
The Journal of , October 1989, 9(10): 33714379

Type 1 Inhibit Myelination by Adult in vitro

Charles L. Rosen,a Richard P. Bunge, March D. Ard,b and Patrick M. Wood Miami Project, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida 33136

We have determined the effect of Type 1 astrocytes on the patients with . Whether this astroglial response myelination of dorsal root cell by oligoden- promotes or inhibits the recovery of normal drocytes obtained from adult animals. Experiments were ini- function is not clear. It has been observed (Blakemore, 1978) tiated by the addition of oligodendrocytes [purified either by in an animal model of chemically induced demyelination-re- density gradient centrifugation and treatment in culture with myelination that does not occur when Sfluorodeoxyuridine (MU) or by fluorescence-activated cell numbers are low and when the debris is not completely sorting after immunostaining with antigalactocerebroside removed. Since astrocytes are to participate in the ] to cultures of purified . In control condi- phagocytosis of myelin debris during demyelination, these ob- tions, the added oligodendrocytes proliferate and, after 4 servations suggest that a weak astrocyte response might restrict weeks, accomplish substantial myelination of the sensory remyelination. On the other hand, there is a strong correlation axons. Type 1 astrocytes (purified from cultures of disso- between severe and the failure of effective remye- ciated newborn rat by vigorous shaking to lination (Ludwin, 198 1; Prineas, 1985), implying that in some remove less adherent cells) or fibroblasts (purified from cul- situations, astrocytes might have negative effects on oligoden- tures of cranial periosteum by serial replating) were added drocyte function. to some of these cultures after the oligodendrocytes had Our view of astrocyte function has been expanded consid- attached and started to proliferate. We observed that the erably by recent demonstrations of two phenotypically distinct added Type 1 astrocytes, but not the added fibroblasts, forms (Raff et al., 1983). Type 1 astrocytes appear early in strongly inhibited myelination and caused decreased oli- development and are generated in large numbers when CNS godendrocyte proliferation or survival. These effects of added from embryonic or newborn animals is dissociated and Type 1 astrocytes were reproduced with Type 1 astrocyte- cultured (Raff et al., 1984). They often display a flattened, ep- conditioned medium. We conclude that Type 1 astrocytes ithelial morphology in culture. Type 2 astrocytes are defined by can release soluble factors that inhibit oligodendrocyte mye- the expression on their surfaces of the antigen recognized by the lination. monoclonal antibody A2B5. They are believed to derive from multipotential cells, which also express the A2B5 antigen and The physical proximity of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in which may also develop into oligodendrocytes. Type 2 astro- all regions of the CNS and their invariant sequential appearance cytes are generated after oligodendrocytes in cultures of early (first astrocytes and then oligodendrocytes) in development sug- postnatal optic and are generated with a shorter delay in gest that astrocytes may influence oligodendrocyte function. Al- cultures of from older animals (Raff et al., 1983). though the relationship between astrocytes and oligodendro- These astrocytes display a stellate morphology in culture. It has cytes undoubtedly changes as the tissue develops and then been suggested that they are also generated subsequent to oli- matures, it is generally accepted that the role of the astrocyte is godendrocytes in vivo, that they proliferate to eventually out- supportive of oligodendrocyte function. When this normal re- number the Type 1 astrocytes, and that they may play some lationship is disturbed, as in or in demyelination, a prom- role in nodal physiology (Miller et al., 1985; French-Constant inent astrocyte response often occurs. In some situations, this and Raff, 1986). However, this view conflicts with earlier studies response can produce astroglial scars, as in chronic in (Skoff et al., 1976) that demonstrated that most of the astrocytes in the mature rat optic nerve are generated before oligodendro- cytes and should, therefore, be of the Type 1 phenotype. Thus, Received Sept. 29, 1988; revised Mar. 15, 1989; accepted Mar. 23, 1989. the relative abundance of Type 1 and Type 2 astrocytes in vivo We thank Dr. Junming Le for performing the assays for , Mr. Alon Mogilner for assistance in computer programming, and Drs. L. Eng, B. remains controversial. In recent tissue culture experiments, Type Ranscht and M. Schachner for gifts of . In addition, we would like to 1 astrocytes have been shown to secrete a factor that promotes thank Ms. Susan Mantia for preparation of the manuscript and Mrs. Artree James the division of oligodendrocyte-Type 2 astrocyte progenitors for technical assistance. This work was supported by grant RGlIl8 from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. M.D.A. was