The Illustrated L.--­ I [----- VOLUflE 18 ISSUE 3 ~IARCH, 1992 J

TIlE 01.0 TIME RADIO CLUB EST. 1"5 ..,. ~


Affiliated With CLUB OFFICERS: The Old Time Radio President-- Jerry Collins A REVIEW OF Network 56 Christen Ct. Lancaster, N.Y. 14086 LIFE A,; A TIlIRD BANANA thru the (716) 683-6199 GOLDEN YEARS OF RADIO ane' BEYOND by Vice-President &Canadian Branch ROBERT C. BRUCE Richard Simpson 960- 16 Rd. R.R. 3 THE OLD TIME RADIO CLUB Fenwick, Ontario LOS 1CO MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION At a rf~cent meeting of the OTHer I Treasurer & Video & Records wa s v o l by Dirk Diday to New member processing--$5.00 plus club Dominic Parisi listen !n this hook on tape and t.pll membership of $17.50 per year from 38 Ardmore PI. our r o a dr- r s about it. Buffalo, NY. 14213 Jan 1 to Dec 31. Members receive a tape (716) 884-2004 ]f yC)U did not attend the r"ecelll listing, library listing, monthly news P'r i e n d s of Old Time Ra d Lo Convent i on Illustrated Press, Columns, Letters r ~ Linda DeCecco in N("h'ilrl< you might say who the 11 P1 letter, the Illustrated Press, the yearly is r~()h01-1: C. Rruce and Why ~lloulri 1 32 Shenandoah Rd. qo Dill: .t u d bu y this double c a s s o tt.o ~~emories Publications and various special Buffalo, N.Y. 14220 book OJI I ape? items. Additional family members living (716) 822-4661 l ~Iw~ys in the same household as a regular Reference Library 1 ]('ferred to actors ljke Mr. Ed Wanat RruC0 ~s a character actor (i.u. an member may join the club for $5.00 per 393 George Urban Blvd. actor ,;ll(_l~e face or voice you w()uld year. These members have all the Cheektowa.s.a, N.Y. 14225 kOOH, but whose name you WQll.'i..d be unfamiliar with). Actors who mi qht, privileges of the regular members but do Membership Renewals, Change of Address, fall in this catagory are Parley Mailing of Publications Ba e r , ll o wa r d McNeer, T'e r r y Bergman, not receive the publications. A junior Pete Bellanca Palll Frees, or Marvin Miller. If r membership is available to persons 12 yrs 1620 Ferry Rd. said th~ above playe~ Chester and Grand Island, N.Y. 14072 Doc on C;unsmoke, Pasquale on Life of age & younger who do no live with a (716) 773-2485 witlI Luiqi(later the voice of Fred regular member. This membership is $13.00 Membership Inquiries, & OTR Network Flintsto~e) and John Beresforth Tipton and Nichael Anthony on TV's the per year and includes all the benefits of Related Items Richard Olday Nl11ionare a bell might go off in your regular membership. Regular membership 100 Harvey Dr. mind. are as follows: If you join in Jan- Mar Lancaster, NY. 14086 (716) 684-1604 Robert C. Bruce, during his fifty $17.50-- Apr- Jun $14.00-- July-Sept $10­ years in radio, television and pictllrps TAPE LIBRARIES: narrated over 500 pictures, and ucted in Oct- Dec $7.00. All renewals should be over 4000 radio and t e.Le v i s Lon sent in as soon as possible to avoid Cassettes: Jim Aprile broadcasts out of New York and 85 Hyledge Dr. HOllywood. In his Life as a "third missing issues. Please be sure to notify Amherst, N.Y. 14226 Ilanana" thru the Golden Years or-Radio us if you change your address. (716) 837-7747 and Beyond, he describes the unusual Reel to REELS 1-850 humorous, exciting and dangerous OVERSEAS ~lliMBERSHIPS are now available. experiances of a linetime of show' Marty Braun Annual memberships are $29.75. business-stage, radio, television and 10905 Howe Rd. pictures as he worked with top stars Publications will be airmailed. Clarence, N.Y. 14031 as Lionel Barrymore, Bing Crosby, Phil Thj (716) 759-8793 Harris, Walter Brennan, Chil Wills, Mel till The Old Time Radio Club meets the first Reel to REELS 851 s UP Blanc, ClaUdette Colbert, Gene Autrey, aF1 of every month on Monday evening from Roy Rogers, Joan Blondell, Basil on) Tom Harris Rathbone, Bob Hope, Eddie Cantor, Alan nel) August to June at 393 George Urban Blvd. 9565 Weherle Dr. Ladd, June Allyson etc. a! Cheecktowaga, N.Y. 14225. Anyone Clarence, N.Y. 14031 Th (716) 759- 8401 The star Would be the 1st or "top" b· interested in the Golden Age of Radio is banana; his sidekick Would be the **************i.~*.~,"******************** W~ welcome. Meeting start at 7;30 P.. "2nd" banana; and the other actors o~ ******11)1; II:II.IE M)Ii)( • MIlM)()( K. JE JE MIl)li X"')Ii Mil M" WiII:Xl! 11:. * would be the "charactor" actors or the cd TAPE LIBRARY RATES: All reels and video "3rd" banana. This book on tape will CLUB ADDRESS: cassettes $1.85 per month; cassettes also tell you what a cattle call is and a~ Old Time Radio Club and records-- $.85 per month. Rates I don't mean "get along little doggie." J~ include postage and handling. If you liked WIXIE WONDERLAND by Dick P.O. Box 426 Osgood, yOU'll like LIFE AS A 1~JRD Lancaster, N.Y. 14086 CANADIAN BRANCH: Rental rates are the BANANA thru the GOLDEN YEARS of RADIO same as above, but in Canadian funds. and BEYOND by ROBERT C.BRUCE. DEADLINE FOR THE I.P.-10th of each mont~ prior to pUblication FRANK C. BONCORE RESS 1'IARCH 1992 ILLUSTRATED PRESS PAGE THREE CLUB OFFICERS: ~'IJE 1'IIFl'M.O I,EWS President-- Jerry Collins A REVIEW OF ,L\tJUJl,I~ Y 19,1902 56 Christen Ct. Lancaster, N.Y. 14086 LIfE AC; A TIIIRD BANANA thru the (716) 683-6199 GOLDEN YEAllS OF R,\DIO a n d I3EYONI! by Vice-President &Canadian Branch 11GB,:R'!' C. nRUCE Richard Simpson 960- 16 Rd. R.R. 3 \ViHialll Conrad was Fenwick, Ontario LOS 1CO At a rf~c8nt meeting of tIle OTHer 1 Treasurer & Video & Records was ..... by DiCk OlcJay to o~ly voice of ub Dominic Parisi listen!n this book on tape and tell 38 Ardmore Pl. our r o a c or s a bou t. it. Buffalo, NY. 14213 tape ( 716) 884-2004 ][ you dic'l not attend the rpcclIl Matt Dillon F'r j e nd s of Old Time Hadio Ccm v r-n ' i on liS Illustrated Press, Columns, Letters Linda DeCecco in No wa r tc you might say who t h o hel; J)JI radio 32 Shenandoah Rd. i s Rti b o r t; C. Bruce and vhy s houj ri T Buffalo, N.Y. 14220 00 o u t..-Inn buv this double c a s s o t teo b o ok 011 tapp?~ (716) 822-4661 'Gnnsmoke' Reference Library 1 (lJW~YS j'('ferred to actors likr Mr. Ed Wanat Rruc(~ ~s a character actor (i.0. ~n HI l:i I n II H I PFn~RSON 393 George Urban Blvd. ac t.o r \;ho.'::e face or vo i ce you \.JOU] (1 /.. :1;;11 Hiddn Cheektowaga, N.Y. 14225 knoH, but whose name you wOULd be Membership Renewals, Change of Address, un f a mi Li a r with). Actors who mi c h t, t). 1rll nu- it William Conrad falJ in this catagory are Parley \'.1" ,Ill '1Llginal voice of the radio Mailing of Publications Ba e r , Howard McNeer, T('!rry Be r orna n , I Pill' Ranger. Pete Bellanca - ;\f. r, .11asillll tlitlv. Ca/{f. Palll Frees, or Marvin Miller. If 1 .\. Conrad never voiced (he 1620 Ferry Rd. said the above playe~ Chestnr and Grand Island, N.Y. 14072 I';lll!?n, hut he was the .original Doc on (~llnsmoke, Pasquale OIl [,ife nnd only voice of Mall Dillon on (716) 773-2485 with Luigi(later the voice of Fred the ";l~ho ..( iunvmoke." (Whl'n the ~h,)w Membership Inquiries, & OTR Network Flintstcl(le) and Jotln Reresforlll 1'ipton I V was being cast, Conrad \\

