A bingxi 冰嬉,34 Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre, 56, 56n2 Bingxitu 冰嬉圖,35 agathon, 218 Blacky, 82, 83 Alibaba, 105, 111n17, 147, 148 Boao Forum, 122, 124, 124n34, 151 alienation, 6, 174 Bohunt School in Liphook, 162 of labor, 6, 240 book and zither, 39–45 All-China Women’s Federation, 240 book-burning and scholars buried alive Analects of ,3 焚書坑儒, 212–13 Annals of National Statistics, 156 Book of Change, 19, 204–7, 222 anti-corruption campaign, 105, 126, Book of Documents, 204, 222 178, 179, 231, 234 Book of Family Names, 191 Anti-Rightist Campaign, 74–6, 85 Book of Music, 204 ant tribe, 167–9 Book of Poetry,15–16, 42, 42n79, Aquinas, Thomas, 218 42n80, 204 Aristotle, 2, 5, 216–19 Book of Rites, 2n3, 10n3, 14, 14n10, axial age, 2, 219 14n11, 17n19, 37, 37n65, 204 Boxer Rebellion, 59 Buddha. See Shakyamuni B Buddhism, 11, 33n56, 205–8 Baidu, 105, 111n17, 148, 171 introduction to China, 67 Baoguohui 保國會,51 introduced to the West, 56 becoming human, 6 Buddhists, 10, 28, 58, 77, 207, 219, 221 Bible, 219 Buddhist sutras, 58

Note: Page numbers with ‘n’ denote notes.

© The Author(s) 2017 255 Huidi Ma, Er Liu, Traditional Chinese Leisure Culture and Economic Development, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-59253-8 256 INDEX

C Chinese tunic suit (zhongshan zhuang), Caigentan 菜根譚,46 68–70 Yong (styled Bojie), 27, 44n86 Chinese zither, 21 campaign against drugs and Churchill, Winston, 204 prostitution, 70–1 civil servants, 159, 176–80, 233 Castiglione, Giuseppe, 208 Coase, Ronald, 97, 97n1 CCP. See Chinese Communist Party The Communist Manifesto, 226 (CCP) Complete Biography of Emperor Chang, Peng-chun, 137 Qianlong,58 character cultivation, 3, 18, 24 , 11, 16, 62, 143, 206–8, Che Ying, 36 210, 211, 235 Chen Duxiu, 61, 61n17, 62, 62n22, classics, 27, 194, 204, 224, 227, 242, 62n23, 210, 226, 226n17 243 Chen Jiru, 32, 32n55 and the Declaration on Fundamental Chen Yinque, 219 Human Rights and Freedoms, cheongsam, 68–70 136 China as land of courtesy and doctrine of the Mean, 19n24, 24n35, propriety, 4 66, 205, 207, 224 China dream, 7 dominance in , 48–9 Chinese Characteristics, 138, 138n56, ethics, 205, 211 138n57, 139, 140, 141n60, 205, on governing the state, 210 228, 233 ideal of, 216 Chinese Communist Party (CCP), introduced to the West, 234 24n63, 89, 90n75, 226, 226n17, on music, 43 226n18, 226n20, 228, 230–2 and the New Culture Movement, anti-corruption campaign, 126 62–4 Central Commission for Discipline on profit, 221 Inspection, 230–1 ren (benevolence), 14 Charter of, 228 values, 64 confronts problem of human rights, Confucians, 2, 10, 26, 27, 205, 221, 141 223 decisions regarding reform of Confucius, 3, 13, 14, 17, 23, 26, 33, 66, economic system, 101 77, 137, 204, 219, 235, 242 founding of, 