Ja Rankin 'Etal

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Ja Rankin 'Etal Feb‘ 2'2, 1944- J. A. RANKIN 'ETAL - 2,342,492 . ‘ ' ULTRA-j-iIGH-FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER ' Filed April 4, 1942 > 14/14/341 ' INVENTOR c/aHlv A RANK/IV. ' 14? THUR E. NEWL 0N TTORNEY , Patented Feb. 22, 1944 ' 2,342,492, 2. UNITED STATES‘ PATENT omcs ’ I I ULTRA-lllGll-Fiztiggrqclf AMPLIFIER - I i I John’A. Rankin, Port Washington, and Arthur E. Newlon, Rochester, N. Y.I assign ors to Radio a Corporation of America, a corporation of Dela ware Application April 4, 1942, Serial No. 437,638 ‘ 6 Claims. (Cl. 179-471) ‘ I , This invention relates generally to ultra-high pended claims. ‘The invention itself, however, frequency ampli?ers for operation at such high . both as to its organization and mode of oper frequencies that the conductance of the input ation together with further objects and ‘advan circuit of the ampli?er is an appreciable factor . tages thereof will best be understood by reference in determining the response characteristic of the to the following description taken in connection stage. with the accompanying drawing in which the It is well known that circuits using convention single ?gure illustrates an ultra-high frequency al vpentode- tubes, while having satisfactory per- ‘ ampli?er embodying the invention. formance at low and medium-high frequencies, Referring to the circuit shown in the draw have certain drawbacks at frequencies in excess l0 ing, T is a tube known as a pentagrid-converter of about 10 me. For example, such tubes ex and is provided with a cathode K, successive ‘grids hibit a low positive input conductance as a result G1 - ->- to G5 and a plate electrode P. The tube of transit time losses and'the effect of which is T may be of the type presently known °as the toload the tuned circuit connected to the sig “6A8,” although other types such as the “6K8” nal grid of the tube. - The input loading is made‘ and "6SA7” may also be successfully used. manifest by a decrease in the gain and selectivity Signal frequencies from a suitable source such of the circuit. ~ . ‘ as the antenna A which may be a dipole or According to. the invention the input loading ' other type are transferred through the coupling of the tube employed in an ampli?er circuit is coil B to the tunable input circuit’ Ii which is not only reduced, but bya proper choice of oper connected to the signal inputvgrid G4. ating conditions is made negative in sign. The output circuit I0 is resonant to the same It is therefore an object of the invention to. signal frequency is as the input circuit Ii and is provide an improved ultra-high-frequency‘ am connected through the couplingcondenser C to pli?er stage, the response of which is not sub the plate P. Positive potential is supplied to the stantially limited by the‘ input conductance of 25 plate through a choke coil CH and to the screen the tube included in the stage. - grids G3, G5 by way of the resistance R. Suit Another object is to provide a pentagrid- or able condensers C1 and C: for by-passing radio oscillatoreconverter to function as an RF am frequencies to ground are connected to the screen pli?er of frequencies above about 10 inc. in order grids and to the plate. The signal control grid - to obtain high antenna circuit gain‘ andfselec 30 G4 is supplied with a bias derived from an A. V. C. tivity and in which the input loading is effectively source through the conductor L, and if desired a reduced or even made negative. ?xed or other bias maybe employed. The out A further object is to" operate'a pentagrid-' or put of the ampli?er may be coupled to a second oscillator-converter as an RF ampli?er in a man similar R.v F. ampli?eror else to a converter stage ner such that at frequencies above about .10 me. 35 of conventional design, bias to the signal control ' itsperformance is 'far superior to that obtain grid of the second ampli?er or converter being able with the conventional pentode tube. ‘ similarly supplied. The condensers C3 serve to - In superheterodyne receivers the use of an provide a radio frequency path for the signal oscillator-converter tube and circuit is known frequencies in the tunable circuits I1 and 10. to produce aninput conductance which may be 40 The cathode K, ?rst or oscillator grid G1 and . negative‘ thereby effectively reducing losses in second or oscillator anode-grid G2 constitute the the circuit connected to the input, terminals of oscillator section of the tube‘. The oscillator the oscillator-converter. _ which for the purpose of illustration is shown to According to the present invention, however, be of the‘ Hartley type comprises a. ?xed-tuned we make useyof the above phenomenon by em 45 circuit 0 resonant to the oscillator frequency in. ploying a converter-oscillator as the radio fre It will be understood of course that other forms quency ampli?er in an ultra-high frequency of oscillators may be used equally aswell without receiver to obtain greater gain and selectivity in departing from the invention. The oscillator the ?rst tuned circuit.’ The oscillator portion of grid G1 is connected through the grid condenser the tube needinot be tuned and may be at some 60 Cg to‘ the high potential side of the circuit 0. frequency suf?ciently removed from the signal The cathode K is tapped to an intermediate point -, and I. F. frequencies so as not to introduce on the'coil of the circuit 0. The grid resistor spurious responses. _ 'R¢.i_s connected between the ‘oscillator grid G1 The novel features characteristic of our inven-q and cathode, the combination of C; and R; pro tlon are set forth with particularity in the ap viding suitable operating @as for the grid \Gl. 2 2,342,492 The G: serves as the oscillator anode and with re region contribute ai‘positive component to the spect to high frequencies is connected to ground input conductance. through the condenser Ci. As heretofore stated The net input conductance of the tube will the oscillator section of the tube is adjustedv depend in sign and in magnitude upon the rela to oscillate at some frequency remote from the li tive importance of the two effects operating simul signal and I. F. frequencies. Unlike the local taneously within the signal-grid-screen space.‘ oscillator in superheterodyne receivers, the fre The average potential of the signal grid will affect ' quency of the oscillator circuit‘ above described the distribution of electrons within the signal is not varied with’tuning, but rather it is adiusted grid-screen space, and the avierage vpotential of to a fixed value, preferably outside the frequency l0 the oscillator-grid will determine the number of rarige of the received signals. Its- only purpose electrons passing through the screen. Therefore, is its effect in the production of negative input ' the bias on the oscillator grid and that on the conductance, the theory of which wilinow be , . signal. grid will both affect the magnitude of the described. _ t I‘ ' . input conductance. However, the Qscillator fre The space current between Grand G3 is rela-‘ quency no effect upon the magnitude of the tively independent of the bias on the signal‘ grid, input conductance. “ i G4, due to the interposed screen, Ga. That is to ' For purpose of comparison there is given in the say the sum of the currents in the plate P and the following table the values of input conductance at screens G3 and G5 is relatively constant. The ' speci?ed frequencies of the 6A8 and 6J7, con electrons passing through G: will be subject to the 20 verter and pentode tubes, respectively. influence of G4, and at some high negative bias on G4 will be completely ‘prevented. from passing I 6A8 ‘ 6J7 through this grid, resulting in- plate-current cut oil‘ as in the ordinary triode. "However, as the Anode volts _________________ __'_; ..... ______ - 250 .‘ 250 negative bias on G4 is decreased, from some high Screen volts: ~ ' -, ~ \ - a 1 v value the plate current will not increase linearly Gzof657 _________________ __'_ _______________ ._'., .;..‘_._. 100 because the supply of'electrons getting'through Signal grid bias _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ *3 ;-—3 Osc. grid voltage (G: of 6A8.» ' ........ ._ , , ,250 .r ____ .. G3 is limited. ‘ ' ‘V Input conductance at'5 mc_. .unihos +.'25‘ +2. 75 This limitation is brought about as follows: Input conductance at 10 mc..-_. __.do.;_ _ ~ +2. 0 +8. 0 The potential of the oscillator grid G1 ‘and the 30 Input conductance at 20 me ________ . .7 .__l.rio__.._| -—l4. 0 +26. 0 anode-grid G2 exert the primary in?uence in determining how many electrons shall be avail l Supplied through 20,600 ohm dropping resistor. I I _ v, able for the plate. ' The grid Ga by virtue of its While we have shown and described a preferred potential and its position will draw some value of embodiment of our invention, it will be under current, which current will be relatively inde 35 stood that modi?cations and changes may be pendent of the potential of G4, with the remainder made without departing from the spirit and scope of the current passing to the plate. Therefore, of our invention, as will be understood by those by a proper choice of potentials for-v G2 and G3 skilled in the art.
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