Faculty of Biomedical and Health Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia (MKV), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia (RSKS, SS, /Z), Downloaded from by guest on 01 October 2021 Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Zoo Melaka, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia (ARM)

Gross anatomical features of the male genital organs and accessory genital glands of the lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus) are described. The long fibroelastic lacks a prominent and is coiled at its free end to form two and one-half turns. Near the tight coils of the penis, on the right ventrolateral aspect, lies a V-shaped ventral process. The is prominent, unpigmented, and devoid of and is attached close to the body, high in the perineal region. The ovoid, obliquely oriented testes carry a large cauda and caput . Accessory genital glands consist of paired, lobulated, club-shaped vesic­ ular glands, and a pair of ovoid bulbourethral glands. A well-defined was not observed on the surface of the pelvic . Many features of the male genital organs of T. javanicus are pleisomorphic, being retained from suiod ancestors of the Artiodactyla.

Key words: Tragulus javanicus, male genital organs, accessory genital glands, reproduc­ tion, anatomy, Malaysia

The lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javan­ gulidae, and (Webb and Taylor, icus), although a , possesses cer­ 1980). Our objectives are to describe mor­ tain features atypical of the suborder Rum­ phology of male genital organs and acces­ inantia (Duwe, 1969; Janis, 1984; Todd, sory genital glands of T. javanicus, and 1975; Webb and Taylor, 1980; Yong, 1973). compare our findings with those reported Phylogenetic studies suggest that ancestors for the , Camelus drome­ of this unique ruminant diverged from the darius (), domestic (), artiodactylan lineage during the middle Eo­ and domestic (Bovidae), to provide cene, with the family Tragulidae being a evidence of pleisomorphic genital features branch of the suborder Ruminantia (Janis, of T. javanicus with those artiodactyls. 1984; Webb and Taylor, 1980). Studies on morphology, dietary habits, sexual behavior MATERIALS AND METHODS (Janis, 1984), and social behavior (Dubost, Six adult male T. javanicus that had died of 1975) of T. javanicus revealed that this tra­ natural causes were obtained from Zoo Melaka, gulid was more similar to suids than to Ayer Keroh, Malaysia. The were native higher . A study on skeletal-mus­ to Peninsular Malaysia. Carcasses were sealed cle antigens (Duwe, 1969) demonstrated in plastic bags to prevent dehydration and stored that this has a close immunolog­ in a freezer at -10°C. Prior to dissection, spec­ imens were allowed to thaw. A craniocaudal in­ ical relationship with the Tayassuidae. Mo­ cision was made on the rnidventral wall of the chi and Carter (1971) suggested that tra­ abdomen, and the urogenital organs were dis­ gulids also shared pleisomorphic features sected out by careful separation from the sur­ with the camel. This may be expected be­ rounding tissues, using blunt forceps and scis­ cause the Suidae are believed to be the sors. The os pubis was cut cranial and caudal to common ancestors of the Camelidae, Tra- the obturator foramen with bone shears to facil-

Journal of Mammalogy, 80(1):199-204. 1999 199 200 JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY Vol. 80, No.1

TABLE I.-Measurements (mm) of various sections of the penis (six specimens) and acces­ sory glands (three specimens) ofT. javanicus.

Parameter Section X::+: SD a urethral orifice Penis Length Pars libera 48.7 ::+: 6.1 Corpus and radix 96.7 ::+: 5.9 Total 145.3 ::+: 7.4 Downloaded from by guest on 01 October 2021 Diameter Cranial extent 1.2 ::+: 0.3 Pars libera 2.5 ::+: 0.2 Corpus (sigmoid flex- b Incomplete corona ure) 3.4 ::+: 0.3 Radix 4.7 ::+: 0.5 2mm Accessory glands Length Vesicular gland 18.0 ::+: 1.7 --'r--urinary bladder 10.3 ::+: 1.2 Ampulla 20.3 ::+: 0.6 Width Vesicular gland 4.7 ::+: 1.2 Bulbourethral gland 6.3 ::+: 0.6 Ampulla 1.0 ::+: 0.1 ureter

