1962'S BLAZERS PINFEATHER 8ARADAK JACK~TS JAMAICAN Special Grouf?S of ~,Pide and Authentic IVY Style
All the News of All the Pointes * * * Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete New:} Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News VOLUME 23-NO. 28 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at DetroIt. Mtc'.h. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, JULY 12, 1962 7c Per Copy $4.00 Per Year 20 PAGES-THREE SECTIONS-SECTION I IIEADLINES Summer Typist Courses Popular ',. ~~- , --, :"':,'~:;;:,::':;',:':"',~:;,;",:"i' ,"'l 01 the , "':i1'-'''''';:-'-::::, Progressing!ParI\: Spends $,•. Work \\lEEK t. •• i $194,500 to As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News On AudItorIum at:Meet Edict I Large Sewer and New Thursday, July 5 Memorial Center ' Equipment Installed to SEVEN STRIKING Saskatch- ; Keep Pollution Out of ('wanhave doctorsheen threatenedand their famili,csby V1O- I: Expect Structure to be Completed on SchedLile by Fox Creek lenee. A Swift Current group, I November I Despite Delays Brought About by The Park council author- zpnscallingSafetvthemselves,Committee:'the "Citi-!has I Strikes During May_ I i:-::ed the Clty manager and selJt an ope'n letter to the area's i Despite delays due'to strikes, which held up work ! en~inefers i,o Cl'hock in~o t~e '1 D . d dl'ng that "so h W'll' H F' A d't' th I t tl cos~ 0 conlC2 screemng ~o ." . seman - on t. e I lam aye~ nes u lonum ~0.ug 10U le: 1"1' t d b'I' tIe called doctors return to their Sprmg, the completIOn date for the addltlOn at the; 1t.leI' ou tel s . a 1 l respective practices or they will G P' W lilT • I Ct' N 1 ' S orm waer pumpmg s a- f" h h t th 1 es rosse omte ar .memona en er r0malUS ov.
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