Compilation of Comprehensive Reading Lists Graduate Program in Sociology York University June 2006 edition


List of Contributors 3

Programme Manual Directions for Preparing a Reading List 3

Culture and Identities Cultural Studies 4 “Race” and Racism 6 Sex and Gender Systems 8 Social Psychology 11 Sociology of the City / Urban Sociology Still to come

Global Sociology Citizenship Studies 13 Diaspora Studies 17 International Migration, Transnationalism, and Refugee Studies 20 Latin American and Caribbean Studies 25 Social Movements 29 Sociology of Development 32

Nature / Society / Culture Critical Sexualities 34 Environmental Sociology 37 Social Studies of Science 40 Social Studies of Technology 43 Sociology of the Life Course 46

Processes, Practices & Power Class & Structural Inequalities / Stratification 49 Criminology, Corrections and Criminalization 51 Economic Sociology 53 Health Studies 55 Historical Sociology and Social History 59 Law and Justice 61 Political Sociology 63 Social Regulation 66 Sociology of Education 68 Sociology of Work and Labour 71

Critical Social Theory Classical Theory 73 Contemporary Social Theory 75 Feminist Theory 79 Marxist Theory 86 Postcolonial Theory Still to come

Social Research Methods Historical and Archival Methods 88 Qualitative Methods 90 Survey Research 92


Gamal Abdel-Shehid (Convenor) • Aliya Amarshi (Graduate Ass’t) • Anne-Marie Ambert • Paul Anisef Elizabeth Asante • Peter Baehr (Lingnan U.) • Himani Bannerji • Barbara Beardwood • Margaret Beare • Jody Berland Greg Bird (Graduate Ass’t) • Kathy Bischoping (Organizer, Convenor) • Susan Braedley • Debi Brock (Convenor for two lists) Eduardo Canel (York U. Social Science) • Don Carveth (Convenor) • Sheila Cavanagh • Beatriz Cid • Nancy Clark Karine Côté-Boucher • Gordon Darroch • Tania Das Gupta • Shane Doheny (U. of Stirling) Carol Duncan (Wilfrid Laurier U.) • Lorna Erwin • Shelley Gavigan • Wenona Giles • Luin Goldring (Convenor) Jay Goulding (Convenor) • Andil Gosine (Convenor) • Paul Grayson (Convenor) • Adam Green (Convenor) Ratiba Hadj-Moussa (Convenor) • Barbara Hanson • Matthew Hayes • Julia Hemphill Graduate Programme in History (York U.) • Sarah Hornstein (Graduate Ass’t) • Jasmin Hristov • Engin Isin (Convenor) Carl James (Convenor) • Suad Joseph (UC-Davis) • Dahlia Katz (Assistant to the Program) • Lisa Kowalchuk (U. of Guelph) Kumudu Kumara • Fuyuki Kurasawa • Sam Ladner • Peter Landstreet (Convenor) • Larry Lam Michael Lanphier • Bonita Lawrence • Jos Lennards (Convenor) • Joel Lexchin • Carla Lipsig-Mumme • Yuzhen Liu Diego Llovet • Stephen Longstaff (Convenor) • David Lumsden (Convenor) • Meg Luxton • Trish Macmillan Warren Magnusson (U. Victoria) • Peter Mallory • John Mandalios (Griffith U.) • Nancy Mandell (Convenor) • Aryn Martin Janine Marchessault • Egla Martinez • Gail McCabe • Thelma McCormack • Joseph Mensah • Minoo Moallem (SFSU) Haideh Moghissi • Radhika Mongia • Ian Morrison • Eric Mykhalovskiy (Convenor) • Janice Newson (Convenor for two lists) Michael Nijhawan • Andie Noack • Marcia Oliver • Riley Olstead • John O’Neill • Aihwa Ong (UC-Berkeley) Michael Ornstein (Convenor) • Gottfried Paasche • Mojca Pajnik (Peace Institute, Llubljana) • Kate Pendakis Martin Powell (U. of Stirling) • Anna Pratt • Althea Prince • Giovanna Procacci (U. Milan) • Norene Pupo Rebecca Raby (Brock U.) • Dennis Raphael • Ester Reiter • Karen Robson • Stuart Schoenfeld James Sheptycki (Convenor for two lists) • Brian Singer • Hira Singh (Convenor) • Penni Stewart (Convenor) Mark Thomas (Convenor for two lists) • Audrey Tokiwa (Program Assistant) • Peter Vandergeest • Yota Vassou Brenda Spotton Visano (Convenor) • Livy Visano Leah Vosko • Philip Walsh (Convenor for two lists) • Richard Weisman Lorna Weir • Gerda Wekerle • Chris Williams • James Williams • Elke Winter • Lesley Wood

Program Manual Directions for Preparing a Reading List

“The comprehensives are intended to prepare the student for the dissertation, to do research and to teach in a field. Outside the structure of a course, the comprehensive provides the student with the challenge of examining and synthesizing a body of theory, and usually related empirical research. Comprehensiveness in a field combines breadth, depth and synthetic ability, without necessarily entailing exhaustive knowledge of the field. Students are expected to have a broad understanding of the major theoretical perspectives in the field and key debates. In most fields, comprehensiveness also requires good knowledge of the alternative approaches to relevant empirical research, key findings and their interpretation in relation to theoretical approaches, and gaps in current research.

It is the responsibility of the programme to provide a list of the acceptable comprehensive fields, updated annually, and the names of available faculty with expertise in each field. With the approval of the student’s faculty group or Supervisory Committee and the Graduate Programme Director, comprehensives may be written in fields other than those designated. Any such additional field, however, must have the same generality as the designated fields. A more specialized area is better explored as part of the student’s dissertation or other research. Students usually choose comprehensive fields in which they expect to teach, but this is not a requirement....

The student and the Comprehensive Supervisory Committee will jointly decide on a reading list for each comprehensive; for comprehensive groups this will be done collectively, but will still require student-faculty agreement. The list will be equivalent to about 25 medium-sized books, with articles counting for about one-fifth of a book. Students are encouraged to make use of reading lists from completed comprehensives, filed in the program office. Cumulatively, lists of core readings will be developed in each field, and they will be updated regularly. Students might take 15-20 readings from the core list and add 5-10 to reflect their particular interests, or find a balance that suits them and is acceptable to the faculty group or committee supporting and assessing the comprehensive.” (from 2005/2006 Program Manual, emphasis added)

For more information, including the programme’s list of acceptable comprehensive field(s), which includes some for which sets of core readings are not provided here, and the names of available faculty with expertise in each field, please consult the Programme Office and/or the Program Manual. CULTURAL STUDIES READING LIST JUNE 2006

Convenor Gamal Abdel-Shehid Contributors Gamal Abdel-Shehid, Himani Bannerji, Sheila Cavanagh, Andil Gosine, Jay Goulding, Ratiba Hadj-Moussa, Janine Marchessault, and Brian Singer

Core Readings

Ahmed, Sara (2004). The Cultural Politics of Emotion. New York: Routledge.

Baker, H. (1993). Black Studies, Rap and the Academy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Barthes, Roland (1972). Mythologies. (Annette Lavers (trans.)). New York: Hill & Wang.

Benjamin, Walter (1969). Illuminations. (Harry Zohn (trans.), Hannah Arendt (ed.)). New York: Schocken Books.

Creed, Barbara (1993). The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, , Psychoanalysis. Routledge: New York, 1993.

Dent, G. (1992). Black Popular Culture. Seattle: Bay Press.

Dorfman, A. and Mattelart, A. (1975). How to Read Donald Duck: Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic. London: Int’l General.

Ellison, R. (1964). Shadow and Act. New York: Vintage International.

Fanon, Frantz. (1967). Black Skin, White Masks. New York: Grove Press.

Gan, Dina, Hong, Terry, and Yang, Jeff (1997). Eastern Standard Time: A Guide to Asian Influence on American Culture from Astro Boy to Zen Buddhism. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

Gilroy, P. (1993). The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Gramsci, A. (1971 [1929-1935]). Selections from the Prison Notebooks. New York: International Publishers.

Grossberg, Lawrence and Nelson, Cary (eds) (1988). Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Guha, Ranajit and Spivak, Gayatry C. (eds) (1988). Selected Subaltern Studies. New York: Oxford University Press.

Halberstam, J. (2005). In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives. New York: New York University Press.

Hall, S., Morley, D. and Chen, K-H. (1996). Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies. London: Routledge.

Hammond , A. (2005). Pop Culture Arab World! Media, Arts, and Lifestyle. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. hooks, bell (1992). Black Looks: Race and Representation. Boston: South End Press.

James, C.L.R. (1993). American Civilization. Cambridge: Blackwell.

Lorde, Audre. (1984). Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Trumansburg: The Crossings Press.

Mackey, E. (2002). The House of Difference: Cultural Politics and National Identity in Canada. Toronto: Press.

Marx, Karl. (1996). Later Political Writings. (Carver, Terrell (ed.)) Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press. [Selection: “Introduction to the Grundrisse”.]

McRobbie A. (1980). “Settling accounts with subcultures”, Screen Education 34:37-49.

Mercer, Kobena (1994). Welcome to the Jungle: New Positions in Black Cultural Studies. New York: Routledge.

Morley, D. and Robins, K. (1995). Spaces of Identity: Global Media, Electronic Landscapes and Cultural Boundaries. London: Routledge.

Mulvey, L. (1975). “Visual pleasure and narrative cinema”, Screen 16(3):6-18.

Said, Edward (1993). Culture and Imperialism. London: Alfred Knopf.

Shohat, Ella and Stam, Robert (1994). Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the Media. London, NY: Routledge

Thompson, E.P. (1980 [1963]). The Making of the English Working Class. Harmondsworth: Penguin

Walcott, Rinaldo (ed.) (2000). Rude: Contemporary Black Canadian Cultural Criticism. Toronto: Insomniac Press.

Williams, Raymond (1981). Culture. London: Fontana.

Other Recommended Readings

Bourdieu, P (1996). The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field. (Susan Emanuel (trans.)). Stanford: Stanford U. Press.

Brand, D. (1998). Bread out of Stone: Recollections, Sex, Recognitions, Race, Dreaming Politics. Toronto: Vintage Canada.

Chakrabarty, D. (2002). Habitations of Modernity: Essays in the Wake of Subaltern Studies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Debord, G. (1994). Society of the Spectacle. New York: Zone Books.

Gilroy, P. (1991). ‘There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack’: The Cultural Politics of Race and Nation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Hogarth, R. (1992 [1957]). The Uses of Literacy. (Andrew Goodwin (intro.)). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.

Jameson, F. (1979). “Reification and utopia in mass culture”, Social Text 1:130-148.

King, A. (ed.) (1997). Culture, Globalization and the World-System: Contemporary Conditions for the Representation of Identity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Klein, N. (1999). No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies. New York: Picador.

Morrison, T. (1992). Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. New York: Vintage.

Read, A (ed.) (1996). The Fact of Blackness: Frantz Fanon and Visual Representation. Seattle: Bay Press.

Said, Edward (1978). Orientalism. New York: Vintage.

Wallace, M. (2004.) Dark Designs and Visual Culture. Durham: Duke University Press.


Convenor Andil Gosine Contributors Gamal Abdel-Shehid, Tania Das Gupta, Luin Goldring, Andil Gosine, Carl James, Bonita Lawrence, Joseph Mensah, Ester Reiter, Peter Vandergeest, and Chris Williams

Core Readings

Banton, Michael (1987). “The classification of races in Europe and North America: 1700–1850”, International Social Science Journal 39(Feb): 45-60.

Bannerji, Himani (2000). The Dark Side of the Nation. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Bhabha, Homi (1994). The Location of Culture. New York: Routledge.

Cox, Oliver Cromwell (2000). Race: A Study in Social Dynamics. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Fanon, Frantz (1967). Black Skin, White Masks. New York: Grove Press.

Fanon, Frantz (2000 [1961]). The Wretched of the Earth. New York: Grove Press.

Fusco, Coco (1994). "The other history of intercultural performance", The Drama Review 38(1) (T141):143-167.

Gilroy, Paul (2000). Against Race: Imagining Political Culture beyond the Color Line. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard U.

Hall, Stuart (ed.) (1997). Representation. Thousand Oaks: Sage in association with the Open University Press.

Lawrence, Bonita (2002). “Re-writing histories of the land: Colonization and indigenous resistance in eastern Canada”, in Razack, Sherene (ed.), Race, Space and the Law: Unmapping a White Settler Society. Toronto: Between the Lines.

Lorde, Audre (1984). Sister Outsider. Trumansburg: The Crossings Press.

Mahmud, Tayyab (1999). "Colonialism and modern constructions of race: A preliminary inquiry", University of Miami Law Review 53(4):1219-1246.

McClintock, Anne (1995). Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Context. New York: Routledge.

Said, Edward (1978). Orientalism. New York: Vintage.

Other Recommended Readings

Abu-Laban, Yasmeen and Gabriel, Christina (2002). Selling Diversity. Peterborough: Broadview.

Anderson, Kay J. (1991). Vancouver's Chinatown: Racial Discourse in Canada,1875-1980. Montreal: McGill Press.

Back, Les and Solomos, John (eds) (2000). Theories of Race & Racism: A Reader. New York: Routledge.

Charme, Stuart Z. (2000). "Varieties of authenticity in contemporary Jewish identity", Jewish Social Studies 6 (Winter 2000).

Dua, Enakshi (2000). “The Hindu woman’s question”, in Calliste, Agnes and George Dei, J. Sefa (eds), Anti-Racist Feminism: Critical Race and Gender Studies. Halifax: Fernwood Press.

Galeano, Eduardo (1973). Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent. New York: Monthly Review.

Gilroy, Paul (1987). ‘There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack’: The Cultural Politics of Race and Nation. London: Hutchinson.

Goldberg, David Theo (2001). The Racial State. Oxford: Blackwell.

Haraway, Donna (1992). “The promises of monsters: A regenerative politics for inappropriate/d Others”, in Grossberg, L., Nelson, C. and Treichler, P. (eds), Cultural Studies. New York: Routledge.

Henry, Frances and Tator, Carol (2005). The Colour of Democracy. Toronto: Harcourt Brace. hooks, bell (1992). Black Looks: Race and Representation. Toronto: Between the Lines.

Mercer, Kobena and Julien, Isaac (1991). "True confessions: A discourse on images of Black male sexuality", in Hemphill, Essex (ed.), Brother to Brother. New York: Plume.

Miles, Robert (2000). “Apropos the idea of ‘race’… again”, in Back, Les and Solomos, John (eds), Theories of Race and Racism. New York: Routledge.

Moore, Donald, Kosek, Jake and Pandian, Anand (eds) (2003). Race, Nature, and the Politics of Difference. Durham: Duke U. Press.

Radhakrishnan, Rajagopalan (1996). Diasporic Mediations: Between Home and Location. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Seshadri-Crooks, Kalpana. (2000). Desiring Whiteness: A Lacanian Analysis of Race. London: Routledge.

Silvera, Makeda (1983). Silenced. Toronto: Sister Vision Press.

Sturm, Circe (2002). Blood Politics: Race, Culture and Identity in the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Walcott, Rinaldo (2000). “‘Who is she and what is she to you?’: Mary Ann Shadd Cary and the (im)possibility of Black/Canadian Studies”, in Rinaldo Walcott (ed.), Rude. Toronto: Insomiac Press.

Winant, Howard (1997). “Behind blue eyes: Whiteness and contemporary US racial politics”, in M. Fine, L. Weis, L.C. Powell, and L.M. Wong (eds), Off White: Readings on Race, Power and Society. New York: Routledge. SEX AND GENDER SYSTEMS READING LIST JUNE 2006

Convenor Penni Stewart Contributors Debi Brock, Sheila Cavanagh, Lorna Erwin, Barbara Hanson, Meg Luxton, Janine Marchessault, Thelma McCormack, Penni Stewart, and Leah Vosko

Core Readings

Acker, Joan (1992). “From sex roles to gendered institutions”, Contemporary Sociology 21:565-69.

Atkinson, Ti Grace (1974). Amazon Odyssey. New York: Link Books. (available only at the Nellie Langdon Library)

Benhabib, Seyla (1994). Situating the Self: Gender, Community and Postmodernisms in Contemporary Ethics. New York: Routledge.

Bird, Florence (1970). Report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. Ottawa: Information Canada.

Bordo, S. (1990). “Feminism, post modernism and gender skepticism”, in Linda Nicholson (ed.), Feminism/Post Modernism. New York: Routledge.

Butler, Judith. (1999). Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York: Routledge.

Cassidy, Barbara, Lord, Robina and Mandell, Nancy (2004). “Silenced and forgotten women: Race, poverty, and disability”, in Mandell, Nancy (ed.), Feminist Issues: Race, Class, and Sexuality. (pp. 75-107). Toronto: Prentice Hall.

Collins, Patricia Hill (1990). Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment. New York: Harper Collins.

Connell, R.W. (1987). Gender and Power: Society the Person and . Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Connell, R.W. (2004). “Masculinities and globalization”, in Michael Kimmel and Michael Messner (eds), Men’s Lives. (pp.56-70). Boston: Pearson A&B. de Beauvoir, Simone (1974). The Second Sex. New York: Penguin.

Dhruvarajan, Vanaja and Vickers, Jill (2002). Gender, Race, and Nation: A Global Perspective. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Dozier, Raine (2005). “Beards, breasts, and bodies: Doing sex in a gendered world”, Gender & Society, 19(3):297-316.

Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs (1988). Deceptive Distinctions. New Haven: Yale University Press. [Select “A question of method: The sociology of the scientific analysis of sex and gender” chapter, pp.1-16.]

Evans, Mary (2003). Gender and Social Theory. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne (2000). Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. New York: Basic Books.

Foucault, Michel (1990 [1976]). The History of Sexuality, vol. 1. New York: Vintage Books.

Freud, Sigmund (1993). Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria. New York: Collier Books, MacMillan Pub.

George, Sheba Miriam (2005). When Women Come First: Gender and Class in Transnational Migration. Berkeley: U. of California Press.

Grant, Linda, Ward, Kathryn, and Rong, Xue Lan (1987). "Is there an association between gender and methods in sociological research?", American Sociological Review 52:956-62.

Harding Sandra (1990). “Feminism, science and anti-Enlightenment critique”, in Linda Nicholson (ed.), Feminism/ Postmodernism. (pp. 83-106). New York: Routledge.

Harrison, Wendy Cealey and Hood-Williams, John (2002). Beyond Sex and Gender. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Howard, Judith and Hollander, Jocelyn (1997). Gendered Situations, Gendered Selves. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Kim-Puri, H.J. (2005). “Conceptualizing gender-sexuality-state-nation: An introduction”, Gender & Society 19(2):137-159.

Laqueur, Thomas (1990). Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Lorber, Judith (1998). “Beyond the binaries: Depolarizing the categories of sex, sexuality and gender”, in Evans, Mary (ed.), Contemporary Feminist Thought. (pp.15-25). New York: McGraw- Hill

Maroney, Heather Jon and Luxton, Meg (1997). “Gender at work: Canadian feminist political economy after 1988”, in Williams, Glen and Clement, Wally (eds), Building on the New Canadian Political Economy. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s Press.

Martin, Patricia Yancey (2004). “Gender as a social institution”, Social Forces 82:1249-73.

McDonald, Lynn (1998). Women Theorists on Society and Politics. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press.

Millet, Kate (1970). Sexual Politics. New York: Doubleday.

Mitchell, Juliet (1974). Psychoanalysis and Feminism. London: Allen Lane.

O’Brien, Mary (1981). The Politics of Reproduction. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Oikawa, Mona (2000). “Cartographies of violence: Women, memory and the subjects of the ‘internment’”, Canadian Journal of Law and Society 15(2):39-69.

Pateman, Carol (1989). The Disorder of Women: Democracy, Feminism and Political Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Rich, A. (1980). Compulsory heterosexuality and lesbian existence. Denver: Antelope Publications.

Rubin, Gayle (1984). “Thinking sex: Notes for a radical theory of the politics of sexuality”, in Vance, Carol (ed.), Pleasure and Danger: Explaining Female Sexuality. (pp. 267-319). Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Rubin, Gayle (1975). “The traffic in women: Notes on the political economy of sex”, in Reiter, Rayna (ed.), Toward an Anthropology of Women. (pp.157-210). New York: Monthly Review Press.

Silman, Janet (1994). Enough is Enough. Aboriginal Women Speak Out. Toronto: Women’s Press.

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (1996). “Diasporas old and new: Women in the transnational world”, Textual Practice 10(2):245-269.

Trinh, T. Minh-ha (1991). When the Moon Waxes Red: Representation, Gender and Cultural Politics. New York: Routledge.

Walby, S. (1994). “Is citizenship gendered?”, Sociology 28(2):379- 395.

Walzer, Susan (1996). “Parenting in Black and white families: The interaction of gender with race and class”, Gender & Society 13(4):480-502.

Yuval-Davis, Nira (1997). Gender and Nation. London: Thousand Oaks.

Other Recommended Readings

Abel, E and Abel, E.K (1983). The Signs Reader: Women, Gender, and Scholarship. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Anderson, Kim (2000). A Recognition of Being: Reconstructing Native Womanhood. Toronto: Second Story Press.

Butler, Judith (2004). Undoing Gender. New York: Routledge.

Calliste, Agnes and Dei, George (2001). Anti-Racist Feminism: Critical Race and Gender Studies. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Chowdhry, G. and Nair, S. (2002). Power, Post-Colonialism and International Relations: Reading Race, Gender and Class. New York: Routledge. Collins, Patricia Hill (2004). Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender and the New Racism. New York: Routledge.

Connell, R.W. (2002). Gender: A Short Introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Dua, Enakshi (1999). “Canadian anti-feminist thought: Scratching the surface on racism”, in Dua, Enakshi and Roberts, Angela (eds), Scratching the Surface: Canadian Anti-Racist Feminist Thought. (pp. 7-31). Toronto: Women’s Press.

England, Paula (ed.) 1993. Theory on Gender / Feminism on Theory. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Ferguson, Anne (1984). “, sexual identity and the sexual revolution; Heterosexuality as coercive force”, in Jagger, Alison and Rothenberg, P. S. (eds), Feminist Frameworks: Alternative Theoretical Accounts of the Relations between Women and Men. New York: McGraw-Hill.

French, Marilyn (2002). From Eve to Dawn: Origins (vol. 1). Toronto: McArthur and Co.

Friedan, Betty (1965).The Feminine Mystique. London: Penguin.

Gagne, Patricia, Tewksbury, Richard, and McGaughey, Deanna (1997). “Coming out and crossing over: Identity formation and proclamation in a transgender community”, Gender & Society 11:478-508.

Grewal, Inderpal and Kaplan, Caren (1994). Scattered Hegemonies: Postmodernity and Transnational Feminist Practices. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Maroney, Heather Jon and Luxton, Meg (1987). “From feminism and political economy to feminist political economy” in Maroney, Heather Jon and Luxton, Meg (eds), Feminism and Political Economy. Toronto: Methuen.

McCormack, T. (1991). “Politics and the hidden injuries of gender: Feminism and the welfare state.” Ottawa: CRIAW, Paper #28.

McClintock, Anne (1995). Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Conquest. New York: Routledge.

McDonald, K. B. (1997). “Black activist mothering: A historical intersection of race, gender and class”, Gender & Society 11:773- 795.

Mitchell, Allyson, Rundle, Lisa Bryn and Karaian, Lara (eds) (2001). Turbo Chicks: Talking Young . Toronto: Sumach Press.

Pierson, Ruth R. and Cohen, Marjorie Griffin (eds) (1995). Canadian Women's Issues: Volume II: Bold Visions. Toronto: James Lorimer

Razack, Sherene (ed.) (2002). Race, Space, and the Law: Unmapping a White Settler Society. Toronto: Between the Lines.

Risman, Barbara (1998). Gender Vertigo: American Families in Transition. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Risman, Barbara J. (2004) “Gender as a social structure: Theory wrestling with activism”, Gender & Society 18(4):429-450.

Sidel, Ruth (1998). Keeping Women and Children Last: America’s War on the Poor. New York: Penguin

Tickner, J.Ann (2001). Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post Cold War Era. New York: Columbia University Press.

Trinh, T. Minh-ha (1989). Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Van Kirk, Sylvia (1999). Many Tender Ties: Women in Fur-Trade Society, 1670-1870. Winnipeg: Watson and Dwyer.

West, Candace and Zimmerman, Don. (1987). “Doing gender”, Gender & Society 1(2):125-51.

West, Candace and Fenstermaker, S. (1995). “Doing difference”, Gender & Society 9(4): 526-526.

Zimbalist Rosaldo, Michelle and Lamphere, Louise (1974). Woman, Culture, & Society. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.

Zinn, Maxine Baca (2001). “Chicano men and masculinity”, in Michael Kimmel and Michael Messner (eds), Men’s Lives.(pp.24-32). Boston: Pearson A&B. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY READING LIST JUNE 2006

Convenor Don Carveth Contributors Kathy Bischoping, Don Carveth, Barbara Hanson, Karen Robson, and Penni Stewart

Core Readings

Berger, P. L. & Luckmann, T. (1969). The Social Construction of Reality. New York: Doubleday and Company.

Bion, W. (1961). Experiences in Groups and Other Papers. London & New York: Routledge.

Blumer, H. (1969). Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

Cooley, Charles Horton (1992). Human Nature and the Social Order. Somerset: Transaction Publishers.

Freud, S. (1921). Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (vol.18 of James Strachey (ed.), The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Standard Edition). New York: W.W. Norton.

Garfinkel, Harold (1967). Studies in Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Gilligan, C. (1993). In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Gergen, Mary and Davis, Sara N. (1997). Toward a New Psychology of Gender: A Reader. New York: Routledge.

Goffman, E. (1959). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York: Doubleday and Company.

House, J. (1977). “The three faces of social psychology”, Sociometry 40:161-177.

Lutz, Catherine (1988). Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and Their Challenge to Western Theory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Mead, George Herbert (1967[1934]). Mind, Self, & Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist, vol. 1. Chicago: U. Chicago Press.

Milgram, Stanley (1974). Obedience to Authority. New York: Harper & Row.

Rosenhan, D. L. (1976). “On being sane in insane places”, in Krebs, D. (ed.), Readings in Social Psychology. (pp. 281-289). New York: Harper & Row.

Sears, David O. (1986). “College sophomores in the laboratory: Influences of a narrow data base on social psychology's view of human nature”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 51(3): 515-530.

Sewell, W.H. 1989. “Some reflections on the Golden Age of interdisciplinary social psychology”, American Journal of Sociology. 15:1- 16.

Smith, D. E. (1978). “‘K is mentally ill’: The anatomy of a factual account”, Sociology 12(1): 23-53.

West, C. & Zimmerman, D. (1987). “Doing gender”, Gender & Society 1(2):125-151.

Other Recommended Readings

Bickman, Leonard and Henchy, Thomas (eds) (1972). Beyond the Laboratory: Field Research in Social Psychology. Toronto: McGraw Hill.

Billig, M. (1996). Arguing and Thinking A Rhetorical Approach to Social Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cerulo, K. (1997). "Identity construction: New issues, new directions", Annual Review of Sociology 23: 385-409.

Cherry, F. (1995). The Stubborn Particulars of Social Psychology. Essays on the Research Process. Routledge: London.

Clark, Candace (1997). Misery and Company: Sympathy in Everyday Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Coyle, A. & C. Kitzinger. (eds) (2002). Lesbian and Gay Psychology: New Perspectives. Oxford: Blackwell.

Duncan, Hugh Dalzeil (1984). Communication and Social Order. Somerset: Transaction Publishers.

Farkas, George (2003). “Cognitive skills and noncognitive traits and behaviors in stratification processes”, Annual Review of Sociology. 29: 541-562.

