1 THE LANDIS NEWS Little Landis 人物專訪

For 18 years now, the Tayih Landis Tainan has been discussed the wedding emcee, musicians, floral Tainan City's premier five-star international hotel. arrangements, the sticker machine, and more with Located in the lively city center, the hotel not only the bride. The wedding banquet went smoothly, serves as a popular meeting place, but has also and Ms. Chen was very thankful to Tayih Landis hosted nearly 1,000 banquets and international Tainan for helping to create one of the most events. For the people of Tainan, Tayih Landis important and beautiful memories of her life. After has created beautiful and unforgettable dining the wedding, Ms. Chen specially gave a baby gift to experiences. From the familiar spread of a Tainan Anna, who happened to be pregnant at that time. wedding banquet to the detailed process of a This made the booking team very happy. Moreover, traditional southern Taiwan wedding, our guests a guest at Ms. Chen's wedding was so moved by have all been resoundingly pleased. the event that she decided to hold her wedding at Tayih Landis as well! We will continue to use Our banquet team provides a full range of services our years of experience to serve and provide for wedding banquets-from giving tours of our professional consultation, and realize the dream 專業又貼心 facilities to offering suggestions on menu planning wedding of every guest. and the overall banquet process. Experts in both the software and hardware aspects of the hotel, 圓滿每一場活動 宴會廳 our caring and considerate banquet team provides Professional and considerate the perfect service to every guest! Tayih Landis Tainan is proud to have Tainan's most experienced Consummate service team of banquet professionals, each with over 10 years of experience. They are constantly focused on providing efficient and comprehensive planning, so guests can rest assured. 台南大億麗緻訂席業務 Tayih Landis Tainan Banquet TEAM A successful banquet requires a high level of 大億麗緻酒店深耕府城18年,為台南第一家五星級國際 順序、音控、燈光、場控等,每一個服務環節都需透過 cooperation and communication between the 觀光飯店,位居熱鬧市中心,舉辦過近千場大小宴會及 訂席人員良好溝通及妥善安排,如宴會再搭配住宿,則 banquet team and the kitchen. In addition to 國際性活動,除了為台南人最熟悉的高級聚會場所,亦 更需多方整合安排,這也是大億麗緻訂席團隊的服務強 ensuring the quality of every dish, the kitchen must work with the waiters and waitresses to control 是心中喜愛的高檔宴會場地選擇。大億麗緻在許多台南 項 ! the timing of service. The banquet team must 人的心中,共同創造了美好難忘的用餐回憶,不論是工 每一場婚禮都給予客製化貼心服務,訂席副理Anna曾 account for the event itinerary, the A/V system for 商及宴會熟悉的台南喜宴菜色或南部婚禮流程,均讓賓 服務居住於澳洲的新娘陳小姐,因在國外的關係,雖然 music and speeches, lighting changes, and more. 專業諮詢 主盡歡。 父母已訂好場地,但新娘無法親臨場勘及討論,用心的 Every service procedure must be clearly connected and properly arranged by the banquet team. And 訂席中心為顧客洽詢婚宴會議業務的第一線人員,從宴 Anna則透過Line與新娘聯繫,除了場地照片及酒店服 if any guests are staying at the hotel, even more 會場地介紹、場勘,到一系列流程規劃建議及菜色內容 務內容,連婚禮主持人、樂團、花藝布置、拍貼機等週 arrangements must be integrated. This is the 等諮詢,提供全方位的整體服務,悉心及貼心為訂席人 邊廠商資訊都熱心提供並討論,婚宴流暢圓滿,令陳小 service power of the Tayih Landis banquet team! 員基本的服務特質,如熟悉自家酒店軟硬體設施,必能 姐十分感動,感謝大億麗緻酒店帶給她人生中最重要的 為顧客服務完美加分! 大億麗緻酒店引以為傲就是擁有一 美好回憶。婚禮後陳小姐還特地送給當時懷孕的Anna寶 Every wedding deserves tailored service. Anna, 群全台南最資深專業的訂席團隊,十多年累積下來的豐 寶禮物,令訂席團隊感到十分欣慰;然而,近期訂席也服 assistant manager of our banquet team, once 富宴會經驗,凡事想在顧客前面,提供最有效率及完善 務到一位新人,即是當日來參加喜宴的貴賓,她便是因 served a bride named Ms. Chen. The bride's 的活動規劃,讓顧客放心。 為受到那場婚禮的感動即決定自己的婚禮就在大億麗緻! parents booked the venue, but she was unable to 而我們將持續以長期累積的經驗化作服務,整合專業的 visit the hotel because she was living in Australia. 順暢的活動規劃,幕後則需由訂席與宴會廳部門表現絕 建議及最佳的執行效率,呈現顧客對於完美的想像。 So Anna used Line to contact her directly. In 佳的合作默契,宴會廚房除了確保料理品質,還需要搭 addition to photos of the venue and the details 配外場服務,控制每道料理上菜的速度,還有現場節目 of the hotel service, Anna enthusiastically 1 2 THE LANDIS NEWS 風格美學 Aesthetics 讓孩子盡情探索動物世界 An animal world for kids to explore

帶領孩子進入自然生態樂園,台南大億麗緻酒店與頑皮世界跨界合作推出【頑皮世界主題客房】,提供兼具教育與 夏日玩樂派對 休閒的親子旅遊住宿,讓孩子探索驚奇可愛的動物世界後,下榻融合各種繽紛活潑動物佈置的主題客房,有雙人 入住的「萌寶草泥馬房」及「森林派對房」,也有四人入住的家庭房「非洲大象房」及「肯亞長頸鹿房」,房間以頑 Summer fun 皮世界的可愛動物為主題延伸設計,並有準備可愛的「富樂夢」環保無毒安心文具,讓孩子在動物的擁抱下盡情玩 樂、幸福入眠,房型設計及贈品不定期換新求變,讓充滿驚喜趣味! 三代同堂入住更享專案房價優惠,再加贈風尚 今年暑假,就該這樣玩! 咖啡廳茶點套餐,最適合全家大小一同留下美好難忘的度假回憶!