supported by a fellowship from and regulates the timing of their differentiation into oligoden- the National Multiole Sclerosis Societv. drocytes (Noble et al., 1988; Raff et al., 1988; Richardson et al., Correspondence ‘should be addressed to Dr. Patrick Wood, Miami Project, 1988). This factor has been shown to be similar or identical to University of Miami School of Medicine, 1600 N.W. 10th Avenue, R-48, Miami. FL 33136. platelet-derived growth factor. There is some evidence that the p Present address: Department of Cell Biology, New York University School of production of platelet-derived growth factor in the CNS parallels Medicine, 550 1st Avenue. New York, NY 10016. b Present address: Department of Anatomy, University of Mississippi Medical the development of astrocytes, suggesting that this platelet-de- Center, 2500 N. State Street, Jackson, MS 39216-4505. rived growth factor-mediated interaction may play a role in Copyright 0 1989 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/891103371-09$02.00/O in vivo; i.e., as the number of astrocytes increases, 3372 Rosen et al. * Astrocytes Inhibit Adult Oligodendrocyte Function more platelet-derived growth factor may become available to dium 1 with 1O-5 FdU on d 2-4, 6-8, and 11-13. Since axons are stimulate division of oligodendrocyte precursors (Richardson et mitogenic for oligodendrocytes (Wood and Bunge, 1986a), the FdU- containing medium was rinsed away before adding oligodendrocytes to al., 1988). These results indicate that Type 1 astrocytes may neurons. Cell suspensions prepared from these exert a direct positive influence on normal oligodendrocyte de- cultures for replating onto neuronal cultures were >95% GalC-positive velopment in viva. There is some evidence that the astrocytes oligodendrocytes and ~2.5% GFAP-positive astrocytes. that proliferate in reaction to injury or demyelination also be- Oligodendrocytes were also purified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. A cell suspension was prepared from‘3-month-old long to the type 1 family (Miller et al., 1986). Thus, it might be as described above through the Percoll separation step. The cells (from expected, on the basis of the tissue culture experiments cited, one rat) were collected by centrifugation and resuspended in 0.5 ml of that the proliferation of Type 1 astrocytes in vivo would promote hybridoma supematant containing mouse monoclonal anti-GalC anti- oligodendrocyte proliferation and remyelination. body (gift of Dr. Barbara Ranscht). (The supematant was generated by In this report, we describe tissue culture experiments designed incubating confluent hvbridoma cultures in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium,buffered wiih 25 mM Hepes buffer and containing 5% heat- to ascertain the effect of Type 1 astrocytes on the myelination inactivated horse serum, for 48 hr at 37°C.) The cells were exposed to of sensory axons by oligodendrocytes obtained from adult an- the supematant for 30 min at room temperature; during this period imals. In these experiments, the oligodendrocytes, purified either they were resuspended at 5-min intervals. Fifty microliters of affinity by density gradient centrifugation and antimitotic treatment or purified fluorescein-conjugatedgoat antimouse IgG (Cappel, diluted 1:5) were added to the cell suspension, and the incubation was carried out by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, were added to cultures of for an additional 30 min with gentle trituration at 5-min intervals. The purified neurons to initiate myelination. Type 1 astrocytes, puri- suspension was then diluted to 3.0 ml with LS medium and filtered fied from cultures of dissociated newborn rat cerebral cortex by through 15-urn Nitex. This suspension was subjected to sorting on a the selective adhesion method of McCarthy and de Vellis (1980) Becton-Dickinson 440 cell sorter equipped with a 5-W argon laser. The as modified by Noble et al. (1984), were added to these cultures sorted cells were approximately 90-95% GalC+ oligodendrocytes as confirmed by cell counting in a hemocytometer. These cells were re- after the oligodendrocytes had attached and started to prolif- suspended in Medium 1 and plated directly onto neuronal cultures. erate. It was observed under these conditions that both astro- Cultures stained 24 hr after the addition of those purified oligodendro- cytes and astrocyte-conditioned medium strongly blocked my- cytes were completely devoid of GFAP+ astrocytes. elin formation. Preliminary observations indicated that astrocytes Astrocyte cultures. Astrocytes were obtained from the cerebral cortex of 1-d-old as described by McCarthy and de Vellis (1980) and as also inhibited oligodendrocyte proliferation. Thus, soluble fac- modified by Noble et al. (1984). Briefly, after dissection and enzymatic tors released by Type 1 astrocytes could be shown to be inhib- digestion, the tissue was dissociated to produce a single cell suspension, itory to oligodendrocyte function in a culture system normally which was