New Jersey's Oldest Weekly Newspaper-Established 1822

VOL. 166 NO. 16 RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1988 USI'S 454-160 25 CENTS Candidates file for ••••;'•«-/;**•« Municipal Council seats

by Pat DiMaggio cilman and former mayor to seek re-election, for the Ward, and Katherine E. Six seats on Rahway's John Marsh; incumbent Sixth Ward position. Fulcomer for her husband's Municipal Council will be Max Sheld will try for his Sixth Ward sc;it. James Ful- up for election in November fourth term as Third Ward Republicans seeking elec- comer has served three and" candidates have filed Councilman; Chester Hol- tion to these positions in- terms as councilman for the petitions with the City mes, endorsed by the clude Michael Espositofor Sixth Ward. Clerk's office announcing Democratic Party, and the First Ward; Thomas their intentions to seek David Brown will seek the Cuzmano with the Republi- Council members receive those positions. Fourth Ward seat to be can line nod, and Joseph S3,789 per year as salary The Democratic slate in- vacated by Councilman Hudak. Jr. for the Second and the council president cludes First Ward Coun- Harvey Williams; F. Alex Ward scat; William P. receives S4.560 per year. cilman Jerry Colcman, who Shiple^ has declared his in- Wnuck for the Third Ward Council positions are for will seek his second term in tentions to seek election to position; Evelyn Wilson for four-year terms. office; newcomer Dennis the Fifth Ward seat, and the Fourth Ward; incum- The primary is scheduled Hemenway, who will vie Donald R. Anderson will bent Councilman George for June 7 with the general for the Second Ward seat try to replace James Ful- Wagenhoffer for his second election to be held on No- vacated by long-term coun- comer. who has decided not term serving the Fifth vember 8. Rahway ABE offers Crime victims' program GED test in May The official GED Test for a High School Equi- valency Diploma will be endorsed by council given at Rahway's Adult Basic Education Program at by Pat DiMaggio understanding of the rights and the appointment of an Rahway Intermediate Rahway's Municipal of crime victims and wit- Advisory Council on Vic- Schoot on May 10 and 12. EVERYBODY LOVES A PARADE! Scenes from Rahway's Bicentennial Parade in Council approved a resolu- nesses and the manner in tim/Witness Assistance. The Practice Test will be 1958 include the Elementary School Band, Parade Queens, and hopefully, a few tion at their regular meeting which the criminal justice A Victim/Witness Assis- given on April 26 and 28. familiar faces. held last week supporting a system operates serves to tance Program has been im- In order to insure a place Victim/Witness Assistance achieve greater citizen par- plemented within the office in the testing session, Program in Union County. ticipation in the fight of the Union County Pro- students must register by to-- against crime," stated the secutor. Treatment and ser- day in room #103, Rahway The resolution proclaims resolution. vices are available to crime Intermediate School, Kline the week of April 17 to New Jersey has enacted victims so that their in- Place (corner of Wcstfield April 23 as "Crime Victims' legislation'on the rights of terests are protfecYe3 "in the ~and' Madison Avenues), bet- Rights Week" for the pur- crime victims and has dem- criminal justice system. ween 7 and 10 p.m. for the pose of highlighting the onstrated interest on this official test. A money order *fl,~-;. -. ..-X$*^X. This year marks the 30th Mr. Shipley's collection f : understanding and assis- subject through efforts on In order to commemorate for $ 15 payable to the Com- anniversary of the Rahway includes over 100 slides and tance that should be given behalf of the Attorney this week, the Prosecutor's missioner of Education, is Centennial Parade, held in he adds he is looking for to crime victims and wit- General's office, the Vic-Office has planned to dis- necessary. 1958 to celebrate Rahway's more. Anyone who has nesses in criminal matters. tim/Witness Coordination play pink ribbons on official i-r-'-For more information, 100th birthday. slides or photos of the "The City of Rahway is Program within the State buildings throughout Union call Fran Gavin at 541- parade is encourged to at- aware that creating and At the next meeting of Division of Criminal Justice County. 6384. the Rahway Historical tend the meeting and bring Society on Tuesday, May 3, their pictures or contact Alex Shipley, past president Mr. Shipley at 382-7573. of the group, will show The Rahway Historical slides of the parade., con- Society meets the first Tues- sidered by many to be the day of eacTTmdnthT 7:30-9" biggest and best in the city's p.m., at the Rahway Li- history. brary.

BEST SHOT ... Rahway Elks Lodge #1075 Hoop- won the local and district contests and finished as I shoot winner Michael Martinho, of Rahway, is joined by, runner-up in the State for the National Elks' title in Min- I from left, Mayor Daniel Martin, Scott Ftretto, Exalted 1 Ruler, and J. Milton Crans, Past Exalted Ruler. Michael 1

$ ! .- j

Si n- Waldron completes basic training CYRC opens season y > i' Pvt. Ian Earl G. Wal- On April 16, CYRC threw out the first ball to Collies, Sanders Wine and extended to the following dron, son of Phyllis B. Baseball/Softball officially Brian Burnett. Liquors, Community Cam- businesses for their dona- Waldron of Main St., opened its season at Mad- Rahway CYRC, on be- era, Firemen's Mutual Ben- tions: Rahway, has completed den Field in Rahway. Open- half of its baseball and soft- evolent Association #33, LeHeart's Amoco, BeD basic training at Fort ing ceremonies included a ball programs, would like to Rahway Lions Club, Gen- Porsche-Audi, Tep's Res- Leonard Wood, Mo. welcoming speech by the thank the following spon- eral Locksmith, Orange taurant, Grand Hardware., During training, students Vice President, Michael sors for their support this Plastics, Bagel Depot, Park Rahway Lumber, Butch SOLEMN RITUAL ... On March 18, four student honor and respect to those who gave their lives for our received instruction in drill Guensch, a Little League season: Video, Allan's Washer and Kowal's, Bruce's Auto representatives of Rahway Intermediate School placed country in Vietnam. A number of those men were former and ceremonies, weapons, prayer by manager, Gerald Pascale Agency, Rahway Dryer, Police Benevolent Wreckers, Leesville Auto a wreath at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. students of the Rahway Public Schools. Pictured left to map reading, tactics, mili- Thomas, and a flag salute. Electric, Mito Packaging, Association, Rahway Taxi, Wreckers, L. H. Express, According to Ralph- P. Manfredi, the school's Principal, right are Andrew Homan, Nieka McCray, Jeffrey tary courtesy, military jus- Bob Burnett, Baseball Di- Rahway Chiropractic, Dav- J. W. Electric, and The John Holder Excavating, the special ceremony was incorporated into the Greenig and Erica Dent: tice, first aid, and Army rector, then introduced id Ericksen, McDermott Rahway News-Record. Creative New Homes, and school's Washington trip for 8th graders as a token of history and traditions. Mayor Daniel Martin who Paint and Wallpaper, Eaton In addition, thanks are Avery Welding. RAHWAY NEWSRECORD/CLARK PATRIOT THURSDAY, APRIL 21. 1988 PAGE 3 PAGE 2 ~,PPAL 21 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRJOT Remember when . . . ALJ choir in April 23 to April 30 From Rahway Record pre-Florida FCJLK ART ALEENES' TACKY ACRYLIC PAINT LUE Wedding (Jn.ilitv Qlu« lof Key positions filled at concert ~ crrth*, huhbl«l. ptf ,iiul luuimhold October 20, 7939 Invitations flip lop lid . . . . • nT*.Mr\ DrW* clear The choirs of Gov. Liv- tv '»i 'Vll< .THI l«Jdi nghl ingston and Arthur L. by m .Mi IKX) CtmwTiknl 4 oi Johnson Regional High S 1 19 Schools will join forces to Regency 99* JL Of Personal Interest Retail Valut)l 99 Fk-t.ul V.ilm- Jl present benefit concerts on Come in — See DRIED MAGNETIC Mr. and Mm. Roy Polls, 3B1 Mrs, Harry C- Coulitr. 512 Wesl Delegates from this city who two successive evenings to STARDUSTl TAPE our Many Samples JO" mil ol Maple avenue, arc the parents of Grand avenue, was hostess to thewill attend the 25th annual con- defray the costs of their vGYP nqnpllc tap«, a daughter born In Easton Hospi- Esther Bible Class of First Metho- vention of the National Girl Scout nltrt Almnll organization In Philadelphia next coming competition appear- T >r " IIIWT .«ld> «• «ny tal. Mr. Polls Li a member of the dist Church Friday evening. p« upou, FREE ,u,d .o *je Atom Tabloid V I flof.il ^ir.inijfmfTit vtliinq /i m«gn*t' hlKh school faculty. week Include Mrs. Charles Mellck k C Client for party ance in Orlando, Florida. buying inviiaiwnj »nd a 219 Central Ave. gTl. lo, ,h.. «M.nn Mvorv rolrtgcnitor commissioner. Mrs. Alfred C. 7 llqlil ,iml .ilrv lii'l Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Madden, Brooks, chairman of trulninu ani Under the direction of Al Oroom'i checklist Open 9 Rlhway, N.J. l Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Slonaltcr Jr., have moved from 303 East personnel and Miss Elizabeth Pendleton. the choirs will am lo 5 p.m. Mon thru Fri 574-1200 and four of their children motored Scott avenue to 3 Lincoln boule- Trappe, local director. Mrs. frank- to Ocltysbum, Pa., lnat weekend vard. Clark, where Mrs. Madden perform at ALJ's Hough lin D- Roosevelt, honorary presi- (.•Mil V.llui' > I '« where they attended the 50th wed-! will entertain her brldpc club to- dent, will be the principal .speaker. 2/99* cluiK anniversary celebration of [ morrow evening. Auditorium May 2 and at Hull VJIVJ.' 79' Mr. Slonaker's1 parents Sunday- Gov. Livingston's Davis Mrs. Prcdrrlclc Wnnnrr. 276 Duncan A. Talljot, Jr., :iml Ed- : •'*'•' Halt Tuesday, May 3. Items for this column arc al-West Lincoln avenue, entertained ward W. Talbot, sons ,ol Mr. and ways welcomed by The Record. at a surprise miscellaneous shower Mrs- Duncan A. Talbot. 10J1 Mid- Tickets are $3 and both £VERY DAY wood drive, have returned lo Ped- Just telephone Rahway 7-0000 or In her home Friday night for Miss concerts will begin at 8 p.m. -ASHION RIBBON THERMOGRIP 'V^ \*^.J\r. -biinK them to our office, 1470 Agnes Dushanek of Garwood who dle School, Hightstown. Duncan .Mm .uul vittn |n (it ui v.irtcd GLUE GUN Broad street. There U no charge will bo manlcd to John P- Wash- is a Junior and Edward a fresh- Choral music will be fea- •Kllhv .'• In H v.lnli |vr mil (rlc tH'l<>r f*"d (jKii1 yun u a •HUM.' linndy tool1 Flxpj biokon for publication. bourne of Cranford, a brother of tured in the performances, mink II Mrs- Wagner, Quality Miss Barbara Joan Mellck. 'Mrs. Stanley White, 720 Union but there will also be solos, Brand NMKS 77' CMIIS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dr. and Mrs Joseph L. Ewlng. street, will be hostess lo the duets and other ensemble 0 V..I.H-S.1 .|'l $M.as Mellck, celebrated her fourth Mothers' Club of Cub Pack No. 12 •Ucilon • Saving! • S*r»kJ Lett rebate 1041 Bryant street and Miss Mar- music for voices. 14"& 18" TolalCo«t •3.00 blrlhday with a party In her home, garet Sadtler, 155 Elm avenue, this evening at 8 o'clock. »11.88 77 West Cherry street, Thursday. Both groups will travel to PEACH BASKET Hd.nl V.il J23 99 were registered at Chalfonte-Had- LIDS Guests included Kathleen. Frances don Hall, Atlantic City, this week. Albert Seaman Is chairman of Florida May 14 to be judg- Kay MacVicar Elinor Heffernan and William Schacfer. Marilyn the public card party to bi1 spon- KITCHEN P Kirk Tice Arlene Tomchik Ernestine Rogers William Anderson Chodosh, Ormond Skellic, Kath- ed at the Heritage Music 4" Miss Olive Schuctz, a sophomore sored by the Fourth Ward Repub- V.P. Asst. V.P. Director of Business Asst. V.P. Asst. V.P. Asst. V.P. leen Roberts and Ruth Hcad- lican Club Tuscday night in V. F. blcker. at Rider College ,1s spending the Festival in Orlando by a Glue Clinical Services Ambulatory Services Development and Human Resources Plant Services Support Services EASTEREGG"HUNTERS .. . The Easter bunny congratulates the winners of the 1 9S8 weekend with her parents, Mr. and W. headquarters, Ea:,t Cherry CABINETS street. panel of college music Y0Ur u.uiiv.- .In Clinical Services Annual Easter Egg Huni at Ashbrook Nursing Home. The winners are, kneeling from GcorBe Holt of Main street is i ™'- 25. Miss Schuctz was re- educators. The judges will & built-in wall units h0lCC I..:. Sticks tert John Brunetto. age 4. of Westfield: Randy Chapin, 5^ Rahway: and Br.an Pn,. conviilcsclng In Memorial Hospital' Miss Marian Evans hu.s returned 1 v 1 after an operation. cently appointed lo the staff of respond to the groups' per- $188 i'"'"' " " chard 6 Scotch Plains. Also, standing from left. Caroline Fontem 5. Westf.eW: »ee the new new COIICBC magazine. to Mount St. Mary's Academy. 10/99* Alone v, 11 h 1 h 'j m 0 n ^ Kirk Tice was promoted Tice. a resident of Is.elin.is M.P.A. in Public Adminis- with her husband Ted and Vice-Presidcnt Plant Serv- "Th; RouBhrider." has been elect- North Plainfield. after spending formances there on tape Rush, 10. Plamfield; and Amy Naia, 7. Winfield. Other winners not p.ctured.nc.de Miss Mildred Burke .Miss Adcle the weekend with her parents Mr- physical chanccf- [hi! arc •m Director of Clinical ! planning lo marry his fi- tration from Scion Hall. their three children. ices. n. Miss Clara Armour. Miss j ed manaBcr of badminton and Is and with written comments. SAVE Craft Supplies • Gifts Nancy Callahan. 3. Plainfield; and Erica Speer, 3. Fanwood Calahan and Pntchnrd CHRISTOPHER COLOMBO of Clark, a graduate of serving on the tlckel committee I and Mrs. Richard Evans. 