Make this summer vacation one to remember! Take your child on a nature safari in Tainan! The Tayih Landis has partnered with Wanpi World Safari Zoo to launch the "Wanpi World Safari Room" promotion. After an exciting day viewing the animals at the Wanpi World Safari Zoo, stay in one of our animal- or nature-themed rooms. Combining 『超能力不只有想像力』實踐打造親子專屬主題客房,麗緻陪您的孩子從北到南玩樂無極限! comfortable accommodation with education and leisure, these rooms encourage children to continue 帶著孩子一起探索世界,無論是自然生態、刺激的城堡冒險、或有趣的益智遊戲,孩子的無 exploring the exciting world of animals they learned about at the zoo. For two people, we offer 限超能力,就從行動力開始吧! the "Adorable Alpaca Room" and "Forest Party Room." For families of four, we offer the "African Elephant Room" and "Kenya Giraffe Room." Rooms include "Happy Dreams" brand eco-friendly non- Whether you're in southern, central, or northern Taiwan, Landis has a family-themed room toxic stuffed animals for children to play and fall asleep with. We regularly change these toys so it's your kids will love. Take a vacation and bring your children on an adventure to explore a surprise every time you visit. Bring their grandparents and enjoy special pricing on rooms plus nature, play in a castle, or solve a fun puzzle. Give your child the freedom to play and use afternoon at our shop. It's the perfect way for your family to share beautiful and cherished their imagination and watch as their superpowers emerge! holiday memories!


頑皮世界主題房 3 4 THE LANDIS NEWS Aesthetics 風格美學 大手拉小手,一童趣郊遊! Hold your child’s hand and lead the way!

台中亞緻大飯店的【童心童樂】主題客房專案,在客房內打造兒童夢幻城堡遊戲區,準備 了好玩的積木與玩偶,在我們為小小孩搭建的城堡帳篷裡,孩子們有了室內專屬的遊戲 區,再搭配上屬於寶貝的專屬畫卡,徜徉在天馬行空的親子天地中!同時,飯店更將遊 樂場直接延伸至1 樓大門旁之『I'm Talato我是塔拉朵冰淇淋』名店,可免費到店享用甜 筒杯加上各式特色口味冰淇淋,為您與寶貝量身打造的溫馨親子時光,許您一個童心未 泯的精彩假期!

The Landis Taichung's "Happy Children" family-themed rooms feature a play castle, building blocks, and dolls for children to enjoy. Your children will love playing games with you or using their imagination to visit faraway lands in the castle-style tent! When you're ready to head outside, take your kids to the park conveniently located across from the hotel entrance. Then head to "I'm Talato," a popular ice cream and desserts shop next to the park. You and your kids can 木樂地親子房 enjoy ice cream cones in your choice of flavor, free with this room promotion. These rooms are the perfect way to have fun with your children and give the It's all about LOVE, 木樂地聯名親子房 沁甜上市 whole family a wonderful holiday! MULEDY family rooms: It’s all about LOVE


竹湖暐順麗緻文旅擁有新竹第一間木樂地MULEDY主題親子房,以溫潤木質為核心,創造親子專屬的繽紛PLAY GROUND,採用天然實木、植物性水染漆、通過歐盟玩具安全標準,為孩童打造安全無毒的玩樂天堂。8 月 31日前二 大一小入住平日最低只要NT$3,600、二大二小入住平日最低只要NT$5,300,免收服務費,讓親子出遊更輕鬆無負擔。

採用天然實木、植物性水染漆、通過歐盟玩具安全標準的德國Hape原裝進口設施,為孩童打造安全無毒的玩樂天堂。 兩種房型主題:「魔法料理方城市」精心設計魔法廚具及色彩繽紛的原木食物玩具,透過角色扮演遊戲讓孩子在玩樂過程 中學習認識食材、訓練手部肌肉、活化想像力;「動物星球大冒險」隨著玩具車探索世界暢遊各地,透過拼湊軌道訓練手 腦協調,並建構對空間的認識,帳篷內的立體小火箭讓孩子激發對外太空的憧憬。獨一無二的全新體驗,入住木樂地聯 名親子房,享受一家人愉悅的親子時光。

Learning through play and hands-on experience, growing up surrounded by love!

Landis Inn Chuhu proudly announce the first MULEDY family hotel rooms in Hsinchu. A rich and diverse PLAYGROUND for children and parents to explore together, these rooms feature Hape wooden toys imported directly from Germany. Hape Toys is the world's largest producer of wooden toys. Made with natural renewable materials and eco-friendly paints, these safe and non-toxic toys have passed EU toy safety certifications to create a play paradise for your children. Before August 31, two adults and one child stay weekdays for as low as NT$3,600 a night. Two adults and two children stay for as low as NT$5,300. Plus, there's no service charge, making it easier for parents to travel carefree.

Two room themes are available. "Magic Cuisine City" room features meticulously designed kitchen utensils and colorful wooden food toys. Through role-playing games, you can help your children learn about food ingredients, train hand dexterity, and activate their imagination. "Animal Planet Adventure" room offers toy cars to let your children explore the world. The winding racetrack develops hand-eye coordination and improves spatial comprehension. A small rocket tent allows children to imagine traveling in outer space. 童心童樂主題客房 MULEDY family rooms at Landis: an all-new, unique way to enjoy time together as a family. 5 6 THE LANDIS NEWS Cover Story 封面故事

