BRIDGEND COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL ACCESSIBLE NATURAL GREENSPACE STUDY FINAL REPORT MARCH 2012 Integrity, Innovation, Inspiration 1-2 Frecheville Court off Knowsley Street Bury BL9 0UF T 0161 764 7040 F 0161 764 7490 E
[email protected] BRIDGEND COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL ACCESSIBLE NATURAL GREENSPACE STUDY CONTENTS Section Page Part 1: Introduction 1 Context 3 Part 2: Methodology 5 Part 3: Inception 7 Part 4: Assessment 9 Inventory of candidate sites 9 Inventory of natural sites 12 Inventory of accessible sites 12 Inventory of natural and accessible greenspace 14 Part 5: Analysis 16 Catchment zone mapping 17 Quality assessments 23 Part 6: Response 25 Meeting deficiencies 26 Improving quality 42 BRIDGEND COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL ACCESSIBLE NATURAL GREENSPACE STUDY PART 1: INTRODUCTION This is the draft Natural Greenspace study for Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC). It presents and illustrates the findings of: A comprehensive assessment of the current level of provision of accessible natural greenspace across Bridgend County Borough. Data analysis and GIS mapping work. Recommendations for improving provision. This report incorporates the results of extensive research conducted in accordance with the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) ‘Providing Accessible Natural Greenspace in Towns and Cities’ toolkit. The results of the project will be used to provide part of the evidence base for emerging local development plans (LDP) and in setting appropriate local targets for the provision of natural greenspace in accordance with Planning Policy Wales and Draft Technical Advice Note 16 ‘Sport, Recreation and Open Spaces’. The analysis provides an overall picture for Bridgend and also a more localised examination of issues by splitting the Borough into smaller areas (see overleaf for a map of the area covered and analysis areas used).