vesicular gland -----..7I1r~ itate removal of the entire urogenital tract. Ex­ (J++~-- ampulla cessive fat and were removed prior to prostate body --...... --PoT, measuring various sections of the genital organs, namely the penis (from six specimens), testis and epididymis (5 specimens), and accessory +--- bulbourethral gland genital glands (3 specimens). Measurements Ischiocavernosus muscle '----' (lengths and diameters) were taken using vernier retractor penile, __-+" 1Dmm calipers to the nearest 0.1 mm. Weights were muscle determined with a digital scale to the nearest c 0.01 g. The whole tract was kept moist through­ FIG. I.-Right a) lateral and b) ventral aspects out the dissection. Description of the pars libera of the pars libera penis, and c) dorsal aspect of penis, ureter, ampulla, and accessory glands was the male urinogenital tract of T. javanicus. aided by a dissecting microscope at a magnifi­ cation of lOx. Data were subjected to a one­ way analysis of variance using the General Lin­ ear Models Procedure of the Statistical Analysis (Table 1). The cranial extent of the pars lib­ System (SAS Institute Inc., 1982). era was coiled to form two and one-half turns, with the first coil tight and subse­ RESULTS quent coils stretched (Fig. 1). The tip of the Penis.-The penis of T. javanicus was of penis carried a corona that was prominent the fibroelastic type. It originated cranially on the dorsum but ended incomplete on the from the ischiatic arch, passed between the ventral aspect. The urethra opened on the thighs, ventral to the pelvis, and extended tip of the pars libera on a papilla. Near the close to the umbilicus. The penis consisted vicinity of the tight coil of the penis, on the of a radix, corpus, and pars libera. Diameter right ventrolateral aspect, laid a large pro­ of the penis decreased from radix to pars cess (referred to as the ventral process). It libera and ended cranially with a diameter took the form of a tight U and consisted of of 1.2 ± 0.3 (SD) mm. two main parts-a basilar, which was The pars libera penis was long and ac­ rounded and directed caudally, and a free counted for 33% of the length of the penis part, which was more flattened and directed 1999 VIDYADARAN ET AL.-MALE GENITALIA OF MOUSE DEER 201

TABLE 2.-Linear measurements (X :± SD) in millimeters and weight in grams of the testis and epididymis of five T. javanicus.

Section Parameter Right Left Caput epididymis Length 10.7 :<:: 0.7 8.6:<:: 0.9 Width 5.7:<:: 0.5 5.3:<:: 0.5 Weight 0.12 :<:: 0.02 0.11 :<:: 0.01 Corpus epididymis Length 13.8 :<:: 1.3 11.7:<::1.4

Width 1.9 :<:: 0.2 1.9 :<:: 0.2 Downloaded from by guest on 01 October 2021 Weight 0.03 :<:: 0.004 0.03 :<:: 0.007 Cauda epididymis Length 13.7 :<:: 1.6 14.3 :<:: 1.2 Width 5.3:<:: 0.7 5.6:<:: 0.6 Weight 0.10 :<:: 0.03 0.10 :<:: 0.02 Testis Length 16.3 :<:: 0.7 15.8 :<:: 0.8 Width 11.2 :<:: 0.8 11.2 :<:: 0.5 Weight 0.73 :<:: 0.1 0.71 :<:: 0.1 cranioventrally. Collectively, the length of The epididymis consisted of a caput, cor­ the corpus and radix accounted for 67% of pus, and cauda. The caput capped the an­ the length of the penis (Table 1). The cor­ terior pole of the testis and occupied ca. pus folded on itself to form a prominent, 33% of the testis. Right and left caput ep­ prescrotal, sigmoid flexure. This flexure ididymis accounted for 48% and 46% of the was in the form of a tight fold, ca. 20 mm weight, and 28 % and 25 % of the total from the anus. Retractor penile muscles at­ length of their respective epididymis. The tached on the corpus, on both sides of the left cauda comprised 42% of total weight penis, and extended caudodorsally to the and 41 % of total length of the left epidid­ bulbospongiosus. The radix arose from ymis, and the right cauda 40% and 36% of paired crura, dorsal to the bulbospongiosus total weight and length of the right epidid­ muscle. ymis, respectively. Weight, length, and Scrotum.-The thin, smooth, unpigment­ width of the right and left caput, corpus, ed scrotum was prominent and located in and cauda epididymis were not significantly the perineal region, ca. 15 mm cranioven­ different (P > 0.05; Table 2). tral from the anus. It laid flat, close to the Ductus deferens and ampulla.-The duc­ body, and was devoid of a prominent neck. tus deferens passed through the inguinal Although hair surrounding the scrotum was ring to reach the dorsal aspect of the blad­ thick and long, the scrotum itself was de­ der. A well-defined ampulla was not ob­ void of hair. around the caudal vicinity served. However, a slight thickening of the of the scrotum was thick and rough. The wall of the terminal portion of the ductus scrotum carried a medial groove that divid­ deferens was present, forming a thin am­ ed it into right and left halves. pulla (Table 1). Testes and epididymis.-The paired, Accessory glands.-The accessory geni­ oval, white-colored testes were contained in tal glands of T. javanicus comprised the ve­ the scrotum. The long axis of the testis was sicular, prostate, and bulbourethral (Fig. I; obliquely orientated, with the extremitas Table 1). The vesicular gland was paired, caudata close to the anus and the caput club-shaped, and lobulated. It was posi­ against the caudal thigh muscles. The cra­ tioned cranial to the ampulla, at the base of nial pole of the testis was wider than the the bladder, and directed cranioventrally. caudal pole. Right and left testes were not Although a well-defined prostate gland was significantly different in size or weight (P not observed on the surface of the pelvic > 0.05; Table 2). urethra, a small, flat mass was present that 202 JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY Vol. 80, No, 1

TABLE 3.-Comparative anatomical features of the male genital organs and accessory genital glands of certain artiodactylan families.