plated in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium with 10% allowing rapid proliferation and accumulation of oligodendro- fetal bovine serum in T-flasks. After 7-14 d in culture, a confluent cytes and extensive CNS myelin formation. monolayer of flat, firmly adhering cells covered the bottoms of the flasks, while loosely adherent cells were present on top of the monolayer. The loosely adherent cells were shaken off to yield cultures that were pre- Materials and Methods dominantly astrocytes. These cultures were subsequently treated with Neuronal cultures. The method of culturing cervical dorsal root ganglion two 48-hr pulses of FdU (10e5M) in the same medium. The composition neurons obtained from embryonic day 15 rat was described previously of purified cultures was determined by immunostaining for g&l fibril- (Wood and Williams, 1984). Briefly, ganglia were removed from the lary acidic (GFAP), an astrocyte marker (Bignami et al., 1972), embryo, treated with trypsin, and mechanically dissociated. The dis- anti-thy 1.1, a fibroblast marker (Raff et al., 1979), and A2B5, a Type sociated cells from 2 ganglia were plated in 1 drop of Medium 1 [Eagle’s 2 astrocyte-specific marker (Raff et al., 1983; Raff et al., 1984). Anti- minimum essential medium (MEM) supplemented with heat-inacti- GFAP was a gift of Dr. Larry Eng. Hybridoma cell lines producing the vated human placental serum (HIHPS) to lo%, to 0.4% (wt/ other antibodies were purchasedfrom American Type Culture Collec- vol), and crude (50 biological units/ml)] in the center tion. Astrocytes (GFAP+ cells) accounted for 95% of the cells in these of 25 mm Aclar dishes coated with ammoniated collagen (Bomstein, cultures. Of these, 94% were TvDe 1 (A2B5-) astrocvtes. and onlv 1% 1958). The cultures were subsequently treated with the antimitotic agent were Type 2 (AiB5+) astrocit&. T‘hree percent of the cells stained 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FdU) to remove fibroblasts and Schwann cells positive for anti-thy 1.1. and maintained on Medium 1 until the oligodendrocytes were added. Fibroblast cultures. Fragments of cranial periosteum were dissected Oligodendrocyte cultures. Cultures enriched with oligodendrocytes were from neonatal rats and grown for 7-10 d on a substrate of ammoniated otjtained from the spinal cord of 3-month-old female rats. A laminec- collagen in MEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum (Hyclone). Rem- tomy was performed, and the cord was dissected out and placed in nants of the periosteal explants were excised, and the cells remaining Leibovitz medium (L- 15, Gibco) at 4°C. All meningeal tissues were in the outgrowth area, which appeared to be morphologically homo- removed, and the cord was cut sagittally into halves, minced into cubes geneous, were suspended by sequential incubations in 0.05% collagenase fanoroximatelv. __ 0.50 mm)). and incubated in 0.25% trvpsin (United (Worthington, CLSPA grade) in EBSS and in 0.25% trypsin in Ca*+, States Biochemical, 3 x crystallized) and 40 &ml DNA&e I, ‘Type 2 Mg’+-free Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (CMFHBSS), each for 30 min (Sigma) in Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution (EBSS) for 1 hr in 5% CO, on at 35°C on a rotary shaker. The cells were rinsed, plated onto 35-mm a rotary shaker at 37°C. Following incubation, activity was dishes (Corning), and expanded to confluence in Eagle’s MEM + 10% inhibited by adding HIHPS. Cells and tissue fragments were collected fetal bovine serum. by centrifugation, resuspended in L-15 + 10% HIHPS (LS Medium) -oligodendrocyte cultures. Oligodendrocyte cultures were in- and triturated through a pipette with a tip diameter of about 0.5 mm. cubated with 0.05% collagenase (CLSPA grade) in EBSS for 45 min on The cell suspension was diluted with LS medium and filtered through a rotary shaker at 35°C. Any oligodendrocytes that were still adhering a 15-urn (p&e size) Nitex filter. The filtrate (-5 ml) was added to 3.0 were rinsed gently off the dish, the cell suspension was transferred to a ml of 80% Percoll in 0.25 M sucrose with 0.02 M Dhosnhate buffer. To tube, and the cells were rinsed with L- 15. The cell pellet was resuspended this was added 1.5 ml LS medium to bring the final volume to 9.5 ml. in 0.25% trvnsin in CMFHBSS and incubated for 30 min on a rotarv The cell-Percoll suspension was thoroughly mixed and centrifuged at shaker at 3J”^C.Following incubation, trypsin activity was inhibited b; 30,000 x g for 45 min at 4°C. Myelin and cell debris were discarded, adding HIHPS. The cells were rinsed twice in LS medium and then and the wide band of cells immediately above the red blood cell band resuspended in Medium 1 at a density of 100,000 oligodendrocytes/ml. was collected. These cells were rinsed in LS medium, centrifuged at 400 One milliliter of this suspension was plated onto each dorsal root gan- x g for 10 min, and resuspended in - 1.O ml of Medium 1. The cells glion neuron culture. The purity of this suspension was ascertained by were filtered through a Nitex filter with a pore size of 15 pm and plated the use of surface immunostaining with mouse monoclonal antibodies onto a 60-mm plastic dish coated with air-dried rat tail collagen (Bom- to GalC (Raff et al., 1978; Ranscht et al., 1982), in combination with stein, 1958; Wood, 1976). To rid cultures of dividing astrocytes while a nuclear dye (Hoescht 33342, Sigma Chemical Co., 10 WM) to distin- preserving nondividing oligodendrocytes, cultures were exposed to Me- guish cells from myelin ovoids. Astrocytes were detected by cytoplasmic The Journal of Neuroscience, October 1989, 9(10) 3373

