Partnerships The Gay Alliance appreciates the continuing partnership of businesses within our community who support our mission and vision. Platinum:

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Gold: Met life Silver: Excenus+' lesbians in State." NIXON PEA BOOYt1r State representatives Like Buf­ The outdoor rally in Albany on May 9. Photo: Ove Overmyer. More photos on page 18. falo area Assembly member Sam Hoyt followed Bronson on stage, -f THE JW:HBLDR as well as Manhattan Sen. Tom ftOCHUUII.FORUM lltW tRC Marriage Equality and GENDA get equal billing Duane and Lieutenant Gover­ .-ew ..A..Ulli.LIItlletil nor Bob Duffy; former mayor of at Equality and Justice Day; marriage bill's Rochester. TOMPKINrS future in Senate is still unclear "Marriage equality is a basic issue of rights," Duffy told By Ove Overmyer Closet press time, it was unclear a cheering crowd. "Nobody in Bronze: Albany, N.Y. - On May 9, when or if Governor Cuomo chis scare should ever question nearly 1,200 LGBT advocates would introduce the bill in rhe or underestimate Governor Cuo­ and allies gathered in the Empire Republican-dominated Senate. mo's commitment to marriage equality. The vernorhas made Kodak State Plaza Convention Center He has scared char he will �? underneath the state house in not do so unless there are enough marriage equality one of his top le Albany for what Rochester area voces to pass the legislation. three zislacive issues chis/ear." 0ut�t.W. Assembly member Harry Bron­ On May 9, activists from Dutfy acknowledge the son called "a historic day." every corner of the state, from difficulties that a marriage bill Assembly member Danny Buffalo to Montauk Pc. on Long Harry Bronson. would face in the Senate, but O'Donnell has introduced the Island, traveled to the state capi­ voiced optimism. "You have marriage equality bill in rhe tal in order to lobby legislators all the Equality and Justice Day Cuomo's full support, you have < Assembly, where it has passed for LGBT issues like transgen­ activity. "I was so impressed with my full support," he said. "We _..Bausch&lomb have a little fight ahead, but ,...... _._..,. three times before. At Empty der righrs, health services, and, all the speakers -- especially Bob of course marriage equality. Duffy." The event was sponsored by the Hilaire, a member of the Empire State Pride Agenda. GAGV Youth Group, also told Empty Closet Buffalo Pride is set When the Pride Agenda orga­ The that he came to nized the first rally for gay righrs Albany to tell lawmakers that he for June 4, 5 in 1991, marchers were taunted, personally wants to marry his part­ Buffalo's Gay Pride celebra­ chased and verbally assaulted. ner, who he referredto as a fiancee. tion will take place on June 4 What a far cry from the May 9 "I came to get my rights. I and June 5; Pride-related events rally, where the organizers seam­ wane ro marry the person I love," will take place all month. lessly transitioned activists from he said. Alex Hilaire with Jess Cohen. Events will include a ay one venue to the next, all the Morning session filled with g there's something special about cruise (the Big Gay Boat Ride), while keeping them informed welcoming speeches Harry Bronson, who was the this year." a Dyke March (on June at 5 and well fed. Trying to predict 4 The last speaker of the morn­ p.m.), the Allen Street Festival the needs of the attendees, ESPA first elected official to address ing session was Sen. Tom Duane, on June 4 from 5 p.m. until offered workshops, box lunch­ the crowd in the convention cen­ gmans who will be a Senate sponsor 10 p.m. -- it follows the Dyke es, coffee, beverages, snacks, ter, got right to the point. He Champion: March -- and the Pride Parade sign langua�e interpreters and said, "You can almost feel the of the bill. He told attendees and Festival on Sunday, June a "Childrens Activity Cemer," winds of victory in the air as chat the LGBT community was which highlighted toys and an more and more people under­ betrayed by the legislature before 5, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. (www. and we should not rake anything W N offstage curtained area for tors. stand oux families and support The Dyke March begins One organizer told The Empty full civil righrs of gay and lesbian for granted. He added, "We are at the parking lot of Belmont Closet, "We've come along way, couples. Your support of and on the right side of history, and we will not be stopped." CORNING Housing Resources, 1195 Main baby." advocacy for our civil rights are Rally rouses attendees Q St., and will proceed down Sum­ Alex Hilaire, 20, a Recre­ so vital for our families' struggle. The demonstrators chanted, mer Sr. onto Elmwood Ave. and ation Counselor who moved We will remember this day in the � Bank&Trust '"What do we want? Marriage! • wind throu h Allentown. from Mississippi to Rochester future as the catalyst that started -� � � g (E&JDay "Comedy of Queers" by when he was 11, was ins pi red by marriage equality for gays and continues page 3) EMP1R£STA1'£ Shawn Northrup will be staged l:.tu.d-C:rnuud• COllEGE CuOcc I h>ll'<' & Girl lluu"· on June 4 at 8 p.m. at Rustbelt RGMC on the Books on Allen Street. [t is a gay take on Shakespeare's "Comedy Roof at One of Errors." Page 18 The Pride Parade on June 5 Lines up at 11 a.m. and steps off at 1 p.m., beginning on Elm­ wood at Lafayette and ending at Chippewa Sr. This )'ear marks a change in location for Buffalo's gay pride Friend: celebration, as the Pride Festi­ val is moving from Bidwell Park to the larger historic Erie Canal Harbor (at Canalside), which is along the waterfront -- a beau­ tiful spot for the celebration. 2 A THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011


The Empty Closet is published by the Gay Alliance of the GeneseeV alley Perspectives 875 E. Main Street, Su�e 500 Rochester, New York 14605 ©2011, All right s reserved.

FROM THE FROM TH E Editor-In-Chief: SUsanJ ordan Staff Reporters: Ove Overmyer. laur Empty Closet Editor Executive Director McSpadden Graphic Design: Jim Anderson SUSAN JORDAN SUE COWELL Intern Photographer: Jim Wil

• • Closet. 875 E. Main Street. Suite 500. Roch· SHOULDERS TO STAND ON RAINBOW SAGE SAFEZONE Benefits include a subscription to The Empty Closet mailed to I I ester, NY 14605; e-mail: emptyclosel@gagv. home or work, plus privileges at each level. Phone: 585 244-8640 us. Online edition of available at www. The Gay Alliance plays a central role in advocating for EC or mail to the Gay Alliance, 875 E. Main St., Suite 500, Rochester, I the fair and equal treatment of all people, regardless of their 'Ar I sexual orientation. gender identity or gender :xpression V New York 14605 Home Delivery of The Empty Closet is Free with Gav:i.t.h!"Al ....,..l iance-, your annual membership in the Gay Alliance. I 6111 1 to Many people JUNE 2011 • NUMBER 446 • GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • THE EMPTY CLOSET A 3

sex couples ro marry. To date, At the time, NOM was Human Rights Campaign has fighting rhe passage of same-sex PageOne released over 30 videos from a marriage in Rhode Island. The diverse group of New Yorkers, organization sent out brochures {E&J Dayfrom page 1) ranging from Barbara Bush to claiming, "' pub­ GENOA! When do we want it? Julianne Moore. lic schools teach kids as young Now!" over and over, as oroaniz­ The fact that a rofession­ as kindergartners about gay mar­ ers ftled speaker afrer speaker to al sports ream - an/ from the riage. Paren ts have no legal right rhe podium at rhe West Capital LOCAL AND STATE rough and tumble game of hock­ to object!" Park around mid-day. ey, no less ·· would be will­ During the investigation At the outdoor rally, tem­ ing to support marriage equality of this claim, PolitiFact talk­ Genesee Valley Park. The A[DS peratures or warm as or anizers NYC Bar report is clear indication that there's ed to Christopher C. Plante, � $ Red Ribbon Ride is being coor­ engaged the crowd. "The mes­ backs marriage, growing support for LGBT executive director of the Rhode dinated as a partnership between sage being delivered to Albany equality issues across the board. Island Chapter of NOM, Kris rejects civil unions a core group of volunteers and today is clear -· LGBT New Over the last month, three dif­ Mineau, executive director of AIDS Care. Yorkers and their allies have On May 3, The New York ferentpolls have indicated that a rhe Massachusetts Family lnsri­ come to demand equality and For more information: (585) majority of Americans now sup­ City Bar Association released a 210-4150; www.acRochester. ture, J onarhan Considine of justice," said Ross D. Levi, Exec­ reporr tided, "Why Should New port marriage equality. In New the Massachusetts Department utive Director of the Empire org; www.A IDSRedRibbon­ York, a poll recently released York Support Marriage Equality of Elementary and Secondary State Pride Agenda. "We want for Same-Sex Couples?". by the Siena Research Institute Education, the Massachusetts ro move forward on marriage The report was co-authored shows public support for mar­ Comprehensive Health Curricu­ equality, fighting transgender by the Committee on Lesbi­ NY Times says riage equality at 58 percent. lmn, the Massachusetts Teachers discrimination and reducing the an, Gay, Bisexual and Transgen­ Republicans fund Association, and Thomas G os­ health care disparities faced by NOM recycles lying der Rights and the Committee marriage campaign nell, presidem of the American LGBT New Yorkers." on Sex and Law, and endorsed Federation of Teachers Massa­ GENDA gets the attention 2009 commercial by a wide variety of City Bar chuserrs. it deserves The New York Times reports committees covering areas such that the bull< of new money According to Jeremy Hooper PoliriFacr concluded that As the hundreds of advocates as trusts and estates, labor and coming into the latest push for from the blog, the NOM's claim was inaccurate: rallied on the lawn, GENOA employment and health law. marriage equality in New York National Organization for Mar­ "Bottom line: The Nation­ rook a prominent role right along ln sum, the Report concludes is coming from wealthy GOP riage is fighting against the pos­ al Organization for Marriage side Marriage Equality. GENDA that there is no legitimate basis donors usually known for back­ sibility of same-sex marriage in mailing says that Massachusetts is the Gender Expression Non­ for denying same-sex couples the ing conservative causes. the state of New York by running public schools teach kindergan­ Discrimination Act, a bill that ri bts, privileges and obligations "Their behind-the-scenes a commercial ad it used in 2009. ners about gay marriage. The would protect transgender people � . . ot marriage that are extended financial support - about $1 The commercial claims "dire wording, including the present in employment, housing, servic­ to opposite-sex couples. Indeed, million in donations, delivered consequences" if same-sex mar­ tense verb, gives the impression es and public accommodations. by virtue of a patchwork of in recem weeks to a new coali­ riage is approved in New York. this is happening now, in many What many New Yorkers don't piecemeal statutes, executive tion of ay rights organizations However, one of those "dire schools. know is that it is currendy legal � measw-es, court decisions and - could alter the political cal­ consequences" was proven to be "But the group's only evi­ to deny transgender people these regulations, New York already a lie. Starting at .07 is the fol­ dence is two incidents five years basic rights. culus of Albany lawmakers, recognizes the validity of same­ especially the Republican stare lowing claim: ago. It's possible that somewhere, According to a poll by the sex marriages performed in other "Massachusetts schools teach in one of the 351 cities and Empire State Pride Agenda, a senators in whose hands the fare jurisdictions. of gay marriage rests. second graders that boys can towns in Massachusetts, other full 78 percent of New York­ However, according to the marry other boys." kindergartners have been taught ers support the passage of such "The donors represent some Report, this cannot substitute of New York's wealthiest and That claim is an alteration of about same-sex marriage. But a bill. And 74 percent of trans­ for the automatic rights that an original claim NOM made NOM couldn't cite any other ge nder people report that they most politically active figures the state grants to opposite-sex that kindergartners were "being examples. We find irs statement experience harassment or abuse and include Paul E. SinJ'oer, a married couples. Likewise, the taught about gay marriage in False." on the job. hedge fund manager an top­ Report concludes, civil unions Massach userrs." The NOM commercial "Don't let the sentenceend on tier Republican donor, as well as are no substitute for marriage two other fmanciers, Steven A. In February of this year, implies that the claims it makes marriage," pleaded Drew Levas­ and, in fact, they would be a Cohen and Clifford S. Asness. At the Pulitzer Prize winning site will be true of New York State if seur, a transgender rights activ­ backward step for New York. In the same time, Mayor Michael Politi Fact called out the Nation­ marriage passes - and they were ist with Lambda LegaL "Ever addition to being poorly under­ R. Bloomberg, a billionaire al Organization for Marriage for not even true of Massachusetts since the fi rs t shoe was thrown busi­ Stood and erratically recognized, nessman and philanthropist who pushing a misleading statement. two years ago. • at Stonewall, trans people have civil unions would only serve has been a major contributor been at the forefront of fighting to relegate a particular group to Senate Republicans in New discrimination that all LGBT of New Yorkers, i11cluding their York, plans a significant push people face." children, to an unacceptable sec­ for same-sex marria e: giving Queer Rising Other rally speakers included � ond-class status. at least $100,000 ot his own brings Diaz Miss New York, Claire Buff. City Bar President Sam Sey­ ie; the Rev. Stacie Latimer and money, hosting a fund-raiser at mour said, "By passing a bill that an Upper East Side town house, to AIDS Walk Assembly members Teresa Say· provides full marriage equali­ ward, Matt Titone and Daniel traveling to Albany to lobby law­ -in drag ty, the legislature will clearly makers and giving a speech on O'Donnell. New York LG BT O'Donnell can't wait determine who is married under the issue." New York law and their rights activists decided to O'Donnell told The Empty and duties, while honoring New address not.orious CLoset at rhe rally that he didn't NY Rangers first York's history as a leader in the homophobe, New understand why Gov. Cuomo area of equality and civil rights." team to promote York Stare Senator and didn't inrroduce the marriage bill The report may be read at marriage equality Pentecostal minister on Equality and Justice Day. Ruben Diaz's sched­ Queer Rising's Diaz poster. O'Donnell, who is the Assem­ Further proof that America uled hare the gays bly sponsor of the bill, seemed AIDS Walk is now is ar a historic tipping oint on rally, which he sched- impatienr and perplexed about gay rights issues - an/ specifi­ uled for May 15, the same day as 's AIDS Walk. the Cuomo no-show and openly "Keeping Pace" in cally marriage •• came May 9 Prom Steven Thrasher at Village Voice: shared his displeasure wirh the September in the form of two tweets and "The kids over at Queer Rising, whose actions for marriage bill timeline. 'Today should have a post from an unex­ equality have been some of the more entertaining protests we've cov­ been the day we introduced this AIDS Care's premier fund­ pected ally: the National Hock­ ered lately, were incensed when they heard of Diaz's plans to hold an bill," he said. '1 cannot wait." raiser, the annual AIDS Walk, is The Empty CLoset ey League's New York Rangers. ami-gay rally during the annual AIDS Walk. Faced with a conun­ A day later, growing and changing in 2011. The Rangers become the drum about whether to counter-protest Diaz in the Bronx, or to sup­ learned that Manhattan Assem­ Now known as "Keeping Pace first professional sports ream port rhe largest fundraiser to fight HIV/AIDS of the year, rhey've blyman O'Donnell did not wait; with AIDS," the fundraiser will to actively promote marriage come up with a pretty fun solution." he submitted legislation ro per­ include a 5K Walk, 5K or lOK equality by advancing a video From the press release: "Queer Rising will have a large cut-out mit same-sex marriage from his Run and 20-, 50- and 100-mile in favor of marriage equality in Ruben Diaz figure replete with 'fabulous costume changes' that peo­ chamber. This is the founh time bike rides, as well as Paws for New York State made by Rang­ ple will have the opportunity to rake photos with at the AIDS Walk O'Donnell bas sponsored the the Cause. ers player Sean Avery. Earlier on for $1. A . ll proceeds will be donated d irectly to GMHC (Gay Men's bill. The Assembly has passed Keeping Pace with AIDS will May 9, the ream tweeted about Health Crisis), with suggested directing of funding to HIV/AlDS the Marriage Equality Act three take place Sw1day, Sept. 18, at it and posted news of it on their work specifically in the Bronx." times since 2007. The bill pro­ The Roundhouse in Genesee Facebook page. Madison Square Queer Rising member Jake Goodman is quoted as saying, "We vides that clergy members and Valley Park. The all-day event Garden, the home of the Rang­ are deeply offended by his sullying this inspiring day of charity ro religious institutions will not be will feature sponsored tables and ers, later re-rweeted the Rangers' promote an agenda of hare." required to perform same-sex activities that promote health message. Queer Rising and the ersatz Diaz were located on rhe AIDS Walk marriage ceremonies. and wellness, as well as music, W. The Empty Closet Sean Avery's video was the route at Riverside Drive and 95th St. on May 15. Meanwhile, could entertainment and food. subject of a story in The New around 2,000 people, less rhan expected, attended the Diaz hare not verify whether the Execu­ The AIDS Red Ribbon Ride, York Times. Avery is currently rall , including his openly lesbian niece Erica Diaz, 22, who ':"as tive Chamber or Gov. Cuomo y . . a five-day, 420-mile fundraising in his fifth season with the New kicked out of the mtbtary. due to DADT. She stated her opposmon himself knew whether or nor event throughout the nine-coun­ York Rangers and helped rake to her uncle's homophobia, bur then allowed him to hug her on the O'Donnell had notified others ty Finger Lakes Region, will take the ream to the 2011 playoffs. podium, while the crowd cheered this show of "family values" by of his intentions. Cuomo aides place in conjw1ction with Keep­ The New Yorkers for Mar­ Diaz. •• Clarknt67 ( refused to explain when asked riage Equality campaign is cen· RELATED: Diaz called for a boycott of El Diario, NYC's main The Empty CLoset ing Pace with AIDS. The ride by about why will begin on Wednesday, Sept. tered on video testimonials Spanish language newspaper, afr.erit published an editorial in favor of the bill was not initially inrro- 14 at AIDS Care and continue from New Yorkers who support marriage equality. He also called for churches ro dose on May 15, so (E&J Day corztinues page 7) through Sept. 18, finishing at the right of committed same- that congregations could come to his hate-the-gays rally instead. • 4 A THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

cia! animus toward gays and lesbians as a struggle to survive, never mind save for class, while denying they are one," writes surgery costs. Even for those who have Charles Francis in an article published health insurance, coverage is system­ by "The Gay & Lesbian Review" (Janu­ atically denied. Many insurance policies Newsfronts ary, 2011). "For years, this lerter, carefu lly contain a "Transsexual Exclusion Clause" crafted by Macy and his Commission which excludes all medical procedures Counsel Lou Pellerzi, was the "landmark related to a person's rransgender status. policy statement on homosexuals" (Macy For many rransgender people, access to NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL personal papers, LBJ Library), the policy surgery is our of reach. basis for all fed eral employment discrimi­ nation against ays and lesbians, declar­ � Brazil Supreme Court Bigots try to block trans according to the Library, the exhibition ing homosexuals 'unsuitable' for fe deral employment," Francis said. okays civil unions rights in Connecticut "demonstrates that the Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are The two gay and lesbian history docu­ The Associated Press reported on May Anti-gay and Christianist groups are living insrnuneors that are central to the ments are now publicly exhibited in "Cre­ 6 that Brazil's Supreme Court ruled May organizing against Connecticut's pro­ evolution of the ." ating rhe United Stares," displayed at the 5 that civil unions between same-sex cou­ posed transgender civil rights bill by The two artifacts were donated to the Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library ples must be allowed in this nation with of Congress until October 2011, accord­ characterizing the measure as a "bath­ Library of Congress in 2006 on behalf more Roman Catholics than any other. room bill" that will allow men in dresses of the Kameny Papers Project (www. ing to the Library curatorial staff. For In a 10-0 vote, with one abstention, details on the exhibit itself as well as vis­ rhe freedom to molest li[[le girls in public the justices said gay couples deserve the / restrooms. This tactic, sadly, has worked "The history of gay and lesbian Amer­ iting information, see: same legal rights as heterosexual pairs Exhibirions/ creari ngtheu s/ Pages/Defa ult. in other states (Ed.:Like Netv York). icans, for the ft rst time, is included by the when it comes to alimony, retirement aspx The bigors' message: "The Con­ Library of Congress in the srory of the benefits of a partner who dies, and inheri­ necticut Legislature is about to vote on Constitution and its evolution as a liv­ tances, among other issues. HB6599, the 'Bathroom Bill,' which ing instrumenr of freedom," said Charles Collins Foundation funds The ruling, however, stopped short of Francis, a fo under of the Kameny Papers gives broad and needless special privileg­ transgender surgery legalizing gay marriage. In Larin Amer­ es to 'transgendered individuals' but from Project. ica, thar is legal only in neighboring which all amendments to protect the Bob Wireck, a co-founder of Kameny The Jim Collins Foundation Argentina and in Mexico City. public and children have been defeated by Papers Project, said, "Telling America's announced on May 9 that irs first grant The National Conference of Brazil­ Democrats kowtowing to the extremist story and creating a more perfect union for ge nder-confirming surgery has been ian Bishops argued against the bill before LGBT lobby. As a result this bill, as now are impossible without sharing these tes­ awarded to Drew Lodi. the court. constituted, would permit" (sic) "ANY taments to our nation's gay civil rights The Jim Collins Foundation of North story." The two documents on gay and man who claims fe male 'gender iden­ Branford, Cr., a 501 (c)3 organization, Hate attacks don't tity,' even if he just wears a dress, cannot lesbian hisrory are displayed accompany­ raises funds to provide grants to trans­ be excluded from any job statewide, and ing the>first rendition of the Constitution gender individuals who need, but cannot prevent Mass. lesbian MUST be given access to women's faci li­ for blind readers; a suffragist's scrapbook afford, gender-conftrming surgery. judge's confirmation ries, including public and private women's with material about Susan B. Anthony; "Our hard work is paying off," says restrooms, locker rooms and showers. and a drawing of African-Americans reg­ Tony Ferraiolo, one of the organization's After enduring ugly anti-gay attacks The 'Gay Mafia' is fighting roorh and istering to vote on the steps of the Selma, co-founders. "Friends, families, and allies from Christianisrs during her nomination nail to win this fight, because it could Alabama courthouse have helped us to raise these funds, and hearing, open lesbian Barbara Lenk has be used as a model nationwide. We must The Library of Congress exhibition with their help we are able ro fu lfill our won confirmation to rhe Massachusetts stop this right here, right now, in CT." states, "Prank Kameny, a founder of mission by providing Drew with the sur­ Supreme Court. The article warns: '1t means that a the American gay rights movement, was gery that he has long awaited." The G0vernor's Council confirmed man who is a sexual predator could claim the fmt person to file a petition ro the Drew came our as rransgender to his Lenk on a 5-3 vote on May 4. She is Gov­ ro be 'transgendered' and enter a women's Supreme Court for a violation of his civil family and friends in 2008. He states, ernor 's fo uith appointment public bathroom, locker room or shower. rights based on sexual orientation afrer "The Jim Collins Foundation for me is to the seven-member SJC, which issued DO YOU WANT YOUR WIFE OR being fired by the Army Map Service in a miracle. They helped me to stay moti­ the landmark 2003 ruling that made DAUGHTER IN THIS SITUATION?" 1957. Although Kameny argued that the vated to live each day purposefully... r Massachusetts the first stare ro legalize government's actions toward gays were an improved my life, mind, body, relation­ same-sex marriage. 'affront to human dignity,' his petition ships, and faith. To know that people are Lenk, who married her partner, Debra Gay historical was denied by the Supreme Court." out there who do NOT have to be help­ Krupp, after the ruling, has 18 years' The Library's curator describes the ing -- bur are -- makes me motivated to documents are on experience on the bench, a degree from 1966 letter from fe deral official John do everything I can ..." , and a doctorate in display at Library of W. Macy, Jr. to The Mattachine Soci­ Drew submitted his application for a political philosophy from Yale. Patrick Congress until October ety of Washington, D.C.: "fn the letter, grant in hopes of receiving funds to help nominated her to replace Justice Judith Macy justified the Civil Service's discrim­ him obtain gender-confirming surgery A. Cowin, who is retiring. Lenk's confir­ Two original documents of major his­ ination by citing 'the revulsion of other that, for far too long, seemed impos­ mation hearing in late April lasted more torical significance to the movement for employees by homosexual conduct'. In sible to afford. In preparation for surgery, than seven hours, and was often conten­ lesbian and gay civil equality in the Unit­ January, 2010, this lener was introduced Drew collected cans three to five days a tious and filled with vicious homophobic ed States are now on public display in the into evidence in Perry v Schwarzeneg­ week, keeping in mind thar "five cents bigotry. Thomas Jeffe rson Building of the Library ger, an action to overturn the California was way more than zero." Lenk is the first openly gay justice to of Congress in Washington, D.C. referendum on same-sex marriages," the The mission of the Jim Collins Foun­ be seated on the state's highest court. Gay civil rights pioneer Frank Kame­ Library of Congress also explains. dation is to provide fmancial assistance to ny's Petition to the U.S. Supreme Court John W. Macy, Jr. was appointed by rransgender people for gender-confirming Judge grants temporary (1961), and a letter to The Mattachine President Lyndon B. Johnson to head surgeries. The Jim Collins Foundation Society of Washington, D.C. (1966) the Sixties-era predecessor of the Office recognizes that nor every transgender stay on deportation of from U.S. Civil Service Chairman John of Personnel Management, and then person needs or wants surgery ro achieve N.J. gay spouse W. Macy, Jr., have been added to the known as the U.S. Civil Service Com­ a healthy transition. Bur for those who Library's popular exhibition on the Dec­ mission. Macy reported directly to Pres­ do, gender-confuming surgeries are an Henry Velandia and Josh Vandiver, a laration of Independence, the Constitu­ ident Johnson, though often through important step in their transition to being binational same-sex married couple from tion and the Bill of Rights, "Creating the Johnson's Special Assistant Bill Moyers. their true selves. New Jersey whose case has been in the United States." Macy's so-called "revulsion" letter to the However, access to gender-confirming spotlight, can stay together. A judge has "Creating the United States" has been Mattachine Society (Washington, D.C.'s surgery is impossible for most. Discrimi­ temporarily halted deportation proceed­ seen by more than 1.5 million people first gay civil rights orsanization formed nation against rransgender people is so ings, the AP reported on May 6: since it was first opened in 2008, and by Frank Kameny) is 'steeped in a spe- prevalent that many rransgender people Judge Alberto Riefkohl granted an