414 Ccn- taking ril-ct: al Rihwa; I Services and Business ancee. Judy, in October. He Tomchik lives in Middle- Ernestine Rogers, who Rose Pcpe. Percy MacAvoy and! for the varsity dance. | tral nvenuc. The combined local con- Personalized Ribbon Some of the interacting were the gold egg winners. Ashbrook Nursing Home is located at 1610 Ra/.tan Rd Wake Forest University, recently passed the Uniform Victor Williams were In charfic of Bridal Supplies Hospiljl. several adminis- j _Drve.loprnenl 10 Vicc-Presi- j has a seven year old son, town wilh her husband Ed- was formerly Director of areas that Anderson is re- the dance held Friday night by the certs are unique in recent UP TO Scotch Plains. " Certified Public Accountant Examination held in Raleigh, The Mothers' Club of Troop 46. ] Mr. ;ind Mrs. Clinton Baker of Computer Poet trative chances have been de"ni Clinical Services. i Brian, from a previous ward. Personnel, has been ap- sponsible for include Main- Cup Bee Social Club at the club- memory and are sparked by North Carolina. He is employed by the accounting firm house. Boy Scouts, will meet Monduy at Bryant streci. nrc being congratu- Other unadvertised specials made iha! will enable the Some of the areas ihal Tice marriace. Former Nursing Educa- pointed to the position of tenance Operations, Secu- ! 8 P. M. in First aptist Church. lated this week on their 25111 wed- the need for the necessary of Arthur Andersen Co., Roseland, N.J. ding anniversary. hospital In better meet the is now responsible for in- tion Coordinator Kay Mac- Vice President Human Re- rity, Transportation, Con- A nan has been born to Mr. and funds tt> participate in the Mrs John J. Stevens of West Lake Mrs. Gilbert van Dcver, 1072 prestigious Orlando Festi- April showers bring lots crowing needs uf the com- clude cardiopulmonary, Arlene Tomchik, who Vicar is now ihc Director of sources, making her struction. Communications avenue at Memorial Hospital. Bryant street, will be hostess to Among members uf the Hahway 1 Top 10 RHS seniors the music department of the Rnh- Woman's Club attending the State val. Visit our of craft hours. munilv laborai on , radiology and re- served as Special Projects Business Development and completely responsible for and Housekeeping. Federation Fifth District fall con- Hours: Mon., Tues.. Wud. 10-6 Michacl Stiso. 1350 Main sticct,| way Woman's Club this afternoon, Al Pendleton, who serves Showroom Upon approval of the habililation. He will also Administrator,'Assistant Clinical Services, making benefit management, the Anderson received his observed his birthday Friday niRht ference m Someivlllc Wednesday \( Thurs. Fri. 108 Sat. 106. Sun. 12 5 _ with a party in his home. William Droege. son of Mr. ami were' Mrs. Howard T. Bonnctt. as vocal music teacher for SO Different Door Sryhi to lull your taitt Board 11' (iovernon.. John L. provide coverage for the Director of Business her responsible for the re-employee relations pro- Mrs William Kulp. Mrs. Wayne and budgit. B.S. in Business Administra- take JETS exams 1 Mrs. Theodore DTOCKC, 447 Hamll- : Voder. I'lC-ident of Rahwa\ I President during his ab-Development, has assumed search and development of gram, recruitment and re- Scolicld. President Mrs. Duncan both schools has taught at INSTALL YOURSELF or WE'LL DO IT tion from Missouri Western Mis. John A. Stiles. 1B0 West] ton street, was Kucst of honor.al A. Talbot, Mrs. J. T. Wells. Mrs. Hospital, recently promoted j sences. the position of Assistant i new opportunities. She will tention, orientation, salary Stearns street, entertained the A.a party Saturday night celcbrat- Gov. Livingston since 1977 FOR YOUI College in St. LouLs, Mis- Ten top seniors from & Science) on March 21. the test site: Jason Alcero. John H. Innmanson, Mis. George GET YOUR BEST PRICE. WE SELL DIRECT TO THE si\ empnrvee.^. Accordingto Vice-President Ambulatory j also rnaintftin responsibility administration, the recom- N. Club in her home Friday | Ing his birthday. Lund and Mrs. C. N Wilson. and at ALJ since 1985. He i souri. He resides in Rahway Rahway High School took Each student took two 40 Nicole Chaillet. Michelle nlRht. A Hallowe'en party will PUBLIC AT WHOLESALE PRICES. BRING US YOUR Voder, [he new oreani/a- Services. I for certain in-house clinical mendation and implementa- be held a week from tonight in the Mra. Stephen Orasko has re- holds a Bachelor of Music ROOM DIMENSIONS FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND • Tice began working for with his wife Rose Ann and part in the New Jersey minute exams. DiRini, Nicholas Fiore. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gordon. lional structure will improve sen-ices including patient tion of any changes that home of Mrs. Walter Knotts, 450 turned to her home In Hollywood, Education degree from DESIGN SERVICE. ! Ra.hway Hospital ten years two of his four children. JETS TEAMS (Junior Mrs. Judith Sharkey, a Paul Haluska. Jos Hayes, East Hazclwood avenue. Cal.. after a two months' visit wllh 434 Grove street, entertained the Find out what "ravl" whoUuk prkti ml coordination of objectives Tomchik has been on the .management, medical re- might be necessary to main- her. mother, Mrs. Laura Henson, social committee of the Young Westminster Choir College, I ago as a Supervisor in Rcspi- Finally, the position of As- Engineering Technical Frank Jones. Amy R\an. Folks Hebrew League Friday night. between the departments. : Rahway Hospital staff for icords and the quality as- tain the objectives and goals Rahway High Math teach- Miss Caihcrine Rankinc of Es-30 Elm avenue. Princeton, and a Master of ratory Therapy. He re- sistant Vice-President Sup- Society. Tests of Engineer- Andrew Stewart, and Juhn sex street Is a member of the com- Plans were made for a'hay ride to WHOLESALE KITCHEN Among those who were pro the pasi twenty years. She isurance program. of the hospital and the main- er, accompanied the follow- be held Monday night. Those Arts in choral conducting ; cei\'cd both his B A. and his port Services was filled by ing Aptitude, Mathematics Witheridge. mittee arranging the annual high Mrs. Leland L. Pohl. 590 Jeffer- present Included Miss Oladys CABINET DISTRIBUTORS motcd are Kirk Tice. Arlene began as an intern, after MacVicar has been work- tenance of all federal and ing participating students to school night meeting of the Union son avenue, entertained the. from Trenton State College. M.P.S. in Health Services Elinor Heffernan, former County Alumnae Club of N. J. C. Rich. Herbert Pulaskl, Mr. and A FofflHy Burnt u Tomchik. Kay MacVicar. which she served as a staff ing at Rahway Hospital for state regulations. Young Women's Guild of Seybqd Mrs. Bernard Llppman and Alfred Choirs from Gov. Living- I Administration from the Director of Support Serv- at the Wcstflcld Y. W. C. A. to-Presbyterian Church MaA)t»y Mask in. Ernestine Rogers. Vs'illiam i New School for Social Rt- nurse, a bead nurse, clinical the past twenty one years. An employee of Rahway night. night. ston have competed regular- 533 KROCHMALLY AVE., ices. ly at the Floridaworkl Anderson and Elinor i search. nursing supenisor and sur- She began her career there Hospital for the past twenty Heffcrnan began her PERTH AMB0Y HcffJrnan. gical nursing administrator. as an undergraduate nurse, eight years. Rogers began TED YOVANOVITCH'S Music Festival in Orlando, (cor. Convery Blvd. (Rt. 35) \\\ VY career at Rahway Hospital winning several Silver KM Tomchik's new duties in- and since then has served as her career there as an an ad- in 1975 as the "Volunteer Fine Food & Spirits STAGE DOOR CANTEEN 1 block south of Rt. 440) • elude the Emergency a staff nurse in medical mitting clerk. Rogers re- Medals there and finally Services Administrator, WEDNESDAY winning the coveted Gold Call Center, the Mobile Intensive surgery, pediatrics, ob- ceived her B A. in education after which she served for Join Us In FRIDAY & .201-324-1200^ Care Unit, Out Patient Clin- stetrics and intensive care, from Newark State College: NIGHT IS Medal in 1984. This year's five years as Director of Ed- Celebrating Our SATURDAY TALENT BANK .. . Mrs. Albert Koehler (right), Presi- competition will mark the ics, Endoscopy Service, Car- after which she became a su- which is now Kcanc College, ucation. Heffernan's duties dent of the Rahway Woman's Club, is welcomed by Rt. 27 1st Anniversary debut of the Johnson Choir tonwii or» pfovd lo vhow you our coaipltttij i°bl in lh»ir diac Rehabilitation, Em- penisor. and her MA in Counselling Sing and Dance Mrs. William Cusick, Program Assistance Chairman of 1 Colonla Shopping Plaza in her new position include Party All Week Long in competition perfor- Mon., Tuos., Woo .. Fri. 10 A.M.-5 P.M. ployee Health Services, Prc- from Set on Hall. the N.J. State Federation of Women's Clubs, as one of Thurs. 10-8; Sal. 10-3j Closed Sun. Colonla, N.J. 07067 MacVicar attended the risk management, property Prizes and Surprises with Rich Gogliano mance. Admission Testing and Di- HclcneFuld School of Nurs- management and joint com- at the Piano the many club presidents from throughout the state to agnostic Services. Rogers and her husband April 18-23 ing in Trenton where she re- David reside in Somerset. mission on accreditation of and Bob Ferraro attend the annual "Program Previews," through which Tomchik attended the clubs pick performers for their monthly programs. Each 27 from Rahway/ Clark ceived her R.N. She earned The couple has two children. hospitals. Vocalist Bryn Mawr School of Nurs- her B.S. in Human Resource Heffernan received her • Many types S Now Serving performer is allowed six minutes to display their talents. All departments that arc lunch and Dinner named to UCC Dean's List ing in Bryn Mawr, Pennsyl- Management at Upsala, and related to the physical B.A. from the College of St. • Many sauces . Friday 8 'til 1 Some 1 75 club members registered for the day-long af- vania, where she received she is presently completing operation of the hospital are Elizabeth and herM_A. from All You Can Eat' Monday thiu Saturday| Saturday 9 'tit 2 £ fair at Meadow Lakes in Hightstown. Among the digni- her R.N. She then went on her masters degree in the under the management of . A resi- taries present were Mrs. Jerry Loizeaux, NJSF presi- Tttent>-.-e\en Rahua\ in dental laboratory tech- lo receive her B.A. in Com- CHEF Domenick Savinelli 1505 Main St., Rohway and Clark resident-, arc nology: Thomas D. Scally. Allied Health Education William Anderson, who was dent of Rahway, Heffcrnan In the reor of the building dent; Mrs. Edward Goettel, NJSF 1st V.P.: Mrs. Ed- munily Health from Jersey Program at Rutgers. ward Arnao, NJSF 2nd V.P.; Mrs. Kenneth Kirbright, Dop't sit on your money among 2"?5 Muddif* named promoted from Director of also belongs lo the New Jer- 574-8696© ™^ Entrance off Municipal Parking Lot C majoring in engineer- City Slate College and her to t he Dean\ Li*! al In inn ing-architecture: Gregory MacVicar resides in Clark Plant Scnices to Assistant sey Hospital Association. 6th District Program Assistance Chairman: and Mrs. Ed- C'i)unt\ College for the Hall Gambino. majoring in elec- ward Lanni and Mrs. Edmund Murphy, Vice Chairmen of - Setw-K'T.™ rfvutulint i-o Df- -KonkVtaserA: feet ro-o plies Program Assistance at the State Level Leonard . T Krei^man of technology: Jan Marie Use it with a U'CMfield, vice president for Schwartz, majoring in academic alfaiiv liberal artsVcommunicalion; BELL DRUGS OF RAHWAY The 27 are. from Rahway Frank J. Venezio. majoring Clark student attends - Diane F. Bock. Peter B. in liberal arts/education; Home Equity Fee. Lh/aheih H. Fioriio. Richard A. Camper, major- I'HfMHII'IH^ awards program Kathleen Hamlett. and A MERCK THANKS ... Three members of the Rahway Retired Men's Clutewho also ing in liberal studies/science % OUR SPECIALTY — r Stephen J. Hutter. all ma- and arts; Catherine Cullen. Lisa Ball, a student at the who urged her to continue belong to the Klwanls Golden "K" Club- of Rahway recently collected over $900 joring in accouniingdata majoring in mechanical en- A.L. Johnson School in icr studies and to enter the distributing Lollie Pops for the Heart Fund. The men were at the main entrance of Plus Line ut procoNMtic: l.\ nda M. gineering technology, and 381-2000 Clark, was among those field of business education. Merck & Co., for several hours. They are grateful to the Merck employees who con- Broph \ . majoring in Laura B. Agugliaro. major- FREE PARKING • FREE DELIVERY selected as outstanding high Dr. Jack R. Jones of tributed so generously. Shown above, from left are Ken Klrkbright, Ed Cwirko and Joe hlMni^v; I'd^ard— Rr ing in business/public ad- school business students to Rahway. president of The Kracht. 'Borouski. majoring in ministration. IRVING ST., OPP. ELIZABETH AVE. attend an awards program Berkeley School of Garret Reliance criminal justice: Andrea sponsored by The Berkeley Mountain, presided at the Ciali and Sadig Quri>hi. School of Garret Mountain program, at which students huh majoring in liberal and its branches in Wood- -elected by business educa- arts communication: Sheila bridge and Mount Laurel. tion faculties of their respec- Savings D Ansle\. majoring in liberal artsearK childhood Dr. Dolores Capraro tive high schools were Bian Gioffre. Director of theawarded plaques bearing education; Juliane Master's in Business Ad- their names. Dr. Jones was \.\\\\:. nujonng i:: liberal penter. ministration progam at assisted by David Baumol ,::'v Nanc> (.' ( a ON NEW Montclair State College, ad- and Karen Magsam. direc- ig iv. !iur*ini! at dressed the gathering at The tors of the Woodbridge and :^ve Hi'vpiMl." and Landmark Restaurant in Mount Laurel branches Diane 1 ( .mifiel-i maior- AUTO LOANS Woodbridgc. recalling the respectively. ing :: ap\ avMv Borrow from $1,500 to $20,000** head start in life that she u:r;. a gained through her business Parents and business : • Terms up to 48 months I :.i Richard studies at Woodbridge High educators from the high P B.. juriTis; m • No prepayment penalty; simple School and the encourage- schools were also among 5 Hours Open Bar ment of a faculty member" those in the audience. Cocktail Hour interest loan 7 Course Dinner, Tiered Wedding Cake ( a;e-:!-a t a:\..:.n a-.,: .lohn Silver Candelabras and Flowers M l.e-.a\. h'U: •• ajunng in For example: If you borrow for 36 months Flaming Jubilee Show, Private Bridal Vs the only loan you'll ever need. - bu*;t;e**. Ja ne~ S Ha'per. Dr. David L. Stephens Rooms, White Glove Service i at an annual percentage rate of 9.75°b, iViaionng in ^;--:v,v,.>.'