The St. Lawrence County Historical Association OUAR TERLY' Volunre XVI - Nunrber 4 - Fall 2001 The St. Lawrence County Historical Association at the Silas Wright House The St. Lawrence County Historical Association is a private, not-fo based at the Silas Wright House in Canton, New York. Fou constitution, by-laws, and Board of Trustees. The elect its trustees. 2002 Officers: 2002 Trustees: President: Carl Stickney, No Chris Angus, Canton Vice-President: Patricia Carson, Canton Treasurer: Carol John Richard Foster, Rossie Secretary: Susie R. Shawn Gray, Massena ,.: ......."...:? ,..? E. Jane Layo, Waddington ,..:$ Stan Maine, Pierrepont 2002 sta@,Jy Trent Trdock, Executive Director Todd Moe, Norwood sue .J.+e&shore, Collections Manager Cathleen O'Horo, Canton Maryellen Jones, Archives Manager ~everl<~~ownell, ..:.<. Administrative Assistant Tim Strong, Potsdam '<> ..>. ..>. 7..., .... "'-, Peter Van de Water, Cant <::... <::... :*::. "...,., ..... ..>. ..:.. The St. Lawrence County Historical serves as an educational resource for the use in the County's history and traditions. The Assoc to the County's history. In cooperation and coll understanding of and appreciation for the Coun Lawrence County Historical Association operates within museum standards established by the American Association of Museums. SLCHA Membership Membership in the St. Lawrence County Historical Association is open to all interested parties. Annual membership dues are: Individual, $25; SeniorIStudent, $20; Family, $35; Contributor, $50; Supporter, $100; Patron, $250; Businesses, $50 to $1,000. Members receive the SLCHA Quarterly, the Historical Association'sbi-monthly newsletter, and various discounts on publications, programs and events. St. Lawrence County Historical Association at the Silas Wright House 3 East Main Street, PO Box 8 Canton, New York 13617 (315) 386-8133 fax (315) 386-8134 e-mail:
[email protected] -- Published continuously since 1956 I The St.