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Call (585) 729-9908. Mention this ad to receive $20 off your initial] hour session! JUNE 2011 • NUMBER 446 • GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • THE EMPTY CLOSET A 5 adjournment of the case in a Newark immigration court. At issue is who can be considered a spouse under federal law. Velandia is a 27-year-old professional salsa dancer and Vandiver is a 29-year-old graduate student at Princeton University. They were married last year in Connecti­ cut, where same-sex marriage is legal. According to tweets fr om activist group GerEQUAL, deportation proceed­ ings have been postponed w1til Decem­ ber. The judge's order comes a day after - HAnONAL CONSTITlJTtOHCENTER - Attorney General Eric Holder vacated another immigration case based on ques­ tions over DOMA. EQUALITY FORUM, PHILADELPHIA: Left: Katherine Miller, former West Point cadet discharged under "Don't Ask, Don't More fr om Chris Geidner at Te ll," presents the 16th annual International Role Model Award to former Congressman Patrick Murphy and Lt. Dan Choi MetroWeekly: at Equality Forum's International Equality Dinner at the National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, on April 30. (left to Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) sent a let­ right: Miller, Murphy, Choi, Malcolm Lazin of Equality Forum.) Right: Equality Forum Executive Director Malcolm Lazin ter last month to DHS Secretary Janet presents the National Hero Award to Daniel Hernandez Jr. at Equality Forum's International Equality Dinner. Hernandez Napolitano urging her to halt the depor­ is the openly gay intern who saved Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' life in the Tucson shooting. Photos: Tara Lessard tation of Velandia and other married same-sex binational partners in similar situations. 14-year-old girl is facing the same charges Church to get to this amazing moment denomination." Read more: http://www.rowleroad. in juvenile court. of entering into a new era of equality, this "With this vote, our church is dem­ com/#ixzzlLbaiMHxO A videotape of the April 18 beat­ voting process has given us the opportu­ onstrating that we are choosing to reach ing posted online shows a_. woman being nity to affirm thar lesbian, gay, bisexual out to a new generation," said Lisa Larges, Wise. governor: gays attacked repeatedly while an employee and transgender persons are part of God's Minister Coordinator for That All May and customer try to stop them. The good creation and can be called by God Freely Serve. "Young people can now be can't see ill or dying woman then appears to have a seizure. to serve the church. The thousands of proud of their church. We're showing that partners in hospital conversations, prayers and the of we are serious about caring for people and The day after tht! attack, McDon­ sharin� ald's fired the employee who fUmed the hopes and dreams are aU parr of building sharing the Gospel." Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker incident with his cell phone rather than a Church that reflects God's heart," said "Thanks be to God that this day has ordered the state ro stop defending a attempting ro intervene. Dr. Michael Adee, Executive Director of has come!" said Sylvia Thorson-Smith, 2009 law granting gay couples the right More Light Presbyterians. from Presbyterian Voices for Justice. "We to visit each other in the hospital and Presbyterian Church "Passage of this amendment restores rejoice that God's justice-loving Spirit has make end-of-life decisions. The anti-gay our long-standing Presbyterian empha­ blown like a mighty wind through our group Wisconsin Family Action is suing votes to allow ordination sis upon faith and character regarding church after long decades of strug le. For . � the state to overturn the Jaw of LGBT ministers ordination. Now, faithful and quali­ years we have wept for the many lesbian, On May 13, Walker filed a motion fied lesbian, gay, bi sexual and transgen­ gay, bisexual and transgender Presbyte­ to stop defending the case. "Governor In Minneapolis, Minn. on May 10, der Presbyterians can openly serve the rians who have lefr our church because Walker, in deference to the legal opinion rhe Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) crossed church with energy, intelligence, imagi­ their calls were denied. But today, we of the attorney general that the domes­ an historic threshold as Presbyterians in nation and love," said the Rev. Dr. Janet shed tears of jubilation that our chmch tic partner registry... is unconstitution­ the Twin Cities area voted to eliminate all Edwards, Co-Moderator of More Light has finally said YES to their full partici­ al, does not believe the public interest official barriers to the ordination of gay, Presbyterians. "After such a momentous pation. May God bless the Presbyterian requires a continued defense of this law," lesbian, bisexual and transgender people decision, ir is also our tradition to lift Church (U.S.A.) and all people of faith says the brief, filed by Walker's chief as ministers and lay .leaders in their 2.4 each other up in prayer and a generous with wisdom, grace, and love as we go counsel, Brian Hagedorn. mmion member denomination. spirit, regardless of how we vored." forward into this liberating fu ture." Hagedorn rold Dane Counry Circuit With their vote the Tw in Cities Pres­ "Passing this amendment makes dear The Human Rights Campaign Judge Daniel Moeser that if he could not byterians were the 87th Presbytery (a the good news that the Presbyterian applauded the decision. "History was withdraw from the case, he would like to regional governing body) to vote yes, ," amend earlier filings to reflect Walker's Church welcomes and values every per­ made roday said Dr. Sharon Groves, giving the denomination the majority of Its belief that the registries conflict with the son - because Jesus does. passage director of HRC's Religion and Faith votes needed to approve the landmark Program. "Presbyteries all around the state constitution. removes an enormous stumbling block change. for many otherwise be drawn country - from Alabama to Utah The LGBT group Fair Wisconsin will who would - Presbyterians join a growing Prot­ to following Jesus," said the Rev. Mary ro continue to defend the case in court. voted to say no to/rejudice and yes estant movemem of Lutherans, Episco­ Lynn Tobin, Co-Moderator, Covenant those who are calle to serve the church. palians, and United Chw·ch of Christ Network of Presbyterians. "While this Through this action, the Presbyterian Maryland teens who members who have eliminated official action does not oblige any Presbyterian Church (USA) removes one more road­ beat get barriers ro leadership by lesbian, gay, to change their understanding of scrip­ block in the way of justice. Because of hate crimes charge bisexual, and transgender persons. ture, we rejoice that our church will now today's decision, a yOtmg person is fr eer to Coincidentally, the process began in be able to receive the service of all whom claim his or her sexual orientation, gender Hate crimes charges have been filed Minneapolis in July of 2010 when the God calls," added rhe Rev. David Van identity and religion. This decision wiii against the two Maryland teens arrest­ Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mer ar its Dyke, Co-Moderator, Covenant Network have profound ramifications for people of ed last month for the brutal attack on biennial General Assembly to vote on of Presbyterians. all fa iths everywhere." a transgender woman at a Baltimore church policy. Since this was a constitu­ "We stand looking at a new day in the Three other times a vote has been McDonald's wile an employee laughed tional amendment, a ratification process Presbyterian Church that so many have taken in the Presbyterian General Assem­ and fi lmed the beating. began to garner the required majority of been waiting fo r," said the Rev. Mieke bly to open the doors to LGBT clergy, but The indictment returned May 16 by rhe 173 regional presbyteries. Three other Vandersall, Minister Director of Presby­ did not reach the 51 percent ratification a Baltimore County grand jury charges rimes General Assembly leaders voted to terian Welcome. "I have experienced first by regional presbyteries. Te onna Brown with assault and a hate eliminate the rules that blocked gay cler­ hand the abundant gifts thar lesbian, gay, "This is nor only good for lesbian, gay, crime in the attack on Chrissy Lee Polis gy. This rime, after decades of work for bisexual, and transgender Presbyterians bisexual and transgender people, but it is last month. She is also charged with justice, a majority of regional Presbyteries are longing to give in ordained leadership good for the soul of the church," added assaulting a customer and a McDon­ ratified the policy change. and I could not be more grateful that Groves. "LGBT Presbyteriansi have been ald's employee who tried to intervene. A "While it has taken longer for our now they can share those gifts with our (Newsfronts contnues page 7)


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[email protected] 585-662-4135 6 A THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

"The students have known Paul very well since elementa­ ty school, since he used to work at the elementaty school before coming to the high school. Even my most conser­ vative students, who oppose same sex marriage, didn't want him to feel hurt." -Jeff Henley

totally straight were also very interested by or moms." the constitutional arguments." Jeff said that both of the two classes Both Jeff and Paul agreed that Pen­ involved in simulations found in favor of h Paul's side of rhe lawsuit. "The vote wasn't field Hi� School is a safe environment for ope nly gay youth; the school GSA is unanimous; ir was dose," he said. advised by science teacher Tom Krueo-er, a As far as fe edback from students, he longtime Empty Closet volunreer. Jeff said said, "I don't think we changed anyone's that the Penfield administration has done opinions, bur I think now they view it a lot of checks and surveys to make sure as more of a civil rights issue. And they that LGBT srudems are safe. learned a lirrle more about how the judi­ Jeff said, "The Supreme Court simula­ cial process works." tion helped reach my students about fed­ Paul said, ''It raised the conversation eralism and the separation of church and from the opinion level ro a more civic con­ state. [ was very happy with the students versation dealing with the Constitution, - they did such a good job and came up looking specifically at the amendments with balanced aro-urnents." that affect aro-uments." Jeff Henley and Paul Birkby. Photo: Susan Jordan Paul cold Jeff "You said ro me at the Jeffadde d, "It rook it from rhe emo­ end that it would be great if even one stu­ tional realm to the realm of logic and Paul Birkby and Jeff dent decides to go into law because of that reason.)) were among those Paul supplied to the scenano.. " Both said there was no fe edback at all Henley of Penfield High students doing research for the simula­ Jeff replied, "That would be cool. fr om parents, probably because the exer­ School tion.) That's what teachin� is all about." cise was well designed and nor meant to At the time of their marriage, Paul's He continued, 1 look at this issue, change opinions or beliefs, but rather tO By Susan Jordan partner was stage three cancer, and and have said this to my students, as the educate about the Constitution. facin� A government class at Penfield High the couple wanted ro make sure all of their next civil rights movement. I always quote Jeff said, "In the past, what I've done Schoolr ecently debated the marriage equal­ arrangements were in place. Today, hap­ Mark Twain: 'History does not repeat was focus on cases in due process - for ity issue in a Supreme Court simulation. In pily, Paul's husband is doing well. itself, but it does rhyme.' instance, a person was being executed who what we can only hope was a him of future PauI continued, "Before I was a librar­ "I live in the city with my wife and was mentally incompetent and was that reality, the "Court" gave irs approval for ian I was an attorney, so I suggested that kids and we may be the only heterosexu­ constitutional. In this case, the Supreme same sex couples ro marry legally. the student write a hy pothetical brief as if al family in our neighborhood! At some Court decision on marriage doesn't exist Even more significantly, neither the f were suing New York State for refusing point, we will have ro have a conversa­ yet, and rhe students couldn't go online student proponents nor opponents wanted to grant me a marriage license. So he did. tion with our kids about the fact that and copy what had been done. They had to hurt the feel ings of a gay faculty mem­ Jeff He nley decided that this was an issue one or more of their friends has two dads to do some original thinking." • ber through their debate. in rhe news and that students would be Paul D. Birkby is School Media Spe­ interested." cialist (what used co be known as a "librar­ Students were assigned their roles ian") at Penfield H?h. He explained co without any say as ro whether they would The Empty Closet,"j 1 his was a unit in Jeff be defending or attacking gay marriage Henley's Advanced Placement Govern­ rights. Paul notes, "Jeff Henley cold me CounselingGeri Stanton Services ment class. Jeff does a Supreme Court that I needed to talk to the students argu­ NYS Li censed Menuu He:Uth Counselor simulation in which the students take a ing against marriage because they were Sign Language Skilled case or issue and research each si de. They afraid I'd be hurt or mad at them." don't re-enact original trials, but present Jeff Henley told The Emp ty Closet, their own cases for or against. Some stu­ "That was rhe most touching moment dents are robed as Justices, some rake the to me of all that happened. The students roles of pro or con lawyers. have known Paul very well since elemen­ Individual • Couple • Group "The way it came about, I was help­ tary school, since he used to work at the ing a student who needed extra credits elementary school before coming ro the and was assigned to write a brief on any high school. Even my most conservative Supreme Court case. I suggested a case on students, who oppose same sex marriage, same sex marriage. didn't want him tO feel hurt." "I'm pretty much out and most people Paul said, "[ told them I'd be more know 1 was married in California in June upse t if rhey didn't do a good job, because 2008. Our marriage is still legal because if they oppose gay marriage they should rhe repeal of Proposition 8 came in the know why - and if they support ir, they fo llowing November, and we were within should also have a real understanding of the em-off rime for same sex marriages the issues." that were allowed to remain standing." Jeff added, "Some of my students who (Materials from the Prop 8 repeal case are gay were excited, and those who are