Stand in front of the tallest building in Taichung and look up: it's as if the silver sail of a proud sailboat were towering over the horizon. But looking down from a bird's-eye view, the building's two curved walls of shimmering glass look like the scales of a fish calmly swimming in this slow-paced city. The unique eye-catching silhouette of The Landis Taichung is a 尋找古早味的百年六角樓 well-known symbol of modern Taichung City. In the shadows of the modern high-rise buildings of Discover the ancient flavors downtown Taichung stands a century-old building: 六角樓內部示意圖 the Taichung Second Market. Countless people of Taichung Second Market returning home from school or work stop here for a meal on their way from the Taichung Railway Station. Others come especially to buy gold jewelry and other 站在台中最高的飯店前,仰望天空映入眼簾的是高聳入天際,外觀有如振 fine goods. And at Chinese New Year, the family 帆待發的銀色帆船-台中亞緻大飯店;搶眼獨特的外形除了成為台中城市 elders return here to pick up glutinous rice cakes, 的時尚標記,玻璃帷幕及兩側弧形的設計,從高空鳥瞰彷如一條魚,悠游 fruit, produce, and meat for their Lunar New Year 於這座步調相對緩慢的城市裡。 celebrations. This is a market that has evolved with the times over the years. 在這高樓林立的城市當中,有個佇立在台中舊城區的百年建築 - 第二市場, 很多台中人在學生時代或離家返鄉,總會從台中火車站繞來這品嚐小吃; During the period of Japanese rule, the Taichung 嫁娶的金飾、配件,也可以在這找到好貨;年節的糕粿、三牲四果,家中 Second Market was the city center of the city. 長輩總特地從這買回去。其實,它的生命軌跡,一直隨著時代,扮演著不 Considered a high-end market at the time, it offered quality apparels and imported goods to the Japanese 同角色。 and the local businessmen. Inside, the stalls were 時光回溯到日治時期的第二市場,位在城市中樞的它是座「貴婦市場」, 第二市場全景 organized in a hexagonal pattern, like a spider's web 選用高檔服飾、商品,服務著日本人或本地商人。建築內的通道則成六角 放射狀,橫向則有環狀通道相連,如同蜘蛛網般的通道,在當時可是相當 時髦的設計。而在市場的中心,是座二層樓高、紅瓦砌成的六角樓,在日 治時期,只要有火災發生,六角樓的鐘就會響起,作為防災警示。

到了現今的第二市場,留存下來的百年痕跡,正是城市的味蕾記憶及世代 傳承的經典美味,不少攤商一賣就是 30 年以上,這樣的市場小吃,在新 型態的通路是不可能找到的。以往市場給大家髒亂黑暗的印象,但第二市 場也努力現代化的改變,再加上市府陸續修繕,改造公共空間、天花板, 以及找來畫家繪出和市場風格呼應的 3D 彩繪,讓這百年城市的歷史,變 得更有看頭。

陽光灑落在這富有歷史人文與現代創意的建築,讓所有市民與造訪旅客得 以停下腳步,細細品味專屬台中獨有的文化。我們一如往常的生活在這宜 居的城市,新建築與老市場聯手相輔相成地刻劃出一處滿載故事的美味記 憶,透過舊時回憶胼手胝足地拼湊呈現出來,氛圍透出無違和感,正是讓 百年六角樓 我們回味再三的味道。 第二市場全景

7 8 THE LANDIS NEWS Cover Story 封面故事 with interconnected passages, which was popular at the time. In the center of the market stood a six-story, red- bricked hexagonal building. In case of a fire, a large bell in this building would serve as an alarm.

Today, many aspects of the past remain alive and well In the Taichung Second Market. In fact, some vendors have operated here for over 30 years, offering unique snacks that cannot be found in other traditional markets or modern shopping areas. A few years ago, the Taichung Second Market had become dirty and run down. But AD vendors and management cleaned and modernized the place. The government offered assistance as well, improving public areas, repairing the ceilings, and inviting artists to paint 3D images inspired by the market. Now a visit to this historical market is even more worthwhile.

Today the sun shines bright on this historical yet modern building, inviting locals and visitors alike to stop and appreciate the unique culture and heritage of Taichung. In a city, everyone must live together. Modern buildings and old markets ought to complement each other. We invite you to explore the Taichung Second Market. The classic flavors enjoyed by generations past can be enjoyed today, just a short walk from The Landis Taichung! 市場內一隅


9 10 茶也能勾兌兑 不少中菜會加醋來提鮮添香,像口味帶有酸香和花香味的左 Tea and food pairing 宗棠雞,楊光宗認為適合和茉莉花茶或桂花烏龍等花茶類呼 應,「反而是料理拉抬飲料的味道。」而西湖醋魚也可以搭 配花茶來平衡酸度,讓酸香更柔和。 亞都麗緻天香樓 Emphasizing the light flavors of Hangzhou cuisine is the trademark of Tien Hsiang Lo. Cooking in light oils and seasoning with light sauces allows the unique 看楊光宗如何玩茶飲 | 下 tastes of the ingredients to come forth. To coax Tien Hsiang Lo in The Landis Taipei hidden flavors out and to stay true to the essence of the ingredients, Tien Hsiang Lo has specially selected Chef jim Yang plays with tea |Ⅱ certain to enjoy / even substitutes tea for certain ingredients.