. jMice. your monthly payment will be $32.15 per AARP has openings If you've lived in your home for any length of A Home Equity Plus Line is great for ^•?,-K;.: Caro! Mane C,---.rain and 51.000 borrowed. for 1000 isles trip time, you've probably built up equity, which is emergencies, tax payments, educational Josephine MiL'ilniino. huh APR the current value of your home less any expenses, bill consolidations, a home : r/cniin ih iuni) rmu u m Pi ma.ionng ::; 0e;.;.: h\giene: announcing 36 MONTHS ' > " * ° *™ * ™ ^' •••'- r "> Rahway Chapter #607 of existing mortgages. Now you can use up to improvement, a new car or anything else you (iivjia O!j\j'- .:. r'ui,i;;:!E • TO"1,, down pjiyrpcnt fpqmrcd the American Association 75% of that equity to pay for the things you may want. For complete details call or visit the opening of his office of Retired Persons (AARP) want by establishing a Home Equity Plus Line either our Loan Department or our nearest for the practice of This is a limited otfei lo qualified borrowers within our trade area and ts subject to change o' withdrawal .il ,v\\ timp ,ind without prior noticv has announced that there of Credit at Reliance Savings. Branch Location. Rahway women Terms tor 48 months are available at a slrght'y higher ratp are openings for their Thou- Once you are approved, a Home Equity Plus The interest rate on this loan is variable, Chiropractic For additional information, stop by one of our branch offices sand Islands trip, which will Line will enable you to receive a personal line adjusted monthly, based upon the "prime" plus on honors list depart Rahway on May 16 of credit from $10,000 up to $200,000. You'll 2%. However, your interest rate will never and speak t6 a loan professional, or call 820-5906. and return May 19. have immediate access to cash, whenever you increase more than 5% above the initial rate T«o college students A professional guide will need it, just by writing a check of $250 or for the life of the loan. There is a non- from Railway — Barbara be on hand, and there will more. There will be no additional applications relundable application fee of $80.00. Katz ot Linden -\\enueariu be a three-hour tour of the to file, no waiting, no red tape. Karen McCarthy uf Alhe 17 Brant Avenue Unit 4 Islands, with a stop at Boldt marie Street — are among | UNITED COUNTIES Castle. "SERVICE TO YOU IS A those on the Mor.'.clair | Total cost of the trip, LONGSTANDING TRADITION Stale College academic ! Clark, New Jersey 07066 transportation, motel ac- honors HM for the iall I*JS7 ) comodations, touring, semester breakfasts, dinners, and all Office Hours Office (201) 396-8816 TRUST COMPANY To be eligible, a student MEMBER UNITED COUNTIES BANCORPORATION but one luncheon — will be 1525 Irving Street, Rahway—388-2295 FSLIC must be enrolled full time k By Appointment Emergency (201) 396-0791 j MEMBER. FDIC $345. 1515 Irving Street, Rahway—388-2202 and ha\e attained a semes To reserve a place on the 848 King George Road, Fords—738-7771 ter average of 3.50 or better Belford • Berkeley Heights • Clark • Cranford • Elizabeth • Hillside • Keansburg • Kenilworth • lincroft • Linden • Madison trip call Bernadette Acier- on a 4.0 scale. Middtetown • North Plainfield • Oakhurst • Port Monmouth • Red Bank • Shrewsbury • Springfield • Summit no at 388-3765. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1988 PAGE 5 PAGE 4 THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1988 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT IRDC Director Home energy assistance offered & staff honored # 'Patriot The county employees of To avoid the risk of loss — Household size of of heat or utility shut off, two, $926 Union Counl/l Nntil W.«H EiUbllihrd 1965 the Intoxicated Driver V .Resource. Center (IDRC) the Union County Board of — Household size of have been recognized by Social Services Director three, $1164 — Household size of WENDY D'ARCY PAT DIMAGGIO ELLEN VIGILANTE the state for their extra- Michael C. Galuppo re- C. VIGILANTE ordinary abilities, according minds residents of financial four, $1402 Editor/Publisher Managing Editor Staff Writer Advertising Manager to Union County Freehold- help through the Home — Household size of er Walter E. Boright, who Energy Assistance- Pro- --five, $1640 gram. The limit increases by "THE RAHWAY NEWS RECORD (USPS 454160) and THE CLARK PATRIOT said, "and we will do no less." The program is'intended $238 for each additional (USPS 115760) arc published weekly on Thursday for $15.00, $20.00 outside Mid- member. dlesex or Union Counties, by Tabloid Lithographers, Inc., 219 Central Ave., P.O. Box Peter Moran, IDRC to assist low income families 1061. Rahway. N.J. 07065. Second-class postage paid at-Rahway, NJ; Director and his staff were and individuals- with heat- Individual households POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE RAHWAY NEWS thereupon commended by ing and cooling expenses. may received as much as RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT, P.O. Box 1061, Rahway, N.J. 07065. the freeholder board for Emergency benefits are $900 in regular plus their outstanding efforts available to oil customers emergency benefits. Other who are without heat or in services available to eligible The Rahway News Record and Clark Patriot are weekly newspapers serv- and record. - ing (he best interests of their respective communities. It is the endeavor of these Moran was personally danger of losing their heat. households include assis- publications to present the news in a sound and sane manner maintaining the Utility heating customers, tance in furnace repair, rights of all by accurate factual statement and measured reasonable opinion. congratulated for his public The opinions expressed in editorial columns arc those of the authors of the col- some facing shutoffs be- referral to other conversa- V."J'i recognition for distinguish- umns or those quoted in them and not necessarily of the management or staff cause of the end of the tions programs and agencies of the respective newspapers. ed service to alcoholism pro- grams throughout the state, State"s limited moritorium that administer weatheriza- and in particular, in the ruling, may now apply for tion grants. HONORED... The Rahway Retired-Men's Club's for many years. Shown with Don are Joe Wighard, Left, County of Union. emergency aid if they have Heating and cooling ap- Member of the Month for March was Don Black and George Black, both Trustees of the Club. received a discontinuance plications are available at (center), who has been a dedicated worker for the club Remember April in November The IDRC was recogniz- notice from their utility the offices of the Union ed by the State Department company. County Board of Social Ser- of Health for having the In April 1987, in a letter to the Editor in the Clark FOR THE CHILDREN ... A model of a "Children's Inn" held center stage at a The Energy Assistance vices at 80 Broad Street, best state-wide record of Washington press conference to announce construction of the residential facility on Program also provides help Elizabeth or 317 E. Front Phobia program holding registration Patriot, I predicted what would happen to the defeated program compliance and school budget. Unfortunately, for the sake of the tax- the campus of the National Institutes of Health. Flanking Carmala Walgren, the for the cost of cooling a Street, Plainfield or at dentists, crowded places, treatment referrals. Moran Washington attorney who spearheaded the project, are (l-r) Dr. Philip A. Pizzo, chief of The Mental Health Asso- payers, my prediction came true. Let me remind the DO NOT FOLD, SPINDLE OR MUTILATE ... Governor the Bicentennial'of the U.S. Constitution, and Secretary home or apartment. Cool- various municipal welfare flying and many more other was also acknowledged by pediatrics at the National Cancer Institute; Maryland Congressman Stenny Hoyer; Mrs. ciation of Union County is voters what happened. Thomas H. Kean presents a check for $41,000 to Ed- of State Jane Burgio (right). The funds for Historic ing applications are now be- departments and senior situations. the State Division of Walgren's husband, Doug, a Pennsylvania Congressman; and Dr. P. Roy Vagelos, accepting applications for • On April 8, 1987 the school budget was handily ward M. Crane, Jr., President of the Board of Historic Morven were raised at the Ratification Celebration ing taken if there is medical citizen offices. Residents To receive an informa- Alcoholism for outstanding chairman and chief executive officer of Merck & Co., Inc., which is financing construc- their Phobia Release Educa- defeated by the voters. Morven for preservation and educational programs at event hosted by Governor and Mrs. Kean on December evidence that the health of seeking emergency assis- tion packet and application achievement in the field of tion. tion Program (PREP) to be • Our town fathers met with an arrogant school ad- the Princeton home which is the former residence of 18, 1987. commemorating the 200th anniversary of a household member will be tance are urged to call or held in Cranford. call the Mental Health alcoholism rehabilitation endangered unless their liv- visit the County Welfare of- Share a smile . . . ministrator and the school board to gather information New Jersey governors and of Richard Stockton, a New Jersey's ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Mer- programs in New Jersey. PREP is open lo anyone Association of Union Coun- about possible budget cuts. signer of the Declaration of Independence. Looking on rill Lynch underwrote the event as part of a nationwide ing quarters are cooled. fice. suffering from phobia. ty at 272-0303 Monday 1 was born in Rahway, my parents moved away • Council had documented data which revealed that An individual cannot The deadline for applying when I was small and were killed in an automobile acci- are John L. Steffens (left) of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.. program to commemorate the Constitution bicentennial Screening of all participants through Friday. a $450,000 cut would not significantly affect any child's Mrs. Cary Edwards of the New Jersey Commission on and to raise funds for Constitution education programs. Merck to have more than $688 a for heating benefits is April for the group is being done The Mental Health dent when 1 was 6.1 have lived in and out of foster homes education. month in income to be eligi- 30. The deadline for re- until 1 was 14. 1 believe I still may have relatives living in during April with classes Association is an informa- • Council cut only $176,000. ble for funding. The max- questing aid is May 31. beginning May 3 for the tion, referral and advocacy or around Rahway. • The school board rejected even this cut since it imum monthly gross limit Cooling applications will be 1 am now in prison and I've never felt so all alone. I evening group which will service. knew that a GENEROUS friend was waiting at the build Children's Inn for families are as follows: accepted until June 30. meet on Tuesdays from was hoping that you could find the kindness in heart to County Superintendent of Schools Office. COMMUNITY publish my letter in your newspaper in hopes my relatives 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. • The school board requested that Dr. Gagliardi, the Working in a mutual help or someone who may know of them may read my letter Union County Superintendent of Schools (whose wife is a CALENDARS James B. Wyngaarden, vices, also brought greet- undergo treatment for Foundation needs and write me. group PREP offers an in- teacher in Clark) mediate between the board and council M.D., Director of the Na- ings. cancer. AIDS, heart disease, tensive learning experience I would also like very much to correspond with to reduce the cut. tional Institutes of Health Dr. Vagelos praised NIH, asthma, and neurolo- anyone in or around Rahway as a pen pal. I'm a lonely EDITOR'S NOTE: In order for us to adequately prepare Spanish-speaking volunteers in a variety of fear manage- • The Council, ignoring the present plight of the the Community Calendar, all events for the following (NIH). has announced that noting that the experimen- gical and other disorders. ment techniques for persons while male. But loneliness picks no certain age or color. Clark taxpayers, played politics with the board and revis- Merck & Co.. Inc.. the tal treatments to children Children from all over the So. if there is anyone who would like to share a smile week should be submitted by 5 p.m. on the FRIDAY before The New Jersey Chapter state with this painful, suffering from panic dis- ed the cut from $176,000 to only $60,000. Those who you would like them to appear. research-intensive phar- come to NIH to receive "are U.S. and the world — pa- of the Arthritis Foundation chronic, and sometimes order, agoraphobia, or in- from time to time, please write. I must ask could you voted for smaller cut ($60,000) Joe Pozniak (has a maceutical company based often [their] last hope." tients from Germany and HOT WAX please enclose a stamp, for I am locked in a cell 24 hours a is looking for volunteers crippling disease, and it is dividual fears of elevators, with any car wash daughter who teaches in Clark)-D, Fred Eckel-D, Bob RAHWAY in Rahway. has donated These treatments, said Dr. Ecuador are among those the most common disease day and have no way to get any. Thank you. from Union County who Exp. 1(3/88 Ellenport-D, Bill Caruso-D. THURSDAY, APRIL 21 - Rahway Board of Education S2.3 million for the con- Vagelos, who is a bio- now under treatment — speak Spanish and enjoy among Hispanic elderly. Eddie Blankenshlp • Those who voted to keep the larger cut ($176,000) struction of the Children's chemist and NIH alumnus, come to the national re- • with coupon •-- EF-218801 F-13 District Goals Committee meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rizzo public speaking. The Foun- We feel strongly that this Bernie Hayden-R, Carol Pluto-R, Carmine Cristiani-R. Room (105). Open to the public. Inn at NIH. Bethesda, are "the fruits of years, search center to receive in- dation will train and pre- underserved population be P.O. Box 3877 On April 5th the voters again defeated the Board's Maryland, for children often decades, of basic and vestigational medicines and CAR WASH Jackson, Georgia 30233 THURSDAY, APRIL 21 - Municipal Council special pare volunteers, free-of- served. I urge volunteers in- During the Middle Ages, budget by a decisive margin. Will history repeat itself? If meeting, basement of Emergency Management Room, undergoing treatment at the developmental biomedical therapies not available charge, to give talks on terested in becoming part of the year began at various 751 New Brunswick Ave. so, let's defeat the party on November 8th which will not biomedical research center's research," carried on by elsewhere. dates in different times City Hall Plaza, 8 p.m. Consultation with Rahway Board arthritis to Spanish- this new project to contact Railway 382.303a cut $450,000 and stick with that cut. of Education on defeated 1988-89 school budget. To hospital facility and their NIH and universities in Friends of Children's Inn, speaking community groups the Arthritis Foundation, and places. In England it OFF James E. Kehoe families. "This is a wonder- headed by Ms. Walgren, was not until 1751 that Hour*: Mon.