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(E&J Day from page 3) "The Wa shington Post is tweeting that riry risk. removed, righrly stating such allegations duced by the Governor himself Marriage the Pentagon has revoked me U.S. Navy Joshua Block, staff attorney with the would be very difficult to prove, Human Equality bas had me support of the pre­ memo granting permission for chaplains ACLU Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Trans­ Rights Watch said. The committee also vious two governors and was introduced co perform on-base same-sex marriages. gender Project, stared, 'The government's recognizes that provisions requiring any­ by both. Tllis comes after two days of intense decision to contest these claims is baf­ one who knows of homosexual conduct Cuomo robo-call backs marriage anti-gay lobbying on the issue by House fling. These honorably discharged veter­ to report to police within 24 hours would equality; NOM commercial lies ahout it GOP members working under the orders ans were forced out of the military under create "problems especially to profession­ In anomer development on May 9, of the Family Research Council." (The the UJKonstitutional and discriminatory als whose ethics include confidentiality in Cuomo's allies at the Democratic State Daily Beast) 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy, which is order to be able to carry out their func­ Committee began using a robo-call of Lez Get Real reported on May 9 that in the process of being repealed. All rhat tions like Doctors, Lawyers and Coun­ Cuomo urging the passage of the same­ the supposed changes came in the fo rm of these veterans are asking for is to receive selors." sex marriage bill. an April 13 advisory memo issued to all the same separation pay that any other The committee also suggests remov­ While Democratic defeats in last year's chaplains which said the Chaplain Corps honorably discharged veteran would have ing rhe clauses on extra-territorial elections chat gave Republicans control of was revising its Tier I DADT Repeal received. It is outrageous ro equate these prosecution of and on the state Senate have made things less cer­ training manuals, which had previously service members with those who were dis­ nullifying Uganda's international human tain, the bill is expected to have enou<>h indicated that same-sex marriages are not charged for threats to national security rights obligations to the extent rhar they support in the Assembly. Irs path in the authorized on fed eral roperty. and drug abuse. The governmenr's treat­ contradict the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. r Senate is less clear: advocates are careful Citing "additiona legal review" by menr of these veterans is shameful and The committee recommends the ere­ not to say they have the votes for its pas­ Navy attorneys, the Chiefof Navy Chap­ adds insult ro injury." arion of an additional crime, "conduct[ing] sage, unlike in 2009 when, despite th eir lains, Admiral Michael Tidd, said the Said, Laura Ives, staff attorney with a marriage ceremony between persons of confidence, it failed 38-24. Navy "has concluded chat, generally the ACLU of New Mexico, "The Depart­ the same sex," punishable by three years Meanwhile, the National Organiza­ speaking, base facility use is sexual orien­ ment of Justice's action today is pro­ in prison, which was not in the original tion for Marriage (NOM), an extremist tation neutral." fo undly disappointing. The government draft. It also suggests deleting the crimes righrwing group which opposes LGBT "If rhe base is located in a stare where must treat our veterans with the fairness of "aiding and abetting homosexualiry," civil rights throughout me country, began same-sex marriage is legal, then rhe base and digniry they deserve, especially if and "conspiracy co commie homosexu­ re-cycling anti-marriage equaliry TV ads facilities may be used to celebrate the those veterans were discharged from the aliry," but including a penalty of seven that the group ran in 2009. The ads marriage," added Tidd. armed fo rces under a policy that is in years in prison for "procuring homosexu­ incite homophobic hatred, imely chat gays Or maybe nor. Generally speaking, or the process of being dismantled for being ality by threats." The committee did nor molest children and cite the ' dire conse­ unconstitutional." admirally speaking. comment on the current proposed pro­ quences" that will follow if LGBT fami­ For more information on the ACLU's vision criminalizing the , promotion of lies are allowed to exist legally. Tennessee cop who beat case, please visit:­ homosexuality," which would jeopardize According to Jeremy Hooper from the righ ts/ coli ins-v- uni red-states-clas s-action­ transgender woman gets the legitimate work of national and inter­ blog, at least one of those military-separation-pay national activists and organizations work­ "dire consequences" was proven to be a two years in jail ing to defend and promote human rights lie. The claim "Massachusetrs schools Uganda death to gays in Uganda. teach second graders char boys can marry Bridges McRae, the police officer bill is shelved -- for now The Ugandan ami-gay campaign has ocher boys" is an alteration of an original caught on video beating Duanna John­ been encouraged and supported by evan­ claim NOM made that kindergartners son, a black trans woman who was being The Ugandan parliament's Legal and gelicals from the U.S.A. The U.S State were "being taught about gay marriage in detained on prostitution charges that Parliamentary Affairs Committee recom­ Department has condemned it. Massachusetts." were later dropped, has been sentenced mended passage of the proposed Anti­ In February of rhis year, the Pulitzer to two years of prison and two years pro­ Homosexualiry Bill, including retaining Research finds bullying Prize winning site PolitiFact called out bation. the death penalty for "aggravated homo­ leads to suicide NOM for pushing that misleading state­ That rime includes punishment for tax sexualiry," Human Rights Watch said on ment. Now it is being re-cycled to influ­ evasion. For four years, McRae claimed May 12. However, the bill was shelved on attempts, HIV, STDs 3) ence New Yorkers. (See article, A 99 dependents on his W-4 and then never May 13 when parliament adjourned. NOM stated in May that it will give filed a tax return. Box Turtle Bulletin, which has tracked Critical new research has found mat one million dollars to defeat any N.Y. The Duanna Johnson bearing me story for months, said mat the fu ture lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Republican legislator who votes for LGBT shocked the LGBT community when of the bill is uncertain. International con­ (LGBT) youth who experience high lev­ civil rights. Buffalo Sen. Grisanti said on video became available three years ago, demnation by human rights groups defi­ els of school victimization in middle • May 17 that he will definitely vote no. bringing to scrutiny to the violent and nitely had an effect on the delay in voting and high school report impaired health cransphobic police deparcmenr in Mem­ on the bill. and mental health in young adulthood, phis. Johnson was later found shoe dead including depression, suicide attempts NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL The committee's report, as seen and the killer has not been fo und. by Human Rights Watch, recom­ that require medical care, sexually trans­ The fellow officer on the video who mitted diseases (STDs) and risk for HIV. (Presbyterian from page 5) mends amendments deleting some pro­ held Johnson down while McRae bear her visions but adding criminal penalries This is the fi rst known study to some of the most prophetic and faithful lied to investigarors, saying that Johnson for "conduct[ing] a marriage ceremony examine the relationship between school leaders within the Presbyterian church was the aggressor and used handcuffs as between persons of the same sex." victimization during adolescence - spe­ and now they can bring their faith and brass knuckles, because he "didn't want The committee's report was ro be pre­ cifically related to sexual orientation and their humanity fully inro the work of to be the police officer to be the rat or sented co parliament on May 13, as parr gender identity - with multiple dimen­ building loving, God-affirming commu­ the snitch on another police officer." He of a debate before the bill could be up for sions of young adult health and adjust­ nities." accepted a plea deal and agreed to testify a vore. Such reports are required under ment. The study demonstrates the a�ainst McRae, and McRae accepted a parliamentary procedure. The conunit­ importance of addressing and preventing Havana Pride parade plea deal last year. tee said mac it consulted with several ami-LGBT victimization at the struc­ -Alex Blaze, Bilerico Project tural or school level to reduce health celebrates sexual key stakeholders in generating its recom­ mendations, including civil society, gov­ disparities among LGBT young people. diversity on "IDAHo" DoJ blocks separation ernment agencies, including the The study is published in rhe jo urnal of School Health, pay for honorably Ministry, Uganda Law Reform Commis­ rhe journal of the Ameri­ Cubans held a short but colorful sion, prisons, and the Uganda Human can School Health Association. parade celebrating sexual diversity to discharged LGBT Rights Commission. It is not dear how Analyzing data from the Family mark the International Day Against servicemembers many committee members participated Acceptance Project's young adult sur­ Homophobia. in drafting the report. At consultations vey, the authors examined experiences Dozens of people waving rainbow flags The Department of Justice (DOJ)on attended by Human Rights Watch only related to school victimization during and banging drums marched through the May 10 filed a motion to dismiss a class three of the committee's 20 members adolescence based on known or perceived capital on May 14. One participant held a action lawsuit fi led by the American Civil were present. LGBT identity among 245 LGBT young portrait of ex-leader Fidel Castro. Liberties Union and the ACLU of New "It should be scrapped. The commit­ adults, ages 21 to 25. They fo und char Castro's niece Mariela Castro cam­ Mexico which seeks full separation pay tee's recommendations fall wholly short LGBT young adults who were victimized paigns for �ay ri hts and heads the � for service members who were honorably of making this a bill worth parliament's in school because of their LGBT idemiry government-backed National Sexual discharged but had their separation pay time," said Graeme Reid, director of the reported much higher health and adjust­ Education Center. She says the march is cut in half because of "homosexuality." Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgen­ ment problems, while students with low meant to raise awareness about discrimi­ In the past six years, 142 honorably levels of school victimization had higher der (LGBT) Pr��ram at Human Rights nation. discharged veterans had their separation Watch. "Even it these suggestions are self-esteem and life satisfaction as young Cuba is far more tolerant of homo­ pay cue in half because of the discrimina­ taken on board, the bill will remain dis­ adults. sexuality than in the early years after the tory policy. The total amount of separa­ criminatory, a profound threat to Ugan­ "We now have evidence of the lasting 1959 revolution, when many gays lost tion pay withheld from those veterans is da's LGBT community and put Uganda personal and social cost of failing to make jobs, were imprisoned or sene co work approximately $2.1 million. at odds with its fundamental human our schools safe for all students. Prior camps or fled to exile. The government The lawsuit was filed in Novem­ rights obligations." studies have shown thar school victim­ has even begun paying for trans Cubans' ber 2010, before Congress repealed the The committee proposes amendments ization of LGBT adolescenrs affects their sex-change operations in recent years. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that barred to the October 2009 draft bill. Despite health and mental health. In our study we (Jennifer Vanasco, gay or lesbian service members from the the suggestion by the bill's author, David see rhe effects of school victimization up military. The lead plaintiff in the case is Bahati, that the death penalty could be to a decade later or more. It is clear that Navy permits, then Richard Collins, a former staff sergeant deleted fr om the legislation, the commit­ there public health costs to LGBT­ in the Air Force who served for nine years tee recommends retaining it. The com­ based bullying over the long-term," said revokes marriage in until he was discharged under "Don't mittee proposes rewording the provision lead author, Stephen T. Russell, Ph.D., military chapels Ask, Don't Tell." Collins was stationed at to align with the currenr Penal Code pro­ Distinguished Professor, University of Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico. vision on "aggravated defilement," which Arizona. The U.S. Navy has aurhorized the fn irs response, the DOJ states that is punishable by death. Director of the Family Acceptance usage of military chapels for performing the half-s eparation pay policy applies not Some recommendations integrate Project at San Francisco State Universiry same-sex marriages in jurisdictions where only to those who engage in "Homosex­ concerns raised by Ugandan and inter­ and study co-author Caitlin Ryan, Ph.D., it is legal. At least, that was the case on ual Conduct," but also those discharged national human rights groups. The com­ poimed out, "The pervasiveness of bully­ May 9. On May 11, however, they flip­ from the military for drug and alcohol mittee states that provisions criminalizing ing and lack of research on outcomes in flopped: abuse or being deemed a national secu- "attempted" homosexuality should be (Newsfronts coutitmes on page 8) 8 A THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL gered ami-discrimitlation policies in our the next lesbian who is beaten and killed rnaclub in 2009. nation's schools co prevent HN and other in Kwa-Thema," Human Rights Watch Those deaths led to the foundjng of (Bullyingfrom page 1) serious health problems." researcher Dipika Nath stated. Ekurhuleni Pride Organizing Committee Key Research Findings: No arrests have been made in Nog­ known as EPOC. One of its first events adulthood have masked the serious long­ LGBT young adults who reported waza's death, one of dozens that happen was a gay pride march through Kwa-The­ term health costs for LGBT children and high levels of LGBT school victimization each day in a country with hioh rates of ma in 2009 that was endorsed by reli­ youth. These new findings will help pro­ during adolescence were 5.6 times more violent crime. Authorities are J'so investi­ gious and rradicional leaders, Khalo said. viders and school advocacy groups under­ likely to report having attempted suicide, gating whether she had been raped . About 500 people marched in 2009, stand the critical role fa milies can play 5.6 times more likely co report a suicide South Africa's Ministry of Justice and even more turned our last year. in preventing and managing victimiza­ attempt that re quired medical care, 2.6 announced in late April that it wants to Khalo, EPOC's spokeswoman, thought tion and the importance of our work in times more likely to report clinical lev­ open special shelters for people who fear the marches and discussions helped for engaging and teaching parems and care­ els of depression, and more chan twice fo r their lives because of their sexual ori­ a time. Then came Nogwaza's death in givers how ro support and advocate for as likely to have been diagnosed with a entation. But the governitlg party's wom­ late April. their LGBT children in fa milies, schools sexually transmitted disease and to report en's league says the government must go Noowaza, whose first name means and communmes. The fo cus on serv­ risk for HIV infection, compared with fu rther, and wanes lawmakers ro classify peace, had been active in the group. Col­ ing LGBT youth primarily in peer-only peers who reported low levels of school these attacks as hate crimes. leagues said she was ready to help out spaces has prevented fa milies and caregiv­ victimization. Same-sex marriage is legal in South wirh the unglamorous work of putting up ers from learning the skills they need to Gay and bisexual males and transgen­ Africa and the country has among the posters and knocking on doors ro spread advocate for their LGBT children." der young aduhs reponed bigher levels of most liberal laws on sexual orientation in the word about events, and came to meet­ Ann P. Haas, Ph.D., Director of Pre­ LGBT school victimization than lesbian a continent where many ocher countries ings regularly. vention Projects for the American Foun­ and bisexual young women. punish gay sex wirh fines and jail terms. Her fa mily reportedly accepted her dation for Suicide Prevention, said, "This LGBT young adults who report­ But cultural attitudes don't always match homosexuality - an aunr told a local new study provides compelling evidence ed lower levels of school victimization the progressive constitution approved in newspaper she used to buy her niece rt that negative environments pose long­ reported higher levels of self-esteem, life 1996 after the end of apa heid. men's clothes. term health and mental health risks for satisfaction and social integration com­ The assaults on lesbians have been Khalo believes the violence in Kwa­ LGBT youth. The Family Acceptance Thema comes from a small group of pared with peers with higher levels of called "corrective rapes," and are meant Project's growing body of research is people, and that it can be overcome. She school victimization during adolescence. to humiliate and punish women who building a solid fo undation to develop don't fir the norm. Some attackers have plans another gay pride march this year, preventive interventions to deal with the reportedly said they believed they could though she acknowledges ir could stir South African lesbians harmful effects of anri-LGBT environ­ "cure" women of being lesbians by raping anger among chose who wane gays and ments on young people in their families, are being raped, killed them, said Vasu Reddy, a researcher at the lesbians r.o keep guier. schools and communities." government's Human Science Research "We are afraid," she said. "Bur I chink Commenting on the study's find­ Donna Bryson of the Associated Press Council. sitting down and not doing anycbing ings related co sexual health risks, Sean writes that South African lesbian activist Victims are even be(jeved to include a doesn't help." Cahill, Ph.D., Managing Director of Noxolo Nogwaza was murdered by being 13-year-old girl who was assaulted in Pre­ Donna Bryson can be reached on Public Policy, Research and Commu­ repeatedly scabbed with broken glass, and toria in early May. nity Health for Gay Men's Health Crisis beaten so severely with chunks of con­ Some 30 attacks have been document­ (GMHC) noted, "Once again, rhe Fami­ crete that her teeth had been knocked ed since 2003, and they have steadily Gay activist baptizes ly Acceptance Project is helping us under­ our. increased over the years, Reddy said. Bur Gingrich in glitter stand the social parameters of risk for The neighborhood where rhe 24-year­ the real number is likely bigher because LGBT youth by expanding on their work old mother of two was slain once was victims can be reluctant to come forward At a book-signing on May 17, a gay with fa milies to show chat school experi­ known as a haven for black gays and fo r fear of being stigmatized or blamed, activist poured a bucket of glitter over ences also contribute ro sexual health risk lesbians, bur activists say her dearh here and because the motives of nnuders aren't Newt Gingrich and his (most recent) wife lace in April highlights an alarmirlg rise and risk for HN among LGBT young always immediately known or recorded. as they sat at a cable at a Minnesota Fam­ adults. As the HIV epidemic continues in homophobic violence in some of the In 2008, Eudy Simelane, an openly ily Council event. to escalate among you11g gay and bisexual country's most impoverished areas. lesbian scar on South Africa's women's ABC News reported: men and cransgender women, and espe­ "If the police and ocher state officials national soccer team and a Kwa-Thema The gUtter culprit is Nick Espinosa, a cially black gay youth, cbis study provides do not act swiftly, it will only be a matter resident, was gang-raped, beaten and 24-year-old unemployed non profit work­ important evidence of the public health of time before they have to account for stabbed. Another lesbian, Girlie Nkosi, er and social activist from Minneapolis, need for scructusal interventions and tar- their failure co the fa mily and friends of was scabbed a dozen times in a Kwa-The- (NewsFronts continues on page 15)

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NEW YORK LIFE. THE COMPANY YOU KEEP c 2011 New York Life Insurance Company, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 SMRU 00409010CV (Exp. 06/11) JUNE 2011 • NUMBER 446 • GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • THE EMPTY CLOSET A 13

Stonewall we told the straight world that we didn't give a damn what they thought. We were going to do what we were going to do and we weren't going to ask their permission." In the fall of 1965, 17-year-old Tommy Lanigan-Schmid.t left home une: Impact of the "and I was very, very curious. Before sociecy. l was able to live my life, which for Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New I entered the convent at age 26, I'd 1 would have done anyway, but with­ York, to study art, but he was only Stonewall Riots on nad tWQ )overs and kneW [ was a les­ out Stonewall l would have had more there one year. After his ta rher wanted participants bian, but r tried to play by the rules. opposition. So it urns out the rimes To mmy to land a union construction By Evelyn Bailey [ thought J'd have to live my life with were on my side, which Jeft me with a job in New Jersey, Lanigan-Schmidt left this deep dark secret." Before the sum­ basically ha py life." home. "1 rook the train to New York," On the evening of June 27, 1969, p mer was over Apuzzo Left the convent, On the first night of the Stonewall he said, "and I've been here ever since." at 3 a.m., eight plainclothes officers "with what I had on my back," she riots, 25-year-old Martha Shelley was Lanigan-Schmidt's first stop was (including two women) raided the explained. "When you live a lie, as [ escorting two out-of-town guests on 42nd Street, where he met other gay Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village. was living, you wait for someone to a tour of Greenwich Village. "They street kids. "I learned very quickly," he The employees were arrested fo r sell­ whisper the truth so you can give up wanted to form a Boston chapter of said, "chat I couldn't survive the 42nd ing liquor without a license. The custom­ the lie, too. That's so much of how I the Daughters of Bilitis [DOB]," Shel­ Street bunch and made my way to the ers were allowed to leave one at a time. saw and experienced Stonewall and ley said, and as the former president Village. [ hung our with the other run­ They waited outside tor their _fr iends. how I've experienced the gay move- of the grou 's local chapter and their aways who were living hand to mouth, Many had been in such raids before. p ment." current spokesperson, Shelley was the mostly pan-handling, and living wher­ One observer referred to the gather­ Apuzzo ded icated her life tO pub­ ideal guide. When Shelley and her ever I could find a place." ing as fe stive with those exiting the club Lic service as both an educator and guests stumbled across the ongoing riot He was an eyewitness to the Stone­ striking poses, swishing and camping. gay rights pioneer. Along the way, outside the Sronewall Inn, they didn't wall riots. The uprising was a transfor­ Then there was a sudden mood change she served as executive director of realize what was going on. "We saw mative experience, he said, but the bar's when the paddy wagon arrived and the these people, who looked younger than bartender, doorman, three drag queens the National Lesbian and Gay Task biggest effect on Lani�an-Schmidt I was, throwing things at cops," Shelley came before the riot. "The Stonewall and a struggling lesbian were shoved Force, founded the Hudson Valley recalled. "One of the women turnedto was totally different because you could inside. LGBTQ Community Center, and was me and said, What's going on here?' I slow dance together. Holdin on to There were cat calls and cries ro w ­ appointed to a number of government g p said, 'Oh, it's a riot. These things hap­ another person without rhat fe ar that ple the paddy wagon. Once the paddy positions including associate deputy pen in New York all the rime."' someone is oing to bash you over the wagon left, rhe police moved uickly Secretary of Labor. Apuzzo served as g q A day or two later, when Shelley head is totall cencerin . So goin to back into the Stonewall Inn and locked the highest ranking gay person in the y g g learned about the u rising, "I was tre­ themselves in. The burch lesbians and Climon White House. She served as p the Stonewall grounded me and th en mendously excited by it," she said. "I drag queens fought back. The bar assistant to the president for manage­ the Stonewall riots just brought that hadn't had enough slee fo r the past patrons threw bottles and rocks at the mem and administration. p feeling out into the real world." couple of days and was fe eling fe verish police. They chanted, "Gay Power!" Apuzzo appreciates chat Stonewall Despite his father's wishes and still has relevance because "Stonewall and thought we had to have a protest Cooper-Union's searing rejection, and "Liberate Chrisropher St.!" One march and be out on the streets. It was person threw a rock through a window happens every day." She explained, Lanigan-Schmidt ultimately wound "When you go tO a Pride march and like I was on fire with it." up making art, and showing in exhi­ and eventually garbage cans, bottles, In the days that followed, Shel­ bitions from the Venice Biennale ro and even a parking meter were used to you see/eople standing on the side of the roa watching and then someone ley attended a meeting chat had been the Whitney Museum in New York. assault the building. quickly organized by the Mactachine For the past two decades he has been New York's Tactical Pol ice Force takes that fi rst step off the curb to join Society in response to the riots. "There teaching in the MFA de artment at arrived on the scene. The crowd was the marchers, chat's Stonewall all over p again. When we, here at rhe Hudson were 400 people at that first meeting, New York City's School of Visual Arts disbursed. Later that night and into and I raised my hand and suggested (SVA). "I'm the gay teacher there," he Sunday morning a crowd again gath­ Valley Center, talk to a teacher about the problems of a young student who a protest march and everyone agreed said, "and I've only had trouble once ered in front of the ravaged bar. Many with it," she said. "We fo rmed a com­ and the once happened just last year. up is in the process of questioning himself young gay men showed ro /rotest mittee to organize the march, which A student, who had been in the Army, the flurry of raids, but they _di so by or herself and that kid fe els somebody standing there talking to rhe rule-mak­ DOB and Mattachine co-sponsored." said he wished I didn't make such a hand holding, kissing, and forming a It was at a committee meeting later bi deal about being gay. He wasn't chorus line. "We are the Sronewall ers on his or her behalf, that kid expe­ g in the week where Shelley is widely telling me it was bad to be gay. He irls," they sang kicking their legs riences a piece of Stonewall all over g in credited with naming the fistr of the said it just wasn't such a big deal. And fr ont of the police. "We wear our again. It's just in a different context, but fo r that one young person, it's no post-Stonewall gay rights groups. "Peo­ he's right." in curls/We have no underwear/We ple said I was the one who came up Shoulders To Stand On is proud to show our pubic hair." less powerfu I." r n 1969, just a few months after with the Gay Liberation Front name. remember these men and women out Police cleared the street without But I was drinking beer and I really participating in the Stonewall riots, of hundreds who experienced Stone­ incident this time, but another street don't recollect that. What [ remember wall. A mere 42 years Iacer, Ston�wall altercation occurred a few days later. Martin Boyce returned for the fall semester of his junior year at Hunter saying was, 'That's it! We're the Gay continues to be a focal point of our The Stonewall Riots were over in less Liberation From!' That was 'it' because struggle for equal rights. History does College in New York City determined than two hours. Their impact would it was Like the National Liberation repeat itself. As Virginia A uzzo said, be felt for over four decades by many to do something he could never have p imagined before Stonewall. "I decided Front of North Vietnam, che Vietcong. "Stonewall happens every day." men and women. The participants and They were heroic in the eyes of the left. Shoulders To Stand On is proud that all of my term papers would be witnesses have never fo rgotten this life It was David against Goliath, fi ghting gay," he recalled. "I can say now that to document these experiences, and changing experience. Here are a few for their nation and fo r the liberation that was a courageous thing to do to preserve the story �or generations of those whose stories retlect the expe­ of their people, daring to stand up to to come. Please visit us at www.shoul­ riences of hundreds and d1ousands of because nobody would hand in a paper the most powerful army in the world." and share your story LGBT men and women young and old. in 1969 that had those explicit themes. It just wasn't accepted. But for a stu­ Shelley credits Stonewall with "chang­ and experiences. Send contributions to Virginia Apuzzo was 28 years old. my life. Before d1e riots I wanted to dent like me, it was exciting because it ing Shoulders To Stand On, Gay Alliance She made her way from Riverdale, go around and convince rhe strai ht was ground chat no one else had cov­ g of the Genesee Valley, 875 East Main New York, where she was a novice at world we were okay," she said. "And after Sr. Suite 500, Rochester, NY 14605. • the Convent of Mount Saint Vincent, ered before." to New York City's Greenwich Village Boyce sees his participation in the within days of the Riot . Stonewall riot as "a perfect event in "I read about Stonewall in the news­ my life because it let me live the kinds paper," she recalled in an interview, of dreams 1 had of seeing an equitable

Veterinary Hospital June 1971 Andy Fleming, DVM What was our history 40 years ago? What were the significant events of June 1971? JUNE 18-27: Gay Pride Week in New York City; 10 days of plays, movies, work- 1311 Marsh Road shops, dances, suppers, and marches. . . . Pittsford, NY 14534 24 ro City Thursday, June -Candlelight march Rochester Ctty Hall 111 support of (585) 248-9590 Council bill for fair employment fo r gay men and women. Saturday, June 26 - Workshops all da at Public Sc ool #41; Str et Fair in fronr of y � � . Gay Activists Alliance Firehouse (name of new commumcy center) wHh Street Dancmg. 7 p.m. Potluck supper at the Firehouse. Evening - Matrachine Society and Daughters of Bilicis Dance. Sunday, June 27 - New York City- Christopher Street Gay Liberation March to com­ memorate the beginning of the Gay Liberation Movement in June 1969 at the Stonewall lnn on Christopher St. in Greenwich Village. Howe & Bassett Noon - 2 p.m. Parade formed on Christopher St. west of Sheridan Square. M�ch Plumbers 1885 proceeded alono Christopher St., past Sheridan Square, past Stonewall Inn to Sixth Professional Since Avenue. Then the march turned north for fifty to sixty blocks to Central Park. 5 p.m.: Marchers assembled in Central Park in Sheep Meadow for a picnic lunch and love-i11. Abour 20 Rochester people and some Buffalo people marched under the Rochester 271-4040 batmer. (-From The Empty Closet No. 5 June 29, 1971) • 14 A THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL cities and counties can provide their own cmzens is fu ndamentally unjust," said Human Rights Cam aign President (NewsFrontsfr om page 8} Joe Solmonese. "We cal on Governor Minn. Espinosa worked with a non­ Haslam to veto SB 632 FI HB 600 and profit helping tmemployed people for two preserve the right of cities and counties years before being laid off due to budget to protect, their residents from discrimi­ curs. His encounter with Newt on May nation., 17 was in protest to Gingrich's stance on Billy Leslie, a member ofHRC's Board gay marriage of Governors from Nashvi lie, added, "We 'Today, I invited Newt to fe el the are extremely disappointed that the Ten­ rainbow because he decided ro bring his nessee Legislature is once again writing ami-gay politics ro my state," Espinosa discrimination into our state laws. By told ABC News that night. "Newt has a removing local governments' ability to long history of anti-gay politics and has decide what is best for their communi­ ties, state lawmakers have acted arro anr­ chosen to fo cus on divisive social issues � instead of working to fi x our economy. I ly and gone against rhe principles ot self overnance upon which our country was don't think a free will adulterer like Newt � has any ground to stand up while telling tounded. We strongly urge the governor ROOFS SIDING WINDOWS PAINTING others who they can and can't love." to veto this leaislation." Said Espinosa during the glitter While the bill prohibits localities from bomb: "Feel the rainbow Newt. Sto p the adopting anti-discrimination laws on any Highland Contractors is a local business hate. Stop the anti-gay politics. It's divid­ basis, including race, religion, sex and located off of Meigs Street that is big on quality, ing our country and it's not fixing the age, it was motivated by an ordinance always returns phones calls, offers fair and economy." prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender idemiry competitive pricing, is fully insured and is Said Newt after the attack. "Nice to live in a free country." in Nashville. a member of the Better Business Bureau. As Espinosa was kicked out, Newt's Because legislarors rook action based Please call us for your flunkey said : "So goes you, goes the rot­ on their desire to limit the rights of a free estimate on the following: ting of our country. Have you ever seen particular aroup -- the LGBT commu­ us attend one of your events? Have we nity -- the ill, if signed into law, will be vulnerable bto legal challenges costing the New Roofs-Roof Repairs Siding disturbed your events? Never. Peace be • with you." state precious resources during tight eco­ Painting (Interior and Exterior) Apparently disturbing gay people's nomic times. Currently, more than 135 cities and Windows lives, civil rights and fam ilies doesn't count. counties have passed ordinances prohib­ iting discrimination based on sexual ori­ Check out our website entation and gender identity, with more than one-sixth of those cities and coun­ Tennessee bans towns ties located in southern stares. from protecting against 585.507.3658 HRC applauded the efforts of the Tennessee Equality Project, the Te nnes­ [email protected] discrimination ••• see Transgender Political Coalition, and

' The Te nnessee Legislature has passed the Ciry of Nashville to defend against

. . SB 632/HB 600, a bill rhat prohibits cit­ this unwarranted srare inrrusion into a • • ies and counties from banning discrimi­ local affairs. a-. . Ill natory practices by any means. Te nnessee The new law voids a Nashville ordi­ Weather } Contractor . ···� ·. Governor Bill Haslam has the opportu­ nance barring companies that discrimi­ cer£1StopeertifiedRo oflng � . : ---- nity to veto the legislation. nate against gays and lesbians from doing • = "Limiting the rights and protections business with the city.