Freud, S. (1927). “The future of an illusion”, in Strachey, James (ed.), The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (Standard Edition, vol. 21). New York: W.W. Norton.

Freud, S. (1930). Civilization and Its Discontents, in Strachey, James (ed.) The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (Standard Edition, vol. 21). New York: W.W. Norton.

Fromm, E. (1941). Escape From Freedom. New York: Avon.

Goffman, E. (1961). Asylums. New York: Doubleday and Company.

Goffman, E. (1974). Frame Analysis. New York: Harper and Row.

Henriques, Julian (1998). Changing the Subject: Psychology, Social Regulation and Subjectivity. New York: Routledge.

Kane, E.W. (2000). “Racial and ethnic variations in gender-related attitudes”. Annual Review of Sociology. 26: 419-439.

Laing, R.D. (1964). Sanity, Madness and the Family. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Parker, Ian and Shotter, John (eds) (1990). Deconstructing Social Psychology. New York: Routledge.

Parker, Ian and Shotter, John. (2002). Critical Discursive Psychology. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Schooler, C. (1996). “Cultural and social structural explanations of cross-national psychological differences”, Annual Review of Sociology 22: 323-349.

Sennett, Richard and Cobb, Jonathan (1993). The Hidden Injuries of Class. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

Spenner, K.J. (1988). “Social stratification, work, and personality”, Annual Review of Sociology 14: 69-97.

Squire, C. (2000). Culture in Psychology. London: Routledge.

Srole, L. & Fischer, A.K. (eds) (1975-1977). Mental Health in the Metropolis: The Midtown Manhattan Study. New York: New York University Press.

Watzlawick, P., Beavin Bavelas, J., & Jackson, D. D. (1967). Pragmatics of Human Communication. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

West, C. & D. Zimmerman (1987). “Doing difference”, Gender & Society. 9(4):526-536.


Convenor Engin Isin Contributors Karine Côté-Boucher, Luin Goldring, Engin Isin, Egla Martinez, Ian Morrison, and John O’Neill at York University; with suggestions from Peter Baehr (Lingnan University, Hong Kong), Shane Doheny and Martin Powell (University of Stirling, Scotland), Suad Joseph (University of California—Davis), Warren Magnusson (University of Victoria), John Mandalios (Griffith University, Australia), Minoo Moallem (San Francisco State University), Aihwa Ong (University of California—Berkeley), Mojca Pajnik (Peace Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia), and Giovanna Procacci (University of Milan).

Core Readings


Arendt, H. (1973). The Origins of Totalitarianism. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. [Selection: “The decline of the nation-state and the end of the rights of man”, pp.267-302.]

Aristotle (1998). The Politics. (E. Barker (trans.), R. Stalley (rev.)), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hobbes, Thomas (1988 [1642]). On the Citizen. (R. Tuck and M.Silverthorne (eds)). Cambridge, England: Cambridge U. Press.

Kant, I. (1991). Kant: Political Writings. (H. Reiss (ed.)). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Locke, J. (1982 [1690]). Second Treatise of Government. (R. Cox (ed.)). Arlington Heights: H.Davidson.

Marshall, T.H. (1950). Citizenship and Social Class, and Other Essays. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. [Especially “Citizenship and social class”.]

Mill, J.S. (1991 [1861]). Considerations on Representative Government. Amherst: Prometheus Books.

Plato (1970). The Laws. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Rousseau, J.-J., May, G., Bellah, R., Bromwich, D., and O’Brien, C.C. (2002). The Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses. (Susan Dunn (ed.)). New Haven: Yale University Press.

Schumpeter, J.A. (1987). Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. London: Unwin Paperbacks. de Tocqueville, Alexis (1969 [1835]). Democracy in America. (R.D. Heffner (ed.)).New York: Harper Perennial.

Weber, Max (1981). General Economic History. London: Transaction. [Selection: “Citizenship”.]


Agamben, Giorgio (1998). Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Balibar, E. (2004). We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Benhabib, S. (2004). The Rights of Others: Aliens, Residents and Citizens. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Brubaker, R. (1992). Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Derrida, Jacques. (2001). On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness. London: Routledge. [Selection: “On cosmopolitanism”.]

Foucault, M. (2003). Society Must be Defended: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1975-76. (M. Bertani (ed.), D. Macey (trans.)). New York: Picador.

Habermas, J. (1989 [1962]). The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. (T. Burger (trans.)). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Honig, B. (2001). Democracy and the Foreigner. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Isin, E. F. (2002). Being Political: Genealogies of Citizenship. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Lister, R. (2003). Citizenship: Feminist Perspectives. Washington Square: New York University Press.

Pateman, C. (1988). The Sexual Contract. Cambridge, England: Polity.

Zizek, Slavoj (1999). The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology. New York: Verso.

Other Recommended Readings


Arendt, Hannah (1973). On Revolution. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.

Arendt, Hannah (1998 [1958]). The Human Condition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Hegel, G. W. F. (1991 [1821]). Elements of the Philosophy of Right. (A. Wood (ed.)).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Marshall, T.H. (1981). The Right to Welfare and Other Essays. London: Heinemann Educational.

Marx, Karl (1978 [1843]). The Marx-Engels Reader. (R. C. Tucker (ed.)). New York: Norton. [Selection: “On the Jewish question”.]

Rees, A.M. (1995). "The promise of social citizenship", Policy and Politics 23(4):313-325.

Rees, A.M. (1995). "The other Marshall, T.H.", The Journal of Social Policy 24(3):341-362.

Weber, Max (1962). The City. New York: Collier.


Basok, Tanya (2004). “Post-national citizenship, social exclusion and migrants rights: Mexican seasonal workers in Canada”, Citizenship Studies 8(1): 47-64.

Bellamy, R. and Warleigh, A. (2001). Citizenship and Governance in the European Union. London; New York, Continuum.

Bickford, S. (1996). The Dissonance of Democracy: Listening, Conflict, and Citizenship. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Birnbaum, Pierre (1996). "Sur la citoyenneté", L’Année sociologique 46(1) :240-243.

Brown, W. (1995). States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Costa, P. (2000-2001). Civitas. Storia della cittadinanza in Europa. Rome: Laterza.

Crick, B. R. (2000). In Defence of Politics. London: Continuum.

Crouch, C., Eder, K., and Tambini, D. (2001). Citizenship, Markets, and the State. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dahl, R. A. (1967). A Preface to Democratic Theory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Eder, K. and Giesen, B. (2001). European Citizenship: Between National Legacies and Postnational Projects. New York: Oxford U. Press.

Foucault, M. (1978). The History of Sexuality. New York: Pantheon Books.

Gilbertson, Greta and Singer, Audrey (2003). “The emergence of protective citizenship in the USA: Naturalization among Dominican immigrants in the post-1996 welfare reform era”, Ethnic and Racial Studies 26(1): 25-51.

Goldring, Luin (2001). “The gender and geography of citizenship in Mexico-U.S. transnational spaces”, Identities 7(4):501-537.

Grewal, Inderpal (2005). Transnational America: Feminisms, Diasporas, Neoliberalisms. Durham: Duke University Press.

Habermas, J. (1996). Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy. (William Rehg (trans.)). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Holston, J. (1999). Cities and Citizenship. Durham: Duke University Press.

Heater, Derek Benjamin (1990). Citizenship: The Civic Ideal in World History, Politics, and Education. London: Longman Group.

Isin, Engin F. and Turner, Bryan S. (2002). Handbook of Citizenship Studies. London: Sage.

Isin, Engin F., and Wood, Patricia K. (1999). Citizenship and Identity. London: Sage.

Itzigsohn, Jose (2000). “Immigration and the boundaries of citizenship: The institutions of immigrants’ political transnationalism”, International Migration Review 34(4): 1126-1154.

Janoski, T. (1998). Citizenship and Civil Society: A Framework of Rights and Obligations in Liberal, Traditional, and Social Democratic Regimes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jordan, B. (1989). The Common Good: Citizenship, Morality, and Self-Interest. Oxford; New York, Blackwell.

Joseph, S. (2000). Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

Koopmans, Ruud and Statham, Paul (2003). "How national citizenship shapes transnationalism: Migrant and minority claims- making in Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands", in Joppke, Christian and Morawska, Ewa (eds), Toward Assimilation and Citizenship: Immigrants in Liberal Nation-States. (pp. 195-238). London: Palgrave.

Lowe, L. (1996). Immigrant Acts: On Asian American Cultural Politics. Durham, Duke University Press.

Moon, M. and Davidson, C.N. (1995). Subjects and Citizens: Nation, Race, and Gender from Oroonoko to Anita Hill. Durham, Duke University Press.

Oldfield, A. (1990). Citizenship and Community: Civic Republicanism and the Modern World. London: Routledge. [Selection: “The citizen in the political community”.]

Ong, A. (1999). Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality. Durham: Duke University Press.

Ong, A. (2003). Buddha is Hiding: Refugees, Citizenship, the New America. Berkeley, University of California Press.

Petryna, A. (2002). Life Exposed: Biological Citizens after Chernobyl. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Pettman, Jan Jindy. 1999. "Globalisation and the gendered politics of citizenship." in Webner, P. and Yuval-Davis, N. (eds), Women, Citizenship and Difference. London and New York: Zed Books.

Pocock, J. G. A. (1999). “The ideal of citizenship since classical times”, Queen’s Quarterly 99(1): 35-55.

Rancière, Jacques. (2004). “Who is the subject of The Rights of Man”, South Atlantic Quarterly 103(2/3): 297-310.

Rose, N. S. (1999). Powers of Freedom: Reframing Political Thought. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Schnapper, D. (1994). La communauté des citoyens. Paris: Gallimard.

Somers, Margaret. (1993). “Citizenship and the place of public sphere”, American Sociological Review 58:587-620.

Soysal, Y. N. (1994). Limits of Citizenship: Migrants and Postnational Membership in Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago.

Stavenhagen, Rodolfo (1996). "Indigenous rights: Some conceptual problems", in E. Jelin and E. Hershberg (eds), Constructing Democracy, Human Rights, Citizenship, and Society in Latin America. Boulder: Westview Press.

Streeck, Wolfgang. (1997). “Industrial citizenship under regime competition: the case of European Work Councils”, Journal of European Public Policy 4:643-664

Thompson, E. (1999). Colonial Citizens: Republican Rights, Paternal Privilege, and Gender in French Syria and Lebanon. New York: Columbia University Press.

Van Steenbergen, B. (ed.) (1994). The Condition of Citizenship. London: Sage.

Zolo, D. (ed.) (1994). La cittadinanza. Rome: Laterza.


Convenor Ratiba Hadj-Moussa Contributors Gamal Abdel-Shehid, Luin Goldring, Ratiba Hadj-Moussa, Joseph Mensah, and Haideh Moghissi

Core Readings

Anthias, Floya (1998). “Evaluating ‘diaspora’: Beyond ethnicity”. Sociology 32(3):557-580.

Alcalay, A. (1993). After Jews and Arabs: Remaking Levantine Culture. Minnesota: U. of Minnesota Press.

Balibar, Etienne (1995). “Culture and identity (working notes)”, in Rajchman, John (ed.), The Identity in Question. (pp.173-196). New York: Routledge.

Balibar, Etienne (1998). “The borders of Europe”, in Cheah, Pheng and Robbins, Bruce (eds), Cosmopolitics: Thinking and Feeling beyond the Nation. (pp.216-229). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Barbieri, Williams (1999). “Group right and the Muslim diaspora”, Human Rights Quarterly 21(4): 907-926.

Bhabha, Homi (1990). “The third space”, in Rutherford, Jonathan (ed.), Identity : Community, Culture, Difference. (pp.207-221). London: Lawrence & Wishart.

Bhabha, Homi (1998). “Culture’s in-between”, in David Bennett (ed.), Multicultural States. (pp.29-36). London: Routledge.

Bhachu, Parminder (1996). “The multiple landscapes of transnational Asian women in the diaspora”, in Amit-Talai, V. and Knowles, C. (eds), Re-situating Identities: The Politics of Race, Ethnicity and Culture. (pp.283-303). Peterborough: Broadview Press.

Brah, Avtar (1996). Cartographies of Diaspora. London: Routledge.

Brand, Dionne. (1999). At the Full and Change of the Moon. Toronto: Knopf Books.

Brubaker, Rogers (2005). “The ‘diaspora’ diaspora”, Ethnic and Racial Studies 28(1): 1-19.

Calhoun, Craig (1994). “Social theory and the politics of identity”, in Calhoun, Craig (ed.), Social Theory and the Politics of Identity. (pp.7-36). Cambridge: Blackwell.

Chambers, Iain (1994). Migrancy, Culture, Identity. London: Routledge. [Select “The broken world: Whose centre, whose periphery?” chapter, pp.67-91.]

Childs, Peter and Williams, Patrick. (1997). An Introduction to Post-Colonial Theory. London: Prentice Hall. [Select “Bhabha’s hybridity” chapter, pp.122-156.]

Clifford, James (1994). “Diasporas”, Cultural Anthropology 9(3):302-338.

Clifford, James (1992). “Travelling cultures”, in Grossberg, Laurence, Nelson, C., and Treichler, P.A. (eds), Cultural Studies. (pp.96- 116). New York: Routledge.

Dwyer, Clair (2000). “Negotiating diasporic identities: Young British South Asian Muslim women”, Women's Studies International Forum 23(4): 475-486.

Featherstone, Mike (1995). Undoing Culture: Globalization, Postmodernism and Identity. London, Sage.

Fregoso, Rosa Linda (1999). “Recycling colonialist fantasies on the Texas borderlands”, in Naficy, Hamid (ed.), Home, Exile, Homeland (pp.169-192). NewYork: Routledge.

Fortier, Anne-Marie (1999). “Re-membering places and the performance of belonging(s)”, Theory, Culture and Society 16(2): 41-64.

Fortier, Anne-Marie (2000). Migrant Belongings: Memory, Space and Identity. Oxford: Berg.

Ganguly, Keya (1992). “Migrant identities: Personal memory and the construction of selfhood”, Cultural Studies 6(1):27-50.

Gilroy, Paul (2001). Against Race. Imagining Political Culture Beyond the Color Line. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University. [Select “Identity, belonging, and the critique of pure sameness” chapter, pp. 97-133.]

Graham, Mark and Khosravi, Shahram (1997). “Home is where you make it: Repatriation and diaspora culture among Iranians in Sweden”, Journal of Refugee Studies 10(2):115-133.

Grewal, I. and Kaplan, C. (1994). Scattered Hegemonies: Postmodernity and Transnational Feminist Practice. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Gross, Joan, McMurray, David, and Swedenburg, Ted (1996). “Arab noise and Ramadan nights: Rai, rap, and Franco-Maghrebi identities”, in Lavie, Smadar and Swedenburg, Ted (eds), Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identities. (pp.119-155). Durham: Duke University.

Grossberg, Lawrence (1996). “The space of culture, the power of space”, in Chambers, Iain and Curti, Lidia (eds), The Post-Colonial Question. (pp.169-188). London: Routledge.

Gupta, Akhil and Ferguson, James (1997). “Culture, power, place: Ethnography at the end of an era”, in Gupta, Akhil and Ferguson, James (eds), Culture, Power, Place. Explorations in Critical Anthropology. (pp.1-29). Durham: Duke University Press.

Hall, Stuart (1996). “Introduction: Who needs ‘identity’?”, in Stuart Hall and Paul du Gay (eds), Questions of Cultural Identity. (pp.1- 17). London: Sage.

Hall, Stuart (1992). “New ethnicities”, in Donald, J. and Rattansi, A. (eds), “Race,” Culture, & Difference. London: Sage.

Hepner, Tricia R. (2003). “Religion, nationalism, and transnational civil society in the Eritrean diaspora”, Identities 10(3): 269-293.

Hutnyk, John (1997). “Adorno at Womad: South Asian crossovers and the limits of hybridity-talk”, in Werbner, Pnina and Modood, Tarik (eds), Debating Cultural Hybridity. (pp.106-136). London: Zed.

Khan, Shahnaz (1998). “Muslim women: Negotiations in the third space”, Journal of Women in Culture and Society 23(2): 463-494.

Lavie, Smadar and Swedenburg, Ted (eds) (1996). Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identities. Durham: Duke University Press. [Select introductory chapter.]

Malkki, Liisa (1992). “National geographic: The rooting of peoples and the territorialization of national identity among scholars and refugees”, Cultural Anthropology 7(1):24-44.

Malkki, Liisa (1992). “Refugees and exile from: ‘Refugee studies’ to the national order of things”, Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 495-523.

Mankekar, Purnima (1994). “Reflections on diasporic identities: A prolegomenon to an analysis of political bifocality”, Diaspora 3(3): 349-371.

Massey, Doreen (1994). “Double articulation: A place in the world”, in Bammer, Angelika (ed.), Displacements: Cultural Identities in Question. (pp.110-121). Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Mishra, Vijay (1996). “The diasporic imaginary: Theorizing the Indian diaspora”, in Textual Practice 10(3): 421-447.

Morley, David (2000). Home Territories: Media, Mobility and Identity. New York: Routledge.

Musarrat Akram, Susan (2000). “Orientalism revisited in asylum and refugee claims”, Ontario Journal of Refugee Law 12(1): 7-40.

Nacify, Hamid (1993). The Making of Exile Cultures: Iranian Television in Los Angeles. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, [Select: “The cultural politics of hybridity” chapter, pp. 166-198.]

Ong, Aihwa (2003). “Cyberpublics and diaspora politics among transnational Chinese” Interventions 5(1): 82-100.

Papastergiadis, Nikos (1997). “Tracing hybridity in theory”, in Werbner, Pnina and Modood, Tariq (eds), Debating Cultural Hybridity: Multi-Cultural Identities and the Politics of Anti-Racism. (pp.257-281). London: Sage.

Papastergiadis, Nikos (1998). Dialogues in the Diasporas. Essays and Conversations on Cultural Identity. London: Rivers Oram Press. [Select “Ambivalence in identity” and “The limits of the diaspora” chapters, pp. 10-52 and pp.101-116]

Peters, John Durham (1999). “Exile, nomadism, and diaspora: The stakes of mobility in the Western canon”, in Naficy, Hamid (ed.), Home, Exile, Homeland (pp.17-41). New York: Routledge.

Pollock, Sheldon, Bhabha, Homi K., Breckenridge, Carol A., and Chakrabarty, D. (2000). “Cosmopolitanisms”, Public Culture 12(3): 577-589.

Pieterse, Jan Nederveen (1995). “Globalization as hybridization”, in Featherstone, M., Lash, S., and Robertson, R. (eds), Global Modernities. (pp.45-68). London: Sage.

Safran, William (1991). “Diasporas in modern societies: Myths of homeland and return”, Diaspora 1(1): 83-99.

Sa'id, E. (2002). Reflections on Exile and Other Essays. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Sassen, Saskia (2000). “Spatialities and temporalities of the global: Elements for a theorization”, Public Culture 12(1):215-232.

Soya, Edward and Hooper, Barbara (1993). “The spaces that difference makes”, in Keith, M. and Pile, S. (eds), Place and the Politics of Identity. (pp.183-205). London: Routledge.

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty (1996). “Diasporas old and new: Women in the transnational world”, Textual Practice 10(2):245-269.

Stevenson, Nick (1997). “Globalization, national cultures and cultural citizenship”, The Sociological Quarterly 38(1): 41-66.

Shahidian, Hammed (1999). “Gender and sexuality among immigrant Iranians in Canada”, Sexualities 2(2): 189-222.

Stratton, Jon and Ang, Ien (1998). Multicultural States: Rethinking Difference and Identity. New York: Routledge. [Selection: pp. 135-162.]

Tölöyan, Khachig (1996). “Rethinking diaspora(s): Stateless power in the transnational moment”, Diaspora. 5(1):3-36.

Trinh, T. Minh-ha (1991). When the Moon Waxes Red: Representation, Gender and Cultural Politics. London and New York: Routledge. [Selections: “Cotton and iron” pp. 11-26, “The world as foreign land” pp.185-199.]

Trinh, T.Minh-ha (1997). “Not you/like you: Postcolonial woman and the interlocking questions of identity and difference”, in McClintock, Anne, Mufti, Aamir and Shoat, Ella (eds), Dangerous Liaisons, Gender, Nations, and Postcolonial Perspectives. (pp. 415-419). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.

Waldron, Jeremy (2000). “Cultural identity and civic responsibility”, in Kymlicka, Will and Norman, Wayne (eds), Citizenship in Diverse Societies. (pp. 155-174) Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Werbner, Pnina (1997). “Introduction: The dialectics of cultural hybridity”, in Werbner, Pnina and Modood, Tariq (eds), Debating Cultural Hybridity: Multi-Cultural Identities and the Politics of Anti-Racism. (pp.1-26). London: Zed.

Young, Robert (1995). Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture and Race. London: Routledge. [Select “Hybridity and diaspora” chapter, pp.1-28.]

Winland, Daphne (1995). “’We are now an actual nation’: The impact of national independence on the Croatian diaspora in Canada”, Diaspora. 4(1): 3-29.

Warner, Stephen and Judith Wittner (eds) (1998). Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.


Convenor: Luin Goldring Contributors: Paul Anisef, Wenona Giles, Luin Goldring, Larry Lam, Michael Lanphier, David Lumsden, Joseph Mensah, Haideh Moghissi, and Michael Nijhawan


Abu-Laban, Yasmeen and Gabriel, Christina (2002). Selling Diversity: Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity, and Globalization. Peterborough: Broadview Press.

Ahearn, Frederick and Athey, Jean (eds) (l99l). Refugee Children: Theory, Research and Services. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Alba, Richard (2005). ‘Bright vs. blurred boundaries: Second-generation assimilation and exclusion in France, Germany, and the United States’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 28(1): 20-49.

Al-Ali, Nadje, Black, Richard, and Koser, Khalid (2001). ‘The limits to ‘transnationalism’: Bosnian and Eritrean refugees in Europe as emerging transnational communities’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 24(4): 578-600.

Al-Ali, Nadje, Black, Richard, and Koser, Khalid (2001). ‘Refugee Transnationalism: The experience of Bosnians and Eritreans in Europe’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 27(4): 615-634.

Anisef, P. and Lanphier, C.M. (eds) (2003). The World in a City. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Apfel, Roberta and Simon, Bennett (eds) (l996). Minefields in their Hearts: The Mental Health of Children in War and Communal Violence. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Balibar, Etienne (2004). We, the People of Europe?: Reflections on Transnational Citizenship. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Basch, L., Glick Schiller, N., and Szanton Blanc, C. (1994). Nations Unbound: Transnational Projects, Postcolonial Predicaments and Deterritorialized Nation-States. Langhorne: Gordon and Breach.

Bashi, Vilna (2004). ‘Globalized anti-Blackness: Transnationalizing Western immigration law, policy, and practice’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 27(4): 584-606.

Basok, Tanya. (2002). Tortillas and Tomatoes: Transmigrant Mexican Harvesters in Canada. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Baubock, Rainer. (2003). ‘Towards a theory of political transnationalism’, International Migration Review 37(3): 700-723.

Beiser, Morton. (l999). Strangers at the Gate: The ‘Boat People’s’ First Ten Years in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Bloemraad, Irene. (2004). ‘Who claims dual citizenship? The limits of postnationalism, the possibilities of transnationalism, and the persistence of traditional citizenship.’ International Migration Review 38(2): 389-427.

Bowen, John. (2004). ‘Beyond migration: Islam as a transnational public space.’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 30(5): 879-895.

Braziel, Jana Evans and Mannur, Anita (2003). ‘Nation, migration, globalization: Points of contention in diaspora studies’ in Braziel, J. E. and Mannur, A. (eds), Theorizing Diaspora: A Reader. Malden: Blackwell.

Brettell, Caroline (2003). Anthropology and Migration: Essays on Transnationalism, Ethnicity, and Identity. Walnut Creek, CA.: Alatamira.

Brettell, Caroline and Hollifield, James (eds) (2000). Migration Theory: Talking Across Disciplines. NY: Routledge.

Brubaker, Rogers (2001). ‘The return of assimilation? Changing perspectives on assimilation and its sequels in France, Germany, and the United States’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 24(4): 531-548.

Buijs, G. (ed.) (1996). Selection: Introduction, in Migrant Women Crossing Boundaries and Changing Identities. Washington, D.C.: Berg.

Castles, Stephen (2002). ‘Migration and community formation under conditions of globalization’, International Migration Review 36(4): 1143-1168.

Castles, Stephen (2000). ‘International migration at the beginning of the twenty-first century: Global trends and issues’, International Social Science Journal 52(3): 269-281.

Castles, Stephen and Miller, Mark J. (2003). The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World, 3rd edition. New York: Guilford Press.

Demetriou, Madeleine (1999). ‘Beyond the nation-state? Transnational politics in the age of diasporas.’ ASEN Bulletin 16 (Winter): 17-25.

Faist, T. (2000). The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and Transnational Social Spaces. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press.

Fog Olwig, Karen. (2003). ‘”Transnational” socio-cultual systems and ethnographic research: views from an extended field site’, International Migration Review 37(3): 787(25).

Frobel, F., Heinrichs, J. and Kreye, O. (1980). The New International Division of Labour: Structural Unemployment in Industrialised Countries and Industrialisation in Developing Countries. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Giles, Wenona and Hyndman, Jennifer (eds) (2004). Sites of Violence: Gender and Conflict Zones. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Giles, Wenona, Moussa, Helene, Van Esterik, Penny (eds) (1996). Development and Diaspora: Gender and the Refugee Experience. Dundas, Ontario: Artemis Enterprises.

Glick-Schiller, Nina and Fouron, Georges (2001). Georges Woke Up Laughing: Long-Distance Nationalism and the Search for Home. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Glick Schiller, N., Basch, L., and Blanc-Szanton, C.(1995). ‘From immigrant to transmigrant: Theorizing transnational migration’, Anthropological Quarterly 68:48-63.

Grewal, Inderpal (2005). Transnational America: Feminisms, Diasporas, Neoliberalisms. Durham: Duke U. Press.

Guarnizo, Luis, Portres, Alejandro and Haller, William. (2003). ‘Assimilation and transnationalism: Determinants of transnational political action among contemporary migrants’, American Journal of Sociology 108 (6): 1211-1248

Hepner, Tricia R. (2003). ‘Religion, nationalism, and transnational civil society in the Eritrean diaspora.’ Identities 10(3): 269-293.

Hiebert, Dan and Ley, David (2003). ‘Characteristics of Immigrant Transnationalism in Vancouver.’ Working Paper. Vancouver: RIIM.

Hyndman, Jennifer and Walton-Roberts, M. (2000). ‘Interrogating borders: A transnational approach to refugee research in Vancouver’, The Canadian Geographer 44(3): 244-258.

Indra, Doreen (1989). ‘Ethnic human rights and feminist theory: Gender implications for refugee studies and practice’, Journal of Refugee Studies 2(2): 1-22.

Itzigsohn, Jose and Giorguli Saucedo, Silvia (2002). ‘Immigrant incorporation and sociocultural transnationalism’, International Migration Review 36(3): 766-798.

Kelly, Philip (2003). ‘Canadian-Asian transnationalism.’ Canadian Geographer 47(3): 209.

Kennedy, Paul and Roudometof, Victor (2002). Communities across Borders: New Immigrants and Transnational Cultures. New York: Routledge.

Kivisto, Peter (2003). ‘Social spaces, transnational immigrant communities, and the politics of incorporation.’ Ethnicities 3(1): 5-28.

Koopmans, Ruud and Statham, Paul (2001). ‘How national citizenship shapes transnationalism: A comparative analysis of migrant claims-making in Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands’, Revue Européene des Migrations Internacionales 17(2): 63-100.

