185-187 A-La-Bu-Dan 44, 47-48 Ahbao 22-24, 101-104, 106 Besio
NAN NÜ Nan Nü 9 (2007) 185-187 www.brill.nl/nannü Index A-la-bu-dan 44, 47-48 Fan Juqing jishu sisheng jiao (Fan Juqing’s Ahbao 22-24, 101-104, 106 chicken-millet life and death friendship) 114 Besio, Kim 25-26, 28-29, 73, 79, 111 Fan Yulan 101 Bian er chai (Cap and hairpin as well) 16 Fang Guozhen 53 Bingchu zhai suibi (Random notes from the Feng Menglong 26-27, 104, 114, 136-140, Studio of Candlelight) 175 144-145 Bingzhu zhai gao (Manuscript from the Stu-- Franke, Herbert 49 dio of Candlelight) 175 Bol, Peter 50, 59 Gan Bao 115 Bossler, Beverly 60-61, 64, 66 Gaoshi zhuan (Biography of a lo¤y gentle-- Bray, Alan 11 man) 42, 44 Brownell, Susan 8 Ge Tongfu 62 Geng Dingxiang 164 Cai Yuanding 87-89 Gerritsen, Anne 17, 19, 21, 34, 73, 79, 85, Carlitz, Katherine 127 113 Chen Yuan 42 Gong Tianting 129 Chenzu (Emperor) 109 Gu Dashao 20, 32, 170-178 Cilin zhaiyan (Plucking beauty from a forest Gu Dazhang 174 of verse) 112, 114 Gu Xiancheng 148, 161, 169-170, 173 Clunas, Craig 10-13, 15 Gu Yanwu 3 Confucius 81, 117, 164, 167, 177 Guan Ning 67, 130 Cuiya lou (e house of gathered rene-- Guan Yu 119, 120, 122 ments) 104 Guan Zhidao 174, 178 (Famous plays old and Dai Liang 17-19, 38-45, 47-48, 51-56, 59- Gujin mingju hexuan new) 114, 127 61, 66-69, 79, 85, 113 (Stories of old and new) 26, Dardess, John 53 Gujin xiaoshuo Davis, Adrian 9 114, 136-141 Davis, Richard L 49, 65 Han Fei 5, 10 Daxue (Great Learning) 161 Dimberg, Ronald 164 He Xinyin 12, 147, 163-165 Ding Henian 17-19, 40-48, 51-53, 56-57, He Zhi 165 59-61, 63, 66-69, 85, 113 He Zixiang 101
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