____J MARCH. 1992 MAR'~H, 1992 ILLUSTRATED PAGE FOUR ILLUSTRATE PRESS --'''~'' I THE DEALERS' CORNER If you ace a BiNG CROSBY fan like Ed Wanat, by reels 2115,2116 2117,2118,2119 are 1800ft THE DEALER's CORNER (cont) FRANK C. BONCORE ¥. track reels of ~ CROSBY. ATTENTION YUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Judge might want to know that reels 2067 BOB & DEBBIE BURNHAM of BRC PRODUCTION~ ~48151, and 2066 are 1800 ft ~ track and contain P.O. BOX-z64S, LIVONIA, EDWARD J CARR of CASSETTES NOW/ REELS ALSO TERRY AND THE PIRATES. Reel 2068 is also 1800ft now have an On-Line-Electronic Store. 216 SHANORE STREET, BOYERTOWN PENNSYLVANIA, "lltt'IckandhaS7""TE'RRY AND THE PIRATES shows Use you computer & modern to dial 19502, 'has a new supplement out. Those of and 5 HOP HARRIGAN ~. GATEWAY ON LINE (313) 291-5571. you who have read Ed's catalog or supplements After logging in select the letter 0 know that Ed's supplements are not exactly in from the main menu, then BRC Produtions numerical order as is the case in this one; REEL 224 TOM MIX As a guest of the system, you will have in fact one haa to flip the pages over since The Women in Gray 04-22-47 30 minutes to browse, and place your Mystery of the Flying city 08-14-46 the backside is upside down from the front order. Those who become reqular users side. however Ed's quality of cassetes or THE SEA HOUND of the GATEWAY receive a special In the Hut of the VOODOO Queen discount from BRC Productions. reels is second to none. As I have stated in 09-02-46 I the past, Ed Carr wrote the book on quality 18~2 Thats FAX DATA VOICEMAIL TERRY & THE PIRATES (313) 721- 6070. cassettes and reels. 03-31-43 CAPT BLAZED SAVED VISA and Mastercard also accepted. Science fiction fans would be interested to HOP HARRIGAN ~~O AUSTRAILIA 04-01-43 know that Ed has ten (count em 10) reels of Listed on the latest flyer are: X MINUS ONE in the best qualitY-sound around. DICK TRACY ON TCOT BROKEN WINDOW 09-18-46 These are-upgrades from the X Minus One shows 5669, 5670, 5671,5672,5673 5674 ON TCOT COUNTERFIET GRAVE 09-23-47 now in circulation. Please take careful note all THE CHASE dated from 01-11-53 to that some shows have the endings clipped but JACK ARMSTRONG 03-29-53--­ the opening and the entire show content is MYSTERY OF THE MAN OF THE ICE 02-06-46 there. MYSTERY OF THE DEVIL'S CASTLE 09-19-46' TERRY & THE PIRATES 5637, 5638, 5639, 5640, 5641, 5642 CAPT BLAZE --­ 02-19-42 DRAGNET from 06-10-49 to 09-08-49 Continuing On Scince fiction fans also note these are the early shows starring RAr"ON V(\~~ '~RET,l. 07-06-42 that Ed has DANTRO THE PLANET MAN a series Jack Webb as Sgt Joe Friday and from around 1950. Each episode-rs about XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Barton Yarborough as Sgt Ben Romero 12 minutes long. Please note that Episodes Nl and #4 are missing. They are listed as: GARY & LADONNA KRAMER of GREAT 5651, 5652,5653,5654,5655,5656,5657, AMERICAN RADIO, P.O. BOX 504, 5658,5659, 5660,5661,5662, Reel UK 2106 episode 2-18 GENESEE, MICHIGAN, 48437, phone all HAVE GUN WILL ~ Reel UK 2107 episode 19-34 (313) 686-5973 or if your a yuppie Reel UK 2108 episode 35-50 FAX (313) 686-1878, is having their 2013,2014,2015,2016 Reel UK 2109 episode 51 to 66 First Annual White Sale. Buy 20 all DUFFY'S TAVERN Reel Uk 2110 episode 67 to 78 cassettes and receive 2 free ones. the above shows are from discs and all of Here are some of the many listed and 32 cassettes of JACK BENNY from Eds reels are also available on cassette. in their most recent flyer: 01-04-48 to 04-09-50-- ---­ VISA OR MASTERCARD ACCEPTED. REEL UK 2242 THEATER 5 6601,6602,6603,6604 6605,6606 other shows listed are OCR MISS BROOKS, lL ECHO OF MADDNESS ~ AO~£NmuR£p.S~r.CUB THE FALCON, LUX RADIO THEATER ESCAPE, THE GOOD SAMRlTAN GUNS~ROCKY JORDAN,and susPENCE.' THE CAPTIVE SPIRIT 6607,6608,6609,6610,6611,6612, THE MAN WHO LOVED JELLY ROLLS ALL BOSTON BLACKIE and for am~tPurs the are some new 2L THE SACRIFICE releases from SHOKUS VIDEO such as THE CITY MANAGER 6628 up to and including 6707 312 GAME SHOW PROGRAM #8 THE CONTRACT MAKER THE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE 484 ONE STEP BEYOND THE TALKERS 486 YOU ASKED FOR IT lR FINDERS CAN BE LOSERS 6752,6753,6754 FOG MR.& MRS. NORTH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CONGRADULATlONS MR MAYOR FCB WEAPONS AT HAND 6764 to 6788 2R 8ANG BANG YOUR DEAD ALL SPEED GIBSON OF THE INTERNATIONAL POLICE. This set Note: Each show is about 20-22 minutes consists of 25 cassettes (4) TOIIGIIT episodes per cassette from episode "Time Killer" 5,·..•.... ""'....:1('0_ .. ,!h{G #1 to episode 100. Follow Speed ""'.. ~.II, "".1 All" '- ploCl ~,,'" .. Il COMEDY REEL '222 has 6 DUFFY'S TAVERN SHOWS, .M nJ ~, Iti_. r<'.I., "' .,0'01 ''''', .,..''''1. 2 8ABY SNOOKS SHOWS, 6-15 min KUKLA, FRAN & Gibson and friends as they wing "'iIJ ~I It _ ,,,. Ik .. , ... ._" J ,n OK l'11f. """ OLLIE SHOWS which were. simulcaiit'Oi1 Television, their way through the Far East in 11",""':k,,_ ~.~,11 .~ ~"" and one THIS ~ ~ show. search of the Octopus Gang. MONDAY-SUNDAY 2651 to 2672 I • Reels UK 2251, 2243, 2249, 2245, 2246, 2247, THE FALCON are 1100 ft ~ track ~ BERLE SHOWS. 2609 to 2634 It is not too often that Frank 8ork, Eldery BOX 13 starring Alan Ladd Librarian, Emrtitua, opens his wallet but he just might make George Washington blink because As always be mention that Reels 2215,2216,2217,2218,2220,2211,2212,2207, your heard about this in the I.P. 2208,2209,2210, 2213 and 2214 are 1800ft ¥. track RED SKELTON SHOWS. PRESS MARCH.1992 __.M~~~, _1_9_9_2 ILLUSTRATED~-r- PRESS PAGE FIVE _