Levitt, Peggy (2001). ‘Transnational migration: Taking stock and future directions’. Global Networks 1(3): 195-216.

Levitt, Peggy (2001). The Transnational Villagers. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Levitt, Peggy (2001). ‘Between God, ethnicity and country: An approach to the study of transnational religion’, presented at ‘Transnational Migration: Comparative Perspectives’ workshop, Princeton University, June 30-July 1. .pdf accessed on June 5, 2006.

Levitt, Peggy and Waters, Mary C. (eds) (2002). The Changing Face of Home: The Transnational Lives of the Second Generation. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Levitt, Peggy and de la Dehesa, Rafael (2003). ‘Transnational migration and the redefinition of the state: Variations and explanations’, International Migration Review 26(4): 587-611.

Li, F.L.N. and Findlay, A.M. (1996). ‘Placing Identity: Interview with Hong Kong Chinese Immigrants in Britain and Canada,’ International Journal of Population Geography 2:361-377.

Luibheid, Eithne (2002). Entry Denied: Controlling Sexuality at the Border. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Man, Guida (1997). ‘Women's work is never done: Social organization of work and the experience of women in middle-class Hong Kong Chinese immigrant families in Canada’, Advances in Gender Research vol. 2. pp.183-226.

Marsella, Anthony, Bornemann, T., Ekblad, S., and Orley, J., (eds) (l994). Amidst Peril and Pain: The Mental Health and Well-being of the World's Refugees. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Massey, D.S., Arrango, J., Hugo, G., Kouaouci, A., Pellegrino, A. and Taylor, J.E. (1998). Worlds in Motion: Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Massey, D.S., Arrango, J., Hugo, G., Kouaouci, A., Pellegrino, A. and Taylor, J.E. (1993). ‘Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal.’ Population and Development Review 19(3): 431-46.

Matsuoka, Atsuko and Sorenson, John (2001). Ghosts and Shadows: Construction of Identity and Community in an African Diaspora. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Menjivar, Cecilia (2000). Fragmented Ties: Salvadoran Immigrant Networks in America. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Mensah, Joseph. (2002). Black Canadians: History, Experiences, Social Conditions. Halifax: Fernwood.

Mitchell, Katharyne (2001). ‘Transnationalism, neo-liberalism, and the rise of the shadow state’, Economy and Society 30(2): 165- 189.

Nolin, Catherine (2005). Transnational Ruptures: Gender and Forced Migration from Guatemala to Canada. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Nyers, Peter (2006). Rethinking Refugees: Beyond States of Emergency. New York: Routledge.

Orellana, Marjorie F., Thorne, Barrie, Chee, Anna and Lam, Wan Shun Eva (2001). ‘Transnational childhoods: The participation of children in processes of family migration’, Social Problems 48(4): 572-591.

Ong, Aihwa (1999). Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality. Durham: Duke University Press.

Ong, Aihwa (2003). Buddha is Hiding: Refugees, Citizenship, the New America. Berkeley, University of California Press.

Ostergaard Nielsen, Eva K. (2001). ‘Transnational political practices and the receiving state: Turks and Kurds in Germany and the Netherlands’, Global Networks 1(3): 261-281.

Parreñas, Rachel S. (2005). Children of Global Migration: Transnational Families and Gendered Woes. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Parreñas, Rachel S. (2001). Servants of Globalization: Women, Migration and Domestic Work. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Pessar, Patricia and Mahler, Sarah (2003). ‘Transnational migration: Bringing gender in’, International Migration Review 37(3): 812-846.

Piore, M. J. (1979). Birds of Passage: Migrant Labour in Industrial Societies. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge U. Press.

Portes, A. (1995). ‘Economic sociology and the sociology of immigration: A conceptual overview’, in Portes, A., (ed.) The Economic Sociology of Immigration: Essays on Networks, Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship. New York: Sage.

Portes, Alejandro, Luis Guarnizo and Patricia Landolt (1999). ‘The Study of Transnationalism: Pitfalls and Promise of an Emergent Research Field.’ Ethnic and Racial Studies 22(2):217-237).

Portes, Alejandro, Haller, William J. and Guarnizo, Luis E. (2002). ‘Transnational Entrepreneurs: An Alternative Form of Immigrant Economic Adaptation.’ American Sociological Review. 67(2): 278-298.

Portes, Alejandro and Borocz, Jozsef (1989). ‘Contemporary Immigration: Theoretical Perspectives on Its Determinants and Modes of Incorporation.’ International Migration Review 23(3): 606-630.

Pratt, Geraldine and Yeoh, Brenda (2003). ‘Transnational (Counter)Topographies.’ Gender, Place and Culture 10(2): 159-166.

Rapport, Nigel and Dawson, Andrew. (eds) (l998). Migrants of Identity: Perceptions of Home in a World of Movement. Washington D.C.: Berg.

Reitz, Jeffrey (1998). The Warmth of the Welcome: The Social Causes of Economic Success for Immigrants in Different Nations and Cities. Boulder: Westview Press.

Riccio, Bruno (2001). ‘From “ethnic group” to “transnational community”? Senegalese migrants’ ambivalent trajectories and multiple experiences.’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 27(4): 583-599.

Richmond, Anthony (l988). Immigration and Ethnic Conflict. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Salazar Parreñas, Rachel (2005). Children of Global Migration: Transnational Families and Gendered Woes. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.

Sassen, Saskia (1988). The Mobility of Labor and Capital: A Study in International Investment and Labor Flow. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Sassen, Saskia (1998). Globalization and its Discontents: Essays on the New Mobility of People and Money. New York: New Press/W.W. Norton.

Sassen, Saskia (2001). ‘Cracked casings: Notes towards and analytics for studying transnational processes’, in Pries, Ludger (ed.). New Transnational Social Spaces: International Migration and Transnational Companies in the Early Twenty-First Centuries. (pp. 187- 208). London: Routledge.

Satzewich, Victor (ed.) (1992). Deconstructing a Nation: Immigration, Multiculturalism and Racism in ‘90s Canada. Halifax: Fernwood.

Schein, Louisa. (1998). ‘Importing Miao Brethren to Hmong America: A Not-So-Stateless Transnationalism.’ In Cheah, Pheng and Robbins, Bruce (eds) Cosmopolitics: Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation. Pp. 163-191. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Simon, Rita James (ed.) (2001). Immigrant Women. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

Spitzer, D., Neufeld, A., Harrison, M., Hughes, K. and Stewart, M. (2003). ‘Caregiving in transnational context: “My wings have been cut; where can I fly?”’ Gender and Society 17(2): 267-286.

Stasiulis, Daiva K. and Bakan, Abigail B. (2005). Negotiating Citizenship: Migrant Women in Canada and the Global System. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Truong, T.D. (1996). ‘Gender, international migration and social reproduction: Implications for theory, policy research and networking’, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 5: 27-52.

Tsuda, Takeyuki. (2003). Strangers in the Ethnic Homeland: Japanese-Brazilian Return Migration in Transnational Perspective. Columbia University Press.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (2000). The State of the World’s Refugees. New York: Oxford Press.

Valtonen, Kathleen (1999). ‘The societal participation of Vietnamese refugees: Case studies in Finland and Canada’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 25(3):469-491.

Vertovec, Steven and Chen, Robin (eds) (1999). Migration, Diasporas and Transnationalism. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Waldinger, Roger and Fitzgerald, David (2004). ‘Transnationalism in Question’, American Journal of Sociology 109(5): 1177-1196.

Warner, Stephen and Wittner, Judith (eds) (1998). Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Welaratna, Usha (1993) Beyond the Killing Fields: Voices of Nine Cambodian Survivors in America. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [Select Chapters 14 and 15.]

Westwood, Sallie and Phizacklea, Annie (2000). Trans-Nationalism and the Politics of Belonging. New York: Routledge.

Williams, Carolyn and Westermeyer, Joseph. (eds) (l986). Refugee Mental Health in Resettlement Countries. Newport, AU: Hemisphere.

Winland, Daphne (1995). ‘’We Are Now an Actual Nation’: The Impact of National Independence on the Croatian Diaspora in Canada.’ Diaspora 4(1): 3-29.

Wong, Lloyd and Satzewich, Victor (eds) (Forthcoming 2006). Negotiating Borders and Belonging: Transational Identities and Practices in Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Wong, Lloyd and Ng, Michele (2002). ‘The emergence of small transnational enterprise in Vancouver: The case of Chinese entrepreneur immigrants’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 26(3): 508-530.

Wong, Madeleine (2000). ‘Ghanaian women in Toronto’s labour market: Negotiating gender roles and transnational household strategies’, Canadian Ethnic Studies 32(2): 45-75.

Zhou, Min (1997). ‘Segmented assimilation: Issues, controversies, and recent research on the new second generation.’ International Migration Review 31(Winter): 975-1008.

Zhou, M. and Bankston, Carl L. (1996). ‘Social Capital and the Adaptation of the Second Generation: The Case of Vietnamese Youth in New Orleans’, in Portes, Alejandro (ed.) The New Second Generation. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. pp.197- 220

Zolberg, A., Suhrke, A., and Aguayo, S. (1989). Escape from Violence: Conflict and the Refugee Crisis in the Developing World. New York: Oxford. LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN STUDIES READING LIST1 JUNE 2006

Convenor Peter Landstreet Contributors Luin Goldring, Andil Gosine, Jasmin Hristov, and Peter Landstreet; with suggestions from York alumni Eduardo Canel, Carol Duncan, Lisa Kowalchuk, and Althea Prince.

The Caribbean

Bolland, O. Nigel (2004). Colonialism and Resistance in Belize: Essays in Historical Sociology. Barbados: University of West Indies Press.

Bolland, O. Nigel (1997). Struggles for Freedom: Essays on Slavery, Colonialism and Culture in the Caribbean and Central America. Kingston: Ian Randle. (not available in York library)

Brathwaite, Edward Kamau (1978). The Development of Creole Society in Jamaica 1770–1820. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Brathwaite, Edward Kamau (1981). Folk Culture of the Slaves in Jamaica (revised edition). London: New Beacon Books.

Chevannes, Barry (1994). Rastafari: Roots and Ideology. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

Chevannes, Barry (ed.) (1997). Rastafari and Other African-Caribbean Worldviews. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Cooper, Carolyn (1995). Noises in the Blood: Orality, Gender, and the “Vulgar” Body of Jamaican Popular Culture. Durham: Duke U. Press.

Cooper, Carolyn (2004). Sound Clash: Jamaican Dancehall Culture at Large. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Craig, Susan (ed.) (1981–1982). The Contemporary Caribbean. A Sociological Reader Vol I and II. Port of Spain: Susan Craig.

Freeman, Carla (2000). High Tech and High Heels in the Global Economy: Women, Work, and Pink-Collar Identities in the Caribbean. Durham: Duke University Press.

Henry, Padget (1985). Peripheral Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Antigua. New Brunswick: Transaction Books.

Henry, Padget (2000). Caliban’s Reason: Introducing Afro-Caribbean Philosophy (Africana Thought). New York: Routledge.

Henry, Padget and Buhle, Paul (eds) (1992). C.L.R. James’s Caribbean. Durham: Duke University Press.

James, C.L.R. (1993[1963]). Beyond a Boundary. Durham: Duke University Press, 1993.

James, C.L.R. (1989[1963]. The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution. (2nd ed.). New York: Vintage Books.

Kempadoo, Kamala (2004). Sexing the Caribbean. New York: Routledge.

Lazarus-Black, Mindie (1994). Legitimate Acts and Illegal Encounters: Law and Society in Barbuda and Antigua. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Mintz, Sidney W. (1995[1985]). Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History. New York: Penguin.

Mohammed, Patricia (ed.) (2002). Gendered Realities: Essays in Caribbean Feminist Thought. Kingston: University of West Indies Press.

Munasinghe, Viranjini (2001). Callalloo or Tossed Salad: East Indians and the Cultural Politics of Identity. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Prince, Althea (2001). Being Black. Toronto: Insomniac Press.

1 This list is not divided into “Core Readings” and “Other Recommended Readings.” This is due to the wide array of sub-regions, countries, peoples, and topics (institutional areas, cultural issues, etc.) covered. Instead the division is into two categories, “The Caribbean” and “Latin America.” These are actually overlapping categories, but they correspond to conventional usage. A few references below could be listed in either category.

Prince, Mary (1997[1831]). The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave, Related by Herself (revised edition). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Reddock, Rhoda and Barrow, Christine (eds) (2002). Caribbean Sociology: Introductory Readings. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers.

Rodney, Walter (1969). The Groundings with My Brothers. London: Bogle-L’Ouverture.

Rodney, Walter (1981). A History of the Guyanese Working People, 1881–1905. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Rogonzinski, Jan (2000). A Brief History of the Caribbean: From the Arawak and Carib to the Present. New York: Plume.

Senior, Olive (1991). Working Miracles: Women's Lives in the English-speaking Caribbean. London: J. Currey.

Silvera, Makeda (1991). “Man royals and sodomites: Some thoughts on the invisibility of Afro-Caribbean lesbians”, in Prince, Althea and Silva-Wayne, Susan (eds), Feminisms and Womanisms: A Women’s Studies Reader. Toronto: Women’s Press.

Taylor, Patrick (1989). The Narrative of Liberation: Perspectives on Afro-Caribbean Literature, Popular Culture, and Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University, Press.

Taylor, Patrick (ed.) (2001). Nation Dance: Religion, Identity and Cultural Difference in the Caribbean. Bloomington: Indiana U. Press.

Williams, Eric (2005[1944]). Capitalism and Slavery. Kingston: Ian Randle.

Wilson, Samuel M. (1998). The Indigenous People of the Caribbean. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Wolf, Eric R. (1997). Europe and the People without History. (2nd ed.). Berkeley: University of California Press. [Select “The slave trade” chapter.]

Latin America

Adams, Richard E.W. and MacLeod, Murdo J. (eds) (2000). The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume II: Mesoamerica, Parts 1 and 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Select articles of interest.]

Abers, Rebecca (2000). Inventing Local Democracy: Grassroots Politics in Brazil. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Álvarez, Sonia, Dagnino, Evelina, and Escobar, Arturo (eds) (1998). Cultures of Politics/Politics of Cultures: Re-Visioning Latin American Social Movements. Boulder: Westview Press.

Briceno-Leon, Roberto (2002). “Introduction: Latin America – A challenge for sociology”, Current Sociology 50(1): 9–18.

Brockett, Charles D. (2005). Political Movements and Violence in Central America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Burns, E. Bradford (1980). The Poverty of Progress: Latin America in the Nineteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Canel, Eduardo (1997). “New social movements and resource mobilization: The need for integration”, in Michael Kaufman and Haroldo Dilla (eds), Community Power and Grassroots Democracy. (pp. 189-221). London: Zed Books.

Carmack, Robert M., Gasco, Janine and Gossen, Gary H. (1996). The Legacy of Mesoamerica: History and Culture of a Native American Civilization. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. de las Casas, Bartolomé (1999[1552]). A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies (Nigel Griffin (ed. and trans.)). London: Penguin.

Coronil, Fernando (1997). The Magical State: Nature, Money, and Modernity in Venezuela. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Corradi, Juan E., Weiss Fagen, Patricia, and Garretón, Manuel Antonio (eds) (1992). Fear at the Edge: State Terror and Resistance in Latin America. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Diamond, Larry, et al. (eds) (1999). Democracy in Developing Countries: Latin America (second edition). Boulder: Lynne Rienner.

Eckstein, Susan (ed.) (2001). Power and Popular Protest: Latin American Social Movements (updated and expanded edition). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Escobar, Arturo (1995). Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Escobar, Arturo and Álvarez, Sonia (eds) (1992). The Making of Social Movements in Latin America. Boulder: Westview Press.

Evans, Peter (ed.) (2002). Livable Cities? Urban Struggles for Livelihood and Sustainability. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Foweraker, Joe (1995). Theorizing Social Movements. London: Pluto Press.

Foweraker, Joe (2003). “New political actors”, in Foweraker, Joe, Landman, Todd, and Harvey, Neil (eds), Governing Latin America. (pp. 147–165). Cambridge: Polity Press.

García Canclini, Néstor (1995). Hybrid Cultures: Strategies for Entering and Leaving Modernity. (Chippari, Christopher L. and López, Silvia L. (trans.)). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Gilbert, Joseph and Nugent, Daniel (eds) (1994). Everyday Forms of State Formation. Durham: Duke University Press.

Gill, Anthony (1998). Rendering unto Caesar: The Catholic Church and the State in Latin America. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press.

Gwynne, Robert N., and Kay, Cristóbal (eds) (2004). Latin America Transformed: Globalization and Modernity (2nd ed.). London: Arnold.

Howell, Jude and Pearce, Jenny (2002). Civil Society and Development: A Critical Exploration. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Koonings, Kees and Krujit, Dirk (eds) (1999). Societies of Fear: The Legacy of Civil War, Violence and Terror in Latin America. New York: Zed Books.

Mato, Daniel (2000). “Transnational networking and the social production of representations of identities by Indigenous Peoples’ organizations of Latin America”, International Sociology 15(2): 343–360.

Paige, Jeffery M. (1998). Coffee and Power: Revolution and the Rise of Democracy in Central America. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Payne, Leigh A. (2000). Uncivil Movements: The Armed Right Wing and Democracy in Latin America. Baltimore: John Hopkins U. Press.

Robinson, William I. (2003). Transnational Conflicts: Central America, Social Change and Globalization. London: Verso.

Salomon, Frank and Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds) (1999). The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III: South America, Parts 1 and 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Select articles of interest.]

Seidman, G. (1994). Manufacturing Militance: Workers’ Movements in Brazil and South Africa, 1970-1985. Berkeley: U. of California Press.

Telles, Edward E. (2004). Race in Another America: The Significance of Skin Color in Brazil. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Varese, Stefano (1996). “The ethnopolitics of Indian resistance in Latin America”, Latin American Perspectives 23(2): 58–71.

Vásquez, Manuel A. and Marquardt, Marie Friedmann (2003). Globalizing the Sacred: Religion across the Americas. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Vásquez, Manuel A., Peterson, Anna Lisa, and Williams, Philip J. (eds) (2001). Christianity, Social Change, and Globalization in the Americas. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Wade, Peter (1997). Race and Ethnicity in Latin America. Chicago: Pluto Press.

Wade, Peter (2002). Race, Nature and Culture: An Anthropological Perspective. London: Pluto Press.

Warren, Kay B. and Jackson, Jean E. (eds) (2003). Indigenous Movements, Self-Representation, and the State in Latin America. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Whitten, Norman E. (ed.) (2003). Millennial Ecuador: Critical Essays on Cultural Transformations and Social Dynamics. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.

Wickham-Crowley, Timothy P. (1992). Guerrillas and Revolution in Latin America: A Comparative Study of Insurgents and Regimes since 1956. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Williamson, Edwin (1992). The Penguin History of Latin America. London: Penguin.

Wolf, Eric R. (1997). Europe and the People without History. (2nd ed.). Berkeley: University of California Press. [Selection: “Iberians in America” chapter.] SOCIAL MOVEMENTS READING LIST JUNE 2006

Convenor Hira Singh Contributors Lorna Erwin, Luin Goldring, Jay Goulding, Hira Singh, Mark Thomas, Gerda Wekerle, Lesley Wood

Core Readings

Adas, M. (1979). Prophets of Rebellion: Millenarian Protest Movements against the European Colonial Order. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

Amin, S., Arrighi, G., Frank, A.G., and Wallerstein, I. (1990). Transforming the Revolution: Social Movements and the World System. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Barker, Colin and Kennedy, Paul (eds) (1996). To Make Another World: Studies in Protest and Collective Action. Aldershot: Avebury.

Bourdieu, Pierre (1998). Acts of Resistance: Against the Tyranny of the Market. (Richard Nice (trans.)). New York: The New Press.

Cabral, A. (1974). Return to the Source: Selected Speeches. (Africa Information Service (ed.)). New York: Monthly Review Press.

Carroll, W.K. (ed.) (2003). Organizing Dissent: Contemporary Social Movements in Theory and Practice. (2nd ed.). Victoria, BC: Garamond Press.

Collins, Patricia Hill (1991). Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. New York: Routledge. della Porta, Donatella and Diani, Mario (1999). Social Movements: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.

Escobar, Arturo and Alvarez, Sonia (eds) (1992). The Making of Social Movements in Latin America: Identity, Strategy, and Democracy. Boulder: Westview Press.

Fanon, F. (1967). The Wretched of the Earth. (Jean Paul Sartre (pref.)). New York: Penguin.

Goodwin, Jeff, Jasper, James M., and Polletta, Francesca (eds) (2001). Passionate Politics: Emotions and Social Movements. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Guha, Ranajit (1983). Elementary Aspects of Peasant Insurgency in Colonial India. Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Gykoyo, G. (1979). We Fought for Freedom. Nairobi: East African Publishing House.

Hobsbawm, Eric (1962). The Age of Revolution: 1789-1848. New York: Mentor.

Krantz, F. (ed.) (1985). History from Below: Studies in Popular Protest and Popular Ideology. Montreal: Concordia University Press.

Mayo, Marjorie (2005). Global Citizens: Social Movements and the Challenge of Globalization. New York: Zed Press.

Melucci, Alberto (1989). Nomads of the Present: Social Movements and Individual Needs in Contemporary Society. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Reed, Jean-Pierre (2004) “Emotions in context: Revolutionary accelerators, hope, moral outrage, and other emotions in the making of Nicaragua's revolution”, Theory and Society, 33(6 December):653-704.

Rudé, G. (1980). Ideology and Popular Protest. New York: Pantheon.

Scott, J. (1985). Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Silver, Beverly (2003). Forces of Labor: Workers' Movements and Globalization since 1870. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tarrow, Sidney (1998). Power in Movement: Social Movements, Collective Action and Politics. (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge U. Press.

Tilly, Charles (2004). Social Movements, 1768-2004. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.

Touraine, Alain (1988). Return of the Actor: Social Theory in Postindustrial Society. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Other Recommended Readings

Barker, Colin (2001). Leadership and Social Movements. New York: Manchester University Press.

Barnett, D. and Karari, N. (1966). Mau Mau from within: Autobiography and Analysis of Kenya’s Peasant Revolt. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Brass, T. (ed.) (2003). Latin American Peasants. London: Frank Cass.

Buechler, Steven (2000). Social Movements in Advanced Capitalism: The Political Economy and Cultural Construction of Social Activism. New York: Oxford University Press.

Conway, Janet M. (2004). Identity, Place, Knowledge: Social Movements Contesting Globalization. Halifax: Fernwood.

EZLN—Zapatista Army of National Liberation (1998). Zapatista Encuentro: documents from the 1966 Encounter for Humanity and against Neoliberalism New York: Seven Stories Press.

Freeman, Jo (2004). "The tyranny of structurelessness", in Koedt, Ann, Levine, Ellen, and Rapone, Anita (eds), . New York: Quadrangle Books.

Gamson, William A. (1995). "Constructing social protest", in Johnston, Hank and Klandermans, Bert (eds), Social Movements and Culture. (pp. 85-106). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Giugni, Marco, McAdam, Doug, and Tilly, Charles (eds) (1999). How Social Movements Matter. Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota Press.

Goodwin, Jeff, Jasper, James M., and Polletta, Francesca (eds) (2001). Passionate Politics: Emotions and Social Movements. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Guha, Ramachandra (2000). Unquiet Woods: Ecological Change and Peasant Resistance in the Himalaya. Berkeley: U. of California Press.

Hobsbawm, Eric (1965). Primitive Rebels. New York: Norton.

Holloway, J. and Pelaez, E. (1998). Zapatista! Reinventing Revolution in Mexico. London: Pluto Press.

Keck, Margaret E. and Sikkink, Kathryn (1998). Activists beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Lichterman, Paul (1996). The Search for Political Community. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Marcuse, Herbert (1972). Counterrevolution and Revolt. Boston, MA: Beacon.

Mayo, Marjorie (2005). Global Citizens: Social Movements and the Challenge of Globalization. New York: Zed Press.

Morris, Aldon (2000). "Reflections on social movement theory: Criticisms and proposals”, Contemporary Sociology 29(May): 445-454.

Murphy, Craig (ed.) (2002). Egalitarian Politics in the Age of Globalization. New York: Palgrave.

Naples, Nancy A. (ed.) (1998). Community Activism and Feminist Politics: Organizing across Race, Class and Gender. London: Routledge.

Petras, J. (2003). The New Development Politics: The Age of Empire Building and New Social Movements. Hants, England: Ashgate Publishing.

Petras, J., and Veltmeyer, H. (2001). “Are Latin American peasant movements still a force for change? Some new paradigms revisited”, The Journal of Peasant Studies 28(2): 83-118.

Ranger, T.O. (1985). Peasant Consciousness and Guerrilla War in Zimbabwe: A Comparative Study. London: J. Currey.

Reed, Jean-Pierre and Foran, John (2002). “Political cultures of opposition: Exploring idioms, ideologies, and revolutionary agency”, Critical Sociology 28(3 December): 335-370 .

Rowbotham, Sheila, and Mitter, Swasti (1994). Dignity and Daily Bread: New Forms of Economic Organising Among Poor Women in the Third World and the First. New York: Routledge.

Thompson, E.P. (1963). The Making of the English Working Class. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin.

Veltmeyer, H. and Petras, J. (2000). The Dynamics of Social Change in Latin America. London: Macmillan Press Ltd.


Convenor David Lumsden Contributors Elizabeth Asante, Beatriz Cid, Andil Gosine, Jay Goulding, David Lumsden, and Peter Vandergeest

Core Readings

Allen, T. & Thomas, A. (eds) (2000). Poverty and Development into the 2lst Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Amin, Samir (l997). Capitalism in the Age of Globalization: The Management of Contemporary Society. London: Zed Books.

Arce, Alberto and Long, Norman (2000). Anthropology, Development, and Modernities: exploring discourses, counter-tendencies, and violence. New York: Routledge.

Barnet, Richard and Müller, Ronald (l974). Global Reach: the Power of the Multinational Corporations. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Barrow, Christopher (2000). Social Impact Assessment: An Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.

Beneria, Lourdes and Savitri, Bisnath (eds) (200l). Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical, and Practical Approaches. (two vols.). Northampton: Edward Elgar.

Benn, Denis & Hall, Kenneth (eds) (2000). Globalisation: A Calculus of Inequality: Perspectives from the South. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers.

Bhavnani, K., Foran, J. & Kurian, P. (eds) (2003). Feminist Futures: Re-Imagining Women, Culture and Development. London: Zed Books.

Cooper, Frederick and Packard, Randall (eds) (l997). International Development and the Social Sciences: Essays on the History and Politics of Knowledge. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Cowen, Michael and Shenton, Robert (l996). Doctrines of Development. New York: Routledge.

Darier, Eric (ed.) (l999). Discourses of the Environment. Malden: Blackwell.

Escobar, Arturo (l995). Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Ferguson, James (l990). The Anti-Politics Machine: 'Development', Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Fox, Jonathan and Brown, David (eds) (1998). The Struggle for Accountability: The World Bank, NGOs,and Grassroots Movements. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Frank, Andre Gunder, l973. Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment of Sociology. Andover: Warner Modular Publications/Pluto Press.

Goldman, Michael, 2005. Imperial Nature: The World Bank and Struggles for Justice in the Age of Globalization. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Harcourt, Wendy and Escobar, Arturo (eds) (2005). Women and the Politics of Place. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press.

Held, David, McGrew, A., Goldblatt, D. and Perraton, J. (l999). Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, and Culture. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Long, Norman (200l). Development Sociology: Actor Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Marchand, Marianne & Jane Parpart (l995). Feminism, Postmodernism, Development. New York: Routledge.

McMichael, Philip (2000). Development and Social Change. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge.

