bit more about this for Slate; Ryan Chittum has offered praise for much of the media’s performance elsewhere at CJR.) Later, after the bar closed, an online livestream from WHDH continued the excellent work. The station stayed with the story live all night, delivering compelling footage and careful reporting.

Where were national outlets during all of this? CNN had Jake Tapper reporting from Copley Square, miles away from Watertown. I don’t know what the other networks, but I’m certain that, whatever it was, it wasn’t as balanced, nuanced, and comprehensive as the reporting on WBZ, WHDH, and other local outlets. Their work is a model for everything local news can be, and it deserves every laurel that we have to give.

While I've been watching WBZ TV from Boston, I've been very impressed with the accuracy and professionalism of their staff, and their ability to put information and comments in context. I also watched a lot of CNN for the Boston Bombing story and am absolutely appaulled at the major errors in fact, the speculation, poor reporting, mis-interuption of developments, being unable to adequately describe police activities as they were watching them...Reporting un-confirmed information and reports. CNN should be ashamed - totally amateurish. WBZ TV, outstanding.

'There are a lot of rumors floating about. This is a building that has been packed with people from the Middle East in recent years – it is a very popular area with Saudi students,' said Gita Lopez, who lives in one of the adjoining six blocks in the complex that is known as Water’s Edge.

'On the fifth floor there were between five and eight hulking men in black with baseball caps,' he said. 'I was told they were FBI or AFT. They just stared me out, so I pushed the elevator button to go back to my apartment. Outside there were agents everywhere. No one would say what they were doing. My neighbors are all talking about the boys on the fifth floor.

December 21, Lockerbie, Scotland: A New York-bound Pan-Am Boeing 747 is blown out of the sky and crashes on the Scottish village. All 259 aboard are killed and 11 on the ground. Passengers included 35 Syracuse University students and many U.S. military personnel. Libya formally admitted responsibility 15 years later and offered $2.7 billion compensation to victims' families.

Febuary 26, New York City: A bomb exploded in basement garage of World Trade Center, killing 6 and injuring at least 1,040 others. In 1995, militant Islamist Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and 9 others were convicted of conspiracy charges, and in 1998, Ramzi Yousef, believed to have been the mastermind, was convicted of the bombing. Al-Qaeda involvement is suspected.

April 19, Oklahoma City: A car bomb explodes outside a federal office building killing 168 people, including 19 children. Over 220 buildings sustained damage. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were later convicted in the anti-government plot to avenge the Branch Davidian standoff in Waco, Texas., exactly two years earlier

September 11, New York City, Arlington, Virginia, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania: Hijackers crash two commercial jets into the twin towers of the World Trade Center (pictured); Within hours, two more jets were crashed into the Pentagon and a field in rural Pennsylvania. Total dead and missing numbered 2,992, including 19 hijackers. Al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden claim responsibility. These type of situations always make me cringe. On the one hand I myself am a dark-skinned American of (India)n descent and have been searched so many times at airports and other checkpoints, often I think it's only because of how I look. On the other hand, you can't argue that a disproportionate number of actual incidents and prevented potential incidents have occurred from the hands of a certain group. Human beings have to look after their personal safety first before safeguarding the liberty of others. No amount of idealism will change that.

Typical of paranoid America to turn on the nearest middle eastern person who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This bomb is too crude for Al Qaeda or the likes. It will be interesting to find out who is responsible, but I know where my money is hedged and it ain't across the Atlantic...

Anyone could be responsible for the attack, man woman black white ET?!! Boston unveiled yesterday that a lab had created the first kidney which could put an end to donors...who says its not some group/individual against organ manufacturing? No one knows yet and as far as I know it's innocent until proved guilty.

Suspicions of mid-easterners in the aftermath of public bombings are not unique to the USA or elsewhere in the western world, as they(mid-easterners) are most frequently the suspects of bombings occurring in the mid-east. Indeed what is unique in the west, is the ridiculous notions that are reflected through the idiotic quips, by some in the west who suggest that mid-easterners are the only potential suspects, or worse that they should not be suspected in any way, because of their language. There are no nationalities or ethnicities, exempt from suspicion in a functional western civilization.

“It does seem to be pretty clear that this suspect took the backpack off, put it down, did not react when the first explosion went off and then moved away from the backpack in time for the second explosion,” Patrick said. “It’s pretty clear about his involvement and pretty chilling, frankly.”