圖文提供 / 料理台灣雜誌 No.42 "Longjing Shrimp" is a famous Hangzhou dish. In addition to , Chef Yang recommends trying Ruan Zhi tea or Ruby Red Taiwan No. 18 Tea. He prefers Taiwan Tea No. 18 because it lacks the strong honey fragrance of Oriental Beauty, but still has a sweetness to bring out the umami of fried white shrimp. 杭州名菜「龍井蝦仁」 "Braised pork belly" is a signature dish of Tien Hsiang Lou. A 5x5cm cut of pork belly bound in cooking twine accentuate the floral aromas of the tea." Fragrant is gently stewed in a small clay pot emblazoned with teas also pair nicely with "West Lake Fish in Vinegar the restaurant's name in Chinese characters. It is full- Gravy", helping to balance the acidity and soften the flavored but not too salty, rich with fat but not oily, sour aroma. and reveals a deep shaoxing wine aroma. To further enjoy this classic dish, Chef Yang suggests sipping on a such as or Pu'er. The 東方美人百搭 smoky aroma of Tieguanyin blends beautifully with Oriental Beauty Oolong tea the braising spices, he explains, and both teas help in 餐間茶的部分,楊光宗推薦可以選擇百搭的東方美人,原因 cleansing the pork fat from the palate. 是若整款套餐的調味並沒有很厚重,東方美人獨特的熟果蜜 Many Chinese dishes call for vinegar. "General Tso's 糖香,能提升料理口感,味道也不像炭火焙過的鐵觀音這麼 餐茶搭配,巧妙之處在於其味需相互襯映,而亞都麗緻天香 杭州菜的餐茶搭配 Chicken", for example, gets its sourness and floral 濃厚,剛好可以搭配糟香圓鱈魚、鴨肝鮮蔬飯、翡翠時令筍 樓杭州料理特色清新淡雅,重視食材自身的原汁原味,因此 Tea pairing in Hangzhou cuisine aroma from rice vinegar. Chef Yang recommends 等套餐菜色。煎和牛由於油脂較重,所以楊光宗特別設計香 在選用每款餐茶更是斟酌講究,以下邀請您一同探索天香樓 drinking fragrant teas such as Jasmine or Osmanthus 講求清淡口味的杭州菜是天香樓的招牌,輕油輕醬,透過減 檳茸清湯先解膩,再讓客人喝茶,一般若遇到像這類高油脂 行政主廚楊光宗的餐茶搭配之道。 oolong with such dishes. "The food actually helps to 少油及調料,來引出食材原味。天香樓利用茶飲替原本菜餚 菜色,還是需要搭配普洱或鐵觀音為佳。 增添風味與延續尾韻。 Pairing tea with food is a clever way to accentuate the 除了甘潤香醇的東方美人,重韻回甘的凍頂烏龍也是楊光宗 unique subtle flavors of each, and the combination of 中茶陪襯更添菜餚豐美 杭州名菜「龍井蝦仁」除了搭配龍井茶,楊光宗也特別推薦 認為的百搭茶,原因是凍頂烏龍喉韻十足,入口尾韻清香, these flavors often results in something sublime. Known 青心烏龍與台茶 18 號,選用台茶 18 號是因為其不像東方 略帶澀味又能和油脂類的中菜陪襯。 for being simple, elegant, and spotless, Tien Hsiang Lo 美人擁有濃厚蜜香,但茶的甘甜又能引出清炒白蝦的鮮味。 in The Landis Taipei aims to showcase the rich, natural 楊光宗以青茶類、生焙類、重發酵茶類來作為搭餐參考依 flavors of quality ingredients. And so it is when choosing 長寬各 5 公分正方的五花肉,用藺草十字型綁著,放進印有 據:青茶類可以搭配清爽料理與白肉類,例如肴肉;生焙類 teas to pair with food. But there is much to consider. 天香樓字樣的小陶甕燉煮,是入味不鹹、肥而不膩,擁有濃 帶有炭火的焙味,稍微厚重,可以搭配紅燒、煙燻香料的菜 So join us on a culinary adventure as we explore the 濃酒香的天香樓招牌菜「東坡肉」。楊光宗建議,若要提升 餚。重發酵茶如普洱茶、老茶等,可以搭配高油脂、高膠質、 東坡肉滋味與韻味,可以搭配鐵觀音和普洱。他解釋,鐵觀 techniques and methodology that Chef Yang, executive 重口味的菜色,例如筍絲紅燒蹄膀。 chef of Tien Hsiang Lo, uses when pairing teas with 音和普洱屬於重發酵茶,鐵觀音會焙火的香氣則可以呼應東 food. 坡肉的香料味,且濃茶有去油解膩效果。 他強調的原則是,發酵愈重的茶,適合口味愈重的菜餚。 12 餐茶搭配的瓶頸 Tea-pairing bottleneck

餐茶搭配不失中國人傳統,又能提供顧客在餐桌上另一種 味覺享受。不過以中餐廳來說,楊光宗也發現,餐搭茶不 像葡萄酒可以直接開瓶、醒酒到服務上桌,每款茶品從分 量、沖泡到溫度,都有需要注意的地方,要盡善盡美同時 顧慮到許多客人是有難度的,「這也是餐茶搭配時會遇到 的瓶頸。」

因此除了外場需要專業訓練,預計將來會設計品茶宴。楊 光宗更希望未來天香樓的餐茶搭配能夠更加精緻迷人,讓 顧客能夠體驗新玩法,或許不久的將來也會有更多的餐廳 出現侍茶師。 AD

Tea pairing is not a Chinese tradition. Actually, it is 主廚楊光宗以茶提升菜餚韻味 Chef Yang's way to offer a new dining experience. However, he says, specially pairing tea with Chinese For pairing tea with a meal, Chef Yang suggests cuisine is not as simple as opening a bottle of wine trying Oriental Beauty oolong. If the meal is not too heavy, the natural fruity aromas and subtle honey- and placing it on the table. Preparation is critical. sweetness of Oriental Beauty help enhance the Precise portioning, brewing time, and temperature mouth feel and taste. Because it lacks the charcoal are essential. Moreover, the staff has to do this smokiness and heaviness of Tieguanyin, Oriental perfectly for dozens of guests at a time. "This is the Beauty pairs well with cod, duck liver and vegetable bottleneck we encounter in tea pairing." rice, or bamboo shoots. For sautéed beef, which In addition to training wait staff to be tea is rich in fat, Chef Yang specially prepares a champagne soup to wash away any oiliness, and professionals, Chef Yang is planning special tea then encourages diners to sip Oriental Beauty tea. pairing events. Going forward, he hopes Tien But in general, high-fat dishes pair best with Pu'er Hsiang Lo's tea pairing will be more refined and or Tieguanyin. intriguing, giving customers new ways to experience food. Perhaps one day soon, other restaurants will In addition to Oriental Beauty, Chef Yang suggests offer tea pairings as well. Dong Ding oolong. Also known as "icy peak", Tung- ting tea is known for its pleasant aftertaste and sweet scent. Plus, its slight astringency matches perfectly with more oily Chinese dishes.

Chef Yang generally uses three different types of teas: green teas, roasted teas, and fermented teas. Green teas pair well with light dishes and white meats, such as xiao rou, or pickled pig trotters rolled, pressed and eaten cold. Roasted teas feature a charcoal-like aroma and go nicely with braised or smoked meats. Fermented teas such as Pu'er complement fatty, gelatinous dishes, such as bamboo shoots and braised pig's trotters.

Chef's main rule: fermented teas suit heavier flavors.

