July 27, 2020 Summarize MISO Transmission Owner protocols under ER13-2379 Review the City of Springfield, IL – CWLP Transmission Revenue Requirement Formula Review the CWLP Attachment O Summary 2 Date/Deadline Activity June 1st Annual Update is published September 1st Owner holds annual meeting December 1st Deadline for Interested Parties to submit information requests January 10th Deadline for Owner to respond to information requests January 31st Deadline for Interested Parties to submit Informal Challenges February 28th Deadline for Owners to respond to Informal Challenges March 15th Deadline for Owners to submit Informational Filing to FERC March 31st Deadline for Interested Parties to file Formal Challenge at FERC 3 https://www.misoenergy.o rg/markets-and- operations/settlements/to -rate-data/city-water- light--power--- springfield-il- cwlp/#nt=%2Frateyear%3A 2020&t=10&p=0&s=tspos teddate&sd=desc City Water Light & Power – Springfield, IL (CWLP) Contact for Informational Request and Challenges
[email protected] 217-789-2116 Ext. 2643 4 FERC Approved Rate Formulae Distinct templates for Owners using FERC Form 1 vs. Owners using EIA 412 The Timing of rate impact differs for Owners using Historical data vs. Owners approved for Forward-Looking rates and incentives. CWLP utilizes historical data only, as of the most recently audited fiscal year. Net Revenue Requirement = O&M + Depreciation + Taxes + Return on Rate Base–Attachment GG–Attachment MM-Revenue credits Return on Rate Base = Net Plant in Service + Total Working