staining with rabbit antibody to GFAP. Approximately 95% of the cells representing the quantity of myelin present. Myelin counts over 40 were were found to be GalC+ oligodendrocytes, and approximately 2.5% counted as 40. Data for cultures grown in similar conditions were av- were GFAP+ astrocytes. Twenty-four hours after replating the oligo- eraged for the quantity of myelin present, keeping positional information dendrocytes, the culture medium was changed to a serum-free defined intact. Three-dimensional histograms were plotted using data averaged medium (N2; Bottenstein and Sate, 1979) containing 20 nM triiodo- from three cultures. Averaging of matrices was performed using Micro- thyronine and purified at a dilution empirically soft Excel. Three-dimensional graphing was carried out by Statworks. determined as optimum for oligodendrocyte proliferation and survival. To transfer data from Excel files to Statworks files, it was necessary to Fibroblast growth factor was a gift from Burton Wice and was purified alter the files with a program written in Lightspeed C (graciously written from bovine pituitary gland as described previously (Wice et al., 1987). by Alon Mogilner at New York University Medical School). Cultures were maintained on defined medium for 7-14 d before addition of astrocytes. For some experiments, neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures Results were prepared by adding oligodendrocytes purified by fluorescence-ac- tivated cell sorting (as described above) to purified neuronal cultures. A prerequisite for these experiments was the preparation of The long-term results obtained with such cultures were essentially iden- separate cultures of purified neurons, purified oligodendrocytes, tical to those obtained when the oligodendrocytes were purified by an- purified astrocytes, and fibroblasts as described in Materials and timitotic treatment. Initially, however, these cultures were completely Methods. At the time of addition of the oligodendrocytes, the devoid of GFAP+ astrocytes. After 2 weeks, the medium was changeh to MEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum. 0.4% alucose. and 50 neuronal cultures contained a central area where the neuronal biological units of crude nerve growth factor (hedium-2). somata were clustered and from which bare axons had grown Neuron-oligodendrocyte-aastrocyte cultures.. Purified Type 1 astro- radially into the periphery of the culture dish. As visualized in cytes were replated onto dorsal root ganglion neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures immunostained 24 hr after oligodendrocyte addition, cocultures after the oligodendrocytes had attached to the neurites and had begun to proliferate. For s&culturing, astrocytes were removed the oligodendrocytes were randomly and sparsely distributed from the flasks with 0.05% trvnsin in CMFHBSS. The incubation was over the neurons and neurite outgrowth. When the oligoden- stopped by addition of soybe;; trypsin inhibitor plus DNAase, and the drocytes were purified by the cell-sorting method, GFAP+ as- cells were washed and resuspended in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Me- trocytes could not be detected at this time. Immunocytochem- dium + 10% fetal bovine serum. To each neuron-oligodendrocyte cul- ical analysis of such cultures 2 weeks after the addition of ture, 50,000 astrocytes were added in a volume of 1.O ml. Neuron-oligodendrocyte-fibroblast cultures. Fibroblasts were added oligodendrocytes revealed that the oligodendrocytes had in- to neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures in a manner identical to the astro- creased dramatically in number, blanketing large areas of the cvte Drocedure. The fibroblasts were also added at a density of 50,000 culture with their cell bodies and processes (Fig. 1, a, b). In cells per culture. addition, a few small clusters of stellate-shaped GFAP-positive Preparation of astrocyte-conditioned media. Medium 2 was placed on monolayers of astrocytes (conditioned medium, ACM) or in empty astrocytes were present. In those cultures receiving oligoden- flasks (unconditioned medium, UCM) for 2 d at 35°C in a 5% CO, drocytes purified by cell sorting, the astrocytes must have arisen incubator. Media were then filtered through a 0.22~pm Millipore filter. through the proliferation and differentiation of GFAP-negative For use in experiments, both the ACM and the UCM were supplemented precursors contaminating the purified