Mittleman, James (ed.) (l997). Globalization: Critical Reflections. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Parpart, Jane, Connelly, P. and Barriteau, E. (eds) (2000). Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development. Ottawa: IDRC.

Porter, M. and Judd, E. (eds) (l999). Feminists Doing Development: A Practical Critique. New York: Zed Books.

Sassen, Saskia (l998). Globalization and Its Discontents. New York: The New Press.

Scudder, Thayer (2005). The Future of Large Dams. London: Earthscan/James & James.

Sen, Amartya (l999). Development as Freedom. New York: Oxford University Press.

Wallerstein, Immanuel (2004). World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction. Durham: Duke University Press.

Other Recommended Readings

Selections from various journals, e.g., Development and Change, Gender and Development, World Development, and International Social Science Journal. CRITICAL SEXUALITIES READING LIST2 JUNE 2006

Convenor Deborah Brock Contributors Deborah Brock, Sheila Cavanagh, Andil Gosine, Adam Green, Barbara Hanson, Eric Mykhalovskiy, Leah Vosko, and Lorna Weir.

Core Readings

Bersani, Leo (1987). “Is the rectum a grave?”, in Douglas Crimp (ed.), AIDS: Cultural Analysis, Cultural Activism. (pp.197-222). Cambridge: MIT Press.

Bland, Lucy and Doan, Laura (eds) (1998). Sexology in Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Butler, Judith. (1990). Gender Trouble. London: Routledge.[Selection: pp.1-34.]

Crimp, Douglas (1987). “How to have promiscuity in an epidemic”, in Douglas Crimp (ed.) AIDS: Cultural Analysis, Cultural Activism. (pp.237-271). Cambridge: MIT Press.

Dollimore, Jonathan (1991). Sexual Dissidence. Oxford: Clarendon.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne (2000). Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality. London: Basic.

Foucault, Michel (1978 [1976]). History of Sexuality, vol.1. New York: Random House.

Grewal, I and Kaplan, C. (2001). “Global identities: Theorizing transnational studies of sexuality”, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 7(4): 663-679.

Hennessy, Rosemary (2000). Profit and Pleasure: Sexual Identities in Late Capitalism London: Routledge.

Laqueur, T. (1990). Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Lorde, Audre (1984). Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Trumansburg: The Crossing Press. [Selection: pp.53-60.]

MacKinnon, Catherine (1987). “Pleasures under patriarchy”, in J. Geer and W. O'Donohue (eds), Theories of Human Sexuality. (pp.65- 90). New York: Plenum.

McClintock, Anne (1995). Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Colonial Conquest. New York: Routledge.

Prosser, Jay (1998). Second Skins: The Body Narratives of Transsexuality. New York: Columbia University Press.

Rich, Adrienne (1980). “Compulsory heterosexuality and lesbian existence”, Signs 5(4): 631-660.

Rubin, Gayle (1990). “The traffic in women: Notes on the ‘political economy of sex’”, in Karen Hansen and Ilene Philipson (eds), Women, Class and the Feminist Imagination. (pp. 74-113). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Sedgwick, Eve (1992). Epistemology of the Closet. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Seidman, Steven (ed.) (1996). Queer Theory/Sociology. London: Blackwell.

Stoler, A. L. (1995). Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault’s History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things. Durham: Duke U.

2 The field of critical sexualities studies has experienced enormous growth over the past two decades, and it is as broad-ranging as any field found in social theory today. Critical sexualities studies includes, but is not limited to, sociological perspectives, the science of sexuality/sexology, feminist psychoanalysis, transgender theory, feminist theory and the sex debates, Foucauldian analysis, materialist analysis, queer theory, post-colonial approaches, Black studies, and emergent work on transnationality. These are clearly intersecting areas, rather than discrete approaches. As a mere handful of faculty members, we cannot claim to hold strengths in all of these areas. However, we have attempted to compile a list of core texts, along with some additional recommended texts, that includes selections from most of these areas, with the expectation that this list will be expanded and adapted to suit the individual student’s interest.

Vance, Carole (ed.) (1983). Pleasure and Danger. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Other Recommended Readings

Bruhm, Steven and Hurley, Natasha (eds) (2004). Curiouser: On the Queerness of Children. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

Butler, Judith (2004). Undoing Gender. New York: Routledge

Butler, Judith (1993). Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of “Sex”. London: Routledge.

Butler, Judith (1995). ‘Melancholy gender / refused identification’, in Maurice Berger, Brian Wallis, and Simon Watson (eds), Constructing Masculinity. (pp.21-36). New York: Routledge.

Davidson, Arnold I. (2001). The Emergence of Sexuality: Historical Epistemology and the Formation of Concepts. Cambridge: Harvard U. de Lauretis, Teresa (1994). The Practice of Love. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Elliot, Patricia and Roen, Katrina (1998). "Transgenderism and the question of embodiment: Promising Queer politics?" GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. 4(2): 231-261.

Eng, David L. (2001). Racial Castration: Managing Masculinity in Asian America. Durham and London: Duke University Press

Findlay, D. (1995). “Discovering sex: Medical science, feminism and intersexuality”, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. 32(1):25-52.

Hawley, John C. (2001). Postcolonial, Queer: Theoretical Intersections. New York: State University of New York Press.

Freud, Sigmund (1975). Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality and Other Works (Vol.7 of James Strachey (ed.), The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Standard Edition). New York: Basic.

Giddens, Anthony (1993). The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 9(1-2) (Issue on: Desiring Disability: Queer Theory Meets Disability Studies). (2003).

Halberstam, Judith. (1998). Female Masculinity. Durham: Duke University Press. [Selection: “Transgender butch: Butch/FTM border wars and the masculine continuum”.]

Haug, Frigga (ed.) (1999). Female Sexualization: A Collective Work of Memory. London: Verso.

Ingram, Gordon Brent, Bouthillelette, Anne-Marie and Retter, Yolande (eds) (1997). Queers in Space: Communities, Public Spaces, Sites of Resistance. Seattle: Bay Press.

Katz, Jonathan Ned (1990). “The invention of heterosexuality”, Socialist Review 20(7): 7-34. [Or, consider his full-length book.]

MacDonald, Eleanor (1998). "Critical identities: Rethinking feminism through transgender politics", Atlantis 23:3-12.

Mercer, K. and Julien, I. (1991). "True confessions: A discourse on images of Black male sexuality", in Essex Hemphill (ed.) Brother to Brother. Boston: Alyson Publications.

Nagel, Joan (2003). Race, Ethnicity, and Sexuality: Intimate Intersections, Forbidden Frontiers. New York: Oxford University Press.

Namaste, Viviane Ki (1996). "‘Tragic misreadings’: Queer theory's erasure of transgender subjectivity", in Brett Beemyn and Mickey Eliason (eds), Queer Studies: A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Anthology. (pp. 183-203). New York: New York University Press.

Patton, Cindy (1996). Fatal Advice: How Safe-Sex Education Went. Durham: Duke University Press.

Phelan, Shane (1994). Getting Specific: Postmodern Lesbian Politics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. [Selection: pp.139-159.]

Seidman, Steven (1997). Difference Troubles: Queering Social Theory and Sexual Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sinfield, A. (1998). Gay and After. London: Serpent's Tail.

Snitow, Ann, Stansell, Christine and Thompson, Sharon (eds) (1983). Powers of Desire. New York: Monthly Review Press. .

Watney, Simon (2000). Imagine Hope: AIDS and Gay Identity. New York: Routledge.

Warner, Michael (ed.) (1994). Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

Young, Robert J.C. (1995). Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture and Race. New York: Routledge


Convenor Stuart Schoenfeld Contributors Beatriz Cid, Stuart Schoenfeld, Peter Vandergeest, and Gerda Wekerle

Core Readings

Beck, Ulrich (1999). World Risk Society. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Braun, Bruce (2002). The Intemperate Rainforest: Nature, Culture, and Power on Canada’s West Coast. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis.

Bullard, Robert (1994). Dumping in Dixie: Race, Class, and Environmental Quality. (2nd ed.). Boulder: Westview.

Diamond, Jared (2004). Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. New York: Viking.

Dunlap, Riley and Catton, William R. (1994). “Struggling with human exceptionalism: the rise, decline and revitalization of environmental sociology”, American Sociologist 25:113-135.

Dunlap, Riley E., and William Michelson (eds) (2002). Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Fairhead, James and Leach, Melissa (2003). Science, Society and Power: Environmental Knowledge and Policy in West Africa and the Caribbean. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Grove, Richard H. (1995). Green Imperialism: Colonial Expansion, Tropical Island Edens, and the Origins of Environmentalism, 1600-1860. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Guha, Ramachandra (2000). Environmentalism: A Global History. New York: Longman.

Harvey, David (1996). Justice, Nature, and the Geography of Difference. Malden: Blackwell Publishers. [Especially pp.402-438.]

Latour, Bruno (1998). “To modernize or ecologize: That is the question", in Bruce Braun and Noel Castree (eds), Remaking Reality: Nature at the Millenium. New York: Routledge.

Peluso, Nancy and Watts, Michael (2001). Violent Environments. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Szasz, Andrew (1994). Ecopopulism: Toxic Waste and the Movement for Environmental Justice. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Urry, John (1995). Consuming Places. London: Routledge.

Wright, Ronald (2004). A Short History of Progress. Toronto: Anansi.

Yearley, Steven (2005). Cultures of Environmentalism: Empirical Studies in Environmental Sociology. New York: Palgrave.

Other Recommended Readings


Bell, Michael Mayerfeld (2004). An Invitation to Environmental Sociology. (2nd ed.). Thousand Forks: Pine Forge Press.

3 The literature on the social dimension of environmental studies is immense. Sociology participates in an extensive scholarly interest in the environment. The boundaries between what sociologists are interested in and the interests of other cognate disciplines are blurred. Items listed, even in the “Core” section, cover sociology, political ecology, economics, environmental history, anthropology and geography. In the “Other Recommended Readings”, we include a section of textbooks. These are useful reading for comprehensives because they organize the field in different ways. The textbooks also help in considering whether there is a distinctively sociological contribution to the field of environmental studies.

Humphrey, Craig, Lewis, Tammy L. and Buttel, Frederick H. (eds) (2003). Environment, Energy and Society: Exemplary Works. Bellmont, CA.: Thomson, Wadsworth.

Humphrey, Craig, Lewis, Tammy L. and Buttel, Frederick H. (eds) (2002). Environment, Energy, and Society: A New Synthesis. Bellmont, CA.: Thomson, Wadsworth.

King, Leslie and McCarthy, Deborah (eds) (2005). Environmental Sociology: From Analysis to Action. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.

Mehta, Michael D. and Éric Ouellet (eds) (1995). Environmental Sociology: Theory and Practice. North York: Captus Press.

White, Rob (ed.) (2004). Controversies in Environmental Sociology. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Other Items

Adamson, Joni, Evans, Mei Mei and Stein, Rachel (eds) (2002). The Environmental Justice Reader: Politics, Poetics, and Pedagogy. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

Beck, Ulrich (1982). Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. London: SAGE.

Bullard, Robert (ed.) (1993). Confronting Environmental Racism: Voices from the Grassroots. Boston, MA: South End Press.

Castree, Noel (2002). “False antitheses: Marxism, nature and actor-networks”, Antipode 34(1):119-48.

Cronon, William (ed.) (1996). Uncommon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature. New York: W.W. Norton. [Especially Cronon’s essay “The trouble with wilderness”.]

Drayton, Richard (2000). Nature's Government: Science, Imperial Britain, and the 'Improvement' of the World. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Glazer, Penina Migdal and Glazer, Myron Peretz (1998). The Environmental Crusaders: Confronting Disaster and Mobilizing Community. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Goldman, Michael and Schurman, Rachel (2000). “Closing the ‘great divide’: New social theory on society and nature”, American Review of Sociology 26:563-584

Goodman, David (2001). “Ontology matters: The relational materiality of nature and agro-food studies”, Sociologia Ruralis 21(2):182- 200.

Goodman, D and Watts, M. (1997). Globalizing Food: Agrarian Questions and Global Restructuring. London: Routledge.

Guha, Ramachandra and Martinez-Alier, J. (1997). Varieties of Environmentalism: Essays North and South. London: Earthscan.

Haraway, Donna (1989). Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science. New York: Routledge. [Selections: pp.1-58, 279-303.]

Haraway, Donna (1992). “The promise of monsters: A regenerative politics for inappropriate/d Others” in Lawrence Grossberg, C. Nelson, and P. Treicher (eds), Cultural Studies. (pp. 275-332). New York: Routledge.

Hofrichter, Richard (ed.) (2002). Toxic Struggles: The Theory and Practice of Environmental Justice. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.

Latour, Bruno (1993). We Have Never Been Modern. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [Selection: Chapters 1 and 2]

Malthus, Thomas (1970[1798]). An Essay on the Principle of Population. London: Penguin.

Murphy, Raymond (1997). Sociology and Nature: Social Action in Context. Boulder: Westview Press.

Murphy, Raymond (1994). Rationality and Nature: A Sociological Inquiry into a Changing Relationship. Boulder: Westview Press.

Pellow, David Naguib and Brulle, Robert J. (eds) (2005). Power, Justice, and the Environment: A Critical Appraisal of the Environmental Justice Movement. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Peet, Richard and Watts, Michael (eds) (2004). Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements. (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.

Perrow, Charles (1999). Normal Accidents: Living with High-Risk Technologies. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Sahlins, Marshall (1972). Stone Age Economics. Chicago: Aldine. [Selection: “The original affluent society”.]

Schnaiberg, Allan and Gould, Kenneth Alan (1994). Environment and Society: The Enduring Conflict. Caldwell: Blackburn Press.

Schor, Juliet (2004). Born to Buy: The Commercialized Child and the New Consumer Culture. New York: Scribner.

Schor, Juliet (1999). The Overspent American. New York: Harper Perennial

Spaargaren, Gert, Mol, Arthur P.J. and Buttel, Frederick H. (eds) (2000). Environment and Global Modernity. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Yearley, Steven (2005). Cultures of Environmentalism: Empirical Studies in Environmental Sociology. New York: Palgrave.


Convenor Janice Newson Contributors Jody Berland, Lorna Erwin, Barbara Hanson, Trish Macmillan, Eric Mykhalovskiy, Janice Newson, and Peter Vandergeest

Core Readings

Barnes, Barry (1977). Interests and the Growth of Knowledge. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Bhaskar, Roy (1986). Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation. London: Verso.

Bloor, David (1991 [1976]). Knowledge and Social Imagery. (2nd ed.). London: Routledge/Kegan Paul.

Bowker, Geoffrey and Star, Susan L. (2000). Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Callon, Michel (1986). “Some elements of a sociology of translation: Domestication of the scallops and the fishermen of Brieuc Bay”, in John Law (ed.) Power, Action and Belief. Sociological Review Monograph. London: Routledge.

Clarke, Adele (1990). “A social worlds adventure”, in Susan Cozzens and Thomas Gieryn (eds), Theories of Science In Society. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.

Collins, Harry M. (1985). Changing Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice. Thousand Oaks, Cal.: Sage Publications.

Fairhead, James and Leach, Melissa (2003). Science, Society and Power: Environmental Knowledge and Policy in West Africa and the Caribbean. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

Fujimura, Joan H. (1996). Crafting Science: A Sociohistory of the Quest for the Genetics of Cancer. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Gieryn , Thomas F. (1999). Cultural Boundary of Science: Credibility on the Line. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Gilbert, G. Nigel and Michael Mulkay (1984). Opening Pandora's Box: A Sociological Analysis of Scientist's Discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Haraway, Donna J. (1991). Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. NewYork: Routledge.

Harding, Sandra. (1986). The Science Question in Feminism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Jasanoff, Sheila, Markle, Gerald, Petersen, James and Pinch. Trevor (eds) (2001). Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Knorr Cetina, Karin D. (1999). Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge. Boston: Harvard University Press.

Knorr-Cetina, Karen and Mulkay, Michael (eds) (1983). Science Observed: Perspectives on the Social Study of Science. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Kuhn, Thomas (1970). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.

Latour, Bruno (1987). Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Latour, Bruno and Woolgar, Steven (1986). Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Law, John and Hassard, John (eds) (1998). Actor Network Theory and After. Oxford: Blackwell and the Sociological Review.

MacKenzie, Donald (1981). Statistics in Britain, 1865-1930: The Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge. Edinburgh: U. of Edinburgh.

Martin, Emily (1994). Flexible Bodies: Tracking Immunity in American Culture: From the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS. Boston: Beacon.

Merton, Robert (1973). The Sociology of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Pickering, Andrew (ed.) (1992). Science as Practice and Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Rose, Hilary (1994). Love, Power and Knowledge: Towards a Feminist Transformation of the Sciences. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Other Recommended Readings

Aronowitz, Stanley, Martinsons, Barbara, and Menser, Michael (eds) (1996). Technoscience and Cyberculture. New York: Routledge.

Baber, Zaheer (1994). “Beyond hyper-constructivist fads and foibles: Toward a critical sociology of science, technology and the environment”, Critical Sociology 20(2):125-138.

Barnes, Barry (1982). T.S. Kuhn and Social Science. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan.

Barnes, Barry, Bloor, David, and Henry, John (1996). Scientific Knowledge: A Sociological Analysis. Chicago, IL: U. of Chicago Press.

Bleier, Ruth (1986). Feminist Approaches to Science. New York: Pergamon.

Bourdieu, Pierre (2004). Science of Science and Reflexivity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Callon, Michel and Law, John (1997). “After the individual in society: Lessons on collectivity from science, technology and society”, Canadian Journal of Sociology 22 (2):165-182.

Clarke, Adele and Gerson, Elihu (1990). “Symbolic interactionism in social studies of science”, in Howard Becker and Michael McCall (eds), Symbolic Interaction and Cultural Studies. (pp.178-214). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Collins , H. M. and Pinch, T. J. (1982). Frames of Meaning: The Social Construction of Extraordinary Science. London: Routledge / Kegan Paul.

Cozzens, Susan and Gieryn, Thomas (eds) (1990). Theories of Science In Society. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.

Demeritt, David (1998). “Science, social constructivism, and nature”, in B. Braun and N. Castree (eds), Remaking Reality: Nature at the Millenium. (pp.173-93). New York: Routledge.

Fairhead, James and Leach, Melissa (2003). Science, Society and Power: Environmental Knowledge and Policy in West Africa and the Caribbean. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

Fujimura, Joan H. (1996). Crafting Science: A Sociohistory of the Quest for the Genetics of Cancer. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Fuller, Steve. (1991). Social Epistemology. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Haraway, Donna (1989). Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science. New York: Routledge. [Selections: pp.1-58, 279-303.]

Harding, Sandra (1991). Whose Science? Whose Knowledge: Thinking from Women's Lives. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Harding, Sandra (ed.) (1993). The 'Racial' Economy of Science: Toward a Democratic Future. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [Selections: Part II, "Science constructs 'race'”, and Part V, "Objectivity, method, and nature: Value neutral?".]

Hess, David (1997). Science Studies: An Advanced Introduction. New York: New York University Press.

Ihde, Don and Selinger, Evan (eds) (2003). Chasing Technoscience: Matrix for Materiality. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Jacobus, Mary (1990). Body/politics: Women and the Discourses of Science. New York: Routledge.

Keller, Evelyn Fox (1985). Reflections on Gender and Science. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Keller, Evelyn Fox (1992). Secrets of Life, Secrets of Death: Essays on Language, Gender and Science. New York: Routledge.

Keller, Evelyn Fox (2002). Making Sense of Life: Explaining Biological Development With Models, Metaphors, And Machines. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Kleinman, Daniel Lee (2003). Impure Cultures: University Biology and the World of Commerce. Madison: University of Wisconsin: Press.

Knorr Cetina, Karin D. (1981). The Manufacture of Knowledge: An Essay on the Constructivist and Contextual Nature of Science. Oxford, England: Pergamon Press.

Kuhn, Thomas (1976). “Scientific revolutions as changes of world view”, in S. Harding (ed.), Can Theories be Refuted? Essays on the Duhem-Quine Thesis. (pp. 133-154). Boston: D. Reidel.

Latour, Bruno (1993). We Have Never Been Modern. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Martin, Emily (1987). The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction. Boston: Beacon Press.

Mukerji, Chandra (1989). A Fragile Power: Scientists and the State. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Reid, Roddey and Traweek, Sharon (eds) (2000).Doing Science and Culture. New York and London: Routledge.

Ross, Andrew (ed.) (1996). Science Wars. Durham: Duke University Press. (1996) Politics of SSK: Neutrality, Commitment and Beyond. Social Studies of Science, Special Issue, 26.

Traweek, Sharon (1988). Beamtimes and Lifetimes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Woolgar, Steve (1988). Science: The Very Idea. Chichester, Sussex: Ellis, Harwood and Tavistock. SOCIAL STUDIES OF TECHNOLOGY READING LIST JUNE 2006

Convenor Janice Newson Contributors Jody Berland, Lorna Erwin, Barbara Hanson, Trish Macmillan, Eric Mykhalovskiy, Janice Newson, and Peter Vandergeest

Core Readings

Balsamo, Anne (1996). Technologies of the Gendered Body: Reading Cyborg Women. Duke University Press. [Especially Chapter 7, “The role of the body in feminist cultural studies of science and technology”.]

Baber, Zaheer (1994). “Beyond hyper-constructivist fads and foibles: Toward a critical sociology of science, technology and the environment”, Critical Sociology 20(2): 125-138.

Barglow, Raymond (1994). The Crisis of the Self in the Age of Information. New York: Routledge.

Bijker, Wiebe and Law, John (eds) (1992). Shaping Technology/Building Society: Studies in Sociotechnical Change. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Bijker, Wiebe., Hughes, Thomas, and Pinch, Trevor (eds) (1989). The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Callon, Michel and Law, John (1997). “After the individual in society: Lessons on collectivity from science, technology and society”, Canadian Journal of Sociology 22 (2):165-182.

Cockburn, Cynthia and Ormrod, S. (1993). Gender and Technology in the Making. London: Sage.

Ellul, Jacque (1964). The Technological Society. New York: Alfred Knopf.

Feenberg, Andrew and Hannay, Alastair (eds) (1995). Technology and the Politics of Knowledge. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Grint, K., and Gill, R. (eds) (1995). The Gender-Technology Relation: Contemporary Theory and Research. London: Taylor & Francis.

Hacker, Sally. (1989). Pleasure, Power and Technology. Boston: Unwin Hyman.

Haraway, Donna J. (1991). Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. NewYork: Routledge.

Heidegger, Martin (1977). The Question Concerning Technology. (William Lovitt (trans.)). New York: Harper Torchbooks.

Herman, Andrew and Swiss, Thomas (eds) (2001). The World Wide Web and contemporary cultural theory London: Routledge.

Jasanoff, Sheila, Markle, Gerald, Petersen, James and Pinch, Trevor (eds) (2001). Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Klein, Hans and Kleinman, Daniel Lee (2002). “The social construction of technology: Structural considerations”, Science, Technology and Human Values 27(Winter): 28-52.

Law, John and Hassard, John (eds) (1998). Actor Network Theory and After. Oxford: Blackwell and the Sociological Review.

Law, John (ed.) (1991). A Sociology of Monsters: Essays on Power, Technology and Domination. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Lohan, Maria (2000). “Constructive tensions in feminist technology studies”, Social Studies of Science 30(6): 895-916.

MacKenzie, D. and Wajcman, J. (1988 & 1998). The Social Shaping of Technology. (1st and 2nd eds). Milton Keynes: Open U. Press

Mumford, Lewis (1967-1970). Myth of the Machine, vols 1 & 2. New York: Harcourt Brace and World.

Vaughan, Diane (1996). The Challenger Launch Decision: Risky Technology, Culture and Deviance at NASA. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.

Wacjman, Judy (1991). Feminism Confronts Technology. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Winner, Langdon (1977). Autonomous Technology : Technics-out-of-control as a Theme in Political Thought. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Winner, Langdon (1993). “Social constructivism: Opening the black box and finding it empty”, Science as Culture 3(3):427-452.

Other Recommended Readings

Aronowitz, Stanley, Martinsons, Barbara, and Menser, Michael (eds) (1996). Technoscience and Cyberculture. New York: Routledge. Beniger, James (1986). The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society. Cambridge: Harvard U. Press.

Callon, M. Law, J. and Rip, A. (1986). Mapping the Dynamics of Science and Technology. London: Macmillan.

Cowan, Ruth Schwartz (1983). More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave. New York: Basic Books.

Barney, Darin (2000). Prometheus Wired. The Hope for Democracy in the Age of Network Technology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Edwards, Paul. (1996). The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Faulkner, Wendy (1998). “Extraordinary journeys around ordinary technologies in ordinary lives”, Social Studies of Science 28(3): 484- 489.

Faulkner, Wendy (2000). “The power and the pleasure: A research agenda for making gender stick to engineers”, Science, Technology and Human Values 25(1): 87-119.

Feenberg, Andrew (1991). Critical Theory of Technology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Feenberg, Andrew (1999). Questioning Technology. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Franklin, Ursula (1999). The Real World of Technology. (rev. ed.). Toronto: Anansi Press.

Hayles, Katherine (1999). How We Became Posthuman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Especially Chapter 8: “The materiality of informatics”.]

Kroker, Arthur (1984). Technology and the Canadian Mind: Innis/McLuhan/Grant. City: New World Perspectives.

Kleinman, Daniel Lee, Kinchy, Abby J. and Handelsman, Jo (eds) (2005). Controversies in Science and Technology : From Maize To Menopause. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Ihde, Don and Selinger, Evan (eds) (2003). Chasing Technoscience: Matrix for Materiality. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Keller, Evelyn Fox (2002). Making Sense of Life: Explaining Biological Development with Models, Metaphors, and Machines. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Krug, Gary (2005). Communication, Technology and Cultural Change. London: Sage.

Levidow, Les (1998). “Democratizing technology — or technologizing democracy? Regulating agricultural biotechnology in Europe”, Technology in Society 20: 211-226.

MacKenzie, Donald (1998). Knowing Machines: Essays on Technical Change. Cambridge: MIT Press. [Especially Chapters 1-3: Economic and Sociological Explanations of Technological Change.]

Mythen, Gabe (2004). Ulrich Beck: A Critical Introduction to The Risk Society. London: Pluto Press.

Noble, David (1984). Forces of Production. New York: Knopf.

Noble, David F. (1977). America by Design: Science, Technology and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Pacey, Arnold (2001). Meaning in Technology. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Pfaffenberger, Bryan (1992). “Technological dramas”, Science, Technology and Human Values 17(Summer): 282-312.

Sclove, Richard (1995). Democracy and Technology. New York: The Guilford Press.

Schneider, Joseph (2005). Donna Haraway: Live Theory. New York: Continuum Press.

Sorensen, Knut and Berg, Anne-Jorrunn (1990). Technology and Everyday Life: Trajectories and Transformations. Oslo: Norwegian Research Council for Science and Humanities.

Steiner, Carol J. (1999). “Constructive science and technology studies: On the path to being”, Social Studies of Science 29(4):583-616.

Winner, Langdon (1986). The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.

Woolgar, Steve (1991). “The turn to technology in social studies of science”, Science, Technology and Human Values 16:20-50.

Yearly, Steven (1988). Science, Technology and Social Change. London: Unwin Hyman Press. SOCIOLOGY OF THE LIFE COURSE READING LIST JUNE 2006

Convenor Nancy Mandell Contributors Anne-Marie Ambert, Paul Anisef, Nancy Mandell, Gail McCabe, Barbara Hanson, Rebecca Raby (Brock U.), and Karen Robson


Allan, Graham (2005). “Gender and ageing: Changing roles and relationships”, Ageing and Society 25(3):454-457.

Arber, Sara and Ginn, Jay (1991). Gender and Later Life: A Sociological Analysis of Resources and Constraints. London: Sage Publications.

