E1470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 14, 2003 ANGEL ANTHONY LEON GUERRERO Guerrero Santos, III. Adios Angel. Si Yu’us erick (Fred) W. Rosen. Mr. Rosen was a SANTOS Ma’ase. Naval Officer, a businessman, a hometown f hero, and above all, a patriot. He was a friend to a President and national leaders and a wit- HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF ness to history. For his contributions to Dalton, Georgia and indeed the history of this great IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ nation, I pay honor to him posthumously; Mr. Monday, July 14, 2003 OF Rosen died peacefully on July 14, 2003. Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fred Rosen was born in 1917 in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Eastern European Jew- to pay tribute to former Guam Senator Angel Monday, July 14, 2003 Anthony Leon Guerrero Santos, III, a tireless ish immigrants. In the 1930s, as the Depres- champion of the rights of the Chamorro peo- Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. sion consumed the nation, Mr. Rosen’s broth- ple. Sadly, Angel passed away on July 6, Speaker, on Thursday, July 10, I was unavoid- er Ira moved to Dalton, Georgia seeking op- 2003 after suffering from a degenerative ill- ably detained due to a prior obligation in my portunity in the textile industry by opening the ness. district. La Rose Bedspread Company. Mr. Rosen was Angel was born on April 14, 1959 to Aman- I request that the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD a loyal Bulldog, attending the University of da Leon Guerrero Santos and Angel Cruz reflect that had I been present and voting, I Georgia and playing football there. His brother Santos II. He was father to Angel Ray An- would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. 348, Ira ran the business with Mr. Rosen, while thony Santos IV, Sheila Marie Santos ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. 349, ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. brother Eli became a physician who practiced Indalecio, Christopher Ray Pangelinan Santos, 350, ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. 351, ‘‘no’’ on rollcall in Dalton. Mr. Rosen’s sister, Helene, who sur- Vanessa Joy Gumataotao Santos, Francine No. 352, and ‘‘no’’ on rollcall No. 353. vives him, today resides near Hartford, Con- Nicole Gumataotao Santos (dec.), Brandon f necticut. In 1941, Fred Rosen answered Lt. Com- Scott Gumataotao Santos, Taga Hurao TRIBUTE TO THE DETROIT RE- mander John D. Bulkeley’s call for the ‘‘tough- Santos-Salas, Ke’puha Hirao Santos-Salas, GIONAL CHAMBER OF COM- est, hard-boiled men who can take all the pun- and Sosanbra Elisha Santos-Salas. MERCE ishment in the world’’ and joined the Navy. Ar- Angel was a 13-year veteran of the U.S. Air riving in Charleston, S.C., Mr. Rosen met a Force. He served three terms as a Senator in young man from Boston named John F. Ken- the Guam Legislature. His belief in the inalien- HON. CAROLYN C. KILPATRICK OF MICHIGAN nedy. The two trained alongside one another able right of the to self-de- to serve on the Navy’s newest vessel—the PT termination and his dedication to preserving IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Boat, a vessel designed for stealth in the dark- the language and culture led to the establish- Monday, July 14, 2003 ness. Rosen achieved the rank of Lt. Com- ment of Nasion Chamoru of which he was a Ms. KILPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today mander, becoming the skipper of his own ship, founding member and spokesman. to laud the Detroit Regional Chamber’s lead- PT 207 of the squadron MTB Ron 15. During Angel was well-known for his outspoken ing role in fostering Michigan’s prosperity over WWII, the squadron engaged in 73 actions stance on cultural, environmental and human- the past century. and 55 OSS missions with 30 enemy vessels rights issues. But he will perhaps be most re- The Detroit Regional Chamber was founded destroyed. membered for his efforts to return lands taken in 1903 with 253 charter members. It is now From 1941–1944, Mr. Rosen served in the after World War II. It was this battle that led the largest Chamber of Commerce in the Mediterranean and received ribbons for more him to successfully pursue a seat in the 23rd, with more than 19,000 active than half a dozen missions and a Purple 24th and 26th Guam Legislatures where he members. For a century, the Detroit Regional Heart, awarded in 1943, for a burned hand authored Guam Public Law 23–141 which Chamber has made many