If YO\l a~e a BING CROSBY fan like Ed Wanat, reels 2115,2116 2117,2118,2119 are 1800ft THE DEALER's CORNER (cont) ATTENTION YUPPIES!!! l!!!! !.!!!!!!!! l,; track reels of ~~. BOB & DEBBIE BURNHAM of BRC PRODUCTIONE The Judge might want to know that reels 2067 ~. BOX~5, ~48151, d 2066 are 1800 ft ~ track and contain LIVONIA, Private LI ve s ;~RRY AND THE PIRATES. Reel 2068 is also 1800ft now ha-ve an On-LIne-EleCtronic Store. ~ckand1i"as 7 TERRY AND THE PIRATES shows Use you computer & modern to dial and 5 HOP HARRIGAN SHOWS. GATEWAY ON LINE (313) 291-5571. ts After logging in select the letter 0 in from the main menu, then BRC Produtions REEL 224 TOM MIX As a guest of the system, you will have DEANNA The Women in Gray 04-22-47 ce 30 minutes to browse, and place your Mystery oE the Flying city 08-14-46 order. Those who become reqular users DURBIN THE SEA HOUND of the GA~EWAY receive a special In the Hut oE the VOODOO Queen discount from BRC Productions. in 09-02-46 Read-"Tbe Pri••te y Thats FAX DATA VOICEMAIL Life of DUDDa Dur­ TERRY & TilE PIRATES (313) 721-'"6070. bie" wboee bea.eD17 03-31-43 voice hal captured the CAPT BUZED SAVED VISA and Mastercard also accepted. heart. of million•• o HOP HARRIGAN Pbotoplay for Decem. ~CHUTE INTO AUSTRAILIA 04-01-43 beT--Gut now. f Listed on the latest flyer are: und , DICK TRACY ON TCOT BROKEN WINDOW 09-18-46 ows 5669, 5670, 5671,5672,5673 5674 ON TCOT COUNTERFIET GRAVE 09-23-47 te all THE CHASE dated from 01-11-53 to JACK ARMSTRONG 03-29-53-­ ut MYSTERY OF THE MAN OF THE ICE 02-06-46 MYSTERY OF THE DEVIL'S CASTLE 09-19-46' 5637,5638,5639,5640,5641, 5642 TERRY & THE PIRATES CAPT BLAZE --­ 02-19-42 DRAGNET from 06-10-49 to 09-08-49 e these are the early shows starring BArON VN, KIlET,l. 07-06-42 Jack Webb as Sgt Joe Friday and XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Barton Yarborough as Sgt Ben Romero Two-Minute Stories s GARY & LADONNA KRAMER of GREAT 5651, 5652,5653,5654,5655,5656,5657, AMERICAN RADIO, P.O. BOX 504. 5658,5659, 5660,5661,5662, NOT QUITE '* A CHRISTIAN GENESEE, MICHIGAN. 48437, phone. all HAVE GUN WILL TRAVEL HAT has always amused me about ~ (313) 686-5973 or if your YUPPl: WLhir. story is thar DiY Iarher, who FAX (313) 686-1878, is haVIng theIr 2013,2014,2015,2016 told it to me, imisled that old Prmee han Hassanolt' ton..idered him. First Annual White Sale. Buy 20 all DUFFY'S TAVERN self a perfeclly soud Cbri~lian. for be cassettes and receive 2 fre: ones. belonged 10 the OrLh(Jdo.. Russian Church, though of Tatar, therefore Mo~­ Here are some of the many lIsted and 32 cassettes of JACK ~ from lem, ance~try-,,",hich may explain il all. in their most recent flyer: 01-04-48 to 04-09-50---­ He Itved in an ancient done castle, ..ome .... here in Central Asia, that had ISA OR MASTERCARD ACCEPTED. been built by hi~ bard-riding, hard.hRbt­ ~601.6602.6603.6604 6605,6606 other shows listed are QQR ~ ~S, inK ancestors. A feudal place it was. ~ AOV£~TUR~P.S and if, er cuaionalfy, his hehavior-t"hiefJy 'reUB THE FALCON, LUX RADIO THEATER ESCAPE, to ....-ard rich traders and pretty yl,lung GUNS~ROCKY JORDAN,and SUS~ girl~-""'at just as feudal, the Czar's gcv­ ernmem would cjose a tolerant eye, since 6607.6608.6609,6610,6611,6612, the man was powerful. ALL BOSTON BLACKIE and for am~teurs the are some new When he WIIS about 10 die-he was then eigbty-che sent, quite- prcperlv. for releases from SHOKUS VIDEO such as the priest. The latter fame- and spoke of 6628 up to and including 6707 312 GAME SHOW PROGRAM #8 eonfessron, penance, absolution. BUI the prince !'ohookbis bl't'd. THE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE 484 ONE STEP BEYOND Db, yes-be admitted-she had been 486 YOU ASKED FOR IT guj lty of "arious and numerous sins. .. But," he went 011, and he ..... as seet­ 6752.6753.6754 ous, .. confess? No, no. I am who I am. MR.& MRS. NORTH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX A gentleman of quality. Surelythe Lord will make an excepnon in my case .... FCB The priest argued - un~uHes~fulJy. 6764 to 6788 Fin>llly. seeinlt that Ha~;;anoff wa~ dying, he begged ~ .. ,At least, do one thing." ALL SPEED GIBSON OF THE "What?'" INTERNATIONAL POLICE. This set .. For~ivf' your enemies." consists of 25 cassettes (4) . TOIIGIIT The old aristorrat seemed puzzled. "Time Killer" .. Why," he said.". have no enemies." episodes per cassette from epIsode SIo : (, __, itt, (G H You-" stammered the nriest. famil­ #1 to episode 100. Follow S~eed -'l ~ .. II. ho,t AlI'- .. pM(D ~., .....II iar ..... ith the otber's reputation, ••you .n'o ""y""",,od ..Iti..... p..,' Ot hal:e no •••" Gibson and friends as they WIng. pl ')101 o. """.~.,~ I "OJ1!lt! "'_," ...... y"'"' .. Not 9 one. You see," said the prince, ._k","~ ," Dotu",.. I~U, ~ .. I killed them all," their way through the Far East In ...... "k_ ...... , ..... "'.~lll. •

As always be sure to mention that your heard about this in the I.P.


