


23 JULY 2013



1. Purpose of Report .

1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek Cabinet approval to progress a proposal to secure a civic purpose and benefit for the Library building at Wyndham Street, Bridgend following the scheduled completion of the new library at Bridgend Recreation Centre.

2. Connection to Corporate Improvement Plan / Other Corporate Priority.

• Corporate Plan (2013-2017 )Priority – Working together to develop the local economy; and Encouraging healthy lifestyles to reduce health inequalities

• Corporate Regeneration Strategy (Fit for the Future) Theme - Realising the potential of our major towns.

3. Background.

3.1 In December 2012 Cabinet approved the proposal to re-locate Bridgend Library to Bridgend Recreation Centre following a period of public consultation and as part of a strategy to create libraries services that are fit for the 21 st Century.

3.2 In approving the recommendations Cabinet recognised public concern for the after- use of the current building and the need to complement the town centre regeneration programme. Cabinet set out a commitment to secure a sustainable future for the building that would also contribute to the vibrancy of the town centre.

3.3 The library building is fully owned by Bridgend County Borough Council and is a Grade II listed building built in 1907 to accommodate the public library. Situated within the commercial heart of the town, the building has accommodation over two floors and is accessed directly off Wyndham Street.

4. Current situation / proposal.

4.1 In striving to achieve a desired solution for the after use of Bridgend Library any proposal would be required to meet the following criteria

1. Sustainability – Capital and Revenue 2. Civic purpose and vibrancy – Impact on town centre, public services and footfall 3. Deliverability and risk – ensuring immediate occupation and future viability

Whereas the space could provide accommodation for other Council services, in the case of the Library building, there is a focus on maintaining a public and civic

1 purpose which reflects the building’s heritage and the current effort to generate increased town centre footfall.

4.2 Cabinet recently endorsed a report authorising a first stage bid for Bridgend town for funding under the Welsh Government’s Vibrant and Viable Places programme. The bid will be based on a cluster of projects to provide the catalyst to create a new dynamic, lively, exciting and sustainable town centre for Bridgend, through rationalisation of retail space, introduction of town centre housing, and the creation of commercial opportunities, increased space for arts and leisure, and improved town centre parking. The aim of this investment is to diversify the town’s offer, to attract footfall. The future of the Library building should be considered in this context and complement the bidding process to ensure a coherent town centre offer.

4.3 Bridgend County Borough Council were approached by Bridgend Town Council who expressed an interest in the building as a possible alternative to their current premises and administrative centre at Glanogwr which is considered too far away from the town centre for public engagement and access. Their lease with the Council for Glangowr has expired and therefore it is felt opportune to explore other options.

4.4 A cross-departmental team of officers led by the Wellbeing Directorate have considered the Town Council’s proposal and have worked with them to fully understand the potential of a move to the town centre and, in particular, to the Library Building. While there is a democratic process for the Town Council to pursue before committing formally, their proposal is attractive in that it provides the building with a stable, sustainable and civic purpose.

4.5 Cultural regeneration is recognised as an effective catalyst for town centre and area regeneration that can stimulate economic and social benefit. It makes towns better places to live and visit – often changing the perception of a place. The ‘Art About Us’ project formed part of the ongoing £9m refurbishment programme for Bridgend Town Centre. The project established a number of creative activities and cultural events in the town center, and was very well received by the community. Residents were encouraged to join in with the project by sharing their thoughts on what they think ‘regeneration’ means, what part we can all play in the process and the ways in which it changes where and how we live. It demonstrated that there is an appetite for the town to develop a cultural identity and that this could have a very positive long term impact on regeneration.

4.6 The Town Council have indicated that their space requirements can be accommodated on the upper-floor of the library building but they would wish to support community partnership outcomes for heritage and people especially in relation to arts, culture, history and education as well as the trading interests of the town.

4.7 For a town of its size Bridgend lacks quality arts venues and facilities. This vacuum makes it difficult to define demand and therefore an incremental approach to facilities is called for. The proposal from the Town Council is based on creating a space to the ground floor of the library building where there will be an emphasis on developing an arts programme and creative hub. It is not the intention to extensively fit-out this space but rather keep a flexible open space where cross-art form activity

2 is allowed to evolve over the next two years, meeting the cultural agenda and attending to increasing footfall within the town centre.

4.8 The Council and Town Council are particularly keen to promote and support the arts sector. Bridgend Arts Ltd. are establishing themselves as a creative presence within the town and have an ambition to create an arts hub where local talent can have the platform to perform or exhibit depending on their art form. Early events have been well attended. While the organisation is in its embryonic stages of development the Town Council wish to support their incubation and development.

4.9 A flexible, multi-purpose space within the town would support other established events such as the Mash-up, Feastival and Adult Learners week. It would also provide an opportunity to programme other events that would support trade and attract a foot-fall into this area of the town centre.

4.10 Should the Town Council formally approach the Council with a democratically endorsed proposal, a suitable tenure or disposal agreement will need to be negotiated and agreed. In the interest of developing and securing this community facility an appropriate lease-hold or an asset transfer which minimises risk to the County Borough Council and is of sufficient length to allow the Town Council to seek grant funding support, are seen as the most favourable options.

4.11 Should the Town Council look to re-locate this would release the Glanogwr Offices for potential disposal under the Council’s Asset Management Plan.

5. Effect upon Policy Framework& Procedure Rules.

5.1 There is no impact on the Policy Framework & Procedure Rules.

6. Equality Impact Assessments.

6.1 An Equal Impact Assessment will be carried out when a formal proposal is received from the Bridgend Town Council. Improved access to Town Council services and a new accessible arts space would suggest that the proposal would have very positive impact across all equality groups.

7. Financial Implications.

7.1 There are no revenue implications associated with this report although a delay in achieving immediate occupation would result in on-going maintenance costs for the council. Any proposal must be at limited risk to the Council. The parameters for negotiating tenancy or disposal must provide the Council with a positive financial position or risk transfer and must not compromise the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

7.2 The Council is not financially committed to the future use of space within the library building and will hire the space only if it provides an effective and efficient venue as determined by each event or activity. The Council commits to support the development of arts in Bridgend in a strategic capacity or within its current revenue programmes of work.

3 8. Recommendation.

8.1 Cabinet is requested to approve the following recommendations:

• to pursue a formal and endorsed proposal from Bridgend Town Council, in respect of the Library Building, Wyndham Street, Bridgend, with a view to securing a civic and cultural hub.

• to enter into negotiations with Bridgend Town Council to grant a lease or facilitate asset transfer, on terms to be authorised by the Corporate Director – Wellbeing in consultation with the Corporate Director – Resources (Section 151 officer).

Simon Brindle Corporate Director - Wellbeing rd 23 July 2013

9. Contact Officer: Richard Hughes

Telephone: (01656) 642449

Email: [email protected]

10 Background documents: None