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BREAKING NEWS: The Tennessee Gallup poll: 53 percent Chamber of Commerce lobbied for the bill, then decided to oppose it. PedEx, of Americans back AT&T, Comcasr, DuPont, Pfizer, Blue marriage equality Cross Blue Shield, Caterpillar, KPMG, Whirlpool, Embraer, Alcoa, and United On May 20, Gallup became the sixth HealthCare are on that board, noted national poll in rhe past few months w Americablog. A group of these compa­ confirm majority support nationwide nies started a campaign to pressure the for the freedom to marry. governor to veto the bill. At 53 percent, the new poll corrobo­ On May 24, ingnoring the input by rates rhe findings of a recent Washing­ corporations that bring money to his ton Post/ABC News poll and others. state, Gov. Haslam decided to sign the The Gallup poll fo und a nine per­ bill into law, in order ro win the approv­ cenr jump in overall support since last al of right-wing extremist voters. year, showing accelerating growth in the number ofAmericans who believe in the freedom to marry for all loving and ... and Tennessee also committed couples. bans any mention of Evan Wolfson, fo under and Pres­ homosexuality in state ident of Freedom to Marry, stared, "This most recent poll reaffirms that classrooms Americans have been listening and, Tennessee's Senate has approved Sta­ in Lincoln's words, 'thinking anew' cey Campfield's hideous "Don't Say Gay" or, as President Obama would pur it, bill, which would fo rbid discussion or even 'evo.lvi ng.' In conversations with their mention of homosexualiry in public school gay and lesbian neighbors, co-workers, classrooms. and fa mily members, and reflecting on WMCTV repons: their own values of fa irness and respect, Under the proposal approved 19-11 on Americans have had the opportunity Friday, any instruction or materials at a to learn about why marriage matters public elementary or middle school will be to same-sex couples and rheir fa milies. "limited exclusively to age-appropriate nat­ As they've heard the stories of loving ural human reproduction science." Repub­ and committed couples harmed by the lican Senate sponsor Stacey Campfield of denial of marriage and the safety-net Knoxville says that "homosexuals don't it brings, their hearts have opened and naturally reproduce." minds have changed. Campfield says current state curricu­ "Americans believe in the Golden hun is not clear on what can be taught. Rule of treating others as they them­ The companion bill has been with­ selves want to be treated. This growth drawn from consideration in the House. in support in nearly every segment of Bur irs sponsor has said he will bring it up the public, including people formerly again next year if the Senate version passes. opposed, shows that elected officials The bill was the subject of recent pro­ and judges who end the cruel exclusion rests by the FCKH8 campaion and also from marriage are on rhe right side of a group of students who roo their our­ history and delivering not just what lov­ rage ro Te nnessee's capitol. kOpenly gay ing and committed couples and their actor George Takei of Star Trek fame also families need, but what the majority of recorded a video protest of the measure. Americans want."


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Friend. vs on Face:aoou (585)-325-51 00 Follow us Oll Tw.ltlerl 360 East Avenue @@llil@d- Rochester, New York 14604 16 A THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

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to Senators. Encourage friends and fa mily Teaching your partner build a strong bond of shared trust. to call and leave a message at the Senate Gradually give your partner some off'Lces today: about finances, financial responsibility. "Hi, my name is (full name) and I live budgeting, and .For example, make your part­ at (street address and town and zip). r am investment risk ner responsible for paying one small bill calling because 1 support marriage equality each month. As he or she becomes more for gay and lesbian co uples. I believe that By Glen Cone adept, give additional tasks ro manage Call to Action on all New Yorkers should be treated with the "It's clearly a budget. lr's got a lot of until you both feel completely comfort­ same dignity and respect. Please call me numbers in it." able. Marriage back and let me know how you plan to - George W. Bush Discuss contingency plans. can How do you reach your partner every­ By Amte Tischer, Equality ROCr vote. I be reached at (your number)." Make sure your parmer knows I ex ec ted more drama. The frontline thing you know about money? what you would do in an emergen­ p Find your Senator at: Make a list of everything cy or unplanned fi nancial event. Dis­ battle fo r New York marriage equality is being waged here in Rochester, where two Don't assume your significant other cuss actual, concrete strategies to handle of our State Senators are considered "mov­ Senator James Alesi possesses the intuition to know where unplanned events. If there was a sudden able" votes. District 55 you keep sensitive information. You may loss of income, which bills would need ro 220 Packetts Landing think your financial records are in a be prioritized, and which expenses could All the big players are here - the New Yorkers United fo r Marriage coalition, Fairport, New York 14450 pretty obvious location, but your partner be reduced or dropped? might noL Encourage your partner's ongoing including Marriage Equality New York, Phone: (585) 223-1800 Empire State Pride Agenda, Freedom to Albany: (518) 455-2015 Make sure your partner has access to education. what's needed. Who knows, maybe you both can Marry, the Human Rights Campaign and Senator Joseph Robach more. There are professional organizers Just knowing that these accounts learn something together? District 56 exist won't be enough. If you wanr your Take rhe time to provide him or on the ound helping the local grassroots pr 2300 W. Ridge Road partner to be able to take charge, you'll her with a complete picture of your effort, but after. th e epic battles we wit­ Rochester, New York 14626 nessed in California and Maine, the battle have to give him or her fu ll access. Make household's financial situation and pro­ Phone: (585) 225-3650 sure your parmer is a named account vide access to all important accounts. It for marriage here feels subdued . LGBT his­ Albany: (518) 455-2909 tory is being made and I'm looking for pas­ holder or the primary beneficiary on all can be a key to raking the best possible sionate speeches and big noisy rallies. Senator Michael Nozzolio major accounts, life insurance policies care of one of the most important people Instead T am fi nding qujet, steely-eyed District 54 and any property you own. in your life. Explain what everything is and why By understanding different types of resolve in tired but determined volunteers 119 Fall Street it's important. risk and keeping an eye on your invest­ who won't give up, give in or go away. It Seneca Falls, New York 13148 rums out that social change is driven by Phone: (315) 568-9816 People tend ro complete tasks more ments, you may be able to manage your ordinary people doing simple activities: successfully when they understand rhe money and investments more effectively. Senator George Maziarz purpose of what they are doing. Just tell­ Remember, strategic investing doesn't pizza-eating phone bankers give up their District 62 evenings to get constituents to call their ing your partner that this is where we mean "raking chances" so much as "mak­ 350 New Campus Drive put our savings, isn't as good as explain­ ing decisions." Senators, t-shirt clad volunteers collect sup­ SUNY Brockport portive letters at public even ts and hand ing why you choose to put your savings Glen Cone is an independent finan­ Brockport, New York 14420 there. Different types of investments cial advisor with Commonwealth Finan­ them off to others to data enter, copy and Phone: (585) 637-5800 have their own purpose and levels of risk. cial Group> !633 Empire Blvd, We bster, mail, business people discreetly contact Albany: (518) 455-2024 their networks for support, union lead­ Maintain a budget and enlist your N: Y, andco-hosts "The Money Doctors» on ers drop notes to Senators they endorsed, If you would like to volunteer, we parmer's help WHA M 1/80. He can be reached at (585) clergy remind congreganrs that fa ith and encourage you to contact Human Rights A budget is an excellent way to give 248-5150 or [email protected]. social justice are inextricably linked and Campaign Senior Field Organizer Karl your partner a big-picture idea of all the Th e information presented is generaL in money in play -- the income, the debts, nature and should not be considered legalor everyone asks friends and families ro send Bach who joined us recently from Rhode emails. This is what supports the political Island and New Hampshire, where he the recurring expenses, the investments tax advice. Yo u should consu lt your legal or and so on. It can also help your partner tax advisor for information conceming our brinksmanslllp that is playing out behind coordinated local lobbying efforts to sup­ z. the scenes. Who knew? port marriage equality. Karl will be work­ pick up where you left off in manaoino oum specific tax situation. Securities ojje red rhe household's fi nances if you di� o� through Cadaret> Grant & Co. Inc. Member We've never been closer to passi ng ing with the local organizers already on the marriage equality bill in New York the ground to make sure lawmakers know become incapacitated. It's a great way of F!NRA/SIPC • and now is the rime for everyone to get that Rochester supportS equality. He can involved. Key state senators in the Roch­ be reached at [email protected] or 202- ester area are on the fe nce and need to 280-5407. hear from pro-equality supporters before We have a great team working in Roch­ the vote. We need letters, visits and calls ester and hope you will join us. •

We've never been closer to passing the marriage equal- ity bill in New York and now is the time for everyone to get involved. Key state senators in the Rochester area are on the fence and need to hear from pro-equality supporters before the vote. \Y/e need letters, visits and calls to Senators.

[email protected]

Joe Russo, Psy. D., CGP Licensed Psychologist Certified Group Psychotherapist 25 Canterbury Road, Suite 308 Rochester, New York 14607 Phone: (585) 506-6096 E-mail: [email protected] • Weekly Bi/Gay • Addiction T Depression • Trauma Men's Therapy • Anxiety • Grief/Loss • Relationships Group

585 244-8640 x17 POL' · or confidential online C report form at: 18 A THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY EQUAL:GROUNDS: Co-owner John White celebrates the fifth anniversary of Equai=Grounds Coffee House on May 5.

ON THE ROOF AT ONE: Rochester Gay Men's Chorus President Todd Perkins with Tim N. Tom pkins. The Chorus honored Tim on May 15 for his years of ded­ icated support. The turnout for the party at ONE Restaurant, One Ryan Alley, was large in spite of pouring rain. Photos: Jim Wilkins

Barista Sean Soper and Gay Alliance Youth Services Director Jess Cohen cele­ brate the fifth anniversaryof Equai=Grounds, 750 South Ave. Photo: Susan Jordan

NYS Lt. Gov. Bob Duffy with Tim To mpkins, Chorus members and friends.

The Chorus performs. Catch their summer concert, "Walking on Sunlight", on WOMAN BUILD: The Habitat for Humanity project at 6 Seneca St. in Seneca June 18 at Hochstein. Falls was in its seventh week in May and progressing well. Inset: Sue Souhan.

MAYDAY FOR MARRIAGE TOUR: LGBT counter-protesters attended an anti-marriage equality rally in Fairport on May 13. Photos: Sue Cowell. JUNE 2011 • NUMBER 446 • GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • THE EMPTY CLOSET A 19

My Own Private Rochester: Pamela Barres

By Susan Jordan Pam Barres was born in the city of their way from the train to a big field on Rochester in 1942. "I lived on Augustine Emerson Street where the roustabouts St. from age two," she says. "Everythin& pitched the Big Top," she says. "They used has changed in my old neighborhood and to have rodeos in Edgerron Park." in the whole city, of course." She continues, "Once you couldn't see Pam's old street, with a railroad the river at all when crossing it on Main embankmem (still there) at the end, once Street .... I used to take the subway, which gave way to woods and empty fields. It was above ground like a trolley and then now has an industrial building where the went underground. One of the highlights woods used to be, and at one side a sports of my childhood was going to see Santa at stadium and mowed grass. Sibley's. Downtown now is totally unrec­ "I remember watching Ringling ognizable fr om the city I knew as a little Brothers Circus elephants walking on kid. Downtown then was vibrant. That probably started ro change in rhe '60s when they started building the malls and white people moved ro the submbs." Pam herself is now a suburbanite and lives in the Pitrsford/Perimon area with Suzanne, her wife of 46 years. They have two grown daughters and are now Pam Barres at the Pride Parade, her favorite event. Photos: Susan Jordan both retired from Kodak. Pam worked at Kodak for 29 years in diffe rent areas, including sales and marketing. At various learned about 'comfortable shoes'!" joined Mighty Sr. Joe's Alumni Drum times she lived in the NYC area, Pitts­ Pam was an early member of Lambda Corps, a noncompetitive drum and bugle burgh and Cleveland, and then returned Kodak and the Rochester Transgender corps, whose members enjoy doing what to Rochester in 1978. When in interna­ Group and has been board president of they did when younger, but at a less hec­ tional marketing, she traveled extensive­ Rainbow SAGE. In 2002 and 2003 she tic pace, as a member of its Honor Guard. ly co the Middle East and Far East and served as Interim Executive Director of She says that this summer will be her last Africa. "Finally I transferred ro Human the Gay Alliance, and she is still very as a flag bearer. Resources," she says. "That wouldn't be active in the Speakers Bureau. Pam does She and Sue also enjoy traveling in possible today, since people stay in their eight to a dozen presentations a year for their motor home, and they spend several particular fields." the Bureau, talking to college students months each winter in Florida. Pam ended her travels after working and others about her life as a transgender One of her greatest interests is politics. in International Human Resomces for woman. Her main focus today, however, ''I'm a member of the Perinton Demo­ Latin America. "Then, for one reason is her work with the Empire State Pride cratic Committee," she says. "Passage of because I wanted to transition, ] opted to Agenda Foundation Board, on irs Execu­ GENDA is extremely irnponam ro me, be in domestic HR, where I worked until tive Committee. and I am irritated that it is taking so long. I retired in 1998." Pam's transition process Pam's interests include reading, walk­ It should have passed last year." took place from 1988 to 1998. ing and biking. In the '60s she was Her favorite LGBT community event is "Around 1999 I started working with a member of the Rochester Crusaders the Pride Parade. "That's the top," she com­ Pam revisits her childhood home on the Gay Alliance," Pam says. "That was Drum Corps, which won the national mented, "I likeit even more than rhe Picnic, Augustine St. very liberating and empowering. And I championships in 1965. In 2004 she which I love." She also enjoys ImageOuc.

In your Easter bonnet

Photos by Eric Bellnu l1m

Eric's sharp eye focuses on April's Manhattan Easter Parade. Note the man in the bottom row, far right. His footwear is fitted with springs to make him "hop on down the bunny trail". 20 A THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011


blue I A GOODWILL BOUTIQUE /3350MONROE AVENUE I ACROSSPIITSFORO FROM PLAZA /585.385.9663 Harold Herman and Harold Mays are featured in "Out in America" airing June 6.

Stories of LGBT historic archive - led by Buffa­ Spirits" by Lydia Nilby airs lives air for Pride lo's extraordinary lesbian activist Tu esday, June 14 at 10 p.m. Madeline Davis. on WXXI-TV/HD. Teenager Month on WXXI "Swimming with Lesbians" Fred Martinez is Dineh (Nava­ "Out in America" airs Mon­ brings viewers into the lives jo) and also Two Spirit. He day, June 6 at 9:30 p.m. on and histories collected for the is "bug smashed" by a young WXXI-TV/ HD. This is an archive. The stories -- some sad, man fi lled with barred - and uplifting collection of unique, some quirky, some tender, some his mother is left to grieve for transformative stories and gently good-humored - are the rest of her life. This docu­ interwoven with scenes of Mad­ mentary contains fascinating inspiring personal narratives told through the cowmy's most eline at work, often fr ustratingly information on the traditional prominent LG BT figures and so, ro build the archive. Mad­ Dineh concept of fo ur gen­ pioneers, as well as many aver­ eline's and the film's shared goal ders - male, female, masculine age, yet extraordinary, Ameri­ are poignantly captured in this female and fem inine male. .For Tim Hausmann. can citizens from gay, lesbian, phrase fr om rhe film: "We are more information, see http:!/ bisexual and transgender com­ ephemeral. This is for the ages."­ We st Side Story's definitely keeps the show excit­ Independent Lens: "Two lights/2011/01/two-spirics • munities. Tim Hausmann ing for me. The program weaves togeth­ EC: What should audiences er diverse stories - from urban dreams only of expect and watch our for in this production of this classic musi­ and rural America, from the archive for the Buffalo commu­ Broadway heartland to New England, from cal? nity. The film will be aired on By Susan ]ordart TH: ( think rhis cast brings San Francisco to Harlem. WXXI onjw1e 13 at 10:30 p.m., Tim Hausmann plays .Fed­ a youthful energy ro the show ''Stonewall Uprising: Ameri­ as one of their Pride Month fe a­ erico in We st Side Story, at the that is really unique. I've worked can Experience" airs Monday, tures. June 13 at 9 p.m. on WXX1-TY/ Auditorium Theatre through on many productions where the Dave Marshall's work has HD. (This is an encore broad­ June 5. He recently responded to show is strictly a job for many of been shown on Discovery, Hall­ cast - the documemary about some questions about his career the actors involved. This group mark, PBS, ABC and ar fi lm the 1969 riots chat started the and the classic Sondheim/Bern­ is so eager and ready to perform fe stivals around rhe world, LGBT ri hts movement aired stein musical. every show and it brings an hon­ g including Rochester's lma­ last month on WXXI-TV/ HD). Empty Closet: Where is your est spark to the production that ge Out, where "Swimming with More information at http:!/ hometown and when and why is hard to miss. Lesbians" was screened in 2010. did you decide to go into show EC: We have all grown up Aprii11/4-25_Stonewal1Upris­ He has written a children's book business? listening to this music. How can ing.html Dave Marshall. with his father, Bryan Marshall, Tim Hausmann: I am fr om it be made fr esh for a new gener­ "Swimming with Lesbians" which he also filmed. Dave says, Yankton, SD. I was a big band ation - or is that even necessary? ai rs Monday, June 13 at 10:30 Meet award· "My documemary films reflect "geek" in high school and didn't TH: The incredible score that p.m. on WXXJ-TV/ HD. This winning filmmaker my inrerest in human rights and really become interested in music Stephen Sondheim and Leonard the power of contexrualized his­ theatre my junior or senior Bernstein created over 50 years program was produced and direct­ David Marshall ed by Rochester's Dave Marshall, tory." year, so I decided to go to col­ ago has proven irs worth by and screened at LnageOut in By Susan Jordart He received an Emmy for lege as a general music major for (\Vest Side corztinues page 2) 2009. Information is available at David Marshall is a Roches­ his work as producer/director a year to choose between being a the Web site: http:l/www.swim­ ter-based Emmy award-winning of "Hitching a Ride" and two marching band director and an mi producer, djrector and editor. NY Emmys for "Songs of Free­ actor. After the first semester it How do we build a history He holds a B.S. in photography/ dom" (producer and director). became clear to me that I needed RWCC to sing about Recently Dave spoke with The to be on stage performing, not from the past? It has been said, film and a M.F.A in arumacion beliefs on June 4 "Gays have a past but no his­ and has worked in rhe film and Empty Closet about "Swimmi11g on a podium swu1ging a baron. tory." Gays and lesbians don't television industry for 28 years, With Lesbians" and his passion EC: Do you consider yourself The Rochester Women's Cho­ grow up immersed in thei1· his­ holding positions in facilities in for local hjstory. an actor first and fo remost, or a rus is presemu1g its spru1g con­ tory because most of it has been the U.S., Europe and Asia. Empty Closet: I see you are singer, or a dancer - or all three cert, "We Believe," on June 4. deliberately erased. "Swimming Dave directed the documen­ an RIT grad - are you originally equally? This musical palette of with Lesbians" is a film that tary "Swimming with Lesbians" from upstate New York? TH: As I continue to work RWCC's belie[<; includes songs explores this hidden past, and in 2009, dealing with Buffalo's David Marshall: No, I'm on my craft, I find that my about the innocence of chil­ an upstate New York commu­ Madeline Davis and her struggle originally from the U.K. My strengths and weaknesses con­ dren, peace, strength of women, nity's efforts to create an LBGT to create an LGBT historical (Marshall continues page 2) stantly change depending on embracing of world cultures, etc. what I'm fo cusing on at rhar The concert will be held at rime. One of the things I love Hochstein School of Music, N. and hate about the busi11ess is Plymouth Ave., at 7:30 p.m. that there is always room for Advance sale tickets are $10/ improvement. general, $8/srudems, seniors, EC: What is your cake on $5/children. Tickets are avail­ Federico, the character you play? able through chorus members TH: Federico is really fun and at Parkleigh Pharmacy and for me because [ have learned Equal=Grounds Coffee, and so much about Latin culture will be available at the door for from the show itself and from $12/$10/$7. the Latino actors that surround The performance is sign lan­ me. What 1 really love about my ouage interpreted and accessible job is char I understudy three or the physically challenged. For of the Jets also, so I spend a lor moref informacion, call 234-4441 of time on the other side too. It or see • 2 B THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

The road ro glam will nor beeasy. The (\Vest Side contimtedfr om page 1) women will be put through "The Dra­ remaining basically untouched. However, gulator," a "highly-sophisticated piece of there has been some Spanish added to the technology," that will reveal the ladies' libretto that brings a great Puerto Rican full drag potential. Nexr, they are paired flair to the show. with a carefully selected drag fa culty EC: Which performers have inspired mentor who will be responsible for help­ you the most? ing the women achieve their drag dreams TH: I've never been one ro latch on through an ounageous lesson plan that to "celebriry" talent. Of course I admire will challenge the women inside and out. the work of great performe rs , but I have The drag transformations are unveiled been inspired the most by the people that at the culmination of each episode in a have surrounded me every day for the musical performance before an audience nine years I've been in this business. The of family, fr iends and the judges' panel. determination, passion, and courage that At rhe conclusion of the episode, aU. stu­ it takes to be a professional performer is dents will "draguare" with a boost in often hard ro maintain, but being sur­ confidence, self-respect and a whole new rounded by such inspiring artists keeps take on the power of drag. • me goillg! EC: If you could describe your ideal career, what would it be like? Would it be Broadway, films, TV, directing, or all of the above? TH: I've always dreamed of being on Broadway. f've never really been interested in anything else! •