Arber, S., Davidson, K. and Ginn, J. (2003). Gender and Ageing: Changing Roles and Relationships. Thousand Oaks: Open U. Press.

Becker, Gay (2003). “Meanings of place and displacement in three groups of older immigrants”, Journal of Aging Studies 17(2):129-50.

Beck-Gernsheim, Elizabeth, Butler, Judith and Puigvert, Lidia (2003). Women and Social Transformation. New York: Peter Lang.

Bertraux, D. and Kohli, M. (1984). "The life story approach: A continental view", Annual Review of Sociology 10:215-237.

Biggs, Simon, Lowenstein, Ariela and Hendricks, Jon (eds) (2003). The Need for Theory: Critical Approaches to Social Gerontology. New York: Baywood.

Blando, John A. (2001). “Twice hidden: Older gay and lesbian couples, friends, and intimacy”, Inside Generations 25(2): 87-89.

Browne, Colette V. (1998). Women, Feminism, and Aging. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Buchmann, Marlis (1989). The Script of Life in Modern Society: Entry into Adulthood in a Changing World. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.

Calasanti, Toni M. and Slevin, Kathleen, F. (2001). Gender, Social Inequalities, and Aging. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press. [Selection: Chapter 8: “A Gender Lens on Aging and an Aging Lens on Gender”]

Clausen, J. A. (1993). American Lives: Looking Back at the Children of the Great Depression. New York: Free Press. Connidis, Ingrid and McMullin, JulieAnn (2002). “Sociological ambivalence and family ties: A critical perspective”, Journal of Marriage and Family 64(August):558-567.

Cote, James (2000). Arrested Adulthood: The Changing Nature of Maturity and Identity. New York: New York University Press.

Cruikshank, Margaret (2003). Learning to be Old: Gender, Culture, and Aging. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.

Danesi, Marcel (2003). Forever Young: The 'Teen-Aging' of Modern Culture. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Elder, Glen (1974). Children of the Great Depression: Social Change in Life Experience. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Elder, Glen (1994). “Time, human agency, and social change: Perspectives on the life course”. Social Psychology Quarterly. 57: 4-15.

Elder, Glen (1978). "Family history and the life course", in T.K. Hareven (ed.) Transitions: The Family and the Life Course in Historical Perspective. (pp.17-64). New York: Academic Press.

Erikson, Erik (1968). Identity: Youth and Crisis. New York: W.W. Norton.

Featherstone, Mike and Hepworth, Mike (1991). "The mask of ageing and the postmodern life course", in Mike Featherstone, Mike Hepworth and Bryan S. Turner (eds), The Body, Social Process and Cultural Theory. (pp. 371-389). Newbury Park: Sage.

Furlong, A. and Cartmel, F. (1997). Young People and Social Change: Individualization and Risk in Late Modernity. Buckingham: Open University Press.

George, Linda K. (1993). “Sociological perspectives on life transitions”, Annual Review of Sociology 19:353-373.

Giele, Janet Z. and Elder, Glen (1998). Methods of Life Course Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Gilleard, Chris and Higgs, Paul (2000). Cultures of Ageing: Self, Citizen and the Body. New York: Prentice Hall.

Hagstad, G. (1990). “Social perspectives on the life course” in R.H. Binstock and Linda K. George (eds), Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences. (3rd ed.). (pp. 151-168). New York: Academic Press.

Harris, A. (2004). Future Girl: Young Women in the Twenty-first Century. New York: Routledge.

Hebdige, Dick (1979). Subculture: The Meaning of Style. London: Routledge.

Heinz, Walter R. and Kruger, H. (2001). “Life course: Innovations and challenges for social research”, Current Sociology 49(2):29-46.

Heinz, Walter R. (2003). Social Dynamics of the Life Course: Transitions, Institutions, and Interrelations. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Hockey, Jenny and James, Allison (2003). Social Identities across the Life Course. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

James, Allison, Jenks, Chris, and Prout, Alan (1998). Theorizing Childhood. New York: Teachers College Press.

Katz, Stephen (1996). Disciplining Old Age: The Formation of Gerontological Knowledge. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.

Lesko, N. (1996). “Denaturalizing adolescence: The politics of contemporary representations”, Youth and Society 28(2):139-161.

Macdonald, Barbara and Rich, Cynthia (1991). Look Me in the Eye: Old Women, Aging, and Ageism. Denver: Spinsters Ink Books.

Mannheim, Karl (1928). Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge, London: Routledge. [Selection: “The problem of generations.”]

McRobbie, Angela (1978). “Working class girls and the culture of femininity" in Women’s Studies Group, Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (eds), Women Take Issue: Aspects of Women's Subordination. (pp. 96-108). London: Hutchinson and Co.

Moen, Phyllis (2001). “Constructing a life course”, Marriage and Family Review 30(4):97-110.

Moen, Phyllis and Orange, Robert M. (2002). “Careers and lives: Socialization, structural lag and gendered ambivalence”, Advances in Life Course Research 7:231-260.

Nouri, Marilyn and Marilyn Hetterline (2000). “Narrative accrual and the life course”, in E. Markson and Lisa Ann Hollis-Sawyer (eds), Intersections of aging : readings in social Gerontology. (pp.113-126). Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing.

O'Rand, Angela M. and Krecker, Margaret L. (1990). “Concepts of the life cycle: Their history, meanings, and uses in the social sciences”, Annual Review of Sociology and Anthropology 16: 241-62.

Pipher, Mary (1995). Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls. New York: Ballantine Books.

Riley, Matilda W. (1987). “On the significance of age in sociology”, American Sociological Review, 52:1-14.

Schaie, K. Warner and Elder, Glen (eds) (2005). Historical Influences on Lives & Aging. New York: Springer Publishing.

Shanahan, Michael J. (2000). “Pathways to adulthood in changing societies: Variability and mechanisms in the life course perspective”, Annual Review of Sociology 26:702-714.

Stewart, Abigail J., and Vandewater, Elizabeth A. (1999). “If I had it to do over again…: Midlife review, midcourse corrections, and women’s well-being in midlife”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 76(2):270-283.

Tait, Gordon (2000). Youth, Sex and Government. New York: Peter Lang.

Trotman, Frances K. (2002). “Historical, economic and political contexts of aging in African America”, Journal of Women and Aging 14(3/4): 21-138.

Twigg, Julia (2004). “The body, gender, and age: Feminist insights in social gerontology”, Journal of Aging Studies 18:59-74.

Wadsworth, Gill (2000). “Hearing midlife voices: Assessing different methods for researching women’s experiences of menopause and midlife”, Women’s Studies International Forum 23(5):645-654.

Walz, Tomas (2002). “Crones, dirty old men, sexy seniors: Representations of the sexuality of older persons”, Journal of Aging and Identity 7 (2):99-112.

Wilkinson, Jody A. and Ferraro, Kenneth F. (2002). “Thirty years of ageism research”, in Todd D. Nelson (ed.), Ageism: Stereotyping and Prejudice Against Older Persons. (pp.339-358). Cambridge: MIT Press.

Willis, Paul (1977). Learning to Labour. Farnborough, England: Saxon House.

Woodward, Kathleen (2003). “Against wisdom: The social politics of anger and aging”, Journal of Aging Studies 17(1): 55-68.

Wray, Sharon. (2003). “Women growing older: Agency, ethnicity and culture”, Sociology 37(3):511-527.

Wrosch, Carsten, and Heckhausen, Jutta (2002). “Perceived control of life regrets, good for young and bad for old adults”, Psychology and Aging 17(2):340-350.

Zeixx, Antonette M., and Kasl-Godley, Julia (2001). “Sexuality in older adults’ relationships”, Inside Generations 25(2 Summer): 18-25.


Convenor Michael Ornstein Contributors Himani Bannerji, Gordon Darroch, Stephen Longstaff, Michael Ornstein, Karen Robson, and Hira Singh

Core Readings

"Classical" Studies of Inequality

Bendix, Reinhard and Lipset, Seymour Martin (eds) (1953). Class, Status, and Power. Glencoe: Free Press.

Bourdieu, Pierre (1984). Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. London: Routledge.

Giddens, Anthony (1973). The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies. New York: Columbia University Press.

Marx, Karl (1977 [1867]). Capital, vol.1. New York: Vintage.

Parkin, Frank (1979). Marxism and Class Theory: A Bourgeois Critique. New York: Columbia University Press.

Thompson, Edward P. (1963). The Making of the English Working Class. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Tilly, Charles (1998). Durable Inequality. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Weber, Max (2002 [1904-1905]). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, 3rd ed. (S. Kalberg (trans.)). Los Angeles: Roxbury.

Modern Studies of Mobility

Erikson, R. and Goldthorpe, John H. (1992). The Constant Flux: A Study of Class Mobility in Industrial Societies. Oxford: Clarendon.

Shavit, Yossi and Mueller, Walter (1998). From School to Work: A Comparative Study of Educational Qualifications and Occupational Destinations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Contemporary Studies of Structural Inequality, besides Mobility

Armstrong, Pat and Armstrong, Hugh (2001). The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and their Segregated Work. (3rd ed.). Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Béteille, André (2003). Equality and Universality: Essays in Social and Political Theory. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Charles, M. and Grusky, D. B. (2004). Occupational Ghettos: The Worldwide Segregation of Women and Men. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.

Esping-Andersen, Gosta (1999). Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies. New York: Oxford University Press.

Firebaugh, Glenn (2003). The New Geography of Global Income Inequality. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Grusky, David B. (1994). Social Stratification: Class, Race and Gender in Sociological Perspective. Boulder: Westview Press.

Korpi, Walter and Palme, Joakim (1998). "The paradox of redistribution and strategies of equality: Welfare state institutions, inequality, and poverty in the Western countries", American Sociological Review 63(5):661-687.

Noll, Heinz-Herbert and Lemel, Yannick (eds) (2002). Changing Structures of Inequality: A Comparative Perspective. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.

Sainsbury, Diane (1999). Gender and Welfare State Regimes. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sen, Amartya (1997). On Economic Inequality. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Shanahan, Suzanne Elise and Tuma, Nancy Brandon (1994). "The sociology of distribution and redistribution", in Smelser, Neil J. and Swedberg, Richard (eds), The Handbook of Economic Sociology (pp.723-765). Princeton and New York: Princeton University Press and Russell Sage Foundation.

Wright, Erik Olin (1997). Class Counts. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Note: Many wonderful comparative quantitative studies of inequality in the rich countries, based on Luxembourg Income Study are at:

Canadian Studies

Clement, W. and Myles, J. (1994). Relations of Ruling: Class and Gender in Postindustrial Societies. Montreal: McGill-Queen's U. Pres.

Clement, W. and Vosko, L. (eds) (2003). Changing Canada: Political Economy as Transformation. Montreal: McGill-Queen's U. Press.

Porter, John (1965). The Vertical Mosaic. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Other Recommended Readings

"Classical" Studies of Inequality

Gerth, Hans H. and Mills, C. Wright (eds) (1970). From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. London: Routledge.

Modern Studies of Mobility

Blau, Peter M. and Duncan, Otis Dudley (1967). The American Occupational Structure. New York: Wiley.

Halsey, A.H. (1980). Origins and Destination: Family, Class, and Education in Modern Britain. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Contemporary Studies of Structural Inequality, besides Mobility

Danziger, Sheldon and Haveman, Robert (eds) (2001). Understanding Poverty. New York and Cambridge: Russell Sage Foundation and Harvard University Press.

Gitlin, Todd (1995). The Twilight of Common Dreams. New York: Metropolitan Books.

Jencks, Christopher. (1994). The Homeless. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Morris, Martina and Western, Bruce (1999). "Inequality in earnings at the close of the Twentieth Century", Annual Review of Sociology 25:623-657.

Sorensen, Aage and Wright, Erik Olin (2000). "Class, exploitation and economic rents", American Journal of Sociology 105(6):1559- 1571.


Convenor James Sheptycki Contributors Margaret Beare, Debi Brock, Anna Pratt, James Sheptycki, Yota Vassou, Livy Visano, and James Williams


Becker, Howard (1973). Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance. New York: Free Press.

Beare, M.E. (ed.) (2003). Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption. Toronto: University of Toronto Press

Braithwaite, John (1989). Crime, Shame and Reintegration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Brown, M and Pratt, J. (eds) (2000). Dangerous Offenders: Punishment and Social Order, London: Routledge

Burchell, G. Gordon, C. and Miller B. (1991). The Foucault Effect; Studies in Governmentality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Canadian Journal of Criminology. 41(2): Special Issue on Criminology Research in Canada.

Chesney-Lind, Meda (1997). The Female Offender: Girls, Women and Crime. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Christie, Nils (2000). Crime Control as Industry: Towards Gulags, Western Style. (3rd ed.). London: Routledge.

Cohen, Stan (1985). Visions of Social Control: Crime, Punishment and Classification Cambridge: Polity Press.

Douglas, Mary (1992). Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural Theory. London: Routledge.

Downes, D. and Rock, P. (2003). Understanding Deviance: A Guide to the Sociology of Crime and Rule-Breaking. (4th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Foucault, Michel (1979 [1975]). Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. (Alan Sheridan (trans.)). New York: Vintage Books.

Friedman, L. and Fisher, G. (eds) (1997). The Crime Conundrum: Essays on Criminal Justice. Boulder: Westview Press

Garland, David (1990). Punishment and Modern Society: A Study in Social Theory. Oxford: Clarendon.

Garland, David (2001). The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Garland, D. and Sparks, R. (eds) (2000). Criminology and Social Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Gelsthorpe, L. and Morris, A. (1990). Feminist Perspectives in Criminology, Milton Keynes: Open University Press

Haggerty, K.D. (2001). Making Crime Count. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Hall, Stuart, Critcher, Chas, Jefferson, Tony, Clarke, John, and Roberts, Brian (1978). Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State, and Law and Order. London: Macmillan Education.

Maguire, Mike, Morgan, Rod, and Reiner, Robert (2002). Oxford Handbook of Criminology. (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Note: 1st and 2nd editions are useful substitutes.]

Manning, Peter (1997). Police Work: The Social Organization of Policing. Long Grove: Waveland Press.

4 All contributors to this list would like to emphasise that it is only a starting point for students when thinking about getting their bibliographies together for a list of comprehensive readings. This list is a useful place to begin, but it does not represent a definitive vision of the field of ‘Criminology, Corrections, and Criminalization.’ Contributors to the list emphasise that the field is dynamic and changing, and that both students' and scholars' interests in it is evolving. Especially given the interdisciplinary nature of scholarship under this rubric, the contributors feel that the list should be interpreted and used somewhat flexibly. Nelken, D. (ed.) (1994). The Futures of Criminology, London: Sage

O’Malley, Pat (1998). Crime and the Risk Society. Aldershot: Ashgate. (unavailable)

Pearce, Frank and Tombs, Steve (1999). Toxic Capitalism: Corporate Crime and the Chemical Industry. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Reiner, R. (2000). The Politics of the Police. (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ross, Jeffrey Ian (ed.) (1998). Cutting the Edge: Current Perspectives in Radical/Critical Criminology and Criminal Justice. Westport: Praeger.

Ruggiero, Vincenzo (2000). Crime and Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sheptycki, James (ed.) (2000). Issues in Transnational Policing. New York: Routledge.

Smandych, R. (ed.) (1999). Governable Places: Readings on Governmentality and Crime Control. Aldershot: Dartmouth.

Taylor, Ian (1999). Crime in Context: A Critical Criminology of Market Societies. Boulder: Westview Press.

Taylor, I., Walton, P. and Young, J. (1971). The New Criminology: For a Social Theory of Deviance. New York: Routledge /Kegan Paul.

Tonry, M. (ed.) (1972-2004). Crime and Justice: A Review of the Research. (Annual Research Reviews, vols. 1-32.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Select readings.]


Convenor Brenda Spotton Visano Contributors Susan Braedley, Beatriz Cid, Matthew Hayes, Fuyuki Kurasawa, John O’Neill, Michael Ornstein, Mark Thomas, Peter Vandergeest, and Brenda Spotton Visano

Core Readings

Biggart, Nicole Woolsey (ed.) (2002). Readings in Economic Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell.

Boltanski, L. and Chiapello, E. (2005). The New Spirit of Capitalism. (G. Elliott (trans.)). New York: Verso. [Or, the original: Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme. (1999). Paris: Gallimard.]

Bourdieu, P. (2005). The Social Structures of the Economy. Cambridge, UK: Polity.

Clement, W. and Vosko, L. (eds) (2003). Changing Canada: Political Economy as Transformation. Montreal: McGill-Queen's U. Press.

Durkheim, E. (1984 [1893]). The Division of Labor in Society. (W.D. Halls (trans.)). New York: Free Press.

Guillen, Mauro F., Collins, Randall, England, Paula and Meyer, Marshall (2002). The New Economic Sociology: Developments in an Emerging Field. New York: Russell Sage.

Gereffi, Gary, Humphrey, John, and Sturgeon, Timothy (2005). “The governance of global value chains”, Review of International Political Economy 12(1): 78-104.

Hayek, F. (1963 [1948]). Individualism and Economic Order. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Innis, Harold (1950). Empire and Communications. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Jameson, F. (1991 [1984]). Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Durham: Duke University Press. [Select Chapter 1, “The cultural logic of late capitalism”.]

Lash, S. and Urry, J. (1987). The End of Organized Capitalism. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Lipietz, Alain (1987). Mirages and Miracles: The Crises in Global Fordism. London: Verso.

Marx, K. (1976 [1867]). Capital, vol. 1. (B. Fowkes (trans.)). Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Mauss, M. (1990 [1954]). The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies. London: Routledge.

North, Douglass C. (1990). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Picchio, Antonella (1992). Social Reproduction: The Political Economy of the Labour Market. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Polanyi, Karl (2001). The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. (2nd ed.). Boston: Beacon Press.

Schumpeter, J. (1942). Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. New York: Harper & Row.

Sennett, R. (1998). The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism. New York: Norton.

Smelser, Neil J., and Swedberg, Richard (eds) (2005). The Handbook of Economic Sociology. (2nd ed.). Princeton: Princeton U. Press.

Smith, Adam, (1976 [1776]) “An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations”, in R.H. Campbell and A.S. Skinner (eds), Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith. (2 vols). Oxford : Clarendon Press.

Weber, Max (1978 [1922]). Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Williamson, Oliver (1981). “The economics of organization: The transaction cost approach”, American Journal of Sociology 87(Nov): 548-77.

Other Recommended Readings

Castells, M. (1996). The Information Age, Vol. I: The Rise of the Network Society. Malden: Blackwell.

Granovetter, Mark and Swedberg, Richard (eds) (1992). The Sociology of Economic Life. Boulder: Westview Press.

Harvey, David (2003). The New Imperialism. New York: Oxford University Press.

Miller, Daniel (1997). Capitalism: An Ethnographic Approach. Washington: Berg.

Simmel, G. (2004 [1907]). The Philosophy of Money. (3rd English ed.) (D. Frisby (ed.),T. Bottomore and D. Frisby (trans.), from 1st draft by K. Mengelberg). London: Routledge.

Sklair, Leslie (2001). The Transnational Capitalist Class. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Thompson, E. P. (1967). "Work, time-discipline and industrial capitalism", Past and Present 38:56-97.

Weber, M. (1930 [1904-1905]). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. (T. Parsons (trans.)). London: George Allen & Unwin.


Convenor Eric Mykhalovskiy Contributors Barbara Beardwood, Nancy Clark, Joel Lexchin, David Lumsden, Thelma McCormack, Eric Mykhalovskiy, Riley Olstead, Dennis Raphael, and Lorna Weir

Core Readings

Abraham, John (1995). Science, Politics and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Controversy and Bias in Drug Regulation. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Agamben, Giorgio (1998). Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Armstrong, David (1983). The Political Anatomy of the Body: Medical Knowledge in Britain in the Twentieth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Armstrong, Pat, Armstrong, Hugh, and Coburn, David (eds) (2001). Unhealthy Times: political economy perspectives on health and care. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Atkinson, Paul (1995). Medical Talk and Medical Work. London: Sage.

Berg, Marc and Mol, Annemarie (eds) (1998). Differences in Medicine: Unraveling Practices, Techniques, and Bodies. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Clarke, A., Fishman, J., Fosket, J., Mamo, L. and Shim, J. (2003). “Biomedicalization: Technoscientific transformations of health, illness, and U.S. biomedicine”, American Sociological Review 68 (April):161-194.

Conrad, Peter (2005). “The shifting engines of medicalization”, Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 46(1): 3-14.

Crawford, Robert (1994). “The boundaries of the self and the unhealthy other: Reflections on health, culture and AIDS”, Social Science and Medicine. 38(10): 1347-1365.

Delaporte, François (1989). Disease and Civilization. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Doyal, Lesley (1995). What Makes Women Sick: Gender and the Political Economy of Health. New Brunswick: Macmillan Press.

Epstein, S. (1995). "The construction of lay expertise: AIDS activism and the forging of credibility in the reform of clinical trials", Science, Technology, and Human Values 20(4): 408-437.

Farmer, Paul (2003). Pathologies of Power: Health Human Rights and the New War on the Poor. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Foucault, Michel (1973). The Birth of the Clinic. London: Tavistock.

Fox, R. (1957). “Training for uncertainty”, in R.K. Merton, G. Reader and P.L. Kendall (eds), The Student-Physician. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Freidson, Eliot (1972). Profession of Medicine. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company.

Goffman, Ernest (1961). Asylums. Toronto: Penguin Books.

Good, Byron (1994). Medicine, Rationality and Experience: An Anthropological Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Illich, Ivan (2002). Limits to medicine : medical nemesis, the expropriation of health : with a new introduction by the author. London: Marion Boyars Publishers.

Jewson, N.D. (1976). “The disappearance of the sick-man from medical cosmology”, Sociology 10: 225-244.

Kleinman, Arthur (1988). The Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing, and the Human Condition. New York: Basic Books.

Martin, Emily (1994). Flexible Bodies: Tracking Immunity in American Culture from the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS. Boston: Beacon.

Messing, Karen (1998). One-Eyed Science: Occupational Health and Women Workers. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Mol, Annemarie (2003). The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice. Durham: Duke University Press.

Navarro, Vicente, and Muntaner, Carles (eds) (2004). Political and Economic Determinants of Population Health and Well-being: Controversies and Developments. Amityville: Baywood Press.

Parsons, T. (1951). The Social System. Glencoe: Free Press. [Selection: pp. 428-479, on the sick role.]

Raphael, Dennis (ed.) (2004). Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Rapp, Rayna (2000). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus: The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New York: Routledge.

Rose, N. (1994). “Medicine, history and the present.” In C. Jones and R. Porter (eds), Reassessing Foucault: Power, Medicine and the Body. (pp. 48-72). New York: Routledge.

Scambler, Graham and Higgs, Paul (eds) (1998). Modernity, Medicine and Health. New York: Routledge.

Schneider, Joseph W. and Conrad, Peter (1985). Having Epilepsy: The Experience and Control of Illness. Philadelphia: Temple U. Press.

Strauss, Anselm (1984). Chronic Illness and the Quality of Life. (2nd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book.

Tapper, Melbourne (1999). In the Blood: Sickle Cell Anemia and the Politics of Race. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Wilkinson, Richard and Marmot, Michael (2003). The Solid Facts. (2nd ed.). Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe [available online]

Witz, Anne (1992). Professions and Patriarchy. London: Routledge.

Wright, Peter and Treacher, Andrew (1982). The Problem of Medical Knowledge: Examining the Social Construction of Medicine. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Zola, I. (1972). “Medicine as an institution of social control”, Sociological Review 20(4): 487-504.

Other Recommended Readings

Some Useful Overviews

Gerhardt, Uta (1989). Ideas about Illness: An Intellectual and Political History of Medical Sociology. London: Macmillan.

Turner, Bryan M. (2004). The New Medical Sociology: Social Forms of Health and Illness. New York and London: W.W. Norton and Co.

Some Useful Textbooks

Albrecht, Gary L., Fitzpatrick, R., Scrimshaw, S.C. (eds). (2003). The Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine. London: Sage.

Annandale, Ellen (1998). The Sociology of Health and Medicine: A Critical Introduction. Malden: Polity Press.

Bird, C.E., Conrad P. and Fremont, A. M. (eds) (2000). Handbook of Medical Sociology (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.

Clarke, Juanne (2004). Health, Illness, and Medicine in Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Cockerham, William. (2001). The Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Nettleton, Sarah (1995). The Sociology of Health and Illness. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Other Books, Articles, and Chapters

Armstrong, David (2002). A New History of Identity: A Sociology of Medical Knowledge. Houndmills: Palgrave.

Badgley, Robin, and Wolfe, Samuel, (1967). Doctors' Strike: Medical Care and Conflict in Saskatchewan. Toronto: Macmillan.

Baer, Hans A. (2001). Biomedicine and Alternative Healing Systems in America: Issues of Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Gender. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Bashford, A. (2000). “Is White Australia possible?: Race, colonialism and tropical medicine”, Ethnic and Racial Studies 23(2):248-271.

Bunton, Robin, Nettleton, Sarah, and Burrows, Roger (1995). The Sociology of Health Promotion: Critical Analyses of Consumption, Lifestyle and Risk. London: Routledge.

Charmaz, Kathy (1991). Good Days, Bad Days: the Self in Chronic Illness and Time. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Chesler, Phyllis (1989). Women and Madness. San Diego: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich.

Coburn, David, Rappolt, Susan, Bourgeault, Ivy, and Angus, Jan (1999). Medicine, Nursing and the State. Aurora: Garamond Press.

Corbin, Juliet and Strauss, Anselm (1988). Unending Work and Care: Managing Chronic Illness at Home. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Davey Smith, George (ed.) (2003). Inequalities in Health: Life Course Perspectives. Bristol: Policy Press.

Davis, Peter (ed.) (1996). Contested Ground: Public Purpose and Private Interest in the Regulation of Prescription Drugs. New York: Oxford University Press.

Daykin, N. and Doyal, L. (eds) (1999). Health and Work: Critical Perspectives. Hampshire: Macmillan Press.

Drache, Daniel and Sullivan, Terry (eds) (1999). Market limits in Health Reform: Public Success, Private Failure. New York: Routledge.

Ehrenreich, B. and English, D. (1973). Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers. New York: The Feminist Press.

Epstein, S. (2004). “Bodily differences and collective identities: The politics of gender and race in biomedical research in the United States”, Body and Society 10(2-3): 183-204.

Evans, R., Barer, M. and Marmor, T. (eds) (1994). Why Are Some People Healthy and Others Not?: The Determinants of Health of Populations. New York: A. de Gruyter.

Findlay, D. (1995). “Discovering sex: Medical science, feminism and intersexuality”, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 32(1): 25-52.

Foucault, Michel (1972). “The politics of health in the eighteenth century”, in C. Gordon (ed.), Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings. Brighton: Harvester.

Freund P, and McGuire, M. (1999). Health, Illness and the Social Body. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.

Gerhardt, Uta. (1989). Ideas about Illness. London: Macmillan Education.

Gunderson, M. and Hyatt, D. (2000). Workers' Compensation: Foundations for Reform. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Hofrichter, R. (ed.) (2003). Health and Social Justice: Politics, Ideology, and Inequity in the Distribution of Disease. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Knowles, C. (1991). “Afro-Caribbeans and schizophrenia: How does psychiatry deal with issues of race, culture and ethnicity?”, Journal of Social Policy 20(2):173-190.

Kroll-Smith S, Brown, P. and Gunter, V.J. (2000). Illness and the Environment: A Reader in Contested Medicine. New York: New York University Press.

Laing, R. D. and Esterson, A. (1986). Sanity, Madness and the Family. Markham: Penguin.