oligodendrocyte prepa- with amino acids, vitamins, fetal bovine serum, glucose, and crude nerve ration. growth factor in amounts equivalent to their original concentrations in Medium 2. The media thus generated contained nutrients at 1 x con- Myelination was first observed in neuron-oligodendrocyte centration in Medium 2, 2 x concentration in UCM, and 2 x-A con- cultures 3 weeks after oligodendrocyte addition and increased centration (where A is the amount of nutrient used by the astrocyte in extent over the next 3 weeks. Myelination took the form of monolayer) present in ACM. In some experiments, ACM was diluted clusters of thin, short segments, which were usually found in 1:2 (ACM/2) and 1: 10 (ACM/lo) with Medium 2. Fixation and Sudan black staining. Cultures were fixed 4-6 weeks regions of dense cellularity (e.g., near aggregates of neuronal after the oligodendrocytes had been added to the dorsal root ganglion somata or in large fascicles) and which were best visualized after neurons. Fixation and staining procedures were those used by Wood Sudan black staining (Fig. 2, a, b). Immunocytochemical anal- and Williams (1984). Briefly, cultures to be stained with Sudan black ysis of parallel cultures at 4 and 6 weeks revealed increased were fixed for 1 hr at room temperature and 24 hr at 4°C in 3% glu- numbers of both oligodendrocytes and astrocytes compared to taraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer. Tissue was postfixed in 0.1% the 2-week time point, but overall the number of astrocytes 0~0, in 0.1 M phosphate buffer. Cultures were then rinsed with 0.1 M phosphate buffer, dehydrated, placed in 0.05% Sudan black in EtOH, remained markedly lower than the number of oligodendrocytes. and stained for 45 min. Cultures were rehydrated, rinsed, and mounted To determine the effects of Type 1 astrocytes on myelination, with glycerin jelly. Myelin was now clearly recognizable in Sudan black- neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures to which Type 1 astrocytes stained preparations with brightfield illumination. were added were compared to neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures Immunostainingprocedures. Cultures were surface stained either with the monoclonal antibody to GalC, used as undiluted hybridoma su- and to neuron-oligodendrocyte-fibroblast cultures. The Type 1 pernatant, or with the antibody 0, (also specific for GalC; Sommer and astrocytes or fibroblasts were added 2 weeks after the addition Schachner, 198 1) provided as an ascites fluid by Dr. Melitta Schachner of the oligodendrocytes as described in Materials and Methods. and used at 1:50 dilution. Following fixation and permeabilization, the Thus, oligodendrocyte proliferation due to the mitogenic effect cultures were stained to detect astrocytes with rabbit anti-GFAP. The procedure was a modification of the method described by Raff et al. of neurons was well underway before the addition of either (1978). astrocytes or fibroblasts. Because Type 1 astrocytes and fibro- Tumor necrosisfactor assay. Dr. Junming Le at the New York Uni- blasts tend to overgrow the cultures in much the same way, the versity Medical Center assayed the ACM for tumor necrosis activity. fibroblast-supplemented cultures provided a control for both The assay procedure was previously reported in Feinman et al. (1987). the nonspecific effects of cellular overloading and the trauma of Briefly, An73 cells obtained from a rhabdomyosarcoma cell line were selected for high sensitivity to tumor necrosis factor. Sensitive cells were adding cells to an already established culture. For myelin quan- exposed directly to undiluted ACM. The ACM contained no cytotoxicity titation, representative cultures from each of these three groups for Ab73 cells. were fixed 4 weeks after the addition of oligodendrocytes and Data analysis. The presence of myelin in Sudan black-stained cultures subjected to analysis as described in Materials and Methods. was quantified by counting individual myelin segments. Fields of 0.173 mm* were sampled at 1 mm apart in both the x and y direction, forming The results are shown photographically in Figure 2 and graph- a 20 mm x 20 mm grid. Three-dimensional matrices were created, with ically in Figure 3. In the cultures to which Type 1 astrocytes the x and y axes representing the position of the field and the z axis were added (Fig. 3b), there was a marked reduction in the extent 3374 Rosen et al. l Astrocytes Inhibit Adult Oligodendrocyte Function

Figure I. Oligodendrocytesin a neu- ron-oligodendrocyteculture 2 weeks afteroligodendrocyte addition. a, Phase contrast micrographillustrating that oligodendrocytesappear to interactwith the axonsin their vicinity. The oligo- dendrocytesappear as small round phasedark strncturesaligned along or situatednext to neurite processes.b, Fluorescenceimage of the field in a to showimmunostaining with monoclo- nal anti-GalCantibody. Oligodendro- cytesextend GalC+ processesto form a complexnetwork in a patterndeter- minedby the axonsalong which they appearto grow. x 500.