226 cemetery of, 77 legitimacy of, 230 compilation of the classics by, 93 third plenary session of the 11th political campaign to denounce, Central Committee, 89, 100 72, 75 Chinese Dama (中國大媽), 108, and qingtan, 30 134n50 and traveling, 17 Chinese learning, 64, 204–7, 212 on wealth and power, 221 Chinese People’s Political Consultative on work and leisure, 30, 52 Conference, 129, 231 Confucius Institutes, 243 INDEX 257 consumer psychology, 113–15 E consumption potential, 126–7, 128 educational professionals, 182–5 consumption structure, 123–9 eight great essayists (of the Tang-Song Credit Suisse, 105, 105n11 period), 23, 44n88 cruise, 111, 111n19 Eight-Nation Allied Forces, 59 cruise ship, 111 Eight Zeroes, 186 cuju 蹴鞠,34 elderly, 7, 108, 125, 142, 150, 154, cultural capital, 7, 41, 201, 248 156, 158, 162, 249 of China, 242–4 of Beijing, 198 Cultural Revolution, 5, 69, 75n53, and Beijing opera, 199 76–89, 93, 95, 98–100, 118, 196, care for, 132, 133 199, 213, 213n8, 228, 231, 233 disabled, 198 leisure life, 198, 200 and pets, 197 D recreational facilities for, 194 Daily Life in China on the Eve of the rural, 190–6 Mongol Invasion, 27n42, 28n43, urban, 196–200 29n44, 36, 36n63, 38n66 women, 192, 198, 199 Daodejing 道德經. See Laozi elegance and taste in leisure life, 30–47 Daoguang-Xianfeng Era, 58 Emperor Ming (Han Dynasty), 208 Deng Xiaoping, 69, 101–2, 101n6, Emperor Mu (Jin Dynasty), 32 102n7, 102n9, 118, 186n33, 196, empty-nest family, 156 210, 231, 233 The End of Work, 239, 239n43 The Depressed Chinese, 235, 235n39 enemy (radio) stations, 75 Dictionary of Modern Chinese, 93, 93n82 dink family, 156 F doctors, 180–2 family-centered learning, 220–5 The Doctrine of the Mean, 19n24, family instructions 家訓,4,24–8, 41, 24n35, 205, 224 219, 220 Dong Qichang, 18 The Fearful Chinese, 235, 235n39 Dong Zhongshu, 207 Fei Xiaotong, 25, 25n36 Do not let the child lose at the starting fenggu 風骨,31 line, 160–2 Feng Qiu Huang 鳳求凰,43 Double Ninth Festival, 195 Feng Youlan, 66–8, 67n36, 67n37 Down to the Countryside Movement, fengyun 風韻,31 79, 81–3, 95 feudal-bourgeois-revisionist, 80 Dragon Boat Festival 端午, 121, 195 Five-Year Plan Dream of the Red Chamber, 37, 57 11th, 128 duanzi 段子, 156, 156n5, 157 12th, 102, 103n10 Duke of Zhou, 25, 25n37, 211 13th, 118, 134–6, 149, 151, 173; Du Yaquan, 211 features of, 135 258 INDEX folk belief, 219–25 Gu Jiegang, 62n19, 213, 213n9 four news, 76–8 Gu Yanwu, 31n48, 33, 33n57 four olds, 76–8, 213, 213n8, 215 Guangling San 廣陵散, 44, 44n87 Foxconn Technology Group, 173 Gui yuantian ju 歸園田居,22 Frankfurt School, 240 Guo Songtao, 234, 234n32 free time, 20, 169 Guoyu 國語, 51, 52, 52n105 in agrarian China, 27, 34 of civil servants, 177, 178 and consumerism, 96 H for cultural pursuits, 186 Haitang Poetry Club, 57 increase