Bugs left the hideout. There j HERE ARE MORE NEW ADDITIONS was a thug in the hall; he growled and hi: for the fellow to come along. there t!tb~ TO OUR LIBRARY 1 Pinkey and Slick heard the hoodlum reache QCaf5s~tt~ follow him. A few minutes later, glimm~ Pinkey and Slick stole out of the Shado... lair. sluggej ~~ 1!.iln·arp On their way through the alley a relil .. Plnkey undertoned rern3~~s regarding by SUI OTR their next step. l' "We'll handle it together." he Who t~ declared. "Only this time, I'll here. spill my real moniker; but you're seem t I still Bill Quaine. T~e more we tell sini>l1 ~IO ~Jij GATAGORY .. r 1. I'\"E old Jondran, the better, provided liftedi we keep that part of t~e story stones! I' straight. his s~ 1 t_.ii. 7 ('! 1i~:.'(·'if"'i(';i I t"..~ r:-'!CCJ Ed ?~F-( 'l}jrJYfhE. ~ L~-J;CI-'-l WI HH 1'·';\' \.._![J\!:.('! i;J;" i'1~~F('1 r:-\~_;;'rUf< They had neared a parked car. S~ 1647 Fe Df~Ht"lri rF x.(\CU ;':;T~~F< rH[{i r;~E:: 1 C,~'-1Df~:F~U"'J 1~:d\iD r:":!viUF?f~(J"'~ IlJ/ FFC o , t'1(iFCH -' Slick gave a sudden shift; a quick Shado.. Ib4H f-l iJhHi"In rEXAC:O Sl(~R fHEATRE: L~ND ME YOIJR ~{ i-iER8ERl !~Ah~;H0lL exclamation . sense~ 1648 .B DRAt·lr:'1 rEXf:·)CD b 1?-ih' rHFt.~ Th~: ~ '(Cijr~ HONOR W/ ,...rUHH b(';HF~Yr-hJhE "What's up?" snapped Pinkey. That t' It.1f(.c.i (.~I LCW1F.f)'/ rLX{::CU TiJWi"~:: !~.O,. c.:r::·d\nCil::~ l'J{lNT~::; ru P(\C;~ ,i':ILl-:"' i'Ji'F'{" r"i?l;':~~El,i Slick turned a flashlight one til lbq'"-! H 1.:.~()J~lEO y rr: XPlCO rDWN; 1::,DD I F: CPI!'-}T Cjl'~""'LJ~I;~; ,.,~ il'Jl\1 :")1· r·!I ',-;\ '--':.:-:Sherlock Holmes, le key. well. Dad tuned to the proper think about 1/0re the many days and Why? station on our Zenith radio and no nights that 17 Jrother and I sat in r thats front of our old floor model and one dared change the station while i became lost in a radio episode--­ Sherlock Holmes was on. At the [man I Jack Armstrong, Tom Mix, and all Clubs last meeting the ~ loaned me the cassettes I have cent the rest. I "as hooked! I ordered reels. Then I ordered before mentioned. Listening to s who them got me to think about the old of. more reels. "Iy collection started to grow DV2r tIle years. Later on radio shows when I was a kid. They teacher sure were good times then. After I put out ~l own little catalog. Boncore supper I had to help with the bad. As small as it was, I started wit~ ••• dishes and do a couple of chores, trading other collectors. said. Within five Y2ars I had a great then my homework for school. After was a collection! that a whole night of great radio at this, shows and stories. My mother or Here's Then it .ra p p e n e d ! was gathering G~~W3 so fast I didn't father didn't have to check the he have time to listen to most of them. My all time favorite radio ratings to approve them because ne "H&ld It-Back Off", I told myself, show has always been SHERLOCK HOLHES they were all in good taste, no IN "Slow down!". All t~ading stopped. The ultimate Holmes is of course bad language or excessive violence, of The task of listening to and grading Basil Rathbone and Dr. Watson just good entertainment. st read the shows hand. Poor shows beyond a doubt has to be Nigel A couple of guys down here u would were weeded Ollt, reels were Bruce. I have dozens of Sherlock at the lake I play golf with also icture re-dubbed, ~na ~y reels (the ones Holmes cassettes in my collection like to listen to old radio shows. would. with good sO'lnding shows) were with a good many actors playing When ever we get together after a Kings re-sorted and listed in a new Holmes & Watson. Some good and round of golf we of course talk Ius catalog. This was my first major some not so good ranging from about our game, but the conversation had ­ Giel~ud-Richardson task. I now ~3d the shows I wanted Rathbone & Bruce, always turns to old time radio, in the best 90s~ible sound I wanted. Hobbs & Shelly and four or five and our favorite shows. We down home Mynext major ~£tort came about two more I cantt think of right now. cups of coffee while enjoying our o is years ago. Y~p- you guessed it! I also have a fair size collection memories of radio days. I loan arter of Holmes Video's including the my cassettes to them but I just He's All my favorite shows were recorded Rathbone- Bruce movies thanks to can't seem to convince them to join onto cassettes! Today the job is "The Dragon Lady" (our over worked the radio club. I don't know if I Till completed. On hundreds of cassettes Editor, Linda). She ma d e me write should keep on loaning them my are hundreds of my favorite OTR that, over worked I mean. Linda cassettes or just stop and say to shows. Now I enjoy the shows while has a great collection of Holmes join the club. Or just hope for driving my car. Some reels were stories read by Charles Fuller. the best, that they will join our a Bor k sold, some donated to the club and This man does a great job using our old time radio club. Well, others I still have along with a different voices for each character, what do you guys think, what should couple of reel-to-reel recorders. twelve stories in all. Linda loans I do? If any of you have run into I retired from GTE IN 1987. me all these tapes and videos, no this problem, how about writing I was an accountant in the strings attached. Well maybe just an article about it for the I.P be a little string. I have to go and e 1. P. advertising divison. In addtion Thanks. see to OTR I enjoy photography and· push her car to the corner gas Back to Sherlock Holmes;' about collecting old photographs, station about tree or four times a Sherlock Holmes has always been my OTR. especially Civil War/ I'm married year, when she runs out of gas. hero. But not everyone feels She's very thirfty you know. f shows have three children and four grand Holmes is a hero, now take that I also collect Sherlock Holmes e show children. My favorite show? "THe EVIL Prof. Boncore for one. He Shadow~ followed by "THe Lone books and have about forty books. thinks Holmes was the villain in l I was first attracted to Sherlock the stories. A few months back I t a r t e d , Ranger" and "Suspense ' . 1 Holmes stories by radio programs, loaned the Prof. my copy of "The Ea~led Thats it! Now its your turn. How about an article telling us how sponsored by Petri Wine and also Final Problem" to listen to. Thats Four Way Cold Tablets. I couldn't the story where Holmes and Prof r(the you got started in this hobby. , me), ItSa y Goo nite, Gracie " 'wait each week to hear the story. Horiarty fight and go over the I do remember my mother always went ItGood nite Gracie" falls of Rachenback, Switzerland. seemed to have baked a tray of me Well was Prof Boncore ever happy cookies on Sherlock Holmes ni~ht. when he thought Prof. Horiarty had old I would have a cup of cocoa and my ber Dom Parisi killed Sherlock Holmes. The next step father have a cup of ~ot coffee month I loaned him "The Empty (he wouldn't let me drink coffee House". wbw what a face bn him, until I was fourteen years old). you couldn't even talk to him for Dad and I would sit there dunking over a month when he found out that cookies and listening to Holmes & Homes had finished off Prof. Dr. Watson solve another crime. HOriarty instead. I walked into llIIIIIl'