(Marshall continuedfrom page 1) parents moved to Philadelphia when f was a child. EC: How did you decide on Madeline Davis and rhe Buffalo archive as a topic for a documentary? OM: Originally it starred because I knew a gay couple in Rochester - two elderly men - so I was wondering what it was like to live in Rochester as a gay man in the '40s and '50s. One of rhe men then passed away and rhe other wasn't Denise Bartolo and Jim Valone in "A interested in talking. f had read Madeline Delicate Balance". Photo: Liz Gill Davis's book ("Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold"), and ] called and asked her if Shakespeare, Albee take she knew anyone I could talk to, and she the stage at MuCCC said, "How about me?" What I like about Madeline is that joins of Dance" including Toni Basil, Candis This monrh, MuCCC will pres­ she's inrerested ir1 history but she lives ill Cayne, Andre Fuentes, Tricia Miranda ent plays by William Shakespeare and the presem. She sees the gay communiry faculty of RuPaul's Drag and Jamal Sims. Edward Albee. as one community, rather than segment­ this summer U This season will also fe ature a new ShakeCo: The Shakespeare Company ed into L, G, B, T, etc. I think we are Summer school has never been this batch of visiting celebrity professors, presents a new production of Wi lliam best when we are all together and we are glamorous, with the return of Logo's hit in dud ing Molly Ringwald (actress), Shakespeare's violent and bloody play probably least effective when we are splir. series "RuPaul's Drag U." Lynda Carter (actress), Dot Jones (acness, "Titus Andronicus". It has been adapted When it comes to the politics ofbeir1g gay, RuPaul and his faculry help "Glee"), Shirley Jones (actress), Carnie and directed by Philip R. Frey. rhar's when we especially need ro speak a new batch of biological women unleash Wilson (singer), Simone (actress), "Titus Andronicus" opened in May with one voice. their inner diva through the power of Charo (singer/actress), Beverly Johnson and will nu1 through ] une 4 at MuCCC, EC: You're currently working on two drag. This season delivers new drag facul­ (model), Ana Oniz (actress) and Alec the Multi-use Community Cultural Cen­ documentaries and two children's books/ ty, new guest choreographers, more iconic Mapa (actor/comedian). In addition, te r, 142 Atlantic Ave. Tickers are $10 and films. How can you fir all that into your celebrity guest judges and gallons of glit­ 1980s pop culture icons Stacy � Down­ will be available at the door and at www. schedule? ter! The new one-hour, 1 0-episode season town] ulie Brown and Jane We idlin enroll Showtimes are as fo llows: DM: The project f'm working on of "RuPaul's Drag U" premieres Monday, as students in rhe season finale. June 2 - 8 p.m.; June 3 - 8 p.m.; jw1e right now is the 40th anniversary of the June 20 ar 9 p.m. on Logo. As President of Drag U, RuPaul over­ 4-8p.m. Attica riots. The other three are in pre­ The faculty of fa bulous includes Bebe sees each pupil's individual progress and Edward Albee's Pulitzer Prize-win­ production. Zahara Benet, , , imparts invaluable life advice that only rhe ning play "A Delicare Balance" reveals rhe A lot of the Attica story has not been Manila Luzon, Mariah, Morgan McMi­ "World's Most Famous Drag Queen" can emotional savagery of suburbia and rhe fully told. The people who were involved chaels, , Rochester's own Pandora provide. The season continues to offer a psychological terror of empty lives. Filled are getting quite old, and this is our last Boxx, Raven, , and . wide spectrum of today's modern woman: with shades of meaning, subtleties, and opporruniry to hear people talk about In addition, "Dean of Drag" and per­ the online dater, the virgin, the lesbian, brilliant dialogue, the play is a classic of this pivotal event in upstate history and the overworked nurse, the overextended the American theatre, a timeless mirror of prison history. We're hoping to look ar rhe manenr judge Lady Bunny tmdertakes a more bands-on role by offering a viral mother and the unemployed woman. Of the worst, and sometimes the best aspec ts story from a different point of view - 40 "lady lesson" to rhe diva-drained students course, RuPaul will have many tricks up of modern life. Performances: June 9, 10, years on. 11, 12, 16, 17, 18. each week. "RuPaul's Drag U" also wel­ his graduation gown sleeve by including We're interviewing fo ur of rhe five comes an expanded group of guest cho­ an incoming class full of family members "Junk: The Musical." a "Rent" for remaining negotiators; for all of them, reographers to rake on the role of "Dean related to the drag fa culty! another generation, will open in July. • Attica was the defining moment of their JUNE 2011 • NUMBER 446 • GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • THE EMPTY CLOSET 8 3

TA NYS hosts national kane, Wash.; Wiley and the Hairy Man - County Seat Theatre Company from theatre festival here Colquet, M n. In February of2009, it was announced .Friday, June 24: 1 :15 p.m.: The Zoo char TANYS (The Theatre Association Story - Chapel Street Players from New­ of New York Stare) had been selected ark, Del.; Parallel Lives - Evergreen Play­ to host AACTFestll, a program of the ers from Evergreen, Colo.; 7 p.m.: Second American Association of Community Samuel - We tumpka Depot Players, Theatre. Rochester was selected as the Wetumpka, Al.; Check, Please - Chino host city for this national festival from Community Theatre from Chino, Calif an initial field of30 applicants across the Saturday, June 25: 1:15 p.m.: Doo country and chosen our of a shortlist of Sees God: Confessions of a Teenao� three to host the Festival, which is held Blockhead - Ohlook Performing A�s biennially. Center from Grapevine, Texas; Urinet­ Two and a half years of preparation own: the Musical - CenterStage - Mid­ are nearly at an end and the festival is lat�d Center for the Arts from Midland, due to kick off in a matter of weeks. This Mtch. is the first theatre fe stival which Roches­ Tickets are $15 for each session and rer has ever hosted. are available by calling rhe Geva Theatre AACTFesrll begins with a Techni­ Cenrer Box Office ar (585) 232-Geva or Vicki Vogue in "Swimming with lesbians". cal Theatre Conference offering work­ online at Further shops on lighting, stage design, costume informacion on the entire AACTFest lives. We've fo und one of the prisoners need to collect and preserve it. Schedule may be found at www.aact­ who may ralk to us, and one of the guards. What's precious to me about "Swim- design and other technical disciplines, as fe • We may call it "l Am Attica." Christine ming with Lesbians" is that ] �or to spend well as a Community Theatre Manage­ ment Conference from Monday, June 20 Christopher is co-producer. This will end time with really remarkable b gay elders. up on TV, and from there, go to social They went through incredibly difficult to Wednesday, June 22. TANYS is host­ justice film fe stivals. We have a distribu- times and yet they have �rear joy. Vicki ing this aspect of AACTFestll ar the tor - California Newsreels. Vogue had two gay brothers who both Roberts Cultural Life Center at Roberts I am also working on a children's book committed suicide - yet he carried on. Wesleyan College. This conference will and film about Ganondagan Historic Site I just think Madeline is a bright light be open to farcicipanrs from community, in Victor. and I am thrilled that I was able co work high schoo and college theatres, as well EC: Do you plan to do fe ature fllms, or with her. as the many churches that pr· oduce plays. Geva Theatre Center was selected are you entirely a documentary filmmaker? , MadeLine Davis told The Emp ty Closet, OM: I'm primarily a documentary 'When Dave contacted me he was inter- as rhe venue for the performances of fi lmmaker, except for my children's films, esred in inrerviewin� women who had AACTFestll from June 22 to June 25. which are narrative. Funding is hard and been part of the boo 'Boors of Leather, Twelve productions by community the­ LakeAv enue takes a long time - we go to fo undations Slippers of Gold,' co-authoredk by Liz Ken- atre groups from around the U.S. and like Daisy Marquis Jones. "Swimming nedy and myself. The book tells the his- overseas military organizations have Baptist Church with Lesbians" didn't need a lot of fund- tory of Buffalo's lesbian community fr om advanced through adjudication from the ing - I primarily funded ir myself the mid-'30s co the mid-'60s. stare level to the regional level and finally I think we worked on char one for "Unfortunately, most of chose women to the national level here in Rochester. A WELCOMING Each production will be adjudicated close ro two years. There were a lot of peo- are no longer with us. But one of the by a anel of distinguished and accredit­ pie involved - audio people, etc. - many authors is and that is how I came co nar- p & AFFIRMING of whom I have worked with for decades. rate 'Swimming With Lesbians'. Dave was ed adjudicators. The panel fe atures Scott The music for "Swimming with Les- an amazing interviewer. His questions Richard Klein, Chair of the Arcs Depart­ CONGREGATION ment at Cameron University in Okla­ bians" was composed by Eastman doc- wer: direct but gentle. He was genuinely toral student Scott Perkins, and he did an cunous and concerned about the lives of homa; Larry Neilson, a highly respected incredible job. the men and women who were there at director and adjudicator from Benton Invites You! EC: You have done work about Ganon- the beginning of what might be called gay Harbor, Michigan; Annette G. Procu­ nier, one of the most sou ht after adju­ 10:00 AM: dagan, and "Songs of Freedom" about the community in this city. g Underground Railroad (with a presen- "The interviews be came as easy as dicators in the world; and Allen Ebert, Sunday morning Co-Director of the Wisconsin Film Pes­ ration at the Rochester Museum and conversation and his ability ro narrow the worship service Science Center involving Garth Fagan fo cus through editing was seamless. I am rival and president of the Wisconsin Association of Community Theatre. Dance), and Attica, and of course "Swim- also always astounded at the visuals. My 11:30 AM: Other events exclusively for partici­ ming with Lesbians" is about the Buffalo favorite scene is the audio narration of the Class on lgbt community. Do you have a special interest gay rights speech at the 1972 Democratic pants will be held at the Radisson Hotel in local history and a sense of place? Convention coupled with the camera's Downtown. liberation theology OM: I like to do projects that have fo cus on the rubber duck in our swim- AACTFestll will attract hundreds their stories here because this is my home ming pool. of people from around the country and Childcare & will involve volumeers fr om Rochester's � and partly cause we have so many "Ir was also quite an unusual and Sunday School for . ?e communit theatre groups and TANYS mcredtble scones! Susan B. Anthony will heady experience co narrate a film. I fe lt y children are available. be one of our nexr projects. such an intimacy with the camera and members fr om across New York Scare. EC: Some filmmakers, poes,t etc. get with the interviewer that when the film The performance schedule at Geva overly rhetorical when dealing with poliri- was finished the loss of that constant rela- Theatre Center is as fo llows: Lake Avenue cal topics, while others claim they are tionship was a bit unnervino. But, watch- Wed nesday, June 22: 1:15 p.m.: The totally objective. Is there a middle ground? ing the film again, probab y ar least six Bear - Arlekin Studio from Newton Baptist Church is located OM: My opinions are definitely my times, revives the warmth andl humor that Mass.; Hauptmann - SHAPE from just off Lake Avenue near Mons, Belgium, 6:45 p.m.; The Gin opinions. I did a film called "A utumn's permeates the movie. [ still both laugh the stop light at 145 Lake Harvest," about how AIDS has fo und a and cry at che same spots each rime I see Game - Broken Arrow Community Play­ comfortable home among the poor - and 'Swimming.' house, from Broken Arrow, OK; Sunday Avenue. we don't talk about it - which I strongly "I am so grateful co Dave Marshall for in the Park with George - Manatee Play­ ers fr om Bradenton, Fla. believe is to our detriment. his ideas, his sensitivity and his friendship. For more information phone I made the ftlm abom Madeline because He fo und our story worth tellino and that Thursday, June 23: 1:15 p.m.: 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee 585- 458-57 65 I fe el we need co honor our history. Our is a significant acknowledgem:m of the local regional history is often ignored -we power of llistory." • - Spokane Civic Theatre from Spo-

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"" is on Broadway, GAY GAZUTA HAY! By Merle Exit "Sister Act" is on Broadway and we've been blessed with the besd When stand­ in ovations commence as the "ensemble" � takes their bows, you know that a Broad­ way show deserves a ron of Tonys. Unfor­ ~ tunately there isn't a Tony that is slated for a co- producer; in this case Whoopi Gold­ berg, who starred in rhe movie version. 2lvenjle The scene is set in Philadelphia, where din to one another for support." They & nightclub singer Deloris Van Carrier will be referred to and more! (Patina Miller) is auditioning her head­ As for Sister Mary Clarence, Deloris f'ub.) line act in front of her boyfriend Curtis will help the choir with a much more Jackson (Kingsley Leggs), who owns a modern sryle of singing hymns, complete nightclub. This will be the first hearing with rhythm and nightclub habits. 35 of the song that will have you humming, Where the movie version gave us songs Ye ar LaJmarf "Take Me To Heaven". that were "revised," the Broadway show Curtis is involved with much crime has original music by Alan Menken and in ifie §a Community and upon hearing that one of his cohorts Glenn Slater. That's the next topic. Great y has snitched, murders him -- which Delo­ score! Miller, who starred in the London ris happens to witness. She is off to the production, will have enough occasions to police for safety as Curtis decides he now display her magnificenr talent with songs needs to kill her. such as "Fabulous Baby", "Raise Your He will send his sidekicks Joey (John Voice", "Sunday Morning Fever", "Sister 3{/h Anniversary Party Treacy Egan), Pablo (Caesar Samayoa), Act" and "Take Me To Heaven". Most who only speaks Spanish and TJ of the numbers that she does are with rhe (Demond Green), Curtis' awkward young nuns. Sunday, June Sth relative. Meanwhile, Deloris encounters Clark, who starred in "Light In The Eddie Souther (Chester Gregory), one Piazza'', shines with "Here Within These of the officers, who she remembers fr om Walls" and "Haven't Got a Prayer". Greg­ Op en at2pm high school having a crush on her, and ory has "I Could Be That Guy," while nicknaming him "Sweaty Eddie". Leggs gees ro do his Barry White voice The cops need Deloris as a witness and with ''When I Find My Baby". Marla Come Cele bra te another ro hide her before trial, they decide on Mindelle, who portrays Sister Mary Rob­ the Queen of Angels Cathedral. Mother err, delivers "The Life I Never Led ". Superior decides to make her "fir in" by "Sunday Morning Fever," rhe reprise Great Year! posing as a nun and gives her the task of of "Sister Act", the reprise of "Take Me teaching an extremely poor choir, as well To Heaven", the reprise of "Fabulous (Details be posted bar) as renaming her "Sister Mary Clarence". Baby" as Deloris' dream (where the "gay will in Now, you have to have the token boys" come into play) and "Spread the "gay men" stint thrown in. (At least here Love Around" are rhe oreat production in New York City). Monsignor O'Hara numbers, for which we abo have ro thank (Fred Applegate) and Mother Superior choreographer Anthony Van Laasr and () are discussing the church director Jerry Zaks. shutting down due to lack of funds and And you don't have to be a Chris­ small congregation. Mother asks who tian to enjoy rhe humor. Hey, they even Thursday, June 16th will buy the church and Momsignor says, have Sister Mary Lazarus (Audrie Neen­ "Two bachelors who deal in antiques. Just an) spouting a few Yiddish expressions. last week I saw them eye the chapel, say Head to NYC and see it at The Broad­ Th e Duo of Frankie Leigh the word 'Gothic' three times and then way Theatre! • & Je wels Certified Professional Pet Grooming Pick-up & Drop-off Service Available (585) 271-2530 6p m -9pm

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room, frequently requiring us girls ro woman?" asked my sister. Well, yes, I double-up. My sister, aunt, and I shared a actually had believed that Foer ver was bedroom.We girls shared chores. guaranteed, a kind of sisterhood pact. I Columnists Certainly we shared a belief in Rigid was wrong. Gender Expectations. When my mother I can attest to the fact that there is no Growing Up married, she was expected to cook meals, such thing as a homosexual heart. There point of view for myself. make lunches, wash dishes. Obligated ro is, simply, a hwnan heart that breaks UNCERTAINTY ]. is pretty sharp. Bur the Libertarian sweep and to dust, 24/7, until rescued by when love is lost. And yer, eventually, rhe By Eric Bel/m ann thing seemed cree ily right wing. He rose death. Her husband earned the proverbial heart remembers how to love. r bacon, 8-5, five days a week, with vaca­ Such a time, after ten reviralizino Several years ago to the challenge o educating me. He for­ ended a friend­ warded You Tu be clips of Gary Johnson, tions. years of contentedly living with My Se[ to ship with a man I'd the two-term fo rmer Governor of New The Mrs. walked the store, carried my healed Human Heart hummed and known for twenty Mexico who endorses legalizing drugs, the bags home, and shelved the groceries. hollered when new love hopped into my years. I did not feel gay marriage and abortion! What's nor One reprieve: the Sealrest man delivered home. My human hearr that had Power, good about that. to like? and cream ro rhe milk box on the rhar refused co let others define My Feel­ I'd known him It sometimes proves easier ro dialogue porch. ings. ] si nee he had been on political topics rhan religious ones; Due ro a scarcity of money, mother Blissfully my heart and moved out of a studcnr where r those guys just won't budge. The older had to sew skirrs, dresses, shorts, coats, our Decade of Solitude into Shared Life taught. He'd become a moderately suc­ you ger the more you realize that if you curtains, slipcovers. On hands and knees, with dd. This ye ar Spouse womyn and I cessful arrisr and ar one point we became want to know people who may be diffe r­ she made braided wool rugs. Father made celebrate our eleven years together. Quite furniture and shelves. He ftxed everything an accomplishment... longevity is not co-workers. Bur his assignments were spo­ ent, you have to listen to them, hear them radic and he did odd jobs on the side and our. And that introduces rhe possibility of that broke. usually a lesbian skill. eventually repainted several rooms in my growth and change. It also means that I, Husband grew tomatoes in his gar­ So, how does my marriage to her house. committed commie pinko lefty, am much den; wife canned the crop. He mowed rhe compare to my other marriages, ro other That's when I gor ro know him better. less sure of my positions. How well have lawn; she planted the flowers. people's A Woman And A Man Marriage? they played our over that last flfry years For daughter, a woman being in the Our rhythms mingle as we share He had deepl held reli�ious views. Parr of a meaningfu r relationship is understand­ anyway? company of women was taken-for-grant­ chores, as we relax in our hot rub, our ing another person's views. He brought I have an occasional visiror, a man of ed. When we visited our Kohler family, yard, our home. Our rhythms dance when me Bible passages ro read. When I'd drop specific and considerable charms whom I played with cousins Ginger and Lanie. we privately parricipate in our Party with by his house I would see a Bible open on I've known for a couple of years. He is Whc.:n I stayed at our Lynch family's Personal Body Parts. his kitchen table. At some poinr it felt a bright spot in my life. We have only a cottage, I spent all my time with adult We both cook and mow. Her dogs and rather exotic ro have whar I thought of as few common interests, if you know what women. my cars are now our five bearing hearts. a fundamenralisr as a friend. Ultimately it I mean. Without any forethought durino Every day, after numerous chores, She uses a 40-foot ladder; I use a rwo-srep Au m Thelma and her mother-in-law Kate, ladder. proved impossible. a recent encounter, and being just back J have w say he was a fair and consid­ from New York, I mentioned how unset­ her mother Beatrice, her sisters Berry and We have a cozy rogerherness. We talk erate man. I knew members of his family tling I had found rhe post-Osama revenge Jane, and her niece - me -- walked down a lor, about a lor and a little. We regularly and they were really nice folks. I knew street rallies. Vulgar, I called them. Not ro the beach to read or splash in the water. and readily share rears ... the leaks from him during a period when he lost two the image of America I wanted rhe world For holidays, we women did all the Work our hcarts when words won't work. siblings and suffered through a rough to see. His eyes narrowed. Not a good together. Clearly, my childhood was les­ Neither of us is from Mars. Both of us romance. When 1 went through a devas­ sign. sons in How To Live In Wom min Circles. arc from Venus. MeredithElizabethReiniger@jrontier­ tating breakup he was the first one who Back to J., The Hunk, who, FY1, is Post high school, I chose Keuka, an all irls' college. Some of them were lesbians. consoled me. Bur he believed homosexu­ strai�ht. He is also intellectually curious, g ality was a sin. And rhar, after all was which no doubt lead to his atheism and Some of us were in denial. So rwo weeks said and done, was something I could nor Libertarianism. It also enabled him to be after graduation, I married a heterosexual. Gay and Transgender My bridal doll had raughr me rhar expec­ accept and after much reflection 1 ceased open minded and accepting about homo­ Issues in the Workplace communication with him. sexuality. All those lovely questions rum­ tation. This ar a poinr in life when I fe lt bled out: "How old were you when you As Mrs. Eugene, obediently I made his CROSS-DRESSERS ARE friendships were essenrial, so many friends knew?" And don't we love ro share? ham sandwich lunches, I cooked meat and ALSO "T"S bad moved away and some had died. Usu­ After one conversation he googled potatoes for dinner, and I handed him my ally in relationships I'm the one who gers information about addiction, having paycheck. I did all the Wife Chores; he By Brian rejected and ejected, so for me to break always held the norion that drug and alco­ mowed. McNattg!Jt off a connection was, at the least, novel. hol use was just evidence of weak charac­ As far as I can remember the great split Cross-dress- And nor ar all easy. I wasn't interested in ter. He knows better now. For my parr I occurred when I bought a piece of expen­ ers are like bisex­ changing him and I valued roo much my am less udgmental about Libertarians, or sive pottery. He didn't like rhe pot or rhe uals. They are j ro hard fo ught for idenriry. I just didn't wane at least less dismissive. Growrh. price. He ordered me return it. Instead, allegedly in the ro hear any more of whar he had to say. Email· [email protected] I returned my wedding ring. majority of their There are always no fly zones in rela­ l was 25 when 1 walked out of my Tra­ minority commu­ T tionships. 1 know a couple of people I can Cleaning My Closet ditional Marriage. lnside my Self, fe lt a nities (transgender never talk about movies with. Our tastes shifr in power. l knew char l never again and non-heterosex­ don't mesh, they clash! Then there arc UNSTRAIGHT UNIONS wanred to be a Mrs. Nobody. ual, respectively) but no one knows who topics where 1 admit ignorance. ( can't By Meredit!J I thought I needed a differe nt man. they are. discuss music or technolog . There are Elizabet!J _Rei11i This rime I kept my last name and my When average people use the acronym y � new power. During my thirteen ears OK to ics: gardening, food, pets. Gos­ ZZZzzz. It dis­ y LGBT, they have little, if any, knowl­ p with Mr. Yardley, I had the best of rwo Prscilla, sip works for Iors of people. Health issues curbs my sleep. It's edge of cross-dressing beyond i worlds. Quwz of the Dmrt, become ever more popular as we age. seven in rhe morn­ and RuPaul. But one He was a travelino salesman, away Everyone has ar least one friend who is ing. I stumble to of rhese cross-dressers is a make-believe from horne weekly, which gave me the eager rorep ort obituary notices or nursing the kitchen. person, and the other is an entertainer. freedom ro gallivant ar will and whim. home confinements. Politics and religion My same-sex What about real people who cross-dress Our marriage felt like "going steady" ... are volatile. It seems like one settles for spouse drills anoth­ as part of their everyday lives? Who are we always had a dare for the weekend. bland charter just to have people around, er hole as she repairs they? Why don't we know them? What And l surely loved beino his dare. I to not feel isolated and lonel . my damaoed birdfeeder. ZZzz. "Ah ha," I do they need? y willin ly played dress-up. I ye d my hair And how on earth could anyone be chirp, "I ew I heard rhc mating call of g d We point with pride, deservedly so, at � silver blonde, wore ir Farrah Fawcett sryle, a Republican? I once posted a daring ad the American Burch." the successes of transsexual women and glued on false eyelashes, applied gobs of where l said I didn't care if you were tall Thus begins my docurnenrary... men who serve in corporate executive A make-up. I slipped on revealing dresses or shorr, blue collar or a hairdresser, as Marriage Between Two Womyn: How positions, and in rhe Obama adminis­ and high heels. A girly-girl lifestyle, wife­ long as you weren't Republican. Ir was And What? tration, bur can we name one successful style. the one characteristic I could not counte­ First, the how. Sometimes homoSEX­ cross-dressing heterosexual or homosexual Such a rime, I came out of that closer. nance across from me in bed. One lovely, ual people encounter Curious Hetero­ man in either of those places? And yet, My first fe male mate was wonderfully thoughtful applicant even sent a cop sexual People who want derails about cross-dressing heterosexual and homo­ y butchy. She owned as many tools as my of his voter registration fo rm. We didn t sexual activity. Perhaps the Curious arc sexual men greatly outnumber transsexual fa ther had. She did rhe laundry and the click, alas. only fa miliar with missionary position men and women in both sites, and in the precision fo lding. She mowed the lawn, Recently my karma brought me a Lib­ intercourse, irs purpose pro-creation. Per­ general population. shoveled the snow, managed my car main­ ertarian, not that I knew that right away. haps the Curious are actually asking Many people generally ass ume that tenance, and did all the driving. I cooked. This progrt.'SSivc thinking came inside the for information about love-morivared sex, gay men make up the bulk of cross-dress­ Noticeably different from my two hus­ smashing body of a 22-ycar-old track star. about fu n-motivated sex. Bur rhe answer ers, which is probably true in the area of bands, she pampered my elderly mother I do like inreracring across generations. is the same: Sorry, that's personal. entertainment, but nor in everyday life. and aunt. Our elderly widowed neighbor. Keeps me spry. There is another how quesrion. How Heterosexual women who cross-dress are And me. Thus began my Life As A Les­ I blathered on about my values and do rwo SAME sex people do rhar Living usually referred to as "srylish." Many les­ bian. Thus continued my life in Wornrnin imeresrs and in an off hand moment said Together stuff when traditional gender bians who cross-dress are often referred Circles. I'd happily give a blow job to Frank Rich, guidelines don't work? How do SameSex­ ro as "burch." These gay women also face then of Tht New Yo rk Ti mes, should he Later, when deception wrecked that workplace discrimination, bur rheir num­ Spouses make decisions about chore first relationship, I was devastated. "Did at any time wish to receive one, so enam­ assignments? About activities. About big bers are fe wer, and rhey ger much less ored was I of his heroic o -ed ieces in the you think it would be different with a amused attention than their heterosexual p J decisions: money, insurance, decor, buri­ Sunday paper. The hunk ha no knowl­ al. The answer: Negotiations, bur only edge of Mr. Rich. So I clipped and saved after the nets of learned-behaviors and old a barch of editorials. beliefs are unwound. The opinions of columnists, editorial writers and other What encouraged me to pursue an Me? I was tangled up in the net contributing writers are their own and do not necessarily inrellectual relationship was when I of Super-sized Sexism. In rhc beginning reflect the collective attitude of the Gay Alliance of the learned, to my utter deUghr that J. (can't there was my mother, my sister, my aunt, Genesee Valley or The Empty Closet. just call him "hunk") was an atheist. It's and our canine fe male, KoKo. And my taken me half a century to reach that non-female father. We had only one bath- 6 B THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