Lock, Margaret (2001). Twice Dead: Organ Transplants and the Reinvention of Death. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Lock, M., Young, A. and Cambrosio, A. (eds). (2000). Living and Working with the New Medical Technologies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Macdonald, Keith M. (1995). The Sociology of the Professions. London: Sage Publications.

Martin, Emily. (1992). The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction. Boston: Beacon Press.

McCrea, F. B. (1983). “The politics of menopause: The ‘discovery’ of a deficiency disease”, Social Problems 31(1):111-123.

McKinlay, J. B. (1972). “The sick role: Illness and pregnancy”, Social Science and Medicine 6(5):561-572.

Mitchinson, W. (1991). The Nature of Their Bodies: Women and Their Doctors in Victorian Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Petersen, A. and Bunton, R. (eds) (1997). Foucault, Health and Medicine. New York: Routledge.

Poland. B., Coburn, D., Robertson, A., and Eakin, J. (1998). “Wealth, equity, and health care: A critique of a population health perspective on the determinants of health”, Social Science and Medicine (46): 785-798.

Roderick, Stewart (1977). The Mind of Norman Bethune. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside.

Rowland, R. (1992). Living Laboratories: Women and Reproductive Technologies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (1993). Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Sherwin, S. (1992). No Longer Patient: Feminist Ethics and Health Care. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Smith, D. E. (1978). “‘K is mentally ill’ The anatomy of a factual account”, Sociology 12(1):23-53.

Srole, Leo and Fischer, Anita K. (eds) (1975). Mental Health in the Metropolis: The Midtown Manhattan Study. New York: New York University Press.

Starr, Paul (1982). The Social Transformation of American Medicine. New York: Basic Books.

Ruzek, S. B., Olesen, V. L. and Clarke, A. C. (1997). Women's Health: Complexities and Differences. Columbus: Ohio State U. Press.

Sullivan T. (2000). Injury and the New World of Work. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Tesh, S. (1990). Hidden Arguments: Political Ideology and Disease Prevention Policy. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Thomas, C. (1999). Female Forms: Experiencing and Understanding Disability. Buckingham and Philadelphia: Open University Press.

White, M. (1983). “Anorexia nervosa: A transgenerational system perspective”, Family Process 22(3):255-273.

Wilkinson, Iain (2004). Suffering: A Sociological Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Wooding, J and Levenstein C. (1999). The Point of Production: Work Environment in Advanced Industrial Societies. New York: The Guilford Press.

Zola, I. (1972). “The concept of trouble and sources of medical assistance: To whom one can turn, with what and why”, Social Science and Medicine 6(6):673-679.


Convenor Jay Goulding Contributors Debi Brock, Gordon Darroch, Jay Goulding, Engin Isin, Stephen Longstaff, Gottfried Paasche, Brian Singer, Hira Singh, Elke Winter, and Lesley Wood

Core Readings

Abrams, Philip (1982). Historical Sociology. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Carr, Edward H. (1961). What is History? New York: Random House.

Corrigan, Philip and Sayer, Derek (1985). The Great Arch: English State Formation as Cultural Revolution. New York: Blackwell.

Davis, Natalie Zemon (1983). The Return of Martin Guerre. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Foucault, Michel (1978 [1976]). History of Sexuality, vol. 1. (Robert Hurley (trans.)) New York: Pantheon.

Genovese, Eugene (1976). Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made. New York: Vintage.

Hobsbawm, Eric (1994). The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914-1991. New York: Pantheon.

Moore, B. Jr. (1966). Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World. Boston: Beacon.

Parr, Joy (1990). The Gender of Breadwinners: Women, Men and Change in Two Industrial Towns, 1880-1950. Toronto: U. of Toronto Press.

Said, Edward W. (1978). Orientalism. New York: Vintage.

Sarkar, Sumit (1997). Writing Social History. New York: Oxford University Press.

Thompson, E.P. (1963). The Making of the English Working Class. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Tilly, Charles (1981). As Sociology Meets History. New York: Academic Press.

Weber, Max (2001 [1904-1905]). The Protestant Ethic. (Talcott Parsons (trans.)). New York: Routledge.

Wolf, Eric R. (1982). Europe and the People Without History. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Other Recommended Readings

Baskerville, Peter (ed.) (2005). Household Counts: Canadian Households and Families in 1901. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Bayly, C. A. (2004). The Birth of the Modern World 1780-1914. Oxford: Blackwell.

Bradbury, Bettina (1993). Working Families: Age, Gender and Daily Survival in Industrializing Montreal. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.

Dean, Mitchell (1994). Critical and Effective Histories: Foucault's Methods and Historical Sociology. London, England: Routledge.

Delanty, Gerard, and Isin, Engin F. (eds) (2003). Handbook of Historical Sociology. London: Sage.

Ginzburg, Carlo (1976). The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller. New York: Penguin.

Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel. (1979). Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error. New York: Vintage.

Singh, Hira (1998). Colonial Hegemony and Popular Resistance: Princes, Peasants, and Paramount Power. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Skocpol, Theda (ed.) (1984). Vision and Method in Historical Sociology. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Thompson, Paul R. (2000). The Voice of the Past: Oral History. New York: Oxford University Press. LAW AND JUSTICE READING LIST5 JUNE 2006

Convenor James Sheptycki Contributors Margaret Beare, Shelley Gavigan, Bonita Lawrence, Anna Pratt, James Sheptycki, Livy Visano, Richard Weisman, and James Williams


Agamben, Giorgio (1998). Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Ashworth, A. (1991). Principles of Criminal Law. Oxford: Clarendon.

Bennett, W. Lance and Feldman, Martha (1981). Reconstructing Reality in the Courtroom. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Becker, T. and Feeley, M. (eds) (1973). The Impact of Supreme Court Decisions. (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press

Bourdieu, Pierre (1987). "The force of law: Toward a sociology of the juridical field", The Hastings Law Journal 38(5): 805-853.

Cain, M. and Harrington, C. B. (eds) (1994). Lawyers in a Postmodern World: Translation and Transgression. New York: New York University Press.

Chunn, Dorothy, E. (1992). From Punishment to Doing Good. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Comack, Elizabeth (ed.) (1999). Locating Law. Halifax: Fernwood.

Cotterrell, Roger. (1992). The Sociology of Law: An Introduction. (2nd ed.). London: Butterworths.

Derrida, Jacques (1990). "Force of law: The ‘mystical foundation of authority’", (Mary Quaintance (trans.)), Cardozo Law Review 11: 919-1045.

Dworkin, Ronald (1977). Taking Rights Seriously. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Ewick, Patricia and Silbey, Susan (1998). The Common Place of Law. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Fine, Bob (1984). Democracy and the Rule of Law: Liberal Ideals and Marxist Critiques. London: Pluto Press.

Fine, B., Kinsey, R., Lea, J., Picciotto, S. and Young, J. (1979). Capitalism and the Rule of Law: From Deviancy Theory to Marxism. London: Hutchinson.

Fitzpatrick, Peter (ed.) (1995). Nationalism, Racism and the Rule of Law. Brookfield: Dartmouth Publishing Company.

Habermas, J. (1988)[1983]). “Law as medium and law as institution”, in Gunther Teubner (ed.), Dilemmas of Law in the Welfare State. (pp. 203-220). New York: W. de Gruyter.

Hart, H. L. A. (1970). Punishment and Responsibility: Essays in the Philosophy of Law. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Hawkins, Keith (2002). Law as Last Resort: Prosecution Decision-Making in a Regulatory Agency. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Henry, Stuart (1983). Private Justice: Towards Integrated Theorising in the Sociology of Law. Boston: Routledge/Kegan Paul.

Hudson, Barbara (2003). Justice in the Risk Society. London: SAGE.

Hunt, Alan (1999). Governing Morals: A Social History of Moral Regulation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5 All contributors to this list would like to emphasise that it is only a starting point for students when thinking about getting their bibliographies together for a list of comprehensive readings. This list is a useful place to begin, but it does not represent a definitive vision of the field of ‘Law and Justice.’ Contributors to the list emphasise that the field is dynamic and changing, and that both students' and scholars' interests in it is evolving. Especially given the interdisciplinary nature of scholarship under this rubric, the contributors feel that the list should be interpreted and used somewhat flexibly.

Hunt, Alan (1978). The Sociological Movement in Law. London: Macmillan.

Hunt, Alan and Wickham, Gary (1994). Foucault and Law: Towards a Sociology of Law as Governance. London: Pluto Press.

Kairys, David (1998). The Politics of Law: A Progressive Critique. (3rd ed.). NewYork: Basic Books

Leonard, Jerry (ed.) (1995). Legal Studies as Cultural Studies. Albany: SUNY Press.

McBarnet, Doreen (1994). "Legal creativity: Law, capital, and legal avoidance", in Cain, Maureen and Harrington, Christine B. (eds), Lawyers in a Postmodern World: Translation and Transgression. (pp. 73-84). New York: New York University Press.

Milovanovic, Dragan (2003). An Introduction to the Sociology of Law. (3rd ed.). Monsey: Criminal Justice Press. (only at Law Library)

O'Malley, Pat (1983). Law, Capitalism, and Democracy: A Sociology of Australian Legal Order. London: George Allen & Unwin.

Proulx, Craig (2003). Reclaiming Aboriginal Justice, Identity, and Community. Saskatoon: Purich Publishing.

Sarat, Austin and Kearns, Thomas R. (eds) (1995). Law in Everyday Life. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Smart, Carol (1989). Feminism and the Power of Law. New York: Routledge.

Strange, Carolyn (ed.) (1996). Qualities of Mercy: Justice, Punishment and Discretion. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press

Teubner, Gunther (ed.) (1986). Dilemmas of Law in the Welfare State. Berlin: W. de Gruyter. von Hirsch, A. and Ashworth, A. (1998). Principled Sentencing: Readings on Theory and Policy. (2nd ed.). Oxford: Hart.

Walker, Nigel (1991). Why Punish. New York: Oxford University Press.


Convenor Mark Thomas Contributors Himani Bannerji, Sam Ladner, Bonita Lawrence, Peter Mallory, Thelma McCormack, Mark Thomas, Brian Singer, Elke Winter, Philip Walsh, and Lesley Wood

Core Readings

Althusser, Louis (1970). Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. (Ben Brewster (trans.). London: New Left Books. [Select “Ideology and ideological state apparatuses (Notes towards and investigation)” chapter.]

Anderson, Benedict (1983). Imagined Communities. London: Verso.

Arendt, Hannah (1998). The Human Condition. (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago.

Du Bois, W.E.B. (1971 [1924]). The Gift of Black Folk: The Negroes in the Making of America. New York: AMS Press.

Esping-Andersen, G. (1990). The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Foucault, Michel (1991). “Governmentality”, in G. Burchell, C. Gordon and P. Miller (eds), The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Gellner, Ernst (1983). Nations and Nationalism. Oxford: Blackwell.

Gramsci, Antonio (1991 [1929-1935]). Prison Notebooks. New York: Columbia University Press. [Selection: “The modern prince”.]

Habermas, Jurgen (1989 [1963]). The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press; Cambridge, England: Polity Press.

Held, David (1987). Models of Democracy. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Marshall, T. H. (1949). Class, Citizenship, and Social Development. Garden City: Double Day. [Selection: “Citizenship and social class”]

Marx, Karl. (1967 [1867-1894]). Capital. (F. Engels (ed.)). New York: International Publishers.

Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich (1967 [1848]). The Communist Manifesto. (Samuel Moore (trans.)). Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Michels, Robert (1966). Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy. New York: Free Press.

Mills, C. Wright (1956). The Power Elite. New York: Oxford University Press.

O'Connor, J. S., Orloff, A.S., and Shaver, S. (1999). States, Markets, Families: Gender, Liberalism, and Social Policy in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, and the United States. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Polanyi, K. (2001). The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. Boston: Beacon Press.

Skocpol, Theda (1985). “Bringing the state back in: Strategies of analysis in current research”, in Peter Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, and Theda Skocpol (eds), Bringing the State Back In. (pp. 3-37). New York: Cambridge.

Smith, Anthony D. and Hutchinson, John (eds) (1994). Nationalism New York: Oxford University Press.

Smith, D.E. (1995). Conceptual Practices of Power: A Feminist Sociology of Knowledge. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. [Select chapters 1 and 2.]

Thompson, E.P. (1963). The Making of the English Working Class. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Tilly, Charles (1992). Coercion, Capital and European States, AD 990-1990. Oxford: Blackwell. de Tocqueville, Alexis (1969 [1835]). Democracy in America. (R.D. Heffner (ed.)).New York: Harper Perennial.

Wallerstein, Immanuel (2004). World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction. Duke University Press.

Weber, Max (1958). “The sociology of charismatic authority”, in H.H. Gerth and C.W. Mills (eds and trans.), From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. (pp. 245-252). New York: Oxford University Press.

Other Recommended Readings

Bannerji, Himani (2002). The Dark Side of the Nation: Essays on Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Gender. Toronto: Canadian Scholars.

Bayefsky, Anne and Eberts, Mary (1985). Equality Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Toronto: Carswell.

Borrows, John (2002). Recovering Canada: The Resurgence of Indigenous Law. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Castles, F. and D. Mitchell (1993). “World of welfare and families of nations”, in F. Castles (ed.), Families of Nations: Patterns of Public Policy in Western Democracies. (pp. 93-128.) Brookfield: Dartmouth.

Cleverdon, Catherine L. (1974). The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Dahl, R.A. (1971). Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven: Yale University Press. (only at Frost)

Davidoff, Leonore, and Catherine Hall (1992). Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class, Chicago University Press.

Durkheim, Emile (1996 [1900]). Professional Ethics and Civic Morals. New York: Routledge.

Foucault, Michel (1991). “Politics and the study of discourse” in G. Burchell, C. Gordon, and P. Miller (eds). The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Gordon, Linda (ed.) (1990). Women, the State and Welfare. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Henderson, James Youngblood. (1997). The Mikmaw Concordat. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Juteau, Danielle (1993). "The production of the Québécois nation", Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 19(2): 79-109.

Keane, John (1988). Democracy and Civil Society. New York: Verso.

Laclau, Ernesto and Mouffe, Chantal (1985). Hegemony and Socialist Strategy. London: Verso.

Lukàcs, György (1971). History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, (R. Livingstone (trans.)). Cambridge: MIT Press. [Select “Class consciousness” chapter.]

Marx, K. and Engels, F. (1970 [1845-1846]). The German Ideology, Part I. New York: International Publishers.

McCormack, T. (1991). Politics and the Hidden Injuries of Gender. Ottawa: CRIAW.

McCormack, Thelma (1969). “The Protestant ethic and the spirit of socialism”, British Journal of Sociology. 20(3): 266-276.

McDonald, Lynn (ed.) (1998). Women Theorists on Society and Politics. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier Press.

McDonald, Lynn (1987). The Party that Changed Canada: The New Democratic Party, Then and Now. Toronto: Macmillan.

Monture-Angus, Patricia (1999). Journeying Forward: Dreaming First Nations Independence. Halifax: Fernwood.

Piven, F. F. and Cloward, R. (1993). Regulating the Poor: The Functions of Public Welfare. New York: Vintage Books.

Putnam, Robert (2000). Bowling Alone. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Razack, Sherene (ed.) (2002). Race, Space and the Law: Unmapping a White Settler Society. Toronto: Between the Lines Press. [Select Introduction and chapter 5.]

Rose, Nikolas (1999). Powers of Freedom. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Seligman, Adam (1992). The Idea of Civil Society. New York: Free Press.

Taiaiake, Alfred (1999). Peace, power, righteousness: an indigenous manifesto. Don Mills: Oxford University Press.

Titmuss, R. M. (1969). Essays on "The Welfare State". Boston: Beacon Press.

Touraine, Alan (1998). “Sociology without society”, Current Sociology 46(2):119-143.

Weber, Max (1958 [1919]). “Politics as vocation”, in H.H. Gerth and C.W. Mills (eds and trans.) From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. (pp.77-128). New York: Oxford University Press.

Weber, Max (1958). “Bureaucracy”, in H.H. Gerth and C.W. Mills (eds and trans.) From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (pp.196-244). New York: Oxford University Press.

Wimmer, Andreas (2002). Nationalist Exclusion and Ethnic Conflict: Shadows of Modernity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. SOCIAL REGULATION READING LIST February 2005

Convenor Debi Brock Contributors Debi Brock, Anna Pratt, Peter Vandergeest, Livy Visano, and James Williams


Agrawal, Arun (2005). Environmentality: Technologies of Government and the Making of Subjects. Durham: Duke University Press.

Bhabha, Homi (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge.

Burchell, Gordon (1992). “Liberal government and techniques of the self”, Economy and Society. 22(3): 268-282.

Corrigan, Philip (1994). “Undoing the overdone state”, in Valverde, Mariana (ed.), Studies in Moral Regulation. (pp. 249-255). Toronto: Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto.

Corrigan, Philip (1981). “On moral regulation: Some preliminary remarks”, Sociological Review 29(2): 313-337.

Corrigan, Philip and Sayer, Derek (1995). The Great Arch: English State Formation as Cultural Revolution. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Dean, Mitchell (1999). Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society. London: Sage Publications.

Donzelot, Jacques (1991). “The mobilization of society” in Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon, and Peter Miller (eds), The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality. (pp. 169-179). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Douglas, Mary (1992). Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural Theory. London: Routledge.

Drayton, Richard (2000). Nature’s Government: Science, Imperial Britain, and ‘Improvement’ of the World. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Ferguson, James (1990). The Anti-Politics Machine: "Development," Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Foucault, Michel (1970). The Order of Things. New York: Vintage Books.

Foucault, Michel (1965). Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. New York: Random House.

Foucault, Michel (1990 [1976]). The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, Volume 1. (Robert Hurley (trans.)). New York: Vintage Books.

Foucault, Michel (1979). Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. (Alan Sheridan (trans.)). New York: Vintage Books.

Foucault, Michel (1991). “Governmentality” in Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon, and Peter Miller (eds), The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality with Two Lectures by and an Interview with Michel Foucault. (pp. 87-104). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Gramsci, Antonio (1992 [1929-1935]). Prison Notebooks. (Joseph A. Buttigieg and Antonio Callari (trans.)). New York: Columbia University Press.

Hardt, Michael and Negri, Antonio (2001). Empire. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Hermer, Joe (2002). Disorderly People: Law and the Politics of Exclusion. Halifax: Fernwood.

Hunt, Alan (1999). Governing Morals: A Social History of Moral Regulation. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Hunt, Alan (1999). “The purity wars: Making sense of moral militancy”. Theoretical Criminology. 3(4): 409-436.

Morrison, Toni (1992). Race-ing Justice, En-gendering Power. New York: Pantheon.

Nietzsche, Friedrich (2003[1887]). On the Genealogy of Morals. Mineola: Dover Publications.

Ravinow, Paul (ed.) (1984). The Foucault Reader. New York: Pantheon.

Rose, Nicolas (1999). Powers of Freedom: Reframing Political Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rose, Nicolas (1990). Governing the Soul: The Shaping of the Private Self. London: Routledge.

Rose, Nicolas and Miller, Peter (1992). “Political power beyond the state: The problematics of government”, British Journal of Sociology. 43(2): 173-205.

Valverde, Mariana (1998). Diseases of the Will: Alcohol and the Dilemmas of Freedom. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.

Valverde, Mariana (ed.) (1994). Studies in Moral Regulation. Toronto: Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto.

Valverde, Mariana (1993). The Age of Light, Soap, and Water: Moral Reform in English Canada, 1885-1925. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.

Valverde, Mariana and Weir, Lorna (1988). “The struggles of the immoral: Preliminary remarks on moral regulation”, Resources for Feminist Research 17(3): 31-34.

Watts, Michael (2003). “Development and governmentality”, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 24(1): 6-34.

Weber, Max (1978[1920]). Economy and Society. (Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich (eds)). Berkeley: University of California Press.


Convenor Carl James Contributors Paul Anisef, Kathy Bischoping, Lorna Erwin, Paul Grayson, Carl James, and Jos Lennards

Core Readings

Aisenberg, Nadya and Harrington, Mona (1990). Women of Academe: Outsiders in the Sacred Grove. Boston: U. of Massachusetts Press.

Apple, Michael (1979). Ideology and Curriculum. Boston: Routledge Falmer.

Axelrod, P. (1997). The Promise of Schooling: Education in Canada, 1800-1914. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Battiste, Marie A. and Barman, Jean (eds) (1995). First Nations Education in Canada: The Circle Unfolds. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Ball, S. (ed.) (2004). The Routledge Falmer Reader in Sociology of Education. London: Routledge Falmer.

Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J.C. (1990 [1977]). Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture. London: Sage.

Collins, Randall. (1979). The Credential Society; An Historical Sociology of Education and Stratification. New York: Academic Press.

Current of Thought: Sociology of Education at the Dawn of the 21st Century. (2001). Extra Issue: Sociology of Education. Vol. 74.

Deer, C. (2003). “Bourdieu on higher education: The meaning of the growing integration of educational systems and self-reflective practice”, British Journal of Sociology of Education 24(2):195-207.

Dewey, J. (1966 [1916]). Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. New York: Free Press.

Durkheim, Emile (1956 [1922]). Education and Sociology. New York: Free Press.

Luke, Carmen and Gore, Jennifer (eds) (1992). Feminisms and Critical Pedagogy. New York: Routledge.

Fischman, Gustavo, McLaren, Peter, Sunker, Heinz, and Lankshear, Colin. (eds) (2005). Critical Theories, Radical Pedagogies, and Global Conflicts. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

Freire, Paolo (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed New York: Continuum.

Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1992). “The idea of the university”, in Dieter Misgeld and Graeme Nicholson (eds), Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry, and History: Applied Hermeneutics. New York: SUNY Press.

Hallinan, Maureen (ed.) (2001). Handbook of the Sociology of Education. NewYork: Kluwer & Plenum Press. hooks, bell (1994). Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. London: Routledge.

Karabel, Jerome and Halsey, A.H. (1977). Power and Ideology in Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mac an Ghaill, M., (1996). “Sociology of education: Beyond critiques of the New Right hegemony”, British Journal of Sociology of Education 17(2): 163-176.

Mazurek, K., Winzer, M.A., and Majorek, C. (eds) (2002). Education in a Global Society: A Comparative Perspective. Toronto: Allyn & Bacon.

McCarthy, C., Crichlow, W., Dimitriatis, G. and Dolby, N. (2005). Race, Identity and Representation in Education. New York: Routledge.

Morrow, Raymond Allen and Torres, Carlos Alberto (1995). Social Theory and Education. A Critique of Theories of Social and Cultural Reproduction. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Naidoo, R. (2003). “Repositioning higher education as a global commodity: Opportunities and challenges for future sociology of education work”, British Journal of Sociology of Education 24(2):249-259.

Parsons, T. (1959). “The school class as a social system: Some of its functions in American society”, Harvard Educational Review 29:297–318.

Prentice, Alison (1999). The School Promoters: Education and Social Class in Mid-Nineteenth Century Upper Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Richardson, J. (ed.) (1986). Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood Press.

Smith, Dorothy (1987). The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology. Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Turner, R. (1960). “Sponsored and contest mobility and the school system”, American Sociological Review 25:855-867.

Watson, K. (ed.) (2001). Doing Comparative Education Research: Issues and Problems. Oxford: Symposium Press.

Wotherspoon, T. (2004). The Sociology of Education in Canada: Critical Perspectives. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press.

Weber, Max (1946). Essays in Sociology. Scarborough: Oxford U. Press. [Selection: “The ‘rationalization’ of education and training”.]

Willis, Paul E. (1977). Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs. New York: Columbia University Press.

Young, Michael F.D. (1971). Knowledge and Control: New Directions for the Sociology of Education. London: Collier-Macmillan.

Other Recommended Readings

Anisef, P., Axelrod, P., Baichman-Anisef, E., James C. and Turrittin, A. (2000). Opportunity and Uncertainty: Life Course Experiences of the Class of '73. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Apple, Michael (1999). Power, Meaning and Identity: Essays in Critical Educational Studies. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Arnot, M. (2002). Reproducing Gender? Essays on Educational Theory and Feminist Politics, London: Routledge Falmer.

Bowles, Samuel and Gintis, Herbert (1976). Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life. New York: Basic Books. [Selected chapters.]

Buchbinder, Howard and Newson, Janice (1988). University Means Business. Toronto: Garamond.

The Chilly Collective (1995). Breaking Anonymity. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University.

Collins, Randall (1971). “Functional and conflict theories of educational stratification”, American Sociological Review 36: 1002-1019.

Dance, L. Janelle (2002). Tough Fronts: The Impact of Street Culture on Schooling. New York: Routledge Falmer.

Dei, George Sefa (1996). Anti-Racism Education: Theory and Practice. Halifax: Fernwood publishing.

Dumais, S. (2002). “Cultural capital, gender, and school success: The role of habitas”, Sociology of Education. 75:44-68.

Durkheim, Emile (1973 [1902-1903]) Moral Education: A Study in the Theory and Application of the Sociology of Education. New York: Free Press.

Erwin, Lorna and MacLennan, David (eds) (1994). Sociology of Education in Canada. Toronto: Copp Clark Longman.

Entwisle, Doris, Alexander, Karl L., Olson, Linda S. (1997). Children, Schools, and Inequality. Boulder, CO: Westview.

Fine, M. (1991). Framing Dropouts: Notes on the Politics of an Urban Public High School. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Giroux, H. (2001). Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition. South Hadley: Bergin & Garvey.

Halsey, A.H., Lauder, H. Brown, P. & Wells, A.S., (eds) (1997). Education: Culture, Economy, and Society. Oxford: Oxford U. Press.

Kao, G. and Tienda, M. (1995). “Optimism and achievement: The educational performance of immigrant youth”, Social Science Quarterly 76:1-19.

Kozol, Jonathan. (2005). The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America New York: Crown Publishers.

Kuhn, Thomas (1996). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Magnusson, Jamie-Lynn (1999). “The evaluation of university teaching: Exploring the question of resistance”, in Kay Armatage (ed.), Equity and How to Get It: Rescuing Graduate Studies. Toronto: Inanna.

McLaren, Peter (1998). Life in Schools: An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Foundations of Education. New York: Longman

Mehan, H. (1992). “Understanding inequality in schools: The contribution of interpretive studies”, Sociology of Education 65 (1): 1-20.

Monture-Angus, Patricia (1995). Thunder in My Soul: A Mohawk Woman Speaks. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Middleton, C. (2000). “Models of the state and market in 'modernisation' of higher education”, British Journal of Sociology of Education 21(4):537-554.

Moore, R. and Young, M. (2001). “Knowledge and the curriculum in the sociology of education: Towards a reconceptualisation”, British Journal of Sociology of Education 22(4): 445-461.

Oakes, Jeannie (1985). Keeping Track: How Schools Structure Inequality. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Portelli, John P. and Solomon , R. Patrick (2001). The Erosion of Democracy in Education: Critique to Possibilities. Calgary: Detselig.

Roman, L.G. and Eyre, L. (1997). Dangerous Territories: Struggles for Difference and Equality in Education. New York: Routledge.

Sadowski, Michael (2003). Adolescents at School: Perspectives on Youth, Identity, and Education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Stone, Lynda (ed.) (1994). The Education Feminism Reader. New York: Routledge.

Sullivan, A. (2001). “Cultural capital and educational attainment”, Sociology. 35:4:893-912.

Tudiver, N. (1999). Universities for Sale. Toronto: James Lorimer.

Weis, L. (1990). Working Class without Work: High-School Students in a De-industrializing Economy. New York: Routledge.

Yon, Daniel A. (2000). Elusive Culture: Schooling, Race and Identity in Global Times. New York: SUNY Press.