PAGE EIGHT ILLUSTRATED PRESS NARCH,1992 MARCH. 1992 ILLUSTRATED PRES mail"~ ~y the meeting "Hi Prof'l ! said cheer I $2.00; received my catalog and received the surprise fully. "Ah Shut Up" ~3S his reply. of my life. f~ere, on page after What the heck is the trouble with me you Prof. I asked? Whats the page, were lioted thousands of OTR SHOWSI I didn't know which ones Da trouble, you know d~r~ well what to order first. (BY the way, I det: the trouble is that r ot t e n Sherlock think my first reels were ordered mDt Holmes thats what, Tley should put from Radio Yesteryear). All I could whe him in jail and throw ,way the key. wei Why do you say that I asked? Why? think about u~re the many days and nights that IJ b r o t h e r and I sat in sta because he's a no good killer thats one why. He killed a poo, kind front of our old floor model and became lost in a radio episode--­ She innocent man. What i~nocent man I Clu asked? What innocent man, he Jack Armstrong, Tom Mix, and all RADIO the rest. I vas hooked! loa repeated mocking Me. A~ innocent bef wonderful school teacher thats who I ord8r~d reels. Then I ordered more reels. -Iy collection started the he almost screamed at me. Prof. rad Noriarty a kind, gentle math teacher to grow OV2r the years. Later on I put out ~J )un little catalog. sur' the poor man. I thought Prof Boncore sup was going to cry he looked so bad. As small as it was, I started trading wit~ other collectors. • dis Oh boy that really corks me I said. Within five Y2ars I had a great the Well here I can prove Hol~es was a collection! tha crook he told me. Just look at this, shD and he hd a stack of papers. Here's Then it .a ppe ne d ! 1 was gathering 3~~"3 so fast I didn't fat just" one time Holmes was in the My all time favorite radio rat cahoots with "The Woman", Irene have time to listen to most of them. It-Bac~ show has always been SHERLOCK HOLMES the Adler in the story "A Scandal IN "H61d Off", I told myself, l'Slow down!". All t~ading stopped. The ultimate Holmes is of course bad Bohemia: to rip off the King of Basil Rathbone and Dr. Watson jus Scandinavia. If you would just read The task of listening to and grading the shows waG at hand. Poor shows beyond a doubt has to be Nigel s- little between the lines you would were weeded Otlt, reels were Bruce. I have dozens of Sherlock at see that. He never got the picture re-dubbed, QOD \~y reels (the ones Holmes cassettes in my collection 11k back he promised the King he would. with a good many actors playing Whe But then instead he took the Kings with good 30IJnding shows) were re-sorted and listed in a new Holmes & Watson. Some good and ring arid an extra large fee plus some not so good ranging from the picture of Adler that she had ­ catalog. This was my first major ~,d Rathbone & Bruce, Gielaud-Richardson lett . task. I now the shows I wanted in the best Dossible sound I wanted. Hobbs & Shelly and four or five Well Prof Boncore did his home Mynext major·~ffort came about two more I can't think of right now. work all right but tow and two is years ago. Yep- you guessed it' I also have a fair size collection still four not three and a quarter of Holmes Video's including the the way he has it fi31Jred out. He's All my favorite shows were recorded Rathbone- Bruce movies thanks to just a hopeless cause I guess. onto cassettes! Today the job is "The Dragon Lady" (our over worked Well thats it for now. Till completed. On hundreds of cassettes Editor, Linda). She made me write next time good listenip-g. are hundreds of my favorite OTR that, over worked I· mean. Linda shows. Now I enjoy the shows while has a great collection of Holmes driving my car. Some reels were stories read by Charles Fuller. Francis Edward Sork sold, some donated to the club and This man does a great job using *********************~************* others I still have along with a different voices for each character, MEMBER"'I'r.OFILE couple of reel-to-reel recorders. twelve stories in all. Linda loans I retired from GTE IN 1987. me all these tapes and videos, no This will be (:L ho pa ) the I was an accountant in the strings attached. Well maybe just start of a new se~i~s for the I.P. advertising divison. In addtion a little string. I have to go and Newsletter. I wo~Irl like to see to OTR I enjoy photography and­ push her car to the corner gas club members write 3n'artice about collecting old photographs, station about tree or four times a She how they became iilt~rested in OTR. especially Civil War/ I'm married year, when she runs out of gas. her How long collecting, ~~~~2r of shows have three children and four grand She's very thirfty you know. Hal in their collections, r i v o r i t e show children. My favorite show? lITHe I also collect Sherlock Holmes EVI or shows and so on. Shadow~ followed by "THe Lone books and have about forty books. thi l I can recall how r got started. Ranger" and "Suspense ' . I was first attracted to Sherlock the In 1963 while waitiilJ to be called Thats it! Now its your turn. Holmes stories by radio programs, loa into my dentist office, I was· How about an article telling us how sponsored by Petri Wine and also Fin looking thru an old ~~1aztne (the you got started in this hobby. Four Way Cold Tablets. I couldn't the name of the magazine ~~~apes me), "Say Goo niter Gracie" 'wait each week to hear the story. Mori when I came acrODS a;, ~d that went "Good nite Gracie" I do remember my mother always fall something like this---"Old Time seemed to have baked a tray of Well Radio Shows on Tape. All the old cookies on Sherlock Holmes night. whe Classics Fom Long Ago. Remember Dom Parisi I would have a cup of cocoa and my kil The Shadow, Jack Benny, The Lone step father have a cup of hot coffee mont Ranger, and other ~;h~~3? Now you (he wouldn't let me drink coffee Hou can listen to them 8n:1i'n. Huge until I was fourteen years old). you catalog listing over 5'JOO shows is Dad and I would sit there dunking over only $2.00 Write to",. . cookies and listening to Holmes & Home Dr. Watson solve another crime. MOri MARCH, 1992 ILLUSTRATED PRESS PAGE NINE LUSTRATED PRESS MARCH, 1992

partly a little hallway, she reached the COPYRIGHT: it to telephone. STRE.ET &- S~ITH She called the Bubble Club. ..2.:THE' .­ II she On d r e y answered . his voice wouldn't impatien, worried. He'd had three ass any calls from Pinkey; the big-shot was ~HADOW still awaiting news from Maude. by WAL~E