13 餐茶品茶宴 ‧ 食味新玩法 14 THE LANDIS NEWS 賞味時光 Tasting Time 燒日本和牛生肋眼、防風草根泥、東洋參脆片」選用入口即化且肉香濃郁的和牛生 炙 肋眼,佐上牛奶製成的防風草根泥,奶香十足,口感滑順綿密,最後再以水田芥菜 醬和爽脆的東洋參脆片點綴裝飾,豐富的口感,使菜餚清爽但不無趣,整道料理呈盤如 畫、色調清新,為炎熱的夏季帶來一抹沁涼,獨特風味,嚐來一點都不平凡。

炙燒日本和牛生肋眼 Our seasonal dish "Wagyu beef carpaccio with parsnip root purée and burdock chips" is the perfect light summer snack or appetizer. Aromatic wagyu rib eye is carefully cut into thin slices and placed next to a 防風草根泥 ‧ 東洋參脆片 creamy parsnip root purée. A drizzle of watercress sauce and a few crispy burdock chips complete the dish. The variety of textures enlivens this cool and refreshing dish. Picturesque and brightly colored, it Raw Japanese Wagyu Rib Eye Sliced, brings a touch of light coolness to the hot summer. The unique flavors are absolutely extraordinary. Parsnip Root Purée, Burdock Chips

「四時天氣促相催,一夜薰風帶暑來」 - 炎夏裡的一抹清涼 炙燒日本和牛生肋眼、防風草根泥、東洋參脆片 The beginning of summer, Picturesque and brightly Raw Japanese Wagyu Rib Eye Sliced, Parsnip Root Purée, Burdock Chips Q&A

為什麼選用日本鹿兒島和牛肋眼? Why does the chef use wagyu beef Q1 from Kagoshima prefecture? 日本鹿兒島和牛肋眼肉質細緻軟嫩、油花分布均勻,紅肉與 脂肪的比例完美融合,油潤中帶有肉香,主廚將其切為薄 片,經過炙燒後,不僅口感及香氣皆大大提升,也增加整體 菜餚的多層次風味。 防風草根是什麼? Wagyu beef from Japan´s Kagoshima prefecture is delicate and ? tender thanks to its evenly marbled fat. In fact, our chef believes What is parsnip root it offers the perfect ratio of meat to flavorful fat. Our chef cuts Q2 the treasured rib eye into thin slices. A quick blast under the 防風草根又有歐洲蘿蔔之稱,是一種高營養價值的植物,含有豐富 kitchen torch not only enhances the taste and aroma but also 的鉀及碳水化合物,據說在馬鈴薯普及前是歐洲人的主食;風味清 increases the level of flavor in the overall dish. 新、爽口,非常適合在炎熱的夏季食用。 Also known as the radish of Europe, parsnip root is a highly nutritious plant rich in potassium and carbohydrates. It was a staple food of Europeans before the potato became popular. Parsnip roots have a fresh and refreshing flavor suitable for eating in the hot summer.

除了水田芥菜之外,還有什麼食材 適合製作醬汁搭配? In addition to watercress leaves, Q3 are other ingredients suitable? 因為和牛本身油脂豐富、香氣濃厚,除了選用水田芥菜製作醬 料之外,也可以使用新鮮蔥綠,先過水汆燙、加入適量橄欖油 一起打成泥,最後再過篩,香氣不會過於強烈,使整道菜餚視 覺及味覺都十分和諧。 The fat in Wagyu beef is rich and aromatic. So aside from watercress, most fresh greens would make a suitable sauce. Just blanch the veggies, crush with shallot oil to form a paste, and then run through a sieve. The light color and aroma will make the whole dish visually appealing and taste harmonious.

15 16 THE LANDIS NEWS 賞味時光 Tasting Time 夏季繽紛水果 THE LANDIS NEWS RECIPE Chef Recommends 好料推薦 鮮蝦明太子沙拉 Step 1 Fresh Fruit & Shrimp Cod Roe Salad

將和牛肋眼的修整及切片。 青蔥油 5ml Trim the wagyu beef and cut into Shallot oil 5ml thin slices. 防風草根泥 30g Parsnip root purée 30g

水田芥醬 10g Watercress leaves 10g Step 2

防風草根泥加入牛奶調味製 作。

Add a bit of milk to the parsnip root purée.

海鹽 少許 Sea salt to taste

牛蒡脆片 3 片 Three burdock chips Step 3

水田芥菜打泥過篩後調味製 作。

Crush the watercress leaves with shallot oil and press through a sieve. 裝飾用青花苗 少許 Sprouts for decoration

裝飾用食用花 少許 Edible flowers for decoration Step 4

和牛肋眼肉片使用噴槍微微炙 日本鹿兒島和牛肋眼 20g 燒至上色。 Wagyu rib eye beef from Kagoshima 20g Use a kitchen torch to quickly sear and color the beef slices.

天蓮葉無窮碧,映日荷花別樣紅」為迎接充滿朝氣的夏季到來,將夏日光彩鮮明的意象融入菜餚,使用爽口 Step 5 接 清甜的當季水果,搭配盛開的繽紛食用花朵,以及新鮮甘甜的鮮蝦及明太子等精選食材,將其華麗呈盤,上 取一瓷盤,依序擺放和牛肋眼 方再以高雅幽香的玫瑰花凍揭開美好序幕,整體佳餚宛如彩虹般絢麗奪目,將夏季給人的熱鬧活潑,盡收在這精彩 肉片、防風草根泥、牛蒡脆片、 食用花及青花苗,再使用青蔥 華麗的佳餚之中。 油和水田芥醬劃盤裝飾即可。

On a porcelain plate, lay the beef To welcome the vibrant summertime, we incorporate brilliant colors into our seasonal dishes. Refreshing and slices in a row. Lightly place drops sweet seasonal fruits, exciting edible flowers, fresh shrimp, cod roe, and other select ingredients are gorgeously of parsnip root puree, burdock chips, edible flowers and sprouts, presented. Like the opening of an elegant rose blossom, rich fragrance fills the air. With all the colors of a rainbow, then garnish with the watercress ’ sauce. the summer s liveliness and vivacity and energy come to life in this wonderful and gorgeous seasonal dish.