of myelination, compared to that observed in neuron-oligo- tures was not made becausepenetration of the antibody used dendrocyte (Fig. 3~) or neuron-oligodendrocyte-fibroblast cul- for immunostaining was blocked by the presenceof either as- tures (Fig. 3~). It should be noted that the myelin formed in trocytes or fibroblastsand becausethe growth of long, branching neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures often displayed characteristic oligodendrocyte processesover neighboring cells made it im- irregularities, including membranousextrusions (Fig. 2b). In possibleto discernwhich cells were GalC+, especiallyin areas contrast, the myelin in neuron-fibroblast cultures was more of high cell density. In a single experiment, we attempted to regular(Fig. 2 e,j). The ability of the oligodendrocytesto func- quantitate oligodendrocyte cultures stained 1 week after the tion in the presenceof largenumbers of fibroblastsdemonstrated addition of astrocytes. The data from this experiment was in- that the inhibition by Type 1 astrocytes was a cell-specific in- triguing. The number of oligodendrocytesin isolation from oth- teraction. Immunostaining revealed that the neuron-oligoden- er oligodendrocytes or in small clusters (up to 10 cells) was drocyt+Type 1 astrocyte cultures were covered by an almost similar in neuron-oligodendrocyte and neuron-oligodendro- confluent layer of GFAP+ cells, many of which were polygonal cyte-Type 1 astrocyte cultures (average48/mm2 in neuron-oli- rather than stellate (Fig. 4, a, b). This was in contrast to the godendrocyte, 50/mm* in neuron-oligodendrocyt*Type 1 as- loosemeshwork and scatteredislands of stellate GFAP+ cells trocyte cultures), but large colonies of oligodendrocytes(with observed in controls (Fig. 4, c, d). more than 20 oligodendrocytes/high magnification field) were Oligodendrocyte numberswere not quantitated in theseex- 6-fold more numerousin neuron-oligodendrocytecultures than periments but appearedto be markedly reduced in neuron- in neuron-oligodendrocyte-Type 1 astrocyte cultures (l.g/mm* oligodendrocyte-Type 1 astrocyte cultures compared to con- in neuron-oligodendrocyte vs 0.3/mm2 in neuron-oligoden- trols. The number of oligodendrocytes present in neuron-oli- drocyte-Type 1 astrocyte cultures). The coexistenceof many godendrocyte-fibroblast cultures did not appear different from isolatedor small clustersof oligodendrocytes,which survive but that in neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures. A precisecomparison apparently do not divide, with large colonies of dividing oli- of the number of oligodendrocytes present in myelinated cul- godendrocytesin a neuron-oligodendrocyte culture is a normal The Journal of Neuroscience, October 1989, 9(10) 3375

Figure 2. Myelination in neuron-oligodendrocyte,neuron-oligodendrocyte-Type 1 astrocyte,and neuron-oligodendrocyte-fibroblast cultures. a, Low and, b, high magnification of an area of myelination in a neuron4igodendrocyte culture 6 weeksafter the addition of oligodendrocytes. Myelin segmentswere generally found in areasof high cell density and were short, thin, and irregular. c, Low and, d, high magnification of an area in a neuron-oligodendrocyte-Type 1 astrocyte culture comparablein cellular organization and density to that shown in u and b. Myelin sheaths were absentdespite the presenceof cells that looked like oligodendrocytes(arrow) and many axons. e, Low and,1; high magnification micrographs of a comparablearea in a neuron-oligodendrocyte-fibroblastculture, showing that the overgrowth of a third cell type doesnot, as a culture artifact, inhibit myelination. Sudan black stained. a, c, e x 120. b, d, f x 890. feature of this type of culture and has been previously described The effects of the physical presence of Type 1 astrocytes on (Wood and Bunge, 1986b). The present result might indicate oligodendrocyte function could be reproduced by maintaining that it is the continued division of oligodendrocytes within these neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures on Type 1 ACM. Myelination colonies that is blocked by the astrocytes, whereas the survival was markedly inhibited by ACM in a dose-dependent manner of individual oligodendrocytes is not affected. (Fig. 5), and the number and morphological appearance of the 3376 Rosen et al. l Astrocytes Inhibit Adult Oligodendrocyte Function