-Sot. 8:30-5 P.M. resume Monday, April 25, 7:30 p.m. partnership with the in the area. New Jersey Chapter at January was restored to Wendell Place MONDAY, APRIL 25 - Rahway Chamber of Com- ful example of cooperation research-intensive phar- will seek donations from the The first of several three- 201-3880744 or 15 Pros- its place as first month, as (closed for lunch 1-1:30) POLISH & WAX Nightmare on Linden Ave. Clark merce, general membership meeting, 7 p.m., Towne between private industry maceutical industry. general public, foundations hour trainings will be held pect Lane, Colonia, NJ it had been during the Sunday 8:30-1:30 P.M. with any car wash and NIH and a wonderful and coporations to furnish Roman era. Exp. 5/3/8B House Restaurant, 1453 Main St. Helene Murray will THANKS FOR THE BOOST .. . Gerry Decker, President of the Rahway High School The Inn, which is ex- on Thursday, May 5, at 10 07067." 32 ttari Eiperienc*.— follow-up to our Centennial the facility once construc- We accept most competitor's coupons I am writing as a concerned tax-paying citizen of speak on stress management. Nominations from member- Band Boosters organization, expresses thanks to the Rahway Savings Institution for its pected to be open within a.m. at the Foundation's Rahway. My concern is over Linden Avenue in Rahway. ship for next year's slate of officers. Public invited. year [1987J. "Dr. Wyn- ted is completed. State Office in Colonia. generous contribution. Decker is flanked by Rahway Savings employees, Charlotte gaarden said. the year, will house 36 There is potential danger brewing on this road and I think MONDAY, APRIL 25 - Rahway Retired Men's Club McLean and Ida Lau. families at any one time and Peggy Pizzo (Dr. Pizzo's According to Rose-Joan it should be brought to all of Rahway's attention. Clark Council's 'faux pas' meeting, 1 p.m., Senior Citizens Center, Estcrbrook Ave. The grant was announc- several hundred during the wife) is vice president of Barron, Volunteer Coor- 1. A left-hand turn arrow is needed just to get on TUESDAY, APRIL 26 - Rahway Planning Board ed at a program at the Ray- year. The quarters are Children's Inn, and Randy dinator for the Founda- Linden Avenue from St. Georges; without this arrow What with a growing discontent for the bulk of the meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rahway City Hall Council Chambers. Green Thumb offers employment burn House Office Building family-like, with common Schools of the NIH Recrea- tion's Speakers program, there is constant congestion. present administration, one would think that in an elec- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 - Golden Age Club meeting, in Washington, D.C. P. areas for cooking, dining tion and Welfare Depart- "These volunteer speakers 2. Lines need to be painted down the center of tion year, the incumbents would pander to their elec- 12:15 p.m.. Senior Citizens Center. Roy Vagelos. M.D., chair- and recreation. Dr. Pizzo ment is secretary-treasurer. will be part of our New New Jersey Green employment at the federal mation should contact the man and chief executive of Linden Avenue; presently, motorists use this road as if it torate. THURSDAY, APRIL 28 - Rahway AARP 607 meeting. minimum wage. expects that the new facili- The Board of Directors also Hispanic Outreach Pro- were their own private road, paying no mind to the rules Thumb is now accepting ap- Regional Green Thumb of- Merck, explained the Instead, the quintessential "Big Spenders," the 12:30 p.m., Senior Citizen Center. plications from persons The Green Thumb Pro- fice, day or evening at ty, which will be maintain- includes Rep. Silvio O. Con- gram on Education (HOPE) of the road. With cars parked on either side and two-way reason for the Children's »;••• Democrats on the Township Council of Clark, with much CLARK seeking employment with gram is funded by the 7560161, or County Green ed by NIH, will be large te (R-MA). Rep. Peter W. for Arthritis project. They traffic, you just can't have motorists driving down~the" greed, Voted themselves a whopping 80% salary increase THURSDAY, APU11 21- Clarlr Rotary Club meetingr Ipn project: "Children with -enough to.meet theneedsof Rodino, Jr.jDNJ). Debbie will enable Spanish-speak- center of this road. theGreenThumb Program "Department" of "Labor: Thumb" Representative. serious diseases — diseases and an unconscionable pay hike for the secretary to the noon. Peninsular House Restaurant, Raritan Rd., Scotch in Union County. Ap- Anyone wishing to apply Silvia Brendel at 925-1992. all the children under treat- Dingell, Grace Monaco, lrig~New 7erseyans to have 3. Colonial Deli, positioned on St. Georges and Mayor. I am sure it wasn't just coincidental that in an Plains. that bring emotional havoc ment. Washington builder president of Lamplighters crucial health information plicants must be 55 years of or who desires more infor- to families — come to the Linden Avenue, has no parking and is adding to the chaos election year raises for some township employees also TUESDAY, APRIL 26 - Clark Planning Board meeting. age or older, and must meet Alan Kay, who also serves — an organization of par- on arthritis. occurring on Linden Avenue. found their way into the budget. This is a typical back- 8 p.m., Municipal Building. •Warren G. Magnuson Clini- oh the Children's Inn Board ents whose children died of "There are an estimated low income guidelines. cal Center at NIH for the I feel that there are many other citizens of Rahway room political maneuver which is to buy votes through TUESDAY, APRIL 26 - Clark Board of Education Wherever possible, jobs will of Directors, will supervise cancer, Irene Pollin, a pro- 80,000 Hispanics in the who would have to agree with me! There are children salary increases at the expense of the tax payers. meeting, 8 p.m.. Administration Bldg., Schindler Rd. best medical care available construction of the project minent Washingtonian who be suited to each anywhere in the world. who live and play on this road. We can't continue to have These decisions will prove to be a political "faux pas" THURSDAY, APRIL 28 - Clark Historical Society, individual's interests and pro bono. is active in charitable speeding, inconsiderate drivers on this road as if it were a if I ever saw one. Instead of accepting an amendment to regular monthly meeting, 8 p.m., cafeteria of the Clark These children — and their NIH has made available organizations, and Gerald oneway street! Linden Avenue is a horror show. Do we abilities, and will offer up to siblings and parents — need Lobby Open the salary appropriation sponsored by Councilman Ber- Municipal Bldg., 430 Westfield Ave. 24 hours per week of the two-acre wooded site Cassidy, president of Cas- JBIKE need to have a serious accident in order to have the City nard Hayden and supported by Councilman Carmine a special place to stay while for the Inn, which is near sidy and Associates, Inc., pay attention to this road? Cristiani, a Republican, and Councilwoman Carol Pluta, they are being treated as the Warren G. Magnuson the Washington law firm WEEK Deborah Hogan also a Republican, the Democrats thought about their part of NIH research pro- ClinicaljCenter wjiere each with which Ms. Walgren is APRIL 17-23 Raleigh Road jects. The Children's Inn, a Saturdays pockets and defeated the compromise by a vote of 4 to 3. March typically unpredictable year some ^L-$OX) childrenaffiliated. Rahway Plaudits are in order for Hayden who did not vote place of physical comfort, along party lines, and also for Pluta and Cristiani who Wide swings in tempera- tures of 78 degrees even pared with a 43.46-degree warmth, toys and fun, will kept the tax payers uppermost in mind. tuce^during March made its though the monthly low mean recorded during the be that place." m a display of typical political rhetoric and obvious character typically unpre- was 15 degrees recorded same period last year. The need for a Children's concern over the spectators dismay, Mayor George dictable for 1988, according just two days earlier on Only 2.66 inches of pre- Inn was first realized some Budget! More 'guts' needed Nucera, said that the salaries in the appropriation would to statistics compiled by the March 22. Overall, temper- cipitation fell on the area years ago by Philip A. Piz- zo. M.D.. chief of the pedi- car and enable township employees to live in Clark and be able to Cooperative Weather Sta- atures averaged nearly during March — 1.35 in- truck rental by board candidates respond to emergencies that would result in Clark having tion at Union County Col- three degrees higher than ches less than the monthly atrics branch and head of 24-hour police protection. Does the Mayor imply that lege. average, with a monthly average. None of that pre- the infectious diseases sec- £ - . tion of the National Cancer prior to this appropriation we had only part-time police March 24 and 25 both mean recorded at 43.29 de- cipitation was in the form of "HOW TO MOTIVATE EMPLOYEES" was the topic I was thoroughly disappointed with the candidates protection? Ludicrous! saw monthly high tempera- grees. This may be com- snow. Institute. He was joined last presented by Randy Kahn, Senior Consultant, Career year by Washington at- running for the Clark School Board and also those In response to Hayden, Pluta and Cristiani's opposi- Total snowfall for the Consultants, Inc., of Union, at the March 28 meeting of WE LIVE UP TO torney Carmala Walgren, representing the Regional School Board. Not one school -+ion-lQthe Council salary raises, the Mayor resorted to 1987-88 winter season was the Rahway Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Kahn has been board member or candidate on either board had the mud slinging directed at Hayden and Pluta citing a dollar 20.7 inches, which may be who headed a group that in- involved with management training, employee counsel- cluded bipartisan members "guts" to come out and ask the public to vote for either salary is too much for both of them. compared with 25.9 inches ling and organization development for 15 years and school budget. This type of verbal tripe is unbecoming of an elected recorded for the same time of. Congress and their earned his Masters of Arts in Psychology from Michigan spouses — including Ms. OUR NAME The budget is the backbone of any community's official and public apology to the two officials should be period last year. State. Career Consultants, Inc., provides a full range of •tss educational system. It is for the good of "youth" in the made immediateTyTTo Messrs. Nucera, Eckel and Poz- Walgren's own husband, human resource and organizational services that help Rep. Doug Walgren (D-PA) township. How can you let them down? In fact, if you niak, you won the financial victory, but if it is short lived, meet the needs of the individual company and its check every community in the regional system — Gar- come November 8th, you have no one to blame but your- Adopt the pace of nature: — NIH representatives and her secret is patience. Ralph employees. Thanking Mr. Kahn for his presentation is community leaders, in ac- wood, Kenilworth, Springfield and Berkeley Heights — selves. As for Ellenport and Caruso of the same ilk as the Waldo Emerson Margaret Welker, Assistant Vice President, The Summit' passed the budget. Clark turned it down. three aforementioned, you both will profit two years tively planning and working Trust Company, and Branch Manager of the Clark of-, for the new facility. switch, Luckily the other communities passed the budget longer until the November election in 1990. fice. and it garnered enough votes to pass. House Speaker Jim One final item, the morning following that eventful Wright (D-TX), who, with are actually I think the youngsters who attend the school will just council meeting, I approached my employer and asked for PICK-IT-NUMBERS have to take their parents by the hand to comeout to vote MOKDiY. Apr. 11 PICK FOUG his wife Betty, serves on the an 80% pay increase. His response was "there's the door." HUHBB sntiiom tox Children's Inn Board of ik customers. to help their cause. Only 16% of Clark's 9,660 registered Joseph M. Orlando FOR THE WEEK OF: voters came out to vote. What a disgrace! 6225 $3,411.00 $284.00 Directors, welcomed the Low rates by the day, Come on board members and candidates — don't be Lake Avenue April 11 thru April 16 PI«6l0n0H0.11 27 2! 32 34 3« gathering of NIH officials, with this coupon afraid of not being elected. Stand up and be heard!! If you Clark tono BOIIUS DO. <2590 members of Congress and weekend or longer. Now that many of our lobbies are open on Saturdays from 9:00 AM to noon, don't, families interested in education will move from the PICK-IT STRAIGHT niESOtV. Apt. 12 PICJ FOUS their families' and Merck We feature Lincoln- 5 off per day you don't have to make time during the week to open accounts, apply for loans HUMIES S1WGHT BOX representatives. community and other families interested in moving into BOX PAIR 2551 $3.149.50 $262.00 or or talk to us about any of your other banking needs. That's a switch. DATE NUMBERS PAY OFF Robert E. Windom, Mercury and other fine Clark wanting a good education for their children will MONDAY VfEDHBDAY. I*. 