17 18 THE LANDIS NEWS Landis A Day 麗緻日常

台北亞都麗緻大飯店 The Landis Taipei

從容優雅的花藝展演 An Elegant Floral Display Welcomes You

台北亞都麗緻大飯店一直以來秉持「體貼入心、更甚於家」的 精神,提供每一位旅客貼心、細膩的服務,期望帶來更甚於家 的感動,我們相信、每一位旅客都是獨特的,也因此、當旅客 踏入飯店的那一刻,每一位同仁都會把旅客放在心上,在每個 當下竭誠服務。除了要以最有溫度的微笑及服務迎接每一位來 到亞都麗緻用餐或入住的旅客外,且竭盡所能提供舒適的餐旅 體驗,非常能夠吸引目光及傳承經典的就是大廳迎賓的花藝佈 置,由隸屬於房務部的花房進行設計佈置,每天從容優雅的展 演為貴賓們呈現賞心悅目的空間美學。

楊蒨雯Summer,是一位總是帶著溫暖笑容的花藝設計師, 任職於台北亞都麗緻大飯店十多個年頭,在她巧手設計組合而 完成的花藝作品,每天都在大廳迎接從世界各國而來的旅客, 依照季節,運用不同的花材原素在一個下午的工作時間內即可 快速並完整的為大廳換上不同氛圍的陳列設計,成為旅客們合 影紀念的重要花藝佈景,而這也就是身著圍裙的蒨雯每天用心 尋找花藝設計的工作之ㄧ,更多的日常是午後時光,獨自一人 在五顏六色的花材圍繞之下,變出一組又一組宴客需求的桌 花;記得有次喜宴新娘捧花前一天婚紗公司送到飯店時因未能 冷藏保鮮,蒨雯必須在新娘被迎娶前一小時內變出一組一模一 樣的捧花,親手交付出去時,心裡只有感謝自己日積月累的花 藝工作經驗足以臨時完成這項不可能的任務,對新娘來說最重 要的捧花,也能成為一生中重要時刻代表愛的回憶。

玫瑰代表愛情、百合代表純淨與神聖、紫羅蘭代表信任與愛的 羈絆,花藝展演的日常就如同每天展演著想要表達與代表的涵 展演優雅花藝,是每天日常 義,值得您來發掘這些幸福的註解與呈現。

19 20 THE LANDIS NEWS Landis A Day 麗緻日常

Always adhering to the spirit of "home away from and graceful creations. Wearing her apron, Summer home", The Landis Taipei provides every visitor diligently tends to her floral design work. Alone and with the kind of meticulous and caring service that surrounded by colorful flowers, she meticulously makes them feel the comfort and relaxation of home. arranges custom bouquets for banquet tables. We believe that each and every guest is unique. One time, Summer recalls, the bridal bouquet was Therefore, the moment a guest enters the hotel, sent to the hotel the night before a wedding banquet. each associate puts the guest in their heart and When she arrived at work the next day, she realized looks after them in every moment. Whether here for it had not been properly stored and the flowers had accommodation or for an amazing dining experience, wilted. She had just one hour before the wedding to we welcome each visitor with the warmest smile create an identical bouquet. It seemed an impossible and service. But even more, The Landis Taipei lobby AD task. But thanks to her many years of experience, always features an elegant floral arrangement that she was able to perfectly replicate the bouquet welcomes each of our cherished guests. for the bride. More than a bundle of flowers, the Our in-house floral designer, Summer, has worked bride's bouquet signifies one of the most important at The Landis Taipei for more than 10 years. Known moments in her life. for her warm smile, she puts her heart and soul Roses represent love. Lilies represent purity. Violets into designing floral arrangements for our hotel represent trust and affection. Similarly, a floral lobby. Every day her beautiful bouquets welcome arrangement expresses numerous emotions and guests from around the world. Each afternoon, she desires. It is worth stopping to ponder the subtle swiftly selects seasonal flowers to create spectacular messages communicated by a simple bouquet of arrangements that completely change the lobby flowers. As they say, don't forget to stop and smell atmosphere. All day long, hotel guests and visitors the flowers. pose for group photos in front of these sophisticated


21 22 THE LANDIS NEWS 飯店人文 「歡迎您!」踏入烏來璞石麗緻,迎來櫃檯員親切的招呼聲, Hotel Lifestyle 以及世外桃源般的優雅景緻。烏來的溫泉特色,無色且無刺鼻 味,於大眾湯區,更設有蒸汽室和烤箱等設備,亦貼心提供盥 洗用品及保養品客人使用,先天的條件加上體貼入微的服務, 始終是烏來璞石許多常客們的渡假首選。

某次,常客張太太全家三代再次入住烏來璞石,與櫃檯員如家 人般的彼此招呼關心著近況,同時快速的辦理入住,張太太非 常喜愛烏來的溫泉,隔日大早家人都先到餐廳用餐,仍是先前 往使用大眾湯,房務員親切招呼並提醒張太太要記得吃點東西 再泡湯,以免血糖不足,造成暈眩。過一陣子,聽到其他客人 呼喊著:「有人昏倒了!」房務員立即趕到現場查看,驚覺發現 是張太太,房務員輕拍呼喊著,第一時間為避免受寒,趕緊拿 浴巾將身體包覆保暖,並將張太太移置通風空曠處及即時聯繫 救護車與家人,張太太緩緩恢復意識睜開雙眼,輕輕地說道: 「怎麼昏倒了?不好意思讓大家擔心了。」待救護車抵達後,媳 婦陪同乘坐救護車下山就醫檢查,而張先生和兒子以及年幼的 孫子則先回房間整理行李。

辦理退房時,張先生開玩笑地說道:「你們看,她就是這麼愛 烏來的溫泉,連早餐都排在泡湯後,真的非常感謝璞石麗緻所 有人員的緊急危機處理。」櫃檯員遞上為張太太貼心準備好的 早點,此次入住雖驚魂一場,卻也讓張先生及張太太一家因服 務人員的危機應變及貼心,留下深刻感動並在離開前還特別點 頭頻頻說道:「我們下次見!」

主題湯屋 ¬- 懷古一角

烏來璞石麗緻 Pause Landis Wulai 堅持著提供最佳的服務,並為其所感動 著,我們亦將持續每時每刻以「體貼入心‧ 更甚於家」對待珍貴家人的心,在烏來璞石 暖身‧暖心 麗緻溫泉會館迎來每位重要貴賓。 "Welcome!" the reception desk says 來趟體感 溫馨之旅! kindly as you walk into the elegant 100℃ and peaceful lobby of the Pause Warm the body, warm the heart Journey Landis Wulai. The natural hot spring waters of Wulai are unique for being to Wulai and relax in a 100℃ hot spring! colorless and odor-free. Billowing with steam, our communal hot spring area features a steam room and sauna. We 一份留存的感動,如同烏來的溫泉,暖身亦暖心。 also provide toiletries and skin care Hot spring bathing in Wulai, warm the body and the heart. products for guests. In addition to superior amenities, our considerate staff is always there to take care of 景緻湯屋 you. This combination of facilities and 23 24 THE LANDIS NEWS Hotel Lifestyle 飯店人文 service is why so many people make Pause Landis Wulai their first choice for a holiday getaway.

