The Illustrated L.--­ I [----- VOLUflE 18 ISSUE 3 ~IARCH, 1992 J TIlE 01.0 TIME RADIO CLUB EST. 1"5 ..,. ~ PAGE TWO ILLUSTRATED RESS MARCH 1992 ILLUSTRATED PRESS Affiliated With CLUB OFFICERS: The Old Time Radio President-- Jerry Collins A REVIEW OF Network 56 Christen Ct. Lancaster, N.Y. 14086 LIFE A,; A TIlIRD BANANA thru the (716) 683-6199 GOLDEN YEARS OF RADIO ane' BEYOND by Vice-President &Canadian Branch ROBERT C. BRUCE Richard Simpson 960- 16 Rd. R.R. 3 THE OLD TIME RADIO CLUB Fenwick, Ontario LOS 1CO MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION At a rf~cent meeting of the OTHer I Treasurer & Video & Records wa s v o l lllltOp.red by Dirk Diday to New member processing--$5.00 plus club Dominic Parisi listen !n this hook on tape and t.pll membership of $17.50 per year from 38 Ardmore PI. our r o a dr- r s about it. Buffalo, NY. 14213 Jan 1 to Dec 31. Members receive a tape (716) 884-2004 ]f yC)U did not attend the r"ecelll listing, library listing, monthly news P'r i e n d s of Old Time Ra d Lo Convent i on Illustrated Press, Columns, Letters r ~ Linda DeCecco in N("h'ilrl< you might say who the 11 P1 letter, the Illustrated Press, the yearly is r~()h01-1: C. Rruce and Why ~lloulri 1 32 Shenandoah Rd. qo Dill: .t u d bu y this double c a s s o tt.o ~~emories Publications and various special Buffalo, N.Y. 14220 book OJI I ape? items. Additional family members living (716) 822-4661 l ~Iw~ys in the same household as a regular Reference Library 1 ]('ferred to actors ljke Mr. Ed Wanat RruC0 ~s a character actor (i.u. an member may join the club for $5.00 per 393 George Urban Blvd. actor ,;ll(_l~e face or voice you w()uld year. These members have all the Cheektowa.s.a, N.Y. 14225 kOOH, but whose name you WQll.'i..d be unfamiliar with). Actors who mi qht, privileges of the regular members but do Membership Renewals, Change of Address, fall in this catagory are Parley Mailing of Publications Ba e r , ll o wa r d McNeer, T'e r r y Bergman, not receive the publications. A junior Pete Bellanca Palll Frees, or Marvin Miller. If r membership is available to persons 12 yrs 1620 Ferry Rd. said th~ above playe~ Chester and Grand Island, N.Y. 14072 Doc on C;unsmoke, Pasquale on Life of age & younger who do no live with a (716) 773-2485 witlI Luiqi(later the voice of Fred regular member. This membership is $13.00 Membership Inquiries, & OTR Network Flintsto~e) and John Beresforth Tipton and Nichael Anthony on TV's the per year and includes all the benefits of Related Items Richard Olday Nl11ionare a bell might go off in your regular membership. Regular membership 100 Harvey Dr. mind. are as follows: If you join in Jan- Mar Lancaster, NY. 14086 (716) 684-1604 Robert C. Bruce, during his fifty $17.50-- Apr- Jun $14.00-- July-Sept $10­ years in radio, television and pictllrps TAPE LIBRARIES: narrated over 500 pictures, and ucted in Oct- Dec $7.00. All renewals should be over 4000 radio and t e.Le v i s Lon sent in as soon as possible to avoid Cassettes: Jim Aprile broadcasts out of New York and 85 Hyledge Dr. HOllywood. In his Life as a "third missing issues. Please be sure to notify Amherst, N.Y. 14226 Ilanana" thru the Golden Years or-Radio us if you change your address. (716) 837-7747 and Beyond, he describes the unusual Reel to REELS 1-850 humorous, exciting and dangerous OVERSEAS ~lliMBERSHIPS are now available. experiances of a linetime of show' Marty Braun Annual memberships are $29.75. business-stage, radio, television and 10905 Howe Rd. pictures as he worked with top stars Publications will be airmailed. Clarence, N.Y. 14031 as Lionel Barrymore, Bing Crosby, Phil Thj (716) 759-8793 Harris, Walter Brennan, Chil Wills, Mel till The Old Time Radio Club meets the first Reel to REELS 851 s UP Blanc, ClaUdette Colbert, Gene Autrey, aF1 of every month on Monday evening from Roy Rogers, Joan Blondell, Basil on) Tom Harris Rathbone, Bob Hope, Eddie Cantor, Alan nel) August to June at 393 George Urban Blvd. 9565 Weherle Dr. Ladd, June Allyson etc. a! Cheecktowaga, N.Y. 14225. Anyone Clarence, N.Y. 14031 Th (716) 759- 8401 The star Would be the 1st or "top" b· interested in the Golden Age of Radio is banana; his sidekick Would be the **************i.