13 PICK FOUt Roseland Summit change their mind. Boncorporation authorizes dividend $ M M.D., Assistant Secretary cars in all sizes. And we 1 0%OFF WEEKLY Clark/Rahway HONORED GUESTS ... Lawrence J. Kahm, seated at Anr 11 017 305 50 *30«> KUHtB STUIGffl tOX 161 Eagle Rock Avenue 367 Springfield Avenue 10 Westfield Avenue Franklin A. Feltman 0308 $3.311.50 $275.50 for Health, Department of feature Ford trucks RENTALS At its meeting on April 7, pany. United Counties Ban- the right, took first place in the American Legion District TUESDAY s 50 994-3750 522-8400 558-3800 Lexington Blvd. Apr. 12 171 109 36 THURSDAY. Apr. 14 Pa FOUR Health and Human Ser- and vans. Budget the Board of Directors of corporation is the parent of Oratorical Contest held last month at the Dover post. He MO Car I Tract «t«t»l MIHKI siuiem tox NJ Empires 6/30/88 • Berkeley Heights Clark New Providence Clark United Counties Bancor- United Counties Trust was sponsored by the Morris Knolls Post and is a stu- WEDNESDAY $ S Free customer pick-up 170 Ctirtrat *«#.. Clark. Ajt.13 322 240 '80 8868 $3,430.00 $857.50 145 Snyder Aven ue 1050 Raritan Road 15 South Street poration, Cranford, auth- Company of Cranford, dent at Morris Knolls High School. Chairman Ray Cook 24 PICK MOTTO HO.: U 09 21 31 33 12 and drop-off. out NEWiocimoiiT THURSDAY 522-8400 558-3800 522-8400 orized payment of the which maintains 33 bank- of Post 390 stands behind him. Second place went to S tono lOWS HO. I3M7 P.S. I served on two Union County school boards for Apr. 14 53550 70 CENTRAL AVE., CLARK, NJ 862 213 21 FtOAlr. ipt. IS PICK FOUt 15 years (ten as finance chairman) and never was any regular quarterly cash divi- ing offices in Union, Mon- Essex County representative Kai-Tao-Tao (seated, (Inside the Howard Johnson) dend of 53 cents per share mouth, Morris and Somer- center), sponsored by Millburn Post 140 with chairman FRIDAY S 50 S M *UHKJ STUBHI 101 budget defeated in those 15 years. All board members Apr. 15 s255o 4662 $3.016.50 $251.00 - v'tur St.^r-- t ml it i .irij ,it .tulhuri/i-ii The on May 2, payable to stock- set counties, and United 472 255 42 'llMrt)lUl!">t I IMlliT* I

*/ I RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT PAGE 12 THURSDAY, APRIL 21. 1988 PAGE 10 THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1988 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT PUBLIC NOTIGE PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the following Ordinance was County employees ready to Voilt of Spring duly adopted and approved on final reading a. a Regular Meeting of the Municipal Council of the City of Rahway. New Jersey, on June 10.1987 (rather than June 10. 1988 as stated in the notice published on March walk for a good cause t¥Mk Like a hawk we watch for spring, to be the first to 24 1988): Union County employees know Ordinance No. A 8 87 Last year, Union County A BOND ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE RESURFACING OF are ready to walk—but it's employees raised over When the brook begins to bubble washing away the PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE DIAL-A- VARIOUS STREETS IN THE CITY OF RAHWAY. TOGETHER for a good cause—the $3,200 for the March of tired snow. WTO SUCH OTHER WORK AND PURPOSES INCIDENTAL March of Dimes Walk to Dimes, and over 40 employ- We can notice spring's arrival from within the THERETO- TO APPROPRIATE $380,000 TO PAY THE COST NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS raise money in the fight ees volunteered their time dampened earth ESTATE OF JOHN TOKAR, THEREOF TO MAKE A DOWN PAYMENT AND TO ESTATE OF NICHOLAS J. against birth defects, an- to assist with the walk, After a misty rain when seedlings give re-birth. Deceased AUTHOREE THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO FINANCE-SUCH MIELE, Deceased nounced Michael J. APTOOPRIATION AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF which raised over SI 16,000 Pursuant to the order of ANN P. Pursuant to the order of ANN P. BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES IN ANTICIPATION OF SUCH Lapolla, Union County from Union County. CONTI. Surrogate of the County of CONTI, Surrogate of the County of We love our season change, but, ah, spring captures Freeholder Chairman and Union, made on the 15th day of Union, made on the 15th day of BONDS Anyone wishing to walk the heart 25. April. A.D., 1988, upon the applies- (The full text of said Ordinance was published along with of its. the Honorary Chairman for April. A.D., 1988, upon the applica- Minimum Ad 1X3> or volunteer, please call the As crocus blooms break through, we watch the tion of the undersigned, as Ex- ion of the undersigned, as Ex- adoption on March 24. 1988) SERVICE this year's WalkAmerica in March of Dimes at magic start. ecutrix of the estate of said deceas- ecutors of the estate of said deceas- . .STATEMENT ...... Union County. ed, notice Is hereby ylvi>n to' the ed, notice" Is hereby given to the 882-0700. The trees in show-off colors, in whispering shades of The Bond Ordinance published herewith has been finally adopted and PEOPLiFOR creditors of said deceased to exhibit creditors of said deceased to exhibit "Each year our county green the twenty day period of limitation within which a suit action or pro- 00 to the subscriber under oath or affir- to the subscriber under oath or affir- employees donate their —Wastern NHe — Adjusting their new chapeaus proudly as a queen. ceeding questioning the validity of such ordinance can be commenced 40 ANIMALS mation their claims and demands mation their claims and demands time, hard work and money ewelers against the estate of said deceased against the estate of said deceased, as provided in the Local Bond Law. has begun to run from the date of planned by 79 and newer 1 to help the fight against Just close your eyes and visualize roses that bloom in '.' : •'.: RAHWAY TRAVEL within six months from the date of within six months from the date of the first publication of this statement, ^fj*^, ^SENKOWSKY Low Cost birth defects," Lapolla said DOMESTIC & FOREIGN U said order, or they will be forever said order, or they will be forever VFW Pott 5 June domestic cars CITY CLERK barred from prosecuting or recover- barred from prosecuting or recover- "Besides those who walk VFW Mulvey-Ditmars TRAVEL CITY OF RAHWAY Enhancing all the weddings of every bride and Fine Jewelry ing the same against the subscriber. ing the same against the subscriber. GROUP TOURS • CRUISES in any condition Spay/Neuter Clinic the 15-and-a-half miles, Post #5, Maple Avc., Rah- groom. Virginia Smith Paul Tokar and NoFec> RAIL Repairs It- 4/21/88 many volunteer to hand out Andrew J. Warianka way, will host a Western Then the fragrance of the lilacs gracing the country MOTORS-RADIATORS 133 Hillside Aye., Hillside Executrix Executors COME AWAY WITH ME... The third grade class of the refreshments and. register Nite on Saturday, May 14, KUMPF COUGARS MAKE THEIR MARK ... The 1988 basketball season at the Carl CONHRMATIONSMADE INSTANTLY Work Done on lane TRANSMISSIONS Quality Veterinary Care Armstrong & Little the walkers, and many BV OUR COMPUTERIZED SYSTEM Vail-Deane School in Mountainside has embarked upon 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Kumpf School In Clark under Coach John Bowen brought home some key victories for REAR ENDS'OSED TIRES Premises Attorneys Feinberg, Feinberg & And dandelions popping up after a sprinkled rain. Spar an imaginary trip around the world in its basal reader. more have been working 1 For Appointment Please Call 30 Vail Place Tritsch, Attorneys Music will be performed the boys team. In a 6-7 season, highlights included the wins over Wlnfleld, Garwood NO SERVICE CHARGE FOR your dosed 1447 Campbell St., First stop was the British Isles, where geography and since early February in by "The Crickets" and an and Solomon Schecter. Members of the team are: Front row (left to right): Pete Cam- RESERVATIONS ^.\, P.O. Box 167D A walk Through fields of daisies fresh and new to P.O. Box 1094 coordinating the event. Bruce's 964-6887 Rahway, N.J. 07065 culture were explored. After reading an excerpt from open bar will be featured. pana, Ed Wray, Chris Korb, Brett Ashley, Jim Korona, Mike Lebers, Joe DeBenedictis, warming sun 1(4/21/88 Fee; $16.12 Rahway. N.J. 07065 the tales of King Arthur, members of the class welcom- They all deserve a hearty Participants should bring and Tom Korona. Back Row: Coach John Bowen, Manager Chris Grady, Walter Auto Wrecking Inc. Over 100,000 cafi & dogs are destroyed In H.l. annuatty It-4/21/88 Fee: $17.05 Precious gifts of nature to dream of when day is ed Ms. Pamela Fetters (pictured at left), a North Plain- thank-you." RSTA;EST. 1946 ^ because they at* unwonted their own food. Donation is Moskwa, David Yorke, Pat Nicholas, Andrew Schlefersteln, John Braun, Steve Mind- done. field resident, as special guest speaker. She spent the Female Cats $20 • Female Dog* $25-$35 Walkers obtain sponsors $10. nlch, Chris Peterson, and Manager Kevin Nunes. Missing from photo: Chris Cogan, All this is yours and hearts will really sing 388-2457 1986-87 school year as a Fulbright Exchange Teacher Brian Frank, David Kepnlss, Frank Padusnlak, Rich Quach, and Mike Sommer. 381-8800 1082 St. Georges Ave. to back them for each For tickets phone 499- For you are never old when you remember spring! 95 UfWIUE AVE RAHWAY Male Cats $15 • Male Dogs $20-$30 35 E. MILTON AVE. Rahway (next to Drug Fair) PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE in Northern Ireland. The third graders particularly en- kilometer completed of the 0590. Deadline is May 7. Managers: Lisa Cohen, Karin Uchtman and Mindy Miller. Pricit include all innoeulathnt and examinations RAHWAY UESVILlf & INHAN«AVEN(t joyed her slides of Ireland, Scotland and England. Pic- 388-1667 25 kilometer walk, which Luclll* Boyc* tured with her are Tyrone Greene of North Plainfield and will start at Downs Hall, Please take notice that Monday. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Kelli Isaksen of Clark. Kean College, Union, and May 9, 1988 at 8 P.M. In theMarch 22. 1988 the planning board broke into the win column Municipal Council Chambers, City of the City of Rahway approved the wind its way through Clark Soccer Club action with a 2-0 victory over Up OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Hall Plaza, Rahway, N.J. Thesite plan covering lots 10 & 11, Roselle, Roselle Park, Cran- MOVING? The Clark Soccer Club Drugs' goals were scored by Realty 1-0 with Joey vided superb defense. Jewelers. Barry Geller and Municipal Council of the Cily of block 210 Tax Atlas of the City of • In Division 4, Don's ford and Kenilworth before played five games on Sun- Bobby Halleck and Bran- BILL Rahway shall consider the following Rahway and the necessary Guarino providing the goal. Pharmacy, defeated Copy Village Insurance shut Chris Salvata scored the ending back at the college. V&F AUTO BODY resolution • AR • 73 .- 88 -" A variances requested in the applica- day, April 10. In Division 3, don Kelly while Robert Patrick Qualshie, Mark Quick 5-0 on 2 goals by Sal out Schmidt's Meat Market goals, and Nicole Petrin RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND 6RUSS tion of Shevick, Ravlch, Hosier, The event will be held Quality Auto Body de- Amorin provided good Taibo, and Jason Hibbard Saladino and one each by 1-0. Schmidt's received provided good defense. Up The Complete Body Shop CONFIRMING THE TAX ASSES- Tobln. Oleckna & Reitman, P.A., of This Spot rain or shine on Sunday, feated Clark Drugs 3-2. Ben defense. had strong performances, Dawn O'Grady, Billy good play from Susan Jewelers received good ef- SOR'S REPORT CONCERNING 1743 St. Georges Avenue, P.O. April 24, with registration Axelrad scored twice, and In a hotly contested FRIIISTIMATIS THE ASSESSMENT FOR BENE- Box 1536, Rahway, New Jersey and Jerry Derillo was Carolan, and Wendy Ploski, Michael Daikalo, forts from Jimmy Borden Plumbing More than 70 percent of the total length of the world's Domestic & Foreign Could FITS FOR A LOCAL IMPROVE- 07065. beginning at 8 a.m. and the Ricky Werner added one match, Vaccaro's Bakery outstanding in goal for Vac- Calder. Rocco Spagnuolo and Craig Goldberg. and the Zlydak brothers, & MENT AND RECONSTRUCTION sandy coastline has retreated during recent decades. walk starting at 9 a.m. goal to lead Quality. Clark PATRICIA MORAN downed Michael Peter's caro's. and Samantha Car-olan pro- Clark Sports Center Michael and Patrick. Corvette Specialists - BOND STREET FROM E. CLERK, Be Yours Heating GRAND AVE. TO E. SCOTT ALL INSURANCE RAHWAY PLANNING BOARD AVE." Auto WORK FULLY ABLE METRO It-4/21/88 Fee: $10.85 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED sBodn GUARANTEED repairs, small jobs Francis R. SenUowsky Moving & Storage Inc. City Clerk Udiet-HotOpportanrtj Recognized by Major Insurance Co.'s Cily of Rahway Gas Attendant needed to work even- Full Time Salesperson. Must have Rahway Wanted Arts I Crafts UNDERCOVER WEAR Linden, N.J. 2t-4/14,4/21/88 Fee: $26.04 car. Knowledge ol Union & Mid- Open Daily: 8am-5:30pm 574-1200 Direct Sales. Easy to do - Lots of ings, nights. With experience, good teacher to teach arts & crafts to dlesex County area helpful. Full Fun. Earn SI 5-30 per hi. in spare pay.CentralGuli.Claik 381-4050 shut-in woman. Will pay for inttruc- Saturday til noon — Closed Sunday 388-7050 benefits including Profit Sharing. RATED TOP QUALITY time. Call 241-S2O4 EasyWork! Excellent Pay! Assemble tiona* materials. Call 3tU2I4 Sorry, no information ginn over products at home. Call for informa- Experienced carpenten & helpers Lie. #7896'Night Service' AGENT 1986-1987 WORK AT HOME. Part Time. phone. For appointment only, 20 PROSPECT ST. tion 504-6414003 ami99 for small home improvement JlOOVweek possible. Details ICC-MC 107012 PC-00123 HAVE A BALL with a pup who needs a friend and a call 574-1M0 business. Call Mt-OlU ll)tOMI Uundrj Htlp Wtshrm Worker F/T. Mustbeambitious&willingtowork. WANTED; 21PEOTLE! We'll pay you .METUCHEN 3216919, home. This adorable shepherd-mix who is just going on Clerical for Insurance Office. Ex- Nurses' league Porttr. Heavy work. Must work to lose up to 29 lbs. in the next 30 perienced 1 plus. Typing and filing four months, has a wonderful disposition and loves to steadilywithoulsuper. Noskillsreq. dayvCallAtlene 272-MM WEDNESDAY required. Good working cond. Call catch and fetch. If interested in adopting this pup or one Packer To work in ship. dept. Sew SUNDAYS 5:30-8:30 a.m. Paper JOB OPPORTUNITY Monday thru Friday 574-1422 Renew Ytaity Machine Open. Experienced only. Route $130 per month, J30 defer- of the other dogs, cats, kittens or puppies, please call Dependable babysitter for 4th grade NETWORK NEWS Pick Vaccinations In Business M) Y««ra WASHER to celebrate Apply in Mnon 276 Hamilton SL, red. Nocollecting. 