(C olumnists continuedfrom page 5) the attention of national gay groups to communities don'r know this, but trans­ try. New York native and award-winning male colleagues in fe male attire. the "T," it sometimes seems, has gone to sexual persons, especially those nor in African American gay fi lmmaker Thom­ There's a very nice, married, hetero­ ensuring that rhe medical costs of transi­ leadership positions, are not always great as Allen Harris directed the fi lm, spon­ sexual father I know who I'm tempted tioning transsexuals are covered by their advocates fo r cross-dressino persons, and sored by the Human Rights Campaign. to call a professional cross-dresser. I say employers. This is a most worthy goal, but vice versa, despite rhem huddling together Harris tackles the continued hot-but­ "tempted" because I've always hated my how about also fo cusing, she asks, on the under the Transgender umbrella. But, ton issue in both the African American moniker of being a professional homosex­ need for some straight men to be able to when a company adds "gender identity" to and LGBTQ communities. Civil rights: ual. But, she, like me, makes her living occasionally come to work expressing the irs non-discrimination policy, it's promis­ black vs. gay. Harris dismantles the false educating others through presentations fe minine side of their persona? ing its cross-dressing employees, as much dichotomy of this on-going debate by and writings about her unique life expe­ If we talk about the rights of transgen­ as irs transsexual employees, that ir will connecting the Black Civil Rights Move­ riences. der people ro serve in rhe Armed Forces, create for them a work environment in ment of 1960s with the same-sex mar­ Vanessa Sheridan is a handsome our minds go ro "Klinger," the character which they feel safe, valued, and included. riage equality movemenr of today. woman, unlike some of the cross-dressing in the television program M*A*S*H who People often cross-dress because of their And he does it by fo cusing on Afri­ men who come ro Provincetown, Mass., cross-dressed so that he could be dis­ fluid gender identity, and are rhus covered can American Democratic Massachu­ each year in the fa ll for the Fantasia Fair. charged. But what do real-life transgen­ by the words "gender identity." setts State Rep. Byron Rushing, a veteran I don't know Vanessa's male name. I don't der soldiers want us to imagine when we This means that cross-dressing of the Civil Rights Movement who, in need co. What's significant about her in think of them? employees, including aU those who exhib­ the past decade, took the campaign for my life is that she is one of the few cross­ Who are our role models for cross­ it any transgender behavior, have not only same-sex marriage into African-Ameri­ dressing people I know, and I know and dressing? I don't mean the likes of Dame the right to use the bathroom rhat march­ can communities here in Massachusetts. love lots of transsexual people. Edna, Big Momma, or Mrs. Doubtftre. I es their gender expression at the time, Byron Rushing was elected to the It frustrates Vanessa, and some other mean people like Vanessa Sheridan who (seemingly the most pressing issue of the Massachusetts House of Representatives cross-dresses,r that roo few people con­ work openly in corporations or govern­ day) but also, and more importantly, to in 1982, and he was an original sponsor sider the unique needs of cross-dressing ment. protection fr om hostile colleagues and of the gay rights bill and the chief spon­ men when they talk about the "T." All Many people in the gay and corporate clients. sor of the law to end discrimination on In order for corporate policies to be the basis of sexual orientation in pub­ fully understood, and for behaviors to lic schools. Rushing was also one of the change, we all would benefit from having leaders in the constitutional convention more cross-dressing people put a face on to maintain same sex marriage in Mas­ the issue for us. Cross-dressing heterosex­ sachusetts. ual men, and cross-dressin homosexual Rushing is one of the legislative pio­ � men and women, need to tel l us who they neers in Massachusetts's black communi­ are, and specifically what they need in the ty to address the topic of LGBTQ rights workplace ro feel safe and valued. If they as a civil rights issue. And Harris' film, 247 PARK AVENUE don't pur faces on the issue, their needs the first of this genre, will keep the topic ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14607 EXT. will regrettably be unmet. from slipping into the "down low" cul­ 585.244.0613 5 www. brian-mcnaught. com ture of black life. "Like the Civil Rights Movement INDIVIDUAL AND COUPLES THERAPY z • Faith Matters did 50 years ago, the marriage equality • MULTICULTURAUDIVERSITY CONSULTAT IONS movement is dominating politics in the <1:g MARRIAGE EQUALITY FILM current national landscape,'' Harris said. !::! • LGBTQI CONCERNS "[ hope the evem at Harlem Stage will .J COMES TO HARLEM HIVIAIDS AND CHRONIC ILLNESS launch a movement across the country -· - By Rev. lrme 11.1G . where community members use rhe fi lm & • TRAUMA AND RELATIONSHIP VIOLENCE - Mortroe as a way to discuss marriage and ocher African Ameri­ GRIEF AND BEREAVEMENT issues of political and social importance, � • ' can lesbian, gay, especially as it relates to communities of • RECOVERY ISSUES -· bisexual, trans­ color." � gender, and queer -� ·... . With over 200 LG BTQ people of • DEPRESSION/ANXI ETY/SELF-cONCEPT . . � ) .. (LGBTQ) commu­ color and allies in attendance at the Har­ :!• •' , ' I • �.•. .. � -· .·.� nities have always lem Stage, renowned gay African Amer­ • .: 1 , tVil4V existed in Harlem, ican Wa shington Post editorial writer residing here since Jonathan Capehart moderated the forum ••.. a Rommt C.11tholit this former Dutch enclave became Amer­ on same-sex marriage, with a panel rhat ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH paruh in dtJW fiiDWII R«h�lluthat is ica's Black Mecca in the 1920s. included entrepreneur and activist Rus­ 15 St. Mary's Place w�lc cmiii,Z The visibility of Harlem's LGBTQ sell Simmons; Cathy Marino-Thomas, to aIl l" Phone: 585 232-7140 communities for the most part was board president of Marriage Equality E-mail: [email protected] forced to be on the "down low." But gay New York; Human Rights Campaign Web: Harlem, nonetheless, showcased its inim­ board of directors member David Wi.l­ itable style with rem arties, speakeasies, p son; myself and a host of ri ghts advo­ MASS TIMES sex circuses, and buffe r flats as places to cates, political activists, and religious SIIARE Til£ JOURNEY Sat: 4pm - Sun: 9 & llam engage in protected same-gender sex. leaders. � Weekdays: 12:10pm And let's not forget Harlem's notori­ Whereas many African American ous gay balls. During the 1920s in Har­ ministers will continue to hold fast to lem, the renowned Savoy Ballroom and the erroneous belief that the battle for the Rockland Palace hosted drao ball same-sex marriage is not a civil rights Susan SanFilippo, C.S. W. extravaganzas with prizes awarded for the issue, there are, however, many African 234-3561 best costumes. Harlem Renaissance writ­ American elected officials like Rushing er Langston Hughes depicted the balls as Counseling & Psychotherapy who know same-sex marriage is a civil "spectacles of color." George Chauncey, rights issue. - llVIlj cnn'l be New York, lift fa ir? author of Gay wrote that dur­ For, example, during a June 12, 2007 - g I change, utili "0' partner? ing this period "perhaps nowhere were Capitol Hill ceremony commemorat­ doesnor past have 011 111e? -What effect more men willing to venture out in public ing the 40th anniversary of the land­ - llnJol can I do ab0111my f11 t11re? in drag rhan in Harlem. mark U.S. Supreme Court decision that Individual and couples therapy (sliding fee scale) As expected, however, African Ameri­ struck down ami-miscegenation laws -­ 500 Helendale Road, Suite 155, Rochester N.Y. 14609 can ministers railed against these com­ and sponsored by several straight and munities, as they conti11ue to do today. LGBTQ civil rights or anizarions across � Given Harlem churches' spiritual and rhe country -- the Legal Defense & Edu­ sexual stronghold over its churchgo­ cational Fund of the NAACP released an Mountain Rise ing communities, the church contin­ historic statement that best explains why THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ues, to irs detriment, to police the entire United Church Of Christ the LGBTQ struggle for same-sex mar­ community concerning queer sexuali­ riage is indeed a civil rights struggle: "It in Perinton A community of faith where ties. Any healthy dialogue about God's No matter who you are is undeniable that the experience of Afri­ LGBT persons are welcomed as love and unquestioning acceptance of or where you are on life's joumey, can Americans differs in many important full partners in ministry LGBTQ people is kept on lockdown, you're welcome here! ways from rhar of gay men and lesbians; maintaining a "politic of silence" not among other things, rhe legacy of slavery The Rev. Dr. Greg Osterberg, only about LGBTQ sexualities, but also SUNDAY WORSHIP and segregation is profound. But differ­ Pastor about the various expressions of black ences in historical experiences should not Suzanne Gangemi, 8:30am Third Church chapel sexuality as part and parcel of the con­ East Avenue at Arnold Park preclude the application of constitutional Fa mily Life Ministries tinuum of human sexuality. provisions to gay men and lesbians who 1 Sunday lOam 0:45am Third Church sanctuary While most Harlem churches won't East Avenue at Meigs Street are denied the right to marry the person Communion: First Sunday of Month touch LGBTQ issues, various gay-friend­ of rheir choice." Worship in Jazz: Second Sunday of Month LGBT SUPPORT GROUP ly arts venues in Harlem will. And rhe LGBTQ Harlemites have resigned Children/Youth Christian Education 7:30pm First & Third Mondays Harlem Stage is one of them, allowing themselves to having dialogues on same­ available during Worship 34 Meigs St a safe and uncensored space for black sex marriage -- if not in their black Nursery Care Available queer expressions. churches, then in various public gay­ Accessible and Audio Loop Av ailable On April 26 the Harlem Stage pre­ fr iendly arts venues throughout Harlem. miered the new documentary shore film, And in so doing, they will be stand­ 2 Mountain Rise, Fa irport NY 14450 "Marriage Equality: Byron Rushing and (OffRt. 31 just east of Kreag Road) / bi(d �ertan Church ing on the shoulders of their brothers and s�'\ing lhe Light the Fight for Fairness" allowing the larg­ sisters of rhe Harlem Renaissance. Phone: (585) 223-2433 4 Meigs Street (at East Avenue) S8S.271.6SI3 est public dialogue on same-sex marriage A Few Bricks Short by LGBTQ people of color in the coun- JUNE 2011 • NUMBER 446 • GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • THE EMPTY CLOSET 8 7

THE GREAT CIRCLE OF white deer are a side effect of i nebria­ "What did you put in your water "For free?" asked Cousin Clyde. tion. "There's a lot of Black Velvet in the bottle for aerobics class?" he asked when I nodded my head as I prayed rhe STRIFE white deer," he's always said. r told him about the white deer. cops would show up soon. By David Hull I continued slowly, driving along at "Just come and see for yomself," I Bernie was next to arrive, but, need­ It was a beauti­ about 15 miles per hour, bur then out said. less to say, he had a difficult rime find­ ful spring evening of the corner of my eye r spotted some­ While [ stood by the side of the road ing a parking spot along the road. "Is as I was driving thing runnino along the edge of rhe in the slowly darkening twilight wait­ this a reunion of the cast of Hee-Haw?" ft home from aero­ road to roy le . At first I thouglu it was ing for Bernie and the cops to arrive, he asked as walked up to me. bics class along the a dog. The creature was movin� fa st. As a pickup truck drove past, stopped and The cops arrived about 15 min­ tree-lined country it dashed past me I got a good look. It then backed up. Just what I didn't need utes later. They no sooner got our of road. I'm always in was the white deer! -witnesses. the squad car, then Eula Mae loudly a good mood on The white deer! I was so shocked "Looks like you rut a deer," said the annotulced: "He said we could have the my way home from that I put on my brakes and stopped bearded man in the driver's seat. deer! " an aerobics class because of two things my car. "Well, it was more like rhe deer bit While one cop started on the paper­ - one, I know roy husband, Bernie, is This behavior must have surprised me," I explained. work for my insurance company, the home preparing a delicious dinner and or frightened the white deer, because His wife in the passenger seat pulled other cor,asked me to explain what hap­ instead of runnin ahead and passing in the cigarette from her lips and blew out pened. My car was sto ped, I wasn't two, I've survived another aerobic work­ � p out without my heart exploding. Both front of me, the deer suddenly changed a cloud of smoke. "You want ir?" she moving," I said. "The deer bit me. [t are good things directions and ran directly at my car. asked. seemed like kind of a suicide thing - I had my driver's side window open I said a bad work that started with "Want what?" I replied. maybe the white deer was bi-polar or a slight crack, letting the warm breeze "F" and ended with "K" and it isn't "The deer," she said with a smile, something. Look, am I going to get "firetruck," as rhe white deer barreled revealing both her teeth. "For the meat." in any kind of trouble for killing this ruffle playfully through my hair. OK, actually I had the window open because straight at me a11d leaped into the air. "No," I said. thing?" 1 asked. I was really, really sweaty after the I ducked. "Can we have it?" asked the roan. The cop shook his head. "I wouldn't workout and I couldn't stand the stench Unfortunately, this deer was not "If you wanr ir," I said, poi nring worry about it. The excitement over the of my own body odor, bur I prefer the Dancer, Prancer or any other of San­ towards the ditch. Both the man and white deer has died down. This spring story were, roy hair is playfully ruffling ta's reindeer because it could nor fly. his wife smiled enthusiastically as they we've had lots of calls about people in rhe breeze. Instead, it just smashed directly into my pulled the truck to the side of the road spotting a pair of albino raccoons down Suddenly, a few hundred yards driver's side window and smashed the and hopped out. by the lake - that's what everyone is ahead, I saw a group of deer running glass. The deer then flipped over the "Holy hotcakes, Eula Mae," shouted looking for now. I don't think anyone's across the road. I'm not sure if there roof and disappeared from my view. the roan as he glanced into the ditch going to miss the white deer." were enough deer to actually be consid­ "Holy crap!" I said our loud. "The and saw the deer. "Look at that." As Clerus and Eula Mae starred ered a herd, but there looked co be six white deer is actually real." The11 a cold "Lordy, Cletus, he hit the white unloading chains from their pick-up to or seven or so as they bounded across realization flooded over roe. "The white deer!" move their kill, I gathered up my paper­ rhe pavemenr and . Hav­ deer is actually real ... and I killed it!" "Actually," I insisted. "The deer hit work, got inro roy car and headed for ing lived in a rural area for many years I pulled my car to the side of the me." the repair garage in town. I knew exacdy what to do. 1/roceeded road and climbed out, as tiny shattered Immediately, Clerus pulled out his In retrospect I suppose my vision of down the road at a slow spee watching pieces of glass fe ll everywhere - from cell phone and called his neighbors, his the white buck did bring me good luck carefully for any more deer my hair, clothing and shoes. Surveying son and his three cousins and told them - I was lucky that [ wasn't cut by any of the scene, I noticed that not only was what had happened. Then Eula Mae the shattered glass and since my car was I also, as always, kept an eye out for one of rhe local legends in my area of my driver's side window smashed, but took out her phone and called her broth­ stopped , I didn't skid out of control and New York State - the mystical white the side view mirror was missing and er and her parents and everyone came in end up in the ditch myself. 1 just wish it deer. Many hunters and hikers have there was a huge denr in the door. Then their pickup trucks to see the accident. could have had a luckier ending for the claimed to have spotted the albino crea­ I walked behind the car and looked to They all stood around smoking and deer. Great circle of life, my ass! ture wandering the fo rests. A vision the the side of the road. shaking their heads as they studied the You can contact David at David­ white deer always brought good luck to In the ditch laid the white deer, still, dead deer. lmfi59 • whoever saw it and I rhou�ht the sto­ silent, unmoving. "Dear God," 1 prayed, "What ya' going to do with it?" ries were fascinating. My llusband on "please let him be sleeping." Cousin Clyde asked me. the other hand, believes tales of the I called 9-1-1 and reported what had "He already said we could have it!" happened. Then I called Bernie. shouted Eula Mae.

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EMERALD CITY: 295 youth enjoyed the Prom. Photo: Melissa Tow nsend

The Prom took place April 30. Photos above, below left, by Mary Ferrigno

Scott Fe aring, Ariel Smith (Winner of Ultimate LEGASI Pageant), Octavia Scott, Jabarri Wyche, and LEGASI President Antonio Williams. Photo: Latiece Brown

A Letter to Youth Gay Alliance staff member takes part in Dear New Yo tltiJ, I am so excited that you came to GAGV! This is a fun and safe place for you HBCU pride event at Norfolk State U. to be yourself. You will meet lots of people who are caring and nice and are just like you. This is a huge srep that you are raking and many people before you have On April 21-23, Gay Alliance Program Director Scott Fearing was the featured guest at taken this step and had a gr eat outcome. the first Pride celebration on rhe campus of Norfolk State Urliversiry (NSU). The first day I came here, I did not come out because I was nervous. But f met This special occasion for rhe NSU Campus included rwo days of LGBT Awareness awesome people and attended different events that helped me to come out. lt also Training, a Pride march across campus, a Pride Paoeant, a Pride Ball, and a Pride Picnic helped me to be more active in my Gay-Straight Alliance Club at school. complete with a free picnic lunch, a dunk rank, adult sized bounce house, dancing and Some pretty cool things that we do here are watching movies (lots of gay other activities themes and comin out issues), playin ames, using the computers, playing Wii The campus' student group, LEGASl, Leading the Education of Gay and Straight g � g or video games and having cool events like. rbe Day of Silence rally, Big Gay Prom, Individuals, under the leadership of President Antonio B. Williams and Vice President Movie Night and Pride. Davida Williams, worked hard to build coalitions across campus by personally visiting The GAGV has helped me to be who I am, because now I am out and proud of dorm floors, student groups, even sorority and fr aternity groups, to invite them to par­ myself. And now [am presidenr of my GSA. 1 also sir on the GLSEN (Gay Lesbian ticipate in the Pride activities. This outreach and ally-welcoming attitude added to the and Straight Education Network) board in Rochester. 1 also advocate for LGBT success of the event. youth who can't come out or deal with cutting issues and other similar stuff. Fearing's participation was varied and included an invitation to provide trainings ro Even if you experience bard rimes related to homophobia or coming out, [ hope rhe NSU Sexual Assault Response Te am, the NSU Police, and LEGASI members. In it won't get you down or stop you from experiencing your true self. How I deal addition he spoke at pre and post march rallies, and was invited to act as a judge at rhe with homophobia is by educating people who don't know, and nor raking it per­ Ultimate LEGASI Pageant and to attend the Ball. Old Dominion University, another sonally. I find support from friends, the GAGV, and counselors at school. Norfolk area campus, also invited him ro speak ro a group of their students, sraff, fa culty I hope that you know you are very special and that there are other LGBTQ and Norfolk area LGBT community members people in the world who care. You are not alone. "It was a great event," commented Fearing. "It was an honor ro be invited to attend Quoting Lady Gaga, "I was born tllis way." this important Campus event.'' Gay fa bulous, Adding to the importance of rhe event is the fact that Norfolk State is one of the Dontaee, age 17 nation's Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). "From what they have told me, this was rhe first rime an HBCU has had a Pride celebration," added Fearing, "so this event was historic for the campus but also in rhe nation." •

Many things Gay Alliance Yo uth

�� The Gay Alliance offers Yo uth Services

ZONE Monday and Wednesday Drop-in: 2-6pm THE EMPTY CLOSET • The Youth Program • Rochester Pride Education Program & Speakers Bureau Sunday Support Groups: ages 13-23: 2-4pm; ages 18-25: 4:30-6pm Community Safety Program & Anti-VIolence Project lnQueery • CampusOUT • Library and Archives Special Interest: Transgender Youth, Arts/Crafts, Movies, Writing Gay Alliance Resource Directory Shoulders to Stand On • Rainbow SAGE • SafeZone Special Events: Youth Dances, Day of Silence, Big Gay Prom, Pool Ta ble, LGBTQ Youth Library, Internet Access The Gay Alliance plays a central role in advocating for the fair and equal treatment of all people, regardless of their 'At.' Fun, friendly, safe adults are needed to volunteer their time and sexual orientation, gender identity or gender �xpression . V ww Gav'Jo� A��w_llianc....,.e talents, providing positive role models, maybe sharing a talent or skill. Contact Jeanne Gainsburg, Outreach Coordinator for an to Many people application: [email protected] or 585-244-8640, ext. 14. JUNE 2011 • NUMBER 446 • GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • THE EMPTY CLOSET B 11

