Travelling by public transport AG • From station: take bus line no. 781 to the Lindbergh-Allee stop, or take Corporate Office tram line no. 10 to the Lindberghplatz stop. The Hirslanden Corporate Office is Boulevard Lilienthal 2 located within walking distance of the two stops. 8152 Glattpark • From the (S7) and Glattbrugg stations (S9/S11/S15): from the T +41 44 388 85 85 Glattbrugg stop/station with tram line no. 10 or 12 to the Lindberghplatz stop. F +41 44 388 85 88 The Hirslanden Corporate Office is located within walking distance of the stop. [email protected] • From : with tram line no. 10 or 12 to the Lindberghplatz stop. The Hirslanden Corporate Office is located within walking distance of the stop. WWW.HIRSLANDEN.CH

Travelling by car The Corporate Office is located near the Zurich-Seebach and Glattbrugg motor- way connections. • From Basle/Bern: take the A1 motorway and turn off at the Zurich-Seebach exit. • From St Gallen/Zurich: take either the A51 motorway towards Zurich Airport and turn off at the Glattbrugg exit, or take the A1 motorway and turn off at the Zurich-Seebach exit.

R • Turn at the Quimby roundabout into Voisin-Weg. oh r st • There are outdoor parking spaces for visitors available nextras to the Hirslanden s Corporate Office. Please ring at the barriers after the entrancee to the under- ground car park at Hirslanden AG.

Zurich airport Exit Glattbrugg

e s s A51 a r t s h c ir B

Glattbrugg Station Exit

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a asse s rstr s Tram no. 10 and 12 Voisin-Weg aue e

hurg Z

Bus no. 781 T u


Glattbrugg Stop s t

Lindberghplatz r

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