23V0310 486-0230 or 272-5918. Unfortunately due to pet girl. Within walking distance from Rahway, Affiliated Stnrlcp 24 It 975 Nathan Hale, Carteret Till 6pm. Call It Up and QUALITY overpopulation over 13 million unwanted pets are de- RN'S FURNITURE FOR SAIE GARAGE SAtf attei6pm 9W-13K Ulf THICLAMlfllOl TOOAT JOB OPPORTUNITY UCT JOSn JTAT1 niBON get stroyed in the each year. Pet owners are GUARANTEED READER TO READER offers a challenging oppry. a fourteenth year Wedding Mature responsible sitter needed for NETWORK NEWS also urged to phone for Friends of Animals low-cost KITCHEN SET, BEDROOM SET with Colonia, 29 Cameo Place (off like infant in my Rahway home. Occa- for licensed RN's. Benefits in- UECOR ATOHS 2| clude paid vocation & sick This Spot vanity. Mwinj. Must sell! Ave)April 22,23 lMpm. bdrm. set sionildaysieveninn. 398-8754 DRYER spaying and neutering information. WANT ADS • Atom TaMoM Invitations TELLERS time as well as health, dental 632 Boulevard. Kenilworth aiaiaai Mrs. Winters topic 3*34112 Hearfwerm The League for Educa- misc. H/H items Start your own P/T business from Progressive sayings bank Could • Railway Ntwt Rtcord by & optical plan. Salary Cheek up tional Advancement for Re- 'Spinal Cord Injury: The $ Colonuj, 64 Predmore Ave., 4/23, your home. Call Discovery Toys seeking experienced In- $27,700. If Interested call • Clew* Patriot Slipcovers Shop REPAIRS scope of the Problem" will 3 LINES 3 ISSUES 5 FOR SALE OR RENT 9«n>3pm. Sofa, exercise equip., „ 311-5151 dividuals. Full range of co. Mrs. Garuy oti Grooming gistered Nurses (LEARN) Be Yours •169" owls, misc. h/h, china, clothes, cur- Regency GET PAID for reading books! bnfts. including dental. at Home provide an update on spinal Vail-Deane slates Him RD 4/30 Friendly atmosphere. Sol. • S<)f(i — 2 or 3 culhioni PROMPT'COUITtOUS will celebrate its fourteenth Guaranteed want ads — if item is notsoU $100.00 per title. Write: PASE- • Slipcovers Notice to prospective renters: Any based on exp. Call for inter- Clark Animal *gt. • 2 Chairs — 7cwhiom I LOCAL SERVICE year with Debbie Canady cord injuries, and will A2898. 161 S. Lincolnwiy, N. 499-5177 • Reupholstery during first 3 issues, ad will run nent rentsadvertised herein forquililitf Rahway, 344 Russell Ave., oft W. view. Hospital ' • Sv\l wi'll Aurora. IL 60542 574-1200 Nn Service Charge Winters, R.N., C.R.R.N., discuss the psychosocial alumni luncheon real estate rental may be subject to Lake 4/21,22. 9im-3pm. Rain or Come in — See • Overlook • Verticals 3 issues mtt. Call when all items artsold If Repairs Are Made any rebate or credit required by shine. Miscellaneous RECEIVING CLERK F/T or P/T. Ex- Dr; Stanley Ni?wmnn.D.V M • FillL'd Ann Protectors M.S.N. as the guest speaker adaptations. This program • 1" Blinds represented, but special re- State Law (NJ.S.H*4-6.3etstq.) our Many Samples perience pref. but will train. Call Lvndon Goldsmith Sr. CMxeai 10% aliceeat has received two Contact The Vail-Deane School Guoromeed Reader lo Reoder wont ads ore for Rahway. 376 Maple Ave., 4/23, (Formerly Elmora Savings) • New Furniture for the April 25 program. 'W00DBRIDGE,5roomapt.,partialty 104pm, Misc. items. Everything AnnorKathyat 3*2-1592 David Fortna a*. Reupholstery will hold its Annual Alumni union classes to be recog- non-commercial'advertisers only. Dems for sole WAREHOUSE • Carpets & ALLAN'S WASHER The meeting will be held Hours from the New Jersey furnished, 2 bdrm, laundry rm. cheap. Ra indite 4/24 The Atom Tabloid Middle aged man. Light housejieep- 772-6700 Luncheon on Saturday, Ap- nized will be the class of '78 must not exceed SI .000 Price and phone Utilities incl. Middle age or senior Pick up our FREE guide to ing, Chauffeur, Companionship. • Sofa or 2 Chairs Draperies State Nurses Association. Rahway, 1068 MkJwcod Drive. April E.O.E. SELECTORS 1075 Westfield Ave., & DRYER REPAIR at 7:45 p.m. at All Saints number must be in ad Cash or Check for $5.00 couple. Parkins. Yard. No pets. buying invitations and a 219 Central Ave. Lire-in. 3J2-O5M • New Cushions ril _23,_at its Mountainside for its 10th reunion, class of 23.104pm. Ererytliini from Kl Rahway • Refill Old Church Parish House, 559 Mrs.-Winters_iscurrently_a_ mustbe included -with od- Autovr Moiorcyctes, Pater BUSK Groom's checklist. Open 9 —Rihway.NJ. — • -pickup-& Delivery campus. Alumni from all "•63 for its 25iFreunT6n7arid rain or shine am to 5 p.m. Mon thru Fri. WANTED: Summer Child Care in my Cushions community health nurse Goroge Sales and Reol Estote not accepted in 574-1200 Home. 9am-6pm. Need own car. 20 PART TIME • Complete Job Park Ave., Scotch Plafns. Rahway, 607Orchard St(corof Orch ASSISTANT classes are invited. the class of '38 for its 50th Guaranteed Reoder to Reoder section. 342-0233 FULL TIME AppoinlrtiL'nl 388"3379 180 OAK ST., RAHWAY specialist with Community WOODMOOM. & Jensen) 4/22.23,24. 104pm OPENINGS reunion. TO BOOKKEEPER Health Care of North Jer- The event will begin at oma RDOAI 0* uu Multi-fim old 4 new things LICENSED BEAUTICIAN w/some PART TIME 11:30 a.m. with aperitifs in After recognition of spe- n yoa wMi B»y. tool lor WoodbrkJge, 69 Willry St.. April 23, following to work in Rahway Salon. sey. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Press I Curls. Perms, etc. 312-2451 CIRCULATION cial reunion classes, Vail- Me. 3.000 K). ft. en mdn 1 bw«r 10-6pm. 3 (ami, desks, bikes, beds, LEARN's new officers the foyer followed by lun- Imh. NOT major taghmri kdtan MORNING MANAGER. Resp. for rec. h/h. misc. R/D 4/24 WE NEED PEOPLE DEPARTMENT Dcane's new Headmistress, READER TO READER II READER TO READER MISC. FOR SALE T idist papers, purchasing, rec. keep- Must be able to type — $6/H0UR will be installed at a dinner cheon in the multi-purpose P/T DRIVERS. With c«ft for earl; $1490/monfh. (Option to to sell classified ads by phone. Trp- ing, stalling & training driven. Will computer experience room. The Vail-Deane Joanne C. Evarts, will MUM A YAtO MU inj required. Flexible hours, ex- a.m. newspaper delivery. Mon. Sat -Barbershoppers celebrate — to be held on June 6,7 p.m., buy) Cal UM 4411113 er train 3:30-12:30am Mon.-Sat. General clerical, some helpful. 37'/J hour Immediate openings speak, and the program will RECLINERSI2), Loveseat. vinyl DOLL BIRTH CERTIFICATE* ADOP- Then., fri., Jet. perience not necessary, will train. 4-7am Excellent pay 1 bonus. No at the Stage House Inn in "Chanteurs" will perform. Mt-4444. Camp mid 20's. 233-0310 swivel rocker. $50. ea. or all for TION PAPERS. Send $1 cash for , 4/11, tit 11 - *AM Must apply in person. 219 Central collecting. 2334310 typing, must be good at week. Full benefits, call available. For appoint- The program will include conclude with the singing of Scotch Plains. Tickets will $175 276-2676 complete set & include self- I Hems from several tstottil Aw., Rahway. N.J. detaif and have good for interview 9om-4pm ment, call Monday- the "Alma Mater." Mistress be $19. a special section of "Rem- fNOTICE — Pleose check RECLINER, & lift chair combo, exc. addressed, stamped envelope to: Antiques, oak di'ra closet, NrtTaae telephone personality. 574-1200 or send Friday, 9am-3pm. wojhstand, mahogany drop- "AIT TUMI werit ttwfflea ea- Harmony Month, anniversary iniscences" by alumnae of Ceremonies will be Delo- | your od the day it op- cond. brown tweed, value $1600 RELSALES, P. 0. Box205.Avenel. N. CHILD CM! Apply in person anytime For additional informa- RECEPTIONIST resume'. jpears. The Atom Tabloid now $550. Aft. 6pm 382-574S J. 07001 leaf tobte 8. more turn hurt. 2 *ebaei »M ear ttenrtere. Earn extra income coring for about Miss Vail and school zier Davidson Wigton, class POCONO MTS. NO MONEY DOWN. extension ladders, 1 wood, 1 tan $3 »*r earehae. Um4 a "SWING INTO between 9 a.m. and 5 tion write to: LEARN, Inc., ' will not be responsible for , REFRIGERATOR, Hotpoint w/upper Plastic slip covers. Custom-made children of working parents in 499-3684 In proclaiming April as quartet singing, invited a chapters, sings for churches, for the treatment of chil- of '66. Take over payments. Bank repos lot aluminum. Qarden & other eelf aatmuj, tiwaaee' ea- WEIGHT 10SS" p.m. The Atom Tabloid, group culminates in its an- P.O. Box 6, Scotch Plains, memories. errors after the first day. top freezer $200. Maytag Washer pin fitted. Expertly cutin your home. your own home. Our support Wooded. Vacation comm. Many ex- tools. Hundreds of miscella- *eteae tei Afed Amdattt, This is the job you've been ^'ATOMTABIXHD Harmony Month. Sal number of friends, acquain- chools. hospitals, rest dren and adults having For further information, Call the classified Oept. $150. GE Gas Dryer $150. Good Sofa. $85 and 1 chair, $42.50. network offers training, 219 Central Aye., nual show early in Decem- N.J. 07090 or call 233-0639 Alumni from many dif- tr»s. Call Tom eves 717-992-5414 219 Central A»t. to moke corrections. cond. 3814656 Needlecraft. 8654300 neous items. Please, NO EAR- 3SS W. !•* St., Hew Tert, (ability insurance, meal reim- waiting forl Essex Weight Rahway. Full benefits & Amaru of Edison, president tances, and business and homes and wherever the ber. . speech disabilities. The call the School at 232-5502. GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U or 464-0777. ferent classes will be LY BIRDS. M.T. lOOtl.MOl.Atteiitteai bursement, business tips, and Loss in Woodbridge needs Rahway, NJ 07065 PATHMARK of the Rahway Valley professional associates to REFRIGERATOR, office u $75. tri- A.B.11ICK 326 DESK TOP OFFSET 'repair) Delinquent tai property. exp'd, friendly & energetic hospitalization. sound of voices in harmony, The Society also provides theme song, "We Sing That 1141 DMJua HIM. MaRPreawtieu referrals. Can 353-1621 ple dresser S mir $50. color TV 19" PRESS GOOD CONDITION. $600. Repossessions. For current repo list. person to handle busy 101 Her leai Chapter of (he Barbershop join them in a song fesi on singing old familiar songs, They Shall Speak" is sung FIRM. INCLUDES STAND. FOR AP- support for its favorite AIRCONDITIONER.eicellentcondi S100lg/wickhamper$8. 636-8957 Cal) 14O5^87-6O00Fjrt.6H4311 phonos. Delightful office, i, NJ. 070*5 Harmony Society, also cites he roof garden of the Tulsa ballads and novelty tunes is charity, the Institute of by Barbershoppers at public tion.GE. 13.000 BIU. $400. STEREO, Magnavox am/fm radio, PT.CALLELLEN 574-1200 Goftmmtnt Mtad hemti (ran $1, mon.-Fri. yam-lpm. 1988 as the Golden An- Club. From that gathering console cabinet, excellent condi- REFRIGERATORS. Washers. Dryers. jw repair. Aba properties for back TYPIST. Equal Oppty Employer mil appreciated and enjoyed. Logopedics in Wichita, performances and member- 969-9297 There's 750-1830 tion.$50. 382-0606 Color TV's. Good condition. Will tun. For complrtt ottiib mi CREDIT/ P/T General office work. niversary of the worldwide was born the organization ship gatherings. BEDROOM Furn.. Ctry Ft. Master. The year's activity for the Kansas, a center established guarantee. 754-7209/685-0664 Answer phones, customer tall dresser, dresser w/mir. 2 bdsde SWIMMING POOL. 18 ft. x 4 ft. foncloivn list call' (S15) COLLECTIONS singing organization. that became known as the 1250 Multilith offset printing press contact. Light typing, must be tbls.2lmos.ttOO 7504311 aluminum, filter, ladder. $200 K2-2770.Eit.534 ADeal Society for the Preservation w/chain delivery. New Rollers, A-l Early morning adult occurate and neat. Pleasant Amaru invites men sing- BEDROOM, G pc $200 bunk bed 6344175 N Edison, I4 colonial 4 bdrm 2» Leading store fixture JOB OPPORTUNITY JOB OPPORTUNITY condition $3600 or best offer. Call manufacturing company seeks carriers for a/c office. Full benefits. 35 ers of all ages to share the and Encouragement of Bar- with mattress J150. WASHER & ORYER, portable, ex- baths LR, DR. FR, finished b/menl ask for Ellen or Dane 574-1200 a take charge individual to hour work week. Established NETWORK NEWS 283-4615 cellent condition. $300 or best of- 2carprage.$309.000 7554392 Waiting dual celebrations by singing her Shop Quartet Singing in Quality Magnetic Signs For Sale - assist credit/collections Woodbridge, print shop. Call 4SM*S2 BICYCLE, 20" Hulfydiitbike Black fer 388-8769 SUMMO/ in harmony with the America. Inc. (SPEBSQSA). Variety of Sues 4 colors. Special Of- monoger. Applicant must Colonia, lielin, OS*D TWPOHMT IMNOYMEMT & Gold, excellent condition. $30 WEIGHTS t BENCH SET, $150 Call fer: 2-12x20 signs include 1 color For Yon have strong organirotion and CUT Rahway Valley Chorus at The long-winded name StaYouiself alter 5pm 5414*09 F1EA MARKET Menlo Park, No. and border 2 for 73.00 plus tax. NTHECLASSREDS communication skills. Opening in the 612 I. ERxafceth AVMM MD CTAI (XFtm liid is and many lettered abbrevia- any of their regular weekly CRIB, 1 highchair. no mattress Call now 574-1579 M499-0387 HEIP WANTED Minimum 1 year credit ex- Following oreos. Ediion. Uaeea, NJ. C701» , jooking far an individual who meetings. Mondays at 8 tion were spoofs of the $70. Call between 9am-2pm USED CARS & TRUCKS HALF PRICE! Flashing arrow signs Flea Market New Dover United perience required. Good with Cash • Mrareeetnriee is willing to except our newest 283-2984 salary and benefits. Call, Earnings technology in the Tmns Tech p.m. at the American multi-initialed government $299! Lighted, non-arrow $289! Metti. Church, 690 New Dover Rd., • UatUtaae AMeteiaeace DOG RUN, chain link fence. SiSilO. INCREDIBLE INFORMATION Edison, every Tues. 6im-lpm. mntEcussiFiEos $400-$600 par mo. System which involves our agencies that were pre- Unlighted $249! Free letters! See FACTORY Ho uW id Legion Hall. 1003 Norih Jeeps"Cars*4x4's seized in drug Dtalen$10. 