Newsletter Volume 11 No 4/5 October 1977
.l SOCIETY FOR CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY NEWSLETTER VOLUME 11 NO 4/5 OCTOBER 1977 NORTHERN DATA-SHARING ~INGS OCTOBER 22 A panel discussion on "Archaeology in the Priva te Sector" and an open discussion on problems of site The SCA 1 s annual Northern California Data- Sharing classification and possible solutions to these session is scheduled for Sonoma State College on problems, will conclude the meetings about 5:00 P.M. Saturday, October 22 , 1977. Registrat~on will start at 8:30 A.M. in Stevenson Hall 1002, with meetings An inforinal gathering sponsored by the Sonoma beginning promptly at 9:00 A.M. State Anthropology Department, to which everyone is invited, will take place at the Valparaiso Recreation David Fredrickson, organizer of the sessions as Center following the day's activities. Northern Vice-President, has set up a tentative program for the morning session during which people from various colleges will speak on Current Projects EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING OCT . 21 and Substantive Results. The next SCA Executive Board meeting will again Arrangements will be made with a local be at David Fredrickson's house in Berkeley (1940 restaurant for lunch. In the afternoon. the session Parker St.), on F'riday night, October 21, from beginni~ at 2 P.M. , will include talks by Victoria 7:00 t o 10:00 P. M. preceding the Sonoma State Roberts lNa.tive American Heritage Commission): "The Data Sharir.g Meetings set fer October 22nd. Role of the Archaeologist in the Native American Community," and Arnold Cleveland (Big Valley Rancheria, Clear Lake): "MAHPA- Native American ~: SCENES FROM SCA ANNUAL MF.El'INGS, 1977 Historic Preservation Association,", to be followed A=iving, meeting and imbibing- SCA members at 3:00 by Ray Krause (Sonoma County Planning Dept.), and officers in San Diego.
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