AVP helps prisoners Program Notes The Community Safety Program direc­ tor is ge aring up for a number summer presentations and profess ional trainings Students Break the including an LGBT cultural competency Silence on April 15 training for SMART -- the Safer Moruoe On Friday, April 15, 175 students par­ Area Re-emry Team. ticipaedt in the annual "rally to break the SMART is a coalition of individuals silence" hosted at the Gay Alliance. The and organizations working together ro sup­ event fe atured youth performers and local port success for men and women re-enter­ ing our community from incarceration. drag sensations, Samantha Vega and Sami DAY OF CARING: Volunteers from Kodak helped to bring order to the Gay Alli­ Maxx. Students also had the opportunity Because of the very high levels of victim­ ance storage room in the basement of the Auditorium Center on May 11. Many ro get free depression screening, courtesy ization experienced by gay men in jails thanks to all! Photo: Susan Jordan of Dr. Kevin Coffey and the University of and prisons, in addition to basic informa­ tion regarding the LGBT population, Ms. Rochester. Multiple youth-serving agencies Mapp fethorpe Altars is an impressive We need appropriate information to learn were also rresenr to provide informacion Clark will share information on the special volume of the artist's photography that how to protect ourselves and our families about loca resources. Thank you to Alex­ needs of LGBT people in re-entry. includes a wide array of Robert Map­ on a still uneven playing field when it comes andra Gasparre, Donraee Williamson and Staff presents at national plerhorpe's work. It includes some self­ to our rights. The workshops are being pre­ the many volunteers and youth who made portraits, some still-life.�, and some more sented by professionals in the legal field. this event such a success! conference on crime erotic photographs, among other things. Our fo r Justice Professional Network mem­ In lace JLme, Director of Commurucy Many of the photographs are in color, bers who are lawyers, court clerks, and law Over the Rainbow at the Safety Kelly Clark will travel to Wash­ though there is still a substantial amount enforcement officershave been very gracious Big Gay Prom ington DC, to attend the annual confer­ of black-and-whites. There is also an essay to volunteer their time to develop and pres­ On Saturday April 30, 295 youth ence of the National Center for Vi ctims by Edmund White. em in formation on topics char come directly fr om 55 diffe rent schools attended the 7th of Crime. This is the fourth year that Gay Chloe pfw Olivia is a Lambda Liter­ from the needs of the community. Each of annual Big Gay Prom! With the theme Alliance staff members have presented at ary Award-winning anthology of lesbian the nine topics presented this year reflect of "Over the Rainbow," this was by far this important national conference. literature from the seventeenth century to information that was sought from commu­ the bigoest, gayest prom in Gay Alliance Ms. Clark will co-present a workshop the present. It includes writers from Emily nity members in 2010. Youth history! The fun centered around entided "Anri-LGBTQ Hare Violence: lnuo­ Dickinson to Angelina Weld Griruke. The It is not roo late to take advantage a beautiful Emerald City set (created by ducrion and Implications for Policy and editor, Lillian Faderman, offers insightful of this great outpouring of knowledge. volunteer Terry Hanney), the prom cre­ Practice" with Lisa Gilmore from Chicago's notes throughout the book (comments Workshops are held at the Gay Alliance Center on Halsted. While there shewill also ran ing from use of clitoral ima&ery tO Community Room from 6:30-8 p.m., the ated a wondrous "Oz" for LGBT youth � and allies to celebrate. attend a number of workshops ro learn new background of the authors). Faderman fourth Tu esday of every month, through co h This prom could not have happened informacion and skills co bring back t e carefully categorizes each piece of work. October (no workshop in July due to without the incredible fu nd-raising effons Rochester community to help serve the needs This piece is very accessible and nor to be Pride). Still to come: ofSusa Macaluso, a volunteer in a number ofLGBT victims of crimes. shied away from for irs appearance as a The 411 on 911: What to Expect IfYou of Gay Alliance programs. Her commit­ textbook-like work. Need to Call The Police --June 28; ment and enthusiasm created a conta­ Seeking donations Parents' and Students' Rights in School gion that raised not only money, bur the The Library & Archives is always -Aug. 23; spiritS of the entire staff and youth in the happy to receive your gifts of LGBTQ­ What About the Children? Adoption & program Thank you to Susan, Terrr, D] relared materials. We are especially look­ Custody Issues - Sept. 27; Chuck Argento, and the dozens o vol­ ing for the following magazines: any CYA: Cover Your Assets! Financial unteers who helped to create such special issues of Deneuve or Curve, issues of The Management for Unmarried Partners - evening. Advocate from the 1980s and any issues Oct. 25. of Girlfriends. Any copies would make a Find more information online at www. Youth Program takes on significant contribution to our collection. o4j. • Albany at E&J Day Contact us at [email protected]. • On Monday, May 9, nearly 30 Gay Legal Workshops provide Alliance Youth traveled to Albany for OUT FOR JUSTICE legal workshop See Riders for Pride hosted April 26 by Kelly Clark of the practical information Equality & Justice Day! Students rook June 5 on Channel 13 Gay Alliance (right): "The Twisted part in the Yourh Caucus and met with On Sunday, June at 11 a.m., State of Marriage". Attorneys Amanda By Kelly Cl.ark 5 Senator Joe Robach's aide to tall< about Ride For Pride co-founders Oren of the New Yo rk Civil Liberties The Our for Justice Legal Workshop the positive impact that the GENOA and Jason Croft Pam Polashenski, Union (left) and Amy Schwartz of the & series be ino run by the Gay Alliance Com­ and Gay Alliance Outreach Marriage Equality bill would have on NY Empire Justice Center (center) dis­ munity Saery program is filling an impor­ Coordinator Jeanne Gainsburg, Stare. cussed the fight for marriage equality, � tant gap in the lives of LGBT people in the will be interviewed on the Youth also were able to hear Assembly civil unions, domestic partnerships, Rochester community. Norma Holland show "Many member Harry Bronson and Lieutenant and current relationship recognition Since January, the monthly workshops Voices, Many Visions." Ride For Governor Robert Duffy share their sup­ laws, case law, and policies in New have covered issues ranging from under­ Pride is a bike ride fundraiser for port of the LGBT community and bills York. Photo: Bess Watts the Gay Alliance, on Saturday, that would provide equal rights. standing legal partnerships Like marriage, civil unions and domestic parmerships to June 18. For more information or appl ing for legal name chan e as a trans­ to support a rider, go to: Youth Program prepares y g for Pride ge nder person co what to do if you feel you events/ride.html 2011 are being discriminated against at work. While the "busy season" for the Youth LGBTQ people often have special needs. Program is windjng down with the school ���II k�{;iVe� year, it certainly is nor rhe end of the Library News many wonderful programs and events available for LGBT Youth. Just around By Andrew Hinkley, Library volurtteer Educational Outreach the corner is the annual Youth Pride Pag­ Library hours eant & Dance, scheduled for Monday, The GAGV Library & Archives has May ope n hours: 6-8 p.m on Monday and July 11 at Tilt Ni�htclub and UltraloLmge. 2011 This evem will be open to all LGBTQ We dnesday, 3-5 p.m. on Sunday. For ocher rimes please contact Scott at 585- youth and allies ages 13-23 and is a drug Speaking Engagements and alcohol free event. During the eve­ 244-8640, ext. 20 or email library@gay­ ning, the 2011 Youth Pride Drag Queen 05/01: Elder Tra ining at Catholic Services and Kin will be crowned! These winners Did you know the Library & Archives g 05/02: Tra nsgender Issues at NTID will be fe atured durino the Pride Parade has a large collection of fearuxe films and 05/05: LGBT Youth Issues and Safe Schools at School Without Walls as Jeanne Gainsburg, ht eir Ride for Pride television shows of gay interest? We have chauffeux, cycles them around on a beau­ DVDs of everythjng fr om popular fa vor­ 05/05: LGBT Issues in Human Services at MCC tiful, eco-friendly bicycle rickshaw! For ires such as Milk and The L Word, to hard­ 05/08: LGBT Issues and Faith at Asbury 1st United Methodist Church more informacion about chis evem, please hitting documentaries such as Tying the 05/23: SafeZone at Alfred University Knot Tr embling Before G-d. contact Jess Cohen, Yourh Services Direc­ and 05/24: Workplace Discrimination at Attorneys and Counselors at Law New Arrivals ror, at [email protected]. 05/25: Working with LGBT Clients at Rochester Outpatient A fm al thank you to all the amazing vol­ The Library & Archives recently unteers who have kept d1e youth program received a gift of two significant books: Clinic for the VA going through our big eventS and drop-in the first is Mapplethorpe Altars and the 05/26: Gender Lens and Art at the Memorial Art Gallery hours. You are all valued beyond words. second is Chloe plus Olivia.

The Gay Alliance 875 E. Main St., Suite 500 Rochester, NY 14605 • Hours Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm • Phone (585) 244-8640 • Fax (585) 244-8246 • Web Empty Closet Phone (585) 244-9030 • Empty Closet Fax (585) 244-8246 • Empty Closet Advertising (585) 244-9030 • Empty Closet E-mail [email protected] Board President John Altieri • Executive Director Sue Cowell • Administrative Assistant Laur McSpadden • Program Director Scott Fearing Empty Closet Editor Susan Jordan • Design Jim Anderson • Community Safety Kelly Clark • Youth Services Coordinator Jessica Cohen CampusOut Assistant Mariam Mull • Outreach Coordinator Jeanne Gainsburg Youth Group Youth Center. 1st floor - Ages 13-23 Sundays 2-4 pm; Ages 18-25 Sundays 4:30-6pm • for after school schedule and special events. The Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley is a non-profit agency, dedicated to cultivating a healthy, inclusive environment where lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gender (LGBT) people are safe, thriving and enjoying equal rights. We are a coalition of individuals and groups working to empower LGBT people, to affirm their identities, and tocreate an atmosphere where the diversity of our community can thrive both collectively and separately. We educate and advocate for civil rights for all and for the eradication of homophobia. 12 B THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

rtences including Camp SOAR. We coordinate coping with a recent breast cancer diagnosis and HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for People with those coping with an advanced breast cancer AIDS) short term emergency assistance with rent/ diagnosis; Sister Sak: a program tlmt addresses mortgage/utility payments and limited subsidized the issues facing young women with breast can­ Resources housing. 1945 E. Ridge Rd., Suite 24, Rochester cer; and the Advanced Breast Cancer Support NY 14622. (585} 339-9800. Group to supportwomen living with metastatic breast cancer. The Breast Cancer Coalition also service, with emphasis on LGBTO programming. Huther Doyle provides information about breast cancer, a lend­ AIDS Youth 360 East Ave., Rochester 14604. Offers drug, drop-in center, HIV testing, peer education, ing library, and a month� educational program. alcohol prevention, education, treatment. Risk Freetesting for HW exposure support groups, computer lab, referral services All BCCR programs and supportservices are free. is available from New York State Department of and more. Stop by107 Liberty Pole Way (corner Reduction Plus Team offers servcies to HIV posi­ Health: call Rochester Area Regional Hotline at of Pleasant) or call (585}420-1400. tive and those at risk through substance use. Monroe County Women's Health Programs include outreach, transitional case Partnership (585} 423-8081, or 1-800-962-5063 for pay Monroe County HealthDepartment phones or calls outside Rochester. Deaf or hear­ management, free cconfidential testing (Ora­ 111 Westfall Rd., Rochester NY 14692; at 855 W. Main St., offers testing and counseling Quick Rapid Testing}. NYS Dep't. of Heatth offers (585}274-6978. Comprehensive breast cancer ing impaired people should call (585}423-8120 for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. (TOO.) New Rapid HIV Testing now available­ free on-site confidential and anonymous testing. screening services for uninsured and underin­ (585}753-5481. (585)325-5100, M-F 8 am-9 pm, www.huther­ sured women. test results in 30-40 minutes ! Statewide informa­ d tion can be obtained by calling 1-800-541-AIDS. Strong Memorial Hospital oy Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic Otherorganizations which provide AIDS-related provides a complete range of HIV medical care, Geneva Community Health 170 Sawgrass Drtve. 442-8432. Dr. Wende services are as follows: including access to experimental treatmentpro­ 601 W. Washington St., Geneva. Provides HIV Logan-Young andan all-woman staff provide tocols, and HIV testing. Also provides individual Care testing, HIV specialty and primary care for resi­ mammograms. AIDS and group psychotherapy. Training of health care AIDS Care, the leading provider of HIV/AIDS ser­ dents of Ontario and surrounding counties. professionals also available. Infectious Disease SHARE: Self Helpfor Women with Breast vices in Rochester and the Finger Lakes, was Mon.-Thurs. 9 am-5 pm; Fridays 9 am-noon. Clinic, (585} 275-0526. Department of Psychia­ or Ovarian Cancer formed by theJanuary 2010 merger of AIDS 315-781-8448. try, (585) 275-3379. AIDS Training Project. (585} NYS Hotline: 1-866-53SHARE or 1-866-537- Community Health Center and AIDS R hester. oc 275-5693. 4273. On-site services include: HIV testing and limited FAMILY AIDS Rochester Women's Health Outreach STD screenings, Primary and HIV Specialty Medi­ PlannedPare nthood of Rochester and Rochester Gay Moms' Group 259 Monroe Ave. ARI has services for HIV cal Care, Pharmacy, Behavioral Wellness, Case Genesee Va lley Supl))rt group for lesoan mommies and wan­ positive women and others in the lesbian com­ Management, Prevention and Education, Clinical offers testing and information (585} 546 2595. nabe mommies in Rochester and surrounding munity. 442-2220. Trials, Dental Screenings, Hepatitis C Co-Infection RuralHIV testing areas. Subscrtbe: RochesterGayMoms-sub­ Clinic, Housing Services, Laboratory, Nutrition AIDS Care anonymous and confidential, in Alleghany, Liv­ [email protected]. Services, Peer Interaction, Smoking Cessation, 259 Monroe Ave. 244-9000; TIY (585}461- ingston, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Substance Use and Addiction Counseling, Sup­ 9202. HIV and Primary care medical services Wayne or Yates Counties, call 1-800-962-5063. Lesb ia n & Gay Family Building Project port Groups, Transportation Services, Treatment Headquartered in Binghamton and with a for HIV positive women, their negative partners Adherence Counseling, and Women's Health Action FrontCenter presence throughout Upstate NY, the Project and family members. OB/GYN, HIV pre-test and Care. AIDS Care is also a leader in providing ser­ (Action for a Better Community.} Provides HIV is dedicated to helping LGBTO people achieve post-test counseling. Confidential or free HIV vices and education to members of the LGBT prevention education and case management ser­ their goals of building and sustaining healthy testing. community. Contact Information: Website: www. vices. Training and technical assistance to service families. We do this by providing support, Alternatives for Battered Women Main Office: 259 Monroe providers. Resource library open to public. All Ave., advocacy, information, and access to commu­ 232-7353; TTY 232-1741. Shelter (women Rochester, NY 14607; Main Phone: 585-545- services freea nd confidential. Multicultural and nity and sensitive healthcare and other ser­ only}, counseling. Lesbians, gay men welcome. 7200 - Heattl1 Services After Hours: 585-258- bilingual staff. Jearald Noble, program manager. vices. Our network of Pride and Joy Families 3363; Case Management After Hours (Lifeline): 33 Chestnut St., second floor. Hours 8:30-5 pm, offers social and educational opportunities to GAGVAnti Vio lence Project 585-275-5151; Fax: 585-244-6456. Finger Monday-Friday. 262-4330; fax 262-4572. Free LGBTO parents, their children and prospec­ 585-244-8640 ext 17. For women and men. anonymous HIV testing on walk-in basis, Tues­ Lakes Office: 605 W. Washington St., Geneva, tive parents. Claudia Stallman, Project Direc­ Victim Resource Center of Wayne County 14456, 315-781-6303. days, Wednesdays 1-4 pm, provided through NY Sout11ern Tier Office: tor, 124 Front St., Binghamton, NY 13905; Newark N.Y. Hotline 800-456-1172; office 122 St. P Box 624, NY 14810 NYSDOH. Thursdays 1-4 pm a Baptist Liberty 0 Bath, t Aenon 607-724-4308; e-mail: LesGayFamBidg@ (315}331 -1171; fax (315}331-1189. 607-776-9166. The Healtll Outreach Project: 416 Church, 175 Genesee St. Web: Central Ave., Rochester. NY 14605; 585-454-5556. Mary MagdaleneHouse Anthony Jordan Health Center L. Familiesby Joined Love Women's outreach center for HIV positive Gay of the Genesee Valley Prevention Primary Care Program Alliance & Books and resources for LGBT families. women and women at rtsk. 291 Lyell Ave. provides referrals to physicians and service agen­ Provides Medical Case Management, Mental Open Mon-Frt. 6:30-9:30 pm 458-5728. cies. (585) 244-8640; Health, Primary Care, HIV Counseling and Testing Parents, and Friends of using the Orasure Rapid Test, Education presen­ Families Planned Parenthood of the Rochester/Syr­ Victory Alliance and Gays (PFLAG) tations, and access to other Jordan services. Pre­ Lesbians acuse Region Universityof Rochester Medical Center. One of PFLAG's tllreefold mission: supporting parents vention & Primary Care is a walk-in program; no 114 University Ave., Rochester, NY 14605; several research sites wortdwide that comprise and family members in coming out process; appointments necessary. Office hours: Mon.- Frt., Toll-free Helpline: 1-866-600-6886. Planned the HIV Vaccine Trials Network. Rochester site educating the community; advocating on beha� 8:30am- 5 pm: extended hours on Monday until Parenthood has led the way in providing high conducts research vaccine studies sponsored by of LGBT family members. Regular meetings: quality, affordable reproductive health care National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the attempt 8 pm. (585) 423-2879; fax(585) 423-2876. Th�dSunday of the month, Open Arms MCC, since 1916. Our experienced and compassion­ to discover a vaccine that may one day prevent Website: For more infor­ 740 Marshall Rd. 14624. 1-3 pm. PFLAG@ ate medical staff will listen to your concerns and HIV infection or AIDS. Imagine a world without mation, call Program Director Patrick M. Trevor,; 585-244-8640 x27. answer your questions in a warm, welcoming AIDS, learn how you can help create it. 585-756- (585) 423-2879. Adoptive ParentSupp ort Group atmosphere. All our services are confidential. 2329; CDC National STDand AIDS Hotline Monthly potluck lunches. For infomnation, loca­ We accept most insurances; including Medic­ 1-800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) 24 hours Threshold tion, call Shari, 350-2529. aid. You may even qualify for low- to no-cost At The Community Place, 145 Parsells Ave., a day. TIY service: 1-888-232-6348. E-mail family planning services. When you make your third floor, 585-454-7530. Provides confi­ address: [email protected]. Angel FoodMi nis tty appointment, be sure to ask about our sliding Box of fresh/frozen food for $30. For information dential HIV, STD testing and General Health Fa ir Housing Enforcement Proj ect of scale fees. No one is turned away for lack of call 585-861-4815. Hope Lutheran Church, 1301 Care, ages 12-25. Sliding fee scale, no one Monroe County ability to pay. denied, most insurances accepted. Mon., Vintage Lane, Rochester 14626. 585-325-2500; 1-800-669-9777. Deals with POLITICAL: Wed., Fri. 9a.m.-5p.m.; Tues., Thurs., 9a.m.- housing discrimination on basis of race, orienta­ National Organization for Women 7p.m.; Sat. 10a.m.-2p.m. www.Threshold­ tion, HIV status, etc. LGBT HEALTH (Greater Rochester NOW) For a list ofLGBT -friendly and competent healtll PublicInter est Law Office of Rochester PO 93196; (585}234-7019. E-mail : and human service providers in the Rochester Box Center forHealth and Behavioral Tr aining of 80 St. Paul St., Suite 701. Free legal services to [email protected] Web page: http:// and Finger Lakes area, visit the resource direc­ MonroeCounty HIV I))Sitive persons, families. Spanish bilingual tory page(s} atwww These 853 Main St., Rochester 14611. Collaboration advocates available. All civil cases except divorce; pages are compiled and managed AIDS Care. of Monroe County Health Department and U.R. no criminal cases. Ask to speak to someone in by CULTURAL: If you are a provider, or know of one, who would Provides year-round training in prevention and PILOR. 454-4060. Rochester Women's Community Chorus like to be included, contact them through the management of STDs, HIV, TB and related issues, 234-4441. (See Ongoing calendaQ . such as domestic violence and case manage­ Evergreen loHealth Services,Buffa website or contact Erik Libey directly at (585} ment. (585)753-5382 v/tty. Prtmary care, HIV and family care, HIV testing and 210-4192. ONLINE: counseling. (716) 847-0328 Planned Parenthood ofthe Rochester/ Gay Alliance ofthe Genesee Valley WOWcny: Syracuse Region WestsideHealth Services See Resource Directory e-mail: [email protected] 114 University Ave., Rochester, NY 14605; Toll­ Brown Square Healtll Center, 175 Lyell Ave. (254- under "Health" for GAGV referrals to physicians Rochester NY Lesbians; free Helpline: 1-866-600-6886. Offers confiden­ 6480); Woodward health Center, 480 Genesee and service agencies. tial HIV testing and information. When you make St. (436-3040). HIVIAIDS services, support, more. your appointment, be sure to ask about our slid­ GENERAL: McCreeMc CullerWei/ness Center at Unity WOMEN ing scale fees. No one is turned awayfor lack of Women's Resource Center Health's Connection Clinic HEALTH: YWCA, 175 N. Clinton Ave. 546-7740. ability to pay. (585) 368-3200. 89 GeneseeSt., Bishq:J Kear­ Highland Hospital Breast Imaging Center Area Force on AIDS ney Bldg., 3rd floor. Full range of servcies, regard­ Rochester Task 500 Red Creek Drive, Rochester 14623; 585- SOCIAL: A collection of agencies providing a muttiplicity of less of ability to pay. Caring, confidential and 487-3300. Specializing in breast health, diag­ Color Outside the Une Crew resources and services to the upstate New York convenient. nostic breast imaging and treatment and Contact Jackie Williams, 482-4945. community. Their offices are located t11rough the Catholic Charities AIDS Services mammography outreach and education. Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency, which also Butch Femme Connection: A multicultu ral and bi-lingual staff providing ser­ provides medical literature and newspaper clip­ BreastCancer Coalition of Rochester 288-7208; [email protected] vices to a diversity of people infected and affected pings, as well as demographic and statistical data 840 University Ave.; 585-473-8177; www.bccr. with HIV.Intensive home-based case management Check our monthly and ongoing Calendars for use in d eloping health care services. (585} org; email: [email protected]. Breast Cancer Coali­ ev for all ages; a clinical crisis manager; a child/ and the Gay Groups section for more groups 461-3520. tion provides support services that include BrOVoJn adolescent case worker; transitional case man­ and events. For more information, call the Bag Fridays: an informal discussion group that MOCHA Center of Rochester agement for children and family members going GAGV at 244-8640 or see www.gayalliance. meets week� from 12:00-1:30; Breast Cancer Our mission is to improve health and wellness in t11rough bereavement; recreational and support org. And send us your infomnation! • 101 and 201 : programs designed to help those communities of color t11rough intervention and groups for children and teens, and camping expe- JUNE 2011 • NUMBER 446 • GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • THE EMPTY CLOSET B 13