3819471 operational planning & routing aluminum corrugated roof $150 locally. Call today! Factory, anytime: 242-1606 NEWSJXPER valent during the 1930's raids for under $100? Call for facts system. OS&D & CRT exp. a Avenue, in Wesifield. AtterSpm 738-7914 1400423-0163 Congregation Adath Israel, Amboyi WORKERS HDOAI mamas anus DESKTOP today! (800)247-3166EH36« must. HS Grod. We offer com- depression. FAN, Attic 30" w/auto ceiling So. Pirt Dr., Woodbridge, Sun. It was 50 years ago that 300 Rariton Center Pkwy Call petitive salary plus a full louvers'iH P. Molor. beltdnveSSO NEW INFORMATION! 4/24,9am-2pm. Mon. 4/25. 9«m- Edison or collt PUBLISHING benefit pockoge in a profes- two Tulsa. Oklahoma men. Today thai organization 388-4885 Jeeps. Cars. 4x4s seized in drug 2pm.Mon.$libn t34-9«l 1ST A 2ND 201-246-5678 raids. Buy from $100. Call for facts L 225-2200 sional working environment: Owen C. Cash, a tax at has grown into the world's FIREWOOD, split 4 delivered $90 WANTED SHIFTS today. W0CXM6 HOWS - 1? torney. and Rupert I. Hall, GIFTED AND TALENTED cord. S50 hall cord Leave message OUFTFAJl AMD largest male singing frater- (602)8421051 EiL1047 MkJnight-8i30cm, Mon-Frl. WINNER ... Brandi Lynn 636-0807 B HOMEOWNERS RUMUHT CHANEL INC.. a world re- an investment hanker, both nity with nearly 40.000 '84 Oaytona. p/s. p/b, am/fm cass. Newest Career Call Eileen between 9am & 12 FISHING POLES, $10 515 Call bet Indmg Dntnbutor h Introducing 0 it. Fealy tofak Ceater nowned manufacturer of per- noon. lovers of Barbershop style Brezina, student of the Sunroof. $6,000 or Best Offer. Call IIS hk A fumes and cosmetics, has im- —NOW members making up more ween4&8p.m. _. WW IMSUUTID V1NVI SIDING and Opening! MD CTM(Xntf S 1MB Studio B Dance Academy Cindy 634-7565 PlACa medwte opportunities due to than 200 quartets and 800 486-0606 40 Detaacr Street '81 Dodge Van V8. 318 motor, p/s, Set., Afrit 11. t-1 a* growth and expansion. We in Rahway, was recently GOLF BALLS, practice. 5 for $1 00 IBURGER Newart, NJ. 07105 choruses. Jd/tires runs well good cond must Fer Me e» teak mrtek cat are seeking the following, awarded a first place cash 486-2352 HUGE INTERVIEWING 144-7700 tit. Ill If you have working seeaft6pmlcavmcss 925-1425 541-1154 aft. Ilia S.PCBS0&A GRAVEL, FREE!! The Society's 50th An- prize for her tap solo to 81 Chevy Citation, brown, am/fm We fMl its smart business «Aniimnts KING knowledge of com- 396-3889 For filling, capping, labeling, niversary celebration will "Boogie Woogie Bugle asking $1750. Call 283-2986 to introduce our product in AVWtt UA MAMIT LANNM0WER, Gas propelled Rear cartoning, etc., SALES CAREER puters, we will train Boy." Brandi was chosen 81 Subaru GL wagon, am/fm. ask. this way. reach its climax in San An- bagger. 20in 3 5HP $75 100% Financing. 19 Shops. 100 Tables. * MATBttJU Hh"HfH*^t you in the new and NOW HIRING from several students in 382-4735ot382-0156 ing$195O.Call 283-2986 We will train you! NOW HIRING tonio. Texas during the first Creditr probbl l W Open Thurs. Sat.-Son. Previous experience helpful ALL SHIFTS • MACMK OraUTMB exciting career of Arthritis Group week of July, with an inter- the regional competition to LAWN TRACTOR, 8 HP. 26" cut Phoenix Brokerage—Famous for low CALX. HIGRIGHHT NOW & FIND 8 A.M.-? Day Shift & Closers Bnus & Straton engine. 3 forward cost auto insurance, now giving free OUT IF YOU QUALIFY FOR To operate fillers, cappers, Desktop Publishing. national convention and go onto the finals which Call 815-9018 Full benefits learstreverse $250 381-0014 quoles by phone. 2131440 THIS SPECIAL PROMOTION lobelers & cortoners to meet were held in Montclair. 1488 Rahway Ave., •PACEAC4N0UHI Full & Part Time Starting salary open competition at which the LIFT CHAIR, electric cushion New. Plus auto expense Gifted and Talented is Sacrifice $1,000 ong $2495 Btwn 286-2477 MKHAWC On Tuesday, April 26. at top Barbershop choruses MOTORCYCLE FOR Experience should include car- TOP WAGES Full benofHt sponsored by the New 4t8pmCall 4860606 7:30 p.m., The Union and quartets are to be TEEN ARTS... On Tuesday, March 22nd, 22 Rahway Intermediate School students SALE GARAGf. SAlf toners, filling machines, LIVING ROOM SET, Sofa, matching selected. More than 10.000 Jersey Federation of lobelers, and ceUophoners. 574-1200 Up to $5/hr. for day shift County Arthritis Support participated in the annual Union County Teen Festival at Union College in Cranford. chair. 2end tbls. 1 cocktail. 2 lamps FURNITURE FOR SAIE FuH Time/tot Time Music and Dance Clubs. It 72 Honda 350.4 cylinder. $250. Call for interview Group meets in the rear harmonizcrs from through- The festival encourages active student participation in a variety of arts fields. Seven Exc.cond,MovingS400 3821681 63MJ57 Chr*. 75 Nassau St. April 22, 23. We offer good hourty rotes, or send resume' Up to $6/hr. for closers is an organization compris- excellent benefits pockoge 9an-4pa • Students cafeteria of Union Hospital, out the world are expected Rahway Intermediate School students' art work was exhibited, nine students par- MAGS, 4 Keystone classics 15x17. Double Dresser. Chest on chest and 9-3pm portable waiher, desk/chirr sti's i more. I and great working conditions, FULL BENEFITS - Medical • Hornemakers to gather in San Antonio ed of professional dance Must sell $200. Randy nightstand.Whitew/bluetnin.$75. THE 1000 Galloping Hill Rd., ticipated in a special poetry feedback seminar, three students gave jazz dance per- fast action and generous teachers throughout the 283-0928 Callafter5:30pm 541-78Ot Colons. 13 Broadway Ave Sat 4/23 S 74-1200 • Senior Citizens for the Golden Anniversary HARMONIOUS PROCLAMATION ... In the presence of Sal Amaru of Edison, Presi- 9am-3pm h/hold I children's rewards please apply in par- 'ATOM TABLOID Meal Discounts Union. formances, and three others performed vocal music selections. Approximately 500 ORGAN, $695. guitar $85. Organ or tend resimt' celebration. U.S. Along with Gifted and SECRETARIES items. 2 lams. Raindate 4/24 son to our Persomet Deot. Guest speaker is Andrew dent of the Rahway Valley Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, Mayor Ray- students from districts throughout Union County attended. Pictured are, left toright serviceavailable 276-7751 —— CREDIT —— Talented, it offers Syllabus OPtt YOUI ACCOUNT HOW I Mon.-Fri. 7i30om-4pRiorcall Apply in person, see Manager: Up To $5 Per Hour mond W. Stone of Westfield signs a Proclamation designating April as Harmony Month. Cojona.l26EMtSt


RAHWAY NEWSRECORD/CLARK PATRIOT THURSDAY, APRIL 21. 1988 PAGE 9 Clare K. Hartnett, 74; SCHOOL! OBITUARIES Catholic Daughters Regent SERVICE DIRECTORY ARTHUR L. JOHNSON REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL u.:V^;.; ;•>•-* Clare K. Hartnett of tive in the Rahway Friends in Self Help (FISH) organi- RAHWAY HIGH SCHOOL Rahway died April 18 at AND RAHWAY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Bimans RESIDENTIAL mm Rahway Hospital after a zation. GUARINO BUILDERS C. Brandon, 69; long illness. She was 74. Prior to moving to (EonBtrurtinn REPAIR SERVICE' "First In Quality and Service" Home Remodeling Rahway Mrs. Hartnett was Week of April 25, 1988 ALL Ttpts * Carpentry* Tilos 'rim Born in Jersey City, she MONDAY __ o# Masonry Work moved to Rahway in 1938. employed by the Metro- * Decks * Pointing • Complete Vinyl Sidings Brandon Drum executive Luncheon No. 1: Minute Steak on roll • Driveways * Windows * R&R Ties Custom Built Mrs. Hartnett was in her politan Life Insurance Co. • Foundations _ * Ceilings * Roofing From 1966 to 1978, she Luncheon No. 2: Grilled Cheese sandwich Jirrk. • Additions •ADDITIONS fourth term as Regent of • Back hoe service? * Insect & Water Luncheon No. 3: Bologna sandwich Special •DORMERS ; Mrs. Catherine Munley Mary's R.C. Church, the Rahway chapter of the was employed in the • Additions Domnge Repair ^Replacement Windows Each of the above luncheons will contain choice 668 King Georges Rood -Brandon, 69, died April 2 at Rahway. Catholic-Daughters of Rahway City Clerk's office— Basements * Masonry Ji Repair •ADD - A LEVELS of two: Potatoes, vegetable, fruit Sidewalks 1 itck WMI «f home after a brief illness. Her husband, Frank America, Court Victory Her husband, Richard G. Ubwty Tntro • Steps •KITCHEN EXPANSIONS Born in Jessup, Pa., she Brandon, died in 1983. #449. She was a member Hartnett, died in 1978. Mrs. FORDS X? »'* Discounts "lived in Clark 43 years. ' Surviving are a brother, Hartnett is survived by four TUESDAY t« Eiiimolit ill since November 15, 1948, Rpasomibic 548-9175 Luncheon No. 1: Tacos with shredded lettuce; Call 738-3833 William Munley of Peck- and had also served as a sons, the Rev. Richard G. '% 19-7376 Mon.-fri.8-6, Saj.8-1 — SIDING ';•' Mrs. Brandon was vice ville, Pa.; four sisters, state district deputy. Hartnett, S.J. of New York steamed rice, fresh fruit WE DO Luncheon No. 2: Hot southern baked pork roll on ROOFING .president at the Brandon Mrs. Mary Fagnani, Mrs. Mrs. Hartnett was also a City, Peter, Joseph and Williams & Giountikos L°CHIATTO FRAZE & SON HRS Cwtftructkn ft IT ALL... Drum Co., Kearny, 20 Dorothy Pickard and Mrs. charter member of Rahway Michael of Rahway; two - ATTORNEYS AT LAW - LAW OFFICES bun PAVING Home Improvements, Inc $200.00 OFF WINDOWS years, retiring nine years Margaret Caucci, all of Landmarks, Inc. (Union daughters, Mrs. Mary Lou Choice of two: Potatoes, shredded lettuce, fresh any complete siding job* Jessup, and Mrs. Rita Sweetman of Rahway and fruit. Paring & Masonry Co. • Asphalt • Additions IG td A l.lty ago. County Arts Center), and a • Doors • Boths Special prices now in effect mr%4'tnt littoa Koziar of Olyphant, Pa. Anne Hartnett of Linden; a Luncheon No. 3: Tuna salad in a pita; shredded Driveways Alterations She was a member of St. member of the Rahway His- ficarofing ftsads • Windows on replacement windows David Ginfrida • brother, Robert Kaiser of lettuce, fresh fruit ttiarfocing Patios * Wolki Decks torical Society. She served • Seal Coating • Concrete Lake Walkill, N.J.; three ANTHONY P. PASCALE Driftwart Belgium Blocki • Repairs HOME IMPROVEMENTS CO. INC. on the Advisory Board for FREE PonViftf ieti Porches • RR Ties Low Low Prices on 750-3550 the Union County College grandchildren and two WEDNESDAY "Join our family of OFFICE and SHOWROOM great-grandchildren. Luncheon No. 1: Oven baked chicken, dinner roll 30 Yecrs Experience ALL WORK "With this coupon only. satisfied cusiomers in 24 ELM AVE, RAHWAY Joseph Davis, 31; Learning is Forever pro- Initial Consultation Residential • Commercial CUSTOM Offices 227 Main Street 777 West Grand Avenue Luncheon No. 2: Frankfurter on roll GUARANTEED your neighborhood" gram. She was a member of the Industrial Woodbridge, N.J. 07095 Luncheon No. 3: Cold submarine sandwich with Free Estimates/Fully Insured Fully insured - Free est. DECKS Mrs. Hartnett was a fifty- Newark Archdiocese Cur- 388-3636 Rahway, New Jersey 07065 Mon.-Fri. 8-5 p.m. financing available W00. automobile mechanic lettuce; fruit 499-7555 year member of St. Mary's sillo group and active in 548-7744 541-8516 Parish in Rahway and ac- many Catholic charities. Luncheons 1 & 2 will contain choice of two: Joseph Richard Davis, Kelly Davis of Rahway; Genera/ Practice with emphasis on Potatoes, vegetable, fruit 31. died April 2 at the four brothers, Frank R. pnptrim. COMPLETE HOME L&B ROOFINC Need a — ACT — All types Elizabeth General Medical PERSONAL INJURIES OR DEATH garage doors Fioretti of Elizabeth, Clif- William Gould, 65 208 Central Avtnu* (201) 396-0850 THURSDAY • IMPROVEMENTS C&D SHINGLES DEVELOPERS Center. ford Davis of Union, RESULTING FROM: Luncheon No. 1: **Big Burger** Hamburger, Facelift? veteran of World War II, Railway • 388-0154 "a BATHROOM • HOT TAR / Born in Elizabeth, he Drew Davis of Rahway and William T. Gould, 65, cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickle, on bunr potatoes or GUTTERS/^:1-' PLUMB!NG\ " MORTILLARO where he served as a staff ALTERATIONS SERVICE & Hr.ATING^Ej- V Call, lived in Rahway three William Davis of Elizabeth; died April 2 at home after a chilled juice LEADERS^' sergeant and a tailgunner in * Automobile Accidents * Falls & Unsafe Conditions •Sheet Roclt 4 Sfxicldmq J»k l.mrdimi. CRF Associates years. six sisters, Mrs. Rose A. ong illness. * Medical Negligence * Unsafe Products, * Machines Luncheon No. 2: Batter dipped fish sub on bun •Window Replacement! • ALL Specializing in-. ROOFING the B-17. Dudley E. Painter, Jr. Complete landscaping . Mr. Davis was an auto- Breen of Linden, Mrs. Bar- Born in Plainfield, he * Workplace Accidents * Severe Bums w/opt. tartar sauce, cheese wedge •Doorv & Paneling Service includinq GENERAL REPAIRS ' Additions* Finished • General Contracting • Aluminum/vinyl Siding ived in Elizabeth 50 years Surviving are his wife, REALTOR • All *vP** Carpentry • cowpim e»i"«ooM • Dormers basements • Renovations mobile mechanic for Boons bara Lee, the Misses Jackie, Luncheon No. 3: Chicken salad sandwich •Slate & Quorry & Bucket Truck Rentol EMERGENCY LEAKS HIMODWNG • NIW • Additions • Replacement Windows before moving to Hillside Mrs. Charlotte Brehm INiUlLAIIONS 1 Siding • Roofing and Webbers, Elizabeth 10 Debra and Michelle Davis, Luncheons 2 & 3 will contain choice of two: Ceramic Tile Installed "approved build up roofer" • ALTIRAIIONS «, XPA1RS CAM STfVf — • Storm Doors OTHER SERVICES INCLUDE: • ILK S(W[R years. 