With the envelope on l y partly a little hallway, she reached the opened, Maude forgot a~out it to telephone. ~THE-,' express something to Beth. She called ~he Bubble Club. "You know Miss Jondran," she Ondrey answered, his voice said, "there's one thing I wouldn't impatien, worried. He'd had three ever do. That's douhle -cross any calls from Pinkey; the big-shot was SHADOW one." still awaiting news from Maude. Beth smiled sympathetically. "Tell him to keep his shirt She didn't quite unders~andf but on!" snapped Maude. "Here's the she saw that Maude was badly dope he wants. The dame is leaving troubled. here in about ten minutes. She's 1'1 mean , anyone like Mr. driving a roadster, and she's going lrHE H. Cranston,: Maude continued. "Or to be alone. Here---take down the \s!,MASHING III anyone as swell as you are Miss license number/" . \ NOV£, Jondran. But sometimes---well. Ondrey recorded the number as there are things you can't tell a as Maude gave it. person." "When she gets to town," added Beth looked at the note, then Maude. "she'll leave the car in a CHAPTER xvrr asked: "you mean something you parking lot on Sixieth Street, CRIHE"S ZERO HOUR lear -cannot tell Mr. Cranston?" right next to the Zenith Apartments, very 11 "That's it. returned Maude. From there, she always takes a cab. busi "Tha t is. in a way. What I mean So it ought to be easy to grab her." Beth Maude Revelle W~lS at her Lest, is, "if a fellow doesn't know some "But remember; tell Pinkey in h thing he ought to know, but if there's to· be no rou~h stuff. the next afternoon. She had expected that the guects at the to b you've promised some one else that He's not going to know where I am, it w cocktail party migh~ regard her as you won't tell him----" tonight, and if I hear this dame driv Her voice broke. Maude was gets hurt, it's going to go bad an outsider; instead, they received her like an old friend. choking when she added: with Pinkey! He and I made a deal: THE "What I mean is, a real guy tell him to remember it." That was partly because she came with Lamont Cranston; but seri like Mr. Cranston oURht to be A few minutes later, Maude tuck treated fight. And ~o should you. was on her way to the front door, Maude's own conduct was an"added factor. With Miss Jonclran." wearing her hat and coat. Beth whic "r don;t Quite Ilnderstand. 11 met her, asked if she intended to Most of Maude's 30ciety notions had been gained from Hatching movies quar soothed Beth. "But Maude-- I know go into New York. meet but she had profited d lot from the you won't mind my calling you Maude "You can come with me, Maude,· waul I feel that real persons cam trust suggested Beth. "I'm leaving in process. Horeover I s n e had an aptitud~ late each other. That often solves" just a few minutes." for imitating other persons lifes problems. But I feel, too, "Thanks Beth." returned Maude without having them realize it. That was one re~son why Pinkey for that each perosn must be allowed to "But I can't wait, Not even one aeco do what he or she thinks is best." minute." had liked her. She seemed "classy" as he put it; but she talked his Maud, "You do?" blurted Maude. Maude's smile told much to Beth, some own language. He had ~ever realized "Would you trust me to do that, even though it didn't give the Beth Beth? After only meeting me once?" details. Beth's tome was sweet that her conversatio~ was unnatural. Nor did the guests as the Rothmorton "Certainly! One meeting is when she asked softly: o t hei enough." "The message solved everything?" party suspect that !laude was not of their own ilk. r i gh: "Gee, you're swell!" Maude nodded, happily. She t hroi "Why not open the envelope?" gave Beth's hand a squeeze, then There were times when Maude used slangy terms; and once in a asked Beth. "It seems to have hurried out into the darkness. Beth brought up your problem. Perhaps Meanwhile, Maude's message while, she didn't groap what others talked about. But they accepted her hand' it will solve it." had reached its destination. In was 1 Maude didn't think it would, the hideout, Pinkey repeated the slang expressions as quips; and Maude was wise enougll to preserve the I but she did not say so. She details to Slick and Bugs, chiefly have silence, when she found hers~lf decided to do as Beth suggested. for the latter's benefit. news Maude needed a few minutes to get "It's your job, Bugs," said beyond her depth. There was one gi,l at the party the choke out of her voice. Beth Pinkey. "Get up there to the last left her; a few moments later, parking lot and grab that doll in that Maude liked the moment she saw her. The girl was a slender Mr. I Maude was reading Cranston's a hurry. And remember: no rough f, brunette, whoses smile was 3S He message. stuff. We ain't taking chances on unexi Maude's eyes were a bit tear­ friendly as her eyes. She admired Maude making trouble." ful I dimmed. She couldn't believe the "Take that dame down to Ondrey's the tasteful way in which Haude was dressed; ahd that pleased Maude can I words that blurred in front of her. Let him look out for her. The car I When she had wiped her eyes, she office is a good place for him to more than ever. The two were ilut introduced them read them again. They were keep her; and Ondrey has enough safe. , amazing; but real. They were so sense to make her know we won't at first, because most of the persons at the party ~ere already utterly incredible that Maude hurt her." Dusk stood motionless. "Tell him to give her a feed, acquainted. When ~a"Je finally met the brunette, she was pleased until the ( Slowly, Maude came to life, if she's hungry; and if he hears Beth a grim smile showing on her face. she heard the latter'd name. from Maude, to let her know that was 1: The girl"that ~llude liked so She crumpled the message, not everything's being done in style. her. observing that its words were Dames are soft to handle, if you well waS Beth Jondrali. fading from view. Hurrying out to kid 'em right." I .USTRATED PRESS MARCH,1992 March, 1992 ILLUSTRATED PRESS PAGE ELEVEN