Structures Suidae' Tragulidaeb Camelidae' Bovidae' Pars libera Screw-shaped Screw-shaped Curved tip Straight Present-reduced Present-reduced Reduced-absent Reduced-absent Penile process Absent Ventral process Cutaneous folds Absent Flexure Sigmoid Sigmoid Sigmoid Sigmoid

Scrotum Smooth Smooth Smooth Haired Downloaded from by guest on 01 October 2021 Scrotal position Perineal Perineal Perineal Pendulous Testes Oblique Oblique Oblique Perpendicular Epididymis Cauda Caput-cauda Corpus Cauda Vesicular Pyramidal Lobulated Absent Lobulated Bulbourethral Cyclindrical Ovoid Almond Club-shaped Prostate Visible Visible-reduced Visible Visible " Schummer and Nickel (1979). h This study. , Degen and Lee (1982), Nagpal et al. (1987). resembled the body of the prostate of male (Merkt et al., 1990). The pars libera, which and cattle. The paired bulbourethral constitutes ca. 33% the length of the penis glands were ovoid, with a smooth surface. of T. javanicus, shares similar proportions They laid dorsal to the bulbospongiosus, with the penis of the male pig (Schummer close to the radix of the penis. These glands and Nickel, 1979). Absence of a prominent were attached to the bulbospongiosus mus­ glans penis in T. javanicus also is a feature cle in a V-shaped orientation, with the apex common in the male pig (Schummer and directed caudally. Nickel, 1979) and male camel (Degen and Lee, 1982). The ventral process, which is DISCUSSION attached to the pars libera, is unique to the Evolutionary evidence suggests that the lesser mouse deer. Similar structures, how­ Suidae and Camelidae share features com­ ever, are present in certain . These mon to the Tragulidae and other ruminant include the lateral processes of the Suma­ artiodactyls (Table 3). The that exist­ tran rhinoceros, Dicerorhinus sumatrensis ed during the early are believed to (Zainal-Zahari, 1995) and the curved ter­ have given rise to the (camelids minal tip of the dromedary camel, Camelus and the like) and Ruminantia (Janis, 1984; dromedarius (Degen and Lee, 1982; Moo­ Webb and Taylor, 1980). In a review of the barak et aI., 1972; Nagpal et al., 1987). The family Tragulidae, Janis (1984) provided screw shaped pars libera and the ventral evidence that members of this family pos­ process may be involved in mating com­ sess many artiodactylan features, common petition; however, the proximate selective to the suids, but unlike that of today's high­ mechanism is yet to be determined. er ruminants. The scrotum and testes of the lesser Additional evidence for this relationship mouse deer have many features common to has surfaced through our studies of the male the male pig, namely the smooth hairless genital organs of T. javanicus (Table 3). In skin of the scrotum, the oblique orientation contrast to male cattle, the screw-shaped of the testes, and the absence of a promi­ pars libera and the tight, prescrotal sigmoid nent scrotal neck. Conversely, these struc­ flexure of T. javanicus closely resemble tures do not resemble the pendulous scro­ those of the male pig. A spiral-shaped, tum and vertically orientated testes of male hooklike, free penis, and prescrotal sigmoid cattle or sheep. Position of the scrotum high flexure also has been reported in the camel in the perineal region also is a feature com- 1999 VIDYADARAN ET AL.-MALE GENITALIA OF MOUSE DEER 203 mon to the male pig and camel (Merkt et quires further investigation with histologi­ aI., 1990). cal sections of the pelvic urethral region. The caput and cauda epididymis of T. ja­ Gross morphology of the penis, scrotum, vanicus are large (Table 2) compared with and testes of the lesser mouse deer closely the corpus epididymis. These large struc­ resembles that of the Suidae and Camelidae tures, like that in many other artiodactyls, and lacks many features present in the Bov­ may be important in storing the spermato­ idae (Table 3). A perusal of the accessory zoa. In this respect, the epididymis of T. genital glands, in contrast, reveals mixed Downloaded from by guest on 01 October 2021 javanicus is unlike that of the camel, in features, with the vesicular gland resem­ which the corpus accounts for ca. 50% of bling that of cattle, the prostate gland re­ total epididymal weight (Merkt et aI., sembling that of cattle and pig, and the bul­ 1990), and predominantly stores spermato­ bourethral gland comparable to that of the zoa (Wilson, 1984). The epididymis of T. camel. It is possible that the tragulids have javanicus also is unlike that of the male pig retained elements of the original anatomical or cattle, in which only the cauda is prom­ features possessed by mammalian stock an­ inently large and protrudes distally beyond cestral to its lineage. the extremitas caudata. It is, however, com­ parable to that of small ruminants, like do­ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS mestic sheep, which possesses a larger ca­ The authors thank Z. 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