nity Church located on 740 Marshall Rd., DIGNITY-INTEGRITY Rochester 14624 at 7 p.m. We are a fun, lively and friendly group D-I Rochester continues to meet weekly at St. made up of singles, couples, men, and Luke's and St. Simon's Church, 17 S. Firzhugh women, young and young at heart; when Sr., corner of Broad St. We have the following we aren't learning new calls, we are telling services and activities for the month of June 20 ll. Find the friends and fun you stories, jokes, and lively anecdotes. We Please note that all services starr at 5 p.m. First Sunday: Episcopal Mass, with music need in your neighborhood of usually learn a cou pie of new calls each ni ht, and if we make mistakes, our caller (includes healing service) the community. g LGBT will review the calls for us. We are a very Second Sunday: Roman Carbolic Liturgy of easy-going group, and missteps happen. the Word, with music ADOPTIVE PARENT There will someone there ro guide you to Third Sunday: Episcopal Mass in the Cha­ SUPPORT GROUP where you need to be. The night is fo r fun pel, no music this week and having a good time. Fourth Sunday: Evening Prayer, followed The next meeting of rhe Adoptive Par­ For more information, call Bob 467- by a Potluck Supper. ent Support Group wi II be June 11, from 6456 or [email protected]. Hope June Pot Luck Theme: " Easy Food for Lazy noon until 2 p.m. in Rochester. to see you soon. Days." As soon as summer starts, no one really lt is a potluck, so please bring a dish wanrs to cook up a huge meal in a hot kitchen, so this month's theme is self-explanatory. to pass. Childcare is available with no JUST US GUYS Got a favorite that rakes virtually no rime at all to fix? Bring it along and share it at our charge, but reservations are required. Call potluck. We'll have found our favorites to share with you! Shari, 350-2529, for reservations and loca­ Like so many others, we are anxiously It's GARAGE SALE time again! Bargains Galore! DATE: June 3, 4 and 5. PLACE: tion. awaiting the arrival and pleasures of sum­ 6963 West Main Road, Lima, 14485. TIME: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; 9 mer months. Let's hope that it will be a a.m.-3 p.m. on Sunday. This is the same weekend as th e annual "Trail of Treasures", BUTCH FEMME nice one! along Rte. 5 & 20 from Caledonia to Bloomfield. Great fun ... bring fa.roilyand friends! On Tuesday, June 14 (Flag Day), we Remember that you can always check for any additions or changes to the schedule CONNECTION will gather at AIDS Care, 259 Monroe or for details on our activities at our website ... We hope The Rochester Burch-Femme Connec­ Ave., for a Pot Luck Dinner. Gathering to see you! tion will have two dinner evenrs in June time is 6:30 p.m. in the break area located 2011. On June 11, we will meet at Jay's on the lower level as you exit the escalaror. Diner on West Hemietta Road (Route 15) These events are a good time for new to Yahoo group profile: RochesterGLBTQ­ house OJ. The food theme is your favorite in Hemieua at 7 p.m. people come and enjoy some network­ Jbikers. You can also call Bob at 467- birthday fo od. On June 25, we will meet at Monte ing with others. Time will also be set aside 6456, or e-mail bmdaniels@frontierner. Some other special events taking place Alban Mexican Restaurant on East Ridge to discuss plans for July and August. net. Let's ride with pride! this month at Rainbow SAGE are our first Road in Ironde uoit at 7 p.m. For more information about the group q ever Movie Night and a Game Night. The For more information, contact Kerry/ and the June Pot Luck, contact Ron at 223- Movie Night is Thursday, June 9 at 6 p.m. Max at (585) 288-7208, e-mail Dressy­ 2629 or email [email protected]. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and we are showing the movie "Connie [email protected] or visit our Facebook RAINBOW SAGE & Carla". page Lmder The Rochester Butch-Femme ROCHESTER GLBTQI Game Ni hr is Thursday, June 30 at Connection. MOTORCYCLE GROUP It is hard to believe but we are nine g years old this June. A lot has happened, 6 p.m., which will include a Wii, so let's start a Wii bowling league. Both events GAY SQUARE DANCE New members and camping at Jones including changing our name from Rain­ Pond on June 10, 11 and 12 are on rhe bow Seniors to Rainbow SAGE and will be in the Gay Alliance Community GROUP - THE LILAC schedule for this month. Hope you can becoming a program of the Gay Alliance. Room on the first floor of the Auditorium SQUARES join us. Come celebrate our birthday on our Theatre, 875 East Main St. Our group is made up of newbies, eo­ nexr Third Sw1day Potluck. The date is We have euchre, men's group, women's p group and more in June as well. Go to We graduated three dancers from our ple who put on a lot of mileage, and long Sunday, June 19 ar 4 p.m. and the location class wh ich started in September. Con­ time bikers. We are all joined, apart from is First Universalist Chw·ch, 150 South our website at for more gratulations to the graduates! the obvious, by our spore, and hel ing Clinton, corner of Court Street. We, of information on all our events or send us p an email at [email protected]. The Lilac Squares meets each Monday each other. A real nice group of people! course, will have cake to celebrate every­ at the Open Arms Metropolitan Commu- For more information, look at our one's birthday, plus our brand new in- Hope ro see you soon. 14 B THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

Empire Bears Poduck 2nd Saturdays, GAGV Yo uili Center, 875 E. Main, Hrst floor, Prince St. entrance. 6:30pm greet; 7pm dinner. Ongoing tal€nclat: to www.em Bring dish pass. pirebears. o�g.

MONDAY Rochester HistoricalBowling Society Steps BeyondStems Crack Support Brothers Keeper Cross DresserSupport Group 7:15pm, Mondays. Oover Lanes, Grou Support rou� for men over 30. Third First Satmdays, 6-9pm, call for LGBT SupportGroup p g 2750 Monroe Ave. (Group is full.) Mondays, 7-8pm, 289 Monroe Ave. Wo onesdays , ):30-7:30pm, MOCHA location: New Life Presbyterian Church, 243 I Center, 07 LibertyPole Way. 251-2132; [email protected] Rosedale. First, 3rd Mondays, HIV Positive Gay Men Support GAGV library &Archives, David 420-1400 7:30-9:30 pm. Carol, 482-3832. group Bohnett Cyber Center GuysN ghti Out Every Monday, 5pm, AIDS Care, Every Monday. 6-8pm. First floor, 875 GAGVYouth Drop-In Hours Third Saturdays. groupfor LilacSquares Social 259 Monroe Ave. E. Main St. 244-8640. Mondays, Woo nesdays, 3-7pm, GAGV transguys. lpm, Equai=Grounds, Gay SquareDance Group 750 Youd1 Center, 875 E. Main St. Prince South Ave.tguysnightout@gm Mondays, 7pm, Open Arms MCC, GAGVYouth Drop-In Hours Equality Rochester St. entrance, first floor. 244-8640 x 13. 740 Marshall Rd. 467-6456; Mondays, Woonesdays, 2-6pm, GAGV 6:30-8:30pm, Metro Justice, 167 SaturdayNight Specali GayAA [email protected]. Youd1 Center,875 E. Main St. Prince St. Flanders St. 426-0862; annetischerl@ Frontrunners/Frontwalkers 7pm, Unirarian Ch urch, 220 Winton entrance, first floor. 244-8640, x 13. 6pm, Eastman House parking lot. Rd. S. Men and women. Open Free syphilis testing www.rocbesterfrontru meeting. AIDS Care, 259 Monroe Ave., 5-8pm. Frontrunners/Frontwalkers TUESDAY 442-2220. Mondays, 6pm, George Eastman GAGV Library &Archives, David Lilac RainbowAllian ce forthe House parl

SATURDAY 25 Butch Femme Connection meets at Monte Alban Mexican Restaurant on East Ridge Road in Irondequoit at 7 pm. (585) 288-7208, e-mail [email protected] or see Facebook page under The Roches­ ter Burch-Femme Connection. SUNDAY FRIDAY 3 Dignity Integrity � Catholic 26 Liturgy of the W9r.d, ..witli NYC Pride Parade. Dignity Integrity Garage Sale. 6963 music. 5 pm. 2011 Big Gay Prom Donors Toronto Pride Parade. West Main Road, Lima (14485). Through Sr. Luke's and St. Simon's Chw-ch, 17 S. & Volunteers Dignity Integrity Evening Prayer, Susan Macaluso • Ter y Hanney • DJ Chuck June 5. 9 am-5 pm on Friday and Satur­ Fitzhugh St., corner of Broad St. r fo llowed by a Potluck Supper. Theme: Argento • Janet Epstein • Gabe Bonefont • day; 9 am-3 pm Sunday. MONDAY 13 Dontaee Williamson • Courtney Coif • Sam " Easy Food for Lazy Days." 5 pm. St. Brett • Joe Ashton • Judy Glaubinger • "Stonewall Uprising: American SATURDAY 4 Luke's and Sr. Simon's Church, 17 S. Fit­ Bruce Gorman & Joe Nordone • Allegra Rochester Wo men's Community Experience" airs 9 pm on WXXI-TV/ Anka & Mary Ferrigno • Melissa Townsend zhugh St., corner of Broad St. • Kelly Centola • Teri Boerner • Erik Sou­ Chorus concert. HD. Documentary on 1969 Stonewall "We Believe." Hoch­ TUESDAY blat • Jessica Peters • Michael Riley • stein School of Music, N. Plymouth Ave., Riots. 28 Christopher Layley • l org/events/ride.html A CATHOLIC COMMUNITY WHERE ALL ARE WELCOME "Connie & Carla". Gay Alliance Com­ Rochester Gay Men's Chorus sum­ 121 N. Fitzhugh Street • Rochester, New York 14614 • Phone: 325-1180 munity Room, first floor, 875 E. Main Sr. mer concert, "Walking on Sunshine," (next to Youth Center). 8 pm, Hochstein Performance Hall, 50 Liturgies: Thursday: 7:00pm, Saturday: 5:00pm "A Delicate Balance" by Edward North Plymouth Ave. Tickets at Par­ Sunday: 7:30am Albee opens ar MuCCC, 142 Atlantic kleigh, Outlandish, The Creator's Hands, 9:30am (at Hochstein, 50 PlymouthAvenue) Ave. Through June 18. Equai=Grounds, at or FRIDAY 10 (585) 423-0650. Deadline for July Pride Guide sup­ SUNDAY 19 plement advertisers. For information, Dignity Integrity Episcopal Mass in email [email protected]. the Chapel, no music this week . 5 pm. Sr. Kavod Ha'briot Rochester GBLTQI Motorcycle Luke's and St. Simon's Church, 17 S. Fit­ Group camping at Jones Pond. Through zhugh St., corner of Broad St. June 12. Call Bob, 467-6456, or e-mail Ride for Pride fundraiser. Noon- Respect fo r Human Dignity [email protected] 6 pm, Scotland Yard Pub, 187 St. Paul SATURDAY 11 St. Hosted by Riders for Pride Jason and Butch Femme Connection meets Justin. at Jay's Diner on West Henrietta Road Rainbow SAGE potluck and ninth (Route 15) in Henrietta at 7 pm. (585) anniversary. 4 pm, First Universalist 288-7208, e-mail [email protected] Church, 150 South Clinton, corner of Te mple Beth David or see Facebook page under The Roches­ Court Sr. ter Burch-Femme Connection. TUESDAY 21 A Conservative, Egalitarian, Haimish Synagogue. Adoptive Parents Support Group, Summer solstice. Ancienr Fire Feast noon-2 pm. For location call Shari, 350- of the Sun. Sacred tree: Oak. 2529. High holiday tickets available. WEDNESDAY 22 SUNDAY 12 AACTFESTll opens at Geva, runs Capital Pride, Washington DC. through June 22. 232-GEVA. 3200 St. Paul Blvd. 585/266-3223 Grammy-winner Kelly Rowland wi ll per­ FRIDAY http :1/templebethdavid. uscjhost. net fo rm on the main stage on Pennsylvania 24 Ave., NW, from 11 am - 6 pm. Midsummer Eve.

Classified ads are $5 for the first 30 words; each additional 10 words is another $1. We do not bill for classifieds, so please send or bring ad and payment to: The Empty Closet, 875 E. Main Street, Suite 500, Rochester, NY 14605. Paying by check: checks must be made out to Gay Alliance or GAGV. The deadline is the 15th of the month, for the following month's issue. We cannot accept ads over the phone. Paywhen you place your ad. We will accept only ads accompanied by name and phonenumber. Neither will be published, but we must be able to confirm placement. The Empty Closet is not responsible forfinancial loss orphysical injury that may result from any contact with an advertiser. Advertisers must use their own box number, voice mail, e-mail or personal address/phone number. SERVICES cretion appreciated and practiced. Don't those pesky bugs and get your computer ANNOUNCEMENTS Rochester's Best Man to Man delay, call me coday at 585-773-2410(cell) in topnotch shape again. (585) 482-4484; Musicians & Artists: & Bread Water Rubdown. Unwind with this degreed, or 585-235-6688(home) or e-mail me at: Turnquist Comput- Theatre seeks musicians and artists ro employed, fit, friendly, healthy, Italian [email protected]. er Services. Because you want use your for third annual Music and Art Fair, GWM. Middle aged, 5'8", 16 51bs., 32" Martin Ippolito master electrician. computer, not fix it. Aug. 13-14, from 2-8 p.m. Local artists waist, nonsmoker, d & d free, HIY nega- Electrical work, telephone jacks, cable FOR SALE can urchase space at $25 a day or p tive. My 10-plus years experience guar- TV, burglar alarm systems, paddle fans. Light up your path or arden this $40 for rwo days. Both musicians and g amees your relaxation and satisfaction. 585-266-6337. summer! Malibu outdoor lights, 50-foot artists can sign up by visiting www. Is your com uter bu ging you? Hotel visit, in call in my home or out call p g Does string of four. Brand new, never unboxed. it need some TLC? Call Anya at Turn- in your residence. Reasonable rates. Dis- 385-7931. quist Computer Services to get rid of $79 value for $59. 16 B THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE OF THE GENESEE VALLEY • NUMBER 446 • JUNE 2011

Hochstein Performance Hall IT'S A CAY WO RLD AFTER ALL • ANIMATED ON PA RK



JULY 8·17, 2011

SPONSORS Holiday Inn Airport Three Olives Absolut Barefoot Wines Bachelor Forum Bob johnson Chevrolet Professional Tu toring Park Ave Merchants Victory Alliance Constellation Image Out Nolan's


CAL.EMDARJ BUY YOUR The Gay Alliance thanks the jewish TICKETS Community Center and Ralph Meranto for FRIDAY JULY 8 Flag Raising at City Hall, 4-5pm FOR PRIDE their generous donation from Sassy in the South Wedge, 5-9pm "The Producers"! ON-LINE SATURDAYJULY9 NOW Cay Day at Seabreeze, 11am-6pm (Advance tickets at the Gay Alliance) SUNDAY JULY 10 Tea Dance 9tm6ient Candle Comyany §!{tSfioy Pride Festival Premium 100% Soy Candfes MONDAY, JULY 11 and Picnic stages Youth Dance (1flwill have interpreters. 1Lnique §ijt 'Baskets � Watch Pride website 1fove{ties and 'More for ASL Symbol to be added to 12 TUESDAY JULY event listings. Qu estions? • Third Presbyterian Movie Hight 367 Part9lwnue 442 -5808 [email protected] www.ambtentcandfecompany. com THURSDAY IULY 14 lmageOut Movie tf.ght FRIDAY IULY 15 Pride KickotfParty Joe D�Silva . SATURDAY JULY 16 Family Day at the Toclcl L Perldn. Memorial Art Callery � Pride Parade line-up, 2-lpm PRIDE PARADE, 4-5pm PRIDE FESTIVAL, 4:l0-9:l0pm ($8at g ate; S5 in advance; $5 students with ID) Businesses.let us help fillyour sununerjobs!

SUNDAY IULY 17 � PRIDE PICHI 1-7 pm lt Genesee Valley� Park (S15 at gate; $10 advance; $5 students I'm yourfuture with ID) ROCHESTER PRIDE GUIDE 2010 3 FES11VAI:HEADUMERS

Pepper an overwhelming sense of happiness all around me." Mashay Melissa came out pub­ By Susan jordan licly in 1995, and has since The dynamic Pepper become something of an Mashay is returning to icon in lesbian fo lk/rock Rochester Pride this year. circles: her song "Drive" is Pepper says, "I was really pretty much th e anthem honored and blessed to of Sapphic desire. be able to come back to "I wrote it on a dare, Rochester - not only for which was fun," she said the music but to see old when asked about the friends." song. "'Drive' has opened Pepper's new release up new fa ns for me all over is a cover of "Use Some­ the world: I only hope it body" by the rock band continues to make people Kings of Leon. She com­ feel sexy and free." mented, "I will be per­ Her newest album, clev­ forming it in Rochester erlyt�ed Enough abo� and looking for opinions Me, is a compilation of on it - I went with tribal skillful and heart-felt drums and acoustic gui­ cover renditions of songs tars. I listened to all of the by a diverse array of art­ covers released in the last much-loved hit "Diving in ists such as Radiohead three years and feel like the Pool," she says, "We're ("Creep"), Barenaked mine is the most excit- gonna get soakin' wet!" Ladies ("Call and Answer") ing. What drew me to the and Aimee Mann ("Death­ song initially was that the Melissa Ferrick ly"), along with a few orig­ young man who wrote the inal tunes. By Laur McSpadden song is also lead singer (of Kings of Leon). His name Since her first album 1993, is Caleb Followill. came out in Melis­ "The band is three broth­ sa Ferrick has been gift­ ers and a cousin, I think. It's a ing the world with music family band out of Tennes­ that is simultaneously raw see, where I spent a lot of and polished, ballsy and time growing up. My mother vulnerable. In her own married a man from Te n­ words, her music (more nessee and we spent every rock than folk) is "honest, other summer in Nashville self-searching and love­ Pride Flash (the other summers we spent themed." Ana, to all of Dance Mob! our great fo rtune here in in Indiana, where my mother Sometime during the the Rochester area, she was from). It's amazing how a fe stival we will play Lady redheaded black woman can will be performing at the Melissa Ferrick Gaga's Born This Way - relate so well to three white Rochester Pride fe stival will you be in on the 16! boys from mid-Tennessee! onJuly dance? Visit: "But I love their sound. "The best thing about or fear, I feel weight­ that experience to the my shows for me is that less-time kind of stops. next level. "It's always There's a feel of gospel to com/user/GayAIIiance their music." I am not thinking about It really is my favorite a blessing to play any beginning june 6 to start Pepper says she can't anything, my mind doesn't way to meditate. For my Pride fe stival," she said. stray," sne said in an inter­ fa ns, I can only hope that When describing some learning the dance. wait to see her Rochester Be part of Pride Festival view with The Empty they feel moments of the past Prides that she's fa ns again. "We're gonna history! have a good time," she Closet. "I don't feel any same." played at, she said, "I just promises. Referring to her rushes of nervousness Pride festivals can take remember feeling such

a�tJs, s .::!

Genesee Valley Park

George Eastman House

c.;- • East Avenue § 4 ROCHESTER PRIDE GUIDE JUNE 2011

A Hardy-Vernon Hello PRIDE-ful People! We are excited to provide this june Preview Guide for Rochester Pride 201 1. In this guide you can meet the terrific sponsors who are helping us to put on 10 days of super events! We have great entertainment and a variety of vendors ready to pump up the Pride for you, your friends, and family members and of course all of our allies are welcome to join us July 8-17th! Beginning June 1, we are glad to provide an improved on-line option for buying your Pride tickets. Go to or to find the banner ad to access the the Rochester Pride Store hosted by Osnik.

Purchase tickets for:

• Annual Cay Family Day at Seabreeze, Saturday July 9 • The Pride Tea Dance at ONE, Sunday July 10 • The Pride Festival, SaturdayJuly 16

• The Pride Picnic, Sunday July 17 In addition you can purchase tickets in person Mon-Fri, 10am-2pm at the Gay Alliance offices. Tea Dance, Festival and Picnic tickets can also be purchased at Outlandish, Parkleigh or Equai=Grounds. We are still seeking Pride Sponsors, and more volunteers. Visit or look for the Pride Event tab at Get involved, have fun and remember, Rochester Pride supports the many programs of the Gay Alliance! Hospitably, Michael and Carrie Michael Hardy Carrie Vernon Rochester Pride 1011 Co-Chairs [email protected] [email protected]

The Cay Alliance Family Day at Seabreeze Saturday, July 9 Enjoy a full day of unlimited Waterslides (11am-8pm) RIDES: (11am - 10pm) TICKETS: $22.50 available online at or at the Gay Alliance Community Center, 875 E. Main St. (5th floor) Children two and under, FREE

Youth Pride Roundhouse Pageant & Dance Events at the Monday, July 11 Pride Picnic Tilt Nightclub and Ultralounge Pride Family Day Open to all LGBTQyouth and allies Sunday July 17 • 1-7pm ages 13-23 -a drug and alcohol at the Memorial Genesee Valley Park, Rochester Kick-Off Party free event. 2011 Youth Pride Drag Art Callery Rochester's Got Talent Show Qu een and King will be crowned! 15 These winners will have seats of Friday, July Noon - 3pm Dance with Tilt's Own, DJ Jon Herbert; Rochester's Own, DJ honor during the Pride Parade 7-10pm Join us for our second Family Day Hector; Rochester's New, DJ KD as Jeanne Gainsburg, their Ride Holiday Inn Airport at the MAG. There will be fun for Pride chauffeur, cycles them 911 Brooks Avenue activities for the kids and free With the best Sound of Rochester: around on a beautiful, eco-friendly DJ , announcements, show, admission to the Art Gallery. Head Party at UR Place Sound System. rickshaw. For more information, sashing of Grand Marshal and from the Gallery to get a good seat Available to rent for events. contactJess Cohen, Youth Services Honorary Grand Marshal on the Pride Parade route! Director, at [email protected].

'l1leI� LmbiaDFilm &Gay & lllklo Ft\ti\111

19th Annual Festival October 7-16, 201 1 For more information about the Festival and events held throughout the year, including Pride Week screenings, please vislt us at ROCHESTER PRIDE GUIDE JUNE 2011 5




taking GOOD CARE ot myself Is WORK, but the PAYO FF is so worth it. same is true for the community. we hove to take GOOD CARE of each other.

so DO YO UR PA RT. give your arm a WORKOUT: PICK UP THE PHONE.

One arm. One hour 6 ROCHESTER PRIDE GUIDE JUNE 2011

...we simply decided to change it

We lovecars. But not the traditionalcar buying experience. That'swhy we've pledged to change the car business for the better. Forever. VJslt liElOWEST PRICE THEBEST EIPERIEIICE

1-Soo-399-0567 6520 State Route 96 Vi ctor, NY 14564 u�=Grounds Coffee House & GiftShoppe 7 50 South Ave . Rochester'sFrrs t OpenlyGay OwnedAnd Operated CoffeeHouse ProudlySeiVing The LGBTI Community Since2006!

Wllere arb 0 ! Mon-Fri 7AM-Midnight / Sat-Sun lOAM-Midnight Friend Us On Faceboo k ROCHESTER PRIDE GUIDE JUNE 2011 7

ROCHESTER PRIDE SHOES PARADE•FESnVAL•PICNIC Rochester's Most Unique Shoe Store .:... _) t.. I �ANDBAGS [41 HATS I COSTUME JEWELRY Bring tn this ad for 20°/o OFF VOLUNTEER FOR PRIDE JULY 8·17 your purchase What better way to show pride in the Rochester LGBTA community than by h taking action and elping to make sure Rochester Pride 2011 is a huge success! Straight allies are, of course, welcome at all our events and also as volunteers!

To register as a 2011 Pride Volunteer, please go to: pri


RESPONSIBLY Free Wine Tasting everv Fridav "Aiwavs fun alwavs free" 149 Park Avenue Rochester, New York 585-211-0590


The Committee for Rochester PRIDE 2011 is happy to announce our Headquarter Hotel: The Holiday Inn Airport, 911 Brooks Ave., Rochester, NY 14624. The Holiday Inn Airport is offering a $99 per night rate! Call 585-328-6000 to make reservations. They have a huge indoor pool, great gym, awesome Italian restaurant and one of the most popular bars on the south side of the city! We look forward to a fantastic Kickoff Party there from 7-10pm on Friday, july 15, 2011. Visit and and stay a couple days with us!