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2248 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 11, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FINAL OFFENSIVE BY SUDANESE I have stood on the floor of the House many resentatives. Others who are interested need GOVERNMENT DEMANDS UNITED times in the past, trying to describe to you the only contact my office or the U.S. Committee STATES ATTENTION malnutrition, the disease, the massive popu for Refugees. I respectfully urge my col lation displacement, the gruesome effects of leagues and their appropriate staff persons to HO~. FRANK R. WOLF war, and human rights abuse that I have wit pay attention to this authoritative report, and I OF VIRGINIA nessed in Sudan. The reality in Sudan is dif commend the U.S. Committee for Refugees IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ficult to describe, because it begs description. for its diligence on behalf of the people of The new report by the U.S. Committee for southern Sudan. Friday, February 11, 1994 Refugees, estimating that 1.3 million southern In closing, I want to say that time is of the Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, the urgency of the Sudanese have perished since 1983, is yet essence. Many are dying daily in Sudan as humanitarian crisis in Sudan cannot be over another indication that southern Sudan is hell the government continues its new offensive, estimated. As the Washington Post reported on Earth due to the unconscionable policies of and it is crucial that this crisis receive Security February 6, the Sudanese Government has the Sudanese Government and in-fighting be Council attention very soon. Congressman launched a final offensive against the south, tween rebel groups. I hasten to point out that JOHNSTON, other Members and I will be asking causing 100,000 new refugees to flee to the U.S. Committee for Refugees is a highly to meet with President Clinton soon to press Uganda and leaving 2 million people at risk of respected organization whose reports on refu for U.N. action as well as the appointment of starvation because of the imminent shut down gee emergencies worldwide are reliable, credi a special envoy for peacebrokering in the re of Operation Lifeline Sudan [OLS]. OLS rep ble, and authoritative. I have long had the gion. It must happen soon, because every day resents a number of nongovernmental relief highest regard for the U.S. Committee for Ref so many are dying. organizations working under the authority of ugees, particularly for its tireless reporting, the United Nations to provide the bulk of relief analysis, and advocacy on the tragic situation to southern Sudan. in Sudan. CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS This weekend's report confirms the Decem This exhaustive report, "Quantifying Geno TO MR. ANDRES L. SOTO ber prediction of a long-term relief worker as cide in the Southern Sudan: 1983-1993" by sessing the outcome of such a large-scale of Millard Burr of the U.S. Committee on Refu HON. KEN CALVERT fensive: gees, is based on systematic compilation of OF CALIFORNIA It is most probable that virtually all Oper year-by-year field reports and internal Suda IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ation Lifeline Sudan COLS) will be forced to nese documents. It concludes that the death Friday, February 11, 1994 shut down, and the government will insist toll in Sudan is, sadly, not diminishing. The re that all relief work be carried out through port estimates that some 300,000 persons Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, one of the their own channels* * *Needless to say, this died in southern Sudan during 1992 and the things that makes America the truly great would be catastrophic for the people of the country that it is, is its spirit of voluntarism south, who at this time are extremely vul first 5 months of 1993-nearly 4,000 deaths nerable and almost totally dependent upon per week for 17 months-making it one of the the willingness of citizens from all back the OLS pipeline aid. Deaths from starvation deadliest periods ever in Sudan. grounds and occupations to give of their time and sickness would dwarf anything we've One of every five southern Sudanese has and talents to make their communities better seen in the past. died from the war or from war-related causes, places in which to live and work. I applaud Representative HARRY JOHN according to the report, and 4 of every 5 The community of Riverside, CA, has been STON'S efforts to draw attention to the crisis southern Sudanese have been uprooted from fortunate to have an exceptionally dedicated and to bring the southern rebel leaders to their homes at some time since 1983. More group of citizens who give freely of their ener Washington for peace negotiations during the than 300,000 southern Sudanese are refu gies and talents to make our city and county "Sudan: The Forgotten Tragedy" conference gees, and some 5 million Sudanese from the such desirable places to live. One of these ex last fall. Representative JOHNSTON was also south and north are internally displaced. ceptional citizens is Mr. Andres L. Soto. tireless in pressing for the passage of his bill, Mr. Speaker, I must repeat what I said on A graduate of Norte Vista High School, Riv House Concurrent Resolution 131, condemn the House floor last November: We have a re erside Community College, and the University ing the genocide of Sudan and calling for U.N. sponsibility to continue to demand justice in of California at Riverside, Andy is a true River Security Council action. Sadly, the situation Sudan, because we can no longer say that we side product. has rapidly deteriorated since the important don't know what's happening there. This thor After high school, he served in the United congressional attention of last fall. ough report by the U.S. Committee for Refu States Army and received the Bronze Star for It is now estimated by the United States gees tells us all too clearly. his service in Vietnam. And, he has never Committee for Refugees that 1.3 million civil This House acted responsibly last Novem stopped serving his country and his commu ians in southern Sudan have died over the ber when we passed House concurrent resolu nity. past 1O years as a direct result of civil war tion 131 , which condemned the Government Mr. Soto has been involved in a wide range and the Sudan Government's genocidal poli of Sudan for its severe human rights abuses of civic activities. He has served on the city of cies against its citizens in the south. That is and deplored the bloody internecine fighting Riverside Planning Commission since 1990, nearly 2,500 deaths every week for the past among factions of the rebel Sudanese Peo and as its chairman since 1992. He has 10 years. ple's Liberation Army. A great deal of work served as a member of the State Department As many of my colleagues know, I have wit went into that resolution, including work and of Parks and Recreation Hispanic Advisory nessed first hand the massive suffering occur analysis by the U.S. Committee for Refugees. Council since 1980, and as its chairman for ring in southern Sudan, located in the Horn of This newest report, "Quantifying Genocide in more than 7 years. He has also served as a Africa. My most recent trip there was last Feb the Southern Sudan," reminds all of us that member of the board of directors of the Cali ruary, when I traveled to southern Sudan with we cannot cease our efforts. Men, women, fornia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the assistance of the United States Committee and children continue to perish in southern on the California Social Services Advisory for Refugees, Norwegian People's Aid, a hu Sudan as we speak. Board. manitarian relief organization, and Catholic I will distribute this report to members of the From 1972 through 1980, Andy was a mem Relief Services. Human Rights Caucus of the House of Rep- ber of the city of Riverside Parks and Recre- e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. February 11, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2249 ation Commission, and was its chairman in Between 1987 and 1991, 552 metric tons of A TRIBUTE TO WIZF 1978. He has also served as a member of the cocaine were seized in Latin America alone. city of Riverside Economic Development Com At the same t ime, the percentage of cocaine HON. DAVID MANN mittee, the University of California Riverside users in the United States dropped by more than half. OF OHIO Citizens Committee, the Riverside Jaycees, Just this month, University of Michigan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Mexican-American Political Association, researchers, in their annual survey for the Friday, February 11, 1994 the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9223, the National Institute of Drug Abuse. found that American Legion Post 289, the American G.I. drug use is up among American teenagers Mr. MANN. Mr. Speaker, it gives me great Forum Riverside Chapter, the County of River after a decade of decline. pleasure to bring to the attention of my col side Veterans' Advisory Committee, the Amer Besides reducing supply, interdiction also leagues an outstanding community activist or ican Red Cross of Riverside board of direc has a deterrent effect which cannot be meas ganization from the First District of Ohio, tors, the Easter Seal Society board of direc ured solely by quantifiable means such as WIZF-FM in Cincinnati.