Bugs left the hideout. There A few minutes after Pinkey HERE ARE MORE NEW ADDITIONS was a thug in the hall; he growled and his compaion had driven away, for the fellow to come along. there was a stir frum:the inner TO OUR LIBRARY Pinkey and Slick heard the hoodlum reaches of the alley. A flashlight follow him. A few minutes later, glimmered; the tiny -torch was the Pinkey and Slick stoIa out of the Shadow's. The beam reached the lair. slugged man who lay in the alley-­ On their way through the alley a relic of the brief fight staged PInkey undertoned rem3yks regarding by Slick Thurley. their next step. The huddled form was senseless. "We'll handle it together." he Who the man was; how he had come declared. "Only this time, I'll here, were questions that did not } spill my real moniker; but you're seem to trouble the Shadow. He still Bill Quaine. T~e more we tell sinply extingushed his flashlight, I ru, old Jondran, the better, provided lifted the victim from the cobble 1 we keep that part of t~2 story stones and carried the man across straight." his shoulders. R "1 HffHL!": L~ACH \,rJ11:~H 1"1\ HErd~;:"1 VJI )\1~lPV ~lST(ll' They had neared a parked car. Soft mockery came from the ­ R rHFATr.;;r:::: rDI'-1Cjr~r~:Ul') (.)1-'11) 'rnl":UFf~()"J kJ/ F{~:C.O. r-1(iF;'CH Slick gave a sudden shift; a quick Shadow's lips, as he lugged the R THE~iTj~~E: LI,:.:r\!D !'-'IE VC\I,.Jh F:"y;::_~::; \IJ:' HL.PBF"R.'\ !1!Plh~~;Hr'-~! exclamation . senseless burden from the alleyway. R THE,:';!, rr';;~E~ 'lC:Ur:,: HCJ1'-.lLJR W/ ,JUHN b(~h~F:::Yl"lUhE "What's up?" snapped Pinkey. That tone was tinged with Drophecy N~ I::.:L' ,. Ct)i;~ l C::F; l-\!(lr~T~:': ""1""(':\ ~:"I::'C:~ ,.It:,L.i' ;:::fr'~l\!-," . l"I{-\Xi'JE.l..1 Slick turned a flashlight one that crooks would not have N: E.DDlF Cr:I~\]TC:H~ ..-·I.J;~3r '::":'ilj~!-J (jl :'IJ;::\ r: partial view of the man's profile BACK ISSUES ~ROT; r,~,:rlSE UF nil:: cP)nE:L..l:::~:-': \J"lCTlr·1 i and Pinkey saw no more than the I.P.'s and MEMORIES ~XPERr3: CONsF'TPr~CY ,fellow's chin. ~: THE MiSSING STRCE:r "He ain"t the Shadow." assured $1.50 ea. postpaid ~: EXPLODED Al.ID! t Slick. "Maybe he's some snooper ~E -«~~~ ::\Ar·.i(:)f:.F

••• RADIO ROUNDUP ••• BY Chuck Juzek The last and most exciting series of broadca ~ANCHU. which ran for 77 chapters as a 3 tim ization from Sept. 1939 to Sept. 1<;40 and wa, Old Time Radio brimmed over with an unending plethora of heroes to whose tions. The plots remained virtually word fO'" colorful adventures and thrilling exploits we gave our undivided atten­ mer's books begi~~ing with THE INSIDIOUS DOC tion. Every conceivable type of heroic drama was represented for our ford played Sir Denis Nayland Smith. Special listening pleasure. Criminal Investigation Division. while Gale ~

There were costumed superheroes. masked crimefighters, detectives, in­ James Petrie. J, vestigators, cops, cowboys, magicians, aviators. futuristic space heroes, The 1st episode of THE SHADOW OF ~ jungle heroes, sea adventurers, etc •• etc. all dedicated to fighting crime the announcer's voice eerily boomed: "Lond~~ and providing us with the escape adventure that kept our ears and imagina­ wrapped in a heavy shroud of dense. yellow n tions magnetically glued to the talking boxes. Even some heroines had elfin lamps glow mistily like something fas~ their own programs, like The Lady in Blue, Maisie, Candy Matson and Miss mer of creeping traffic low, hushed, mysterii Pinkertcn. And this before the days of women's lib. surrounding an unkept lawn. a vast gloomy 011 It should come as no surprise then that even the villain and master crim­ evil beast of prey. a wall concealed in hea~ inal would have secured sufficient fame or infamy to command a radio show figured in golden dragons ••• the floor carpetl c~ of his own. The one who com~immediately to mind is that master criminal Chinese rugs. At a huge dragon-leg table and evil. Oriental genius, the insidious Dr. Fu Manchu. globes. tubes and instruments unknown to ~es master scientist, that Prince of Evil ••• Dr. Chris Steinbrunner and Otto Penzler. in their excellent tome ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYST~RY AND DETECTION (McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1976). describe the good Dr. Garbed in a heavy, yellow silk gown, he lean this way. "Fu Manchu is the ultimate villain, a Chinese master criminal he addresses his assistant. the beautiful, Eu of untold wealth, intellect, and occult powers whose goal is world con­ in his power. Through long, narrow eyes tha quest. He is a diabolical fiend who ruthlessly seeks to become emperor he in~uires of the Whereabouts o~ Nayland S~ of the world. In addition to possessing degrees from three European uni­ cides it is time to put his devilish plan in versities, he has vast knowledge of the occult and of secrets of chemistry, the reknown British statesman, Dr. Crighton' medicine. and physics unknown to Western man. A master of t~e black arts, Nayland Smith. secretly back from Burma, ha~ he also commands tr.e tongs of Asia and if: a mas t e r of the secret sec t s c!' sidious plan to eliminate or abduct England' the East -- Dacoits, Has hi shi n , Phar.s i gar-s , tors and political leaders who have acquire~ and 'I'hugs. -~• :; THE awakening of the East, by engineering their ~ Tall, lean and feline, with high shoulcer2, headquarters of the Black Poppy Society. a s ...... " ••"" INSIDIOUS an expa~sive brow, and a face lik~ ~at~n • inals located in the interior of China. ...::::.=- DOCTOR Fu Manchu generally wears a yello~ robe or While investigating the death chamber of the ~ a black one with a silver peacock ewbroi­ ... Msran_,..1IOST Petrie encounter The Zayat Kiss, a deadly p~ -...... f'j dered on the front. He wears a black cap which feeds on a rare species of orchid and .auTlW .". - on his smooth, close-shaven skull. Often the orchid. Apparently, under the control ~ portrayed with what is no~ known as a "Fu attracted to stationary saturated with the ~ Manchu moustache", he is in fact clean­ pierci~ NAIJ('~L; shaven so as not to interfere with his dis­ tended victim, is then recalled by a '. .. ( .i guises -- he is a master of disguise. His Karamaneh delivers another such letter to Dl eyes are his most notable physical featurE: give it to Nayland Smith. but at the same tl , /..T:~ '"l~\: SAX long, magnetic. and true cat-green -- sc about. Nayland, relizing its significance ~ ... ' . . piercing and compelling that their gaz. is list decides to allow themselves to be folIC often sensed even before his presence is quarters. Preparing dummies in their beds, f.:' 'r i ROHMER made known." corners of the room to await developments. The satanic doctor made his radic debut ir Nayland explains that Fu Manchu is probably :1t 1<;29 and produced murder and mayhem on the ity existing in the world today. A diabolic air, off and on. until