~*.~,"******************** W~ welcome. Meeting start at 7;30 P.M. "2nd" banana; and the other actors o~ ******11)1; II:II.IE M)Ii)( • MIlM)()( K. JE JE MIl)li X"')Ii Mil M" WiII:Xl! 11:. * would be the "charactor" actors or the cd TAPE LIBRARY RATES: All reels and video "3rd" banana. This book on tape will CLUB ADDRESS: cassettes $1.85 per month; cassettes also tell you what a cattle call is and a~ Old Time Radio Club and records-- $.85 per month. Rates I don't mean "get along little doggie." J~ include postage and handling. If you liked WIXIE WONDERLAND by Dick P.O. Box 426 Osgood, yOU'll like LIFE AS A 1~JRD Lancaster, N.Y. 14086 CANADIAN BRANCH: Rental rates are the BANANA thru the GOLDEN YEARS of RADIO same as above, but in Canadian funds. and BEYOND by ROBERT C.BRUCE. DEADLINE FOR THE I.P.-10th of each mont~ prior to pUblication FRANK C. BONCORE RESS 1'IARCH 1992 ILLUSTRATED PRESS PAGE THREE CLUB OFFICERS: ~'IJE 1'IIFl'M.O I,EWS President-- Jerry Collins A REVIEW OF ,L\tJUJl,I~ Y 19,1902 56 Christen Ct. Lancaster, N.Y. 14086 LIfE AC; A TIIIRD BANANA thru the (716) 683-6199 GOLDEN YEAllS OF R,\DIO a n d I3EYONI! by Vice-President &Canadian Branch 11GB,:R'!' C. nRUCE Richard Simpson 960- 16 Rd. R.R. 3 \ViHialll Conrad was Fenwick, Ontario LOS 1CO At a rf~c8nt meeting of tIle OTHer 1 Treasurer & Video & Records was ..... oJllnLpp.red by DiCk OlcJay to o~ly voice of ub Dominic Parisi listen!n this book on tape and tell 38 Ardmore Pl. our r o a c or s a bou t. it. Buffalo, NY. 14213 tape ( 716) 884-2004 ][ you dic'l not attend the rpcclIl Matt Dillon F'r j e nd s of Old Time Hadio Ccm v r-n ' i on liS Illustrated Press, Columns, Letters Linda DeCecco in No wa r tc you might say who t h o hel; J)JI radio 32 Shenandoah Rd. i s Rti b o r t; C. Bruce and vhy s houj ri T Buffalo, N.Y. 14220 00 o u t..-Inn buv this double c a s s o t teo b o ok 011 tapp?~ (716) 822-4661 'Gnnsmoke' Reference Library 1 (lJW~YS j'('ferred to actors likr Mr. Ed Wanat Rruc(~ ~s a character actor (i.0. ~n HI l:i I n II H I PFn~RSON 393 George Urban Blvd. ac t.o r \;ho.'::e face or vo i ce you \.JOU] (1 /.. :1;;11 Hiddn Cheektowaga, N.Y. 14225 knoH, but whose name you wOULd be Membership Renewals, Change of Address, un f a mi Li a r with). Actors who mi c h t, t). 1rll nu- it William Conrad falJ in this catagory are Parley \'.1" ,Ill '1Llginal voice of the radio Mailing of Publications Ba e r , Howard McNeer, T('!rry Be r orna n , I Pill' Ranger. Pete Bellanca - ;\f. r, .11asillll tlitlv. Ca/{f. Palll Frees, or Marvin Miller. If 1 .\. Conrad never voiced (he 1620 Ferry Rd. said the above playe~ Chestnr and Grand Island, N.Y. 14072 I';lll!?n, hut he was the .original Doc on (~llnsmoke, Pasquale OIl [,ife nnd only voice of Mall Dillon on (716) 773-2485 with Luigi(later the voice of Fred the ";l~ho ..( iunvmoke." (Whl'n the ~h,)w Membership Inquiries, & OTR Network Flintstcl(le) and Jotln Reresforlll 1'ipton I V was being cast, Conrad \\ <l~ l"\ .nsrdcrcd 100 hefty to play and ~[ic'lael Anthony on TV's the Related I terns I Ill.' m•arshal. John Wayne was of­ Richard Olday M~llionare a bell might go off in yOll[ krnl Ihc pari but turned it down. 100 Harvey Dr. mInd. I k did SlIf,&CSI a young actor for Lancaster, NY. 14086 Ilu- role. James Amcss.) Radio's C. ortginal l.ooc Ranger back in 1933 (716) 684-1604 Robert Rruce, during his fifty vas Jack Deeds. Ill' was replaced years in radio, television aild pictllres In George Seaton (who later TAPE LIBRARIES: narrated over 500 pictures,and acted in \'I.'nuld Ill' a top movie director). Over 4000 rddio and television llu-n lame Earl Graser. who was Cassettes: Jim Aprile broadcasts out of New York and the Ranger until he was killed in "~hird an ClUtO accident in 1941. t-it was 85 Hyledge Dr. HOllywood. In his Life as a rcplnrcd by Brace Beemer. who Amherst, N.Y. 14226 j:lanana" thru the Golden Years OfRiid'io bad been the show's announcer. (716) 837-7747 and Beyond. he describes the unusual Ikt"lWI" \\ as the Ranger 10 the end of Ihi.' rudio Sl.'ri~'" in 19S5. Reel to REELS 1-850 humorous, exciting and dangerous e.
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