A few months ago, the Chang clan stayed with us, bringing their children and grandchildren. The family matriarch, Mrs. Chang, loves Wulai's hot springs very much and is a frequent visitor to the Pause Landis Wulai. Upon arrival, they chatted with the counter staff like old friends, then checked into their rooms. The next morning, the family came down for breakfast, but Mrs. Chang headed to the hot spring baths first. The hotel staff greeted Mrs. Zhang and reminded her to eat something before getting in the hot water to avoid fainting from low blood sugar. She smiled and got in the water. A bit later, someone shouted: "Help! Someone just fainted!" The hotel staff immediately rushed to the scene to see Mrs. Chang passed out. They patted her shoulder, asking if she was fine. They quickly moved her to an open area and wrapped her in a towel to keep her warm while the desk called for an ambulance and contacted her family. Mrs. Chang slowly regained consciousness and opened her eyes. She said softly: "Did I faint? Sorry to worry everyone." An ambulance arrived and Mrs. Chang's daughter-in-law accompanied her to the hospital. Mr. Chang, his son and young grandson returned to their room to pack their luggage to leave.

As they checked out, Mr. Chang joked: "You see? She loves your hot springs even more than breakfast!" Then he said, "Thank you all very much! We are truly grateful to all the staff at Pause Landis Wulai for their help in this emergency situation." Then the staff handed Mr. Chang a breakfast they had specially prepared for him to take to his wife. Although their visit hadn't gone as planned, the Chang family was deeply moved by the quick response and concern of the staff. As they left the hotel to be by Mrs. Chang's side, they said, "See you again soon!"

Committed to providing every guest with superior service, we always work from the heart to make every moment here feel like your home away from home. We welcome everyone who visits the Pause Landis Wulai Hot Spring Resort, treating them as our important guest.

景緻湯屋 25 Promotion 各家優惠專案

台北亞都麗緻 The Landis Taipei 台南大億麗緻 Tayih Landis Tainan 體貼入心‧更甚於家 | 生日最大‧套餐我請 | 台北亞都麗緻大飯店歡迎緻友回娘家! 台南大億麗緻酒店歡迎緻友享受特別的一天!

歡迎盛夏出遊台北城市!凡緻友會員住宿台北亞都麗緻大飯店, 緻友會員凡生日當月入住台南大億麗緻享好禮三選一,當日入 即享任一餐廳9折優惠(皆需加原價10%服務費);入住豪華客 住還有機會享房型升等,如預訂「緻友生日快樂住房專案」入住 房(含)以上房型,再免費享用普魯斯特廳(Proust Lounge)感 時尚客房優惠價NT$7,920,除了可享以上條件優惠,另贈共 受輕鬆閒適的休憩體驗。折扣後之消費金額皆可累積緻友會員 同市場「雙人自助式早餐」、亞洲食錦鐵板燒「雙人海陸套餐」, 點數喔! 以及精選紅酒乙瓶!讓舒適時尚客房搭配品嚐美食佳餚,與您 慶祝一年中最重要的日子。 Welcome to Taipei City in the summer! Landis Club members staying at The Landis Taipei enjoy 10% off at Landis Club members enjoy special treatment in their any of our restaurants (plus 10% service charge). Stay in a birthday month. Book our "Landis Club Happy Birthday Deluxe Room or higher and you’ll also enjoy free access to 卓越客房 Room Special" and stay at the Tayih Landis Tainan for just 時尚客房 The Proust Lounge. Plus, you can accumulate Landis Club NT$7,920. Members will enjoy a free upgrade to our Trendy points on the money you spend after your discount! Room and can choose from one of three birthday gifts: INFO breakfast for two at The Market Place Buffet Restaurant; surf INFO and turf meal for two at New Asia Teppanyaki; or a specially Tel +886-2-2597-1234 taipei.landishotelsresorts.com Tel +886-6-213-5555 tainan.landishotelsresorts.com selected bottle of red wine for your room! What better way to celebrate the most important day of the year than pairing the comfort of our Trendy Room with gourmet dining?

台中亞緻 The Landis Taichung 陽明山中國麗緻 Landis Resort Yangmingshan 美景映入眼‧入住享優惠 | 盛夏時光,清涼一下 | 台中亞緻大飯店歡迎緻友享受放鬆的日子! 陽明山中國麗緻大飯店歡迎緻友FUN暑假!

即日起至2019年08月31日,凡加入緻友會員入住標準客房, 夏天,郊遊踏青的日子;陽明山,離市區最近的避暑聖地。給 遠眺城市日夜美景,含28樓異料理豐盛自助式早餐2客,平日 緻友會員們的特別福利,即日起來電預訂2019年08月01日至 優惠價只要NT$4,199,讓您出遊無負擔,輕鬆暢遊中台灣! 2019年09月30日的房間,即可享房型免費升等優惠,快來訂 製屬於你/妳的避暑行程吧! From now until August 31, 2019, Landis Club members are personally invited to stay at The Landis Taichung. You’ll Summer is the season to spend time in nature, and enjoy a view overlooking the city and buffet-style breakfast Yangmingshan is the nearest summer escape to Taipei City. for two at IN Restaurant on 28F. Special member price is As a special offer for Landis Club members, book a room

標準客房 only NT$4,199 for a standard room. 山泉游泳池 between August 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019, and you can enjoy a free room upgrade. Hurry up and book your summer vacation soon!