important contribu- which resulted from the only time his boat was mandated the return of excess lands to the tions throughout Southeast Michigan. From its shelled by the Germans. Later in the war, PT original landowners. significant participation in the ‘‘Campaign for 207 under Mr. Rosen’s command sank a Ger- Angel fought passionately against issues Good Roads’’ in 1910 and 1911 to its influen- man naval ship. From 1944 until the end of that stirred much debate. Whether it was land tial work toward setting up the SMART bus the war, he served aboard an aircraft carrier in rights or corruption allegations, he was out- system, the Detroit Regional Chamber has the Pacific theater. spoken. When he felt there was an injustice, demonstrated itself as a dependable commu- In August of 1943, Herbert L Matthews of he fought against it. He often led causes that nity leader in Southeast Michigan. The New York Times, climbed aboard Mr. were controversial. Sometimes those issues With a new century come new challenges Rosen’s PT Boat, bringing Americans their made him unpopular with some people. But he for our region. Looking at its endeavors in the first glimpse of the Navy’s newest naval cre- loved his home and his people. In every com- past 100 years, the Detroit Regional Chamber ation. Matthews’ account of traveling aboard munity, people always need someone to stand will continue to remain the important leader the small ship through unfortunate weather out in front to lead against those controversial that Southeastern Michigan has come to de- brought Americans closer to the plight of their issues, and Angel was that man. His courage pend upon. I stand ready and look forward to fighting forces abroad. Matthews wrote: ‘‘I in the face of opposition, the strength of con- cooperating with the Detroit Regional Cham- have never seen men more tired than the offi- viction and determination to succeed made ber and other community leaders to meet cers who barely managed to stand up in the him a hero to the Chamorro people and these new challenges. gray light of dawn, still streaked with lightening earned him the respect of those around him. I salute the Detroit Regional Chamber on its from a heavy rainstorm that we had run into As we mourn the untimely passing of 100th anniversary and I thank the officers and during the night.’’ Guam’s native son, Angel Anthony Leon Guer- staff of the Chamber for their hard work. They Mr. Rosen was a witness to history, as he rero Santos, III, let us remember his inspiring have worked tirelessly to make Detroit attrac- remained friendly after leaving military service words: tive to the business community. I appreciate with Kennedy and also future Undersecretary We cannot be passive or silent when human all that they do. With their continued hard of the Navy Paul B. Fay. When Kennedy mar- beings endure suffering or humiliation. We work, I am confident they will achieve greater ried Jacqueline Bouvier, he was the only PT must step forward and take sides. We must accomplishments for the Detroit Chamber of boat commander in attendance. Mr. Rosen assist immediately. At times, we may fail. Commerce and the City of Detroit in the 21st was on the board of PT Boat Men for Ken- At times, we may make mistakes. But we century. nedy, which campaigned for the candidate must never make the mistake of failing to during his presidential campaign in 1960. In try. People deserve nothing less.—Angel f Santos, 1994 1961, Mr. Rosen was invited to witness his Generations will come and generations will FREDERICK W. ROSEN dear friend being sworn in as President of the pass, but if no generation has the conscience, United States. In March of 1962, Mr. Rosen the courage and moral conviction to right HON. NATHAN DEAL and his fellow PT Boat Men presented Ken- the wrong doings of the past; then, the next OF GEORGIA nedy with a Steuben Glass replica of the generation will have to live with the same IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES famed Boat, which sat on his desk in the Oval injustices of the future.—Angel Santos, 1999 Office as long as he was President. Just after On behalf of the people of Guam, I extend Monday, July 14, 2003 Kennedy’s assassination, Mr. Rosen said to a our deepest sympathies and prayers to his Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise local paper: ″I hope we pull through this crisis family and friends of Angel Anthony Leon today to pay tribute to a great American, Fred- and don’t lose our sense of morality.″

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