oligodendrocytes in neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures fed un- diluted ACM were similar to thoseto which Type 1 astrocytes had been added. These results demonstratethat the effects of the Type 1 astrocytes were mediated by a factor releasedinto the culture medium. Preliminary experiments to further char- acterize the factor(s) have provided evidence that the factor responsiblefor inhibiting myelination is heat stable (i.e., it re- tained activity after 10 min at 1OO’C)but nondialyzable. Inter- estingly, in the presenceof dialyzed ACM, oligodendrocyte pro- liferation did not appear to be suppressed,suggesting that the effectsof ACM on myelination and proliferation may be due to different factors. In view of recently reported evidence (Robbins et al., 1987) that astrocytes can secrete a factor with tumor necrosis factor activity that is specifically lethal to oligodendro- cytes, ACM wasassayed for this activity. No detectabletumor necrosisactivity was produced by the Type 1 astrocytes under the conditions usedto generatethe conditioned medium used in our experiments. Discussion The data presentedhere demonstrate that soluble factors se- creted by Type 1 astrocytes can, in somesituations, inhibit the production of myelin sheathsby oligodendrocytesand may, in addition, interfere with oligodendrocyteproliferation. The Type 1 astrocytes usedin theseexperiments were prepared,as nearly as possible,by the samemethod usedby others to preparethe astrocytes in experiments that demonstrated the secretion by thoseastrocytes of a factor (platelet-derived growth factor) that promoted the division of oligodendrocyte progenitors(Noble et al., 1988; Raff et al., 1988; Richardson et al., 1988). At the present time, we cannot provide a proven explanation of this apparent discrepancy, but we would emphasizea major differ- encebetween the present experimentsand thosedemonstrating supportive influences.The oligodendrocytesused here were ob- tained from adult animals, whereas the progenitors were ob- tained from newborn animals.Other work from this laboratory with oligodendrocytesfrom adult animals has shownthat most ofthe new oligodendrocytesgenerated in vitro werederived from a subpopulationof thesemature oligodendrocytesand not from progenitors(Wood and Bunge, 1986b). It is possiblethat astro- cytes growing in culture dishes away from appropriate regulatory influencesmay remain in a reactive state,caused by the physical disruption of the tissue.These “reactive” astrocytesmay release a variety of factors, including somewith potentially inhibitory or even toxic effects on mature oligodendrocytes. The slight inhibition of myelination observed even with lo-fold diluted ACM arguesthat the differing resultsdid not derive from gross .O differencesin the concentration of a singlefactor (if, for example, a single factor was stimulatory at low concentrations and in- hibitory at higher concentrations). It might also be worthwhile to considerwhether oligodendrocytesmight become, with mat- uration, sensitizedto somefactor releasedby the astrocytes that was innocuous for immature oligodendrocytes. Figure 3. Three-dimensional representation of the amount of myelin is important to consider the different uses and possible present in cultures with (a) neurons and oligodendrocytes (total number It of myelin segments counted was 1968 k 482), (b) neurons, oligoden- effects of serum in the experiments reported here and in the drocytes, and astrocytes (total number of myelin segments counted was progenitor experiments.We have consistently observedthat se- 40 + 36), and (c) neurons, oligodendrocytes, and fibroblasts (total num- ber of myelin segments counted was 2050 Ifr 617). The x and y axes represent the plane of the culture. The z axis represents the average quantity of myelin that was present in 3 cultures at the given x and y coordinate. A total of 400 fields/culture was counted. These 3-d his- (b) but not fibrobiasts (c) inhibits myelin formation. (The 40-unit-high tograms demonstrate the large amounts of myelin that typically form column at position 20,20 standardizes the z axis and does not represent in the neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures (a). The addition of astrocytes any data.) The Journal of Neuroscience, October 1989, 9(10) 3377

Figure 4. Comparison of the astrocyte populations in neuron-oligodendrocyteand neuron-oligodendrocyt+Type 1 astrocytecultures. a, Phase and, b, liuorescencemicrographs of a neuron+ligodendrocytsType 1 astrocyteculture 6 weeksafter the addition of oligodendrocytes.Astrocytes were undetectableby phase microscopy (a) against the background of neurites and phasedark oligodendrocytes.By immunofluorescence(b), a confluent layer of large, often polygonal astrocyteswas visible. In neuron-oligodendrocyte cultures (c, phase contrast; d, fluorescence),the few astrocytesthat contaminatedthe neurons-oligodendrocyteswere usually stellatein appearance.The cultures were immunostained with anti-GFAP. x 500. rum is required for optimal long-term differentiation of oligo- by parameters, such as the length of time in culture and the cell dendrocytes, possibly by enhancing neuronal survival and mat- density, as well as the medium composition. uration, and that the presence of serum does not appear to block From these and other considerations, it is apparent that much the proliferation of oligodendrocytes from mature animals. On additional