of, 112, 113 Han Kehua, 119 meaning of xian, 92 Hanfeizi 韓非子, 222 of old people, 195 He Shuheng, 226 spent with children, 188 Hegel, Georg W. F., 56, 96, 96n87, and TV, 194, 239, 241 227, 236 Fromm, Eric, 240, 240n45 Heidegger, Martin, 56 Sinian, 62n19 hermit, 22–4, 30 Fu Ssu-nien. See Fu Sinian Hermit Culture, 22–4 Homo Ludens, 34, 34n59 Houhan Shu 後漢書,48 G How China Became Capitalist, 97n1 games, 4, 29, 30, 34–7, 61, 66, 68, 88, Hu Jintao, 229–30, 230n28 89, 242 Hu Ping, 91, 92n78 A General Plan for National Hu Shi, 62, 62n19, 63, 63n28, 63n29, Construction, 60, 60n11 65, 65n34, 210 Gernet, Jacques, 27, 27n42, 28n43, Hu Shih. See Hu Shi 29n44, 36, 36n63, 38, 38n66 Hu Yaobang, 228–9 girlfriend/boyfriend rental, 170, Hua Guofeng, 228 170n17 Huang Jingren, 214, 214n10 Global Wealth Report, 105, 105n11 Huawei, 105 golden mean, 10 Huicai Brigade, 81 golden weeks, 6, 94–5, 109, 109n13, Huizinga, Johan, 34, 34n59 120, 121, 201, 243, 250 Hujia Shibapai 胡笳十八拍,43 gongfu 功夫,21 humanism, 218 external, 21 human rights, 38, 69, 98, 99, 102, hard, 21 174 internal, 21 in China, 136–45 light, 21 UN declaration on, 136 Great Leap Forward, 72–3 Hundred Days’ Reform, 51, 234 Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Hurun Global Rich List, 116, 116n26 144, 144n64 Hurun Institute, 116 Gu Hongming, 210, 235 hutong 胡同,87 INDEX 259

I Lanting, 31, 32 Ice-drinking Room Collected Works, 139 Lanting Xu 蘭亭序,32 The Importance of Living, 16n17, 66 Laozi, 2, 3, 5, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, 31, inner alchemy, 21 33, 56, 66, 137, 205, 207, 219, intellectual mercenaries, 215, 216 220 interest class, 160–2 discussed in qingtan, 31, 33 Internet +, 126, 192 and traveling, 17, 18 on the Way (Dao), 7 on wuwei, 14 J Laozi (Daodejing), 17, 56, 205, 219 Jaspers, Karl, 2 Larry H. P. Lang, 115, 116n25 Kang, 31n50, 44 left-behind children 留守兒童, 155, Jiang Zemin, 229, 231 192, 192n38 Jiangnan, 50 legend of high scores, 164 Jia’ningling 假寧令,49 Leisure jiaxue 家學,47 the Basis of Culture,5 Jiezishu 誡子書, 20, 221 leisure consumption, 103–6 Jin Dynasty, 30, 32, 32n52, 36, 49 li 禮 (courtesy), 25 Julien, Stanislas, 56, 56n3 Li Dazhao, 63, 63n24, 63n26, 63n27, 210, 226, 226n18 Li Keqiang, 124, 124n35, 125n36, 126, K 126n38, 130, 151, 152 Kang Youwei, 51, 234n35, 234n36 Li Shangyin, 29, 222 Kangxi (emperor), 11, 50, 51, 56–9 Liang Qichao, 61, 61n16, 139, 139n59, Kangxi Zidian 康熙字典, 11, 92 234n35, 234n36 Kangxi-Qianlong Era, 51, 56–9 Liang Shiqiu, 66 Kant, Immanuel, 7, 144, 144n64, 227 Liang Sicheng, 83, 83n65, 84, 84n67, King Tang of Shang, 149 85n68, 86n70, 88n71 King Wen of Zhou, 25, 205 Liang Xiaosheng, 235, 235n38, 235n39 King Wu of Zhou, 9, 14, 25n37, 52, lidong 立冬 (solar term), 48, 48n96 211 Life Weekly,64 King Zhou of Shang, 205 Lin Yusheng, 224, 224n14 Kong Anguo, 212 Lin Yutang, 2, 12, 12n8, 16, 16n17, , 36, 36n64 66–7 Kongque Dongnan Fei 孔雀東南飛,37 Liu Ji, 42 KPMG and Meilihui, 126 Liu Mengxi, v, 69, 70n42, 212n6, Ku Chieh-kang. See Gu Jiegang 219n13 Liu Shaoqi, 69 liushu 六書, 40, 40n73 L lu€ 旅 (to travel), 16, 18 Lang, Larry H.P., 115, 116, 116n25 Lu Hsun. See Lantern Festival, 49, 50, 195 Lu Xun, 62n19, 139, 210, 225n15 260 INDEX