Tel +886-4-2303-1234 taichung.landishotelsresorts.com Tel +886-2-2861-6661 yangmingshan.landishotelsresorts.com

27 28 Promotion VIP 名人錄 People

日本演歌女王小林幸子,同時也是台灣觀光親善大使,來台期間下榻台北亞都麗緻大飯 店,並於飯店召開記者會宣傳演唱會。 烏來璞石麗緻 Pause Landis Wulai Sachiko Kobayashi, a Japanese enka singer and Taiwanese goodwill ambassador, stayed at The Landis 一湯一世界‧一景一仙境 | Taipei during her visit to Taiwan. She held a press conference at the hotel to promote her concert. 烏來璞石麗緻溫泉會館歡迎緻友 來趟愜意之旅!

暖陽微風,在氣候怡人的日子,邀請緻友好朋友們不妨 到烏來來趟春日之旅。沿著山路欣賞烏來特有自然美 景,享受內洞森林山林間寧靜氛圍,悠閒逛著老街、品 大千電台知名廣播主持人小倩至台中亞緻大飯店進行活動採訪,並於大廳與台中亞緻大 嚐當地美食,體驗特色湯屋和住宿服務。來一段悠閒慢 飯店副總經理簡基麟合影。 活之旅,滿載著幸福回憶而歸。優惠至2019年10月31 DJ Vivien Xiao Qian, a well-known radio host on Super FM99.1 Radio, came to The Landis 日止,房價NT$5,720起。 Taichung for an interview. Here she poses for photos with Assistant General Manager of The Landis Taichung Kilin Jian. Warm sun and a light breeze; in such pleasant 會館一景 weather, we invite Landis Club members to visit Wulai. Driving along the mountain road, enjoy the natural beauty of Wulai; the tranquil atmosphere INFO 大億麗緻酒店與台南市愛樂協會所舉辦「大億愛樂 麗緻音樂會」,邀請到國內知名聲樂家 deep in the forest; take a leisurely stroll through the Tel +886-2-2661-8000 wulai.landishotelsresorts.com 簡文秀教授(右)為貴賓獻唱。活動後與酒店總經理嚴心誼(Frances Yen)(左)合影留念。 old streets and taste the local cuisine; relax in the hot Professor Wen Wenxiu (right), a well-known domestic vocalist, sang for guests at the "Tayih spring baths. From now until October 31, 2019, room Philharmonic Concert" held by Tayih Landis Tainan and the Tainan Philharmonic Society. After the rates start at NT$5,720. Come to Wulai for a leisurely show, she took photo with hotel General Manager Frances Yen (left). and slow journey, full of happy memories.

知名藝人、電視劇《兩個爸爸》的男主角林佑威(Lin Yo-Wei)於 1 月 17日至陽明山中國麗 緻大飯店用餐,並於飯店大門外與業務部業務主任林珮涵(Pony Lin)合照留影。 Lin Yo-Wei, famous artist and actor in the TV series "Two Fathers," dined at Landis Resort 竹湖暐順麗緻 Landis Inn Chuhu Yangmingshan on January 17. Here he poses for photos with hotel business director Pony Lin. 寵愛日‧寵愛無極限 | 竹湖暐順麗緻文旅歡迎緻友享用專屬寵愛!

生日好禮|迎賓飲品(份數視房型)、4吋生日蛋糕乙顆、西餐 廳餐食8折 ; 湖鵲客房‧雙床房| NT$4,100 +10%(含二客 早餐),升等至【麗緻行政套房】每日限定5間 ; 湖鵲家庭房| 「運用不同物件的結合去串聯看不到的美感,以抽象的方式讓觀看者能進而延伸更深層 NT$5,100 +10%(含四客早餐),升等至【湖緻家庭房】每日限 的思考。」即日起至2019年 7 月 3 日止,楊宗嘉( Yang Zong Jia)雕塑展於烏來璞石麗緻溫 定5間 ; 湖緻家庭房| NT$5,400 +10%(含四客早餐),升等 泉會館1F大廳和B1展出,邀請您一同蒞臨欣賞。 至【竹湖套房】每日限定2間 。 "Using different objects in unique combinations can reveal a new kind of beauty. Abstract art enables the viewer to ponder even deeper." From now until July 3, 2019, an exhibition of sculptures by Yang Birthday gifts include: welcome for room guests, two Zong-Jia is on display in the first floor lobby and B1 at Pause Landis Wulai Hot Spring Resort. We invite you to come and enjoy. 4-inch birthday cakes, and a 20% discount on dining in our western restaurant. Free room upgrades are available too! 麗緻行政套房 - Deluxe Room or Deluxe Twin: NT$4,100 +10% (includes 竹湖暐順麗緻文旅與新竹市政府一同參加 台北國際春季旅展,以熱銷親子房共同推 breakfast for two); upgrade to Executive Suite (limit five a 2019 廣新竹觀光與親子友善場域,活動記者會後與新竹市長林智堅(Lin Chih-chien)及桃園市 day) 長鄭文燦(Cheng Wen-tsan)合影。 INFO - Deluxe Family NT$5,100 +10% (includes four breakfasts); The cast and crew from Taiwan CTV food-travel series "Hunger Games" came to Hsinchu to savor upgrade to Family Suite (limit five a day) Tel +886-3-571-5888 chuhu.landishotelsresorts.com the local delicacies. While here, they dined at Chinese Restaurant in Landis Inn Chuhu. Here show - Family Suite NT$5,400 +10% (includes four breakfasts); hosts Tony Sun, Zax Wang, and Jason Hsu, pose for photos with hotel guests, as well as Housekeeping upgrade to Chuhu Suite (limit two a day) Assistant Manager Phil Tsai, Chinese Restaurant supervisor Kenyon Song, and hotel Pubilc Relations Manager Emily Huang.

29 麗緻旅館系統Landis Hotels & Resorts‧www.landishotelsresorts.com‧廣告服務專線 Advertising Service Line 886-2-2598-3877 30 本刊所載編輯內容之版權為本刊所有,非經同意不得做任何形式之轉載或複製 Use of editorial content without permission is strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved. Voyage au centre de la Terre Afternoon Tea Menu 地心歷險記|文學下午茶AD

巴賽麗廳|台北亞都麗緻大飯店 麗緻巴賽麗|台北SOGO復興店 台北市民權東路 2 段 41號 台北市大安區忠孝東路三段300號3樓