13 years ago. Gould; a son, Robert T. of ALL WORK GUARANTEED all of Elizabeth, and Miss Potatoes, shredded lettuce, chilled juice • W«1[R I "25 Yrs. Exp." 826-7375 • Gutters (1 pc. installation) Surviving are his parents, Mr. Gould was employed Roselle; two daughters, Realty FULLY INSURED FULL LIC. - FREE EST. • KIA1IN0W! Linda Davis of Rahway. * Real Estate * Commercial Transfers EST. 634-3809 INS. CALL TONY AT 10 GAS CONVtfiSIONS Free Estimates in the housekeeping depart- Mrs. Patti Ann DeLouisa of MMt I IC . Ml. 4566 Work Guaranteed Charles F. and Rose Marie * Incorporations * Condominium t Planning 138 Westfield Ave. FRIDAY IS 388-6742 750-0217 Hillside and Mrs. Margaret 634-3962 3130160 Registered N.J. Builders ':'•' 382-1362 ment of St. Elizabeth Hos- * Wills & Estates * Municipal Court Matters Clark Luncheon No. 1: Pizza. ully Lie. & Ins. Frcccsl pital eight years, retiring in Lynch of Elizabeth; two * Divorce & Adoptions * Contract Disputes Luncheon No. 2: Chicken chow meln with 1974. He previously was brothers, George of Liberty Real Estate-Insurance MATTI Mortgages-Appraisals vegetables; steamed rice, chow meln noodles, fruit FUEL OIL CISLO AT Florence Gudor, 83; employed as a machinist for Corner and James of Clark; Personalized Service Is What Luncheon No. 3: Salami sandwich fVWOODSTACKX COMPLETE F&P A& A Quality the Singer Manufacturing a sister, Mrs. Marion Clay, HOME IMPROVEMENTS Premium Grade SIDING • Residential SEAMLESS CONVENIENT LOCATION & HOURS Our Reputation Is Built On! Luncheons 1 & 3 will contain choice of two: Car- I TREE < TREE SERVICE former Clark resident Co., Elizabeth, 17 years. in ; and seven 32 Yrs. of very personal service rot coins, vegetable, fruit • Remodeling All Types • Commercial ALUMINUM Paving r SERVICE • Additions He was an Air Force grandchildren. MEMBERS OF of Siding • Industrial GUTTERS 396-0606 • Building FIRE ESCAPES 727 RARITAN ROAD, SUITE 201-B UNION COUNTY DAILY SPECIALS 276-5752 70.9 • Roofing •CLEAN OUTS • Driveways Mrs. Florence Gudor, 83, ber of the Zion Lutheran 381-6494 • Roofing/Siding & CLARK, NEW JERSEY 07066 EVE. MULTIPLE Large salad platter with bread and butter, home- 150 Gal. Min. • Windows • 'REPAIRS • Parking lots died April 2 at the Church, Rahway. • All types of carpentry RAILINGS •LEAF GUARDS • Residential/ William Wilson, 87; 382-5012 LISTING SERVICE made soup, individual salads and desserts. All »:rk gijO'Oitr^a Cash Only • Decks Muhlenberg Regional She also was a member of 599 St. Georges Ave. Immediate service INSTALLED 636-0278 Commercial Pre-announced specials. Senior citizen discount Service Available 634-66JU 5271995 •SOFFU & FASCIA Medical Center, Plainfield, the Clark Volunteer Fire 541-1501 Plastic Coating William T. Wilson, 87, visor for Foster Wheeler of RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Rahway Menu subject to change Fully insured |M •ALUMINUM TRIM WORK FREE ESTIMATES 381-8236 after a short illness. Department Auxiliary. 541-7356 396-4343 (any color] died April 8 at Community Carteret and Mountain Top Free estimate S«B 541-2787 FULLY INSURED 636-7462 Born in Pennsylvania, Surviving are a daughter, RAHWAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Free wood chips delivered *\ lubitr.' to [ Galvanized Wire FIREWOOD Memorial Hospital, Toms 31 years, retiring in 1964. Protect your legal rights! 5140687 tree est. lullv an she lived in Clark 20 years Mrs. June Barzee of Syra- River. STEVE WIISMAN FREE EST. and Slatington, Pa., 18 cuse, N.Y.; a brother, Bean A native of Rahway, he Surviving are his wife, All Forms of MONDAY' Richard T. Swisstack Woodland years, before moving to Markell of Walnutport, Pa.; lived in Roselle Park, Mrs. Hazel Brower Wilson; Luncheon No. 1: Minute steak on roll lselin two years ago. 13 grandchildren, and four INJURED? Howard & Sons Home * ROOFING* Luncheon No. 2: Bologna sandwich Mountain Top, Pa., andtwo brothers, Charles of This Spot EXPERT • SHINGLES • Mrs. Gudor was a mem- great-grandchildren. INSURANCE Trust EXPERIENCED Trial Lawyers! Elizabeth before moving to Whiting and Clifford of Each of the above luncheons will contain »avlng C< ELECTRICAL Improvements • HOT TAR • • Windows the Whiting section of Man- Toms River; and a sister, Checked your coverages lately? v Automobile •JKKk ifllLkj potatoes, vegetable, fruit. Ipeclif ting in I CONTRACTORS > SLATE • • Siding chester Township in 1978. Mrs. Grace McNerney of w Personal Injury S^RHKS^M Could ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS * HOM1OWNIRS TUESDAY Residential • Decks SIDING Mr. Wilson was a super- Fairfield, Calif. ., . AND PARKING LOTS • Commercial THERMAL^ # ttll • Doors v Work-Related Luncheon No. 1: Tacos with shredded lettuce; WINDOWS WBt ^•'•JB^.WVT • ALUMINUM • C.K. DeMont, 76; ~V\ AUTOMOBILI * industrial • Additions ^ Slip and Fall Be Yours steamed rice, fresh fruit Foffy In jurtd TREE SERVICE • Roofing • WOOD • Tilt-in Sash » completely installed Luncheon No. 2: Tuna In a pita; shredded let- and Guoranfetd •LOT CLEARING 382-4410 all home improvements HOME IMPROVEMENTS Rosary Society member • LCENSED NJ & NY CAU JOHN & LAWN CARE • '/•" Double Pane Insulated glass w/aluminum coping, caulking AND REPAIRS Nicholas Arace, 69 CALL FOR FREE MiSSff" tuce, fresh fruit IUU * iNiUPIO "Quality Work" • FREE CONSULTATION Solid vinyl-easy to clean & removal of storm window • SE HABlA ESRANOL III! IM'MAlll WILLIAM SMELTZER Nicholas M. Arace, 69, municant of St. Mary's WEDNESDAY 183-1371 Rigid Aluminum waster fro me 738-5141 LAW OfflCCS Of lift OTIMATf RON CORDERO 634-9038 ^ 388-3797 + •. Mrs. Catherine Kelder Her husband, Kenneth died April 5 at home after a R.C. Church. QUOTE: *M?,M Luncheon No. 1: Oven baked chicken, dinner No tree est.. licensed, fully ins. . DeMont. 76, died April 7 at D. DeMont Sr., died in long illness. Surviving are his wife, 317 McKinley Avenue roll; potatoes, vegetable, fruit Sub- , Rahway Hospital after a 1973. Born in Newark, he lived the former Ida Musto; a HOROWITZ S HOROWITZ 5741200 Luncheon No. 2: Cold submarine sandwich with STUMP Contractors Edison, New Jersey 08820 SAT i EVENING HOURS 25 YEARS IN PERTH AM3OY -brief illness. Surviving are two-sons, the last 39_years in Rahway. son, Nicholas of Cranford; lettuce; fruit a daughter, Mrs. Maryann 263 Hobort StrMt, P»rth Amboy, NJ. (201) 526-5700 REMOVAL Always •" Born in Bayonne, she Kenneth D. Jr. and Robert, NEW YORK OFFICE 27? Broadway. NYC (212)227 1500 SIDING lived there several years both of Clark; two Mr. Arace was a self- Koeng of Gladstone; and THURSDAY " IS YOUR STUMP "A— -a --'-'-Valiant'-'-- WINDOWS . before moving to Clark 35 employed salesman, retiring Mrs. Patricia Boettcher of PAIN IN THE "GRASS?" MANUFACTUMNC on the job daughters, Mrs. Carol HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED? Luncheon No. 1: **Blg Burger** Hamburger, ROOFING . years ago. Smith of Westfield and Mrs. four years ago. Peapack; two brothers, cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickle, on bun; potatoes, WE SPECIALIZE ILUISUU'SS IN BACKYARDS ! SHOWROOM OR WE'LL COME OUT " Mrs. DeMont was a com- Catherine Colish of Pots- He was an Army veteran Michael of Nutley and Ar- Call an Expert chilled juice OHSTR Cr0,,,«™» * ™ DORMERS municant of St. Agnes R.C. dam, N.Y.; five grand- of World War II. mond of Spring Lake; and C. George Constandis, M.D. Luncheon No. 2: Chicken salad sandwich; 24 hrs. a day "EVERY JOB 5 h€fl% b0 Porios • Coraat former Augusta Chapter Surviving are her hus-Elizabeth, and Mrs. Ann TILE 1 he lived in Elizabeth 57 flat • Kitchens 381-1129 TREE & STUMP Fireplace • Sid«wolki • New Construction band, Edward S. Zmijewski; CALL ANHIME 1 \ ' Siding years. 16, Order of the Eastern Schan of Forked River; and • Baths REMOVAL, FERTILIZING ' Driteway • Chimney • Renovations • Docks a son, Chester of Boca •*f innctxa nrim SPRAYING, CABLING. • Additions • ' Kitchens He retired in 1974 asStar, Elizabeth, and a past 12 grandchildren. Unique •'1 watuvici M 1 • Decks PRUNING, PLANTING Over 30 yrs. exp. Roofing/ manager of quality control member of the Matrons and Raton, Fla.; four daughters, humd • Replacement .. ARMYRIStRVS. Concepts » Windows Call T. Berencsi Windows Skylights at the Thomas and Betts Patrons Association. Landscaping 381-0381 BEALLYOUCANBE. MEZZY lie 8. fully ins. free est. Call Sam 985-1882 Co., where he worked 20 He and his wife, Mrs. Edward Pojowa, 68 Anthony Muraca, 88; i * , Gwmxmd 100100%% Licensed & 396- 1 62? years. Prior to that, he was Gwendolyn Hayes . Cook, CONSTRUCTION • Spring cleanup Financing available 38M977 T'Zri'UL TTMS OF B BIPAIRS 5 PM • 9 PM Fully Insured free Estimate CUSTOM ROOFING • Lawn maintenance Fra«Est. Fully Int T'jiffs FREE ESTIMATES I Fully Insured Licensed & Bonded an industrial arts teacher for would have celebrated their Edward J. Pojawa, 68, the last 20 years, retiring • Decoroiive stone work Charles D. Stoll, 97 retired Singer machinist & the Elizabeth Board of Edu- 58th wedding anniversary died April 6 at his home March 31. • Sod/seeding cation 20 years. in June. after a long illness. SIDING SPECIALISTS • Plontrng designing He was a communicant Charles D. Stoll, 97, died at the Boyle Midway Co., Anthony Muraca, 88, Manufacturing Co., 30 Elizabeth: four C!;!H>>1;;>:T. Installation of • r.r. ties Mr. Cook was an elder Also surviving are two Born in Jersey City, he Solid Vinyl Replacement of St. Agnes R.C. Church. April 3 at Greenbrook Cranford, 50 years, "retiring died April 4 at St. Elizabeth Mrs. Esihur liu.-rii.i. ..,,; and a former Sunday daughters, Mrs. Beverly moved to Clark 25 years years, retiring in 1963. ond Andersen Windows Surviving arc his wife, Nursing Home after a long in 1956. thC MissO Jllliil ;||K! ! .i_ i 283-1348 School teacher at the Third Blackwell of Kearny and ago. Hospital after a long illness. He was a communicant the former Elizabeth Ryan; illness. Surviving are a brother, Born in Calabria, Italy, of St. Anthony's R.C. Muraca. all of hli/.ahcth. Residential / Commercial Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Linda Jacobs of Clark; 548-9877 fully ins. free est. a brother, Joseph of Wall- Born in Rahway, he Herbert J. Stoll of Edison; a he came to Elizabeth in Church. and Mrs. Laura Philiponc Metucnen - No Subcontractors where he was a member. a sister, Mrs. Ruth Lennox He was in customer ser- SERVICE DIRECTORY ington; and a sister, Mrs. moved to Roselle 35 years stepson, Richard Ahle of 1921. Surviving are his wife, of Clark; nine grand- Mr. Cook was past of Glens Falls; and five vice for the Gordon Ter- Mary Wisniewski of Point ago. master in 1964 of Tyrian grandchildren. Roselle; and three grand- Mr. Muraca was a the former Vincenzina Cap- children; and two great- minal Service, Bayonne, for Pleasant. He worked as a machinist children. machinist at the Singer pello; a son. ' "ik of grandchildren. PAGE 14 THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1988 RAHWAY NF-WS RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT mmm 0 — ~i-_ ILL: 1L "^^"U/ILARK PATRIOT

The Kiwanis Club of teachers in each school. Rahway, with cooperation purpose of the con •^Ni^^^Lj^TOiL^i^^^gTrophies were awarded test for the a ^ ... J roster Contest of the Rahway Board of to the four best entries in Education and the Prin schools, grades I through 6 each school. All children was lo instill an awareness cipals of the four elernen submitting a poster received of the many dangers piesent tary schools, sponsored a a certificate of participation Safety Poster Contest, Roy from the Kiwanis Club of in today's environment. Kiwanis Club of Ra Valentine and WarreCn Han RahwaRahway. IJ ( : ; son, members of ?hl(he Kiwanv:™' - y- President.. RichnnRichardl V.^i,'.Voss ? Bil " &9' if . ^ ^^HF • ^^k. *£~ ' i ' f •. - JB^' ' •'•' > "^EH»-: .' -Jm Hi is Club of Rahway were said he was pleased that so . First place trophies were chairmen of the eveni. many students made ihr el' given to Jill Rutyna of fort to make a poster and Valentine reported that Roosevelt School, Cindy over 135 posters were enter the contest. He noted Matuska of (irover Cleve- that the Kiwanis Club_of entered-into (he competi- land School. Laurie Allen of tion that ended, just before Rahway prides itself for the Franklin School, and Jen-nurhy projects that aie aim- the Easter holidays. He said nifer Oslislo of Madison the judging was done by the ed to help and guide chil- School. dren. . m

••'•"•'&' ' '•'"''" '^

FRANKLIN SCHOOL WINNERS — From the left, Sabrini Newkirk, fourth prize, Eric ROOSEVELT SCHOOL WINNERS — From the left, Drlna Ramos, grade 4, Douglas Weaver, second prize, Laurie Allen, first prize, and Chris Pacheco, third prize. At the Cannon, grade 1, Betsy Hennessey, grade 5, Ryan Albertle, grade 3, and Jill Rutyna, rear N Richard Vosslor, President of the Kiwanis Club, and at the right is Franklin grade 5 was the Grand Prize Winner. Looking on at the left is Gene Warga, Roosevelt School Piinrip.ii, Wade Likins. School Principal and on the right is Richard Vossler, President of thft-Kii«nni«« ^•••u ' Rahway. Kiwanis Club Kiwanis Club

JUDGING AT FRANKLIN SCHOOL — From the left, Frank Buglione, Vice Principal. Wade Likins, Principal, and Richard Vossler, Kiwanis Club of Rahway President. WOODBRIDGE SIDING T" AND BUILDERS, CORP. :.L 538 NtW BRUNSWICK AVE., FORDS

*s - ?#<:•;« '•If SPECIALPRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Visit Our Showroom MADISON SCHOOL WINNERS — From the left. Patrick Joy, third prize, Cheryl inguez, second prize, Jennifer Oslislo, first prize, and Christine Brlnguez, fourth pii At the rear left is Richard Vossler, President of the Kiwanis Club of Railway, and a I See our displays right Is Madison School Principal Edwin J. Dykes. for home improvement YPES 0 ideas rSr=Jr=Jr=if=iP=if=in= f ROOFING r-1 SIDING BATHROOMS tarti.- WE'LL HELP YOU DECIDE THE RIGHT KITCHENS BUDGET & DESIGN FOR YOUR HOME REPLACEMENT WINDOWS QROVER CLEVELAND SCHOOL fT^KT*!!?*^ * Draft Free — Moisture Free ADDA-LEVEL We have /Werser • Energy Saving — > ADDITIONS of \\ windows Permanent Finish > DORMERS • Removeable Screens • No Painting or Puttying INCREASES THE VALUE Union & Middlesex Counties OF YOUR HOME Out of Count) and Sen,. » Eliminates Storm Windows X'^ I Year $15.00 2 Years $27.50 I Year • 520.00 • Tilts in For Easy Cleaning 3 Years • S40.00 i< •2 Years SJ7.5O Hours: Daily 9-6 •' Yeais S55.OO • And Many More Features W/7 Please enter my subscription to the Rahway News Thursday 9-8 'f.y Record or The Clark Patriot starting immediately. • Prime Replacement Windows Saturday 9-1 •^subscription^ Enclose.d is my check, cash or money order to cover • Storm Windows • Sliders NAME • Bays • Bows • Picture • Garden LICENSED and INSURED _.. ..PHONJ._ FINANCING AVAILABLE §IMMLADDRESS^ "We'll Give you a Sweet CITY of A Job." STATE ZIP _2.9 CENTRAL AVE. RAHw.v ~N~ |For 033