M missionary, American, 138 Ma Yun (Jack), 117, 147 missionary, Western, 50, 58 Maddison, Angus, 56, 56n1 motorhome, 108, 111–12 mahjong, 37, 63, 65, 65n31, 192, 194, Mozi, 137 199, 251 M-shaped consumption, 115–16, Mao suit. See Chinese tunic suit 116n25 (zhongshan zhuang) M-shaped society, 115, 115n24 Mao Zedong, 69–71, 73, 73n50, 76, Mulan Ci 木蘭辭,37 78n57, 81, 81n62, 82n64, 83–4, Muslim Uprising, 59 100, 186n33, 226–8, 231, 233, My Country and My People,66 237n41 death, 228 Quotations from Chairman Mao, N 78, 82 Nanxunji 南巡記,50 Selected Works, 78, 227n24, 237n41 National Bureau of Statistics, 99n3, and ‘serve the people,’ 130 103n10, 127n41, 128n42, 240 Maoist era, 196 national character, 139, 141, 144 Marcuse, Herbert, 6, 240, 240n44 of the Chinese, 60, 138–41, 143, Maritime Silk Road, 126 144, 235 market of ideas, 150–1 National People’s Congress, 124, 133, Marx, Karl, 154, 236, 240, 244 231 on alienation of labor, 6 11th, 189 Marxism, 63n24, 210, 226–7, 226n17, National Tourism Administration, 119, 226n18, 232, 240, 252 122n31, 123 Maslow, Abraham, 236 New Admonitions for the World, 67, May Day, 63n27, 94, 121 67n37 May Fourth Movement, 62, 64 New China, 70–89, 191, 226–8 Mencius, 26, 137 New Countryside Movement, 191, and qingtan, 33 191n37, 194 mid-Autumn Festival 仲秋, 121 New Culture Movement, 61–4, 62n23, middle class, 7, 62, 103, 105–7, 114, 211 115n24, 150, 169–72 new demands, 119–20 middle income trap, 124, 172, 248–9 New Life Movement, 64 migrant workers, 7, 167, 185–90, 192, New Silk Road, 126 195, 249 A New Theory of the Way of Life,67 children of, 155 New Youth, 61, 61n17, 62n23 Mill, John Stuart, 143, 144, 144n63 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 56 millennial generation, 107–8 No. 2 Middle School of Hengshui, Ming Dynasty, 18, 44, 49–50, 86n69, 165 208 nu€gong. See womanly work mingxin jianxing 明心見性, 33, 33n56 Nu€xun (the book), 27 missionary, 138n56, 140, 208–9 nu€xun 女訓,27 INDEX 261

O R Obama, Barack, 121, 199 Red Guards, 76, 77, 80, 80n61 Old China, 60–71 reform and opening-up, 89–95, 98, one-dimensional man, 240 100, 100n5, 118, 148, 151, 196, On Liberty, 143, 144n63 229, 238, 248 only-child generation, 156–8 policy of, 89–90, 118 only-child policy, 158 policy implementation, 98 On the Zither,42 Renaissance, 5, 144, 219 Opium War, 58n7, 59–61, 138, 248 in China, 64 original sin, 218 ren 仁 (benevolence), 14, 25, 137 The Republic, 60n10, 204, 217 respecting teachers and valuing P education, 4, 19 Party school, 230, 230n27 Ricci, Matteo, 208 People’s Congress of Beijing, 70 Richard, Timothy, 208 petite bourgeoisie, 107, 169 Rifkin, Jeremy, 239, 239n43 Pieper, Josef, 5 Ruan Changling, 39, 39n71 Plato, 2, 204, 216, 217, 219 rule of rites (禮制), 207 play, 29, 34–7, 45, 46, 58, 63, 66, 90, rule through exemplary moral integrity 107, 125, 132, 163, 166, 172, 199, (德治), 207 200, 250 public service, 73–6, 95, 97, 129–36, 176, 187, 248 S Putin, Vladimir, 199 Schall von Bell, Johann Adam, 208 Scholars’ Open Letter to the Emperor, 234 Q Scholasticism, 218 Qian Xuantong, 210 Selected Works of Mao Zedong. See Mao Qianjia School, 212, 212n7 Zedong Qianlong (emperor), 34, 50, 51, 58–9, self-cultivation, 2, 12, 17, 19, 21, 23, 58n7 24, 26, 28, 33, 33n56, 43, 45, 52, Qianlong (reign), 35n61, 212n7, 213 64, 133, 210, 222, 247 qigong 氣功,21 and cheongsam, 68–9 Qing Dynasty, 34, 50–2, 50n100, and conception of leisure, 52 51n101, 58, 87, 92, 212, 212n7, Confucian view of, 4, 33n56 213 methods for, 210 Qing Wen, 37 and xiuxian, 2, 12, 13, 92–4, 103, Qingshan Commune, 81 201, 237 qingtan 清談,30 Self-Strengthening Movement, 209, qingyi 清議,30 211 Qufu, 77 seven deadly sins, 218 262 INDEX

Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, 31, Song Dynasty, 23, 34, 36n64, 40, 42, 32, 44 49 Seven Things for a Life of Refined Taste, The Spirit of the Chinese People, 235 45 sports goods, 112–18 Shakespeare, William, 57, 204 Spring and Autumn Annals, 68n39, Shakyamuni (the Buddha), 2, 219 204 Shen Bao 申報 ( Shanghai News), 51, Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), 94, 51n102 109, 171, 195 Shen Fu, 57 Spring Festival transportation 春運, shenyi 深衣 style (of apparel), 68 195, 195n44 Shiji 史記,34 subduing dong 動 (motion) with jing 靜 shizu 士族, 31, 31n49, 32, 33 (tranquility), 19–21 shortening of the workweek, 91 Summa Theologica, 218 sick man of Asia, 60–2 Sun Yat-sen, 60–1, 60n10–13, 69, siheyuan 四合院, 89, 89n73 69n40, 71, 138, 167, 225 Silk Road, 53, 126, 208 led bourgeois national revolution, 225 silver-haired, 107, 108 super rich, 106, 107, 116, 116n27, 117 Sima Guang, 36, 36n64 system design, 97, 118–29 , 25n37, 205, 212 top-level, 124–5 Sima Xiangru, 43 single-child policy, 154 single-member household, 156 T Sino-Japanese War (1984–1985), 59, Taiji 太極, 206 138, 140, 209 Taiji boxing, 21, 36, 200, 206 sinology, 209, 245 Taiping Rebellion, 59 Siren, Osvald, 84, 84n66 Tang Dynasty, 23, 28 six arts, 3, 14, 17, 40, 44–6 (styled Yuanming), 21, 22n33 Six Classics 六書, 204 , 11, 16, 206–8 Six Records of a Floating Life,57 introduced to the West, 219 Smith, Arthur Henderson, 138, Taoists, 10, 68, 221 138n56, 138n57, 139, 140, Tencent, 105, 