Convenor Mark Thomas Contributors Tania Das Gupta, Sam Ladner, Carla Lipsig-Mumme, Meg Luxton, Norene Pupo, Mark Thomas, Ester Reiter

Core Readings

Andrew, Caroline, Armstrong, Pat, Armstrong, Hugh, Clement, Wallace and Vosko, Leah (eds) (2003). Studies in Political Economy: Developments in Feminism. Toronto: Women’s Press.

Armstrong, Pat and Armstrong, Hugh (2001). The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and Their Segregated Work. (3rd ed.). Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Baldoz, Rick, Koeber, Charles, and Kraft, Philip (eds) (2001). The Critical Study of Work: Labor, Technology, and Global Production. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Braverman, Harry (1974). Labor and Monopoly Capital; the Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century. New York: Monthly Review.

Burawoy, Michael (1979). Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process Under Monopoly Capitalism. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.

Burawoy, M., Blum, J.A., George, S., Gille, Z., Gowan, T., Haney, L., Klawiter, M., Lopez, S., Ó Riain, S., and Thayer, M. (2000). Global Ethnography. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Cowie, Jefferson. (1999). Capital moves : RCA's seventy-year quest for cheap labor. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Edwards, Richard (1979). Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century. New York: Basic Books.

Glazer, Nona Y. (1993). Women's Paid and Unpaid Labor: The Work Transfer in Health Care and Retailing. Philadelphia: Temple U. Press.

Harris, Nigel (1995). The New Untouchables: Immigration and the New World Worker. London and New York: I.B. Tauris.

Hochschild, A.R. and Ehrenreich, B. (eds) (2003). Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy. New York: Metropolitan Books.

Luxton, Meg (1980). More Than a Labour of Love. Toronto: Women's Press.

Luxton, Meg and Corman, June (2001). Getting By in Hard Times: Gendered Labour at Home and on the Job. Toronto: U. Toronto Press.

Macdonald, Cameron Lynne and Sirianni, Carmen (eds) (1996). Working in the Service Society. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Marx, Karl (1976 [1867]). Capital, vol. 1. (Ben Fowkes (trans.)). Toronto: Random House. [In its entirety and especially: “The sale and purchase of labour-power”, “The labour process and the valorization process”, and “The working day”.]

Rinehart, James (2006). The Tyranny of Work. (5th ed.). Scarborough: Nelson.

Silver, Beverly J. (2003). Forces of Labor: Workers’ Movements and Globalization since 1870. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Vosko, Leah F. (2000). Temporary Work: The Gendered Rise of a Precarious Employment Relationship. Toronto: U. of Toronto Press.

Weber, Max (1970). “Bureaucracy”, in H.H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills (eds and trans.), From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. (pp.196- 244). London: Routledge.

Zinn, Howard, Frank, Dana and Kelley, Robin D.G. (2001). Three Strikes: Miners, Musicians, Salesgirls, and the Fighting Spirit of Labor's Last Century. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Other Recommended Readings

Burchell, B., Ladipo, D. and Wilkinson, F. (eds) (2002). Job Insecurity and Work Intensification. London and New York: Routledge.

Chang, Grace (2000). Disposable Domestics: Immigrant Women Workers in the Global Economy. Cambridge, MA: South End Press.

Creese, Gillian (1999). Contracting Masculinity: Gender, Class, and Race in a White-Collar Union, 1944-94. Toronto: Oxford U. Press

Munger, Frank (2001). Laboring Below the Line: The New Ethnography of Poverty, Low-Wage Work, and Survival in the Global Economy. New York: Russell Sage.

Panitch, Leo and Swartz, Donald (2003). From Consent to Coercion: The Assault on Trade Union Freedoms. (3rd ed.). Toronto: Garamond.

Sassen, Saskia (1998). Globalization and its Discontents: Essays on the New Mobility of People and Money. New York: The New Press.

Steedman, Mercedes (1997). Angels of the Workplace: Women and the Construction of Gender Relations in the Canadian Clothing Industry, 1890- 1940. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Stanford, Jim and Leah F. Vosko (eds) (2004). Challenging the Market: The Struggle to Regulate Work and Income. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Wardell, M., T.L. Steiger, and P. Meiksins (eds) (1999). Rethinking the Labor Process. Albany: SUNY Press.

Womack, James P., Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos (1990). The Machine that Changed the World. New York: Rawson. CLASSICAL THEORY READING LIST JUNE 2006

Convenor Jos Lennards Contributors Jay Goulding, Fuyuki Kurasawa, Jos Lennards, Brian Singer, and Philip Walsh

Core Readings

Adorno, Theodor W. (1989). “The culture industry reconsidered”, in Stephen Eric Bronner and Douglas Mackay Kellner (eds), Critical Theory and Society: A Reader. (pp.128-135). New York: Routledge.

Adorno, Theodor W., Frenkel-Brunswik, Else, Levinson, Daniel J., Sanford, R. Nevitt (1989 [1950]). “Introduction to The Authoritarian Personality”, in Stephen Eric Bronner and Douglas Mackay Kellner (eds), Critical Theory and Society: A Reader. (pp.219-232). New York: Routledge.

Antonio, Robert J. (ed.) (2003). Marx and Modernity: Key Readings and Commentary. London: Blackwell.

Du Bois, W.E.B. (1995 [1903]). The Souls of Black Folk. New York: Signet.

Durkheim, Emile. (1982 [1895]). Rules of Sociological Method. (S. Lukes (ed.), W.D. Halls (trans.)). New York: Free Press.

Durkheim, Emile (1984 [1893]). The Division of Labor in Society. (W.D. Halls (trans.)) London: MacMillan.

Durkheim, Emile (1987 [1897]). Suicide. (G. Simpson (ed.), J.A. Spaulding and G. Simpson (trans.)). New York: Free Press.

Durkheim, Emile. (1995 [1912]). The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. (K.E. Fields (ed.)). New York: Free Press.

Emirbayer, Mustafa (ed.) (2003). Emile Durkheim: Sociologist of Modernity. London: Blackwell.

Freud, Sigmund (1961 [1930]). Civilization and Its Discontents. New York: Norton.

Horkheimer, Max (1972). Critical Theory: Selected Essays. (trans. M. O’Connell). New York: Seabury Press. [Selection: “Traditional and critical theory”, pp.188-243.]

Langermann, Patricia Madoo and Niebrugge-Brantley, Jill (2003). “Classical feminist social theory”, in George Ritzer and Barry Smart (eds), Handbook of Social Theory. (pp.125-137). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Lukàcs, Georg (1971 [1923]). History and Class Consciousness. (R. Livingstone (trans.)). London: Merlin. [Selection: pp.83-110.]

Martineau, Harriet. (1981 [1837]) Society in America. (S.M. Lipset (ed.)). New Brunswick: Transaction.

Marx, Karl (1978 [1844]). “The economic and philosophical manuscripts of 1844”, in R. Tucker (ed.), The Marx-Engels Reader. (pp.66-125). New York: Norton.

Marx, Karl (1978 [1848]) “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, in R. Tucker (ed.), The Marx-Engels Reader. (pp.473-500). New York: Norton

Marx, Karl. (1976 [1867]) Capital, vol. 1. (B. Fowkes (trans.)). Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Mead, George Herbert (1934). Mind, Self & Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist. (Charles W. Morris (ed.)). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Pollock, Frederick (1989 [1941]). “State capitalism: Its possibilities and limitations”, in Stephen Eric Bronner and Douglas Mackay Kellner (eds), Critical Theory and Society. A Reader. (pp.95-118). New York: Routledge.

Ritzer, George and Douglas J. Goodman (2004). Classical Sociological Theory. (4th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.

Schutz, Alfred (1970 [1932]). Alfred Schutz on Phenomenology and Social Relations: Selected Writings. (Helmut R Wagner (ed.)). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Simmel, Georg (1971). On Individuality and Social Forms: Selected Writings (Donald N. Levine (ed.)). Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.

Simmel, Georg (2004 [1900]). The Philosophy of Money. (3rd rev. ed.). (David Frisby (ed.), Tom Bottomore and David Frisby (trans.)). New York: Routledge, Chapman and Hill. [Selection: “The style of life”, pp.429-512.]

Tönnies, F. (1988 [1887]). Community and Society. (C. P. Loomis (trans.)). New Brunswick: Transaction.

Weber, Max (2002 [1904-1905]). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. (S. Kalberg (trans.)). Los Angeles: Roxbury.

Weber, Max (1978 [1922]). Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology (G. Roth and C. Wittich (eds and trans.)). Berkeley: University of California Press. [Selections: “Basic sociological terms”, vol.1, part 1, pp.3-62; “Religious groups (The sociology of religion)”, vol. 1, part 2, pp.399-634).]

Weber, Max (1946). From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. (H.H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills (eds and trans.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Wollstonecraft, Mary (1995 [1792]). A Vindication of the Rights of Men ; with, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, and Hints. (S. Tomaselli (ed.)). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Selection: “A vindication of the rights of woman.”]

Other Recommended Readings

Alexander, Jeffrey C. (1996). “The centrality of the classics”, in Stephen Turner (ed.), Social Theory and Sociology: The Classics and Beyond. (pp.21-38). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

Aron, Raymond (1998). Main Currents in Sociological Thought. (2 vols). New Brunswick. N.J.: Transaction.

Calhoun, Craig (1996). “Whose classics? Which readings? Interpretation and cultural difference in the canonization of sociological theory”, in Stephen Turner (ed.), Social Theory and Sociology: The Classics and Beyond. (pp.70-96). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

Camic, Charles (ed.) (1997). Reclaiming the Sociological Classics: the State of the Scholarship. Malden, MA. Blackwell.

Collins, Randall (1986). Weberian Sociological Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. [Selection: “Weber’s last theory of capitalism”, pp.19-44.]

Collins, Randall (1994). Four Sociological Traditions. New York: Oxford.

Durkheim, Emile, Tönnies, Ferdinand, and Aldous, Joan (1972). “An exchange between Durkheim and Tönnies on the nature of social relations with an introduction by Joan Aldous”, American Journal of Sociology 77:1191-1200.

Frisby, David (1992). Simmel and Since : Essays on Simmel's Social Theory. New York: Routledge.

Heilbron, Johan (1995). The Rise of Social Theory. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Martin, Jay (1973). The Dialectical Imagination. A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research, 1923-1950. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

Kalberg, Stephen (ed.). (2005). Max Weber: Readings and Commentary on Modernity. Cambridge MA: Blackwell.

Levine, Donald N. (1995). Visions of the Sociological Tradition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ritzer, George (ed.) (2003). The Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

Zeitlin, Irving (2001). Ideology and the Development of Sociological Theory. (7th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


Convenor Philip Walsh Contributors Greg Bird, Jay Goulding, Barbara Hanson, Fuyuki Kurasawa, Kumudu Kumara, Diego Llovet, Michael Nijhawan, Marcia Oliver, John O'Neill, Brian Singer, James Williams


Arendt, Hannah (1988). The Human Condition (2nd ed.) Chicago: University of Chicago.

Balibar, E. (2004). We, the People of Europe?: Reflections on Transnational Citizenship. Princeton: Princeton U. Press

Barthes, Roland (1972). Mythologies. London: Cape.

Baudrillard, Jean (1995). Simulacra and Simulation (trans. Sheila Glaser). Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Press.

Benhabib, Seyla (1992). ‘Models of public space: Hannah Arendt, the liberal tradition and Jürgen Habermas’, in Calhoun, C. and Calhoun, G. (eds), Habermas and the Public Sphere. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Benhabib, Seyla (1992). Situating the Self: Gender, Community, and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics. New York: Routledge.

Benhabib, Seyla, Butler, Judith, Cornell, Drucilla, and Fraser, Nancy (1995) Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange (L. Nicholson (intro.)). New York: Routledge.

Berger, Peter and Luckmann, Thomas (1967). The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. New York: Anchor Doubleday.

Bhabha, Homi (1992). ‘The Other question: The stereotype and colonial discourse’, in Merck, Mandy and Creed, Barbara (eds.) The Sexual Subject: A Reader in Sexuality. London: Routledge.

Bhavnani, Kum-Kum (ed.) (2000). Feminism and ‘Race’. London: Oxford University Press

Blum, Alan (1974). Theorizing. London: Heinemann.

Blumer, H. (1969). Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall

Bourdieu, Pierre (1977). Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bourdieu, Pierre (1984). Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (Nice, Richard (trans.)). Cambridge: Harvard U. Press.

Bourdieu, Pierre (1990). The Logic of Practice (Nice, Richard (trans.)). Stanford: Stanford University Press

Bourdieu, Pierre (1991). Language and Symbolic Power. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [In its entirety or selection: "Social space and the genesis of classes"]

Bourdieu, Pierre and Loic J. D. Wacquant (1992). An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Brown, Wendy (1995). States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Butler, Judith (1993). Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of ‘Sex’. New York: Routledge.

Butler, Judith (2004). Undoing Gender. New York: Routledge.

Calhoun, Craig (1995). "The standpoint of critique? Feminist theory, social structure, and learning from experience" in Critical Social Theory. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Collins, Patricia Hill (1990). Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. Boston: Unwin Hyman.

Connell, R.W. (2002). Gender. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Das Veena, A. Kleinman, M. Ramphele & P. Reynolds (eds) (2000). Violence and Subjectivity. Berkeley: University of California Press. de Beauvoir, Simone (1957). The Second Sex. (H.M. Parsley (trans. and ed.)).New York: Knopf. de Certeau, Michel (1984). The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Dean, Jodie (1996). Solidarity of Strangers: Feminism after Identity Politics. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Dean, Mitchell (1999). Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society. London: Sage.

Debord, Guy (1994). Society of the Spectacle (Nicholson-Smith, Donald (trans.)). New York: Zone Books

Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari (1983). Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (Hurley, R., Seem, M., and Lane, H.R (trans)). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari (1988). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (Massumi, Brian (trans)). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Derrida, Jacques (2001). On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness. London: Routledge.

Devji, Faisal. Landscapes of the Jihad: Militancy, Morality, Modernity. Cornell University Press, 2005.

Elshtain, Jean Bethke (1993). Public Man, Private Woman: Women in Social and Political Thought. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Foucault, Michel (1978). The History of Sexuality, Vol I: An Introduction (Hurley, R (trans.)). New York: Pantheon.

Foucault, Michel (1979). Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. (Sheridan, Alan (trans.)). New York: Vintage Books.

Foucault, Michel (1980) Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977 (Gordon, Colin (ed.)). Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Press.

Foucault, Michel (1984). "What is Enlightenment" in Rabinow, Paul (ed.) The Foucault Reader. New York: Pantheon Books.

Fraser, Nancy (1992). "The uses and abuses of French discourse theories for feminist politics," in Fraser, Nancy and Bartky, Sandra Lee (eds.) (1992). Revaluing French Feminism: Critical Essays on Difference, Agency and Culture. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Fraser, Nancy (1992). "Was there ever a public sphere? If so, when? Reflections on the American case," in Calhoun, Craig (ed.) (1992). Habermas and the Public Sphere. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1989). Truth and Method. New York: Crossroad.

Garfinkel, Harold (1967). Studies in Ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

Giddens, Anthony (1990). The Consequences of Modernity. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Giddens, Anthony and Turner, Johnathan H. (1987). Social Theory Today. Cambridge: Polity.

Gilroy, Paul (1993). The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Glaser, B.G. and Strauss, A. (1967). The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. Chicago: Aldine.

Goffman, Erving (1963). Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

Goffman, Erving (1974). Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. Cambridge: Harvard U. Press.

Gramsci, Antonio (1991- 1996). The Prison Notebooks, Vol. 1&2. New York: Columbia.

Grosz, Elizabeth A. (1994). Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Habermas, Jurgen (1979). The Theory of Communicative Action, Vols. 1 & 2. (trans. T. McCarthy). Boston: Beacon Press.

Haraway, Donna J. (1991). Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. New York: Routledge

Heidegger, Martin (1996). Being and Time. Albany: SUNY Press.

Hekman, Susan (ed.) (1996) Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. hooks, bell (1989). Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Boston: South End Press

Horkheimer, M. and Adorno, T. W. (2002). Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments. (Jephcott, E. (trans.)) Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Irigaray, Luce (1985 [1977]). This Sex Which Is Not One. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Kristeva, Julia (1986) The Kristeva Reader (Moi, Toril (ed.)). New York: Columbia University Press.

Lemert, Charles (1997). Postmodernism is Not What You Think. Malden: Blackwell.

Luhmann, Niklas (1995). Social Systems. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Marcuse, H. (1964). One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society. Boston: Beacon Press.

McHugh, P., Raffel, S., Foss, D. and Blum, A. (1974). On the Beginning of Social Inquiry. London: Routledge, Kegan Paul.

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1968). The Visible and the Invisible: Followed by working notes (Lingis, Alphonso (trans.)). Evanston: Northwestern University Press.

Merton, Robert K. (1993). Social Structure and Anomie. New York: Irvington Publishers.

Mitchell, Juliet (1984). Women, the Longest Revolution: Essays on Feminism, Literature and Psychoanalysis. London: Virago.

O’Neill, John (1989). The Communicative Body: Studies in Communicative Philosophy, Politics, and Sociology. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.

Parsons, Talcott (1964). The Social System. New York: The Free Press.

Parsons, Talcott (1967). Structure of Social Action: A Study in Social Theory with Special Reference to a Group of Recent European Writers. New York: The Free Press.

Poster, Mark (1989). Critical Theory and Poststructuralism: In Search of a Context. Ithaca: Cornell.University Press

Radnitzky, Gerard (1970). Contemporary Schools of Metascience. Göteborg: Adkaemiförlaget.

Rapoport, A. (1972). ‘The search for simplicity’, in Laszlo, E. (ed.). The Relevance of General Systems Theory. (pp. 13-30). New York: George Braziller.

Ricoeur, Paul (1992). Oneself as Another (Blarney, Kathleen (trans.)). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Rose, Nikolas (1999). Powers of Freedom: Reframing Political Thought. New York: Cambridge

Schutz, Alfred (1967). The Phenomenology of the Social World. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.

Schutz, Alfred (1982-1996 [1899-1959]). Collected Papers. (Natanson, Maurice (ed.)). Hague: M. Nijhoff.

Scott, Joan (1990). “Deconstructing equality-versus-difference: Or, the uses of poststructuralist theory for feminism”, in Hirsch, M. and Keller, E. F. (eds.) (1990), Conflicts in Feminism. New York: Routledge.

Smith, D. E. (1987). The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Spivak, Gayatri (1990). The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies and Dialogues. (Harasym, Sarah (ed.)). London: Routledge.

Taylor, Charles (1988). Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Selections: “Identity and the good”, “The affirmation of ordinary life”]

Trinh, T. Minh-ha (1989). Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Wagner, Peter. Theorizing Modernity: Inescapability and Attainability in Social Theory. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage, 2001

Wallerstein, Immanuel (2000). The Essential Wallerstein. New York: New Press.

Watzlawick, P. (1984). The Invented Reality. New York: W.W. Norton.


Convenor Kathy Bischoping Contributors Kathy Bischoping, Debi Brock, Julia Hemphill, Yuzhen Liu, Meg Luxton, Nancy Mandell, Aryn Martin, Thelma McCormack, Radhika Mongia, Marcia Oliver, Kate Pendakis, Leah Vosko, and Lorna Weir


First-Wave Feminism

Bebel, August (1996 [1885]). Woman in the Past, Present, and Future. (M. Donald (intro.)). London: Zwan. [Translation of: Die Frau und der Socialismus.]

DuBois, Ellen C. (1980). Feminism and Suffrage: The Emergence of an Independent Women's Movement in America, 1848-1869. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Engels, F. (1985 [1884]). The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. (M. Barrett (intro.)). Harmondsworth, England: Penguin. [Selections: pp.25-148 or entire text.]

Ferguson, Moira (ed.) (1985). First Feminists: British Women Writers 1587-1799. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Freud, Sigmund (1931) ‘Female sexuality’, in Strachey, James (ed.), The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud 21:223-243. New York: W.W. Norton.

Freud, Sigmund (1905) ‘Three essays on the theory of sexuality’, in Strachey, James (ed.), The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Standard Edition 7:125-145. New York: W.W. Norton.

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1999). The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader (A. Lane (ed. and intro.)). Charlottesville: U. Press of Virginia.

Goldman, Emma (1970). The Traffic in Women and Other Essays on Feminism. Ojai, CA: Times Change Press. [Note: ‘The traffic in women’ was 1st published ca 1910.]

Jayawardena, Kumari (1982). Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. The Hague: Institute of Social Studies.

McDonald, Lynn (ed.) (1998). Women Theorists on Society and Politics. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. [Renaissance to 19th century works by Emilie du Châtelet, Germaine de Staël, Catharine Macaulay, Mary Wollstonecraft, Flora Tristan, Harriet Martineau, Florence Nightingale, Beatrice Webb and Jane Addam.]

Mill, Harriet Taylor (1994 [1851]). ‘Enfranchisement of women’, in Robson, Ann P. and Robson, John M. (eds), Sexual Equality: Writings by John Stuart Mill, Harriet Taylor Mill, and Helen Taylor. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Mill, John Stuart (2002 [1859]). The Basic Writings of John Stuart Mill: On Liberty, The Subjection of Women, and Utilitarianism. (J.B. Schneewind (intro.)) New York: Modern Library. [Selections: On Liberty [1869] and The Subjection of Women [1851].]

Offen, K. (2000). European Feminisms 1700- 1950: A Political History. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Parsons, Talcott (1955). ‘The American family: Its relations to personality and to the social structure’, in Parsons, Talcott and Bales, Robert (eds), Family Socialization and Interaction Process (pp.3-33). Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press.

Painter, Nell Irvin (1996). Sojourner Truth: A Life, A Symbol. New York: W. W. Norton. [Selection: ‘Ar’n’t I a Woman?’ chapter.]

Sacks, Karen (1990). ‘The class roots of feminism’, in Ruth, Sheila (ed.), Issues in Feminism: An Introduction to Women’s Studies. (2nd ed.). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.

6 This compilation of recommendations is sorted, for now, by period; further work to identify the core readings should be done. Thompson, William (1983 [1825]). Appeal of One half of the Human Race, Women, against the Pretensions of the Other Half, Men, to Retain Them in Political and thence in Civil and Domestic Slavery. (R. Pankhurst (intro.)). London: Virago.

Truth, Sojourner (2006 [1851]). ‘Ar’n’t I a Woman?’. Speech to the Women’s Convention, Akron, Ohio.'n't_I_a_Woman%3F, accessed June 4, 2006.

Wollstonecraft, Mary (1995 [1792]). ‘A vindication of the rights of woman’, in Tomaselli, S. (ed.) A Vindication of the Rights of Men; with, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, and Hints. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Second Wave Feminism Begins

Beneria, Lourdes (1979). ‘Reproduction, production and the sexual division of labor’, Cambridge Journal of Economics 3(3): 203-225.

Chodorow, Nancy (1978). The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender. Berkeley, CA: U. of California Press.

Combahee River Collective (1979 [1977]) ‘A Black feminist statement’, in Eisenstein, Zillah (ed.) Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism. New York: Monthly Review Press. de Beauvoir, Simone (1957). The Second Sex. (H.M. Parsley (trans. and ed.)). New York: Knopf.

Firestone, S. (1970). : The Case for Feminist Revolution. New York: Morrow.

Foucault, Michel (1978 [1976]). History of Sexuality, vol.1. New York: Random House.

Friedan, Betty (1964). The Feminine Mystique. New York: Dell.

Irigaray, Luce (1985 [1977]). This Sex Which Is Not One. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Millet, Kate (1970). Sexual Politics. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

Mitchell, Juliet. (1971). Woman's Estate. New York: Pantheon.

Moi, Toril (1994). : The Making of an Intellectual Woman. Oxford: Blackwell.

Rowbotham, Sheila (1972). Women, Resistance and Revolution. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

The 1980s

Adamson, Nancy, Briskin, Linda, and McPhail, Margaret (1988). Feminist Organizing for Change: The Contemporary Women’s Movement in Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press. [Selection: pp.97-162 on socialist feminism.]

Alcoff, Linda (1988). ‘Cultural feminism versus poststructuralism: The identity crisis in feminist theory’, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 13(3):405-436.

Allen, Paula G. (1986) The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions. Boston: Beacon Press.

Barrett, Michele (1988). Women’s Oppression Today: The Marxist/Feminist Encounter. (revised ed.) London: Verso. [Selections: both pp. 8-41 of the 1980 edition and the entire 1988 revised edition are recommended.]

Benston, Margaret (1989). ‘The political economy of women’s liberation’, Monthly Review December: 31-43.

Carby, Hazel (1982). ‘White woman listen! Black feminism and the boundaries of sisterhood’ in Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (ed.), The Empire Strikes Back: Race and Racism in 70s Britain. London: Hutchinson in association with Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, University of Birmingham.

Davis, Angela (1981). Women, Race & Class. New York: Vintage.

De Lauretis, Teresa (1987). Technologies of Gender: Essays on Theory, Film and Fiction. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Fraser, Nancy (1989). Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory. Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota Press.

Haraway, Donna (1988). ‘Situated knowledges: The science question in feminism as a site of discourse on the privilege of partial perspective’, Feminist Studies 14(3): 575-99. hooks, bell (1989). Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Boston: South End Press.

King, Deborah (1988). ‘Multiple jeopardy, multiple consciousness: The context of a Black feminist ideology’, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 14(11):42-72.

Kristeva, Julia (1980) Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art. New York: Columbia University Press.

Kristeva, Julia (1982). Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection. New York: Columbia University Press.

Kristeva, Julia (1986) The Kristeva Reader (Toril Moi (ed.)). New York: Columbia University Press.

Lorde, Audre (1984). Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Trumansburg: The Crossings Press.

MacKinnon, Catharine (1989). Toward a Feminist Theory of the State. Boston: Harvard U. Press. [Selections: 157-169, 215-234.]

Mani, Lata (1990). ‘Multiple mediations: Feminist scholarship in the age of multinational reception’, Feminist Review 35: 24-41.

Mani, Lata (1989). ‘Contentious traditions: The debate on sati in colonial India’, in Sangari, Kumkum and Vaid, Sudesh (eds), Recasting Women: Essays in Colonial History. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Marks, E. and de Courtivron, I. (eds) (1981). New French Feminisms: An Anthology. New York: Schocken Books.

Maroney, H. Luxton, J. and Luxton, M. (eds), Feminism and Political Economy: Women’s Work, Women’s Struggles (pp. 5-28). Toronto: Methuen.

Mitchell, J. and Oakley, A. (1986). What Is Feminism? New York: Pantheon Books.

Moraga, Cherrie and Anzaldúa, Gloria (eds) (1981). This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press.

Offen, Karen (1988). ‘Defining feminism: A comparative historical approach’, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 14(11):119- 157.

Pateman, Carole (1988). The Sexual Contract. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [Selections: pp.1-38, 154-188.]

Scott, Joan (1986). ‘Gender: A useful category in historical analysis’, American Historical Review 91: 1053-1075.

Smith, Dorothy E. (1987). The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology. Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Spivak, Gayatri (1988). ‘Can the subaltern speak?’, in Nelson, C. and Grossberg, L. (eds), Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture (pp. 271-313). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Spivak, Gayatri (1987). In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics. New York: Methuen. [Selection: ‘French feminism in an international frame’ (pp.134-153).]

Trinh, T. Minh-ha (1989). Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Young, Iris Marion (1980). ‘Socialist feminism and the limits of dual systems theory’, Socialist Review. 50(5): 169-188.

Yuval-Davis, Nira and Anthias, Floya (1989). Woman, Nation, State. New York: St. Martin’s Press. [Selection: Introduction.] 1990s Works

Anzaldúa, Gloria (ed.) (1990). Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendos Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color. San Francisco: Aunt Lute. [Selections: Norma Alarcón chapter on ‘The theoretical subject(s) of This Bridge Called My Back’.]