work is needed if we are to understand the full po- the other hand, the development of oligodendrocytes from pro- tential ofastrocytes, especially as they may affect the functioning genitors is apparently blocked by serum, which causes the con- of other cells in their vicinity. In our own earlier work, for version of progenitors into Type 2 astrocytes. The effect of serum example, we used neuronal cultures of the same type employed on the progenitors has never been fully explained. The ACM in the present experiments and added mixed glial populations that was shown to contain PDGF and to stimulate progenitor derived from embryonic spinal cord tissue. In these experi- division was thus, by necessity, either serum-free or low in ments, astrocyte and oligodendrocyte development occurs in serum (Noble et al., 1988; Richardson et al., 1988). Further- parallel, and the mature cultures contain substantial numbers more, the observation of factors that inhibited astrocyte prolif- of astrocytes in close association with myelinated axonal fas- eration in serum-containing but not in serum-free medium from cicles, yet no inhibition of oligodendrocyte function was ob- cultures that contained predominantly astrocytes has been re- served (Wood and Williams, 1984). ported previously (Aloisi et al., 1987). Paradoxically, astrocytes Since neurons and neurites are intensely positive for the an- are generally observed to proliferate better in serum-containing tigen (A2B5) by which Type 2 astrocytes are identified (Raff et than in serum-free medium. These observations suggest that the al., 1983), we did not attempt to determine the phenotypes of nature of the molecules released by astrocytes might be governed the astrocytes in “neuron-oligodendrocyte” cultures. In unpub- 3378 Rosen et al. - Astrocytes Inhibit Adult Oligodendrocyte Function

Figure 5. Dose-dependent inhibition of myelin formation by astrocyte-conditioned medium. a, Control neuron-oligodendrocyte culture (total number of myelin segments counted was 207 1 + 998). 6, Astrocyte-conditioned medium diluted 1: 10 (total number of myelin segments counted was 1500 f 200). c, Astrocyte-conditioned medium diluted 1:2 (total number of myelin segments counted was 636 k 928). d, Astrocyte-conditioned medium undiluted (total number of myelin segments counted was 0 + 0). Myelin quantitation and graphics are as described in Figure 3.

lished experiments separate from those reported here, when the nation for the limited amount of remyelination that occurs in purified adult oligodendrocyte preparation was plated and main- plaques associated with multiple sclerosis. tained on a collagen substrate without neurons, the astrocyte Several important and still unanswered questions are raised population that developed was composed of approximately equal by our results. Most notably, how would large numbers of Type numbers of Types 1 and 2 astrocytes. This suggeststhat neuron- 2 astrocytes affect oligodendrocyte myelination? Would oligo- oligodendrocyte culture probably contained some Type 2 astro- dendrocytes obtained from optic nerve or from a younger animal cytes as well. However, the extensive myelination observed in respond differently in this situation? Can the putative factor(s) “neuron-oligodendrocyte” cultures indicates that the relatively secreted by astrocytes be isolated and characterized further? Are few astrocytes that grew as contaminants of the cultures had these factor(s) present in demyelinated regions of the CNS? The negligible or only minor effects on oligodendrocyte function. answers to these questions should significantly improve our un- When there was a larger indigenous contamination by astro- derstanding of the contribution of astrocytes to the pathology cytes, the astrocytes were usually located in the peripheral parts of and potential for recovery from disease or injury in the CNS. of the culture, and these areas often lacked myelin segments. Recently, a procedure for obtaining cultures enriched in Type References 2 astrocytes has been reported (Aloisi et al., 1988). It would Aloisi, F., C. Agresti, and G. Levi (1987) Glial conditioned media now be of considerable interest to determine if Type 2 astrocytes inhibit the proliferation of cultured rat cerebellar astrocytes. Neuro- also are capable of releasing inhibitory factors under conditions them. Res. 12: 189-195. similar to those used here. Our data strongly suggest that Type Aloisi, F., C. Agresti, and G. Levi (1988) Establishment, character- ization, and evolution of cultures enriched in type 2 astrocytes. J. 1 astrocytes can, in some instances, interfere with the production Neurosci. Res. 21: 188-198. of myelin by oligodendrocytes. Perhaps this is a partial expla- Bignami, A., L. F. Eng, D. Dahl, and C. T. Uyeda (1972) Localization The Journal of Neuroscience, October 1989, 9(10) 3379

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