• RADIO ROUNDUP ..if 1IY Chuck Juzek The last and most exciting series of broadcasts was THE SHADOW OF FU­ ~~NCHU. which ran for 77 chapters as a 3 times a week, 15 minute serial­ rer with an unending plethora of heroes to whose ization from Sept. 1939 to Sept. 1940 and was syndicated by Radio Attrac­ thrilling exploits we gave our undivided atten­ tions. The plots remained virtually word for word faithful to Sax Rah­ type of heroic drama was represented for our mer's books begir~ing with THE INSIDIOUS DOCTOR FU ~~NCHU. Hanley Staf­ ford played Sir Denis Nayland Smith. Special Inspector of Scotland Yard's Criminal Investigation Division. while Gale Gordon took the role of Dr. rheroes. masked crimefighters. detectives. in­ James Petrie. (5. magicians. aviators. futuristic space heroes, The 1st episode of THE SHADOW OF FU MANCHU went somewhat like this. as ~rers. etc., etc. all dedicated to fighting crime ! escape adventure that kept our ears and imagina­ the announcer's voice eerily boomed. "London at midnight, a great city to the talking boxes. Even some heroines had wrapped in a heavy shroud of dense, yellow fog••• street lights weird as The Lady in Blue, Maisie. Candy Matson and Miss elfin lamps glow mistily like something fashioned in a dream. The mur­ ~re the days of women's 11b. mer of creeping traffic low. hushed, mysterious. Behind an ancient wall surrounding an unkept lawn. a vast gloomy old mansion crouches like an ~rise then that even the villain and master crim­ evil beast of prey. a wall concealed in heavy tapestries, magnificently lufficient fame or infamy to command a radio show figured in golden dragons ••• the floor carpeted with rich. deep piled com~immediately to mind is that master criminal Chinese rugs. At a huge dragon-leg table covered with scintillating I. the insidious Dr. Fu Manchu. globes. tubes and instruments unknown to Nestern science. sits that tto Penzler. in their excellent tome ENCYCLOPEDIA master scientist. that Prince of EviL •• Dr. Fu Manchu." (McGraw-Hill. Inc., 1976), describe the good Dr, Garbed in a heavy. yellow silk gown. he leans over the ornate table as the ultimate villain, a Chinese master criminal he addresses his assistant. the beautiful. Eurasian Karamaneh. held slave let, and occult powers whose goal is world con­ in his power. Through long. narrow eyes that glow with a green light. 11 fiend who ruthlessly seeks to become emperor he inquires of the whereabouts o~ Nayland Smith and Dr. Petrie. and de­ In to possessing degrees from three Euronean uni­ cides it is time to put his devilish plan into action by disposing of lowledge of the occult and of secrets of" chemistry, the reknown British statesman. Dr. Crighton Davey. mown to Western man, A master of t r.e black arts. Nayland Smith. secretly back from Burma. had uncovered Manchu's in­ ~s of Asia arid is a master e:f the sec r e t s ec t s of Fu the East -- Dacoits, Hashi shdn , Phar.s Lgar-s , sidious plan to eliminate or abduct England's famous scientists. inven­ and Thugs. tors and political leaders who have acquired knowledge of the perfidious awakening of the East. by engineering their death or transport to the Tall, lean and feline. ~ith high shoulders, headquarters of the Black Poppy Society. a secret organization of crim­ an exp~nsive brow, and a face like

• march, 1992 ILLUSTRATED PRESS PAGE FIFTEEN ILLUSTRATED PRESS MARCH.1992 I r HOW IS PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S HEALTH TODAY? Wbal have the lour years which have sheuered tbe health of more than ODe predeeeesor done to the chief of the New ·Deal? A ltule more tban a decade ago doctors gbook their beads over Mr. Rcceeveh. How do tbey feel ahOUI him lods)'? Wbat is bill weight, hill Renefst pby&i~l tone loday compared with what it wall when be arrived in the capital in March of 1933? ld a virtual arsenal of death dealing devices Without lessening your enjoYDllent of the bigbly interest. rangi~g ing and revealing erucle in Liberty next Wednesday. we doctor from poisonous snakes, a killing can tell you thalloday tbe Preetdem is in the best of health, Jngus whose spores brought death, paralyzing How he bas gained it; wbat he does 10 keep fit; wbat lery hand, a strange force that brings on a most exerc=iae be takes; bis metbods of reiaxing from the almost ~, a deadly, plague-like disease, etc., etc. ~;:r:~e:::J ~:li; :~:i;r~~1~yo~c~b~:~rci~ti~t~:lf~~~ week. Petrie find themselves in dire straits, caught, twitted, tortured, locked in a room filled with and more often than not saved from certain death , who eventually becomes Petrie's wife. fu Manchu was probably the most effective villain radio. Some 40 odd episodes of his evincibly ~ available to O.T.R. fans and collectors on open Vox Pop adio log (provided by courtesy of Ray Stanich) is SE will also bring you a complete listing of all 5. Write to Ray Stanich, 173 Columbia Heights, MANY A POUTlCIAN nm )1. GO TO COUEGE ­ CHICAGO, lLL.-Mr. Stribling's article ~fl THE SHADOW OF FU MANCHU in January 2 Liberty on the low caliber of most of our politicians is very good, Chapter title but I do not agree with his idea of a cure. RisingStars He contends that a college education for The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu politicians would make them honest. The Zayat Kiss Check over any list of aldermen or · ~ congressmen, and you wilt find that 75 Clue of the Pigtail per cent of them are lawyers-all college Redmoat graduates. True, it isn't the high-grade The Green Mist lawyer, as a rule. that goes into politics, f' . .".' The Curse of Si va but the failures with only a gift of gab f.. and willing to be machine-controlled. K. '. ". Karamaneh Honesty and character aren't acquired Andaman - Second! with a college degree. Arouse people to .1_i~ .. '. ,-,_, The Golden Flask demand men respected in their communi­ The Spores of Death ties and most of the evil will be elim­ Tyrone Power woke to Olivia de Havilland inated.-Dflvid Somer•. The Knocking on the Door find himself famous. isn't going 10 teach. The Traveller from Tibet The Flower of Silence The Si-Fan Move Zarmi of the Joy-Shop Tulun-Nur Chest r The 3 Golden Pomegranates r A Midnight Summons The Cry of a Nighthawk Under the Elms Enter Mr. Abel Slattin The Climber The White Peacock Dark Eyes Look into Mine The Coughing Horror The Questing Hands The S11ver Buddha The Bells The 6 Gates of Joyful Wisdom r The Purple Shadow ,now the novel THE INSIDIOUS DR. FU MANCHU !word for word. Chapters 22 through 27 con­ • in THE HAND OF FU MANCHU, While Chapters ~ storyline in THE RETURN OF FU MANCHU. A t h Chapter 40 which serializes events from Pity that the remaining chapters (41 to 77) eYes! GRUNOW for 1938 halves the price of e to hobbyist. Perhaps someday they may re­ TELEDIAL. finest in automatic luning. Now re ... a big beautiful matched walnut TELEDIAL tonce again. console with American, foreign. police. ama­ teur and aviation reception ... only $54.95! ~*********************************************** Seeit at leading radio and department stores. ~di~~ie$l2.~~~n~ric~h~h~~U~O:; West and(0.-­ South.) .....ue-n i GEIlIUIAL HOUSEHOLD UTILITIEI CO.P"." • CIlI _U -. . l fmo $.\>0­ ::J)(o... o ~ m ~ _" en I\) 3 mO>(1)., - :0 Z 0> -< 0: o o -c rr

." - JJ (J) --i o » r (J) (J)


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