Alexander, M. Jacqui and Mohanty, Chandra Talpade (eds) (1997). Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies, Democratic Futures. New York: Routledge. [Selections: Alexander chapter or entire collection.]

Anthias, Floya and Yuval-Davis, Nira (1990). “Contextualizing feminism - Gender, ethnic and class divisions’, in Lovell, Terry (ed.) British Feminist Thought: A Reader (pp.103-118). Oxford: Blackwell.

Bartky, Sandra Lee (1990). Femininity and Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression. New York: Routledge. [Selection: ‘Foucault, femininity, and the modernization of patriarchal power’.]

Benhabib, Seyla, Butler, Judith, Cornell, Drucilla, and Fraser, Nancy (1995). Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange (L. Nicholson (intro.)). New York: Routledge.

Berlant, Lauren Gail (1997). The Queen of America Goes to Washington City: Essays on Sex and Citizenship. Durham, NC: Duke U. Press.

Bhabha, Homi (1992). ‘The Other question: The stereotype and colonial discourse’, in Screen (Merck, Mandy and Creed, Barbara) (ed.), The Sexual Subject: A Screen Reader in Sexuality (pp. 312-331). London: Routledge.

Braidotti, Rosi (1994). Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory. New York: Columbia University Press.

Brown, Wendy (1995). States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [Selections: pp.96- 234, 235-265.]

Brown, Wendy (1997). ‘The impossibility of Women’s Studies’, Differences 9(3):79-101.

Brunt, Alison and Rose, Gillian (1994). Writing, Women and Space: Colonial and Post-Colonial Geographies. New York: Guilford.

Butler, Judith (1993). Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of ‘Sex’. New York: Routledge.

Butler, Judith (1999). Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York: Routledge.

Butler, Judith and Scott, Joan W. (eds) (1992). Feminists Theorize the Political. New York: Routledge.

Code, Lorraine (1991). What Can She Know? Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Collins, Patricia Hill (1990). Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. Boston: Unwin Hyman.

Cornell, Drucilla (1998). At the Heart of Freedom: Feminism, Sex, and Equality. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [Chapter 6.]

Crenshaw, Kimberle (1993). ‘Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A Black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and anti-racist politics’, in Weisberg, D. Kelly (ed.), Feminist Legal Theory: Foundations. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Dean, Jodie (1996). Solidarity of Strangers: Feminism after Identity Politics. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Diprose, Rosalyn (1994). The Bodies of Women: Ethics, Embodiment and Sexual Difference. London: Routledge.

Dua, E. and Robertson, A. (eds) (1999). Scratching the Surface: Canadian Anti-Racist Feminist Thought. Toronto: Women’s Press.

Eisenstein, Zillah (1993). The Radical Future of Liberal Feminism. (Revised ed.) Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Felski, Rita (1995). The Gender of Modernity. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Gibson-Graham, J.K. (1996). The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It): A Feminist Critique of Political Economy. Oxford: Blackwell.

Glucksmann, Miriam (1990). Women Assemble: Women Workers and the New Industries in Inter-War Britain. London: Routledge.

Grosz, Elizabeth A. (1994). Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Grosz, Elizabeth (1990). ‘Conclusion: A note on essentialism and difference’, in Gunew, Sneja (ed.), Feminist Knowledge: Critique and Construct. (pp.332-344). London: Routledge.

Guillaumin, Colette (1995 [1992]). Racism, , Power and Ideology. New York: Routledge.

Haraway, Donna (1991). Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. New York, NY: Routledge.

Harding, Sandra (1993). ‘Rethinking standpoint epistemology: What is strong objectivity?’ in Alcoff, L. and Potter, E. (eds.). Feminist Epistemologies. (pp. 49-82). London: Routledge.

Hartsock, Nancy (1997). ‘The feminist standpoint: Developing the ground for a specifically feminist historical materialism’, in Meyers, D. (ed.), Feminist Social Thought: A Reader. (pp. 462-483). London: Routledge.

Hekman, Susan (ed.) (1996) Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Hennessy, Rosemary (1993). Materialist Feminism and the Politics of Discourse. New York: Routledge. hooks, bell (1999). ‘Black women: Shaping feminist theory’ in Pearsall, M. (ed.) Women and Values: Readings in Recent Feminist Philosophy. (pp. 25-33). Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing.

Ingraham, Chrys and Hennessy, Rosemary (eds) (1997). Materialist Feminism: A Reader in Class, Difference, and Women’s Lives. New York and London: Routledge. [Selections: ‘Transgender liberation’ chapter by Feinberg (pp.227-235), pp.110-128.]

Irigaray, Luce (1993). Sexes and Genealogies. (G. Gill (trans.)). New York: Columbia University Press.

Jaggar, Alison (1998). ‘Globalizing feminist ethics’, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 13(2):7-31.

Kandiyoti, D. (1991). ‘Identity and its discontents: Women and the nation’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies. 20 (3):429-433.

Lionnet, Francoise (1992). ‘Feminisms and universalisms: “Universal rights” and the legal debate around the practice of female excision in France’, Inscriptions 6: 97-113.

McClintock, Anne (1997). ‘“No longer in a future heaven”: Gender, race, and nationalism’, in McClintock, Anne, Mufti, Aamir and Shohat, Ella (eds, for the Social Text Collective), Dangerous Liaisons: Gender, Nations, and Postcolonial Perspectives. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Menon, Nivedita (1993). ‘Abortion and the law: Questions for feminism’, Revue Femmes et Droit/Canadian Journal of Women and the Law. 6(1):103-118.

Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, Russo, Ann, and Torres, Lourdes (eds) (1991). Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press. [Selections: Lee chapter on ‘Notes from the (non)field: Teaching and theorizing women of color’ or entire text.]

Narayan, Uma (1997). Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third-World Feminism. New York: Routledge.

Nicholson, Linda (ed.) (1997). The Second Wave: A Reader in Feminist Theory. New York: Routledge. [This collection contains works by many of the authors in this list, including Norma Alarcón, Linda Alcoff, Judith Butler, Nancy Chodorow, Patricia Hill Collins, The Combahee River Collective, Simone de Beauvoir, Nancy Hartsock, Luce Irigaray, Gayatri Spivak, and Monique Wittig.]

Rose, Gillian (1996). Love’s Work: A Reckoning with Life. New York: Schocken.

Rowbotham, Sheila (1999). Threads through Time: Writings on History and Autobiography. London: Penguin. [Selection: ‘Dear Dr. Marx: A letter from a socialist feminist’.]

Rowland, Robyn and Klein, Renate (1990). ‘Radical feminism: Critique and construct’, in Gunew, Sneja (ed.). Feminist Knowledge: Critique and Construct (pp. 271-304). London: Routledge.

Schein, Louisa (1996). ‘Multiple alterities: The contouring of gender in Miao and Chinese nationalisms’, in Williams, Brackette F. (ed.), Women out of Place: The Gender of Agency and the Race of Nationality. New York: Routledge.

Scott, Joan (1990). ‘Deconstructing equality-versus-difference: Or, the uses of poststructuralist theory for feminism’, in Hirsch, M. and Keller, E. F. (eds.), Conflicts in Feminism (pp.134-148). New York: Routledge.

Shohat, Ella (ed.) (1998). Talking Visions: Multicultural Feminisms in a Transnational Age. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Sinha, Mrinalini (1995). Colonial Masculinity: The ‘Manly Englishman’ and the ‘Effeminate Bengali’ in the Late Nineteenth Century. New York: St. Martin’s.

Smith, Dorothy E. (1990). The Conceptual Practices of Power: A Feminist Sociology of Knowledge. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Spivak, Gayatri (1990). The Post-Colonial Critic. (Harasym, Sarah (ed.)). London: Routledge.

Stoler, Ann Laura (1995). Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault’s History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things. Durham: Duke University Press.

Threfall, Monica (ed.) (1996). Mapping the Women’s Movement: Feminist Politics and Social Transformation in the North. London: Verso. [Selection: Sheila Rowbotham’s ‘Mapping the women’s movement’, pp.1-16, or entire text.]

Tong, R.P. (1998). Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction. (2nd ed.). Boulder: Westview.

Weedon, Chris (1997). Feminist Practice and Post-Structralist Theory. (2nd ed.). New York: Blackwell.

Williams, Patricia J. (1991). The Alchemy of Race and Rights. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Wittig, Monique (1992) The Straight Mind and Other Essays. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Yegenoglu, Meyda (1998) Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist Reading of Orientalism. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. [Selections: ‘Introduction’, pp.1-13; ‘Mapping the field of colonial discourse’, pp.14-38.].

Young, Iris Marion. (1990). Justice and the Politics of Difference. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [Selections: pp. 15-38, 156-191.]

Works from 2000 onward

Ahmed, Sara (2000). ‘Whose counting?’, Feminist Theory 1(1): 97-103

Bannerji, H. (2000). The Dark Side of the Nation: Essays on Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Gender. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press.

Barad, Karen (2003) ‘Posthumanist performativity: Toward an understanding of how matter comes to matter’, Signs 28(3): 801-831.

Bhavnani, Kum-Kum (ed.) (2000). Feminism and ‘Race’. London: Oxford University Press. [This collection contains works by many of the authors on this list, e.g., Paula Gunn Allen, Gloria Anzaldúa, Patricia Hill Collins, Donna Haraway, , Lata Mani, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, and Trinh T. Minh-ha.]

Brenner, Johanna (2000). Women and the Politics of Class. New York: Monthly Review Press.

DeKoven, Marianne (ed.). (2001). Feminist Locations: Global and Local, Theory and Practice. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U. Press.

Grewal, Inderpal and Caplan, Karen (2002). ‘Transnational practices and interdisciplinary feminist scholarship: Refiguring Women’s and Gender Studies’, in Wiegman, Robyn (ed.), Women’s Studies on Its Own (pp. 66-81). Durham: Duke University Press.

Hirschkind, Charles and Mahmood, Saba (2002). ‘Feminism, the Taliban, and politics of counter-insurgency’, Anthopological Quarterly 75(2):339-354.

Mackenzie, Catriona and Stoljar, Natalie (eds) (2000). Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency and the Social Self. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Narayan, Uma and Harding, Sandra (eds) (2000). Decentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Postcolonial and Feminist World.. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Ouellete, Grace (2002). The Fourth World: An Indigenous Perspective on Feminism and Aboriginal Women's Activism. Halifax: Fernwood.

Sandoval, Chela (2000). Methodology of the Oppressed ( (foreword)). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Sheridan, S. (2002). ‘Words and things: Some feminist debates on culture and materialism’, Australian Feminist Studies pp. 23-30.

Thobani, Sunera (2001). Speech to Women’s Resistance Conference, Ottawa, October 2. accessed June 4, 2006.

Tuana, Nancy and Morgen, Sandra (eds) (2001). Engendering Rationalities. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Young, Lola (2000). ‘How do we look? Unfixing the singular Black (female) subject’, in Gilroy, Paul, Grossberg, Lawrence and McRobbie, Angela (eds) Without Guarantees: In Honour of Stuart Hall (pp. 416-429). London: Verso.


Convenor Philip Walsh Contributors Himani Bannerji, Tania Das Gupta, Hira Singh, and Philip Walsh


Althusser, Louis (1996 [1965]). For Marx. New York: Verso.

Blakeley, Georgina and Bryson, Valerie (eds) (2004). Marx and Other Four-Letter Words. London: Pluto Press.

Cohen, G.A. (2001). Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defence. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Cowling, Mark (ed.) (2004). Marx’s ‘Eighteenth Brumaire’: (Post)Modern Interpretations. London: Pluto Press.

Engels, Frederick (1972 [1884]). The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. New York: International Publishers.

Fromm, Erich (1966). Marx’s Concept of Man. New York: Unger

Gramsci, Antonio (1991-1996 [1929-1935]). The Prison Notebooks, Vols 1&2. New York: Columbia University Press.

Harrington, Carol (ed.) (2004). After Communism: Critical Perspectives on Society and Sociology. New York: Peter Lang.

Joshi, P.C. (ed.) (1969). Homage to Karl Marx: A Symposium. Delhi: Peoples Publishing House.

Lukàcs, Gyorgy (1971). History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, (R. Livingstone (trans.)) Cambridge: MIT Press.

Lenin, V.I. (1939 [1916]). Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. New York: International Publishers.

Lenin, V.I. (1965 [1917]). The State and Revolution: The Marxist Theory of the State. Moscow: Progress Publishers.

Marx, Karl (1976 [1867]). Capital, vol. 1. (Ben Fowkes (trans.)). Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. [In entirety or selections: Chapter 6 (pp.270-280), Chapter 10 (pp. 340-416), Chapter 19 (pp.675- 682), Chapter 23 (pp.711-724).]

Marx, Karl (1973[1857-1858]). Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy (rough draft). (Martin Nicolaus (trans.)). Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Marx, Karl (1971 [1859]). A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. London: Lawrence & Wishart.

Marx, Karl (1846). “Marx to Pavel V Annenkov (Dec 28, 1846)”, Selected Correspondence by K. Marx and F. Engels. Moscow: Progress.

Marx, Karl and Engels, Frederick (1998 [1848]). The Communist Manifesto. New York: Verso.

Marx, Karl and Engels, Frederick (1968 [1845-1846]). The German Ideology. Moscow: Progress Publishers.

Marx, K., Engels, F. and Lenin, V.I. (1977). On Dialectical Materialism. London: Lawrence & Wishart. [Selections: Lenin’s “The three sources and three component parts of Marxism” chapter, and Marx’s “The poverty of philosophy” chapter.]

Ollman, Bertell (1971). Alienation: Marx’s Conception of Man in Capitalist Society. New York, Cambridge University Press

Seccombe, Wally (1993). Weathering the Storm: Working-Class Families from the Industrial Revolution to the Fertility Decline. London: Verso.

Selsam, Howard (1970). Dynamics of Social Change: A Reader in Marxist Social Science, from the writings of Marx, Engels, and Lenin. New York: International Publishers.

Singh, Hira (1987). “Asiatic mode of production: A critical analysis”, Social Science Probings 3(2): 167-181.

Wolff, Jonathan (2002). Why Read Marx Today? New York: Oxford University Press.

Wright, Erik Olin (1997). Class Counts. New York: Cambridge University Press HISTORICAL AND ARCHIVAL METHODS READING LIST JUNE 2006

Convenor Stephen Longstaff Contributors Barbara Beardwood, Kathy Bischoping, Gordon Darroch, Stephen Longstaff and the Graduate Programme in History (York University)


Abrams, Philip (1982). Historical Sociology. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Bendix, Reinhard (1964). Nation-Building and Citizenship: Studies of Our Changing Social Order. New York: Wiley.

Bendix, Reinhard (1967). “The comparative analysis of historical change”, in Tom Burns and S.B. Saul, (eds), Social Theory and Economic Change. London: Tavistock.

Bertaux, Daniel, (ed.) (1981). Biography and Society: The Life History Approach in the Social Sciences. London: Sage. [Especially chapters by Bertaux, Denzin, and Thompson.]

Danielson, Wayne A and Lasorsa, Dominic L. (1997). “Perceptions of social change: 100 years of front-page content in The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times”, in Carl W. Roberts (ed.), Text Analysis for the Social Sciences. (pp.103-115). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Dean, Mitchell (1994). Critical and Effective Histories: Foucault’s Methods and Historical Sociology. London: Routledge.

Delanty, Gerard, and Isin, Engin, (eds) (2003) Handbook of Historical Sociology. London: Sage.

Etter-Lewis, Gwendolyn (1993). My Soul is My Own: Oral Narratives of African American Women in the Professions. New York: Routledge. [Selection: “Telling a little story: Organization and structure in African American women’s oral narratives”.]

Foucault, Michel (1972). The Archaeology of Knowledge. (A.M. Sheridan Smith. (trans.)) London: Tavistock. [See Introduction].

Gluck, Sherna Berger and Patai, Daphne (1991). Women’s Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History. New York and London: Routledge. [Especially Introduction and the articles by Anderson and Jack, Minister, and Gluck.]

Griffin, Larry J. (ed.) (1992). “Temporality, events, and explanation in historical sociology” Sociological Methods and Research. 20(4). [Especially the articles by Abbott, Aminzade, and Griffin.]

Isaac, Larry W. (1997). “Transforming localities: Reflections on time, causality, and narrative in contemporary historical sociology”, Historical Methods 30 (1):4-12.

Goldthorpe, J. (1991). “The uses of history in sociology: Reflections on some recent tendencies”, British Journal of Sociology 42: 211- 230.

Kennedy, Elizabeth Lapovsky and Davis, Madeline (1993). Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold: The History of a Lesbian Community. New York: Routledge. [Selection: pp.15-26.]

McDonald, Terrence J. (ed.) (1996). The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. [Especially chapters by Eley, Somers, McDonald, and Sewell.]

Menchú, Rigoberta (1983). I, Rigoberta Menchú. (Elisabeth Burgos-Debray (ed.)) New York: Verso. [Selections: "Introduction" by Elisabeth Burgos-Debray, Chapter I and Chapter XXIV.]

Moore, Jr. Barrington (1958). Political Power and Social Theory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [Selection: “Strategy in social research”, pp. 111-159.]

Moore, Jr. Barrington (1966). Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World. Boston: Beacon Press. [Especially the Preface and Chapters 7 and 8.]

O’Hanlan, R. and Washbrook, D. (1992). “After Orientalism: culture, criticism and politics in the Third World”, Comparative Studies in Society and History. 34 (1):141-167.

Patai, Daphne (2001). "Whose truth? Iconicity and accuracy in the world of testimonial literature", in Arturo Arias (ed.), The Rigoberta Menchú Controversy. pp.270-287. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Portelli, Alessandro (1998). “Oral history as genre”, in Mary Chamberlain and Paul Thompson (eds), Narrative and Genre. (pp.23-45). New York: Routledge.

Prakash, G. (1990). “Writing post-Orientalist histories of the Third World: Perspectives from Indian historiography”, Comparative Studies in Society and History 32(2):383-408.

Robinson, John A. (1996). "Perspective, meaning, and remembering”, in David C. Rubin (ed.), Remembering Our Past: Studies in Autobiographical Memory. (pp.199-217). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ross, Michael and Buehler, Roger (1994). "Creative remembering”, in Ulric Neisser and Robyn Fivush (eds), The Remembering Self: Construction and Accuracy in the Self-Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 205-235.

Sager, Eric W. and Baskerville, Peter (eds) (2000). “The Canadian Families Project: Exploring the 1901 Census of Canada”, Historical Methods 33(4). [See especially the articles by Bradbury, Darroch, Ornstein, and Sager.]

Skocpol, Theda and Somers, Margaret (1980). “The uses of comparative history in macrosocial inquiry”, Comparative Study of Society and History 22: 174-197.

Skocpol, Theda (ed.) (1984). Vision and Method in Historical Sociology. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Smith, Dennis (1984). “Morality and method in the work of Barrington Moore.” Theory and Society. 13, No. 2, 151-176.

Stedman-Jones, Garreth (1976). “From historical sociology to theoretic history”, British Journal of Sociology 27:295-305.

Steedman, Carolyn (2005). Dust. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Stoll, David (1999). Rigoberta Menchú and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans. Boulder, CO: Westview. [Selection: pp.232-247.]

Thompson, Paul R. (2000). The Voice of the Past: Oral History. New York: Oxford University Press.

Tilly, Charles (1981). As Sociology Meets History. New York: Academic Press.

Women’s Book Committee, Chinese Canadian National Council (1992). Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women. Toronto: Women’s Press. [Selections: “Introduction”, “Madeline Mark”, and “No Good-night Kiss—No Talk”.] QUALITATIVE METHODS READING LIST JUNE 2006

Convenor Adam Green Contributors Kathy Bischoping, Lorna Erwin, Adam Green, Barbara Hanson, Gail McCabe, Eric Mykhalovksiy, and Lesley Wood

Core Readings

Becker, Howard (1998). Tricks of the Trade: How to Think about Your Research while You’re Doing It. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.

Blumer, Herbert (1969). Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Bourdieu, Pierre (1999). The Weight of the World: Social Suffering in Contemporary Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Burawoy, Michael (1991). Ethnography Unbound. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Cicourel, A. V. (1964). Method and Measurement in Sociology. Toronto: Collier-Macmillan Ltd.

Denzin, N., and Lincoln, Y. (2000). Handbook of Qualitative Research. (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Emerson, Robert M., Fretz, Rachael I., and Shaw, Linda L. (1995). Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.

Garfinkel, Harold (1967). Studies in Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity.

Glaser, B. G. and Strauss, A. (1967). The Discovery of Grounded Theory. Chicago: Aldine Publishing.

Kleinman, Sherryl and Copp, Martha A. (1993). Emotions and Fieldwork. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Ramazanoglu, Caroline (2002). Feminist Methodology: Challenges and Choices. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Smith, Dorothy (1987). The Everyday World as Problematic. Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Trinh, T. Minh-ha (1989). Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Van Maanen, John (1988). Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Other Recommended Readings

Barbour, Rosaline S. and Kitzinger, Jenny (1999). Developing Focus Group Research: Politics, Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Blackwood, Evelyn (1995). "Falling in love with an-Other lesbian: Reflections on identity in fieldwork", in Don Kulick and Margaret Wilson (eds), Taboo: Sex, Identity and Erotic Subjectivity in Anthropological Fieldwork. (pp. 51-73). New York: Routledge.

Clandinin, D. Jean and Connelly, F. Michael (1999). Narrative Inquiry: Experience and Story in Qualitative Research. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass.

Clifford, J. and Marcus, G. (1986). Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Denzin, N. K. (1997). Interpretive Ethnography: Ethnographic Practices for the 21st Century. London: Sage.

Gottschalk, Simon (1998). “Postmodern sensibilities and ethnographic possibilities”, in Anna Banks and Stephen P. Banks (eds), Fiction and Social Research. Walnut Creek: Alta Mira.

Hopkins, Mary Carol (1996). “Is anonymity possible? Writing about refugees in the United States”, in Caroline B. Brettell (ed.), When They Read What We Write: The Politics of Ethnography. (pp. 121-129). Westport: Bergin & Garvey.

King, Gary, Keohane, Robert and Verba, Sidney (1994). Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Miller, Janneli (1996). "'I have a frog in my stomach': Mythology and truth in life history", in Gwendolyn Etter-Lewis and Michele Foster (eds), Unrelated Kin: Race and Gender in Women's Personal Narratives. (pp. 103-119). New York: Routledge.

Mishler, Elliot (1991). Research Interviewing: Context and Narrative. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Naples, Nancy A. (2003). Feminism and Method: Ethnography, Discourse Analysis and Activist Research. New York: Routledge.

Reinharz, S. (1992). Feminist Methods in Social Research. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sandoval, Chela (2000). Methodology of the Oppressed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

St. Pierre, Elizabeth and Pillow, Wanda (2000). Working the Ruins: Feminist Poststructural Theory and Methods in Education. New York: Routledge.

Wetherell, Margaret, Taylor, Stephanie, and Yates, Simeon J. (eds) (2001). Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader. London: Sage

Whyte, William Foote (ed.) (1991). Participatory Action Research. Sage.


Convenor Paul Grayson Contributors Kathy Bischoping, Paul Grayson, Andie Noack, Michael Ornstein, and Karen Robson

Core Readings

Cantril, H. (ed.) (1944). Gauging Public Opinion. Princeton: Princeton University Press [Introduction and chapter co-authored by Cantril and Fried]

Clark, Herbert H. and Schober, Michael F. (1992). “Asking questions and influencing answers”, in Judith M. Tanur (ed.), Questions about Questions. (pp. 15-47). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Converse, Jean (1984). “Strong arguments and weak evidence: The open/closed questioning controversy of the 1940s”, Public Opinion Quarterly 48:267-282.

Converse, J. M. & Presser, S. (1986). Survey Questions: Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire. Beverley Hills: Sage.

Converse, Philip E. (1970). “Attitudes and non-attitudes: Continuation of a dialogue”, in Edward R. Tufte (ed.), The Quantitative Analysis of Social Problems. (pp.168-89). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Couper, Mick P. (2000). “Web surveys: A review of issues and approaches”, Public Opinion Quarterly 6(4): 464-494.

Dillman, Don (2000). Mail and Internet Surveys: The Tailored Design Method. (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.

Groves, Robert M., Cialdini, Robert B., and Couper, Mick P. (1992). “Understanding the decision not to participate in a survey”, Public Opinion Quarterly 56(4): 475-495.

Groves, Robert M., Dillman, Don A., Eltinge, John and Little, Roderick J.A. (eds) (2002). Survey Nonresponse. New York: Wiley- Interscience.

Groves, Robert M. (2004). Survey Errors and Survey Costs. New York: John Wiley.

Krosnick, Jon and Schuman, Howard (1988). “Attitude intensity, importance, and certainty and susceptibility to response effects”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 54(6): 940-952.

Levy, Paul S. and Lemshow, Stanley (2000). Sampling of Populations-Methods and Applications. (3rd ed.). New York: Wiley-Interscience. [Chapters 1-5 and 8]. (only at STEACIE)

Ornstein, Michael (1998). “Survey research”, Current Sociology 46(4):1-143.

Payne, Stanley L. (1951). The Art of Asking Questions. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Public Opinion Quarterly [Select five articles from each of three recent volumes.]

Schwarz, N. & Sudman, S. (eds) (1996). Answering Questions. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Singer, E., Groves, R. M., & Corning, A. (1999). “Differential incentives: Beliefs about practices, perceptions of equity, and effects on survey participation”, Public Opinion Quarterly 63: 251-260.

Singer, E., von Thurn, D., & Miller, E. R. (1995). “Confidentiality assurances and response: A quantitative review of the experimental literature”, Public Opinion Quarterly 59: 66-77.

Sudman, S. Bradburn, & N. Schwarz, N. (1996). Thinking about Answers. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Suchman, Lucy and Jordan, Brigitte (1990). “Interactional troubles in face-to-face survey interviews”, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85: 232-253.

Tourangeau, Roger, Rips, Lance J. and Rasinski, Kenneth (2000). The Psychology of Survey Response. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press.

Two books based on survey research

Possibilities include one of the books on recent Canadian national elections, such as André Blais, Anatomy of a Liberal Victory: Making Sense of the Vote in the 2000 Canadian Election (Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press, 2002). Books based on national election studies in Britain, the US and Australia would serve as well. Another alternative is to select books based on "quality of life" surveys; the classic is Angus Campbell, Philip Converse and Willard Rogers, The Quality of American Life (New York: Russell Sage, 1986). Also consider one of the volumes based on the world values surveys, perhaps the most recent, Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel’s Modernization, Cultural Change and Democracy: The Human Development Sequence (New York and Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 2005).

Other Recommended Readings

Bradburn, N. M. and Sudman, S. (1988). Polls & Surveys: Understanding What They Tell Us. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Goyder, J., Warriner, K., & Miller, S. (2002). “Evaluating socio-economic status (SES) bias in survey nonresponse”, Journal of Official Statistics 18(1): 1-11.

Huff, D. (1954). How to Lie with Statistics. New York: Norton.

Kish, Leslie (1987). Statistical Design for Research. New York: Wiley. (not available at SCOTT)

Kish, Leslie (1965). Survey Sampling. New York: Wiley.

Manfredi, Clara, Lacey, Loretta, Warnecke, Richard, and Balch, George (1997). “Method effects in survey and focus group findings: Understanding smoking cessation in low-SES African American women”, Health Education and Behavior 24(6): 786-800.

Presser, Stanley and Blair, Johnny (1994). “Survey pretesting: Do different methods produce different results?”, Sociological Methodology 24: 73-104.

Stouffer, S, Suchman, E.A., DeVinney, L.C., Star, S., Williams, R.M. Jr. (1949). The American Soldier (Vol. 1: Adjustment during Army Life. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [Select Chapters 2 & 3.]