111n17, 113n23, 148 141n60 Ten Great Zither Tunes, 43, 44, Snow, Edgar, 227, 227n21 44n86 socialism with Chinese characteristics, Thousand-Character Classic, 191 228, 233 three fears, 224, 225 socialization, 6 Three-Character Primer, 191 Social Status of Women in China Three Principles of the People, 60, 60n12, (survey), 240 60n13, 61 Socrates, 2, 216–17, 219 Tian’anmen, 226 solar terms, 13, 14, 28 tiandi 天地,12 twenty-four, 13, 13n9, 28, 48, Tomb-Sweeping Day 清明, 121 48n96, 195 Tongzhi (reign), 59 INDEX 263 tourism, 6, 17, 92, 94, 95, 105, 107–12, wu 無,14 114, 118–23, 125, 126, 144, 192, wuwei 無為, 13, 14 201, 243, 244 and golden weeks, 94–5, 109, 120, 201 X overseas, 108–10, 122, 123 Xianqing Ouji 閑情偶寄,47 policy on, 118–23 xianrenyin 賢人隱,22 scenic sites for, 119, 177, 192 xian 閒. See xiuxian stipulations on, 120–2 Xiaochuang Youji 小窗幽記,32 tourism consumption, 110 Xiaomi, 105 tourism industry, 110–12, 118, 121, Xi Jinping, 124, 124n34, 126, 126n37, 122 178, 178n24, 192, 230–1, twenty-four solar terms. See solar terms 230n26, 232n31 Two Conferences (兩會), 231 xin 信 (trustfulness), 25 xiu 休. See xiuxian xiuxian 休閒, 2, 10, 12–13, 92–4, 103, U 201, 237 United Nations World Tourism etymology of, 92 Organization (UNWTO), 108 Xu Xiake, 18 unity of man and Nature, 10–18, 21, 30 Xu Xiake’s Travels,18 Xu Zhimo, 16, 16n18 Xue Fucheng, 211 V vacations, 94, 95, 120, 175–7, 250, 251 institutional arrangements for, 48–52 Y in traditional China, 48–52 Yan Fu, 210 Yangchuntang Qinjing 陽春堂琴經,44 Yangtze River, 50, 112 W yi 義 (benevolence), 25 The Walls and Gates of Peking, 84, yijing zhidong 以靜致動,21 84n66 yinyang 陰陽, 21, 206 Wang Guangmei, 69 Yiyang, 44, 44n89 Wang Jianlin, 117 Yongle (emperor), 49 Wang Miaotong, 117 Yongle (reign), 49 Wang Ning, 97n1 Yongzheng (reign), 231 Wang Qishan, 230 you 遊 (to wander), 16 Wang Xizhi, 32 youwei 有為,15 Wanli (reign), 44, 50 Yu Boya, 43 Western learning, 204–19 Yu Guangyuan, 91, 91n76, 237, Western studies, 245 238n42 womanly work (nu€gong 女紅), 4, 27, Yuan Dynasty, 26n38 37–9, 191 Yushu County, 81 264 INDEX

Z , 3, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 29, 31, Zen, 3, 21, 33n56, 205, 206 33, 66, 137, 207 Zeng Xi (styled Dian), 11 discussed in qingtan, 31, 33 Zhang Daming, 44, 44n90 and traveling, 17, 18 Zhang Shizhao, 211 xinzhai, 3, 15 Zhang Taiyan, 210 zuowang, 3, 15 Zhang Yong, 39, 39n71 Zhuangzi (the book), 15, 19, 46n91, Zhanguo Ce 戰國策,34 210 Zhao Ziyang, 229, 229n25 xiaoyao you (free and easy wandering), Zhaoqing, 208 3, 15 zhi 智 (intelligence), 25 , 20, 221 Zhong Ziqi, 43, 66 Zhuo Wenjun, 43 Zhou Enlai, 69, 210, 226, 226n19 zither, 21, 39–47, 44n86, 44n89 Zhouli 周禮 (Rites of Zhou), 40 Zong Baihua, 32, 32n52, Zhu Xi, 11n7, 14n12, 24n35, 26n39, 32n54 26n40, 35, 35n62, 207 zuoshu youqin 左書右琴, 39, 40