Atnerican Library Association
E:RTlCAL FlU:: e.,.. \ Atnerican Library Association 1876-1911 OFFICIAL PROGRAM THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING Pasadena, California, May 18-24, 1911 COUNCIL, 1910-11 OFFICERS The Executive Board 1910-11 James I. Wyer, Jr., New York state library. Mrs. H. L. Elmendorf, Buffalo public library. President W. Dawson Johnston, Columbia university library. C. W. Andrews, The John Crerar library, Chicago. ]. I. W.YER, JR., New York State library Alice S. Tyler, Iowa state library commission. W. C. Lane, Harvard university library. First Vice-Preside11t Henry C. Legler, Chicago public library. Herbert Putnam, Library of Congress. MRs. H. L. ELMENDORF, Public library, Buffalo Purd B. W'right, Kansas City free public library. Seco11d Vice-President Ex-Presidents Now Members W. D.WiSON JoHNSTON, Columbia university library F. M. Crunden, St. Louis, Mo. Melvi! Dewey, Lake Placid Club, New York. Executive Board S. S. Green, Worcester, Mass. W. I. F letcher, Amherst college library. The president, two vice-presidents and six other mem H. M. Utley, Public library, Detroit. bers, as follows: J. C. Dana, Free public library, Newark. W. H. Brett, Public library, Cleveland. For term expiring 1911 Herbert Putnam, Library of Congress. W. C. Lane, Harvard univer.>ity library. ) C. W. ANDREWS, The J ohn Crerar library R. G. Thwaites, Wisconsin historical society. I ALICE S. TYLER, Iowa library commission H. ]. Carr, Public library, Scranton, Pa. }. S. Billings, New York public library. E. C. Richardson, Princeton university library. For term e.-rpiring 1912 F. P. Hill, Brooklyn public library. C. W. Andrews, The John Crerar library. W. C. LANE, Harvard university library A.
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