2021-03-04 Monument Committee Public Forum Minutes
Monument Committee March 4, 2021, Public Forum Minutes A meeting of the Monument Committee held in the Clarke County High School Auditorium located at 627 Mosby Blvd., Berryville, Virginia, on Thursday, March 4, 2021, at 6:30 pm. Board: John Burns, Gwendolyn Malone, Lee McGuigan, Daniel Nelson, Will Nelson, Meg Roque, John Staelin, and Robert Stieg Absent: None Staff: Chris Boies Press: Mickey Powell – The Winchester Star Also Present: Charles Maurer, Ben Sims, Wayne Webb, G. Philip Hughes, Lionel Chisholm, R. Duncan, Charles Snead, George Archibald, Jason N. Floyd, Andrew Surface, Neil Russell, Mary Veilleux, Barbara J. Byrd, Carol Tomlin, David Williams, Scott Worm Rutherford, Dolores R. Cossruve, Richard A. Grubb, Kenny Liggins, Paul Clark, Mary Ivie, Clay Brumback, Stan Daywalt, Wendy Gooditis, Gloryanne McGlynn, Robina Bouffault, Carol Coffelt, Jesse Evans, Mark Griffin, Dave Clarke, David Burns, Ed Jeep, John Westevelt, Paul Little, Ross Oldham, and other citizens 1. Call to Order At 6:30 pm, Chairman John Staelin called the meeting to order. 2. Presentation by Maral Kalbian Highlights Include: − A Monument Committee Information Sheet was provided to all in attendance and is included as Attachment A at the end of these minutes. − In 1884 The Association for the Survivors of the Clarke Calvary was formed, herein referred to as "The Association." The General Assembly then incorporated The Association. The purpose was to promote the memory of the dead from the Civil War of Clarke County men and to erect a monument in their memory in three (3) possible locations, Old Chapel, Green Hill Cemetery, and the Court House.
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